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The Vascular System in the Rachis of a Wheat Ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vascular system in the rachis of ears of wheat (Triticumaestivum L. cvs Gamenya, Olympic and Bungulla) was examinedon material grown in the field and in a growth cabinet. In theinternodes, central and peripheral bundles were observed andtheir mean number and size were determined. A significant 1:1 relationship between the number of spikelets on the ear andthe number of central bundles at the base of the rachis wasestablished. The number of both central and peripheral bundlesdeclined acropetally along thé length of the rachis.The decline in peripheral bundles occurred mainly between internodes1 and 6, numbered from the base. The decline in central bundlesoccurred at a rate of less than one bundle per internode betweeninternodes 1 and 4, though in some ears, there was no decline;in larger ears, central bundles declined at a rate of one totwo bundles per internode between internodes 5 and 11. Aboveinternode 11, the rate of decline varied with ear size. Threecentral bundles consistently reached the terminal spikelet.The number and cross-sectional surface area of xylem vesselsand sieve tubes and the total vascular size also declined acropetallyalong the rachis. The decline in total vascular size was dueto (a) some bundles branching and to reductions in size, (b)the diversion or dropping of bundles into spikelets, or (c)a combination of (a) and (b). These observations are discussedin relation to the distribution of grain number and weight onthe ear. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, rachis, spikelets, vascular anatomy, xylem, sieve tubes  相似文献   

The Vascular Anatomy of the Barley Spikelet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the spikelet axis of Proctor spring barley there was a coreof vascular tissue in which the normal collateral bundle structurewas not distinguishable. From this tissue the vascular strandsbranched out, in sequence, to the sterile lateral spikelets,the glumes, the lemma, the palea, the lodicules and the stamens.The vascular tissue of the spikelet axis terminated in the ovaryin four bundles of which the adaxial bundle passing close tothe ovule was the biggest. The arrangement of the vascular strandsand the presence of transfer cells indicated that assimilate,particularly from the lemma, can be easily translocated to thegrowing grain. In the collar region the spikelets, which inthe mature ear bear small grains, were less well vas-cularized. In the vascular tissue beneath the ovary were thick-walled cells.These cells and the cells of the funiculus-chalaza region maybe important in the process of translocation and grain growth.  相似文献   

Early Growth of the Developing Ear of Spring Barley   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The change in fresh weight of the developing ear and of groupsof spikelets of Maris Mink spring barley was measured for plantsgrown under three different conditions. Growth was closely describedby a third order polynomial equation. Instantaneous values ofrelative growth rate derived from these equations showed a declineto a minimum value, which was dependent on the growing conditionsand on position along the spike, followed by a rapid rise. Theminimum value was reached about 5 d before spikelet initiationceased and the subsequent rise in relative growth rate coincidedwith the period of rapid elongation of the rachis. Within thecar there was a tendency for younger spikelets to have a slightlyhigher relative growth rate than those initiated earlier. Possiblereasons for these growth changes are discussed in relation tospikelet differentiation, vascularization of the ear and nutrientavailability. Hordeum vulgare L., Barley, shoot apex, spikelets, ear, initiation, growth rate  相似文献   

Inflorescence organogenesis of a wild-type and a gynomonoecious (pistillate) mutant in Tripsacum dactyloides was studied using scanning electron microscopy. SEM (scanning electron microscope) analysis indicated that wild-type T. dactyloides (Eastern gamagrass) expressed a pattern of inflorescence organogenesis that is observed in other members of the subtribe Tripsacinae (Zea: maize and teosinte), family Poaceae. Branch primordia are initiated acropetally along the rachis of wild-type inflorescences in a distichous arrangement. Branch primordia at the base of some inflorescences develop into long branches, which themselves produce an acropetal series of distichous spikelet pair primordia. All other branch primordia function as spikelet pair primordia and bifurcate into pedicellate and sessile spikelet primordia. In all wild-type inflorescences development of the pedicellate spikelets is arrested in the proximal portion of the rachis, and these spikelets abort, leaving two rows of solitary sessile spikelets. Organogenesis of spikelets and florets in wild-type inflorescences is similar to that previously described in maize and the teosintes. Our analysis of gsf1 mutant inflorescences reveals a pattern of development similar to that of the wild type, but differs from the wild type in retaining (1) the pistillate condition in paired spikelets along the distal portion of the rachis and (2) the lower floret in sessile spikelets in the proximal region of the rachis. The gsf1 mutation blocks gynoecial tissue abortion in both the paired-spikelet and the unpaired-spikelet zone. This study supports the hypothesis that both femaleness and maleness in Zea and Tripsacum inflorescences are derived from a common developmental pathway. The pattern of inflorescence development is not inconsistent with the view that the maize ear was derived from a Tripsacum genomic background.  相似文献   

