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A mouse t-complex-specific DNA probe was used to determine the ratio of t-carrying and (+)-carrying sperm in epididymal, vas deferens, and postejaculatory sperm cell populations from heterozygous (+t) mice with transmission ratios of greater than 95%. No detectable degeneration of (+)-carrying sperm was observed. In this respect, mouse t haplotypes differ from Drosophila melanogaster SD chromosomes. High transmission of t haplotypes must be a consequence of differential transport and/or differential sperm function during the fertilization process itself.  相似文献   

偏分离是指观察到的基因型比例偏离预期的孟德尔分离频率方式,无法用传统的遗传理论和方法加以分析。偏分离被认为是一种重要的进化动力,并对遗传连锁图谱的构建造成影响。本文针对偏分离的现象、偏分离的影响因素和形成原因,以及对QTL定位的影响等方面进行综合分析,系统阐述了植物分离群体偏分离的研究进展,为后续研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Three anonymous chromosome 17 DNA markers, D17Tu36, D17Tu43, and D17Le66B, differentiate between house mouse species and/or between t chromosomes. The D17Tu36 probe, which maps near the Fu locus and to the In(17)4 on t chromosomes, identifies at least 15 haplotypes, each haplotype characterized by a particular combination of DNA fragments obtained after digestion with the Taq I restriction endonuclease. Ten of these haplotypes occur in Mus domesticus, while the remaining five occur in M. musculus. In each of these two species, one haplotype is borne by t chromosomes while the other haplotypes are present on non-t chromosomes. The D17Tu43 probe, which maps near the D17Leh122 locus and to the In(17)3 on t chromosomes, also identifies at least 15 haplotypes in Taq I DNA digests, of which nine occur in M. domesticus and six in M. musculus. One of the nine M. domesticus haplotypes is borne by t chromosomes, the other haplotypes are borne by non-t chromosomes; two of the six M. musculus haplotypes are borne by t chromosomes and the remaining four by non-t chromosomes. Some of the D17Tu43 haplotypes are widely distributed in a given species, while others appear to be population-specific. Exceptions to species-specificity are found only in a few mice captured near the M. domesticus-M. musculus hybrid zone or in t chromosomes that appear to be of hybrid origin. The D17Leh66B probe, which maps to the In(17)2, distinguishes three haplotypes of M. domesticus-derived t chromosomes and one haplotype of M. musculus-derived t chromosomes. Because of these characteristics, the three markers are well suited for the study of mouse population genetics in general and of t chromosome population genetics in particular. A preliminary survey of wild M. domesticus and M. musculus populations has not uncovered any evidence of widespread introgression of genes from one species to the other; possible minor introgressions were found only in the vicinity of the hybrid zone. Typing of inbred strains has revealed the contribution of only M. domesticus DNA to the chromosome 17 of the laboratory mouse.  相似文献   

To examine genetic exchange between t haplotypes and their wild-type homologs, four previously identified mouse Chromosome (Chr) 17 variants termed mosaic haplotypes were analyzed in detail. Three of these haplotypes-one from a Mus musculus population in Bulgaria, one from a Mus domesticus population in Chile, and one from a M. domesticus population in Germany-display properties indicative of the t complex. All four haplotypes are exceptional because they are characterized by the presence of a few wild-type DNA markers in the distal inversion [In(17)4] of a t haplotype chromosome: thus, they are classified as mosaic t haplotypes. The mosaic pattern for each haplotype is distinct, however. We compared the mosaic haplotypes with each other, and with several well-characterized laboratory t haplotypes, by analyzing several DNA markers in the In(17)4 region of the t complex, where all of the mosaicism occurs. We used a combination of high-resolution restriction mapping, DNA sequencing, and analysis of new DNA markers to classify the haplotypes. This analysis shows that segmental exchange, either by gene conversion or double crossing-over, has occurred at molecular markers in the vicinity of a gene, Dnahc8, that is a candidate for the t complex distorter locus Tcd2. While it is unclear whether segmental exchanges have included the Tcd2 gene, it is apparent that several independent recombination events have occurred in In(17)4 during the recent evolution of t haplotypes.  相似文献   

