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The structural requirements of a proposed class of auxin transport inhibitors have been shown to be very similar to those required to inhibit the cress (Lepidium sativum) root geotropic response. A 2-carboxyphenyl group separated by a conjugated system of atoms from a second aromatic ring appears to be necessary for a molecule to have high activity.  相似文献   

Effects of Auxin Transport Inhibitors on Gibberellins in Pea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effects of the auxin transport inhibitors 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA), and 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) on gibberellins (GAs) in the garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) were studied. Application of these compounds to elongating internodes of intact wild type plants reduced markedly the endogenous level of the bioactive gibberellin A1 (GA1) below the application site. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels were also reduced, as was internode elongation. The auxin transport inhibitors did not affect the level of endogenous GA1 above the application site markedly, nor that of GA1 precursors above or below it. When plants were treated with [13C,3H]GA20, TIBA reduced dramatically the level of [13C,3H]GA1 recovered below the TIBA application site. The internodes treated with auxin transport inhibitors appeared to be still in the phase where endogenous GA1 affects elongation, as indicated by the strong response to applied GA1 by internodes of a GA1-deficient line at the same stage of expansion. On the basis of the present results it is suggested that caution be exercised when attributing the developmental effects of auxin transport inhibitors to changes in IAA level alone. Received April 13, 1998; accepted April 14, 1998  相似文献   

Initiation of symbiotic nodules in legumes requires cytokinin signaling, but its mechanism of action is largely unknown. Here, we tested whether the failure to initiate nodules in the Medicago truncatula cytokinin perception mutant cre1 (cytokinin response1) is due to its altered ability to regulate auxin transport, auxin accumulation, and induction of flavonoids. We found that in the cre1 mutant, symbiotic rhizobia cannot locally alter acro- and basipetal auxin transport during nodule initiation and that these mutants show reduced auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) accumulation and auxin responses compared with the wild type. Quantification of flavonoids, which can act as endogenous auxin transport inhibitors, showed a deficiency in the induction of free naringenin, isoliquiritigenin, quercetin, and hesperetin in cre1 roots compared with wild-type roots 24 h after inoculation with rhizobia. Coinoculation of roots with rhizobia and the flavonoids naringenin, isoliquiritigenin, and kaempferol, or with the synthetic auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5,-triiodobenzoic acid, rescued nodulation efficiency in cre1 mutants and allowed auxin transport control in response to rhizobia. Our results suggest that CRE1-dependent cytokinin signaling leads to nodule initiation through the regulation of flavonoid accumulation required for local alteration of polar auxin transport and subsequent auxin accumulation in cortical cells during the early stages of nodulation.  相似文献   

Transport of 14C-photosynthate in decapitated stems of Phaseolusvulgaris explants was dependent on the concentration of indole-3-aceticacid (IAA) applied to the cut surfaces of the stem stumps. Thephysiological age of the stem influenced the nature of the transportresponse to IAA with stems that had ceased elongation exhibitinga more pronounced response with a distinct optimum. Increasednutrient status of the explants had little influence on theshape of the IAA dose-response curve but increased, by two ordersof magnitude, the IAA concentration that elicited the optimalresponse. Applications of the inhibitor of polar auxin transport,1-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropane-1, 3-dione (CPD), affectedIAA-promoted transport of 14C-photosynthates. At sub-optimalIAA concentrations, CPD inhibited transport, whereas at supra-optimalIAA concentrations, 14C-photosynthate transport was marginallystimulated by CPD. Treatment with CPD resulted in a significantreduction in stem levels of [14C]IAA below the site of inhibitorapplication, while above this point, levels of [14C]1AA remainedunaltered. The divergent responses of auxin-promoted transportto CPD treatment are most consistent with a remote action ofIAA on photosynthate transport in the decapitated stems. Key words: Auxin, photosynthate, transport  相似文献   

