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A newly developed DNA microarray was applied to identify mitochondrial (mt) DNA haplotypes of more than 2200 chum salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean in September 2002 and also 2003, when the majority of maturing fish were migrating toward their natal river. The distribution of haplotypes occurring in Asian and North American fish in the surveyed area was similar in the 2 years. A conditional maximum likelihood method for estimation of stock compositions indicated that the Japanese stocks were distributed mainly in the north central Bering Sea, whereas the Russian stocks were mainly in the western Bering Sea. The North American stocks were abundant in the North Pacific Ocean around the Aleutian Islands. These results indicate that the Asian and North American stocks of chum salmon are nonrandomly distributed in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, and further the oligonuleotide DNA microarray developed by us has a high potential for identification of stocks among mixed ocean aggregates of high-seas chum salmon.  相似文献   

Increasing production of hatchery salmon over the past four decades has led to concerns about possible density-dependent effects on wild Pacific salmon populations in the North Pacific Ocean. The concern arises because salmon from distant regions overlap in the ocean, and wild salmon populations having low productivity may compete for food with abundant hatchery populations. We tested the hypothesis that adult length-at-age, age-at-maturation, productivity, and abundance of a Norton Sound, Alaska, chum salmon population were influenced by Asian hatchery chum salmon, which have become exceptionally abundant and surpassed the abundance of wild chum salmon in the North Pacific beginning in the early 1980s. We found that smaller adult length-at-age, delayed age-at-maturation, and reduced productivity and abundance of the Norton Sound salmon population were associated with greater production of Asian hatchery chum salmon since 1965. Modeling of the density-dependent relationship, while controlling for other influential variables, indicated that an increase in adult hatchery chum salmon abundance from 10 million to 80 million adult fish led to a 72% reduction in the abundance of the wild chum salmon population. These findings indicate that competition with hatchery chum salmon contributed to the low productivity and abundance of Norton Sound chum salmon, which includes several stocks that are classified as Stocks of Concern by the State of Alaska. This study provides new evidence indicating that large-scale hatchery production may influence body size, age-at-maturation, productivity and abundance of a distant wild salmon population.  相似文献   

Wild stocks of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, have experienced recent declines in some areas of their range. Also, the release of hatchery chum salmon has escalated to nearly three billion fish annually. The decline of wild stocks and the unknown effects of hatchery fish combined with the uncertainty of future production caused by global climate change have renewed interest in the migratory patterns of chum salmon on the high seas. We studied the composition of high-seas mixtures of maturing and immature individuals using baseline data for 20 allozyme loci from 356 populations from throughout the Pacific Rim. Composition estimates were made from three time series. Two of these time series were from important coastal migratory corridors: the Shumagin Islands south of the Alaska Peninsula and the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The third was from chum salmon captured incidentally in the Bering Sea trawl fishery for walleye pollock. We also analyzed geographically dispersed collections of chum salmon captured in the month of July. The time series show dynamic changes in stock composition. The Shumagin Island corridor was used primarily by Northwest Alaskan and Asian populations in June; by the end of July stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and southern North America dominated the composition. The composition along the Kamchatka coast changed dramatically from primarily Russian stocks in May to primarily Japanese stocks in August; the previously undocumented presence of stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and Gulf of Alaska was also demonstrated. Immature chum salmon from throughout the Pacific Rim, including large proportions of southern North American stocks, contributed to the Bering Sea bycatch during the months of September and October. The migration routes of North American stocks is far more widespread than previously observed, and the Bering Sea is an important rearing area for maturing and immature chum salmon from throughout the species' range.  相似文献   

