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Over the last decades, wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations in Europe have increased with impacts on agriculture, livestock and biodiversity. Thus, changes in population management for wild boar are increasingly important. Knowledge of the age structure of the population is crucial to designing effective management plans. However, the costs and efforts required to estimate the age of wild boar, primarily in the oldest animals, is problematic for managers and researchers. Here, we describe a new method to estimate wild boar age based on simple dental measures (the external aperture of the pulp cavity, root length and crown length from primary and secondary incisors). Our study was based on data from 93 wild boar of known age belonging to two different populations in central and south-eastern Spain. We propose a model based on Boosted Regression Trees (BRT). Our results show a final age estimation model that included all the explanatory variables proposed (dental measures) and showed a high percentage of estimated deviance (61%), obtained by cross-validation. Thus, at least in Iberian wild boar populations, our method constitutes a low-cost and reliable method for wild boar age estimation.  相似文献   

Wear patterns were examined on dental casts of 202 living Lengua Indians from the Chaco area of Paraguay. Consideration was given to the development of the molar helicoidal plane, age-related changes in occlusal attrition, coalescence of dentine exposures, interproximal attrition, and erupted crown height. This study lends support to Osborn's theory of the helicoidal plane development by showing that attrition enhances rather than modifies posteruption molar occlusal planes. The rate of interproximal attrition was found to slow down with the eruption and functional initiation of the third molars. Sinuous and cavo-convex interproximal contact areas that are generated with age, however, appeared to be less abrasion resistant than straight surfaces, hence leading to an increase in interproximal attrition rates with advanced age. Maximum crown height reduction occurred between the ages of 20 and 40 years in central incisors, canines, and first molars. Kruskal-Wallis tests and log linera models failed to demonstrate significant sexually dimorphic or antimeric differences in wear patterns of Lengua teeth.  相似文献   

The Miles method of age estimation relies on molar wear to estimate age and is widely used in bioarcheological contexts. However, because the method requires physical seriation and a sample of subadults to estimate wear rates it cannot be applied to many samples. Here, we modify the Miles method by scoring occlusal wear and estimating molar wear rates from adult wear gradients in 311 hunter‐gatherers and provide formulae to estimate the error associated with each age estimate. A check of the modified method in a subsample (n = 22) shows that interval estimates overlap in all but one case with age categories estimated from traditional methods; this suggests that the modifications have not hampered the ability of the Miles method to estimate age even in heterogeneous samples. As expected, the error increases with age and in populations with smaller sample sizes. These modifications allow the Miles method to be applied to skeletal samples of adult crania that were previously only amenable to cranial suture age estimation, and importantly, provide a measure of uncertainty for each age estimate. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:181–192, 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Dental microwear has been used for decades to reconstruct the diets of fossil hominins and bioarchaeological populations. The basic theory has been that hard‐brittle foods (e.g., nuts, bone) require crushing and leave pits as they are pressed between opposing cheek‐tooth surfaces, whereas soft‐tough foods (e.g., grass blades, meat) require shearing and leave scratches as they are dragged along opposing surfaces that slide past one another. However, recent studies have called into question the efficacy of microwear as an indicator of diet. One issue has been the limited number of in vitro studies providing empirical evidence for associations between microwear pattern and chewing behavior. We here describe a new study using a chewing simulator, the BITE Master II, to examine the effects of angle of approach between opposing teeth and food consistency on microwear surface texture. Results indicate that opposing teeth that approach one another: 1) perpendicular to the occlusal plane (crushing) result in pits; 2) parallel to the occlusal plane (shearing) result in striations in the direction of movement; and 3) oblique to the occlusal plane (45°) result in both striations and pits. Results further suggest that different food types and abrasive loads affect the propensity to accumulate microwear features independent of feature shapes. Am J Phys Anthropol 158:769–775, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sixteen dimensions were measured from the maxillary and mandibular dental arches of different ethnic groups of man, apes and monkeys. Multivariate analysis showed that discrimination was possible among the ethnic groups of man on the one hand and between the ape and monkey samples on the other. Nevertheless, the actual degree of discrimination between the primate samples depended upon whether the maxillary or mandibular arch dimensions were analysed. Furthermore, subsequent inclusion of the dental arch dimensions of fossil hominoid samples into the analysis confirmed the taxonomic significance of the dental arch, although its importance must await the acquisition of the more non-human primate data.  相似文献   

