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Variations measured in the lead (Pb) stable isotope ratios in otoliths of juvenile tropical reef fish Scarus perspiculatus, Abudefduf abdominalis and Dascyllus albisella reflect mixing of anthropogenic lead from the Kaneohe Bay watershed and 'background' lead characteristic of the adjacent ocean. The otoliths and water samples collected in a transect across the bay demonstrated nearly identical Pb isotopic trends. The Pb isotopic composition of the watershed has a low 206Pb/204Pb signature primarily reflecting past combustion of tetra-ethyl Pb additive in fuels. Ocean water not contaminated by this watershed signature has a different, high 206Pb/204Pb isotopic composition, similar to previously measured Asian anthropogenic aerosols and natural eolian dusts, where the anthropogenic signal dominates. Where a history of past anthropogenic Pb contamination exists, it may be possible to use the ratios of Pb stable isotopes in fish otoliths to reconstruct the nursery grounds of fish.  相似文献   

We conducted stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses for otoliths of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in an attempt to develop a reference database on isotopic variability among private and federal hatcheries in Maine which currently support the salmon aquaculture industry and recovery of endangered populations. During the first phase of our study, we collected 40–50 sagittal otoliths of juvenile Atlantic salmon from each of the five hatcheries and analyzed for stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (18O/16O or δ18O, and 13C/12C or δ13C). Combination of δ18O and δ13C signatures in otoliths showed that the five hatcheries can be clearly separated and chemically distinguished. By identifying stable isotopic variations of otoliths from different hatchery settings, we were able to establish some isotopic criteria or standards to assign a likelihood that an individual Atlantic salmon came from a specific hatchery within the reference database. If successful, a diagnostic tool that can provide definitive information on identification of the hatchery origin could serve as a novel marking technique, and the chemical method may provide a more effective alternative to DNA analysis for mixed stocks. Overall our isotopic data from otoliths support the hypothesis that there are detectable differences between the five hatcheries, and multiple statistical analyses indicated that we can correctly distinguish individual Atlantic salmon into a hatchery with high confidence.  相似文献   

The ratios of stable isotopes 18O:16O and 13C:12C were measured in otolith carbon taken from nine species of fishes caught within mangroves and on the reef at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Before analysis, otoliths were divided into 'larval'post-larval' and 'adult' sections using a drill. Fishes were putatively classified as 'mangrove residents'offshore residents' or 'migrants' on the basis of information from the literature, and depending on where they were caught (mangroves only, offshore only or both mangroves and offshore) in the present study. Eight of the species exhibited an increase in otolith 13C:12C with age, but this was significant only in the two migrant species Lethrinus harak and Lutjanus fulviflammus . There were no consistent patterns in 18O:16O with age, or between migrants and non-migrants. These results suggest that comparing absolute values of otolith oxygen and carbon isotope signatures between fish species is not a useful way of determining migration patterns at this site, because of species-specific differences in carbon metabolism and insufficiently steep gradients in temperature and salinity. Changes in carbon isotope signatures between life stages within a species, however, do hold promise as migration tracers.  相似文献   

Synopsis The incorporation of dissolved oceanic constituents in the otoliths of fish has potential as a chemical tracer for reconstructing the early life history of marine fish. Wavelength dispersive spectrometers on an electron microprobe were used to measure Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, and Sr concentrations on the outer margins of 57 juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, otoliths from five locations in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Discriminant analyses that used various combinations of Na, P, K, Sr, and fish standard length and/or age showed that 60–80% of the samples could be assigned to the correct capture locality. While the concentrations of some of the measured elements correlated with standard length or age of the fish, there are measurable differences among localities when concentrations are length or age corrected, mainly due to differences in Na and K concentrations. Elemental composition of otoliths potentially could be used to assign fish from a mixed stock fishery to original stocks, information that is greatly needed for the effective management of fish stocks.  相似文献   

To develop further our understanding of initial dietary copper metabolism, a method has been developed to separate plasma copper that is bound to albumin, from that bound to ceruloplasmin. This method has been tested using plasma samples from a pilot study involving six human volunteers who consumed 3mg oral doses of the stable isotope (65)Cu and gave blood samples at timed intervals up to 7 days. The results suggest that this method can be used to monitor dynamic fluctuations in newly absorbed copper over a short time frame.  相似文献   

