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Constructed wetlands hold considerable promise for providing water quality and wildlife habitat benefits. At the same time, constructed wetlands have been described as “mosquito-friendly habitats” and may raise potential conflicts with neighboring human populations. Conflicts arise because some design features, such as shallow water and emergent vegetation that are essential for optimizing water quality polishing, can result in undesirable increases in mosquito production. The attraction of large numbers of birds to constructed wetlands could also increase the risk of transmission of mosquito-borne viral infections to humans in the vicinity of the wetland. The potential for conflict is typically highest in arid regions where natural mosquito populations have limited abundance and are found near newly urbanizing areas.The creation of wildlife habitat is a significant goal of many treatment wetlands. Humans are also welcome in many treatment wetlands for recreational and educational activities. Risks of disease transmission to humans and livestock as well as the inconvenience of mosquitoes as pests must be offset by the economic savings of inexpensive water quality enhancement and the resulting reduction in pollution that also poses a risk to society’s health and well-being. Ecological risks associated with the use of mosquito control chemicals must be offset by the increased habitat benefits provided by these constructed wetlands. The right balance between these competing goals can be recognized by the design that provides the greatest net environmental and societal benefit. This paper describes these tradeoffs between mosquito control and the constructed wetland technology and provides a synthesis of information that can be used to optimize the benefits of these wetland systems. Basic research is recommended to better define the cost-effectiveness of the various design and management options.  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理的应用现状及前景展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨琼  陈章和 《生态科学》2002,21(4):357-360
本文分析了人工湿地系统在污水处理中的作用,叙述了人工湿地在发展中国家的应用现状及所取得的效果。人工湿地的特点适合我国国情,特别适合广大农村、中小城市的污水处理,在我国具有极其广阔的应用前景。对湿地用于污水处理方面的不足,如缺乏污水对植物影响的研究(特别是对乡土植物的研究)、缺乏对重要工艺的理解、人工湿地占地面积大等也进行了分析。  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are among the recently proven efficient technologies for wastewater treatment. Compared to conventional treatment systems, constructed wetlands are low cost, are easily operated and maintained, and have a strong potential for application in developing countries, particularly by small rural communities. However, these systems have not found widespread use, due to lack of awareness, and local expertise in developing the technology on a local basis. This paper summarizes information on current methods used for wastewater treatment in developing countries, and briefly gives basic information on wetlands. The paper further examines the potential of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse in developing countries by looking at the results of current research initiatives towards implementation of the technology in these countries. Future considerations in choosing constructed wetlands as wastewater treating systems in developing countries are highlighted.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment has been a topic of significant research culminating in a good data base from which simplistic equations have been derived to aid in the design of these facilities to meet long term water quality treatment performance criteria. Over the past decade, the use of treatment wetlands has extended to stormwater and combined sewer overflow (CSO) management applications. Designing constructed wetlands for stormwater and CSO applications have unique challenges stemming from the highly stochastic nature of the hydraulic and pollutant loading on a stormwater wetland compared with wastewater treatment systems. This paper explores the possibility of adapting the simplistic models for wastewater wetlands for interim use in developing design guidelines for stormwater wetland systems. A procedure that takes into account the unsteady intermittent nature of stormwater inflows to these wetlands has been incorporated into one of these simplistic models and a case study presented to demonstrate the application of the procedure.  相似文献   

香根草和风车草人工湿地对猪场废水氮磷处理效果的研究   总被引:58,自引:5,他引:58  
分别以香根草 (Vetiveriazizanioides )和风车草 (Cyperusalternifolius)为植被 ,按 1.0m× 0 .5m×0 .8m建立人工湿地 ,通过四季测试研究其对猪场废水N、P的净化功能及其随季节、进水浓度及水力停留时间变化的规律 .结果表明 ,两湿地对NH3 N和S PO3 -4 去除率受污水停留时间和污水浓度影响较大 .香根草或风车草人工湿地在春季对NH3 N和S PO3 -4 有明显的去除效果 ;在秋季 ,则对去除废水TN均有效果 ,在去除TP上 ,香根草湿地效果明显 ,风车草湿地效果差 .秋春季人工湿地随水力停留时间 (t)延长 ,TP或S PO3 -4 (Y)的去除遵从指数方程Yt=Y0 ·e-kt规律 .冬季和夏季 ,进水浓度对湿地去除P影响较大 ;在相同停留时间内 ,冬夏季人工湿地随进水浓度变化 ,进出水S PO3 -4 遵从直线方程 y =a +bx规律  相似文献   

