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Elevated levels of carbon dioxide increase lung ventilation in Helix aspersa. The hypercapnic response originates from a discrete respiratory chemosensory region in the dorsal subesophageal ganglia that contains CO2-sensitive neurons. We tested the hypothesis that pH-dependent inhibition of potassium channels in neurons in this region mediated the chemosensory response to CO2. Cells isolated from the dorsal subesophageal ganglia retained CO2 chemosensitivity and exhibited membrane depolarization and/or an increase in input resistance during an acid challenge. Isolated somata expressed two voltage-dependent potassium channels, an A-type and a delayed-rectifier-type channel (IKA and IKDR). Both conductances were inhibited during hypercapnia. The pattern of voltage dependence indicated that IKA was affected by extracellular or intracellular pH, but the activity of IKDR was modulated by extracellular pH only. Application of inhibitors of either channel mimicked many of the effects of acidification in isolated cells and neurons in situ. We also detected evidence of a pH-sensitive calcium-activated potassium channel (IKCa) in neurons in situ. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that IKA initiates the chemosensory response, and IKDR and IKCa prolong the period of activation of CO2-sensitive neurons. Thus multiple potassium channels are inhibited by acidosis, and the combined effect of pH-dependent inhibition of these channels enhances neuronal excitability and mediates CO2 chemosensory responses in H. aspersa. We did not find a single "chemosensory channel," and the chemosensitive channels that we did find were not unique in any way that we could detect. The protein "machinery" of CO2 chemosensitivity is probably widespread among neurons, and the selection process whereby a neuron acts or does not act as a respiratory CO2 chemosensor probably depends on the resting membrane potential and synaptic connectivity. carbon dioxide  相似文献   

Kemal Payza 《Peptides》1987,8(6):1065-1074
An in vitro receptor binding assay and an isolated heart bioassay were developed and used to characterize the structure-activity relations (SAR) of FMRFamide receptors in a land snail, Helix aspersa. In the radioreceptor assay, binding of 125I-desaminoTyr-Phe-norLeu-Arg-Phe-amide (125I-daYFnLRFamide) at 0°C to Helix brain membranes was reversible, saturable, and specific, with a KD of 14 nM and a Bmax of 85 fmol/mg brain. A lower affinity site was also observed (KD=245 nM; Bmax=575 fmol/mg brain). In the heart bioassay, daYFnLRFamide and other FMRFamide analogs increased myocardial contraction force. The SAR of cardiostimulation correlated with the specificity of high affinity 125I-daYFnLRFamide binding to brain and heart receptors. The SAR was also similar to that described for other molluscan FMRFamide bioassays, except for a marked preference for N-blocked analogs. Peptides with N-terminal extensions of desaminoTyr, Tyr, Tyr-Gly-Gly, and acetyl, exhibited the highest potency in both radioligand displacement and cardiostimulation. The endogenous Helix heptapeptide analogs of FLRFamide (pQDP-, NDP-, and SDP-FLRFamide) were stimulatory on the heart at low doses, but were inhibitory at moderate to high doses. These peptides were 20 times weaker than FMRFamide in both the brain and heart receptor binding assays, with IC50s about 10 μM. The results suggest that the effects of FMRFamide in Helix are receptor-mediated, and that the heptapeptides do not interact at FMRFamide receptors.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from identified neurones in the central nervous system of Helix aspersa. Two types of cell were used, those excited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and acetylcholine and those inhibited by 5-HT and dopamine. The actions of a range of 5-HT agonists and antagonists were tested for their ability to interact with 5-HT receptors.2. 5-Carboxyamidotryptamine, α-methyl-5-HT and N-methyl-5-HT were active on cells excited by 5-HT, with similar potencies to 5-HT. Only 5-carboxyamidotryptamine and 5-methoxytryptamine were equiactive with 5-HT on cells inhibited by 5-HT. Most of the non-indole analogues were inactive or very weak agonists on both receptors.3. MDL 72222 was the most active antagonist tested against 5-HT excitation, showing some selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine. Cinanserin and ketanserin also showed selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine.4. Tryptamine was inhibitory on both cell types and was a potent antagonist of 5-HT excitation, showing selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine.5. It is concluded that the 5-HT excitatory receptor recognizes the indole nucleus with substitution on position 5, save for 5-fluorotryptamine which was inhibitory. It does not appear that these 5-HT receptors can be classified in terms of the vertebrate subtypes of 5-HT receptor. However, it should be noted that only two receptor subtypes located on a small number of neurones were studied in these experiments and other 5-HT receptor subtypes may be located on other groups of neurones and peripheral tissues. These receptors may recognize other 5-HT receptor ligands including non-indoles.  相似文献   

