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The migratory history of tapertail anchovy Coilia nasus in the Yangtze River Estuary, China was investigated using otolith Sr:Ca ratios and two-dimensional images of the Sr level from an X-ray electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). The results showed that 17 of the 22 young-of-the-year (YOY) specimens had low Sr:Ca ratios (1.2–2.4?×?10?3;1.5?±?0.3?×?10?3) at the central otolith area, indicating their riverine origin and initial freshwater residence. In addition, 11 of the 14 adult specimens had low Sr:Ca ratios (1.3–2.2?×?10?3; 1.7?±?0.4?×?10?3) at the central otolith area but showed alternating changes between high (>4.0?×?10?3) and low (<2.5?×?10?3) values outside of this region, reflecting their riverine origin and the migration between freshwater and estuarine habitats. These 28 specimens represented the anadromous population in this region. The other 5 YOY specimens had high Sr:Ca ratios (3.6–5.9?×?10?3; 4.8?±?0.8?×?10?3) throughout the life history. Similarly, the other 3 adult specimens had high Sr:Ca ratios (4.0–5.7?×?10?3; 4.8?±?0.7?×?10?3) at the central otolith area but showed alternating changes between low and high values outside this region, suggesting that estuarine-origin non-anadromous individuals occurred in this region. The average of the otolith Sr:Ca ratios and Sr level mapping along the life-history transects could be used as a scalar for charting the migratory history of the tapertail anchovy in the Yangtze River Estuary: <2.0?×?10?3 for freshwater residence and 3.5–6.0?×?10?3 for estuarine residence.  相似文献   

The migratory history of the Rhinogobius sp. OR morphotype “Shimahire” collected from a slower current environment in the Maruyama River, the Ibo River, and the Kako River, Japan, was studied by examining the strontium and calcium concentrations in the otoliths. The otolith Sr:Ca ratios of almost all samples showed consistently low ratios from the core to the edge, reflecting the fact that the organisms had been living in a freshwater environment their entire lives. The ratios of Rhinogobius sp. CB and Rhinogobius flumineus living in the sympatric habitats with the Rhinogobius sp. OR morphotype “Shimahire” in the Kako River showed an amphidromous and fluvial life cycle, respectively. These findings suggest that the Rhinogobius sp. OR morphotype “Shimahire” has a freshwater resident life cycle.  相似文献   

Otolith Sr:Ca ratios from 32 of 34 European eel Anguilla anguilla collected from three freshwater sites in the River Asi, southern Turkey, indicated that they were resident in fresh water without apparent exposure to salt water since the elver stage. The Sr:Ca ratio criterion indicative of residence in fresh water was more than twice that of values from other European countries. Otolith Sr:Ca ratios of A. anguilla from fresh waters can vary among regions, possibly reflecting regional-specific water chemistry. Hence, the use of Sr:Ca ratios determined in one region to interpret results from a different region might lead to misclassification of migratory life-history types.  相似文献   

The migratory histories of six Rhinogobius spp., the cross‐band type (R. sp. CB), the large‐dark type (R. sp. LD), the dark type (R. sp. DA), the cobalt type (R. sp. CO), the orange type (R. sp. OR) and R. flumineus, were studied by examining strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths using wavelength dispersive X‐ray spectrometry on an electron microprobe. The Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths changed both with the ontogenetic development and with the salinity level of the habitat. Most fishes had high Sr:Ca ratios around the otolith core in spite of the fact that those fishes live most of their lives in a freshwater environment. The high ratios in the otoliths were thought to be a physiological effect in those fishes. Thereafter, the Sr:Ca ratios changed remarkably along the life‐history transect, showing intraspecies and interspecies variations. The otolith Sr:Ca ratios of Rhinogobius sp. CB, R. sp. LD and R. sp. CO collected from three rivers connected to the sea were low around the core, subsequently increased sharply to the points 180–345 μm from the core and then decreased again towards the edge. They were thought to reflect the typical amphidromous life history. The R. sp. CO, however, remain in a brackish‐water environment after migration from the sea, while the other species showed typical amphidromous lives with complete freshwater residence after migration from the sea. The five species (R. sp. CB, R. sp. LD, R. sp. CO, R. sp. DA and R. sp. OR) collected above dams had never migrated to the sea, spending their whole life in a freshwater environment, although Rhinogobius species, except for the fluvial type, were thought to have an amphidromous life history according to previous studies. These species are thought to have a landlocked life cycle. The otolith Sr:Ca ratios of R. flumineus showed consistently low ratios towards the edge except for only around the core, although they were collected from a river connected to the sea. These species could have a fluvial life history corresponding to a previous study. The present study clearly suggests that the migratory histories of Rhinogobius spp. are highly different both within and between species and that they have flexible migratory patterns allowing them to utilize the full range of salinity during their life history.  相似文献   

