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LPL mediates the uptake of lipoproteins into different cell types independent of its catalytic activity. The mechanism of this process and its physiological relevance are not clear. Taking into account the importance of the endothelial barrier for lipoprotein uptake, in vitro studies with primary aortic endothelial cells from wild-type and low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient (LDLR(-/-)) mice were performed. Addition of LPL almost doubled the uptake of LDL into wild-type cells. However, there was virtually no LPL-mediated change of LDL uptake into LDLR(-/-) cells. Upregulation of LDLR by lipoprotein-deficient serum/lovastatin in wild-type cells resulted in a 7-fold increase of LPL-mediated LDL uptake. Uptake of chylomicron remnants was not affected by LDLR expression. In proteoglycan-deficient cells, LPL did not increase the uptake of lipoproteins. The physiological relevance of this pathway was studied in mice that were both LDLR(-/-) and transgenic for catalytically inactive LPL in muscle. In the presence of LDLR, inactive LPL reduced LDL cholesterol significantly (13-24%). In the absence of LDLR, LDL cholesterol was not affected by transgenic LPL. Metabolic studies showed that in the presence of LDLR, LPL increased the muscular uptake of LDL by 77%. In the absence of LDLR, transgenic LPL did not augment LDL uptake. Chylomicron uptake was not affected by the LDLR genotype. We conclude that LPL-mediated cellular uptake of LDL, but not of chylomicrons, is dependent on the presence of both LDLR and proteoglycans.  相似文献   

LDL receptor family: isolation, production, and ligand binding analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Members of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene family have recently received particular attention because of their involvement not only in lipoprotein transport, but also in signal transduction pathways. The main characteristic feature of this protein group is their cysteine-rich ligand binding domain, which is able to bind many unrelated proteins, such as apolipoproteins, proteases, and protease/inhibitor complexes, signaling molecules such as reelin, and several other groups of proteins. The main challenges of studying these proteins in vitro are their extremely high content of disulfide bridges and the detergent-sensibility of their classical ligands, i.e, lipoproteins. Here, we describe generally applicable procedures for the analysis of these receptors. We present an outline of established methodology for their isolation and visualization, the production of recombinant fragments, in particular of soluble ligand binding domains, and we describe standard procedures for the analysis of the functionality of the receptors and recombinant receptor ligand binding fragments, respectively.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the ligand binding domain of epidermal growth factor receptor in its dimerization, we studied the dimerization of a truncated form of the receptor that resembles v-erbB in that it lacks a ligand binding domain. Receptor dimerization was determined by sedimentation analysis on sucrose density gradients at different concentrations of Triton X-100. At high concentrations of Triton X-100 (0.2%), the truncated receptor occurred as a monomer and displayed low basal autophosphorylation. By contrast, at low concentrations of Triton X-100 (0.01%), it existed as a dimer and exhibited high basal autophosphorylation. The ability of the truncated receptor to dimerize indicates that the ligand binding domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor is not required for receptor dimerization.  相似文献   

Lipidation catalyzed by protein prenyltransferases is essential for the biological function of a number of eukaryotic proteins, many of which are involved in signal transduction and vesicular traffic regulation. Sequence similarity searches reveal that the alpha-subunit of protein prenyltransferases (PTalpha) is a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) superfamily. This finding makes the three-dimensional structure of the rat protein farnesyltransferase the first structural model of a TPR protein interacting with its protein partner. Structural comparison of the two TPR domains in protein farnesyltransferase and protein phosphatase 5 indicates that variation in TPR consensus residues may affect protein binding specificity through altering the overall shape of the TPR superhelix. A general approach to evolutionary analysis of proteins with repetitive sequence motifs has been developed and applied to the protein prenyltransferases and other TPR proteins. The results suggest that all members in PTalpha family originated from a common multirepeat ancestor, while the common ancestor of PTalpha and other members of TPR superfamily is likely to be a single repeat protein.  相似文献   

Proteins of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family transport cholesterol-carrying particles into cells, clear protease-inhibitor complexes from the circulation, participate in biological signaling cascades, and even serve as viral receptors. These receptors utilize clusters of cysteine-rich LDL receptor type-A (LA) modules to bind many of their ligands. Recent structures show that these modules typically exhibit a characteristic binding mode to recognize their partners, relying primarily on electrostatic complementarity and avidity effects. The dominant contribution of electrostatic interactions with small interface areas in these complexes allows binding to be regulated by changes in pH via at least two distinct mechanisms. The structure of the subtilisin/kexin family protease PCSK9, a newly identified molecular partner of the LDLR also implicated in LDL-cholesterol homeostasis, also raises the possibility that the LDLR and its related family members may employ other strategies for pH-sensitive binding that have yet to be uncovered.  相似文献   