The mouse Tcr locus is defined by its central role in the transmission ratio distortion phenotype characteristic of t haplotypes. A molecular candidate for Tcr has been identified in the form of a gene--Tcp-10b--expressed during spermatogenesis. Tcp-10b is one member of a multigene family present in two to four copies on different homologs of chromosome 17. The coding regions of the Tcp-10 genes present within two inbred strains were compared with those of the tw5 haplotype. The various gene family members are highly conserved relative to each other with a minimum nucleotide identity of 98.6% in all pairwise comparisons. Maximal parsimony analysis indicates that the Tcp-10 gene family has evolved in a concerted manner with the obliteration of nearly all individual gene-specific characteristics. As a consequence, the candidate for the full-length mutant Tcr gene product is distinguished by only a single, highly conservative, amino acid change. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the effector of mutant Tcr activity is a second, alternatively spliced product that is expressed in a haploid- and allele-specific manner.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships between the t and H-2 haplotypes in the house mouse   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Thirty-three mouse strains carrying t haplotypes were typed with a large battery of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for class I and class II antigens controlled by the H-2 complex. Among these t haplotypes were representatives of the six complementation groups defined previously and of eight new groups defined by us recently. The typing resulted in the identification of the H-2 haplotypes of these strains and of their alleles at K, D, A, and E loci. Nineteen of the 33 strains proved to carry a mutation that prevents the expression of the E molecule on the cell surface. All H-2 haplotypes of the t strains are related in terms of sharing certain antigenic determinants, most of which have not, as yet, been found in inbred strains or in wild mice that do not carry t haplotypes. According to the degree of serological relatedness, the haplotypes can be arranged into a pedigree presumably reflecting the evolutionary history of the t chromosomes. The ancestral t chromosome from which the 33 chromosomes derive was presumably present in the mouse population before the divergence of the Mus musculus and Mus domesticus species. The E° mutation, too, is apparently ancient because it occurs in different branches of the evolutionary tree.  相似文献   

Mouse t haplotypes are variant forms of chromosome 17 that can be transmitted at non-Mendelian ratios by heterozygous +/t males. The accumulated genetic data indicate that '+-sperm' and 't-sperm' are produced in equal numbers but that most '+-sperm' are rendered dysfunctional, so that 't-sperm' have a relative advantage at fertilization. To date, the basis for this t-induced sperm dysfunction has remained unknown. Here we demonstrate that a high proportion of sperm obtained from certain strains of +/t mice undergo a premature acrosome reaction under in vitro capacitation conditions. The simplest interpretation of these data, in conjunction with previous results, is that developing '+-spermatids' are preprogrammed by 't-spermatids' to undergo this premature reaction. Since acrosome-reacted sperm are unable to participate in the process of fertilization, this defect could account for the extreme distortion of transmission ratio observed from mice heterozygous for a class of complete t haplotypes.  相似文献   

Complete t haplotypes can be transmitted at distorted ratios from heterozygous +/t male mice as a consequence of t-specific alleles at a series of t complex distorter loci (Tcd-1t through Tcd-4t) and a t complex responder locus. Partial t haplotypes that lack the Tcd-2t allele cannot be transmitted at the very high ratios characteristic of complete t haplotypes. The breeding studies reported here tested the possibility that the absence of Tcd-2t could be compensated for by the presence of double doses of other Tcdt alleles. The results indicate that a double dose of Tcd-4t alone will not work, but that a double dose of both Tcd-1t and Tcd-4t can promote a very high transmission ratio in the absence of Tcd-2t. These results suggest that the extent to which transmission ratios are distorted is dependent upon the absolute level of expression of the individual Tcd genes. Further studies of genotypic effects on transmission ratio distortion, as well as fertility, lead to the suggestion of a fifth t complex distorter (Tcd-5) locus within t haplotypes.  相似文献   

Segregation distortion was found for a haplotype of the equine lymphocyte antigen (ELA) system in an extended family of American Standardbred horses. In one sire family, consisting of a stallion and his 17 sons and grandsons, the gene for ELA A10 (A10) was transmitted to 57.7% of 638 offspring scored (P=0.0001). Significant segregation distortion was not seen for mares or for unrelated stallions, regardless of the ELA markers they possessed. Since the effect was seen for this one sire family and not seen for other stallions with A10, it is unlikely that the gene for A10 is the cause of this phenomenon, but rather A10 is linked to another major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene causing this trait. This trait appeared analogous to the segregation distortion observed for the T/t complex of the mouse. Since segregation distortion involving MHC genes has been seen in other species, genes for this trait may be a general feature of the MHC.  相似文献   

