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T cell subsets from virgin and immunized mice, which are Ir gene controlled nonresponders to GAT, which regulate antibody responses to GAT have been characterized. Virgin nonresponder B10.Q B cells develop GAT-specific antibody responses to GAT, B10.Q GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA when cultured with virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J-, Qa1- B10.Q helper T cells. Virgin T cells are radiosensitive, whereas immune T cells are radioresistant (750 R); qualitatively identical helper activity is obtained with T cells from mice immunized with soluble GAT, B10.Q GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA. Responses to GAT and GAT-M phi are not observed when virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qal+ T cells are added to culture of virgin or GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J-, Qa1- helper T cells and virgin B cells; the GAT-specific response to GAT-MBSA is intact. The Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells from mice primed with GAT, GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA were qualitatively identical in mediating this suppression. Virgin Lyt-2+ T cells have no suppressive activity alone or with virgin Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells, whereas responses to GAT, GAT-M phi, and GAT-MBSA are suppressed in cultures of GAT-primed helper T cells containing GAT-primed Lyt-2+ T cells (with or without GAT-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells). Suppression of responses to GAT-MBSA in cultures of GAT-M phi-primed helper T cells requires both GAT-M phi-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells and Lyt-2+ T cells; the Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ T cells appear to function as inducer cells in this case. In cultures containing GAT-MBSA-primed helper T cells, either GAT-MBSA-primed Lyt-1+, I-J+, Qa1+ or Lyt-2+ T cells suppress responses to GAT and GAT-M phi; under no circumstances are responses to GAT-MBSA suppressed by GAT-MBSA-primed regulatory T cells. This regulation of antibody responses to GAT by suppressor T cells is discussed in the context of the involvement of suppressor T cells in responses to antigens under Ir control, and of the evidence that nonresponsiveness to GAT is not due to a defect in the T cell repertoire, but rather is due to an imbalance in the activation of suppressor vs helper T cells.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to examine the potential helper T cell repertoire specific for the random terpolymer GAT on responder, nonresponder, and (responder x nonresponder)F1 murine strains. The ability of GAT-MBSA immunized T cells to collaborate with DNP-specific primary and secondary B lymphocytes of each strain in response to the antigen DNP-GAT was tested with the splenic fragment culture system. The results of these experiments show that there are GAT-specific T lymphocytes in the responder, nonresponder, and F1 strains but that these 3 GAT-specific T cell populations differ in their collaborative potential. In sum, these findings present new evidence that the nonresponder status to the terpolymer GAT is due, in part, to a functional deletion of helper T cells capable of recognizing the antigen in the context of the nonresponder haplotype. Further, a new responsive phenotype is evidenced when F1 secondary B cells are stimulated in nonresponder GAT-MBSA-primed recipients. In this case, rather than the IgG1 responses observed in such strain combinations to other antigens such as DNP-Hy or DNP-Gl phi 9, only IgM responses were obtained. This new phenotype may be the result of GAT-specific suppression of isotype switching by B cells bearing the nonresponder cell surface alloantigens.  相似文献   

