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应用植物组织培养技术,将花椰菜的花梗、叶、髓组织、花球等外植体分别按试验目的接种在附加不同激素的MS培养基中。然后在25℃、每天给以10小时3,000lx光照(或黑暗)的培养室中培养、试验结果如下。  相似文献   

香果树叶外植体诱导植株再生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关于木本植物的组织培养,近年来国内外已有不少报道。但研究珍贵稀有木本植物者甚少。我们选用国家列入一级或二级保护对象的树种进行组织培养,目的在于研究快速繁殖技术,以挽救这些植物。香果树(Emmenopteryshenryi)是茜  相似文献   

巴西铁是近年来从巴西引进的,栽培尚不普遍,为了满足各大宾馆。饭店及广大爱好者的需要,通过组织培养扩大繁殖极为必要。我们用巴西铁叶片做为外植体已成功地诱导出完整植株,并准备扩大繁殖。取巴西铁幼嫩叶片,通过常规方法进行消毒处理,之后切成1cm~2的小块接种到 MS 诱导培养茎上,十天左右外植体开始膨大,增厚,大约一个月边缘出现白色致密的愈伤组织。2,4-D2mg/L和 NAA1mg/L 对巴西铁幼叶愈伤组织诱导率较高,6-BA 对诱导愈伤组织  相似文献   

植物名称:花椰菜(Brassica oleracea Var.botrytis)品种为荷兰雪球。材料类别:叶片。由花椰菜种子经无菌萌发成苗,当幼苗长有2~3片真叶时,取幼嫩叶片作培养材料。培养条件:以修改后的MS培养基为基本培养基,每升附加 NAA 0.005mg,BA 1.0mg,蔗糖 30g,  相似文献   

花椰菜幼苗下胚轴诱导再生植株   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物名称:花椰菜(Brassica oleracea varbotrytis)80天结球栽培品种。材料类别:无菌苗下胚轴。无菌苗培养:种子经70%酒精浸泡30秒钟后,转移到0.1%昇汞溶液灭菌20分钟,再用无菌水冲洗三次,接种于MS培养基上。培养温度为25—28℃;光强为散射光,约100 lux;每天照光12小时。培养8—10天时幼苗高约3—4厘米,子叶绿色,于无菌条件下先切除胚根、子叶和茎生长点。再把下胚轴切成约1厘米左右长的切段作为外植体进行诱导培养。  相似文献   

桑树花药培养诱导成植株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物名称:桑(Morus alba)。材料类别:花粉发育至单核到单核靠边期的花药。培养条件;基本培养基为MS。(一)诱导胚状体培养基每升添加 IAA1—2mg,6-BA1—2mg;(二)分化培养和幼苗培养基每升附加 IAA0.5—1mg,6-BA0.5—1mg;(三)生根培养基每升添加 BA0.5mg,Gln2mg,Lys2mg。接种后黑暗培养15天,然后转入人工光照条件下,每日照明10—12小  相似文献   

荔枝花粉诱导成植株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物名称:荔枝(Litchi chinesis)材料类别:吐蕾前夕的花药。培养条件:诱导愈伤组织培养基为MS、每升加2,4-D1~2毫克,NAA0.5~1毫克,KT1~2毫克,LH500毫克。分化培养基为MS和改良B_5(大量盐同B_5,微量盐同MS,肌醇100毫克,菸酸1毫克,VB_11~  相似文献   

甜瓜花药培养诱导成植株   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
植物名称:甜瓜(Cucumis melo)品种为哈密瓜(C.melo var.saccharinus)。材料类别:采取花粉发育为单核中后期的花蕾(即细胞核稍偏离中央,用醋酸洋红或碘-碘化钾溶液压片法检查)。从外部形态看,此时花蕾很小(比绿豆略大),只见花萼,不见花瓣,外部密布茸毛。培养条件:将采集的花蕾用小块纱布包裹,浸入70%酒精,立即转入0.1%升汞溶液中,消毒8~  相似文献   

