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Protein designers use a wide variety of software tools for de novo design, yet their repertoire still lacks a fast and interactive all-atom search engine. To solve this, we have built the Suns program: a real-time, atomic search engine integrated into the PyMOL molecular visualization system. Users build atomic-level structural search queries within PyMOL and receive a stream of search results aligned to their query within a few seconds. This instant feedback cycle enables a new “designability”-inspired approach to protein design where the designer searches for and interactively incorporates native-like fragments from proven protein structures. We demonstrate the use of Suns to interactively build protein motifs, tertiary interactions, and to identify scaffolds compatible with hot-spot residues. The official web site and installer are located at http://www.degradolab.org/suns/ and the source code is hosted at https://github.com/godotgildor/Suns (PyMOL plugin, BSD license), https://github.com/Gabriel439/suns-cmd (command line client, BSD license), and https://github.com/Gabriel439/suns-search (search engine server, GPLv2 license).
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software Article

When working on an ongoing genome sequencing and assembly project, it is rather inconvenient when gene identifiers change from one build of the assembly to the next. The gene labelling system described here, UniqTag, addresses this common challenge. UniqTag assigns a unique identifier to each gene that is a representative k-mer, a string of length k, selected from the sequence of that gene. Unlike serial numbers, these identifiers are stable between different assemblies and annotations of the same data without requiring that previous annotations be lifted over by sequence alignment. We assign UniqTag identifiers to ten builds of the Ensembl human genome spanning eight years to demonstrate this stability. The implementation of UniqTag in Ruby and an R package are available at https://github.com/sjackman/uniqtag sjackman/uniqtag. The R package is also available from CRAN: install.packages ("uniqtag"). Supplementary material and code to reproduce it is available at https://github.com/sjackman/uniqtag-paper.  相似文献   

We describe an open-source kPAL package that facilitates an alignment-free assessment of the quality and comparability of sequencing datasets by analyzing k-mer frequencies. We show that kPAL can detect technical artefacts such as high duplication rates, library chimeras, contamination and differences in library preparation protocols. kPAL also successfully captures the complexity and diversity of microbiomes and provides a powerful means to study changes in microbial communities. Together, these features make kPAL an attractive and broadly applicable tool to determine the quality and comparability of sequence libraries even in the absence of a reference sequence. kPAL is freely available at https://github.com/LUMC/kPAL.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0555-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

ChIP-seq is a powerful method for obtaining genome-wide maps of protein-DNA interactions and epigenetic modifications. CHANCE (CHip-seq ANalytics and Confidence Estimation) is a standalone package for ChIP-seq quality control and protocol optimization. Our user-friendly graphical software quickly estimates the strength and quality of immunoprecipitations, identifies biases, compares the user''s data with ENCODE''s large collection of published datasets, performs multi-sample normalization, checks against quantitative PCR-validated control regions, and produces informative graphical reports. CHANCE is available at https://github.com/songlab/chance.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment tools struggle to keep pace with rapidly growing sequence data, as few methods can handle large datasets while maintaining alignment accuracy. We recently introduced MAGUS, a new state-of-the-art method for aligning large numbers of sequences. In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of enhancements that allow MAGUS to align vastly larger datasets with greater speed. We compare MAGUS to other leading alignment methods on datasets of up to one million sequences. Our results demonstrate the advantages of MAGUS over other alignment software in both accuracy and speed. MAGUS is freely available in open-source form at https://github.com/vlasmirnov/MAGUS.  相似文献   

TnSeq has become a popular technique for determining the essentiality of genomic regions in bacterial organisms. Several methods have been developed to analyze the wealth of data that has been obtained through TnSeq experiments. We developed a tool for analyzing Himar1 TnSeq data called TRANSIT. TRANSIT provides a graphical interface to three different statistical methods for analyzing TnSeq data. These methods cover a variety of approaches capable of identifying essential genes in individual datasets as well as comparative analysis between conditions. We demonstrate the utility of this software by analyzing TnSeq datasets of M. tuberculosis grown on glycerol and cholesterol. We show that TRANSIT can be used to discover genes which have been previously implicated for growth on these carbon sources. TRANSIT is written in Python, and thus can be run on Windows, OSX and Linux platforms. The source code is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license and can be obtained from the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/mad-lab/transit
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software paper

Existing methods for identifying structural variants (SVs) from short read datasets are inaccurate. This complicates disease-gene identification and efforts to understand the consequences of genetic variation. In response, we have created Wham (Whole-genome Alignment Metrics) to provide a single, integrated framework for both structural variant calling and association testing, thereby bypassing many of the difficulties that currently frustrate attempts to employ SVs in association testing. Here we describe Wham, benchmark it against three other widely used SV identification tools–Lumpy, Delly and SoftSearch–and demonstrate Wham’s ability to identify and associate SVs with phenotypes using data from humans, domestic pigeons, and vaccinia virus. Wham and all associated software are covered under the MIT License and can be freely downloaded from github (https://github.com/zeeev/wham), with documentation on a wiki (http://zeeev.github.io/wham/). For community support please post questions to https://www.biostars.org/.
This is PLOS Computational Biology software paper.

