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Consideration of the lung as an elastic continuum led us to investigate the possible propagation of elastic waves. Here the relevant stiffness and density are given by the Lamé constants and density of the parenchyma. To test this hypothesis, we measured propagation velocities (c) in dog lobes by recording transit times of a velocity impulse on one side of the lobe and the subsequent arrival on the other side. We compared our measured values of c with elastic longitudinal wave velocities (c long) predicted by values of elastic moduli given by Lai-Fook et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 508-513, 1976) as a function of translobar pressure (PL) and our measured densities. Good agreement was found between c and c long. Typical values of c ranged from 250-1,500 cm/s as PL ranged from 2-20 cmH2O. No systematic difference in the c-c long relation was found between inflation and deflation, suggesting that the elastic moduli of lungs are essentially a function of pressure. No significant effect was observed by changing the physical properties of the gas within the lobe [air vs. He vs. sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)], suggesting that indeed we were observing waves associated with the coupling of parenchymal density to parenchymal stiffness.  相似文献   

Nosocomial infections often cause lethal pneumogenic sepsis. Information on early bacteria-host interaction in the lung is limited. In the present study, mice were sacrificed 60 min and 4 h after Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection to investigate lung morphology by using electron microscopy and light microscopy. After 1 h, bacteria were found in the alveoli partly in contact with surfactant. Alveolar macrophages were seen with up to 10 intracellular bacteria close to protrusions of alveolar epithelial type I cells and the gas/blood barrier. A rare but surprising finding was bacteria and even replicating bacteria in alveolar epithelial type II cells (AEII). No bacteria were seen in capillaries. Neither engulfment of bacteria by neutrophils nor structural damage of the pulmonary barrier was visible. After 4 h, many neutrophils were found within the capillaries, but also in the alveolar space. Thus, we hypothesize that, in early stages of infection, the uptake of PA even by single AEII can influence the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy were employed to study the microcirculatory bed (MCB), intraorganic vessels and lung tissue in rabbits in the first hours (1, 3, 6, 15, 24 and 48 h) after a single administration of cholesterol (ChS) and in the course of the development of experimental atherosclerosis. The MCB demonstrated changes such as dilatation of the venular part, arteriolar constriction, red cell aggregation in capillaries and venules, and stases. At the early stages of experimental atherosclerosis induced by the diet the permeability of the air-blood barrier and the synthesis of lung surfactant were found to be deranged. Vessel-tissue changes in the lungs progressed with an increase in the length of the diet (1-8 months) and were alike the picture seen in chronic nonspecific lung diseases, particularly in what is called senile emphysema. A relationship was established between the degree of changes in the MCB and HCh gravity. Atherosclerotic lesions in the intraorganic arteries occur and progress parallel with the development of this process in the intramural arteries of the myocardium. The data obtained attest to an important role of lipid metabolism disorders in the development of lung pathology and may have a certain significance in specifying the pathogenesis of chronic nonspecific lung diseases, especially.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that the early changes in lung mechanics and the amount of type III collagen fiber do not predict the evolution of lung parenchyma remodeling in pulmonary and extrapulmonary acute lung injury (ALI). For this purpose, we analyzed the time course of lung parenchyma remodeling in murine models of pulmonary and extrapulmonary ALI with similar degrees of mechanical compromise at the early phase of ALI. Lung histology (light and electron microscopy), the amount of elastic and collagen fibers in the alveolar septa, the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9, and mechanical parameters (lung-resistive and viscoelastic pressures, and static elastance) were analyzed 24 h, 1, 3, and 8 wk after the induction of lung injury. In control (C) pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) groups, saline was intratracheally (it; 0.05 ml) instilled and intraperitoneally (ip; 0.5 ml) injected, respectively. In ALIp and ALIexp groups, mice received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (10 microg it and 125 microg ip, respectively). At 24 h, all mechanical and morphometrical parameters, as well as type III collagen fiber content, increased similarly in ALIp and ALIexp groups. In ALIexp, all mechanical and histological data returned to control values at 1 wk. However, in ALIp, static elastance returned to control values at 3 wk, whereas resistive and viscoelastic pressures, as well as type III collagen fibers and elastin, remained elevated until week 8. ALIp showed higher expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 than ALIexp. In conclusion, insult in pulmonary epithelium yielded fibroelastogenesis, whereas mice with ALI induced by endothelial lesion developed only fibrosis that was repaired early in the course of lung injury. Furthermore, early functional and morphological changes did not predict lung parenchyma remodeling.  相似文献   