Hybridization between native and non‐native species has consequences for survival and growth rates of hybrid offspring, but the influences on their functional roles such as habitat use are little studied and poorly understood. The Japanese native common carp Cyprinus carpio coexist and hybridize with non‐native domesticated carp in natural Japanese lakes. We have combined stable isotope and molecular information to examine whether habitat use of carp varies depending on the degree of hybridization between native and non‐native carp. We sampled 69 carp from Lake Kasumigaura where hybrid swarms between native and non‐native carp are advancing, evaluated the degree of hybridization for each individual by genotyping five single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, and analyzed their carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Although we did not find any genetically pure native carp in the lake, the results showed that carp δ13C increased with increasing frequency of non‐native alleles but that δ15N did not change. This indicates that non‐native carp use the littoral zone more frequently than native carp. This difference in habitat use was supported by a multisource mixing model, showing that the contribution of limnetic primary consumers to the diets of non‐native carp was lower than that of individuals with the highest frequency of native alleles. By combining two very different methods, our results thus suggest that multiple‐generation hybridization can influence habitat and resource use. Habitat partitioning should be considered when evaluating the genetic impacts of invasive species and races on native species and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Understanding how omnivorous consumers are affected by their resources and how this is expressed through the food chain is a fundamental issue in ecology. We used stable isotope analysis of archived scales of two pelagic single-chain omnivorous fish species, bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix), to reconstruct historical trophic interactions patterns along a gradient of resources. We found that, although bighead carp and silver carp utilize the similar resources from the pelagic food chain, they can coexist and persist not only by regulating their trophic position and trophic dissimilarity, but also by regulating trophic niche width. Omnivorous fish often exhibit flexible foraging strategies, which is closely related to the availability of ecologic context. We found a positive relationship between trophic dissimilarity and zooplankton density, which may indicate that the competitive interactions induce strong top-down effects on zooplankton, and/or that high zooplankton availability release the between-population trophic interaction through bottom-up effect. The trophic niche width of bighead carp was positively related with zooplankton availability, probably reflecting that the niche of an omnivore at a higher trophic position is more sensitive to high quality resources. Our results indicate how different aspects of the trophic partitioning of coexisting omnivores may be regulated by different ecological contexts. These alternatives are not mutually exclusive and further theoretical work should include both these mechanisms to re-evaluate the effects of omnivory on food web properties.  相似文献   

1. Food sources and trophic structure of the macroinvertebrate community along a longitudinal gradient were examined in a glacier stream of the Swiss Alps (Val Roseg). Analysis of multiple stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and measurement of C : N ratios were used to differentiate between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter.
2. Although isotopic signatures of algae varied widely among sites and dates, it was possible to discriminate between allochthonous and autochthonous food sources using a site-specific approach.
3. Dominant food sources of herbivorous invertebrates in all main channel sites were epilithic diatoms and the filamentous gold alga Hydrurus foetidus . Allochthonous organic matter was of some importance only in a groundwater-fed stream close to the floodplain margin.
4. Seasonal changes in the δ13C signature of the macroinvertebrates corresponded with seasonal changes in δ13C of the gold alga H. foetidus . This indicated that the energy base remains autochthonous throughout the year.
5. Because of limited food sources, feeding plasticity of the invertebrate community was high. Both grazers and shredders fed predominantly on algae, whereas gatherer-collectors seemed to be omnivorous.
6. The overall enrichment of δ15N was 2.25‰ ( r 2=0.99) per trophic level. On a gradient from the glacier site to a downstream forested site trophic enrichment was constant but variation in δ15N within trophic levels decreased.  相似文献   

Comparisons between the stable isotope composition of carbon in collagen excized from juvenile (freshwater) and adult (marine) portions of scales from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar demonstrated that c. 75% of carbon analysed in the 'juvenile' portion of the scale derives from later formed collagen. Scale collagen analyses were effectively restricted to the last season of growth.  相似文献   

1. The use of stable isotope analysis (SIA) in ecological research has dramatically increased in recent years largely because it allows researchers to investigate ecological questions that have been previously difficult to address. 2. Ecological applications of SIA include estimating fundamental niche space and overlap, evaluating trophic or species level interactions, and investigating food web structure. Increasingly, researchers have been incorporating SIA in studies of animal migration, disease transmission, diet composition, nutrient assimilation, and body condition among others. 3. Studies using SIA to evaluate the ecology of terrestrial insects have lagged behind other taxonomic groups. This poor representation of stable isotope studies in publications likely stems from a lack of familiarity of entomologists with this technique. 4. An improved understanding of SIA, as well as the advantages and disadvantages specifically related to insect research, will benefit the field of entomology. In addition, insect-model systems provide unique opportunities for entomologists to incorporate SIA in their research to advance our knowledge of insect biology and the stable isotope ecology of insects. 5. We provide background information on stable isotopes, explain sources of isotopic variation, describe the processes of how isotopes are differentially routed and incorporated into an individual's tissues, explain the principles that influence isotopic fractionation and discrimination, highlight different methods and advancements in SIA, review innovative stable isotope studies, and provide an overview of common mistakes, considerations, and future directions entomologists can explore.  相似文献   