Development of the mixed inflorescence in Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & Guzman (Poaceae) Mixed inflorescences of diploperennial teosinte, which terminate the main branches of the plant, arise in the same fashion as tassel spikes. The apical meristem produces bracts in a decussate arrangement. A single axillary bud primordium is initiated in the axil of each bract. Growth of the bract is retarded as the bud enlarges and divides longitudinally into two separate spikelet primordia. The paired spikelets running in two ranks on either side of the inflorescence primordium produce the four-rowed condition typical of teosinte tasselS. In the transition region between male and female portions of the inflorescence, development of the pedicellate spikelet of each spikelet pair is arrested at an early ontogenetic stage. Continued growth of the sessile spikelet and associated rachis flaps destroy the remnants of the arrested spikelet in basal portions of the inflorescence. A similar abortion of the lower floret of the sessile spikelet results in a single pistillate floret per node at anthesis. These results provide further support for the hypothesis that a tassel-like mixed inflorescence of teosinte is ancestral to the maize ear.  相似文献   

Using C-banding and FISH methods, the karyotype of MC1611 induced mutant of bread wheat, which develop additional spikelets at a rachis node (trait “supernumerary spikelets”) was characterized. It was determined that the mutant phenotype is not associated with aneuploidy and major chromosomal rearrangements. The results of genetic analysis showed that supernumerary spikelets of the line are caused by a mutation of the single Bh-D.1 gene, influenced by the genetic background. The mutation causes abnormalities of inflorescence morphogenesis associated with the development of ectopic spikelet meristems in place of floral meristems in the basal part of the spikelets, causing the appearance of additional spikes at a rachis node. The mutant phenotype suggests that the Bh-D gene determines the fate of the lateral meristems in ear, which develops as floral meristem and gives rise to floral organs in wild-type inflorescences. In the bh-D.1 mutant, the floral meristem identity is impaired. The characterized mutant can be used in further studies on molecular genetic basis of development of wheat inflorescence.  相似文献   

Wheat grain yield consists of three components: spikes per plant, grains per spike (i.e. head or ear), and grain weight; and the grains per spike can be dissected into two subcomponents: spikelets per spike and grains per spikelet. An increase in any of these components will directly contribute to grain yield. Wheat morphology biology tells that a wheat plant has no lateral meristem that forms any branching shoot or spike. In this study, we report two novel shoot and spike traits that were produced from lateral meristems in bread wheat. One is supernumerary shoot that was developed from an axillary bud at the axil of leaves on the elongated internodes of the main stem. The other is supernumerary spike that was generated from a spikelet meristem on a spike. In addition, supernumerary spikelets were generated on the same rachis node of the spike in the plant that had supernumerary shoot and spikes. All of these supernumerary shoots/spikes/spikelets found in the super wheat plants produced normal fertility and seeds, displaying huge yield potential in bread wheat.  相似文献   

