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In unstressed cells, the p53 tumor suppressor is highly unstable. DNA damage and other forms of cellular stress rapidly stabilize and activate p53. This process is regulated by a complex array of post-translational modifications that are dynamically deposited onto p53. Recent studies show that these modifications orchestrate p53-mediated processes such as cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Cancer cells carry inherent genetic damage, but avoid arrest and apoptosis by inactivating p53. Defining the enzymatic machinery that regulates the stress-induced modification of p53 at single-residue resolution is critical to our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms that control this critical tumor suppressor. Specifically, acetylation of p53 at lysine 120, a DNA-binding domain residue mutated in human cancer, is essential for triggering apoptosis. Given the oncogenic properties of deacetylases and the success of deacetylase inhibitors as anticancer agents, we investigated the regulation of Lys(120) deacetylation using pharmacologic and genetic approaches. This analysis revealed that histone deacetylase 1 is predominantly responsible for the deacetylation of Lys(120). Furthermore, treatment with the clinical-grade histone deacetylase inhibitor entinostat enhances Lys(120) acetylation, an event that is mechanistically linked to its apoptotic effect. These data expand our understanding of the mechanisms controlling p53 function and suggest that regulation of p53 modification status at single-residue resolution by targeted therapeutics can selectively alter p53 pathway function. This knowledge may impact the rational application of deacetylase inhibitors in the treatment of human cancer.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 is negatively regulated by the ubiquitin ligase MDM2. The MDM2 recognition site is at the NH2-terminal region of p53, but the positions of the actual ubiquitination acceptor sites are less well defined. Lysine residues at the COOH-terminal region of p53 are implicated as sites for ubiquitination and other post-translational modifications. Unexpectedly, we found that substitution of the COOH-terminal lysine residues did not diminish MDM2-mediated ubiquitination. Ubiquitination was not abolished even after the entire COOH-terminal regulatory region was removed. Using a method involving in vitro proteolytic cleavage at specific sites after ubiquitination, we found that p53 was ubiquitinated at the NH2-terminal portion of the protein. The lysine residue within the transactivation domain is probably not essential for ubiquitination, as substitution with an arginine did not affect MDM2 binding or ubiquitination. In contrast, several conserved lysine residues in the DNA-binding domain are critical for p53 ubiquitination. Removal of the DNA-binding domain reduced ubiquitination and increased the stability of p53. These data provide evidence that in addition to the COOH-terminal residues, p53 may also be ubiquitinated at sites in the DNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

Alvinella pompejana is one of the most emblematic species of the animal communities colonizing the deep‐sea hydrothermal vents of the East Pacific Rise. This extreme environment is characterized by high temporal variability of its physical–chemical parameters. Among these, the variation in concentration of available oxygen should lead to a specific physiological adaptive response of the animal. To evaluate the mechanisms of this response at a molecular level, a classical 2‐DE‐based proteomic approach has been implemented. After collection (Garrett‐18S and ‐17S vent sites) animals were reconditioned in a high‐pressure chamber pressurized at 260 bar and then the oxygen concentration was regulated to a constant value corresponding to hypoxia, normoxia or hyperoxia for 7 h. The soluble proteins from gills were then analyzed by 2‐DE. The protein content of spots showing specific changes following oxygen concentration variation was determined based on comparison of MS/MS sequence data with a recently established A. pompejana ESTs database. Fifteen proteins, belonging mainly to three families, cytoskeleton protein, enzymes of energetic metabolism and heat shock proteins, have been identified as potentially involved in the response to the change in oxygen concentration. The significance of the relatively small set of proteins modulated by oxygen variations is discussed in the context of a potential universal cellular response to stress.  相似文献   