Variation at the three microsatellite (ms) DNA loci in chum salmon was applied to estimate preliminarily the stock composition using a conditional maximum likelihood method in more than 700 fish collected from 14 stations in the Bering Sea and adjacent North Pacific Ocean during September 2003. Regional stock assignment accuracy with these msDNA markers was nearly the same as the previous estimation with mitochondrial (mt) DNA for the Japanese and North American stocks, but decreased for Russian stocks. The temporal stock estimation with msDNA gave a nonrandom distribution pattern of chum stocks, in that the Japanese and Russian stocks increased in the western to central Bering Sea, and the North American stocks were abundant in the eastern Bering Sea and near the Aleutian Islands. However, predominance of the North American stocks in nearly all of the surveyed area was different from the previous mtDNA estimation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The average sizes of Pacific salmon have declined in some areas in the Northeast Pacific over the past few decades, but the extent and geographic distribution of these declines in Alaska is uncertain. Here, we used regression analyses to quantify decadal trends in length and age at maturity in ten datasets from commercial harvests, weirs, and spawner abundance surveys of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha throughout Alaska. We found that on average these fish have become smaller over the past 30 years (~6 generations), because of a decline in the predominant age at maturity and because of a decrease in age-specific length. The proportion of older and larger 4-ocean age fish in the population declined significantly (P < 0.05) in all stocks examined by return year or brood year. Our analyses also indicated that the age-specific lengths of 4-ocean fish (9 of 10 stocks) and of 3-ocean fish (5 of 10 stocks) have declined significantly (P < 0.05). Size-selective harvest may be driving earlier maturation and declines in size, but the evidence is not conclusive, and additional factors, such as ocean conditions or competitive interactions with other species of salmon, may also be responsible. Regardless of the cause, these wide-spread phenotypic shifts influence fecundity and population abundance, and ultimately may put populations and associated fisheries at risk of decline.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) play an important role as a keystone species and provider of ecosystem services in the North Pacific ecosystem. We review our studies on recent production trends, marine carrying capacity, climate effects and biological interactions between wild and hatchery origin populations of Pacific salmon in the open sea, with a particular focus on Japanese chum salmon (O. keta). Salmon catch data indicates that the abundance of Pacific salmon increased since the 1976/77 ocean regime shift. Chum and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) maintained high abundances with a sharp increase in hatchery-released populations since the late 1980s. Since the 1990s, the biomass contribution of hatchery returns to the total catch amounts to 50% for chum salmon, more than 10% for pink salmon, and less than 10% for sockeye salmon (O. nerka). We show evidence of density-dependence of growth and survival at sea and how it might vary across spatial scales, and we provide some new information on foraging plasticity that may offer new insight into competitive interactions. The marine carrying capacity of these three species is synchronized with long-term patterns in climate change. At the present time, global warming has positively affected growth and survival of Hokkaido populations of chum salmon. In the future, however, global warming may decrease the marine carrying capacity and the area of suitable habitat for chum salmon in the North Pacific Ocean. We outline future challenges for salmon sustainable conservation management in Japan, and recommend fishery management reform to sustain the hatchery-supported salmon fishery while conserving natural spawning populations.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about fish species interactions in offshore areas of the world’s oceans because adequate experimental controls are typically unavailable in such vast areas. However, pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) are numerous and have an alternating-year pattern of abundance that provides a natural experimental control to test for interspecific competition in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Since a number of studies have recently examined pink salmon interactions with other salmon, we reviewed them in an effort to describe patterns of interaction over broad regions of the ocean. Research consistently indicated that pink salmon significantly altered prey abundance of other salmon species (e.g., zooplankton, squid), leading to altered diet, reduced total prey consumption and growth, delayed maturation, and reduced survival, depending on species and locale. Reduced survival was observed in chum salmon (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) originating from Puget Sound and in Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Growth of pink salmon was not measurably affected by other salmon species, but their growth was sometimes inversely related to their own abundance. In all marine studies, pink salmon affected other species through exploitation of prey resources rather than interference. Interspecific competition was observed in nearshore and offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, and one study documented competition between species originating from different continents. Climate change had variable effects on competition. In the North Pacific Ocean, competition was observed before and after the ocean regime shift in 1977 that significantly altered abundances of many marine species, whereas a study in the Pacific Northwest reported a shift from predation- to competition-based mortality in response to the 1982/1983 El Nino. Key traits of pink salmon that influenced competition with other salmonids included great abundance, high consumption rates and rapid growth, degree of diet overlap or consumption of lower trophic level prey, and early migration timing into the ocean. The consistent pattern of findings from multiple regions of the ocean provides evidence that interspecific competition can significantly influence salmon population dynamics and that pink salmon may be the dominant competitor among salmon in marine waters.  相似文献   

Increasing interest in the marine trophic dynamics of Pacific salmon has been motivated by the recognition of their sensitivity to changing climate and to the competitive effects of hatchery fish on wild stocks. It has become more common to use stable isotopes to supplement traditional diet studies of salmon in the ocean; however, there have been no integrated syntheses of these data to determine whether stable isotope analyses support the existing conventional wisdom of feeding strategies of the Pacific salmon. We performed a meta-analysis of stable isotope data to examine the extent of trophic partitioning among five species of Pacific salmon during their marine lives. Pink, sockeye, and chum salmon showed very high overlap in resource use and there was no consistent evidence for chum relying on alternative food webs dominated by gelatinous zooplankton. δ15N showed that Chinook and coho salmon fed at trophic levels higher than the other three species. In addition, these two species were distinctly enriched in 13C, suggesting more extensive use of coastal food webs compared to the more depleted (pelagic) signatures of pink, sockeye, and chum salmon. This paper presents the first synthesis of stable isotope work on Pacific salmon and provides δ15N and δ13C values applicable to research on the fate of the marine derived nutrients these organisms transport to freshwater and riparian ecosystems.  相似文献   