A soluble galactosyltransferase exists in the cell sap of the alveolar cells of the lung. The optimal conditions of galactosyltransferase are: pH 6, 20 DEGREES C, 10 mM Mn2+, 1 mM Mg2+. Michaelis constant for substrate UDP-galactose is 390 nM. By electrofocusing on Ampholine column, galactosyltransferase appears in a unique peak, at pHi 4.8. The parameters of the purified enzyme are the same as that of the crude enzyme. UDP is a noncompetitive inhibitor for the purified enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Qualitative histochemical G6PDH distribution patterns obtained in the liver acinus of adult male and female rats with an improved method (Rieder et al., 1978) served as a basis for the isolation by microdissection of tissue samples of defined zonal affiliation. G6PDH activity was assayed quantitatively in tissue samples of zones 1 and 3 by a microfluorometric method, using the oil well technique and enzymatic cycling (Burch et al., 1963; Lowry and Passonneau, 1972). With the use of a correlation system further evidence could be presented for the validity of the recently described qualitative distribution patterns. From a total of 50 analyzed tissue samples the following G6PDH activities were calculated: 4.25±1.56 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 2.08±0.46 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of male and 7.21±1.03 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11.10±2.56 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female rats. These data were corrected for interference from the G6PDH activity of the Kupffer cells within zone 1 samples (approximately 80 U/g dry weight), so that the actual relative values for the parenchymal activity could be estimated for the first time: 2 U/g dry weight in zones 1 and 3 of male animals, 5 U/g dry weight in zone 1 and 11 U/g dry weight in zone 3 of female animals. In female livers G6PDH activity in zone 1 is therefore 2.5 times higher, and in zone 3 5 times higher than in the male. These zonal as well as sex-differences are clearly indicative of a heterogeneous functional organization of the liver acinus in terms of capacity for NADPH production, mainly in connection with reductive reactions in fatty acid synthesis.Supported by a grant from the SFB 46 (Molgrudent)  相似文献   

Summary The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH), malic enzyme (ME) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) were investigated with optimized histochemical methods (Rieder et al. 1978), and the activity of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (3HBDH) and neutral fat content with conventional techniques in the liver of male rats under the following experimental dietary conditions: (A) Fasting for 0, 12 and 84 h; (B) 84-h fasting followed by refeeding with a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet for 6 h and for 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14 nights; (C) refeeding with standard diet for 5 nights; (D) low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet for 7 and 14 nights.The activities of G6PDH, 6PGDH and ME decreased slightly during fasting primarily in zone 1 and increased dramatically on refeeding with a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. This activity increase was confined mainly to zone 3 during the first 3 days and was accompanied by a deposition of neutral fats that began in zone 3 and progressed to zone 1. Neutral fat accumulation was maximal after 3 nights, with a uniform accumulation of large droplets in all the hepatocytes; this was followed by a release that started in zone 3 and proceeded in a periportal direction. On the other hand, G6PDH, 6PGDH and ME attained their maximum activities after 5 and 7 nights of the low-fat diet, the activities being nearly homogeneously distributed over the liver acinus in a few cases. Subsequently the activities fell mainly in zone 1, causing the activity patterns and levels to approach those of the animals in group (D). In contrast to this, the activity of ICDH increased during fasting principally in zone 1, so that the otherwise steep activity gradient in favor of zone 3 lessened. Refeeding led at first to a fall of activity below the initial value, but later the normal distribution pattern was restored. The activity of 3HBDH showed a behavior similar to that of ICDH. The findings are discussed with reference to the functional heterogeneity of the liver perenchyma, and the existence of a liponeogenic area in zone 3 is proposed.Essential parts of this study have been presented to the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg/Br. as an inaugural dissertationSupported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 127/7) and SFB 46  相似文献   

Properties of lung parenchyma in distortion.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study offers a basis for evaluating and developing models of stress-strain behavior of the lung in distortion. Tensile forces were applied along three axes to cubes of dog lung parenchyma. With axially symmetrical force-loading, expansion was reasonably symmetrical and pressure-volume relationships were reasonably conventional in range, hysteresis, and time-dependent behavior. When the force load was changed on one axis only, that axis appeared more compliant than it did during symmetrical loading and the other axes changed length in the opposite sign. Similar distortion was apparent at the alveolar level. Data for five specimens over a range of applied loads are filed with the National Auxiliary Publications Service; graphical examples are presented herein. Relationship among the compliances for symmetrical and asymmetrical loadings were consistent with elastic theory. We derived the elastic coefficients, bulk and Young's moduli, and Poisson's ratio from the data. Poison's ratio was about 0.30 in air-filled specimens, but was lower (0.16-0.24) and increases with stress in saline-filled specimens.  相似文献   

Specific probes such as targeted-enzyme assays have failed to reveal qualitative differences between the metabolism of spongy parenchyma and that of palisade parenchyma cells. To determine whether the results from these definite assays support a general conclusion concerning the overall biochemical similarity of these cells, two-dimensional protein profiles have been constructed for these two types of cells. Protein extracts were prepared from freeze-dried homogeneous tissue samples or from isolated protoplasts of Vicia faba L. cv. Longpod leaves. Proteins separated by micro two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were stained with silver. The relative apparent abundance (based on visual judgment of the area and intensity of staining) was estimated for each spot. Pairwise comparison of nominally 125 stained proteins of each of approximately 75 gel pairs did not reveal a consistent qualitative difference between the profiles. Recognizing that polypeptides escaped detection in our investigation through loss, failure to stain sufficiently, or incomplete resolution, we qualify our conclusion that spongy parenchyma and palisade are similar in their overall protein complement.  相似文献   

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