This study reports the performance of laboratory-scale constructed wetlands coupled with micro-electric field (CWMEF) planted cannas (Canna generalis) for heavy metal-contaminating wastewater treatment. The CWMEF had a better performance for heavy metal (HM) removal from wastewater than did the ordinary constructed wetlands (CWs). Owing to the stimulation of the suitable voltage and electrical exposure time, cannas may grew better and in fact assimilated more metallic ions in CWMEF than in CWs. The environmental conditions in CWMEF, such as the higher pH by electrolysis of water, the presence of aluminum ions by anodizing of aluminum, caused chemical precipitation, physical adsorption and flocculation of metallic ions.  相似文献   

人工湿地研究进展及应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王平  周少奇 《生态科学》2005,24(3):278-281
基于生态学原理的人工湿地污水处理技术已成为人们竞相研究开发的热点。介绍了人工湿地的分类,论述了污染物包括有机物、氮磷污染物、重金属的去除机理的研究进展,分析了湿地植物种类与根系量对污染物去除效果的影响,讨论了湿地结构以及工艺设计的研究情况。最后以人工湿地处理生活用水和工业用水为例综述了人工湿地目前在国内应用的状况。通过以上分析评述发现,人工湿地运行费用低,操作简单,是一种具有前景的污水处理技术,但在污染物去除机理和实践应用方面还需做更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in tropical constructed wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of tropical horizontal subsurface constructed wetlands (HSSF CWs) planted with Typha angustifolia to remove four widely used pharmaceutical compounds (carbamazepine, declofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen) at the relatively short hydraulic residence time of 2-4 days was documented. For both ibuprofen and naproxen, pharmaceutical compounds with low Dow values, the planted beds showed significant (p < 0.05) enhancement of removal efficiencies (80% and 91%, respectively, at the 4 day HRT), compared to unplanted beds (60% and 52%, respectively). The presence of plants resulted in the removal of these pharmaceutical compounds from artificial wastewater. The more oxidizing environment in the rhizosphere might have played an important role, but other rhizosphere effects, beside rhizosphere aeration, appeared to be important also. Carbamazepine, considered one of the most recalcitrant pharmaceuticals, and declofenac showed low removal efficiencies in our CW, and this is attributable to their higher hydrophobicity. The fact that the removal of these compounds could be explained by the sorption onto the available organic surfaces, explains why there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in their removal efficiencies between planted as compared to unplanted beds. No statistical significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed for the removal efficiencies of any of the pharmaceuticals tested for the 2-day HRT as compared to that corresponding to 4-day HRT. The rather efficient removal shown by the wetlands in this study (with HRTs of 2-4 days), indicates that such a CW system may be more practically used (with less land requirements) in tropical regions for removing conventional pollutants and certain pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater effluents.  相似文献   

人工湿地对猪场废水有机物处理效果的研究   总被引:69,自引:1,他引:68  
分别以香根草 (Vetiveriazizanioides)和风车草 (Cyperusalternifolius)为植被 ,按 1.0m× 0 .5m×0 .8m建立人工湿地 ,通过 4季测试 ,研究其对猪场废水有机物的净化功能及其随季节、进水浓度及水力停留时间变化的规律 .结果表明 ,4个季节香根草或风车草人工湿地对COD和BOD有较稳定的去除效果 ,两湿地抗有机负荷冲击能力强 .在春季 ,停留时间 1~ 2d ,COD和BOD去除率分别为 70 %和 80 %;在夏季 ,进水COD高达 10 0 0~ 140 0mg·L-1情况下 ,COD去除率接近 90 %;在秋季 ,停留时间 1~ 2d ,COD和BOD去除率分别为 5 0 %~ 6 0 %和 5 0 %;在冬季 ,进水COD达 10 0 3mg·L-1情况下 ,COD去除率在 70 %以上 .COD、BOD和SS的去除率在两湿地间没有显著差异 .人工湿地污染物 (Y)随水力停留时间 (t)延长的降解遵从指数方程规律Yt=Y0 ·e( -kt) .在相同停留时间时 ,随进水污染物浓度 (x)提高的出水污染物浓度 (y)的回归关系遵从直线方程规律 y =a+bx .  相似文献   