Some of the views on the marine ecology of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) that were popular in the second half of the 20th century are discussed critically: the absolutization of the influence of sea surface temperature on distribution of salmon and strength of their year classes, as well as the conclusions on the shortage of food (particularly in winter) and the fierce competition for food, the “suppression” of other salmon species and own adjacent broodline by pink salmon, the limited carrying capacity of the pelagic zone of subarctic ocean waters for salmon, the distortion of the structure of epipelagic communities in ecosystems of the North Pacific due to the large-scale stock enhancement of chum salmon, etc. Most of these ideas have not been confirmed by the data of long-term monitoring conducted in the form of complex marine expeditions by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the Far-Eastern Seas and adjacent North Pacific waters since the 1980s. The data show that Pacific salmon are ecologically very flexible species with a wider temperature range of habitat than was previously believed. Salmon are able to make considerable vertical migrations, easily crossing zones of sharp temperature gradient and different water masses. Having the wide feeding spectra and being dispersed (as non-schooling fish) when feeding in the sea and ocean, they successfully satisfy their dietary needs in vast areas even with relatively low concentrations of prey organisms (macroplankton and small nekton). The total biomass of all the Pacific salmon species in the North Pacific is not greater than 4–5 million t (including 1.5–2.0 million t in Russian waters), whereas the biomass of other common species of nekton is a few hundreds of millions of tons. Salmon account for 1.0–5.0% of the total amount of food consumed by nekton in the epipelagic layer of the western Bering Sea, 0.5–1.0% in the Sea of Okhotsk, less than 1% in the ocean waters off the Kuril Islands, and 5.0–15.0% in the ocean waters off East Kamchatka. Thus, the role of Pacific salmon in the trophic webs of subarctic waters is rather moderate. Therefore, neither pink nor chum salmon can be considered as the species responsible for the large reorganization in ecosystems and the population fluctuations in other common nekton species.  相似文献   

The swimming depth of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta equipped with archival tags was investigated off the Pacific Ocean coast of Hokkaido and North Honshu, Japan. As shown from movements of the fish with disc tags, O. keta swam at shallower depths during the full-moon phase than in the other phases and their swimming speed during this phase was faster compared to other phases. In addition, the circadian rhythm suggests a biological clock. These observations are all consistent with the view that O. keta make use of moonlight in order to navigate at night-time during homeward migration.  相似文献   

Age‐related thermal habitat use by sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka, chum Oncorhynchus keta and pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha salmon was examined using trawl data obtained in spring in the North Pacific Ocean. Thermal habitat use differed by species and age. Larger and older fishes inhabited cooler areas, whereas smaller and younger fishes inhabited warmer areas.  相似文献   

Since the late 20th century, the biomass of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. has increased. Hokkaido, northern Japan, is one of the main areas of chum salmon O. keta production in the North Pacific and intensive hatchery programs support the recent high abundance. However, proper management of naturally spawning populations is necessary to conserve healthy stocks of this species. In 2008, we started a program to assess the naturally spawning chum salmon populations in Hokkaido. Of the total of approximately 1,500 rivers in Hokkaido, 238 rivers with lengths of longer than 8 km (excluding those rivers used for hatchery broodstock collection) were surveyed in 2008 and 2009. The number of non-enhanced rivers found to contain naturally reproducing chum salmon was 59 (31.4% of surveyed rivers) and 50 (37.6% of surveyed rivers) rivers in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Including the rivers where hatchery broodstock were collected and rivers shorter than 8 km that contain naturally spawning chum salmon, chum salmon ascended at least 191 and 175 rivers in Hokkaido in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Repeated foot surveys indicated that the run timings of naturally spawning chum salmon may be affected by coastal commercial fisheries. This study showed that naturally spawning chum salmon remain in many rivers in Hokkaido where hatchery programs have been intensively conducted.  相似文献   