Members of the mannose receptor family, the mannose receptor, the phospholipase A(2) receptor, DEC-205, and Endo180, contain multiple C-type lectin-like domains (CTLDs) within a single polypeptide. In addition, at their N termini, all four family members contain a cysteine-rich domain similar to the R-type carbohydrate recognition domains of ricin. However, despite the common presence of multiple lectin-like domains, these four endocytic receptors have divergent ligand binding activities, and it is clear that the majority of these domains do not bind sugars. Here the functions of the lectin-like domains of the most recently discovered family member, Endo180, have been investigated. Endo180 is shown to bind in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner to mannose, fucose, and N-acetylglucosamine but not to galactose. This activity is mediated by one of the eight CTLDs, CTLD2. Competition assays indicate that the monosaccharide binding specificity of Endo180 CTLD2 is similar to that of mannose receptor CTLD4. However, additional experiments indicate that, unlike the cysteine-rich domain of the mannose receptor, the cysteine-rich domain of Endo180 does not bind sulfated sugars. Thus, although Endo180 and the mannose receptor are now both known to be mannose binding lectins, each receptor is likely to have a distinct set of glycoprotein ligands in vivo.  相似文献   

In a search of new, small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan/protein (SLRP) family members, a novel gene, nephrocan (NPN), has been identified. The gene consists of three exons, and based on the deduced amino acid sequence, NPN has 17 leucine-rich repeat motifs and unique cysteine-rich clusters both in the N and C termini, indicating that this gene belongs to a new class of SLRP family. NPN mRNA was predominantly expressed in kidney in adult mice, and during mouse embryogenesis, the expression was markedly increased in 11-day-old embryos at a time when early kidney development takes place. In the adult mouse kidney, NPN protein was located in distal tubules and collecting ducts. When NPN was overexpressed in cell culture, the protein was detected in the cultured medium, and upon treatment with N-glycosidase F, the molecular mass was lowered by approximately 14 kDa, indicating that NPN is a secreted N-glycosylated protein. Furthermore, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)-responsive 3TP promoter luciferase activity was down-regulated, and TGF-beta-induced Smad3 phosphorylation was also inhibited by NPN, suggesting that NPN suppresses TGF-beta/Smad signaling. Taken together, NPN is a novel member of the SLRP family that may play important roles in kidney development and pathophysiology by functioning as an endogenous inhibitor of TGF-beta signaling.  相似文献   

Two N,N'-disubstituted perylene diimide G-quadruplex DNA ligands, PIPER [N,N'-bis-(2-(1-piperidino)ethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid diimide] and Tel01 [N,N'-bis-(3-(4-morpholino)-propyl)-3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid diimide] were studied. Visible absorbance, resonance light scattering, and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to characterize the pH-dependent aggregation of these ligands. The G-quadruplex DNA binding selectivity of these ligands as monitored by absorption spectroscopy is also pH-dependent. The ligands bind to both duplex and G-quadruplex DNA under low pH conditions, where the ligands are not aggregated. At higher pH, where the ligands are extensively aggregated, the apparent G-quadruplex DNA binding selectivity is high.  相似文献   

