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Optimal control theory is applied to the problem of controlling pests by biological and chemical means simultaneously. The net birth rate of the pests is controlled chemically while at the same time predators are allowed to operate. Several numerical examples are included.  相似文献   

The control of vertebrate pests by vertebrate predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carnivores can control mammalian pests for long periods, but only after pest numbers have been reduced by other means. In Australia, the cause is prolonged dry weather. The consequent low populations of rabbits can then be regulated by European foxes, feral cats and dingoes. Kangaroos, and probably feral goats and pigs, succumb to dingoes at the same time, as substitute prey for rabbits. In the general case, such regulatory predation may be triggered climatically, by disease or by human intervention. When predators are themselves pests to be controlled, integrated pest management may be required to avoid unwanted resurgences of other pests.  相似文献   

BANKER PLANT携带天敌防治害虫的理论基础与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滥用农药导致粮食、蔬菜和水果内有毒农药高残留,严重威胁着人民的生命安全;利用生物防治害虫将提供更安全的食品和洁净的环境。Banker植物系统是利用非作物植物饲养及携带天敌的寄主或猎物,再利用天敌的寄主或猎物饲养和释放天敌。这些Banker植物就像是一个‘银行家(Banker)’,连续不断地供应‘货币’(天敌),使天敌从‘银行家’植物上扩散到有害虫的作物上防治害虫,是生物防治发展的一个重要方向。本文系统介绍了利用Banker植物为替代寄主饲养释放天敌防治害虫的最新进展,旨在推动我国更好地开展Banker植物系统及其相关理论与应用的研究。  相似文献   

The horse chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimic (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) is a serious invasive pest of Aesculus hippocastanum in Europe. The larvae of this species feed on leaf parenchyma and can reduce the tree growth. We studied the impact of parasitoids on C. ohridella in the Czech Republic and also searched for entomopathogenic fungi associated with this pest. The results showed that the rate of parasitism varied between 5% and 15% in most cases. The most parasitized stages of C. ohridella were spinning stages and especially pupae. The most abundant parasitoid species were Minotetrastichus frontalis, Pnigalio sp. and Pediobius saulius (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae). All species are polyphagous. Using the Galleria-bait method we isolated many strains of entomopathogenic fungi. Dominant species were Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Paecilomyces farinosus and Beauveria bassiana. The perspectives of fungal bioagents in control of C. ohridella is discussed.  相似文献   

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is currently a significant pest in the poultry industry in Europe. Biological control by the introduction of predatory mites is one of the various options for controlling poultry red mites. Here, we present the first results of an attempt to identify potential predators by surveying the mite fauna of European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) nests, by assessing their ability to feed on poultry red mites and by testing for their inability to extract blood from bird hosts, i.e., newly hatched, young starlings and chickens. Two genuine predators of poultry red mites are identified: Hypoaspis aculeifer and Androlaelaps casalis. A review of the literature shows that some authors suspected the latter species to parasitize on the blood of birds and mammals, but they did not provide experimental evidence for these feeding habits and/or overlooked published evidence showing the reverse. We advocate careful analysis of the trophic structure of arthropods inhabiting bird nests as a basis for identifying candidate predators for control of poultry red mites.  相似文献   

Mites of the family Phytoseiidae are known to be predators of whiteflies in several agroecosystems, especially of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, a pest with high resistance to chemical insecticides that occurs in greenhouses in temperate regions. We collected predatory mites that were found to co-occur with whiteflies in the Middle East for control of B. tabaci: Typhlodromus athiasae (Porath and Swirski), Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes, Typhlodromips swirskii (Athias-Henriot), Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot), Phytoseius finitimus Ribaga. As a first step in the evaluation of these species as biological control agents, we measured their life-history traits when feeding on whiteflies. The intrinsic rates of increase (r m) of the predatory mite species ranged between 0.131 and 0.215 per day and E. scutalis had the highest r m estimated. Comparisons with the r m of B. tabaci indicate that some of the species should be capable of suppressing local populations of whitefly. The ability of predators to use alternative food was also tested, since it facilitates the setup of mass cultures and it can promote their persistence in the crop, even if the prey is scarce. All predatory mite species tested were able to survive and reproduce on a diet of broad bean pollen.  相似文献   

增补式生物防治是利用天敌昆虫或捕食螨防治害虫最常用的方法,释放的天敌昆虫或捕食螨能否成功建立稳定种群,是决定其持久高效控害的首要关键因素。然而在生产应用中,经常因释放的天敌昆虫或捕食螨不能成功定殖而无法达到理想的防治效果。载体植物系统是天敌饲养和释放的新方法,结合了增补式和保护式生物防治的优点,既能实现天敌昆虫或捕食螨的大量饲养,又能为释放的天敌昆虫或捕食螨提供替代食物和栖息场所,促进其建立稳定的种群,对实现天敌昆虫或捕食螨高效持久控害具有重要的意义。本文系统介绍了载体植物系统的构建、国内外研究现状,指出了现存的问题,并给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