Early marine trophic interactions of wild and hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were examined as a potential cause for the decline in harvests of adult wild chum salmon in Taku Inlet, Southeast Alaska. In 2004 and 2005, outmigrating juvenile chum salmon were sampled in nearshore habitats of the inlet (spring) and in epipelagic habitat at Icy Strait (summer) as they approached the Gulf of Alaska. Fish were frozen for energy density determination or preserved for diet analyses, and hatchery stocks were identified from the presence of thermal marks on otoliths. We compared feeding intensity, diets, energy density, and size relationships of wild and hatchery stocks (n = 3123) across locations and weeks. Only hatchery fish feeding intensity was negatively correlated with fish abundance. In both years, hatchery chum salmon were initially larger and had greater energy density than wild fish, but lost condition in early weeks after release as they adapted to feeding on wild prey assemblages. Diets differed between the stocks at all inlet locations, but did not differ for hatchery salmon between littoral and neritic habitats in the outer inlet, where the stocks overlapped most. Both diets and energy density converged by late June. Therefore, if density-dependent interactions affect wild chum salmon, these effects must be very rapid because survivors in Icy Strait showed few differences. Our study also demonstrates that hatchery release strategies used near Taku Inlet successfully promote early spatial segregation and prey partitioning, which reduce the probability of competition between wild and hatchery chum salmon stocks.  相似文献   

The daily feeding rhythm and rations of the humpback salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, the sockeyed salmon O. nerka, and the chum salmon O. keta during marine prespawning migrations is investigated with consideration of materials collected at daily stations in waters off eastern Kamchatka in June–July 1999 and 2001 (from catches of drift nets). The bulk of humpback salmon and sockeyed salmon food consists of euphausiids, hyperiids, large copepods, pteropods, and fish juveniles. In the food of chum salmon, pteropods dominated. In a 24-h period, salmon manifest a pronounced evening peak of stomach fullness, while at night feeding discontinues. Samples collected in the morning consisted of fish who had just started feeding after the night pause. In addition to nightly period of rest, all species manifested a daytime decrease in foraging activity, though less pronounced than in the night. The daily rhythm of Pacific salmons’s feeding depends on the vertical migrations of their food items (representatives of sound-scattering layers). During the marine feeding period, the most intensive feeding is recorded in the humpback salmon and chum salmon. The daily ration of the humpback salmon is lower than that of the chum salmon but includes animals of higher food value. Due to a high digestion rate in combination with a large stomach volume, the chum salmon can consume a large quantity of low-calorific food in a short time. The daily ration of the sockeyed salmon is considerably lower than that of other salmon species.  相似文献   

In the warming Arctic, aquatic habitats are in flux and salmon are exploring their options. Adult Pacific salmon, including sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), coho (O. kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) have been captured throughout the Arctic. Pink and chum salmon are the most common species found in the Arctic today. These species are less dependent on freshwater habitats as juveniles and grow quickly in marine habitats. Putative spawning populations are rare in the North American Arctic and limited to pink salmon in drainages north of Point Hope, Alaska, chum salmon spawning rivers draining to the northwestern Beaufort Sea, and small populations of chum and pink salmon in Canada’s Mackenzie River. Pacific salmon have colonized several large river basins draining to the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian seas in the Russian Arctic. These populations probably developed from hatchery supplementation efforts in the 1960’s. Hundreds of populations of Arctic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are found in Russia, Norway and Finland. Atlantic salmon have extended their range eastward as far as the Kara Sea in central Russian. A small native population of Atlantic salmon is found in Canada’s Ungava Bay. The northern tip of Quebec seems to be an Atlantic salmon migration barrier for other North American stocks. Compatibility between life history requirements and ecological conditions are prerequisite for salmon colonizing Arctic habitats. Broad-scale predictive models of climate change in the Arctic give little information about feedback processes contributing to local conditions, especially in freshwater systems. This paper reviews the recent history of salmon in the Arctic and explores various patterns of climate change that may influence range expansions and future sustainability of salmon in Arctic habitats. A summary of the research needs that will allow informed expectation of further Arctic colonization by salmon is given.  相似文献   

The interannual variations and general state of the food supply of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the 2000s in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (including the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk) were analyzed based on indirect characteristics that indicate the variability of their forage base, feeding habits, growth, and biomass. A new index for the quantitative evaluation of food supply was suggested. The food supply of the Pacific salmon during the 2000s was found to be sufficient to maintain the normal functioning of populations. With high abundance of Pacific salmon, the food supply tended to decrease. However, this caused no negative consequences for the survival of major salmon stocks during the marine period of life and, as a rule, no marked decrease in the food consumption and growth rates of fish. A relative increase in food competition was compensated by adaptive changes in the diet and diel feeding rhythm of salmon. With the shortage of preferred food organisms (amphipods, euphausiids, and pteropods), Pacific salmon changed to consuming minor prey (copepods and chaetognaths), and numerous mesopelagic species of macroplankton and micronekton in the evening hours.  相似文献   