植物名称:石刁柏(Asparagus officinalis),品种为玛丽华盛顿500(Mary Washington 500)。材料类别:长度为1.5~2.0mm(从花萼基部到顶端)的花蕾,接种花粉发育时期为单核的中、晚期花药(醋酸洋红压片法镜检),色呈浅黄。培养条件:诱导愈伤组织培养基:MS附加(1)NAA0.2mg/l(单位下同) BA0.5 2,4-D1.0;(2)NAA0.4 BA0.2 2,4-D1.0;(3)NAA0.1 BA0.2 2,4-D1.5;(4)NAA0.1 BA0.2 2,4  相似文献   

Etiolated and light-grown plantlets obtained from potato shoot cultures were shown to perform vigorous tropic movements. Unilateral blue irradiation actively induced phototropic curvature of the shoots toward the light source, although etiolated plantlets required ten times longer stimulation than the light-grown plantlets to achieve a 90° angle. The fluence requirements for induction of second positive phototropism (PT) of light-grown plantlets spanned almost five orders of magnitude (~30–1.7?×?105 μmol/m2). Upon responding to unilateral blue light by curving, plantlets entered the process of straightening after irradiation ended. Straightening also occurred in plantlets placed on a clinostat but it was of lower magnitude. Compared to early-morning and day-time hours, plantlets exhibited a significantly lower PT response in the late afternoon (5 p.m.) and gravitropic (GT) response at the end of the day (11 p.m.), suggesting that these responses may be under the control of circadian rhythms. GT was also recorded for both light-grown and etiolated plantlets. Ninety-degree stimulation, used to induce GT in etiolated plantlets, needed to be 50?% longer than stimulation used for light-grown plantlets to induce a similar response. Straightening was also recorded for the shoots that exhibited GT but was smaller when plantlets were placed on a clinostat compared to straightening exhibited by those plantlets left standing in an upright position for 2?h.  相似文献   

Efficient and simple protocols were developed for conversion of embryos derived from microspores in rape. The frequency of embryo conversion was higher than 80% on improved media without pretreatments using ABA, GA3 or desiccation, which had been required before embryos were transferred to solid media for conversion. While on basal media such as 1/2MS, the conversion frequency was no more than 32%. Two groups of embryos at different developmental stages, 7 mm embryos and 3 mm embryos, were used as material to select the most suitable medium. Different components were required for successful conversion of the two groups of embryos. For 7 mm embryos 1/2MS medium with Ca2+ concentration of 900 mg l–1 was optimal, while for 3 mm embryos, 1/2 MSN+V+Ca (half strength MS with 450 mg l–1 CaCl2·2H2O, 100 mg l–1 NH4NO3 and enhanced vitamins) was a suitable medium. The results indicate that calcium may play an important role in the conversion of embryos derived from microspores, and can replace, to some extent, the practice of drying and growth supplements, which have been widely used for maturation, and desiccation of embryos.  相似文献   

以二倍体梨(Pyrus communis L.) 品种'丰产'试管苗的离体叶片为外植体,研究了秋水仙碱处理对叶片不定梢再生及多倍体诱导率的影响.结果表明:(1)随秋水仙碱处理时间增加,叶片不定梢再生率下降,而多倍体诱导率增加;以0.4%的秋水仙碱溶液处理叶片48 h效果最好,多倍体诱导率为6.1%.(2)流式细胞仪(Flow cytometry)分析鉴定表明,获得的多倍体有三倍体、四倍体和混倍体;多倍体与二倍体的形态特征差异明显,多倍体比二倍体茎粗、节间短,叶形指数小,根粗而且短.  相似文献   

The hypocotyls, cotyledons, leaf blades, whole leaves and petioles of seedlings ofAilanthus altissima are capable of producing callus and budsin vitro. Buds and callus were also obtained from whole leaves and internodes of 2-years old plantlets grownin vitro. From the calli buds differentiated and later, both from buds developing directly without a callus phase and alsovia a callus phase, well developed shoots were formed. The cultures were mainained on MS medium in 2 combinations: A) IAA - 0.2 mg 1−1, BAP - 1 mg 1−1, GA3 - 0.5 mg 1−1, thiamine - 4 mg 1−1 and sucrose 3 %; B) BAP - 0.5 mg 1−1, IAA - 1 mg 1−1, casein hydrolysate 400 mg 1−1, thiamine 4 mg 1−1 and sucrose 3 %. Excised shoots, which had developedde novo in culture, produced roots when incubated on the basic mineral medium of MS with the addition of IAA. The regenerative potential ofA. altissima is very high and this woody species seems to be an ideal object for various morphogenetic studies.  相似文献   