Regulation of organ formation by cytokinin and auxin was investigatedin vitro using Lilium auratum Lindl. (wild species habituatedin Japan) and Lilium speciosum Thunb. cv. "Uchida". The interactionof -naphthylacetic acid (NAA) and kinetin on bulbscale or rootdifferentiation was examined. NAA and kinetin showed mainlyindividual but also some synergistic effects. The effects ofbenzyladenine (BA) and kinetin were compared and the resultindicated that BA has a stronger physiological effect on organformation than kinetin and that their effects on Lilium auratumand Lilium speciosum were BA or kinetin-specific. The actionof kinetin on Lilium was affected by sucrose concentration andthe strength of the Murashige and Skoog medium (MS medium),and thus their high concentrations inhibited the kinetin-inducedbulbscale differentiation. Furthermore, a high sucrose levelnegated the kinetin inhibition of root formation, while highMS medium strength in itself inhibited root formation. Morphologicalobservation of bulbscale differentiation induced under a highkinetin level revealed that the new-formed structures are homologousto normally grown bulbs in soil in spite of their particularfeatures. (Received August 3, 1981; Accepted November 2, 1981)  相似文献   

The phytohormones auxin and cytokinin interact to regulate many plant growth and developmental processes. Elements involved in the biosynthesis, inactivation, transport, perception, and signaling of these hormones have been elucidated, revealing the variety of mechanisms by which signal output from these pathways can be regulated. Recent studies shed light on how these hormones interact with each other to promote and maintain plant growth and development. In this review, we focus on the interaction of auxin and cytokinin in several developmental contexts, including its role in regulating apical meristems, the patterning of the root, the development of the gynoecium and female gametophyte, and organogenesis and phyllotaxy in the shoot.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol-1-phosphate synthase is a conserved enzyme that catalyzes the first committed and rate-limiting step in inositol biosynthesis. Despite its wide occurrence in all eukaryotes, the role of myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase and de novo inositol biosynthesis in cell signaling and organism development has been unclear. In this study, we isolated loss-of-function mutants in the Arabidopsis MIPS1 gene from different ecotypes. It was found that all null mips1 mutants are defective in embryogenesis, cotyledon venation patterning, root growth, and root cap development. The mutant roots are also agravitropic and have reduced basipetal auxin transport. mips1 mutants have significantly reduced levels of major phosphatidylinositols and exhibit much slower rates of endocytosis. Treatment with brefeldin A induces slower PIN2 protein aggregation in mips1, indicating altered PIN2 trafficking. Our results demonstrate that MIPS1 is critical for maintaining phosphatidylinositol levels and affects pattern formation in plants likely through regulation of auxin distribution.  相似文献   

Certain herbicidal aminooxyisovalerate analogs were noted in whole plant phytotoxicity bioassays to cause disoriented roots. Since this symptom is often characteristic of interference with the transport of the plant hormone auxin, the ability of several of these compounds to compete for the N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) binding site in corn (Zea mays L.) coleoptile membranes was measured. Significant NPA binding activity was found, expecially for the 2,4-dichlorophenyl analog. Application of structure-activity principles from traditional auxin transport inhibitors to this new class of molecules led to the synthesis of the naphthyl analogue. This molecule was extremely active in competing for NPA binding and in eliciting whole plant growth regulator effects. Possible relationships between these molecules and the mode of auxin transport are discussed.  相似文献   



Auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1) is a putative auxin receptor and its function is indispensable for plant growth and development. ABP1 has been shown to be involved in auxin-dependent regulation of cell division and expansion, in plasma-membrane-related processes such as changes in transmembrane potential, and in the regulation of clathrin-dependent endocytosis. However, the ABP1-regulated downstream pathway remains elusive.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using auxin transport assays and quantitative analysis of cellular morphology we show that ABP1 regulates auxin efflux from tobacco BY-2 cells. The overexpression of ABP1can counterbalance increased auxin efflux and auxin starvation phenotypes caused by the overexpression of PIN auxin efflux carrier. Relevant mechanism involves the ABP1-controlled vesicle trafficking processes, including positive regulation of endocytosis of PIN auxin efflux carriers, as indicated by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and pharmacological manipulations.