The roles of helper and suppressor T cells in the development and expression of antibody responses to GAT were studied in (responder X responder)F1 mice immunized with parental GAT-M phi. Spleen cells from (B10 X B10.D2)F1 mice primed in vivo with B10 or B10.D2 GAT-M phi developed secondary in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses only when stimulated by GAT-M phi syngeneic with the GAT-M phi used for in vivo priming. By contrast, virgin F1 spleen cells developed comparable primary PFC responses to both parental GAT-M phi Co-culture of T cells from (B10 X B10.D2)F1 mice primed in vivo by B10 GAT-M phi with virgin (B10 X B10.D2)F1 spleen cells demonstrated the presence of suppressor cells that inhibited the primary response of virgin spleen cells stimulated by B10.D2 GAT-M phi. Spleen cells from (B10 X B10.D2)F1 mice primed in vivo with B10.D2 GAT-M phi had suppressor T cells that suppressed primary responses stimulated by B10 GAT-M phi. The suppressor T cell mechanism was composed of at least two regulatory T cell subsets. Suppressor-inducer T cells were Lyt-2-, I-J+ and must be derived from immune spleen cells. Suppressor-effector T cells can be derived from virgin or immune spleens and were Lyt-2+ cells. When the suppressor mechanism was disabled by treatment with 1000 rad gamma irradiation or removal of Lyt-2+ cells, Lyt-2-helper T cells from (B10 X B10.D2)F1 mice primed with B10 GAT-M phi provided radioresistant help to virgin F1 B cells stimulated by B10 but not B10.D2 GAT-M phi. Suppressor inducer Lyt-2-,I-J+ cells from B10 GAT-M phi-primed (B10 X B10.D2)F1 mice were separated from the primed Lyt-2-,I-J-helper T cells. In the presence of Lyt-2+ suppressor effector cells, the Lyt-2-,I-J+ suppressor-inducer suppressed the primary response of virgin spleen or virgin T plus B cells stimulated by both B10 and B10.D2 GAT-M phi. Therefore, suppressor T cells were able to suppress primary but not secondary GAT-specific PFC responses stimulated by either parental GAT-M phi. These results showed that immunization of (responder X responder)F1 mice with parental GAT-M phi results in the development of antigen-specific helper and suppressor T cells. The primed helper T cells were radioresistant and were genetically restricted to interact with GAT in association with the major histocompatibility complex antigens of the M phi used for in vivo priming.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The synthetic terpolymer of L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) not only fails to elicit a GAT-specific antibody response in nonresponder mice, but also prior injection of GAT specifically decreases the ability of nonresponder mice to develop a GAT-specific antibody response to a subsequent challenge with GAT-MBSA. This inhibition is mediated by GAT-specific suppressor T cells. Further, a suppressive factor can be extracted from lymphoid cells of GAT-primed nonresponder mice that inhibits the development of primary GAT-specific antibody responses to GAT-MBSA and to GAT-PRBC- by normal syngeneic mice. The suppressive activity is dose-dependent and absorbed by GAT-Sepharose, but not by BSA-Sepharose. The suppressive activity elutes from a G-100 Sephadex column in the same fraction as ovalbumin, suggesting its m.w. is approximately 45,000 daltons.  相似文献   

In vitro activation of naive spleen cells from C57BL/10 mice with GAT and the monoclonal GAT-TsF1, 372B3.5, followed by fusion with BW5147 resulted in generation of a hybridoma that fails to produce GAT-TsF constitutively, but upon reexposure to GAT and 372B3.5 is induced to secrete GAT-TsF2. The induction is GAT specific and requires de novo RNA, protein synthesis, and DNA synthesis. Although both GAT and 372B3.5 are required for induction, they may be added sequentially, provided the GAT is added first. The GAT-TsF produced by the induced cell is antigen specific and composed of two polypeptide chains: one capable of binding antigen, the other bearing determinants encoded by the I-J region of the MHC. The utility of this inducible GAT-TsF2 cell line for molecular biology and other studies is discussed.  相似文献   

A Ts cell subset has been identified in the spleens of responder mice 3 to 6 wk after immunization with an optimally immunogenic dose of L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT). These Ts were positively selected by panning procedures by using a mAb (1248 A4.10) produced by immunization of rats with semipurified mouse GAT-specific, single polypeptide chain suppressor factor. These Ts cells inhibited the activity of virgin Th cells but not memory Th cells and this activity was genetically restricted by genes which are linked to the Ig H chain (Igh) locus on chromosome 12. Use of the Igh recombination strain, BAB.14, which has a crossover near the VHCH region junction, demonstrated that the genes regulating the Igh restriction map telomeric to the VH genes. The Igh-linked restriction regulated the interaction of A4.10+ Ts cells with virgin T cells and not B cells. However, A4.10+ Ts did not act directly on Lyt-2-Th cells, but required the presence of Lyt-2+ cells for suppression. Suppression by GAT-primed A4.10+-Ts cells also required syngenicity at Igh-linked genes by both Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cells. These results indicated that A4.10+-Ts cells were inducer Ts cells which activated Lyt-2+ effector Ts cells which prevented primary GAT specific Th cell activity. The interaction between A4.10+-Ts inducer and effector Ts cells and/or the interaction of the effector Ts and its target cell were restricted by genes linked to the Igh constant region.  相似文献   