In the supernumerary spikelet wheat, AUS159I0, the supernumeraryspikelet primordia appeared just after the ear reached the terminalspikelet stage. Appearance of the primordia of the multiplesessile spikelets preceded that of indeterminate rachilla spikelets.Supernumerary spikelets had a lower number of potentially fertileflorets per spikelet than normal (non-supernumerary) spikeletsin the ear and thus a smaller number of grains per spikelet.Mean weight per grain in the supernumerary spikelet wheat waslower than in the cultivar, Meering, without supernumerary spikelets.Total grain number in the supernumerary spikelet ear was greaterthan in the normal ear despite the lower spikelet fertilityin the former. Within the supernumerary spikelet ear the multiplesessile spikelets had a higher number of grains per spikeletand mean weight per grain than the indeterminate rachilla spikelets.It appears possible to improve the productivity of the supernumeraryspikelet ear by breeding for reduced expression of the indeterminaterachilla spikelets. Wheat, ear development, floret survival, supernumerary spikelets, grain number  相似文献   

李金亭  胡正海  高鹏 《广西植物》2008,28(2):173-178
应用植物解剖学方法研究了牛膝茎的发育过程。研究结果表明,牛膝茎的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构、次生结构和三生生长5个发育阶段。原分生组织具有典型分生组织的细胞特征;初生分生组织包括原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层。在茎的发育过程中,初生生长和早期的次生生长是正常的,但在次生生长过程中,次生维管组织仅有束中形成层产生,而没有束间形成层的分化和活动。茎的三生生长是由维管柱外侧保留的原形成层细胞发生的额外形成层的活动产生的。额外形成层开始只向内交替产生三生木质部和其间的结合组织,后来向外产生三生韧皮部,形成一轮三生维管束。牛膝茎内的韧皮纤维来源于原形成层,应属于原生韧皮部性质。牛膝茎中的2个外韧型髓维管束也来源于原形成层,与正常维管束在位置上没有相关性。但其结构类型具有多样性,有时可形成不完全的周木型髓维管束。  相似文献   

对小麦顶生小穗的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.顶生小穗的护颖具有特殊的形态,第二护颖常为小花外稃状,腋内有时还保留着雌雄蕊或内稃残余。说明其不稳定和可变的本质。2.顶生小穗具特殊的坐落位置,其小穗轴与主穗轴一致。顶生小穗原始体发生在穗生长锥顶端,其下无苞原始体,长成后也无小穗领。其护颖和小花外稃与侧生小穗下的小穗领呈严格连续互生状态。说明其一次轴的渊源。3.顶生小穗护颖腋内可长出小穗,小花也可代之以小穗,护颖和小花外稃有时以苞片的形式保留于新侧生小穗外侧。新顶生小穗的护颖来自小花外稃。说明顶生小穗护颖腋内的退化花芽、外稃腋内的小花与侧生小穗都是花序一次轴上的二次轴分枝。4.顶生小穗产生小穗的变异严格按自下而上的顺序进行,与原侧生小穗有严格的连续性。5.事实证明,顶生小穗是一次轴花序,它属于穗状花序顶端的可变部分。  相似文献   

小麦的穗领有三种类型:领腹完全敞开的U形穗领、领腹完全闭合的O形穗领和领腹呈V型交叉的V形穗领。穗领是系统演化中顶生叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中穗轴基部第一侧生小穗下苞叶原始体的痕迹。在一定条件下,从穗领可以长出叶鞘和叶片,穗轴基部节间可以变为茎节间,穗领腋内的小穗可以变为腋芽、带柄分枝穗或分枝花序。其余侧生小穗下都有一个领腹完全敞开的U形小穗领,其形态与U形穗领相似。它们是系统演化中二次轴分枝花序的苞叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中苞原始体的痕迹。一定条件下,从小穗领也可以长出叶鞘和叶片。穗轴基部节间变茎的同时,基部几个小穗若发生向圆锥花序的部分返祖变异,随着变异程度加深,从穗领和小穗领逐渐形成叶鞘和叶片。说明在系统演化中。顶生叶和苞叶先减化叶片,后减化叶鞘,最后形成穗领和小穗领。小麦祖先的花序与茎叶之间没有明显的界限。  相似文献   