A rapid micropropagation protocol through induced multiple shoots from the cotyledonary explant of mulberry (Morus alba L) is described. The highest number of shoots (20.3) was obtained when explants from 14-d-old embryos were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 7 μM thidiazuron for 45 d. Of the three cultivars used, cv. S-36 was the best followed by cv. K-2 and S-1. The shoots were transferred to MS medium supplemented with 5 μM 6-benzylaminopurine for elongation. The elongated shoots were rooted on half strength MS medium containing 1 – 7 μM indole 3-butyric acid or 1-naphthalene acetic acid. The rooted plants were transplanted to soil with 90 % success. The emerged shoot primordia probably initiated from the pre-existing meristems since the shoot bud show definite vascular connection to the major vascular tissue. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against neural tissues of Xenopus larvae. Three monoclonal antibodies, named NEU-1, NEU-3, and NEU-4, were specific for neural tissue and first bound to neural cells at stage 25 after neural tube formation (NEU-1 and NEU-3) or at stage 31 (NEU-4). These antibodies bound to differentiating neural cells, but not to germinal neuroepithelial cells. NEU-1 and NEU-3 recognized antigens in cell bodies as well as neural fibers of neural cells, and these antigens were distributed throughout the central nervous system. NEU-4 bound to antigens in granular materials in neural cells, and these antigens were present in head and trunk regions but not in the tail region.
These three antibodies were used as neural markers in two types of induction experiments, in which 1) the animal pole region and the dorsal blastopore lip from stage-10 gastrulae were combined, or 2) the animal pole region and the vegetal pole region from stage-8 blastulae were combined. In both experiments, most conjugated explants expressed the NEU-1, NEU-3, and NEU-4 antigens, although the expression of NEU-4 antigen was delayed compared with those of the NEU-1 and NEU-3 antigens. These results show that these antibodies are useful as markers in neural induction experiments.  相似文献   

Previous work established that if segments of Impatiens sultaniinternodes are explanted and incubated on a suitable medium,they tend to undergo abscission by a transverse separation layerthat differentiates a short distance above the explant base.The present study has shown that the position of the abscissionsite can be modified experimentally. When an explant was splitdown to midlength and auxin (IAA) was applied to the top ofone of the two arms, abscission often occurred at or near thebase of the other arm. Again, when IAA was applied to the explantlaterally midway along its length, abscission often occurredjust above the application point. These two modifications ofabscission sites had been predicted by a hypothesis statingthat separation layers tend to be positioned where auxin concentrationdecreases in the morphologically upward direction. Studies with[14C]IAA confirmed that the separation layers above the explantbase, and in the two experimentally modified sites, did indeedarise where the concentration decreased upwards. Also, woundingaltered the position of abscission in these explants in waysthat can be interpreted in terms of the above hypothesis coupledwith the destruction of auxin that occurs at wound surfaces.In this system, auxin is acting as a morphogen: its concentrationgradients provide positional information. Impatiens sullani Hook., abscission, auxin, IAA, morphogen, positional control, separation layer, wounding  相似文献   

The factors affecting the callus formation and regeneration capacity of leaf explants of four genotypes of the genus Triticum, viz. T. aestivum, cvs. Taezhnaya and Chinese Spring; T. durum, cv. Kollektivnaya; and T. persicum, were investigated. The process of callus formation did not depend on the explant genotype. Apical leaf segments were characterized by the lowest capacity of callus formation. In contrast, the rate of plant regeneration was correlated with the genotype and the explant developmental stage. The highest number of regenerants was obtained from a basal segment of three-day-old seedlings ofT. aestivum, cv. Taezhnaya. The yield of plants from one explant was doubled due to the use of maltose in the regeneration medium. The prospects of using leaf segments as the explants for the genetic transformation of wheat plants are discussed.  相似文献   

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