The murine t complex on chromosome 17 contains a number of homozygous lethal and semi-lethal mutations that disrupt development of the mouse embryo. We recently characterized an embryonic lethality in the rat that results from a germ-line mutation in the tuberous sclerosis 2 (Tsc-2) tumour suppressor gene (the Eker mutation). Remarkably, mouse embryos homozygous for tw8 mutation display cranial defects reminiscent of those observed in rat embryos homozygous for the Eker mutation. To determine whether the Tsc-2 gene, which is in the t complex, is mutated in tw8 or other t haplotypes, we characterized this gene in a series of t haplotype mice. Four Tsc-2 polymorphisms were identified: three in the coding region and one intronic that appeared to be common to all t haplotypes analysed. No evidence was found to argue that the Tsc-2 gene is altered in tw8 haplotype mice. However, in the tw5 haplotype we found a G to T mutation in Tsc-2 that was present only in this t haplotype. In contrast to other polymorphisms within the Tsc-2 coding region which did not result in amino acid changes in Tsc-2 gene product tuberin, this mutation substituted a phenylalanine for a conserved cysteine in tw5 tuberin. Within the t complex, the Tsc-2 gene and the putative tw5 locus appeared to map to different positions, complicating identification of Tsc-2 as a candidate for the tw5 locus and suggesting that the G to T mutation in the Tsc-2 gene may have arisen independently of the tw5 functional mutation.  相似文献   

Genomic sequences derived from the mouse t complex by a microdissection cloning technique have been used as tools to obtain high resolution genetic maps of the wild-type and t haplotype forms of the most proximal portion of chromosome 17. Genetic mapping was performed through a recombinant inbred strain analysis and an analysis of partial t haplotypes. The accumulated data demonstrate the existence of a large inversion of genetic material, encompassing the loci of T and qk, within the proximal portion of t haplotypes. This newly described proximal inversion and the previously described distal inversion provide an explanation for the suppression of recombination observed along the length of t haplotype DNA in heterozygous mice.  相似文献   

As part of a population genetics survey of the hybrid zone between mouse subspecies Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus, we identified and characterized the t haplotypes in 1068 mice from 186 different populations in a 2500 km2 area in central Jutland. On the basis of two t-specific PCR markers, 130 mice possessed this haplotype. The allele frequencies at six microsatellites on the third and fourth chromosomal inversions of the t region were sufficiently different between t-bearing and non-t-bearing mice, and linkage disequilibria sufficiently marked on the t haplotype, to be able to reconstitute the genotype of most t haplotypes. A total of three frequent and 15 rarer haplotypes were identified. These haplotypes resemble each other more than they resemble a panel of known haplotypes from a wide range of geographical regions, except for tw73, which was also extracted from Jutland. The patterns of variation at the microsatellite loci suggest that the Jutland haplotypes were derived from a small number of haplotypes, followed by recombination between complementing haplotypes. Further evidence of recombination came from complementation tests that we performed, showing the lack of concordance between the degrees of complementation and of molecular resemblance between haplotypes. This study shows that it is possible to characterize the presence and variation of t haplotypes by a population genetics approach using simple molecular markers. However recombination between t haplotypes has occurred frequently enough to obscure the links between this variation and the biological properties of distortion and lethality of the haplotypes that originally colonized Jutland.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether sex reversal contributes to sex-ratio imbalance among t6/tw5 double heterozygotes, the cross performed by K. B. Bechtol (Genetical Research 39, 1982, 79-84), T/t6 x T/tw5, was repeated. Significantly more normal-tailed (t6/tw5) females than males were recovered. By contrast, sex ratios were normal among tailless progeny resulting from this cross and among all classes produced by control crosses. Hybridization of a Y-specific DNA probe with genomic DNA from phenotypic females revealed no XY, sex-reversed males. On the genetic backgrounds that generated only moderate transmission distortion of tw5 (81-85%), the overall viability of the doubly heterozygous progeny was only 50% and the sex-ratio skew among this class was strong. However, on a genetic background that displayed extreme tw5 transmission (99%), embryonic viability was more than 80% and the sex-ratio imbalance was weak.  相似文献   