Ambient strontium:calcium (Sr:Ca) concentrations were determined at the temporal scales of months, weeks and days, in summer and winter at two estuarine sites, and experimentally derived correlations between ambient and otolith Sr:Ca were used to estimate the otolith Sr:Ca concentrations of 'resident' black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri . Wild black bream were collected in summer and winter at the end of the temporal water sampling, and their otolith Sr:Ca concentrations were examined. Wild fish were classified as 'resident' if their otolith Sr:Ca matched the predicted concentrations of resident fish, and 'migrant' if this did not occur. In winter, all fish were classified as resident. In summer, all fish were classified as migrants, with fish spending an average of only 16·8% (estuary 1) and 61·1% (estuary 2) of their time at each estuarine location.  相似文献   

长江口是中国日本鳗鳗苗的主要产区和仅存的成鳗渔业水域。日本鳗自长江河口至上游金沙江近3000km干流及许多支流中都有分布,但其迁移行为却不为人了解。该文分析了2008年9~11月采自长江靖江段(31o30′N,120o42′E)的153尾银色鳗样本的生物学特征,测定了其中27尾标本的矢耳石Sr/Ca值。结果显示,153尾样本中有雌性85尾、雄性68尾,雌雄性比1:0.8。雌性由3~7(平均5.52)龄组成,平均体长(669±80)mm,体重(555±229)g,丰满度1.77±0.22,性腺指数(GSI)1.32±0.31。雄性由3~5(平均4.38)龄组成,平均体长(518±51)mm,体重(234±76)g,丰满度1.62±0.18,GSI0.21±0.11。雌性的这些生物学参数均显著大于雄性(P<0.05)。依据矢耳石线鳗标志轮平均Sr/Ca值(7.99±1.05)×10-3进行判断,有17尾(即62.96%个体)为"淡水型",10尾(即37.04%个体)为"河口型"。16尾雌性中有13尾(即81.25%)为"淡水型",3尾为"河口型"。11尾雄性中仅36.36%为"淡水型",63.64%为"河口型"。对每个生长层组的Sr/Ca值分析表明,雌雄间2龄时无显著差异,但3龄、4龄和洄游龄组都有显著或极显著的差异,预示着2龄时两者的栖息水域比较一致,但后来出现了明显栖息地分化。  相似文献   

Otolith Sr:Ca ratios were examined to evaluate the contribution of the stocked eel Anguilla anguilla elvers, which have been stocked in Lithuanian waters and mixed with naturally recruited eels for several decades, to the native eel population. Stocked eels were identified by the freshwater signature (Sr:Ca ratios <2·24 × 10−3) on the otolith after the glass eel stage. Naturally recruited eels, that had migrated through the North and Baltic Seas, were characterized by an extended seawater and brackish-water signature (Sr:Ca ratios >3·23 × 10−3) after the glass eel stage. Of 108 eels analysed, 21 eels had otolith Sr:Ca ratio profiles consistent with stocking while 87 showed patterns of natural recruitment. The ages of naturally recruited eels arriving in Lithuanian fresh waters varied from 1 to 10 years, with a mean ±  s.d . age of 5·2 ± 2·1 years. Eels from the inland Lake Baluošai were all freshwater residents of stocked origin. Stocked eels, however, accounted for only 20% of the eels from the Curonian Lagoon and 2% of eels sampled in Baltic coastal waters. This finding does not support the hypothesis that the eel fishery in the Curonian Lagoon depends mostly on stocking.  相似文献   

The elemental signature in otolith nuclei was determined using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) for stock discrimination of adult anadromous tapertail anchovy, Coilia nasus, in five Chinese estuaries. Five elements (Na, Mg, K, Sr, and Ba) were well detected in the otolith nuclei of the adult fish. Results showed that the elemental composition in the otolith nuclei varied substantially among the estuaries. Age and fish length data showed no significant influences on the elemental concentration ratios across the sample sites. The Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios were inter-site distinct and could be used as natal tags for discriminating among stocks. Discriminant function analyses (DFA) showed that these ratios can be used in discriminating the Liaohe River estuary (LD, 92.3?%), the Yangtze River estuary (CJ, 86.7?%), and the Yellow River estuary (HH, 76.9?%) samples with high classification accuracy, followed by the Haihe River estuary (BH, 58.3?%) and the Daguhe River estuary (JZ, 46.2?%) samples. An overall classification accuracy rate of 72.7?% from the discriminant functions indicated that elemental fingerprinting appeared to have the potential to discriminate between tapertail anchovy stocks in these estuaries.  相似文献   