木立芦荟叶内维管束发育过程的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用半薄切片和组织化学方法研究了木立芦荟(Aloe arhorescetzs)叶内维管束的发育过程,并着重于维管束鞘细胞和芦荟素细胞的来源及组织类型。结果表明:维管束由原形成层发育而来,但在分化原生韧皮部筛管时,其外侧仍保留一层原形成层细胞,以后分裂、增大成为特殊的大型薄壁细胞(芦荟素细胞),芦荟索细胞啦属于韧皮部的一部分。而维管束鞘细胞则来源于基本分生组织,属于基本组织的范畴,与维管束不同源。  相似文献   

The classification and the relationships among the genera of Chinese Triticeae were studied based on morphological characters with reference to geographical distribution and habitat conditions. The spike of Triticeae might have been derived from a panicled inflorescence like that in the Bromeae through a racemose inflorescence like the one in the Brachypodieae. There might be three evolutionary lines in the tribe. 1. Pedicels of the panicled inflorescence have become short and bracts decreased in size, which has resulted in a panicled spike with indefinite spikelets or false solitary spikelets at each node of rachis. The middle ribes of both glumes and lemmas and rachilla are not in a single plane. 2. A simple spike with usual solitary spikelets at each node of rachis has been derived from the raceme. The middle ribe of both glumes and lemmas and rachilla are in a single plane. 3. A cymose spike with 3-spikelets at each node of rachis has evolved from the cymose panicle. The glume on the central spikelet is behind the lemma, while those on the lateral spikelets are on lateral sides of the lemmas. From what we have described above Triticeae may be divided into three subtribes: Elyminae, Triticinae and Hordeinae. Then according to the morphological characters of glume, lemma and other organs as well as the habitats and distribution, the native and introduced triticeous plants are classified into 13 genera (Leymus, Elymus, Roegneria, Elytrigia, Aegilops, Triticum, Agropyron, Eremopyrum, Secale, Haynaldia, Psathyrostachys, Hordeum and Hystrix) and their relationships are also discussed meanwhile.  相似文献   

KIRBY  E. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1297-1308
The growth of the floral main shoot apex of spring barley wasstudied during the period of ear initiation (that is, from initiationof the collar primordium until maximum primordium number wasattained). While floral primordia were being initiated the relativelength growth rate of the shoot apex was low. After maximumprimordium number there was about a twofold increase in relativelength growth rate. Estimates of the volume, fresh and dry weightof the floral apex indicated that the relative weight growthrate was also low at first and increased after maximum primordiumnumber. The rates of growth and the size at initiation of thefloral primordia was affected by their position on the floralshoot apex. The relative volume growth rate increased acropetallyfrom the first initiated (collar) primordium. The collar wasthe smallest and each subsequently-initiated primordium increasedin length. The diameter of the newly-initiated primordium alsoincreased until more than half the primordia had been initiatedand then it declined. The apical dome increased in both lengthand diameter and both were at a maximum at the time of the double-ridgestage and then both measurements declined. Length and diameterwere at a minimum at maximum primordium number. Subsequentlythere was an increase in the length of the dome, after whichboth the dome and some of the last formed, distal primordiadied. The period of spikelet initiation therefore is a stage duringwhich the relative growth rate of the floral shoot apex is low,there are changes in the size of the dome and the primordiashow a progression of increasing relative growth rates acropetallyalong the shoot apex. These changes produce the embryo ear inwhich the most advanced spikelets are in the lower mid-partof the ear. Changes in size of the apical dome prior to maximumprimordium number may be related to the subsequent death ofspikelet primordia and therefore also to grain number in themature ear.  相似文献   