Harrod C  Grey J  McCarthy TK  Morrissey M 《Oecologia》2005,144(4):673-683
Recent studies have shown that anguillid eel populations in habitats spanning the marine–freshwater ecotone can display extreme plasticity in the range of catadromy expressed by individual fishes. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis was used to differentiate between European eels (Anguilla anguilla) collected along a short (2 km) salinity gradient ranging from <1‰ to ~30‰ in Lough Ahalia, a tidal Atlantic lake system. Significant differences were recorded in mean δ13C, δ15N and C:N values from eels collected from fresh, brackish and marine-dominated basins. A discriminant analysis using these predictor variables correctly classified ca. 85% of eels to salinity zone, allowing eels to be classified as freshwater (FW), brackish (BW) or marine (MW) residents. The results of the discriminant analysis also suggested that a significant proportion of eels moved between habitats (especially between FW and BW). Comparisons of several key population parameters showed significant variation between eels resident in different salinity zones. Mean condition and estimated age was significantly lower in MW eels, whilst observed length at age (a correlate of growth) was significantly higher in MW eels, intermediate in BW and lowest in FW eels. This study has demonstrated that the ecology of eels found along a short salinity gradient can be extremely plastic and that stable isotope analysis has considerable utility in demonstrating intra-population variation in diadromous fishes.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms maintaining local species richness is a major topic in tropical ecology. In ecological communities of Madagascar, primates represent a major part of mammalian diversity and, thus, are a suitable taxon to study these mechanisms. Previous research suggested that ecological niche differentiation facilitates the coexistence of lemurs. However, detailed data on all species making up diverse local primate assemblages is rarely available, hampering community‐wide tests of niche differentiation among Malagasy mammals. Here, we took an indirect approach and used stable isotopes as long‐term indicators of individuals' diets to answer the question of whether trophic patterns and food‐related mechanisms stabilize coexistence in a species‐rich lemur community. We analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in hair collected from eight syntopic lemurs in Kirindy Forest. We found that lemur species were well separated into trophic niches and ranged over two trophic levels. Furthermore, species were densely packed in isotopic space suggesting that past competitive interactions between species are a major structuring force of this dry forest lemur community. Results of other comparative studies on primates and our findings underline that—in contrast to communities worldwide—the structure and composition of lemur communities follow predictions of ecological niche theory. Patterns of competitive interactions might be more clearly revealed in Malagasy primate communities than elsewhere because lemurs represent a large fraction of ecologically interacting species in these communities. The pronounced trophic niche differentiation among lemurs is most likely due to intense competition in the past as is characteristic for adaptive radiations. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:249–259, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The life-history, genetic, and habitat use differences between the 2 polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulations in Alaska, USA, have been used to determine the geographic border separating them, but it has sparked a debate of the correct placement of the border for several years. Recently, the Southern Beaufort Sea (SBS) polar bear subpopulation has declined because of sea ice loss, while the Chukchi Sea (CS) subpopulation appears stable. To provide additional information about potential differences between the SBS and CS subpopulations, such as differences in prey sources, we used stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen from bone collagen of polar bears in these 2 neighboring subpopulations. We analyzed polar bear bones from 112 individuals collected from 1954–2019. Our purpose was to determine if the SBS and CS subpopulations could be distinguished based on the stable isotope signatures of bone collagen. A difference >1‰ in stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values suggests a change in carbon sources, such as nearshore to offshore, while a 3‰ change in stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N) values equates to a change of about 1 trophic level. Our study indicated a difference in δ13C values (P ≤ 0.001) but not δ15N values (P = 0.654) between the CS (−13.0 ± 0.3‰ and 22.0 ± 0.9‰, respectively) and SBS bears (−14.7 ± 1.3‰ and 22.2 ± 1.0‰, respectively). Our findings indicate that the 2 subpopulations are consuming similar high trophic level prey, while feeding in ecosystems with different δ13C baselines. We performed a logistic regression analysis using δ13C and δ15N values of the polar bears to predict their placement into these 2 subpopulations. Using Icy Cape, Alaska as the geographical boundary, the analysis correctly placed polar bears in their respective subpopulations 82% of the time. Overall accuracy of placement changed to 84% when using the current geographical boundary at Utqiaġvik, Alaska. We predicted samples collected from the Wainwright, Alaska region as 58% CS and 42% SBS polar bears. This suggests that the area between Wainwright and Icy Cape is a polar bear mixing zone that includes bears from both subpopulations. Bone collagen has a long-term, potentially life-long, stable isotope turnover rate, and our results could be used to determine the association of harvested polar bears to Alaska subpopulations, thus aiding in transboundary harvest quota management.  相似文献   



The swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is a cosmopolitan large pelagic fish inhabiting tempered and tropical waters and it is a target species for fisheries all around the world. The present study investigated the ability of COI barcoding to reliably identify swordfish and particularly specific stocks of this commercially important species.