The immunostaining pattern for the peptide gastrin/cholecystokinin 8 (gastrin/CCK8) in the molluscan central nervous system has been considered. The changes in the distribution of gastrin/CCK8 immunoreactivity were analyzed in the neurons of different areas of the cerebral ganglia (mesocerebrum and metacerebrum) and in the buccal ganglia of the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa, during rest and active phases. During the period of inactivity and after one day of activity, there were several immunoreactive neurons in the mesocerebrum and metacerebrum of the snails and in the buccal ganglia, whereas after 7 days of activity the number of labeled neurons decreased. Data suggested a storage of gastrin/CCK8 in the neurons when behavioral activities in which the peptide is involved (such as feeding-related behavior) are suppressed or reduced. The different percentage of gastrin/CCK8 immunoreactive neurons in the left and right mesocerebrum provides information about the activities controlled by these neurons, which could be related to the adaptive evolution and plasticity of the brain in terrestrial pulmonates.  相似文献   

Summary The distal half of the posterior tentacle of adult Helix aspersa and Cryptomphallus aspersa was removed and the proximal half was studied with light and electron microscopy after different intervals. The tentacle itself does not regenerate, but the receptor organs at the distal end of the normal tentacle differentiate at the level of the section. The newly formed eye is smaller than the control; however, its components and subcellular characteristics resemble those of the normal eye.Work supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina, and from National Institutes of Health (2 RO1 NS 06953-07 NEUA) USA.We are greatly indebted to Miss Margarita López for her skilful technical assistance and to Mr. Alberto Saénz for the electron micrographs.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from identified neurones in the central nervous system of Helix aspersa. Two types of cell were used, those excited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and acetylcholine and those inhibited by 5-HT and dopamine. The actions of a range of 5-HT agonists and antagonists were tested for their ability to interact with 5-HT receptors. 2. 5-Carboxyamidotryptamine, alpha-methyl-5-HT and N-methyl-5-HT were active on cells excited by 5-HT, with similar potencies to 5-HT. Only 5-carboxyamidotryptamine and 5-methoxytryptamine were equiactive with 5-HT on cells inhibited by 5-HT. Most of the non-indole analogues were inactive or very weak agonists on both receptors. 3. MDL 72222 was the most active antagonist tested against 5-HT excitation, showing some selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine. Cinanserin and ketanserin also showed selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine. 4. Tryptamine was inhibitory on both cell types and was a potent antagonist of 5-HT excitation, showing selectivity for 5-HT over acetylcholine. 5. It is concluded that the 5-HT excitatory receptor recognizes the indole nucleus with substitution on position 5, save for 5-fluorotryptamine which was inhibitory. It does not appear that these 5-HT receptors can be classified in terms of the vertebrate subtypes of 5-HT receptor. However, it should be noted that only two receptor subtypes located on a small number of neurones were studied in these experiments and other 5-HT receptor suptypes may be located on other groups of neurones and peripheral tissues. These receptors may recognize other 5-HT receptor ligands including non-indoles.  相似文献   