Random Forest has become a standard data analysis tool in computational biology. However, extensions to existing implementations are often necessary to handle the complexity of biological datasets and their associated research questions. The growing size of these datasets requires high performance implementations. We describe CloudForest, a Random Forest package written in Go, which is particularly well suited for large, heterogeneous, genetic and biomedical datasets. CloudForest includes several extensions, such as dealing with unbalanced classes and missing values. Its flexible design enables users to easily implement additional extensions. CloudForest achieves fast running times by effective use of the CPU cache, optimizing for different classes of features and efficiently multi-threading. https://github.com/ilyalab/CloudForest.  相似文献   

Metabolomics and proteomics, like other omics domains, usually face a data mining challenge in providing an understandable output to advance in biomarker discovery and precision medicine. Often, statistical analysis is one of the most difficult challenges and it is critical in the subsequent biological interpretation of the results. Because of this, combined with the computational programming skills needed for this type of analysis, several bioinformatic tools aimed at simplifying metabolomics and proteomics data analysis have emerged. However, sometimes the analysis is still limited to a few hidebound statistical methods and to data sets with limited flexibility. POMAShiny is a web-based tool that provides a structured, flexible and user-friendly workflow for the visualization, exploration and statistical analysis of metabolomics and proteomics data. This tool integrates several statistical methods, some of them widely used in other types of omics, and it is based on the POMA R/Bioconductor package, which increases the reproducibility and flexibility of analyses outside the web environment. POMAShiny and POMA are both freely available at https://github.com/nutrimetabolomics/POMAShiny and https://github.com/nutrimetabolomics/POMA, respectively.  相似文献   

Identification of biopolymer motifs represents a key step in the analysis of biological sequences. The MEME Suite is a widely used toolkit for comprehensive analysis of biopolymer motifs; however, these tools are poorly integrated within popular analysis frameworks like the R/Bioconductor project, creating barriers to their use. Here we present memes, an R package that provides a seamless R interface to a selection of popular MEME Suite tools. memes provides a novel “data aware” interface to these tools, enabling rapid and complex discriminative motif analysis workflows. In addition to interfacing with popular MEME Suite tools, memes leverages existing R/Bioconductor data structures to store the multidimensional data returned by MEME Suite tools for rapid data access and manipulation. Finally, memes provides data visualization capabilities to facilitate communication of results. memes is available as a Bioconductor package at https://bioconductor.org/packages/memes, and the source code can be found at github.com/snystrom/memes.  相似文献   

Many biological questions, including the estimation of deep evolutionary histories and the detection of remote homology between protein sequences, rely upon multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees of large datasets. However, accurate large-scale multiple sequence alignment is very difficult, especially when the dataset contains fragmentary sequences. We present UPP, a multiple sequence alignment method that uses a new machine learning technique, the ensemble of hidden Markov models, which we propose here. UPP produces highly accurate alignments for both nucleotide and amino acid sequences, even on ultra-large datasets or datasets containing fragmentary sequences. UPP is available at https://github.com/smirarab/sepp.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0688-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite the growing number of immune repertoire sequencing studies, the field still lacks software for analysis and comprehension of this high-dimensional data. Here we report VDJtools, a complementary software suite that solves a wide range of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires post-analysis tasks, provides a detailed tabular output and publication-ready graphics, and is built on top of a flexible API. Using TCR datasets for a large cohort of unrelated healthy donors, twins, and multiple sclerosis patients we demonstrate that VDJtools greatly facilitates the analysis and leads to sound biological conclusions. VDJtools software and documentation are available at https://github.com/mikessh/vdjtools.  相似文献   

Developing suitable methods for the detection of protein complexes in protein interaction networks continues to be an intriguing area of research. The importance of this objective originates from the fact that protein complexes are key players in most cellular processes. The more complexes we identify, the better we can understand normal as well as abnormal molecular events. Up till now, various computational methods were designed for this purpose. However, despite their notable performance, questions arise regarding potential ways to improve them, in addition to ameliorative guidelines to introduce novel approaches. A close interpretation leads to the assent that the way in which protein interaction networks are initially viewed should be adjusted. These networks are dynamic in reality and it is necessary to consider this fact to enhance the detection of protein complexes. In this paper, we present “DyCluster”, a framework to model the dynamic aspect of protein interaction networks by incorporating gene expression data, through biclustering techniques, prior to applying complex-detection algorithms. The experimental results show that DyCluster leads to higher numbers of correctly-detected complexes with better evaluation scores. The high accuracy achieved by DyCluster in detecting protein complexes is a valid argument in favor of the proposed method. DyCluster is also able to detect biologically meaningful protein groups. The code and datasets used in the study are downloadable from https://github.com/emhanna/DyCluster.  相似文献   