Ecological and physiological features of the planktonic copepodCalanus sinicus in the southern Yellow Sea in summer were studiedto reveal its life history strategy. From the coastal shallowwaters to the central part of the southern Yellow Sea, a shiftof the stage composition occurs from being dominated by theegg-nauplius stage to being dominated by the fifth copepodite(CV) stage. Most CVs reside in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM), where both temperature and food abundance are low.CVs in the YSCWM have longer body lengths, heavier body weightsand higher carbon contents than those outside the YSCWM. Onboardincubations show that the development of CVs in the YSCWM issuspended. Energy conservation, development suspension and lackof diel vertical migration (DVM) behavior suggest a diapausestatus for the CVs in the YSCWM, although vertical distributionpatterns indicate the CV individuals are not fully synchronousin physiology and development. This adaptive oversummering strategywould help C. sinicus to live through the warm and food-limitedsummer in the central part of the southern Yellow Sea; bothlow temperature and low food supply are necessary for CV tomaintain the resting state in the YSCWM. Calanus sinicus exhibitsdifferent life history strategies in different regions of thesouthern Yellow Sea in summer.  相似文献   

长江刀鲚与池塘人工养殖刀鲚性腺发育的初步观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2006~2008年间采集了长江刀鲚(Coilia nasus)及池塘养殖刀鲚共104尾,对其生物学指标进行了测定,并对不同月份、不同江段的刀鲚性腺发育状况进行了初步比较观察。组织切片观察显示:在江阴段长江刀鲚从4~7月份卵巢从Ⅱ期发育到Ⅳ期;同一时期(7月份)安庆段刀鲚精巢和卵巢的成熟系数略高于江阴段,但差异不大。池塘养殖雄性刀鲚在6月、9月基本处于增殖期,精小叶腔中存在一定量的精子细胞,但未见性成熟个体。对于雌性,在12月份卵巢处于Ⅱ期,而6月份卵巢能发育至Ⅳ期晚期,此时卵巢的成熟系数显著高于同年5月份江阴长江刀鲚和7月份安庆段刀鲚。综合组织切片结果认为:长江刀鲚的性腺发育成熟度可能与所处江段关系不大,而不同洄游群体的性腺发育情况可能相同;在人工池塘养殖状态下,部分刀鲚的卵巢至少能够发育到Ⅳ期晚期。  相似文献   

Individual migration behaviour during the juvenile and adult life phase of the anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the Elbe estuary was examined using otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca profiles. Between hatching and the end of the first year of life, juveniles showed two migration patterns. Pattern one exhibited a single downstream migration from fresh water to the sea with no return into fresh water. In contrast, pattern two showed a first migration into the sea, then a return into fresh water and, finally, a second downstream migration into marine water. This first report of migration plasticity for A. fallax points to different exposure times to estuarine threats depending on the migration strategy. In adults, high Sr:Ca and low Ba:Ca in the majority of individuals confirmed prior reports of a primarily marine habitat use. Patterns reflecting spawning migrations were rarely observed on otoliths, possibly due to the short duration of visits to fresh water.  相似文献   