The comparative toxicity of five essential oil vapours was tested against four aphid species, the black bean aphid Aphis fabae, the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, the chrysanthemum aphid Macrosiphoniella sanborni, the green peach aphid Myzus persicae and on two of the most common coccinellid predators, the seven-spotted ladybird Coccinella septempunctata and the two-spotted ladybird Adalia bipunctata. All essential oils were highly toxic to the aphid species tested with LC50 and LC99 values ranging between 0.17 and 1.92 and 0.44 and 4.83 µL/L air, respectively, depending on the aphid species and on the essential oil. Coccinellid predators were also highly susceptible to the essential oil vapours and the selective toxicity ratio varied depending on aphid species, coccinellid predator and essential oil. The possibilities for the utililization of essential oils as aphicides, especially in IPM programmes in glasshouses are discussed with regard to the present findings.  相似文献   

Summary The feasibility ofB. thuringiensis as an economic insect control agent is dependent upon various factors. Consideration of three situations. whereB. thuringiensis could be used illustrates the interaction of these factors, and their contribution to determining the success or failure of the organism as an insecticide. Apple crops suffer from attack by a complex of insect pests, many of which are very susceptible to theB. thuringiensis toxin. However chemical control methods are preferred by growers in order to satisfy the consumers' demand for top quality blemish-free fruit. By contrast cotton growers are beset with problems of pest resistance to chemical insecticides. This problem is tackled by using pest management strategies which orchestrate all possible methods of control. Such a situation is ideally suited toB. thuringiensis products, but as yet they have proven to be of inadequate efficacy. The softwood forest industry is an example whereB. thuringiensis is both needed and effective. The pest complex is relatively simple, and there is public concern about the health risks of chemical sprays. Recent developments of high performance formulations means thatB. thuringiensis is an economic, cost-effective, biological alternative to chemical control for forestry pests.
Resumen La posibilidad de utilizarB. thuringiensis para el control de insectos de una forma económica depende de varios factores. La consideración de tres situaciones distintas en las queB. thuringiensis puede ser utilizado ilustra la interacción de estos factores y su contribución al éxito o fracaso del organismo como insecticida. El cultivo de manzanas sufre el ataque de una serie de plagas de insectos, muchas de las cuales son susceptibles a la toxina deB. thuringiensis. Sin embargo, los agricultores prefieren utilizar métodos de control químico a fin de satisfacer la demanda del consumidor por un fruto de primera calidad sin marcas ni señales. Por el contrario, los cultivadores de algodon estan sensibilizados a los problemas de la aparición de plagas resistentes a los insecticidas químicos. Este problema se ha abordado utilizando sistemas de control integrado que aglutinan todos los posibles métodos de control. Esta situación parece la ideal para el uso de productos a base deB. thuringiensis, pero hasta ahora estos han resultado ser poco eficaces. La industria de la madera blanda constituye en ejemplo en el cualB. thuringiensis es a la vez necesario y efectivo. Las plagas en cuestión forman un sistema relativamente simple y los efectos de los sprays químicos sobre la salud pública son causa de preocupación. Los desarrollos recientes en formulaciones de elevada eficacia convierten aB. thuringiensis en una alternativa biológica económicamente factible frente al control químico de plagas forestales.

Résumé La possibilité d'utiliser économiquementB. thuringiensis dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles dépend de facteurs divers. L'examen de trois situations dans lesquellesB. thuringiensis peut être utilisé illustre l'interaction de ces facteurs et leur contribution dans le succès ou l'échec de cet organisme comme insecticide. Les récoltes de pommes sont menacées par les attaques d'un mélange complexe d'insectes, dont beaucoup sont sensibles à la toxine deB. thuringiensis. Cependant, les horticulteurs préfèrent les méthodes chimiques à cause de l'exigence des consommateurs pour des fruits de haute qualité et sans aucune tache. Par contre, les cultivateurs de coton sont obsédés par les problèmes de résistance aux insecticides chimiques. Ce problème est affronté par des stratégies faisant appel à tous les moyens de lutte possibles. C'est une situation convenant bien aux produits qui contiennentB. thuringiensis, mais jusqu'ici ces produits se sont montrés inefficaces. L'industrie du bois tendre forestier est toutefois un exemple de cas oùB. thuringiensis est à la fois nécessaire et efficace. En effet, le complexe des insectes agressifs est relativement simple et il existe en outre une prévention du public contre les risques sanitaires des pulvérisations de produits chimiques. La mise au point récente de formulations à haute performance démontre queB. thuringiensis est, pour la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles des forêts, une alternative économique et bon-marché.