The effects of different types of insemination (normal and delayed matings and in vitro fertilization) on the transmission ratio distortion (TRD) of three t haplotypes were determined. The tw73 haplotype which contains all of the loci known to affect TRD is transmitted at equivalent frequencies in normal matings and in in vitro fertilizations (0.84 and 0.85, respectively) but at a significantly lower frequency (0.62) in delayed matings. The distal partial th18 haplotype is transmitted at equivalent frequencies in all types of insemination (0.66 to 0.70) while the proximal partial tw18 haplotype is transmitted in Mendelian frequencies in normal matings and in in vitro inseminations but at a significantly lower frequency in delayed matings. The results are discussed with reference to the current genetic model for transmission ratio distortion.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring t haplotypes are chromosome 17 polymorphisms that suppress genetic recombination in t/+ heterozygotes over a long distance that includes the H-2 complex. There is strong linkage disequilibrium between t haplotypes and H-2 haplotypes; over 20 independently isolated t chromosomes representing eight different complementation groups share only four H-2 haplotypes. Thus t haplotypes and their associated H-2 loci are inherited en bloc as a “supergene” complex, whose frequency is driven in wild mouse populations by their high transmission from male t heterozygotes. This phenomenon must therefore serve as an important regulator of H-2 polymorphisms. Genes within the region of recombination suppression in t haplotypes have been mapped by crossing-over that occurs readily between two different t haplo-types situated in trans, and by this means we show here that the H-2 complex occupies an anomalous position in t haplotypes, mapping proximal to the locus of tf closely flanked by t-lethal mutations.  相似文献   

Lyon MF  Schimenti JC  Evans EP 《Genetics》2000,155(2):793-801
Previously a deletion in mouse chromosome 17, T(22H), was shown to behave like a t allele of the t complex distorter gene Tcd1, and this was attributed to deletion of this locus. Seven further deletions are studied here, with the aim of narrowing the critical region in which Tcd1 must lie. One deletion, T(30H), together with three others, T(31H), T(33H), and T(36H), which extended more proximally, caused male sterility when heterozygous with a complete t haplotype and also enhanced transmission ratio of the partial t haplotype t(6), and this was attributed to deletion of the Tcd1 locus. The deletions T(29H), T(32H), and T(34H) that extended less proximally than T(30H) permitted male fertility when opposite a complete t haplotype. These results enabled narrowing of the critical interval for Tcd1 to between the markers D17Mit164 and D17Leh48. In addition, T(29H) and T(32H) enhanced the transmission ratio of t(6), but significantly less so than T(30H). T(34H) had no effect on transmission ratio. These results could be explained by a new distorter located between the breakpoints of T(29H) and T(34H) (between T and D17Leh66E). It is suggested that the original distorter Tcd1 in fact consists of two loci: Tcd1a, lying between D17Mit164 and D17Leh48, and Tcd1b, lying between T and D17Leh66E.  相似文献   

alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT) of the Pi type Z is associated with two diseases: pulmonary emphysema and cirrhosis of the liver. We report 23 families with both parents heterozygous for the PiZ allele, characterized from our own analysis and from world literature sources. All families were identified through members expressing disease. From the extended pedigrees, 18 backcross families (parents with Pi types MM and MZ) were identified. Analysis of the backcross families reveals a significant increase in Pi MZ offspring (.73) among families where the male is heterozygous. The distortion is not detected among families where the female is heterozygous. Among the matings where both parents are heterozygous, we found 0.43 Pi ZZ from families where one or more members expressed hepatic cirrhosis, and 0.40 Pi ZZ for total families studied. This contrasts to the 0.25 Pi ZZ expected, but is consistent with the distortion observed in backcross matings. The implications of various statistical approaches are discussed, and we point out why our findings differ from previous reports. We suggest a possible biological explanation residing in the fertilization process.  相似文献   

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