Chromosome analysis using G-banding was carried out on cells from 65 males and 102 females of all ages from a random sample of the population. The frequency of aneuploid cells showed a significant increase with age in both sexes, and in females the increase in hypodiploidy and hyperdiploidy was more marked than in males, and involved a high proportion of cells that had lost or gained an X chromosome, 45,X cells being much more common than 47,XXX cells. In females, the occurrence of a "fragment" of an X chromosome also correlated with increasing age, and this "fragment" appears to be an X chromosome that has simply divided prematurely at the centromere. The effects of time in culture and of repeating cultures of blood samples from the same individual on proportions of abnormal cells of various types were also investigated, and the results are discussed in the light of findings from several other "ageing surveys".  相似文献   

Biological samples are normally collected and stored frozen in capped tubes until analysis. To obtain aliquots of biological samples for analysis, the sample tubes have to be thawed, uncapped, samples removed and then recapped for further storage. In this paper, we report an automated method of sample transfer devised to eliminate the uncapping and recapping process. This sampling method was incorporated into an automated liquid-liquid extraction procedure of plasma samples. Using a robotic system, the plasma samples were transferred directly from pierceable capped tubes into microtubes contained in a 96-position block. The aliquoted samples were extracted with methyl-tert-butyl ether in the same microtubes. The supernatant organic layers were transferred to a 96-well collection plate and evaporated to dryness. The dried extracts were reconstituted and injected from the same plate for analysis by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Studies of dental microwear have been used to relate tooth form to function in a variety of recent and extinct mammals. Probably the most important aspect of microwear analysis is the possibility of using it to deduce the diet of extinct animals. Such deductions must be based on comparative studies of modern species with known diets, but to date, only qualitative studies have been attempted and all have been based on small samples. Here we report quantitative differences in dental microwear between primate species that are known to have different diets. Occlusal facets with different functions have previously been shown to exhibit different microwear patterns. However, the differences between facets of one species are shown to be far less than those between homologous facets of different species. Study of seven species of extant primates shows that enamel microwear can be used to distinguish between those with a mainly frugivorous diet and those with a mainly folivorous one. Microwear can also distinguish hard-object feeders from soft-fruit eaters. The microwear of Miocene Sivapithecus indicus cannot be distinguished statistically from that of the chimpanzee, but it is different from that of the other species. On this evidence S. indicus was not a hard-object feeder and the adaptive significance of its thick molar enamel is at present unknown.  相似文献   

The relatively small Australopithecus africanus specimen Sts 5 has figured prominently in taxonomic debates, and the determination of this specimen as a young male or an elderly female has the potential to offer a great deal of resolution on this question. Sts 5 has been argued to be either a small, immature male or a mature female based on a variety of characters.  相似文献   

An in vitro study of morphological alterations between sound dental structure and artificially induced white spot lesions in human teeth, was performed through the loss of fluorescence by Quantitative Light‐Induced Fluorescence (QLF) and the alterations of the light attenuation coefficient by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). To analyze the OCT images using a commercially available system, a special algorithm was applied, whereas the QLF images were analyzed using the software available in the commercial system employed. When analyzing the sound region against white spot lesions region by QLF, a reduction in the fluorescence intensity was observed, whilst an increase of light attenuation by the OCT system occurred. Comparison of the percentage of alteration between optical properties of sound and artificial enamel caries regions showed that OCT processed images through the attenuation of light enhanced the tooth optical alterations more than fluorescence detected by QLF System.

QLF versus OCT imaging of enamel caries: a photonics assessment  相似文献   

S P Huang  B S Weir 《Genetics》2001,159(3):1365-1373
Previously reported methods for estimating the number of different alleles at a single locus in a population have not described a useful general result. Using the number of alleles observed in a sample gives an underestimate for the true number of alleles. The similar problem of estimating the number of species in a population was first investigated in 1943. In this article we use the sample coverage method proposed by Chao and Lee in 1992 to estimate the number of alleles in a population when there are unequal allele frequencies. Simulation studies under the recurrent mutation model show that, for reasonable sample sizes, a significantly better estimate of the true number can be obtained than that using only the observed alleles. Results under the stepwise mutation model and infinite-allele model are presented. Possible applications include improving the characterization of the prior distribution for the allele frequencies, adjusting the estimates of genetic diversity, and estimating the range of microsatellite alleles.  相似文献   

