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Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato PT23.2 produces the chlorosis-inducing phytotoxin coronatine. Thirty-eight chlorosis-defective mutants of PT23.2 were previously generated by using the transposon Tn5. Five mutants contained Tn5 insertions in the indigenous plasmid pPT23A; the remaining 33 mutants either were missing pPT23A (29 mutants) or contained deletions in this plasmid (4 mutants). These results suggested that pPT23A was involved in coronatine production in strain PT23.2. This plasmid was introduced into P. syringae pv. syringae PS61, which does not produce coronatine. A bioassay for coronatine suggested that PS61(pPT23A) transconjugants were able to make this phytotoxin. In a chemical analysis, organic acids were isolated from PT23.2, PS61, and the transconjugant PS61(pPT23A); these were derivatized to their methyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography. The derivatized organic acids extracted from PT23.2 and PS61(pPT23A) contained peaks that corresponded to coronafacic acid, coronafacoylvaline, and coronatine, but these were absent in the extracts from the wild-type strain PS61. The identification of these components was confirmed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry. Therefore, the acquisition of pPT23A by PS61 resulted in biosynthesis of coronafacic acid, coronafacoylvaline, and coronatine, clearly demonstrating the involvement of pPT23A in coronatine production in P. syringae pv. tomato.  相似文献   

Coronatine (COR) is a non-host-specific phytotoxin that is produced by several different pathovars in the species Pseudomonas syringae. COR consists of two distinct components: coronafacic acid (CFA), which is synthesized via the polyketide pathway, and coronamic acid (CMA), a cyclized derivative of isoleucine. Both CFA and CMA function as intermediates in the pathway to COR and must be joined together by an amide bond to form the phytotoxin. Although the mode of action for COR remains obscure, the CFA moiety is a structural and functional analogue of jasmonic acid, a compound that is produced in a variety of plants in response to stress. The COR biosynthetic gene cluster generally occurs on large plasmids in P. syringae, an observation that helps to explain the production of COR by multiple pathovars. Mutagenesis, feeding studies, and complementation analyses have been used to divide the COR biosynthetic gene cluster into functional regions. Nucleotide sequencing of the regions involved in CFA and CMA biosynthesis has revealed relatedness to genes encoding polyketide and peptide synthetases, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of the gene responsible for catalyzing amide bond formation between CMA and CFA shows relatedness to enzymes that activate cyclic carboxylic acids by adenylation. Coronatine biosynthesis has been shown to be temperature-sensitive and regulated by a modified two-component regulatory system. Received: 12 February 1996 / Accepted: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

Plant pathogens deploy an array of virulence factors to suppress host defense and promote pathogenicity. Numerous strains of Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine (COR). A major aspect of COR function is its ability to mimic a bioactive jasmonic acid (JA) conjugate and thus target the JA-receptor COR-insensitive 1 (COI1). Biological activities of COR include stimulation of JA-signaling and consequent suppression of SA-dependent defense through antagonistic crosstalk, antagonism of stomatal closure to allow bacterial entry into the interior of plant leaves, contribution to chlorotic symptoms in infected plants, and suppression of plant cell wall defense through perturbation of secondary metabolism. Here, we review the virulence function of COR, including updates on these established activities as well as more recent findings revealing COI1-independent activity of COR and shedding light on cooperative or redundant defense suppression between COR and type III effector proteins.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 produces the polyketide phytotoxin coronatine. The coronatine synthesis genes in PG4180 were previously shown to reside on a 90-kb plasmid designated p4180A. In the present study, clones containing a 34-kb region of p4180A were saturated with Tn5, and 71 unique mutations were recombined into p4180A by marker exchange. The effect of each mutation on coronatine synthesis was determined by analyzing the organic acids produced by the mutants by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The organic acids of selected mutants were derivatized to their methyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Mutations in a 20.5-kb region of p4180A completely blocked the synthesis of coronafacic acid and coronatine. Mutations within a 4.4-kb region of p4180A prevented the formation of coronatine but allowed for production of coronafacic acid, coronafacoylvaline, coronafacoylisoleucine, and coronafacoylalloisoleucine. The phenotypes of selected mutants were further confirmed in feeding experiments in which coronafacic acid or coronamic acid was added to the culture media. The results of this study allow us to speculate on the likely sequence of steps in the later stages of coronatine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 causes bacterial blight of soybean and produces the phytotoxin coronatine (COR) in a temperature-dependent manner. COR consists of a polyketide, coronafacic acid (CFA), and an amino acid derivative, coronamic acid, and is produced optimally at 18 degrees C whereas no detectable synthesis occurs at 28 degrees C. We investigated the impact of temperature on PG4180 during compatible and incompatible interactions with soybean and tobacco plants, respectively. After spray inoculation, PG4180 caused typical bacterial blight symptoms on soybean plants when the bacteria were grown at 18 degrees C prior to inoculation but not when derived from cultures grown at 28 degrees C. The disease outcome was quantified by determination of bacterial populations in planta. The temperature effect was not observed when PG4180 was artificially infiltrated into soybean leaves, indicating that the pre-inoculation temperature and phytotoxin synthesis were important for bacterial invasion via natural plant openings. In the incompatible interaction, PG4180 elicited the hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco plants regardless of the bacterial pre-inoculation temperature. However, the HR was significantly delayed when tobacco plants were treated with cells of the CFA-overproducing derivative, PG4180.N9, which were derived from cultures grown at 18 degrees C, compared with parallels incubated at 28 degrees C. CFA biosynthesis by PG4180.N9 was optimal at 18 degrees C and negligible at 28 degrees C. The impact of CFA synthesis on the HR was studied with different growth media, mutants, and transconjugants of PG4180, indicating that the amount of synthesized CFA but not that of COR influenced the outcome of the HR. Feeding experiments with purified coronafacoyl compounds suggested that the observed delay of the HR was mediated by CFA, shedding further light on CFA's putative role as a molecular mimic of the plant signaling molecule, jasmonic acid.  相似文献   