Invited paper presented at the VII International Conference on the Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology, Helsiki, 12–16 August 1985. Session 8  相似文献   

Collard greens Brassica oleracea (L.) are often attacked by various pests including whiteflies, aphids and diamondback moth. Hitherto, the main method used to manage these pests in Brazil has been the application of a limited number of registered insecticides. The search for more sustainable pest management strategies is therefore warranted. In this context, the conservation biological control stands out as an appealing alternative. Conservation biological control is achieved, at least in part, by strip-cultivating and/or conserving flowering plants within the agroecosystem. The present study investigates how alyssum flowers Lobularia maritima (L.) could contribute to the attraction of natural enemies and to the management of collard pests. Two field experiments were conducted in different years. Each experiment consisted of two treatments and three replicates, which were set up in a completely randomized design. The treatments were (1) collards alone, and (2) collards + alyssum. We evaluated weekly the population density of natural enemies and pests on both treatments. The results show that the alyssum flowers attractiveness contributed to increase the abundance of generalist predators during both experiments, which in turn translated into a significant reduction of collards pests, especially aphids. Some of the main predators attracted/harbored by alyssum flowers were spiders, coccinellids, syrphids and Orius sp. Finally, strip intercropping alyssum with collards can be an important strategy to manage brassica pests and cope with the limited availability of insecticides registered for this vegetable crop.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the effects of Beddington-DeAngelis interference and squabbling, respectively, on the minimal rate of predator release required to drive a pest population to zero. A two-dimensional system of coupled ordinary differential equations is considered, augmented by an impulsive component depicting the periodic release of predators into the system. This periodic release takes place independently of the detection of the pests in the field. We establish the existence of a pest-free solution driven by the periodic releases, and express the global stability conditions for this solution in terms of the minimal predator rate required to bring an outbreak of pests to nil. In particular, we show that with the interference effects, the minimal rate will only guarantee eradication if the releases are carried out frequently enough. When Beddington-DeAngelis behaviour is considered, an additional constraint for the existence itself of a successful release rate is that the pest growth rate should be less than the predation pressure, the latter explicitly formulated in terms of the predation function and the interference parameters.  相似文献   

One of the strongest patterns in the historical record of biological control is that programmes targeted against lepidopteran pests have been far less successful than those targeted against homopteran pests. Despite fueling considerable interest in the theory of host–parasitoid interactions, biological control has few unifying principles and no theoretical basis for understanding the differential pattern of success against these two pest groups. Potential explanations considered here include competitive limitation of natural enemy establishment, the influence of antagonistic parasitoid interactions, generation time ratio, and gregarious parasitoid development. An analysis of the biological control record showed that on average six natural enemies have been introduced per pest for both pest groups, providing no evidence of a differential intensity of competition. Similarly, use of a discrete time host–parasitoid model showed that antagonistic interactions that are common among parasitoids of Lepidoptera should not limit the success of biological control as such interactions can readily be counteracted by host refuge breaking. A similar model showed that a small generation time ratio (coupled with a broad window of host attack) and gregarious development can facilitate the suppression of pest abundance by parasitoids, and both were found to be positively associated with success in the biological control record. Of the four explanations considered here, generation time ratio coupled with a broad window of host attack appears to provide the best explanation for the differential pattern of success.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pests cost Australia at least $1 billion annually in lost agricultural production and environmental damage. The spectacular success of myxomatosis in the 1950s and more recently, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, in the biological control of European rabbits has led to ongoing research into similar solutions for other vertebrate pests. There are significant barriers to the successful employment of biological control options including the obvious technological ones, such as host-specificity, as well as the investment required, public concerns and regulatory requirements. The role of biological control in vertebrate pest management and the attempts to develop such strategies in Australia is reviewed with emphasis on species specific case studies for rabbits, cane toads and carp, and the generic approaches of immunocontraception and daughterless genes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der biologische und der chemische Aspekt der nützlingsschonenden Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung werden besprochen. Bezüglich des biologischen Aspektes wird Unterschied gemacht zwischen den Beziehungen zwischen importierten Sch?dlingen und ihre importierten natürliche Feinden einerseits und den Beziehungen zwischen autochtonen Sch?dlingen und ihren Raubfeinden, Parasiten und Hyperparasiten anderseits. Im letzten Falle sind die Hyperparasiten oft so zahlreich dass sie die Prim?r-parasiten fast eliminieren, jedenfalls ihre Wirkung stark vermindern. Wichtig ist weiter die kritische Populationsgrenze für die wichtigsten Sch?dlingsarten fest zu stellen damit wir wissen ob die Nützlinge im Stande sind sich zu behaupten als biologischer Bek?mpfungsfaktor. Der chemische Aspekt umfasst die Applikationen von selektiven Pflanzenschutzmitteln oder — Methoden zum Behalten der Nützlinge. Die integrierte Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung stimuliert und aktiviert die Entwicklung neuer Bek?mpfungsmethoden. Sie erfordert eine andere Einstellung des Forschers als die chemische Bek?mpfung. Zwei Arbeitsgruppen namentlich die Holl?ndische “Arbeitsgruppe für Harmonische Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung? und die ?Internationale Arbeitsgruppe für Integrierte Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung? der C.I.L.B. untersuchen in Holland, resp. in West-Europa und das Mittelmeergebiet die M?glichkeiten für eine integrierte Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung im Obstbau.   相似文献   