In a survey of dental health status of ancient Southern Peru, 101 skeletal remains were studied from five cultures: Paracas, Nazca, Tiahuanaco, Ica, and Inca. The Paracas and Ica cultures exhibited more missing antemortem teeth per mandible than the other cultures. Frequency of missing one or more third molars was less than expected and not as high as reported in peoples of Mongoloid heritage. The Paracas, Ica and Nazca, "coastal" cultures had a higher caries incidence than the "inland" cultures. Whether this relates to some difference in diet or water supply remains unresolved and warrants further investigation. Moderate attrition was noted in all the Precolumbian cultures but pulpal involvement was not observed. Osteitis, noted in all the cultures, was more pronounced in the Nazca, Paracas and Ica cultures. There appeared to be a direct relationship between caries involvement and the number of missing antemortem teeth to osteitis. Calculus was heavier in the Paracas and Ica cultures. In addition, the Paracas culture exhibited a dark brown stain on the teeth which may imply some difference between the cultures in either the food, water or social habits.  相似文献   

新疆红井子盐碱土壤非培养放线菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究新疆红井子盐碱土壤中的放线菌物种多样性。【方法】应用基于16S rRNA基因序列系统发育分析的免培养方法进行放线菌物种多样性分析。利用放线菌特异性引物,以土壤样品总DNA为模板,扩增16S rRNA基因,构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库,并对文库中的插入序列进行RFLP分析。【结果】随机挑选的246个阳性克隆通过酶切筛选出61个不同图谱的重组克隆并测序。分析结果显示这61个克隆序列分属于42个OTUs,分布于放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)的放线菌亚纲(Actinobacteridae)、酸微菌亚纲(Acidimicrobidae)和红色杆菌亚纲(Rubrobacteridae);该环境中有71.4%的序列与已有效发表菌株的序列相似性小于97%,代表着放线菌新类群,其中部分序列形成了几个独立的进化分支,可能代表更高级的新分类单元。【结论】红井子土壤中的放线菌组成具有丰富的多样性,并有新放线菌分类单位的潜在资源,值得进一步进行开发研究。  相似文献   

The importance of dental wear patterns in understanding masticatory functions in primates has long been appreciated. However, studies of wear patterns among populations of nonhuman primates are few. The purpose of this investigation is to establish the developmental aspects of dental wear in the Cercopithecinae and to describe certain relevant morphological traits. Studies were made of dental casts from 200 primate specimens of Macaca nemestrina, Macaca mulatta, and Papio cynocephalus. These casts were taken at four-month intervals, beginning at two years of age and continuing over a period of six to seven years. The wear pattern starts with the rounding and eventual flattening of the protoconid and protocone of the erupted first molars. Once this stage is reached, the hypoconid and metaconid of the mandibular, and the hypocone and paracone of the maxillary molars are rounded and eventually flattened. This pattern is maintained until the cusp tips are removed and the dentin exposed, however, the entoconid and metacone are not subjected to significant wear at this stage. Analysis of these dental casts and museum specimens has provided data on the development of dental wear during the maturation of these primates. The distribution of forces acting upon the teeth produce diagnostic patterns of wear, which provide evidence of the force location and magnitude. In examining the data, the hypothesis of canine guidance and its limitation of mandibular motion was evaluated. Specimens whose canines were removed demonstrate that the canines play no significant role in the development or maintenance of dental wear planes.  相似文献   

用芦苇恢复受损河岸生态系统的工程化方法   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
我国中小河流的护岸工程只考虑工程的耐久性多采用混凝土护岸。忽略了河流的生态功能,破坏了河流的各种生态过程,导致河流污染严重,生态作用越来越小。本研究提出一种用芦苇恢复受损河岸的工程化方法,以解决恢复受损河岸时成本高,破坏了芦苇原生地的生态环境和芦苇不便于运输的问题。其优点在于:在保证能够达到防止河岸崩塌及侵蚀的同时,在河岸工程设计中纳入生态学原理.创造出动植物及微生物能够生存的多孔隙河岸工程生态结构;可以减少对芦苇原生地的破坏。并且能够快速、大量繁殖芦苇幼苗。快速恢复受损河岸的芦苇群落及其生态环境;此方法在减少劳力、时间和成本的基础上,能够更容易恢复浅水带和河岸缓冲带芦苇群落,构建出一个芦苇繁茂的水域。  相似文献   