Microchemical analysis of the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) ratios of otoliths was conducted to determine the life history and migration of anadromous Sakhalin taimen, Hucho perryi. In 2008 and 2009, 10 specimens were sampled from Lake Akkeshi in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Our results indicated that some specimens migrated to brackish waters during their early life histories. Because the Sr:Ca ratios of the specimens in this study were all less than those of specimens from Sakhalin Island during a previous study, specimens from Lake Akkeshi may have migrated to brackish water, or may have remained in the ocean for only a short period.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the spiny siganid Siganus spinus were sampled from three sources in April, May and June 2008 for a study of its early life‐history through otolith microstructure analysis. Specimens were obtained from bagnet catches in off‐reef sites and seine nets in seagrass beds operating in Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines, and from the guts of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis caught by hand‐line in an offshore area about 72 km east of the mouth of the gulf. The core, hatch ring, first feeding rings, and settlement increment of spiny siganid were identified and their widths measured. Mean daily otolith ages were 20.6, 22.1 and 21.7 of specimens from the gut, off‐reef site and seagrass bed, respectively. Sagittae of the youngest (17‐, 18‐ and 19‐day‐old) specimens from the tuna gut do not have settlement marks. Planktonic larval duration is 17 days. Most settlement (59%) occurred at the 20th increment on the evidence of its highest reduction in width and lessening of opacity. During the settlement process the juveniles swim from the fringing coral reefs to the seaweed beds then finally to the seagrass beds, wherein settlement volume is highest on or about the new moon date. The short, pelagic larval duration and restricted settlement timed on or 1–2 days near the new moon are integral elements in the settlement strategy of the fish.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2010,74(3-4):196-206
Samples collected by two sediment traps located southwest of Crete in the eastern Mediterranean (EMED) [48A (1953 m) and 48B (950 m)] from June 2005 to May 2006 were used to study fluxes of organic carbon, carbonate and coccolithophores in combination with the variations of Sr/Ca ratios in different individually picked coccolith species. Considering the complexity of the EMED, we validate the use of Sr/Ca ratios as productivity proxy and unravel the varied processes which may influence it. We examined the relationship between the seasonal peaks in export fluxes and the Sr/Ca ratio in coccoliths of three upper photic zone coccolithophores species collected in the traps, Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri and Emiliania huxleyi. We aimed at testing whether high export fluxes are correlated with high Sr/Ca ratios, suggestive of higher nutrient-stimulated production, or Sr/Ca ratios are unchanged during high export periods, suggestive of increased export efficiency or scavenging. Periods of enhanced trap fluxes in March and June result from surface water blooms recognized in satellite imagery. An additional peak flux was found in January, but this peak represents re-suspended or recycled material in the water column.The amplitude of seasonal variations in the Sr/Ca ratios of the three investigated species is small in both traps. In the shallow trap, a decrease in the Sr/Ca ratio of C. leptoporus occurred synchronously with minimal fluxes. The other two species were not measured for this period. In the deep trap, no such decrease in Sr/Ca was observed during minimal fluxes, in either C. leptoporus or H. carteri, probably due to a long residence of coccoliths in the water column, recycling and low export efficiency. Absolute Sr/Ca ratios for all species are lower than in other more productive environments like the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, or Sargasso Sea. We conclude that Sr/Ca ratios in coccoliths of surface sediments in the EMED reflect mainly spring–summer bloom conditions averaged over hundreds to thousands of years.In addition, the origin of varying calcite thickness in H. carteri was investigated. The similarity of average Sr/Ca ratios in differently-calcified specimens confirms that coccolith thickness variations in this species result from primary biomineralization processes and not from variable overgrowth by (low Sr) abiogenic calcite in the water column or the sediments.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River estuary (YRE) is an important migration channel and foraging habitat for Coilia nasus. Due to its ecological significance and a prioritization of this species’ protection, the need to investigate and analyze environmental relationships of the abundance of Coilia nasus in the YRE as well as develop an understanding of their temporal and spatial distributions is becoming exceedingly important. Using fishery data and environmental survey data from 2009 to 2016, three models including generalized additive mixed models (GAMM), generalized additive models with zero-inflated Poisson distribution (ZIP-GAM) and two-step GAM were used to analyze relationships between environmental factors and the distribution of Coilia nasus in the YRE. The results showed that model fitting of GAMM was more consistent with observations and revealed influences of water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and pH on distribution. GAMM demonstrated that higher Coilia nasus abundances were located in waters with water temperature values at 15°C and 30°C, and lower Coilia nasus abundances were located in areas with water temperature values at 10°C and 20°C. All models indicated that the effect of salinity on abundance of Coilia nasus present a multimodal pattern including three peaks at 5, 15, and 25 ppt respectively. Additionally, abundance of Coilia nasus increased with the increase of chlorophyll A in its range of 0–4 mg/L. In a range of 8.0–9.5, higher PH value was more suitable for the aggregation of Coilia nasus. Cross validation was used to evaluate the predictive performance of models and GAMM was found to be the best. The predicted abundance distribution of Coilia nasus in the summer and autumn of 2016 was relatively higher overall than that in winter and spring. The predicted zero abundance distribution pattern was consistent with the sampling presence distribution which was obtained using fishery independent survey data of the year 2009–2015. Facing the urgency protection of Coilia nasus in YRE, results of this study could be used for Coilia nasus conservation and reserve planning.  相似文献   

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