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Several reports indicate that hemoglobin can serve as a source of peptides involved in regulatory functions in mammals, including humans. Here, Rosane Charlab and Elói Garcia discuss the potential role of hemoglobin-derived peptides as regulatory molecules in blood-sucking vectors and protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

Sand flies are the only accepted biological vectors of Leishmania parasites. However, secondary modes of transmission have been extensively discussed and speculated about in recent years. In particular, the hypothesis of ticks as vectors of Leishmania infantum was studied in the 20th century and today is being revisited using modern molecular biology techniques. Recent studies have shed new light on the discussion, but have also led to misleading conclusions on the role of ticks as Leishmania vectors. In this article, the role of brown dog ticks, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, as vectors of L. infantum is discussed, and the need for further research to better understand their participation in the epidemiology of leishmaniasis is advocated.  相似文献   

Studies of population dynamics of long-lived species have generally focused on adult survival because population growth should be most sensitive to this parameter. However, actual variations in population size can often be driven by other demographic parameters, such as juvenile survival, when they show high temporal variability. We used capture–recapture data from a long-term study of a hunted, migratory species, the greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlantica), to assess temporal variability in first-year survival and the relative importance of natural and hunting mortality. We also conducted a parasite-removal experiment to determine the effect of internal parasites and body condition on temporal variation in juvenile survival. We found that juvenile survival showed a higher temporal variability than adult survival and that natural mortality was more important than hunting mortality, unlike in adults. Parasite removal increased first-year survival and reduced its annual variability in females only. Body condition at fledging was also positively correlated with first-year survival in treated females. With reduced parasite load, females, which are thought to invest more in their immune system than males according to Bateman’s principle, could probably reallocate more energy to growth than males, leading to a higher survival. Treated birds also had a higher survival than control ones during their second year, suggesting a developmental effect that manifested later in life. Our study shows that natural factors such as internal parasites may be a major source of variation in juvenile survival of a long-lived, migratory bird, which has implications for its population dynamics.  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that mothers can transfer their own immune experience to their progeny through the allocation of specific maternal antibodies (hereafter referred as MatAb) that can shape offspring phenotype and affect their fitness. However, the importance of environmental variability in modulating the effects of MatAb on offspring traits is still elusive. Using an experimental approach, we investigated how food availability interacted with MatAb to solve the trade‐off between humoral immunity and growth in young feral pigeons Columba livia. Results show that the inhibitory effect of MatAb on the humoral response of chicks was detected regardless of the food treatment. In addition, body mass growth was higher in chicks receiving lower amounts of maternal antibodies but only in chicks of the ad libitum food treatment. This contradicts previous studies and suggests that the transfer of MatAb could entail some costs for chicks and reduce their growth. Taken together these results reinforce the idea that the maternal antibodies play a central role in shaping offspring life‐history traits but that their adaptive value is highly dependent on the environmental context in which they are transmitted by the mother.  相似文献   

Klaus Reinhardt 《Genetica》2010,138(1):119-127
Male genitalia are more variable between species (and populations) than other organs, and are more morphologically complex in polygamous compared to monogamous species. Therefore, sexual selection has been put forward as the major explanation of genital variation and complexity, in particular cryptic female choice for male copulatory courtship. As cryptic female choice is based on differences between males it is somewhat paradoxical that there is such low within-species variation in male genitalia that they are a prime morphological identification character for animal species. Processes other than sexual selection may also lead to genitalia variation but they have recently become neglected. Here I focus on pleiotropy and natural selection and provide examples how they link genitalia morphology with genital environments. Pleiotropy appears to be important because most studies that specifically tested for pleiotropic effects on genital morphology found them. Natural selection likely favours certain genital morphology over others in various environments, as well as by reducing re-infection with sexually transmitted diseases or reducing the likelihood of fertilisation with aged sperm. Both pleiotropy and natural selection differ locally and between species so may contribute to local variation in genitalia and sometimes variation between monogamous and polygamous species. Furthermore, the multitude of genital environments will lead to a multitude of genital functions via natural selection and pleiotropy, and may also contribute to explaining the complexity of genitalia.  相似文献   

HUGH A. ROBERTSON 《Ibis》1988,130(2):261-267
Growth patterns of nestling Collared Doves Streptopetia decaocto , Woodpigeons Columba palumbus , Feral Pigeons C. livia and Stock Doves C. oenas , in Britain were compared. Open-nesting Collared Doves and Woodpigeons left the nest at about 60% of adult weight, hole-nesting Stock Doves at adult weight, and partial hole-nesting Feral Pigeons at an intermediate stage. Other species of pigeons and doves studied to date also fit this pattern. Stock Dove nestlings reared in nest-boxes reached heavier weights and left the nest later than those in more exposed sites. These results were correlated with differential predation pressure on open- versus hole-nesting birds.  相似文献   

In many cities, the feral rock dove is an abundant bird species that can harbor Chlamydophila psittaci. We determined the prevalence and genotype of C. psittaci in fresh fecal samples from feral pigeons in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The prevalence was 7.9% overall (26/331; 95% confidence interval, 5 to 11). Ten genotyped PCR-positive samples were all genotype B.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):797-803
We investigated the foraging producer-scrounger system of a captive flock of feral pigeons (Columba livia) by monitoring the number of food patches each individual produced. In one experiment, three different patch types were tested on the whole flock while, in a second, flock composition was varied for one patch type. In all cases we found non-uniform distributions of the number of patches produced per individual, which suggests the existence of producer and scrounger roles. This result could not be explained by either dominance or variability in individual learning ability. Individuals switched roles in response to changes both in food patch type and flock composition. These results are discussed in light of the skill pool hypothesis, which suggests that, in a group, different foraging specialists will profit by parasitizing each other's food discoveries.  相似文献   

