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The nucleotide sequence of 45,389 bp in the 184°-;180°region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, containing the cgecluster, which is controlled by the sporulation regulatory proteinGerE, was determined. Fifty-four putative ORFs with putativeribosome-binding sites were recognized. Seven of them correspondto previously characterized genes: cgeB, cgeA, cgeC, cgeD, cgeE,ctpA, and odhA. The deduced products of 25 ORFs were found todisplay significant similarities to proteins in the data banks.We have identified genes involved in detoxification, cell walls,and in the metabolism of biotins, purines, fatty acids, carbohydratesand amino acids. The remaining 22 ORFs showed no similarityto known proteins. Both an attachment site of the SPßprophage and 2 new putative DNA replication terminators wereidentified in this region.  相似文献   

As a part of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project,we have determined a 25-kb sequence covering the 17°–19°region. This region contains 26 complete open reading frames(ORFs) including the alkA and adaA/B operon, which encode genesfor adaptive response to DNA alkylation. A homology search forthe newly identified 21 ORFs revealed that 4 of them exhibita significant similarity to known proteins, e.g., methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) protein homolog, proteins involvedin chloramphenicol resistance, glucosamine synthase and an ABCtransporter protein. The remaining 17 ORFs did not show anysignificant sequence similarities to known gene products inthe database.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 27830-bp DNA segment in the 79°–81°.region of the Bacillus subtilis genome has been determined.This region contains 29 complete ORFs including the sspE gene,which encodes a small acid-soluble spore protein gamma and locateson the one side terminal of our assigned region. A homologysearch for the products deduced from the 29 ORFs revealed thatnine of them exhibit significant similarity to known proteins,e.g. proteins involved in an iron uptake system, a multidrugresistance protein, a chloramphenicol resistance protein, epoxidehydrolase, adenine glycosylase, and a glucose-1-dehydrogenasehomolog.  相似文献   

We have determined a 35-kb sequence of the groESL-gutR-cotA(45°–52°) region of the Bacillus subtilis genome.In addition to the groESL, gutRB and cotA genes reported previously,we have newly identified 24 ORFs including gutA and fruC genes,encoding glucitol permease and fructokinase, respectively. Theinherent restriction/modification system genes, hsdMR and hsdMM,were mapped between groESL and gutRB, and we have identifiedtwo open reading frames (ORFs) encoding 5-methylcytosine formingDNA methyl transferase and an operon probably encoding a restrictionenzyme complex. The unusual genome structure of few ORFs andlower GC content around the restriction/modification genes stronglysuggests that the region originated from a bacteriophage integratedduring evolution.  相似文献   

We have determined a 180 kb contiguous sequence in the replicationorigin region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Open readingframes (ORF) in this region were unambiguously identified fromthe determined sequence, using criteria characteristic for theB. subtilis gene structure, i.e., starting with an ATG, GTGor TTG codon preceded by sequences complementary to the 3' endof the 16S rRNA. Four rRNA gene sets, 7 individual tRNA genesand 1 scRNA gene were identified, occupying 20 kb in total.In the remaining 160 kb region, 158 ORFs were identified, suggestingthat 1 ORF is coded on average by 1 kb of DNA of the B. subtilisgenome. Among the 158 ORFs, the functions of 48 ORFs were assignedand those of 11 ORFs are suggested through significant similaritiesto known proteins present in data banks. However, the functionsof more than half of the ORFs (63%) remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis 168 is the only bacterium-based host serving for the cloning of giant DNA above 1.000 kbp. As rapid verification of the genome structure is crucial during the cloning process, six of 18-base sequence recognized by endonuclease I-SceI were sequentially created in the B. subtilis 168 genome. The established method and materials should be of use for other B. subtilis derivatives.  相似文献   

The construction process of Bacillus subtilis strain with multiple mutations is accelerated by simultaneous use of a positive selection method. All the strains selected by neomycin acquired two simultaneous mutations at different genomic loci. The extremely low rate of false positives was accounted for by employing the improved method.  相似文献   

Forty-one open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in a 32-kb DNA fragment of alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. C-125. A similarity search using the BSORF database found 37 ORFs with significant sequence similarity to B. subtilis RNA polymerase subunits, elongation factor G, elongation factor Tu, and ribosomal proteins. Each ORF product showed more than 70% identity to those of B. subtilis. Gene organization in the region of str, S10, spc, and the α cluster was highly conserved among three strains, C-125, B. subtilis, and B. stearothermophilus.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized a tobacco cDNA encoding a noveltype RNA-binding protein (RZ-1), which contains a zinc fingermotif in addition to a consensus sequence-type RNA-binding domainand is localized in the nucleus. Here we isolated its genomicclone from a Nicotiana sylvestris genomic library. Southernblot analysis suggested that RZ-1 is coded for by a single locusper haploid genome. Comparison of the cDNA and genomic sequencesindicated that the RZ-1 gene contains two introns, one in thecoding region and another in the 3'-untranslated region. RT-PCRand ribonuclease protection analyses showed that splicing ofRZ-1 pre-mRNA occurs efficiently. The RZ-1 protein is activelysynthesized in rapidly dividing tobacco cells, as demonstratedby immunoblot analysis.  相似文献   

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