We applied the classical DNA barcoding technology, upon a 682 bp segment of COI, and compared swordfish sequences from different geographical sources (Atlantic, Indian Oceans and Mediterranean Sea). The sequences of the 5′ hyper-variable fragment of the control region (5′dloop), were also used to validate the efficacy of COI as a stock-specific marker.

Case Report

This information was successfully applied to the discrimination of unknown samples from the market, detecting in some cases mislabeled seafood products.


The NJ distance-based phenogram (K2P model) obtained with COI sequences allowed us to correlate the swordfish haplotypes to the different geographical stocks. Similar results were obtained with 5′dloop. Our preliminary data in swordfish Xiphias gladius confirm that Cytochrome Oxidase I can be proposed as an efficient species-specific marker that has also the potential to assign geographical provenance. This information might speed the samples analysis in commercial application of barcoding.  相似文献   



Little is known about gender differences in plasma biomarker levels in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


There are differences in serum biomarker levels between women and men with COPD.


Explore gender differences in plasma biomarker levels in patients with COPD and smokers without COPD.


We measured plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-16, MCP-1, MMP-9, PARC and VEGF in 80 smokers without COPD (40 males, 40 females) and 152 stable COPD patients (76 males, 76 females) with similar airflow obstruction. We determined anthropometrics, smoking history, lung function, exercise tolerance, body composition, BODE index, co-morbidities and quality of life. We then explored associations between plasma biomarkers levels and the clinical characteristics of the patients and also with the clinical and physiological variables known to predict outcome in COPD.


The plasma biomarkers level explored were similar in men and women without COPD. In contrast, in patients with COPD the median value in pg/mL of IL-6 (6.26 vs 8.0, p = 0.03), IL-16 (390 vs 321, p = 0.009) and VEGF (50 vs 87, p = 0.02) differed between women and men. Adjusted for smoking history, gender was independently associated with IL-16, PARC and VEGF levels. There were also gender differences in the associations between IL-6, IL-16 and VEGF and physiologic variables that predict outcomes.


In stable COPD patients with similar airflow obstruction, there are gender differences in plasma biomarker levels and in the association between biomarker levels and important clinical or physiological variables. Further studies should confirm our findings.  相似文献   

Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in mammals and there is increasing evidence for the importance of taurine during development. Plasma taurine kinetics in a rhesus monkey was studied using [1,2-13C2]taurine. Taurine in plasma was derivatized to its dimethylaminomethylene methyl ester, separated on a gas chromatographic column, and the [M+2+H]+/[M+H]+ ion ratio was measured by ammonia chemical ionization mass spectrometry. The results were comparable to those obtained from the simultaneous radioisotope tracer study using [35S]taurine. This stable isotope method requires only 200 microliters of plasma for precise and accurate determination and is suitable for taurine kinetic studies in human infants.  相似文献   

The Canadian Migration Monitoring Network consists of several fixed migration monitoring stations (MMS) that apply constant-effort protocols to track changes in the abundance of migratory birds. Such monitoring will be important for tracking long-term population trends of songbirds, especially for species breeding in remote areas such as the North American boreal forest. The geographical catchment sampled by individual MMS, however, remains largely unknown. Here, we used hydrogen isotope measurements (δD) of feathers of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) moving through Delta Marsh MMS in Manitoba, Canada, to determine both wintering and breeding ground catchment areas monitored by this station. The δD of tail feathers, collected from spring and fall migrants delineated previous breeding or natal latitudes, ranging from the northern to the southern extremes of the western boreal forest. The δD values of head feathers grown on the wintering grounds and collected during spring migration revealed that individuals wintered in a broad region of the southeastern United States. The isotope data showed no relationship between estimated breeding/natal and wintering latitudes of white-throated sparrow populations. Stable isotope data provided little information on longitude. Band-encounter analyses, however, indicated a clear east–west segregation of these sparrows across Canada, supporting connectivity among breeding/natal and wintering longitudes over the entire scale of this species' range. Isotope analyses of multiple feather types representing different periods and geographic regions of the annual cycle can provide key information on migratory connectivity for species moving through dedicated MMS.  相似文献   

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