The pathogenicity of 15 isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, five isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin and one isolate of M. flavoviride (Gams and Rozsypal) were tested under laboratory conditions against the subterranean life stages of the citrus pests, Ceratitis rosa Karsch, C. capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Thaumatotibia leucotreta Meyrick. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). When these citrus pests were treated with a concentration of 1×107 conidia mL?1, fungal isolates had a significantly greater effect on the adults of C. rosa and C. capitata than they did on the puparia of these two fruit fly species. Further, C. rosa and C. capitata did not differ significantly in their response to entomopathogenic fungi when adult and pupal mycosis were considered. Depending on fungal isolate, the percentage of T. leucotreta adults which emerged from fungal treated sand ranged from 5 to 60% and the percentage of pupae with visible signs of mycosis ranged from 21 to 93%. The relative virulence of the four most promising fungal isolates, as well as the commercially available B. bassiana product, BroadBand® (Biological Control Products, South Africa), were compared against one another as log-probit regressions of mortality against T. leucotreta which exhibited a dose-dependent response. The estimated LC50 values of the three most virulent B. bassiana isolates ranged from 6.8×105 to 2.1×106 conidia mL?1, while those of the least pathogenic ranged from 1.6×107 to 3.7×107 conidia mL?1.  相似文献   

Concern over the impact of chemical pesticides on human health and the environment continues to stimulate the study of alternative, biological pest control agents (BCA). In Africa, use of BCA products is just emerging, primarily in the export sector where growers are using a mixture of products from new African companies and products imported from outside Africa. In contrast, although interest in BCA for use in domestic markets has been widely supported by development funding partners for many years, few products have become available to these growers. The limited uptake of BCA in Africa suggests there may be constraints and issues working against their wider implementation. Here, we focus on non-technical constraints and issues facing microbial BCA applied inundatively, but arguments extend to a greater or lesser degree to all BCA. The challenges to wider BCA availability could be overcome by: a more coherent approach to their regulation across the continent; support for BCA development that is based on evidence of need and applicability; and political advocacy to lobby for necessary resources being made available to all stakeholders.  相似文献   

利用植绥螨防治烟粉虱的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对目前利用植绥螨防治烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)的研究现状进行综述。主要介绍植绥螨作为生防作用物的应用历史、替代食物在利用植绥螨进行生物防治中的作用,并对代表种Typhlodromips(Amblyseius)swirskiiAthias-Henriot等作为烟粉虱生防作用物的最新研究进展、产业化现状、应用前景及可能存在的问题进行了分析,以期为这些植绥螨的引进和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Importations of biological control agents for insect pests and weeds in New Zealand are summarized and factors contributing to the relative success of the programmes are examined. The establishment rate of 30.9% is similar to that achieved worldwide, but is significantly lower than the rate achieved in the island habitat of Hawaii. The pioneering role of New Zealand in biological control is shown by the high proportion of programmes first attempted in this country. Although this novelty has not reduced the establishment rate, introductions against endemic species have not succeeded. Size of release was not a dominant feature in the establishment of agents. Complete or substantial success is recorded for 17 of the 70 target pests, with a relatively high success rate in forestry programmes. Examples of the influence of climate matching and competitive exclusion are also discussed. Changing practices and attitudes to the introduction of biological control agents are documented to show the increasing emphasis on specialists. No adverse effects of introductions are reported. The challenge to practitioners and regulators is to develop systems to evaluate conflicts of interest and develop workable mechanisms to determine which biological control agents are suitable for release.  相似文献   

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