The tetrameric tumor suppressor p53 plays a pivotal role in the control of the cell cycle and provides a paradigm for an emerging class of oligomeric, multidomain proteins with structured and intrinsically disordered regions. Many of its biophysical and functional properties have been extrapolated from truncated variants, yet the exact structural and functional role of certain segments of the protein is unclear. We found from NMR and X-ray crystallography that the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of human p53, usually defined as residues 94-292, extends beyond these domain boundaries. Trp91, in the hinge region between the disordered proline-rich N-terminal domain and the DBD, folds back onto the latter and has a cation-π interaction with Arg174. These additional interactions increase the melting temperature of the DBD by up to 2 °C and inhibit aggregation of the p53 tetramer. They also modulate the dissociation of the p53 tetramer. The absence of the Trp91/Arg174 packing presumably allows nonnative DBD-DBD interactions that both nucleate aggregation and stabilize the interface. These data have important implications for studies of multidomain proteins in general, highlighting the fact that weak ordered-disordered domain interactions can modulate the properties of proteins of complex structure.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic and mesophilic marine bacterium HYD-1545 was isolated on a metal-amended medium from the dorsal integument of the hydrothermal vent polychaete Alvinella pompejana. This strain, which can be assigned to the genus Alteromonas on the basis of its G+C content and phenotypical features, produced large amounts of an acidic polysaccharide in batch cultures. The polysaccharide was excreted during the stationary phase of growth and contained glucose, galactose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, and 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethilidene)-galactose as major components. This polysaccharide was a polyelectrolyte, and the viscosity of its solutions depended on the ionic strength. The decrease in viscosity with increasing NaCl concentrations and the effect of Ca2+ in decreasing the viscosity at low Ca2+ concentrations support a model in which the polysaccharide carries anionic groups. However, an unusual behavior was observed at higher concentrations and could be related to intermolecular interactions involving Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

F Talmont  B Fournet 《FEBS letters》1991,281(1-2):55-58
The tube of Alvinella pompejana contains in its carbohydrate fraction, 3 methylated monosaccharides: 2-mono-O-methyl-L-fucose, 3-mono-O-methyl-L-fucose and 2,4-di-O-methyl-L-fucose. The present work appears to be the first report of the occurrence of 2-mono-O-methyl-L-fucose and 3-mono-O-methyl-L-fucose in the animal kingdom. Moreover, it is the first time that 2,4-di-O-methyl-L-fucose is found in nature.  相似文献   

Recent experimental data reveal that the peptide fragment of Azurin called p28, constituted by the amino acid residues from 50 to 77 of the whole protein, retains both the Azurin cellular penetration ability and antiproliferative activity. p28 is hypothesized to act by stabilizing the well-known tumour suppressor p53 via a pathway independent from the oncogene Mdm2, which is the main p53 down-regulator, with its anticancer potentiality being probably connected with the binding of its amino acid residues 11 to 18 to p53. However, the p28 mode of action has not been completely elucidated yet, mostly because the details of the p28 interaction with p53 are still unknown. In the present study, computational docking modelling supported by cluster analysis, molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations have been performed to model the interaction between the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of p53 and the p28 fragment. Since the folding state of p28 when interacting with p53 inside the cell is not known, both the folded and the unfolded structures of this peptide have been taken into consideration. In both the cases, we have found that p28 is able to form with DBD a complex characterized by favourable negative binding free energy, high shape complementarity, and the presence of several hydrogen bonds at the interface. These results suggest that p28 might exert its anticancer action by hampering the binding of ubiquitin ligases to DBD, susceptible to promoting the p53 proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Specimens of alvinellid polychaetes and their tubes were collected in the Parigo hydrothermal vent field on the East Pacific Rise (13°N) in October and November 1987. Heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated on metal-amended media from the tube and dorsal integument of one specimen of Alvinella pompejana, from the dorsal integument of another from the whole integument of a specimen of Alvinella caudata, and from undetermined alvinellid tubes. The strains were characterized and tested for susceptibility to five heavy metals by using a microdilution method for MIC determinations. All strains were gram-negative rods. Most of them were characterized by the ability to degrade Tween 80 and gelatin and to produce hydrogen sulfide from cysteine. Numerous strains, from all sample origins, displayed resistance to cadmium, zinc, arsenate, and silver and tolerated high amounts of copper. Metal resistance was exhibited by 92.3% of the total isolates. The occurrence of multiply resistant bacteria may demonstrate an adaptation of alvinellid-associated microflora to the general enrichment of metals in the hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   