Expression profiling of wild-type plants and mutants with defects in key components of the defense signaling network was used to model the Arabidopsis network 24 h after infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4326. Results using the Affymetrix ATH1 array revealed that expression levels of most pathogen-responsive genes were affected by mutations in coi1, ein2, npr1, pad4, or sid2. These five mutations defined a small number of different expression patterns displayed by the majority of pathogen-responsive genes. P. syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 elicited a much weaker salicylic acid (SA) response than ES4326. Additional mutants were profiled using a custom array. Profiles of pbs3 and ndr1 revealed major effects of these mutations and allowed PBS3 and NDR1 to be placed between the EDS1/PAD4 node and the SA synthesis node in the defense network. Comparison of coi1, dde2, and jar1 profiles showed that many genes were affected by coi1 but very few were affected by dde2 or jar1. Profiles of coi1 plants infected with ES4326 were very similar to those of wild-type plants infected with bacteria unable to produce the phytotoxin coronatine, indicating that, essentially, all COI1-dependent gene expression changes in this system are caused by coronatine.  相似文献   

Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes encoding functions necessary for inhibition by the Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae cyclic lipodepsipeptide, syringomycin-E, were identified by mutant analyses. Syringomycin-E-resistant mutants were isolated, shown to contain single recessive mutations, and divided into eight gene complementation groups. Representative strains from five groups were resistant to nystatin, and deficient in the plasma membrane lipid, ergosterol. All of the mutant strains were resistant to the related cyclic lipodepsipeptides, syringotoxin and syringostatin. The findings show that: 1) at least eight gene-encoded functions participate in the inhibitory response to syringomycin; 2) ergosterol is important for this response; 3) the three related lipodepsipeptides have similar modes of action.  相似文献   

The phytotoxin coronatine (COR) contributes to the virulence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato ( Pst ) strain DC3000 on Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato. However, little is known regarding the role of COR in the virulence of DC3000 on cultivated Brassica spp. In this study, the role of COR and its precursors, coronafacic acid (CFA) and coronamic acid (CMA), were examined in the virulence of Pst DC3000 on collard and turnip, two important edible brassicas. Pst DC3000 and three well-defined COR biosynthetic mutants of DC3000 exhibited substantial differences in the timing and phenotype of disease lesions on collard and turnip. When examined 3 days post-inoculation (dpi), collard inoculated with DC3000 exhibited visible anthocyanin production and lesions were chlorotic and water-soaked. On turnip, chlorotic and necrotic lesions were evident on DC3000-inoculated leaves 5 dpi. The bacterial population dynamics on plants inoculated with DC3000 and the COR mutants indicated that COR was essential for DC3000 to maintain high populations in turnip, but not collard. Real-time quantitative PCR revealed that the jasmonic acid pathway responsive genes, LOX2 and CORI1 , were expressed in both hosts inoculated with Pst DC3000. PR1 , a marker associated with the salicylic acid pathway, was expressed in collard and turnip inoculated with the CFA CMA mutant DB29, but not DC3000. Further comparison of PR1 and LOX2 expression indicated that CFA plays a subtle role in modulating defence in turnip. This is the first study to investigate the role of COR in the interaction of Pst DC3000 and cultivated brassicas using genetically and biochemically defined COR mutants.  相似文献   