Assemblages of macroalgal species present in the upper reaches of estuaries were compared using published species lists for the North Atlantic, covering a north-south gradient in Europe from Iceland to northern Spain, and in North America between the St. Lawrence and Virginia. Patterns were sought using cluster analysis and ordination. Three groupings of estuaries were noted: Icelandic, mainland European and American. There was a slight trend of increase in the ratio of red to brown algae with decreasing latitude in Europe, though not as marked as for open coastal algae. This might be associated with the effect of temperature on salinity tolerance. Despite this biogeographic trend, some of the commonest species appear to be widely spread through estuaries, possibly including southern Atlantic and Pacific locations. Confirmation of the trends suggested requires further data from southern European estuaries.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the presence of antibiotic‐resistant faecal Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. in feral pigeons (Columba livia forma domestica) in the Czech Republic. Methods and Results: Cloacal swabs of feral pigeons collected in the city of Brno in 2006 were cultivated for antibiotic‐resistant E. coli. Resistance genes, class 1 and 2 integrons, and gene cassettes were detected in resistant isolates by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The samples were also cultivated for enterococci. Species status of enterococci isolates was determined using repetitive extragenic palindromic‐PCR. Resistance genes were detected in resistant enterococci by PCR. E. coli isolates were found in 203 of 247 pigeon samples. Antibiotic resistance was recorded in three (1·5%, nE. coli = 203) isolates. Using agar containing ciprofloxacin, 12 (5%, nsamples = 247) E. coli strains resistant to ciprofloxacin were isolated. No ESBL‐producing E. coli isolates were detected. A total of 143 enterococci were isolated: Ent. faecalis (36 isolates), Ent. faecium (27), Ent. durans (19), Ent. hirae (17), Ent. mundtii (17), Ent. gallinarum (12), Ent. casseliflavus (12) and Ent. columbae (3). Resistance to one to four antibiotics was detected in 45 (31%) isolates. Resistances were determined by tetK, tetL, tetM, tetO, aac(6′)aph(2′′), ant(4′)‐Ia, aph(3′)‐IIIa, ermB, pbp5, vanA and vanC1 genes. Conclusions: Antibiotic‐resistant E. coli and Enterococcus spp. occurred in feral pigeons in various prevalences. Significance and Impact of the Study: Feral pigeon should be considered a risk species for spreading in the environment antimicrobial resistant E. coli and enterococci.  相似文献   

Many avian species are negatively impacted by urbanization, but other species survive and prosper in urbanized areas. One factor potentially contributing to the success of some species in urban areas is the reduced presence of predators or parasite vectors in urban compared to rural areas. In addition, urban areas may provide increased food and water resources, which can enhance immune capacity to resist infection and the ability to eliminate parasites. We determined patterns of blood parasitism, body condition, and immune cell profiles in urban and rural populations of five adult male songbird species that vary in their relative abundance within urban areas. Urban birds generally exhibited less blood parasitism than rural birds. This difference was particularly evident for the urban-adaptable Abert's towhee Pipilo aberti . In contrast, no difference in haemoparasitism was seen between urban and rural populations of the curve-billed thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre , a less-urban adaptable species. In two closely related species, the curve-billed thrasher and the northern mockingbird Mimus polyglottos , urban birds had a higher leukocyte count and a higher heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, which is often associated with chronic stress or current infection, than rural birds. Urban northern mockingbirds were in better condition than rural counterparts, but no habitat-related differences in condition were detected for other species. Parasitic infection was correlated with body condition in only one species, the canyon towhee Pipilo fuscus . Parasitic infection in most species was correlated with changes in leukocyte abundance and profile. The findings suggest that interspecific differences in parasitic infection cannot be attributed entirely to differences in vector abundance or body condition. Interactions between immune function, parasite infection risk, and resource availability may contribute to determining the relative ability of certain species to adapt to cities.  相似文献   

Four chemical races were detected in Pulicaria dysenterica, when sampled within Europe, on the basis of the surface flavonoids present. One race uniquely contained quercetagetin 3,7-dimethyl ether and another 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,4'-dimethyl ether. A third race was based on plants having 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,7-dimethyl ether together with quercetagetin 3,7,3'-trimethyl ether. The fourth race contained the above two compounds, as well as quercetagetin 3,7,3',4'-tetramethyl ether and 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,7,4'-trimethyl ether. These lipophilic constituents were variously present on the surfaces of leaf, ray floret, disc floret and fruit. By contrast, the vacuolar flavonoid of all tissues and all races was uniformly quercetin 3-glucuronide. The kaempferol 3-glucoside previously reported in flowers was not detected. Of the lipophilic flavonoids newly reported from this plant, one 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,7,4'-trimethyl ether is new to nature.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in the periodicity of gypsy moth outbreaks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The existence of periodic oscillations in populations of forest Lepidoptera is well known. While information exists on how the periods of oscillations vary among different species, there is little prior evidence of variation in periodicity within the range of a single Lepidopteran species. The exotic gypsy moth is an introduced foliage-feeding insect in North America. Its populations are characterized by high amplitude oscillations between innocuously low densities and outbreak levels during which large regions of forests are defoliated. These outbreaks are recognized to arise periodically with considerable synchrony across much of the gypsy moth's North American range. Our analysis indicates that gypsy moth outbreaks in North America are periodic but they exhibit two dominant periodicities: a primary period of 8–10 yr (as previously reported) and a secondary period of 4–5 yr (a new finding in this study). The outbreak periodicity varied geographically and this variation was associated with forest type. We found that in the most susceptible forest types, those on xeric sites where oak is often mixed with pines, outbreak periodicity had a more dominant 5-yr period while in forest types characteristic of more mesic sites where oak was mixed with maples and other species, cycles were clearly operating on a 10-yr period.  相似文献   

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