Movement of nutrients across ecosystem boundaries can have important effects on food webs and population dynamics. An example from the North Pacific Rim is the connection between productive marine ecosystems and freshwaters driven by annual spawning migrations of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp). While a growing body of research has highlighted the importance of both pulsed nutrient subsidies and disturbance by spawning salmon, their effects on population densities of vertebrate consumers have rarely been tested, especially across streams spanning a wide range of natural variation in salmon densities and habitat characteristics. We studied resident freshwater prickly (Cottus asper), and coastrange sculpins (C. aleuticus) in coastal salmon spawning streams to test whether their population densities are affected by spawning densities of pink and chum salmon (O. gorbuscha and O. keta), as well as habitat characteristics. Coastrange sculpins occurred in the highest densities in streams with high densities of spawning pink and chum salmon. They also were more dense in streams with high pH, large watersheds, less area covered by pools, and lower gradients. In contrast, prickly sculpin densities were higher in streams with more large wood and pools, and less canopy cover, but their densities were not correlated with salmon. These results for coastrange sculpins provide evidence of a numerical population response by freshwater fish to increased availability of salmon subsidies in streams. These results demonstrate complex and context-dependent relationships between spawning Pacific salmon and coastal ecosystems and can inform an ecosystem-based approach to their management and conservation.  相似文献   

After several years of feeding at sea, salmonids have an amazing ability to migrate long distances from the open ocean to their natal stream to spawn. Three different research approaches from behavioural to molecular biological studies have been used to elucidate the physiological mechanisms underpinning salmonid imprinting and homing migration. The study was based on four anadromous Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp., pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou, migrating from the North Pacific Ocean to the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, as well as lacustrine O. nerka and O. masou in Lake Toya, Hokkaido, where the lake serves as the model oceanic system. Behavioural studies using biotelemetry techniques showed swimming profiles from the Bering Sea to the coast of Hokkaido in O. keta as well as homing behaviours of lacustrine O. nerka and O. masou in Lake Toya. Endocrinological studies on hormone profiles in the brain-pituitary-gonad axis of O. keta, and lacustrine O. nerka identified the hormonal changes during homing migration. Neurophysiological studies revealed crucial roles of olfactory functions on imprinting and homing during downstream and upstream migration, respectively. These findings are discussed in relation to the physiological mechanisms of imprinting and homing migration in anadromous and lacustrine salmonids.  相似文献   

Based on the data of the analysis of distribution of juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta that were marked at salmon hatcheries in the southern part of the Sakhalin Island and Japan it has been established that their stocks in the Sea of Okhotsk coastal waters off South Sakhalin and Japan are of mixed origin. One part of the stock is composed of juveniles from hatcheries located in the southern part of Sakhalin, and the other part is composed of migrants from the waters adjacent to Japan. The first part is formed by juveniles both from hatcheries on the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan coasts of South Sakhalin. The second part is formed by juveniles reared at hatcheries in all regions of Japan: the Pacific and Sea of Okhotsk coasts of Honshu and Hokkaido, and from the Sea of Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido and Izmena (Nemuro) Strait. In July, in the Sea of Okhotsk coastal waters off South Sakhalin, the length and weight of most juvenile chum salmon of Japanese origin exceed 10 cm and 10 g, and juveniles of Sakhalin origin are always smaller than 10 cm and 10 g, which makes it possible to differentiate juveniles in trawl catches.  相似文献   

黑龙江秋大麻哈鱼耳石形态发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对进入中国黑龙江的秋大麻哈鱼生殖群体进行人工繁育, 观察不同发育阶段和回归成体的耳石形态及其结构变化。结果表明:秋大麻哈鱼胚胎、胚后仔稚鱼、幼鱼和二龄鱼的矢耳石随个体生长发育,其大小在不断增长, 轮廓和表面形态结构也在发生演变, 逐渐趋似于回归成体的耳石形态。秋大麻哈鱼回归生殖群体的不同年龄和雌雄个体间矢耳石、微耳石形态基本一致。矢耳石形似梨形, 大小约为3 mm×5 mm×1 mm, 重量约为9 mg, 光镜下可见耳石日轮和年轮结构。日轮形成在胚胎发眼后约5日, 采用人工标记方法证实了生长轮的日周期特性。二龄鱼耳石已出现边缘生长区, 形成年轮。矢耳石增长与鱼体叉长生长显著相关(SL=21.574 OL-7.005,R2=0.9926)。    相似文献   

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