The distribution, mobility and availability of metals in the environment depend not only on their total concentration but also on their formations and bounds with the soil. Hexavalent chromium is a very toxic, metal compound, frequently found in polluted industrial wastewaters, and causes serious environmental problems. The potential application of constructed wetlands in the treatment of chromium bearing wastewaters has been reported recently. This paper reviews research on constructed wetlands treating chromium polluted wastewaters, and focuses on several design and operational parameters. The review highlights the effect of vegetation type, hydraulic residence time and porous media type on wetland performance. Constructed wetlands have been proved to be rather efficient at treating chromium containing wastewaters.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CW) were constructed and operated to treat pre-treated olive mill wastewater. Pilot-scale units comprising three identical series with four pilot-scale vertical flow CWs were operated for one harvest season in a Greek olive mill plant. The pilot-scale CWs were filled with various porous media (i.e., cobble, gravel, and sand) of different gradations. Two series of pilot-scale units were planted with common reeds and the third (control) was unplanted. Mean influent concentrations were 14,120 mg/L, 2841 mg/L, 95 mg/L, 123 mg/L and 506 mg/L for COD, phenols, ortho-phosphate, ammonia and TKN, respectively. Despite the rather high influent concentrations, the performance of the CW units was very effective since it achieved removals of about 70%, 70%, 75% and 87% for COD, phenols, TKN and ortho-phosphate, respectively. COD, phenol and TKN removal seems to be significantly higher in the planted series, while ortho-phosphate removal shows no significant differences among the three series. Temperature and pollutant surface load seem to affect the removal efficiency of all pollutants. Compared to previous studies, pollutant surface loads applied here were higher (by one or two orders of magnitude). Even though high removal efficiencies were achieved, effluent pollutant concentrations remained high, thus preventing their use for irrigation or immediate disposal into the environment.  相似文献   

Phosphorus retention by sub-surface flow constructed wetlands is dependent upon the effluent quality, loading rate and type of root bed media. Three types of root bed media (Lockport dolomite, Queenston shale and Fonthill sand) at various stages of their use were sampled from a sub-surface flow wetland located in Sewage Waste Amendment Marsh Process Project (SWAMP), Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, and their P sorption characteristics were investigated. Lower equilibrium P concentration (EPCo) and higher P sorption maxima (Smax) and retention capacity (Pr) of untreated Fonthill sand compared to untreated Lockport dolomite and Queenston shale indicated that Fonthill sand could be better root bed media for sub-surface flow constructed wetland systems to remove P from wastewater. In general, EPCo of the root bed media increased with the duration of their use. Untreated root bed media indicated that the greater the amount of poorly crystalline forms of aluminum (Al), and magnesium (Mg) contents, the greater their EPC0. The P sorption maxima of root bed media increased with use by accumulation of amorphous and poorly crystalline forms of Al and iron (Fe). However, in alkaline root bed media, preferential P sorption occurred more on amorphous and poorly crystalline forms of Al than Fe. This study also indicated that increases in P sorption capacities of root bed media do not necessarily assure lower effluent P concentrations, since EPCo increased by several fold with use.  相似文献   

Wetlands have been intensively studied in the Czech Republic for more than 30 years, but the first full-scale constructed wetland (CW) for wastewater treatment was built in the Czech Republic in 1989. By the end of 1999, about 100 CWs were put in operation. The majority of the systems are horizontal subsurface flow (HSF) CWs and are designed for the secondary treatment of domestic or municipal wastewater. The size of CWs ranges between 18 and 4500 m2 and between 4 and 1100 population equivalent (PE). Most frequently used filtration media are gravel and crushed rock with size fractions of 4/8 and 8/16 mm and Phragmites australis is the most commonly used plant. The treatment efficiency is high in terms of BOD5 (88.0% for vegetated beds) and suspended solids (84.3% for vegetated beds). The removal of nutrients is lower for vegetated beds, and averages 51 and 41.6% for total phosphorus and total nitrogen, respectively.  相似文献   

Multiple regression models, clustering tree diagrams, regression trees (CHAID) and redundancy analysis (RDA) were applied to the study of the removal of organic matter and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from urban wastewater by means of constructed wetlands (CWs). These four statistical analyses pointed out the importance of physico-chemical parameters, plant presence and chemical structure in the elimination of most pollutants. Temperature, pH values, dissolved oxygen concentration, redox potential and conductivity were related to the removal of the studied substances. Plant presence (Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis) enhanced the removal of organic matter and some PPCPs. Multiple regression equations and CHAID trees provided numerical estimations of pollutant removal efficiencies in CWs. These models were validated and they could be a useful and interesting tool for the quick estimation of removal efficiencies in already working CWs and for the design of new systems which must fulfil certain quality requirements.  相似文献   