For many RNA molecules, the secondary structure is essential for the correct function of the RNA. Predicting RNA secondary structure from nucleotide sequences is a long-standing problem in genomics, but the prediction performance has reached a plateau over time. Traditional RNA secondary structure prediction algorithms are primarily based on thermodynamic models through free energy minimization, which imposes strong prior assumptions and is slow to run. Here, we propose a deep learning-based method, called UFold, for RNA secondary structure prediction, trained directly on annotated data and base-pairing rules. UFold proposes a novel image-like representation of RNA sequences, which can be efficiently processed by Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs). We benchmark the performance of UFold on both within- and cross-family RNA datasets. It significantly outperforms previous methods on within-family datasets, while achieving a similar performance as the traditional methods when trained and tested on distinct RNA families. UFold is also able to predict pseudoknots accurately. Its prediction is fast with an inference time of about 160 ms per sequence up to 1500 bp in length. An online web server running UFold is available at https://ufold.ics.uci.edu. Code is available at https://github.com/uci-cbcl/UFold.  相似文献   

DNA modifications such as methylation and DNA damage can play critical regulatory roles in biological systems. Single molecule, real time (SMRT) sequencing technology generates DNA sequences as well as DNA polymerase kinetic information that can be used for the direct detection of DNA modifications. We demonstrate that local sequence context has a strong impact on DNA polymerase kinetics in the neighborhood of the incorporation site during the DNA synthesis reaction, allowing for the possibility of estimating the expected kinetic rate of the enzyme at the incorporation site using kinetic rate information collected from existing SMRT sequencing data (historical data) covering the same local sequence contexts of interest. We develop an Empirical Bayesian hierarchical model for incorporating historical data. Our results show that the model could greatly increase DNA modification detection accuracy, and reduce requirement of control data coverage. For some DNA modifications that have a strong signal, a control sample is not even needed by using historical data as alternative to control. Thus, sequencing costs can be greatly reduced by using the model. We implemented the model in a R package named seqPatch, which is available at https://github.com/zhixingfeng/seqPatch.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the human genome have indicated that regulatory elements (e.g. promoters and enhancers) at distal genomic locations can interact with each other via chromatin folding and affect gene expression levels. Genomic technologies for mapping interactions between DNA regions, e.g., ChIA-PET and HiC, can generate genome-wide maps of interactions between regulatory elements. These interaction datasets are important resources to infer distal gene targets of non-coding regulatory elements and to facilitate prioritization of critical loci for important cellular functions. With the increasing diversity and complexity of genomic information and public ontologies, making sense of these datasets demands integrative and easy-to-use software tools. Moreover, network representation of chromatin interaction maps enables effective data visualization, integration, and mining. Currently, there is no software that can take full advantage of network theory approaches for the analysis of chromatin interaction datasets. To fill this gap, we developed a web-based application, QuIN, which enables: 1) building and visualizing chromatin interaction networks, 2) annotating networks with user-provided private and publicly available functional genomics and interaction datasets, 3) querying network components based on gene name or chromosome location, and 4) utilizing network based measures to identify and prioritize critical regulatory targets and their direct and indirect interactions. AVAILABILITY: QuIN’s web server is available at http://quin.jax.org QuIN is developed in Java and JavaScript, utilizing an Apache Tomcat web server and MySQL database and the source code is available under the GPLV3 license available on GitHub: https://github.com/UcarLab/QuIN/.
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software paper.

Gene expression analysis is becoming increasingly utilized in neuro-immunology research, and there is a growing need for non-programming scientists to be able to analyze their own genomic data. MGEnrichment is a web application developed both to disseminate to the community our curated database of microglia-relevant gene lists, and to allow non-programming scientists to easily conduct statistical enrichment analysis on their gene expression data. Users can upload their own gene IDs to assess the relevance of their expression data against gene lists from other studies. We include example datasets of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from human postmortem brain samples from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and matched controls. We demonstrate how MGEnrichment can be used to expand the interpretations of these DEG lists in terms of regulation of microglial gene expression and provide novel insights into how ASD DEGs may be implicated specifically in microglial development, microbiome responses and relationships to other neuropsychiatric disorders. This tool will be particularly useful for those working in microglia, autism spectrum disorders, and neuro-immune activation research. MGEnrichment is available at https://ciernialab.shinyapps.io/MGEnrichmentApp/ and further online documentation and datasets can be found at https://github.com/ciernialab/MGEnrichmentApp. The app is released under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.  相似文献   

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