People with Rett syndrome (RTT) have breathing instability in addition to other neuropathological manifestations. The breathing disturbances contribute to the high incidence of unexplained death and abnormal brain development. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying the breathing abnormalities remain unclear. To test the hypothesis that the central CO(2) chemoreception in these people is disrupted, we studied the CO(2) chemosensitivity in a mouse model of RTT. The Mecp2-null mice showed a selective loss of their respiratory response to 1-3% CO(2) (mild hypercapnia), whereas they displayed more regular breathing in response to 6-9% CO(2) (severe hypercapnia). The defect was alleviated with the NE uptake blocker desipramine (10 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1) ip, for 5-7 days). Consistent with the in vivo observations, in vitro studies in brain slices indicated that CO(2) chemosensitivity of locus coeruleus (LC) neurons was impaired in Mecp2-null mice. Two major neuronal pH-sensitive Kir currents that resembled homomeric Kir4.1 and heteromeric Ki4.1/Kir5.1 channels were identified in the LC neurons. The screening of Kir channels with real-time PCR indicated the overexpression of Kir4.1 in the LC region of Mecp2-null mice. In a heterologous expression system, an overexpression of Kir4.1 resulted in a reduction in the pH sensitivity of the heteromeric Kir4.1-Kir5.1 channels. Given that Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 subunits are also expressed in brain stem respiration-related areas, the Kir4.1 overexpression may not allow CO(2) to be detected until hypercapnia becomes severe, leading to periodical hyper- and hypoventilation in Mecp2-null mice and, perhaps, in people with RTT as well.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of vascular channels and amebocytes associated with the sheath of the infraesophageal ganglion of Helix aspersa, is described. The extracellular stroma of the sheath, together with the hemocoel and blood vessels, forms an interconnected system of pathways which appears to be involved in the transport of metabolites, amebocytes, hemocyanin and experimentally introduced opaque tracers. The hemocoel, blood capillaries and precapillaries are lined by a discontinuous layer of single muscle cells whose luminal aspect is covered by a lamina of extracellular material named the vascular coat. This coat consists of a ground substance that forms a basement membrane and filamentous elements some of which are collagenous. Gaps in the blood vessel wall seem to provide the main routes for the movement of cells and large molecules to the hemocoel. Tracer experiments have given support to the idea that a diffusion barrier may be absent at the sheath-ganglion junction. Amebocytes have phagocytic properties; they appear associated in groups or scattered singly within the extracellular space of the sheath and the lumen of blood vessels. Single amebocytes have features of mobile cells and may function in the transport of hemocyanin as well as other proteins.This work has been supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and grants NB 06662 (from the U.S. Public Health Service) and N-105 (from Conicyt, Santiago, Chile). The continuous advice and encouragement of Drs. R. W. Guillery and D. B. Slautterback are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Phosphatase acid (PhA) activity in the digestive gland (hepatopancreas) of the common garden snail Helix aspersa has been investigated using cytochemical methods.
  • 2.2. All the cells composing this gland show PhA activity, the distribution pattern differing according to the cell type.
  • 3.3. The digestive cells show the most widely distributed reaction product (brush border, phagolysosomes, multivesicular bodies and autophagic vacuoles).
  • 4.4. In the excretory cells this activity appears in large sacs, while in the calcium cells the reaction product is abundant in the calcium granules.
  • 5.5. Cellular digestion processes performed by each of these cell types is discussed together with their role in the detoxification of heavy elements derived from the environment.

alpha CDCP is a neuropeptide produced by the caudodorsal cells of Lymnaea stagnalis and encoded by the genes of the egg-laying hormone (ELH). The use of a polyclonal antiserum raised against alpha CDCP resulted in the detection of about 800 immunoreactive neurons in the parietal ganglia and a small population (60 cells) in the cerebral ganglia of Helix aspersa. As the genes of ELH are well conserved among the gastropod species, these data designate the parietal ganglia as a putative source for the egg-laying hormone in Helix aspersa.  相似文献   

New FMRF-amide like peptide, pGlu-Asp-Pro-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2, originally isolated from the ganglia of Helix aspersa, was synthetized. Intravenous injections of this peptide (40-300 micrograms/kg) produce rapid dose dependent increase in the blood pressure and heart rate of anaesthetised rats. Since alpha-adrenoreceptor blockade with prazosin eliminated pressor response, it is concluded that the increase in the arterial pressure is mediated by sympathetic activation.  相似文献   

The distribution of substances related to the tetrapeptide APGWa was investigated in the central nervous system (CNS) and the reproductive apparatus of Helix aspersa by immunocytochemistry. In the CNS, APGWa immunoreactive neurons were detected in all ganglia except the pedal ganglia. Concerning the mesocerebrum of the cerebral ganglia, only neurons of the right mesocerebral lobe reacted positively to the antiserum. In the genital apparatus, positive neurons fibres were seen in the muscular layer of the penis and, in the gonad, an immunoreactive material occurred on the heads of some spermatozoa. On the basis of these observations and of previous electrophysiological studies, an implication of AGPWa-like peptides in the control of mating behaviour is proposed. The significance of the positive reaction of the spermatozoa remains unclear.  相似文献   