Water reclamation and reuse is being actively promoted in Australia. In Queensland, surface-flow constructed wetlands with a diversity of macrophyte types offer the greatest potential for effluent polishing. Constructed wetlands in subtropical climates in coastal regions and arid climates in inland western regions are conducive to high macrophyte growth rates and nutrient removal, in particular nitrogen, producing an effluent suitable for irrigation, restoration of wetlands and/or release into natural waterways. Faecal-coliform removal is also high, producing effluent with <1000 cfu/100 mL and as low as 100 cfu/100 mL, acceptable for agricultural irrigation. Constructed wetlands can be designed to maximise the removal of both nutrients and pathogens by enhancing macrophyte diversity and natural disinfection processes by incorporating lagoons, shallow-water wetlands and subsurface-flow wetlands into the treatment train. Surface-flow wetlands can also be designed to minimise mosquito breeding by increasing macro-invertebrate predators, thereby alleviating community concerns about potential health risks. This paper addresses the role of constructed wetlands in nutrient and pathogen removal in Queensland's wetlands, and presents three case studies with respect to effluent reuse.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the contaminant removal efficiency of shallow horizontal subsurface flow treatment wetlands (SSF TWs) as a function of (1) primary treatment (hydrolytic upflow sludge blanket (HUSB) reactor vs. conventional settling) and (2) operation strategy (alternation of saturated/unsaturated phases vs. permanently saturated). An experimental plant was constructed, operated and surveyed for the main water quality parameters over a period of 2.5 years. The plant had 3 treatment lines: a control line (settler-wetland permanently saturated), a batch line (settler-wetland operated with saturated/unsaturated phases) and an anaerobic line (HUSB reactor-wetland permanently saturated). In each line wetlands had a surface area of 2.80 m2, a water depth of 25 cm and a granular medium D60 = 7.3 mm, and were planted with common reed. During the study period the wetlands were operated at a hydraulic and organic load of 28.5 mm/d and about 4.7 g BOD/m2 d, respectively. Effluent average redox potential was lower for the anaerobic line (−45 ± 78 mV) than for the other two lines (3 ± 92.7 and −5 ± 71 mV for control and batch, respectively). Overall, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and ammonium mass removal efficiencies were slightly greater for the batch line (88%, 96% and 87%, respectively) than for the control line (83%, 94% and 80%) and the anaerobic line (80%, 87% and 73%). During cold seasons, COD and ammonium removal in the batch line was around 30% and 50% higher than in the control line, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of a HUSB reactor as primary treatment did not enhance the treatment capacity of the system (in comparison with a conventional settler). The efficiency of treatment wetland systems with horizontal subsurface flow can be improved using a batch operation strategy.  相似文献   

The performance of a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow (HSF) constructed wetland is investigated with emphasis on the effects of wastewater step-feeding. One pilot-scale unit, of dimensions 3 m in length and 0.75 m in width, operated continuously from January 2004 until February 2007. The unit contained cobbles obtained from a river bed and was planted with common reed (Phragmites australis). Synthetic wastewater was introduced to the unit. During the first two years of operation (period A) one inflow point was used at the upstream end of the unit. During the third year of operation (period B), wastewater step-feeding was adopted. Wastewater was introduced to the unit through three inlet points: one at the upstream end of the unit length and the other two at 1/3 and 2/3 of the unit length. Two wastewater step-feeding schemes were examined during the second working period: 33:33:33 and 60:25:15. Three HRTs (6, 8 and 14 days) were applied; wastewater temperatures varied from 6.0 to 25.0 °C. On the whole, the adoption of step-feeding in a HSF CW may be positive if an appropriate scheme is selected. Indeed, the removal of organic matter (BOD5 and COD), nitrogen (TKN and ammonia) and phosphorus (Total Phosphorus and ortho-phosphate) was improved under the step-feeding Scheme 60:25:15, while the other scheme (33:33:33) affected negatively the wetland performance.  相似文献   

垂直流人工湿地的设计及净化功能初探   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
阐述了垂直流人工湿地小试系统的设计,并测试其冬季污水净化效果,垂直流人工湿地由下地流和上行流方式的两池组成,对受污染地面水体中的CODCr,BOD5和TSS的去除率分别为53.6%,78.7%和80.2%,对细菌,总大肠菌,粪大肠菌和藻类的平均去除率分别达99.4%,85.9%,89.7%和97.7%,。对KN,HN4^ -N和TP的平均去除率分别为39.2%,16.5%和25.8%,各系统对污染物的去除作用无明显差异。系统出水NO3^-N浓度高于进水,而有植物系统中又高于无植物的对照,表明湿地植物的存在有利于硝化,表明下行流-上行流人工湿地在冬季仍能较好地改善水质,是一种有效的水处理技术,对水体水质改善和水生态系恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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