Biological surveys are necessary to gather species distribution data for the identification of priority conservation areas. The rationale of the gradsect method is that sampling (transects) oriented along the steepest environmental gradient should detect the maximum number of species in an area. The efficiency of the gradsect survey method was evaluated by comparing it to random, systematic and habitat-specific survey methods, during faunal field surveys (target groups: birds and dung beetles). Three gradsects were positioned within the study area to follow the major physiographical characteristics, incorporate all environmental strata (land facets) and yet be as logistically convenient as possible. The efficiency of survey methods was expressed as the number of species recorded per sampling unit effort and illustrated using bootstrap estimations to plot species accumulation curves. The gradsect method proved to be as efficient as the habitat-specific survey method and consiste ntly more efficient than the systematic and random surveys for both taxa sampled. The present study therefore illustrates that the gradsect survey method provides a cost-effective and swift representative sample of regional fauna. Moreover, the results indicate that land-form sequences, specifically land facets, are useful surrogates when sampling environmental diversity where distinct environmental gradients such as altitude and rainfall are absent.  相似文献   

We have developed an approximate method for simulating the three-dimensional contact of soft biphasic tissues in diarthrodial joints under physiological loading. Input to the method includes: (i) kinematic information describing an in vitro joint articulation, measured while the cartilage is deformed under physiological loads, (ii) geometric properties for the relaxed (undeformed) cartilage layers, obtained for the analyses in this study via stereophotogrammetry, and (iii) material parameters for the biphasic constitutive relations used to represent cartilage. Solid models of the relaxed tissue layers are assembled in physiological positions, resulting in a mathematical overlap of the cartilage layers. The overlap distribution is quantified and converted via the biphasic governing equations into applied traction boundary conditions for both the solid and fluid phases for each of the contacting layers. Linear, biphasic, three-dimensional, finite element analysis is performed using the contact boundary conditions derived for each of the contacting layers. The method is found to produce results consistent with the continuity requirements of biphasic contact. Comparison with results from independent, biphasic contact analyses of axisymmetric problems shows that the method slightly underestimates the contact area, leading to an overestimation of the total traction, but yields a good approximation to elastic stress and solid phase displacement.  相似文献   

Innovation and social learning are the raw materials for traditions and culture. Of these two, innovation has received far less scrutiny, largely because of difficulties assessing the innovation status of behaviors. A recent attempt proposes recognition of innovations in natural populations based on assessment of the behavior’s properties and its geographic and local prevalence. Here we examine the validity of this approach and the list of 43 potential innovations it generated for wild orangutans by extending the comparison to zoo orangutans. First, we created an inventory of the behavioral repertoire in the zoo population. Four of ten putative innovations recognized in the field and potentially present in captivity did not occur despite appropriate conditions, suggesting they are indeed innovations. Second, we experimentally produced relevant conditions to evaluate whether another five potential innovations could be elicited. Based on their continued absence or on their latencies relative to known behaviors, four of the potential innovations could be assessed as innovations and one as a modification. Because 53% of relevant innovations recognized in the field could be confirmed in this analysis, and another 27% assigned possible innovation status, we conclude that the geographic method for detecting innovation in the wild is valid. However, the experiments also yielded up to 13 additional innovations, suggesting that zoo orangutans are far more innovative than wild ones. We discuss the implications of this latter finding with regard to limiting factors for the expansion of cultural repertoires in wild orangutans.  相似文献   

A closed chamber method (CC-method) using an infra-red gas analyzer (IRGA) for measuring soil respiration was examined. Two major factors which potentially cause errors: (i) volume of air sampled from the chamber; and (ii) measuring period of time, were examined in laboratory experiments. Field measurements were also conducted with both the CC-method and the open-flow IRGA method (OF-method) throughout a year. The results of laboratory experiments showed that (i) sampling volume of air should be less than 0.2% of the volume of the chamber; and (ii) the air within the chamber should be sampled several times within 20 min. Field measurements showed that soil respiration rates measured by the CC-method were not significantly different from those by the OF-method. The results of this study indicate that the CC-method is as effective for the measurement of the soil respiration rates as the OF-method.  相似文献   

Steele's (1970) regression method for estimating femur and tibia length from fragmentary bones is tested on a sample of complete femora (female N = 26; male N = 33) and tibiae (female N = 16; male N = 22) from a number of European Mesolithic and Neolithic sites. Over half of the regression equations given by Steele for predicting maximum length of the bone from the length(s) of one or more of its constituent segments are shown to produce inaccurate predictions in this test sample. However, a closer evaluation of these results, including calculation of regression equations for the test sample itself, reveals that this inaccuracy does not derive from any inherent flaw in Steele's method. Rather, it is shown that differential distribution of maximum bone length among the various bone segments as defined by Steele may occur due to variation in muscular activity pattern and intensity. This argues for the retention of Steele's basic method, with care being taken to match closely the activity pattern typical of the sample from which regression equations are derived with that of the population to which the equations are to be applied. The equations calculated in this study thus are provided for use where deemed appropriate.  相似文献   

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