Chlorosis-inducing compounds in liquid cultures of the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. atropurpurea have been investigated. In addition to coronatine as previously reported, a new compound was discovered. This gave a mass spectral fragmentation pattern which indicated that it was, like coronatine, an amide of coronafacic acid. Acid-hydrolysis of the new toxin liberated the amino acid valine. This observation, together with mass spectral and NMR data, established the structure of the new toxin as N-coronafacoylvaline. Some implications to biosynthesis are discussed. Along with the two chlorosis-inducing compounds, the biologically inactive coronafacic acid was also isolated from the growth medium.  相似文献   

In the compatible combination of the halo blight disease of bean Pseudomonas phaseolicola was able to colonize large areas of the intercellular space of leaves, such that these confluent water congested areas became visible as water-soaked spots. Most of the plant cell walls in the infected region maintained their normal shape, even when the cytoplasm had collapsed. Some inward bending of plant cell walls preceded their rather slow degradation and final replacement by bacterial masses. Neighbouring plant cells appeared to be metabolically active. In resistant leaves no indications of active bacterial attachment or encapsulation could be observed. However, bacteria appeared to be more densely packed in resistant leaves, and relatively more plant cells completely collapsed as compared with susceptible leaves. From 8—14 days after inoculation, the bacterial concentration did not change much in susceptible or resistant leaves, indicating the absence of bactericidal components. Even Pseudomonas pisi snowed some multiplication in bean leaves (immune reaction), but its growth stopped earlier than that of P. phaseolicola. in the resistant cultivars, probably due to a different mechanism of resistance. Although less bacteria were determined in the intercellular washing fluid (IF) compared with leaf homogenates, the high bacterial concentrations in the IF supported our observation that an effective encapsulation of bacteria in resistant leaves did not occur.  相似文献   

Multiplication of Pseudomonas phaseolicola was determined in 17 different bean cultivars ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) and 9 other plant species, and the effect of different inoculation methods and conditions was also studied.
In susceptible leaves, a generation time of 2.1 h was determined in the early phase (2 days after inoculation). Different multiplication rates in susceptible and resistant leaves were clearly observed 4 days after inoculation. At this time the first small water-soaked spots were visible in the susceptible cultivars. Bacteria multiplied up to the 7th day after inoculation with a maximum of 109 cells per cm2 leaf (equal to ca. 4 × 1010 bacterial cells/cm3). At the same time, the water-soaked spots had reached their maximum size in most cases. Thus, bacterial multiplication and development of water-soaked spots paralleled each other.
In resistant leaves, no water-soaked spots appeared, and the final bacterial concentration was 1/1000–1/100 of that in susceptible leaves. Gomparison of races 1 and 2 in several bean cultivars indicated the non-existence of a gene-for-gene relationship with this disease. Old leaves were less susceptible to infection. Some bacterial multiplication was also observed in non-host plants. There was a general correlation between bacterial multiplication in the non-host plants and their botanical relation to Phaseolus vulgaris .  相似文献   

Cfa1 was overproduced in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas syringae, and the degree of 4'-phosphopantetheinylation was determined. The malonyl-coenzyme A:acyl carrier protein transacylase (FabD) of P. syringae was overproduced and shown to catalyze malonylation of Cfa1, suggesting that FabD plays a role in coronatine biosynthesis. Highly purified Cfa1 did not exhibit self-malonylation activity.  相似文献   

The co-evolution of bacterial plant pathogens and their hosts is a complex and dynamic process. Plant resistance can impose stress on invading pathogens that can lead to, and select for, beneficial changes in the bacterial genome. The Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pph) genomic island PPHGI-1 carries an effector gene, avrPphB (hopAR1), which triggers the hypersensitive reaction in bean plants carrying the R3 resistance gene. Interaction between avrPphB and R3 generates an antimicrobial environment within the plant, resulting in the excision of PPHGI-1 and its loss from the genome. The loss of PPHGI-1 leads to the generation of a Pph strain able to cause disease in the plant. In this study, we observed that lower bacterial densities inoculated into resistant bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants resulted in quicker PPHGI-1 loss from the population, and that loss of the island was strongly influenced by the type of plant resistance encountered by the bacteria. In addition, we found that a number of changes occurred in the bacterial genome during growth in the plant, whether or not PPHGI-1 was lost. We also present evidence that the circular PPHGI-1 episome is able to replicate autonomously when excised from the genome. These results shed more light onto the plasticity of the bacterial genome as it is influenced by in planta conditions.  相似文献   

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