T cell subsets that regulate antibody responses to L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) in mice that are Ir gene non-responders have been further characterized. We previously defined several T cell subsets in GAT-primed non-responder mice. The Lyt-2+ suppressor-effector T cells suppress responses to GAT and GAT complexed to methylated BSA (GAT-MBSA). The Lyt-1+ cell population is complex and can be separated into I-J- Th cells, which support responses to GAT and GAT-MBSA. After priming, the Lyt-1+, I-J+ cell population contains suppressor-inducer cells that activate precursors of suppressor-effector cells to suppress responses to GAT and GAT-MBSA as well as Ts cells that directly inhibit responses to GAT but not GAT-MBSA. By contrast, the Lyt-1+ cells from virgin mice contain only cells that directly suppress responses to GAT but not GAT-MBSA. The major question addressed in the present studies was whether the Lyt-1+, I-J+ Ts cells in virgin and primed mice and the suppressor-inducer cells in GAT-primed mice were functionally and serologically distinct subsets. The studies used mAb and panning procedures to separate cell populations and inhibition of PFC cell responses to functionally define the activity of the cell populations. We used the following two mAb that were raised by immunizing rats with GAT-specific suppressor factors: 1248A4.10 (known to react with suppressor-inducer cells) and 1248A4.3, another reagent from the same fusion. Lyt-1+ cells from virgin spleens contained Ts cells that were A4.10-, A4.3+ and no suppressor-inducer T cells, whereas Lyt-1+ cells from GAT-primed spleens contained Ts cells that were A4.10-, A4.3+ as well as A4.10+, A4.3- suppressor-inducer cells. Thus, the Lyt1+, I-J+ cell subset can be divided into two functionally and serologically distinct subsets, direct Ts cells (1248A4.3+), which suppress responses to GAT but not GAT-MBSA, and GAT-primed suppressor-inducer T cells (1248A4.10+).  相似文献   

Athymic nude mice implanted with F1 thymus glands were used to investigate genetic restrictions regulating T cell-macrophage (M phi) interactions in the development of antibody responses to GAT. Spleen cells from conventional mice developed comparable primary plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses when stimulated by syngeneic and allogeneic GAT-M phi. However, spleen cells from strain A nude mice implanted with (A X B)F1 thymus glands were tolerant of strain B alloantigens and developed GAT-specific PFC responses to strain A GAT-M phi and allogeneic strain C GAT-M phi, but failed to respond to strain B GAT-M phi. The lack of primary GAT-specific PFC responses by spleen cells from (A X B)thy----A nude mice stimulated by strain B GAT-M phi was not due to detectable suppressor mechanisms. However, an allogeneic effect stimulated by H-2- or non-H-2-disparate GAT-pulsed or unpulsed M phi was able to overcome the inability of spleen cells from (A X B)F1 thy----A nude mice to respond to strain B GAT-M phi. Furthermore, the inability to respond to strain B GAT-M phi was overcome by the addition of supernatant fluids from independent cultures of H-2-disparate cells. These results 1) demonstrate that T cells from A nude mice implanted with (A X B)F1 thymus glands did not recognize nominal antigen in the context of B MHC antigens, and 2) suggested that the T cell repertoire was altered in strain A nude mice implanted with (A X B)F1 thymus glands, such that T cells that could recognize GAT in association with strain B MHC antigens were functionally deleted.  相似文献   