The procerebrum, a specialized structure for olfaction in terrestrial pulmonate molluscs, contains 20,000 to 50,000 small, uniformly sized neurons that increase in number with age. Here I show the likely source of neurons added to the procerebrum of Helix aspersa and that the rate of neuron addition depends on snail weight. After hatching, during the initial exponential growth phase, H. aspersa adds neurons to the procerebral apex by mitosis and from a cerebral tube. In the logistic growth phase beginning 30-40 days post-hatch, neurons also seem to be added to the procerebrum from the peritentacular and olfactory nerves, causing the rate of neuron addition to approximately double; but as in the earlier exponential growth phase, this rate remains a function of snail weight. This neuron addition throughout the life of the snail can be predicted by snail weight. In the two growth phases, the number of neurons in the procerebrum is given by logarithmic functions of snail weight. The results here for H. aspersa provide the basis for experiments to determine the peripheral origin and destination of neuronal precursors that are added to the procerebrum and to determine how neuron addition affects the function of the procerebrum.  相似文献   


The experimental laboratory pairing of hermaphroditic snails of different sub-species, Helix aspersa aspersa (H.a.a) and H. aspersa maxima (H.a.m.), made it possible to obtain both reciprocal hybrids for the first time and to describe their growth. The relatively small number of matings observed (20–25%) was partly responsible for the small number of clutches obtained (10–13%). The cross H.a.a.M × H.a.m.F is more fertile than the reciprocal. The observed tendency to reproductive isolation (behavioural and anatomical) suggests that H.a.a. and H.a.m. should be considered as two sub-species. Hybridization is not accompanied by a beneficial heterosis effect since significant juvenile mortality and an increased variation in growth were observed. The small size of H.a.a. is a dominant characteristic, whereas the colour of the mantle edge in the Fl individuals is intermediate between the black of H.a.m. and the white of H.a.a. The Fl generation is fertile and gives F2 snails with an adult size close to that of H.a.a. but slower growing. This approach allows investigations into the mechanisms underlying the reproductive isolation of parental sub-species.  相似文献   

Sites of central CO2 chemosensitivity were investigated in isolated brain stems from Rana catesbeiana tadpoles and frogs. Respiratory neurograms were made from cranial nerve (CN) 7 and spinal nerve 2. Superfusion of the brain stem with hypercapnic artificial cerebrospinal fluid elicited increased fictive lung ventilation. The effect of focal perfusion of hypercapnic artificial cerebrospinal fluid on discrete areas of the ventral medulla was assessed. Sites of chemosensitivity, which are active continuously throughout development, were identified adjacent to CN 5 and CN 10 on the ventral surface of the medulla. In early- and middle-stage tadpoles and frogs, unilateral stimulation within either site was sufficient to elicit the hypercapnic response, but simultaneous stimulation within both sites was required in late-stage tadpoles. The chemosensitive sites were individually disrupted by unilateral application of 1 mg/ml protease, and the sensitivity to bath application or focal perfusion of hypercapnia was reassessed. Protease lesions at CN 10 abolished the entire hypercapnic response, but lesions at CN 5 affected only the hypercapnic response originating from the CN 5 site. Neurons within the chemosensitive sites were also destroyed by unilateral application of 1 mM kainic acid, and the sensitivity to bath or focal application of hypercapnia was reassessed. Kainic acid lesions within either site abolished the hypercapnic response. Using a vital dye, we determined that kainic acid destroyed neurons by only within 100 microm of the ventral medullary surface. Thus, regardless of developmental stage, neurons necessary for CO2 sensitivity are located in the ventral medulla adjacent to CN 5 and 10.  相似文献   

Although Schmalz described the innervation of the ovotestis in pulmonate snails as early as 1914, no functions have been attributed to it. In H. aspersa, the intestinal nerve branches profusely within the ovotestis and terminates in the walls of the acini and in the sheath surrounding the early portion of the hermaphroditic duct. We found both sensory and motor functions for this innervation. Significantly, there is a tonic sensory discharge generated by the mechanical pressure of growing oocytes, and the level of tonic afferent activity is strongly correlated with the number of ripe oocytes; this is probably a permissive signal that gates ovulation. Tactile stimulation of the ovotestis causes a phasic sensory discharge and a pronounced cardio activation. Also, an efferent discharge is elicited in the ovotestis branch of the intestinal nerve. To study the motor consequences of efferent activity, the ovotestis branch was electrically stimulated. We found that such stimulation evokes peristaltic contractions of the initial portion of the hermaphroditic duct and increases beat frequencies of the cilia that line the interior of the duct. These effects could facilitate the transport of oocytes down the duct. Still other functions of afferent activity are implied by changes in the spontaneous activity of mesocerebral cells following nerve stimulation. Putative sensory neurons and putative motoneurons have been identified in the visceral and right parietal ganglia.  相似文献   

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