The spectrum of somatic cancer-associated missense mutations in the human TP53 gene was studied in order to assess the potential structural and functional importance of various intra-molecular properties associated with these substitutions. Relating the observed frequency of particular amino acid substitutions in the p53 DNA-binding domain to their expected frequency, as calculated from DNA sequence-dependent mutation rates, yielded estimates of their relative clinical observation likelihood (RCOL). Several biophysical properties were found to display significant covariation with RCOL values. Thus RCOL values were observed to decrease with increasing solvent accessibility of the substituted residue and with increasing distance from the p53 DNA-binding and Zn2+-binding sites. The number of adverse steric interactions introduced by an amino acid replacement was found to be positively correlated with its RCOL value, irrespective of the magnitude of the interactions. A gain in hydrogen bond number was found to be only half as likely to come to clinical attention as mutations involving either a reduction or no change in hydrogen bond number. When the difference in potential energy between the wild-type and mutant DNA-binding domains was considered, RCOL values exhibited a minimum around changes of zero. Finally, classification of mutated residues in terms of their protein/solvent environment yielded, for somatic p53 mutations, RCOL values that resembled those previously determined for inherited mutations of human factor IX causing haemophilia B, suggesting that similar mechanisms may be responsible for the mutation-related perturbation of biological function in different protein folds. Received: 31 August 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

Computational models reveal the structural origins of cooperativity in the association of the DNA binding domains (DBD) of p53 (and its two homologues p63 and p73) with consensus DNA. In agreement with experiments they show that cooperativity, as defined by sequential binding of monomers to DNA is strong for p53 and weak for homologues p63 and p73. Computations also suggest that cooperativity can arise from the dimerization of the DBD prior to binding the DNA for all 3 family members. Dimerization between the DBDs is driven by packing interactions originating in residues of helix H1 and loop L3, while DNA binding itself is dominated by local and global electrostatics. Calculations further suggest that low affinity oligomerization of the p53 DBD can precede the oligomerization of the tetramerization domain (TD). During synthesis of multiple chains on the polysome, this may increase fidelity by reducing the possibility of the highly hydrophobic TD from nonspecific aggregation. Mutations have been suggested to test these findings.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin of the polychaete worm Alvinella pompejana was reconstructed at 20A resolution from frozen-hydrated samples observed by electron microscopy according to the random conical tilt series method. This three-dimensional reconstruction was mirror-inverted with respect to a previous volume published by de Haas et al. in 1996. In order to explain this handedness discrepancy, various 3D reconstructions using different reference volumes were carried out showing that the choice of the first volume was the keystone during the refinement process. The 3D reconstruction volume of A. pompejana Hb presented structural features characteristic of annelid Hbs with two hexagonal layers each comprising six hollow globular subassemblies and a complex of non-heme linker chains. Moreover, the eclipsed conformation of the two hexagonal layers and a HGS architecture similar to that described for Arenicola marina Hb led to the conclusion that A. pompejana Hb belonged to the architectural type II according to the definition of Jouan et al. (2001). A comparison between this cryo-EM volume and X-ray crystallography density maps of Lumbricus terrestris type-I Hb (Royer et al., 2000) showed that the triple stranded coiled coil structures of linker chains were different. Based on this observation, a model was proposed to explain the eclipsed conformation of the two hexagonal layers of type-II Hbs.  相似文献   

Alvinella pompejana is a polychaetous annelid that inhabits active deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites along the East Pacific Rise, where it colonizes the walls of actively venting high-temperature chimneys. An abundant, morphologically diverse epibiotic microflora is associated with the worm's dorsal integument, with a highly integrated filamentous morphotype clearly dominating the microbial biomass. It has been suggested that this bacterial population participates in either the nutrition of the worm or in detoxification of the worm's immediate environment. The primary goal of this study was to phylogenetically characterize selected epibionts through the analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Nucleic acids were extracted from bacteria collected from the dorsal surface of A. pompejana. 16S rRNA genes were amplified with universal bacterial primers by the PCR. These genes were subsequently cloned, and the resulting clone library was screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis to identify distinct clone types. The restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis identified 32 different clone families in the library. Four of these families were clearly dominant, representing more than 65% of the library. Representatives from the four most abundant clone families were chosen for complete 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. These gene sequences were analyzed by a variety of phylogenetic inference methods and found to be related to the newly established epsilon subdivision of the division Proteobacteria. Secondary structural model comparisons and comparisons of established signature base positions in the 16S rRNA confirmed the placement of the Alvinella clones in the epsilon subdivision of the Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Cys loop receptors (CLRs) are commonly known as ligand-gated channels that transiently open upon binding of neurotransmitters to modify the membrane potential. However, a class of cation-selective bacterial homologues of CLRs have been found to open upon a sudden pH drop, suggesting further ligands and more functions of the homologues in prokaryotes. Here we report an anion-selective CLR from the hydrothermal vent annelid worm Alvinella pompejana that opens at low pH. A. pompejana expressed sequence tag databases were explored by us, and two full-length CLR sequences were identified, synthesized, cloned, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and studied by two-electrode voltage clamp. One channel, named Alv-a1-pHCl, yielded functional receptors and opened upon a sudden pH drop but not by other known agonists. Sequence comparison showed that both CLR proteins share conserved characteristics with eukaryotic CLRs, such as an N-terminal helix, a cysteine loop motif, and an intracellular loop intermediate in length between the long loops of other eukaryotic CLRs and those of prokaryotic CLRs. Both full-length Alv-a1-pHCl and a truncated form, termed tAlv-a1-pHCl, lacking 37 amino-terminal residues that precede the N-terminal helix, formed functional channels in oocytes. After pH activation, tAlv-a1-pHCl showed desensitization and was not modulated by ivermectin. In contrast, pH-activated, full-length Alv-a1-pHCl showed a marked rebound current and was modulated significantly by ivermectin. A thermostability assay indicated that purified tAlv-a1-pHCl expressed in Sf9 cells denatured at a higher temperature than the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica.  相似文献   