Mouse strains that express the Ek (Ek beta E-1k alpha) molecule are nonresponders (NR) to the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB) in terms of T cell proliferation. Nonresponsiveness is caused by T suppressor (Ts) cells recognizing LDHB in the context of Ek molecules on the antigen-presenting cells. The data presented here demonstrate that the Ek-restricted Ts cells function in (R x NR)F1 mice in a remarkable haplotype-specific fashion: they selectively interfere with the Ak (ANR)-restricted response, and do not affect the response channeled through the A molecules of the responder parent. This haplotype-specificity of suppression provides an explanation of the dominance of responsiveness in (R x NR)F1 mice.  相似文献   

Considerable information concerning the serology and biochemistry of antigen-specific, T cell-derived suppressor factors has been obtained with the use of T cell hybridomas as a source of homogeneous material. Similarly, knowledge of helper T cell products and receptors is accumulating from studies of helper T cell clones and hybridomas. Our strategy for studying the mechanisms by which suppressor factors inhibit responses was to determine whether monoclonal suppressor factors could inhibit antibody responses specific for L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) in cultures containing unprimed splenic B cells, macrophages, and GAT-specific T cell clones as a source of helper activity. The MHC-restricted, two chain suppressor factors, GAT-TsF2, inhibited these responses if the helper T cell clones and suppressor factor were derived from H-2-compatible mice. Furthermore, responses were inhibited by briefly pulsing T cell clones with GAT-TsF2 in the presence of GAT, indicating that suppressor factors need not be present continuously. In addition, helper T cell clones adsorbed syngeneic, but not allogeneic, GAT-TsF2 in the presence of GAT. Adsorption also requires a shared antigenic specificity between the H-2b-derived helper T cells and TsF2 factor. Thus, helper T cells can serve as the cellular target of antigen-specific, MHC-restricted GAT-TsF2, and cloned helper T cells can be used as a homogeneous target population for analysis of the molecular mechanisms of T cell suppression.  相似文献   

A GAT-specific, MHC-restricted "second-order" suppressor T cell factor (TsF2) from the hybridoma 762 B3.7 was biosynthetically radiolabeled with 35S-methionine and was isolated from cell extracts. The isolation procedure involved two-dimensional nonreducing/reducing SDS-PAGE and electroelution of the reduced off-diagonal polypeptide chains from the gel. Biochemical characterization studies revealed that TsF2 is a disulfide-linked heterodimer composed of a basic and an acidic polypeptide chain, both having m.w. of 30,000. Both chains are glycosylated and contain sialic acid residues. The basic polypeptide reacts with anti-I-J antisera, whereas the acidic chain contains the antigen-binding capacity. Monoclonal antibodies induced by immunizing rats with TsF2 purified from hybridoma supernatants were selected for the ability to block immunosuppression mediated by TsF2 in vitro. These antibodies, but not irrelevant antibodies, immunoprecipitated the 35S-methionine-labeled protein that migrates off the diagonal in two-dimensional gels. Thus, we have verified that the immunosuppressive protein that migrates off the diagonal in two-dimensional gels binds to antibodies that are known to inhibit the biologic activity of unpurified TsF2.  相似文献   