云南元江普通野生稻穗颈维管束和穗部性状的QTL分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以云南元江普通野生稻为供体亲本,籼稻品种特青为轮回亲本构建高代回交群体,用SSR标记构建连锁图谱,在第1、2、3、4、7和10染色体上定位到7个控制穗颈大维管束数的QTL,在第1、2、3、4和8染色体上定位到5个控制穗颈小维管束数的QTL,在第11和12以外的10条染色体上,共定位到15个控制穗一、二次枝梗数和穗颖花数QTL。来自野生稻的等位基因大多表现负效,能显著减少群体的穗颈维管束数、枝梗数和颖花数,说明从野生稻演化成栽培稻的过程中,可能淘汰了一些对产量不利的QTL,保留了有利的QTL。相当一部分控制穗颈维管束数、枝梗数及颖花数的QTL在染色体上成簇分布或紧密连锁,且加性效应的方向一致,从理论上解释了这些性状表型显著相关的遗传基础,同时也说明在人工选择或自然选择下,这些性状可能存在平行进化或协同进化的关系。  相似文献   

CAMARA-HERNANDEZ J. & GAMBINO, S., 1991. Early ontogenetic development of the pistillate inflorescence in a diploid perennial teosinte (Zea diploperennis , Poaceae). The early ontogeny of pistillate inflorescences of %ea diploperennis in plants grown at the latitude of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is investigated using the scanning electron microscope. The pattern of development of the inflorescence is similar to that in staminate and mixed inflorescences, starting with the formation of a pair of spikelets from a common branch primordium initiated in the axil of a bract on the ear axis. This bract arrests its development and aborts early. After initiation of an outer glume on both spikelet primordia, the pedicellate spikelet arrests its growth and aborts resulting in the mature inflorescence having two rows of solitary spikelets arranged distichally. This is significantly different from the pattern observed by other authors in plants grown in different environments (such as in natural populations in Mexico).  相似文献   

Four low-latitude cultivars (two Mexican and two Rhodesian) and a Canadian cultivar were grown in controlled environments in four photo-periods, 16, 13, 10 and 7 h, respectively. Plants of two of the low-latitude cultivars were also transferred between long and short photoperiods during ear differentiation. The intervals from sowing to successive stages of ear development up to the formation of the terminal spikelet, and to ear emergence, and the number of leaves, all increased as photoperiod decreased. The Canadian cultivar responded most and one of the Rhodesian cultivars least to changes of photoperiod in these respects. However, with all the low-latitude cultivars, the interval between formation of the terminal spikelet and emergence of the ear responded similarly and relatively little to decreasing photoperiod except when photoperiod was reduced from 10 to 7 h. The mean rate of spikelet production decreased as the duration of the period of spikelet production (DSP) increased, i.e. as ear development slowed down with decrease in photoperiod. Accordingly number of spikelets per ear increased curvilinearly as DSP increased, suggesting a maximal number of spikelets of about thirty. Rate of spikelet production apparently differed between cultivars. Development of the ear slowed down when plants were moved to a shorter photoperiod and accelerated when they were moved to a longer photoperiod, both at the time at which the shoot apex began to elongate and at the double ridge stage. Final number of spikelets per ear increased when ear development was slowed down and decreased when it was accelerated.  相似文献   

Wheat, variety Sonalika, was grown at different densities inboth field and pots during the winter seasons 1983–84and 1984–85. Grain yield pattern of the spikelets of themain shoot inflorescence was similar in both the field and pots,the spikelets in the middle part of the ear contributed mostand yield per spikelet decreased progressively towards the apexand the base. Increased population density decreased yield ofgrain, primarily by decreasing spikelet number and the fertilityof florets. High population density accelerated growth of thespike for some time during the pre-anthesis period and the solublecarbohydrate concentration was also higher under these conditions.During both anthesis and post-anthesis, the soluble carbohydrateconcentration and the growth of the spike declined much fasterin the high-density population. High density also decreasedthe floret fertility and growth in dry weight in all the spikelets,but it was more severe on the basal spikelets, resulting incomplete sterility of the florets at these nodes. The solublecarbohydrate concentration of these slow-growing, sterile, basalspikelets was found to be higher in comparison to that of fertilespikelets in the middle and top positions within the ear. Soluble carbohydrates, spike, spikelet, fertility, grain number  相似文献   

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