We have determined the first de novo position of the secondary quinone QB in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center (RC) using phases derived by the single wavelength anomalous dispersion method from crystals with selenomethionine substitution. We found that in frozen RC crystals, QB occupies primarily the proximal binding site. In contrast, our room temperature structure showed that QB is largely in the distal position. Both data sets were collected in dark-adapted conditions. We estimate that the occupancy of the QB site is 80% with a proximal: distal ratio of 4:1 in frozen RC crystals. We could not separate the effect of freezing from the effect of the cryoprotectants ethylene glycol or glycerol. These results could have far-reaching implications in structure/function studies of electron transfer in the acceptor quinone complex because the above are the most commonly used cryoprotectants in spectroscopic experiments.  相似文献   

Evolutionary history of the enolase gene family   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tracy MR  Hedges SB 《Gene》2000,259(1-2):129-138
The enzyme enolase [EC] is found in all organisms, with vertebrates exhibiting tissue-specific isozymes encoded by three genes: alpha (alpha), beta (beta), and gamma (gamma) enolase. Limited taxonomic sampling of enolase has obscured the timing of gene duplication events. To help clarify the evolutionary history of the gene family, cDNAs were sequenced from six taxa representing major lineages of vertebrates: Chiloscyllium punctatum (shark), Amia calva (bowfin), Salmo trutta (trout), Latimeria chalumnae (coelacanth), Lepidosiren paradoxa (South American lungfish), and Neoceratodus forsteri (Australian lungfish). Phylogenetic analysis of all enolase and related gene sequences revealed an early gene duplication event prior to the last common ancestor of living organisms. Several distantly related archaebacterial sequences were designated as 'enolase-2', whereas all other enolase sequences were designated 'enolase-1'. Two of the three isozymes of enolase-1, alpha- and beta-enolase, were discovered in actinopterygian, sarcopterygian, and chondrichthian fishes. Phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate enolases revealed that the two gene duplications leading to the three isozymes of enolase-1 occurred subsequent to the divergence of living agnathans, near the Proterozoic/Phanerozoic boundary (approximately 550Mya). Two copies of enolase, designated alpha(1) and alpha(2), were found in the trout and are presumed to be the result of a genome duplication event.  相似文献   

Molecular interaction between p53 tumor suppressor and the copper protein azurin (AZ) has been demonstrated to enhance p53 stability and hence antitumoral function, opening new perspectives in cancer treatment. While some experimental work has provided evidence for AZ binding to p53, no crystal structure for the p53-AZ complex was solved thus far. In this work the association between AZ and the p53 DNA-binding domain (DBD) was investigated by computational methods. Using a combination of rigid-body protein docking, experimental mutagenesis information, and cluster analysis 10 main p53 DBD-AZ binding modes were generated. The resulting structures were further characterized by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and free energy calculations. We found that the highest scored docking conformation for the p53 DBD-AZ complex also yielded the most favorable free energy value. This best three-dimensional model for the complex was validated by using a computational mutagenesis strategy. In this structure AZ binds to the flexible L(1) and s(7)-s(8) loops of the p53 DBD and stabilizes them through protein-protein tight packing interactions, resulting in high degree of both surface matching and electrostatic complementarity.  相似文献   

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