The findings indicate the involvement of ABP1 in control of rate of auxin transport across plasma membrane emphasizing the role of ABP1 in regulation of PIN activity at the plasma membrane, and highlighting the relevance of ABP1 for the formation of developmentally important, PIN-dependent auxin gradients.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin plays a critical role in plant development. Central to its function is its distribution in plant tissues, which is, in turn, largely shaped by intercellular polar transport processes. Auxin transport relies on diffusive uptake as well as carrier-mediated transport via influx and efflux carriers. Mathematical models have been used to both refine our theoretical understanding of these processes and to test new hypotheses regarding the localization of efflux carriers to understand auxin patterning at the tissue level. Here we review models for auxin transport and how they have been applied to patterning processes, including the elaboration of plant vasculature and primordium positioning. Second, we investigate the possible role of auxin influx carriers such as AUX1 in patterning auxin in the shoot meristem. We find that AUX1 and its relatives are likely to play a crucial role in maintaining high auxin levels in the meristem epidermis. We also show that auxin influx carriers may play an important role in stabilizing auxin distribution patterns generated by auxin-gradient type models for phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

Polar auxin transport inhibitors, including N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid (NPA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), have variouseffects on physiological and developmental events, such as theelongation and tropism of roots and stems, in higher plants.We isolated NPA-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, withmutations designated pir1 and pir2, that were also resistantto TIBA. The mutations specifically affected the root-elongationprocess, and they were shown ultimately to be allelic to aux1and ein2, respectively, which are known as mutations that affectresponses to phytohormones. The mechanism of action of auxintransport inhibitors was investigated with these mutants, inrelation to the effects of ethylene, auxin, and the polar transportof auxin. With respect to the inhibition of root elongationin A. thaliana, we demonstrated that (1) the background levelof ethylene intensifies the effects of auxin transport inhibitors,(2) auxin transport inhibitors might act also via an inhibitorypathway that does not involve ethylene, auxin, or the polartransport of auxin, (3) the hypothesis that the inhibitory effectof NPA on root elongation is due to high-level accumulationof auxin as a result of blockage of auxin transport is not applicableto A. thaliana, and (4) in contrast to NPA, TIBA itself hasa weak auxin-like inhibitory effect. (Received April 12, 1996; Accepted September 2, 1996)  相似文献   

Artificially induced parthenocarpic fruits of apples, pears and tomatoes, as well as seeded fruits treated with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, frequently show symptoms of Ca deficiency and a low Ca content. It was concluded that auxins, probably produced by the seeds, play a significant role in Ca translocation into fruits. Exogenous indoleacetic acid but not 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid applications could replace the effect of seeds in this respect. Auxin transport, rather than auxin accumulation, seems to be necessary for Ca transport, as can be concluded from the effect of auxin transport inhibitors.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of 2?0 mm segments of etiolated zucchini (Cucurbitapepo L.) hypocotyl with cycloheximide (CH) or 2-(4-methyl-2,6-dinitroanilino)-N-methylpropionamide(MDMP) eliminated the stimulation by N-1-naphthylphthalamicacid (NPA) of net uptake of [1-14C]indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA),but had relatively little effect on the net uptake of IAA inthe absence of NPA. The efflux of [1-14C]IAA from preloadedsegments was not substantially affected by inhibitor pretreatmentin the absence of NPA, but CH pretreatment significantly inhibitedthe reduction of efflux caused by NPA. Pretreatment with CHor MDMP did not affect net uptake by segments of the pH probe[2-14C]5,5-dimethyl-oxazolidine-2,4-dione ([2-14C]DMO), or thenet uptake of [14C]-labelled 3-O-methylglucose ([14C]3-0-MeGlu),suggesting that neither inhibitor affected intracellular pHor the general function of proton symporters in the plasma membrane.Both compounds reduced the incorporation of label from [35S]methionineinto trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-insoluble fractions of zucchinitissue, confirming their inhibitory effect on protein synthesis. The steady-state association of [3H]IAA with microsomal vesiclesprepared from zucchini hypocotyl tissue was enhanced by theinclusion of NPA in the uptake medium. The stimulation by NPAof [3H]IAA association with microsomes was substantially reducedwhen the tissue was pretreated with CH. However, CH pretreatmentdid not affect the level of high affinity NPA binding to themembranes indicating that treatments did not result in lossof NPA receptors. It is suggested that the auxin transport site on the effluxcarrier system and the receptor site for NPA may reside on separateproteins linked by a third, rapidly turned-over, transducingprotein. Key words: Auxin carriers, auxin efflux, Cucurbita pepo, phytotropin receptors  相似文献   

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