A GAT-specific "second order" suppressor T cell factor (TsF2) from the hybridoma 762 B3.7 has been purified and biochemically characterized. The protein has a m.w. of approximately 66,000, an isoelectric point of 6.8 to 6.9, and elutes from a reversed phase HPLC column in two peaks, one in 55% acetonitrile, the other in 70% propanol. Amino acid analysis of both forms gave similar molar ratios, suggesting that the two forms are closely related and may differ mainly in the degree of posttranslational modification. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis under reducing conditions gave two chains of the apparent m.w. of 42,000 and 35,000.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with the ABA-GAT conjugate stimulates GAT-specific T helper cells in GAT-responder animals and ABA-specific helpers in nonresponders. Unexpectedly, immunization of (responder X nonresponder) F1 mice, which have the GAT-responder phenotype, leads to the recruitment of both ABA- and GAT-specific clones of T helper lymphocytes. The GAT-reactive population is restricted to the haplotype of the responder parent (Iak), whereas ABA-specific T cells are mostly restricted to the nonresponder one (Ias). This is demonstrated by the ability of monoclonal antibodies to parental la antigens to inhibit T cell proliferation to GAT or ABA-Tyr in vitro. Consistently, ABA-GAT-primed F1 T cells can only activate nonresponder B cells to proliferate in the presence of ABA-Tyr and responder B lymphocytes in the presence of GAT. Furthermore, F1 T cells seem to recognize both ABA and GAT epitopes only in association with molecules encoded by the I-A subregion. Analysis of ABA-specific F1 T cell lines generated by in vitro stimulation with ABA-Tyr or ABA-GAT demonstrates a competition between GAT- and ABA-specific T cells present in the hybrid T cell repertoire and restricted to the same parental I-Ak molecule. The results indicate that F1 macrophages can present both ABA and GAT epitopes to T cells in association with the two parental and hybrid Ia determinants. It seems unlikely that the absence of GAT-specific T cells restricted to the nonresponder I-A in the F1 is due to suppressor T cells. Thus, the competition model that we propose, to explain the selective F1 T cell response to ABA-GAT, leads us to believe that GAT nonresponder animals may lack clones capable of recognizing, with a high affinity, I-As + GAT.  相似文献   

The capacity of responder and nonresponder strains of mice to generate suppressor cells and factors to two antigens under MHC linked Ir gene control was investigated. Eight different H-2 types (H-2b,d,f,k,p,q,r,s) as well as seven independently derived strains (B10, BALB/c, CBA/Ca, A/St, DBA/2, P/J, SJL) were tested, and all yielded suppressor factor (SF) to (T,G)-A--L and GAT. This indicated that the genetic control of SF production was different from that of helper cell induction. Unlike previous reports of GAT suppressor extracts that GAT-specific supressor factors acted equally on both responder and nonresponder strains. As reported earlier with in vitro induced protein- (KLH) specific suppressor factors, GAT and (T,G)-A--L specific suppressor factors failed to show any genetic restriction in their function. The implications of these results for the general mechanism of Ir gene control are discussed.  相似文献   

The immune response to the synthetic terpolymer GAT is controlled by MHC-linked Ir gene(s). We show in this paper that antigen-presenting cells and T cells from mice belonging to two nonresponder strains (SJL and DBA/1) can present and recognize GAT, respectively. This has been measured with a T cell proliferation assay of GAT-primed lymph node cells. In order to detect T cell proliferation among GAT-primed lymph node cells from DBA/1 mice, it is necessary to treat the cells with monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibodies and complement (C) before the assay. These conclusions were further verified with SJL mice, when a T cell line derived from LN cells was used. We have shown that after immunization with GAT, specific T helper cells can be generated in the lymph nodes of SJL mice but not in the lymph nodes of DBA/1 mice. Furthermore, GAT-specific T helper cells can be detected in the spleen of SJL mice after immunizations with GAT, provided these spleen cells are pretreated with monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibodies + C or mild irradiation. Together, these results support the general idea that nonresponsiveness can be explained by a regulatory imbalance rather than by discrete cellular "defects."  相似文献   

Specific anti-dinitrophenyl (DNP) response to DNP-conjugated L-glutamine60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (DNP-GAT) was obtained in GAT-responder mice by using synthetic N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP) as adjuvant. Significant levels of anti-DNP antibodies were observed during a secondary response to DNP-GAT, when both antigen and MDP were used for priming. In this system, MDP was able to prime the carrier-specific T cells but not the hapten specific B cells. The study of the isotypic pattern of the anti-DNP response shows that MDP stimulates only the appearance of specific anti-DNP IgG1 plaque-forming cells. Anti-DNP plaque-forming cells were stimulated in animals primed with DNP-GAT in Freund's complete adjuvant or in Maalox-pertussis and used as control IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b.  相似文献   

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