Insulin inhibits hepatic very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) apo B secretion in rats. Current studies test whether the insulin effect is LDL receptor-mediated by examining the effect of insulin on VLDL apo B secretion in hepatocytes derived from Ldlr-/- and control mice. Primary hepatocytes were incubated overnight with media containing 14C-leucine and either 0.1nM (basal) or 200nM insulin. Afterwards, secreted VLDL B100 and B48 were quantitated. Insulin reduced 14C-labeled B100 and B48 comparably in control and Ldlr-/- hepatocytes with a 62+/-12% vs. 59+/-12% decrease in B100, and a 56+/-11% vs. 61+/-9% decrease in B48. Results indicate: (1) mouse hepatocytes respond to insulin by reducing VLDL apo B output; (2) both VLDL B100 and B48 secretion are suppressed; and (3) insulin inhibition of VLDL apo B secretion is retained in Ldlr-/- hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder that results from various gene mutations, primarily within the LDL receptor (LDLR). Approximately 50% of the LDLR mutations are defined as class 2 mutations, with the mutant proteins partially or entirely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. To determine the degradation pathway of the LDLR class 2 mutants, we examined the effects of inhibition of several potential pathways on the levels of the wild-type LDLR and its four representative class 2 mutants (S156L, C176Y, E207K, and C646Y) stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We found that proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin blocked the degradation of the LDLR mutants, but not that of the wild-type LDLR. Treatment of CHO cells with these proteasome inhibitors led to a significant accumulation of the mutants at steady state. Furthermore, cell surface levels of the LDLR mutants were significantly increased upon inhibition of the proteasome degradation pathway. In contrast to the proteasome inhibitors, inhibitors of trypsin-like proteases, chymotrypsin-like proteases, and lysosomal pathway inhibitors did not affect the levels of the LDLR mutants. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the proteasome is the principal degradation pathway for LDLR class 2 mutants.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus binding to fibroblasts is receptor mediated.   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of radiolabeled human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) strain AD169 to human lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cell lines, monocytes, and fibroblasts varied over a 20-fold range. Since maximum binding was observed with human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF), interactions of radiolabeled HCMV with this cell type were analyzed quantitatively. Binding of HCMV to HFF at 4 degrees C was specific and saturable; at low viral inputs specific binding averaged 16.4% of input and nonspecific binding was less than 1% of input. Binding curves yielded single-component linear Scatchard plots indicating an average Kd of 1.1 nM and 5,262 available virus-binding sites per cell. A two-component Scatchard curve was obtained at 37 degrees C and reflected viral internalization, since it could be converted to a single-component curve by the use of paraformaldehyde-fixed cells. HCMV strain Towne was found to bind to the receptor used by HCMV strain AD169 with similar affinity. HCMV failed to bind to protease-treated HFF or to HFF grown in the presence of inhibitors of glycosylation. Sialic acid residues, however, were not found to be important in binding. These data indicate that a single type of molecule, likely a glycoprotein, on the surface of HFF serves as a specific receptor for the virus.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-betas (TGF-betas) are produced by most cells in large latent complexes of TGF-beta and its propeptide (LAP) associated with a binding protein. The latent TGF-beta binding proteins (LTBPs-1, -2 and -3) mediate the secretion and, subsequently, the association of latent TGF-beta complexes with the extracellular matrix (ECM). The association of beta1-LAP with LTBP-1 was characterized at the molecular level with an expression system in mammalian cells, where TGF-beta1 and various fragments of LTBP-1 were co-expressed and secreted with the aid of a signal peptide synthesized to the LTBP-1 constructs. Immunoblotting of the fusion protein complexes indicated that the third 8-Cys repeat of LTBP-1 bound covalently to the LAP region of TGF-beta1. The cysteine required for the association between LTBP-1 and beta1-LAP was mapped to Cys33 of beta1-LAP. The N-terminal region of LTBP-1 consisting of the first 400 amino acids was found to associate covalently with the ECM. The data indicate that an 8-Cys repeat of LTBP is capable of covalent and specific protein-protein interactions. These interactions are mediated by exchanging cysteine disulfide bonds between the core 8-Cys repeat and an optionally associated protein during the secretion. This is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of an extracellular protein module that is able to exchange cysteine disulfide bonds with heterologous ligand proteins.  相似文献   

The major cluster of resistance genes in lettuce cv. Diana contains approximately 32 nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat encoding genes. Previous molecular dissection of this complex region had identified a large gene, RGC2B, as a candidate for encoding the downy mildew resistance gene, Dm3. This article describes genetic and transgenic complementation data that demonstrated RGC2B is necessary and sufficient to confer resistance with Dm3 specificity. Ethylmethanesulphonate was used to induce mutations to downy mildew susceptibility in cv. Diana (Dm1, Dm3, Dm7, and Dm8). Nineteen families were identified with a complete loss of resistance in one of the four resistance specificities. Sequencing revealed a variety of point mutations in RGC2B in the six dm3 mutants. Losses of resistance were due to single changes in amino acid sequence or a change in an intron splice site. These mutations did not cluster in any particular region of RGC2B. A full-length genomic copy of RGC2B was isolated from a lambdaphage library and introduced into two genotypes of lettuce. Transgenics expressing RGC2B exhibited resistance to all isolates expressing Avr3 from a wide range of geographical origins. In a wildtype Dm3-expressing genotype, many of the RGC2 family members are expressed at low levels throughout the plant.  相似文献   

A protein of unknown function has been identified as a key serological tool for diagnosis of human tapeworm neurocysticercosis, a major worldwide neurological disease. Our own sequence analysis predicts that this protein is a member of a newly identified cestode specific oligomeric hydrophobic ligand binding protein family. In this report, using a rat cestode model, we confirm that homologues of this protein can bind fatty acids and their derivatives, and thus suggest a biological function for this key diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

The fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins of the Dr family mediate the adherence of uropathogenic and diarrhoea-associated Escherichia coli to decay-accelerating factor (DAF) present on erythrocytes and other cell types. The Dr haemagglutinin binds type IV collagen and, unlike other members of the Dr family, mediates an adherence inhibited in the presence of chloramphenicol. We examined the ability of other members of the Dr family—AFAI, AFAIII, and F1845—to bind to type IV collagen, and demonstrated that the collagen-binding phenotype was unique to the Dr haemagglutinin. We employed site-directed mutagenesis to demonstrate the requirement of a negatively charged amino-acid at position 54 of the Dr haemagglutinin subunit for chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding. Mutations at position 32, 40, 54, 90, and 113 differently affected type IV collagen binding and chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding, while retaining DAF-binding capability. These results suggest the existence of a conformational receptor-binding domain in the major structural subunit of Dr family adhesins and demonstrate that chloramphenicol sensitivity of binding and adherence to type IV collagen were independent and separable phenotypes. Finally, we showed that the two conserved cysteine residues of Dr family structural subunits form a disulphide bond and that mutations of these residues abolish haemagglutination and binding to type IV collagen.  相似文献   

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