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【背景】植食性昆虫对产卵场所的选择行为受多种因素的影响,其中寄主植物的发育阶段和被同种其他个体利用程度是影响其产卵选择的重要因素之一。【方法】采用野外罩笼的选择性试验,观察了广聚萤叶甲成虫对不同生长发育阶段、不同被取食程度、不同落卵量的豚草植株的产卵选择行为,分析产卵选择频次,用Cox比例风险模型拟合识别期以估计产卵选择偏好性。【结果】开花期豚草被选择产卵的风险(瞬间概率)仅为生长期的16.5%,苗期豚草被选择产卵的风险为生长期的34.1%;成虫对3种被食程度豚草的产卵选择频次之间存在显著差异(n=20,P<0.01),在3级被食程度豚草上产卵次数最多(12次),而在5级被食豚草上产卵次数最少(2次),表明成虫明显偏好将卵产于已被中等程度取食的植株上;成虫对不同落卵量植株(0、4、8个.株-1)未表现出显著的产卵偏好,对不同密度(高、低)斑块的豚草的产卵选择亦无显著差异。【结论与意义】豚草生育期和被取食程度影响广聚萤叶甲雌虫的产卵选择,而植株上的落卵量和豚草密度对产卵选择没有影响。  相似文献   

【背景】广聚萤叶甲幼虫常群聚于部分豚草植株取食,可能与成虫产卵选择有关,因此,探究广聚萤叶甲产卵选择的影响因素具有重要意义。【方法】于2005年在广聚萤叶甲的主要分布区(江苏、江西、湖北、湖南)进行了1次随机抽样调查,并在南京城郊于2008年5月25日~9月1日进行了豚草的定点定期跟踪调查,用广义线性模型分析调查因子的影响。【结果】随机抽样调查结果表明,卵块数量随豚草植株冠层直径和健康程度的增大而显著增多,冠层直径每增大1cm,卵块数增多2%;健康程度每提高1级,卵块数增加近2.1倍;在豚草植株被利用程度增大的情况下,卵块数量随植株健康程度增大而增多,如果植株上增加1头幼虫或蛹,则植株健康程度每提高1级,卵块数增多2%,但植株冠层每增大1cm,卵块数减少0.6%。定点定期调查结果表明,豚草上的着卵块概率受豚草斑块大小、植株冠层直径、发育期和生境光照情况等因素的显著影响,豚草斑块每增加1株植物,产卵概率提高0.5%;植株冠层直径每增大1cm,产卵概率提高3%;在暴露生境中的豚草上产卵的概率比遮阴(树下)下的豚草提高近1倍。【结论与意义】豚草植株个体特性对着卵数量有显著影响,而豚草个体和群体特性以及小生境显著影响产卵发生。  相似文献   

为探究豚草与苍耳上的广聚萤叶甲种群是否存在分化,对来自这两种植物上的叶甲(分别称为"豚草叶甲"和"苍耳叶甲")进行了选择性试验,并测定了其对5种近缘植物的取食量.选择性试验结果表明,两群来源不同的叶甲对豚草和苍耳的选择偏好存在显著差异,表现为豚草叶甲更偏好豚草,而苍耳叶甲相对更偏好苍耳.对广聚萤叶甲成虫取食量的测定结果表明,对不同测试植物的取食量随来源寄主植物不同而存在显著差异,两群叶甲对向日葵的取食量存在显著差异,但对其他植物的取食量均无显著差异.豚草叶甲对豚草的取食量显著大干对其他测试植物的取食,24h平均取食量达51.27 mm2,而对其他4种植物的取食量无显著差异,均低于40 m2;苍耳叶甲取食豚草的量为52.24mm2(24 h),与取食向日葵和三裂叶豚草量无显著差异,但显著大干取食苍耳和菊芋的量,取食后两种植物的量没有显著差异.研究结果说明,苍耳属植物可能是广聚萤叶甲除豚草外的另一潜在寄主植物.  相似文献   

【目的】明确广聚萤叶甲成虫产卵行为及其产卵部位的选择性。【方法】在室内条件下,对广聚萤叶甲成虫交配及产卵的系列行为、产卵场所选择、不同部位豚草植株叶片叶绿素b的含量进行了观察和测定:(1)将1对成虫放到养虫笼内的一株豚草上,观察交配时间,记录产卵数量、前后2粒卵之间的产卵时间间隔;(2)在均匀分为5部分(0~10、11~20、21~30、31~40和41~50 cm)的豚草植株上,随机放置10对成虫,观察雌虫对于产卵场所的选择。(3)将上述5个部位的豚草叶片通过丙酮匀浆法处理,用紫外分光光度计测定其在645和663 nm的吸光值,计算叶绿素b含量。【结果】广聚萤叶甲成虫完成一次成功交配平均需96.09 min。雌虫一般需45 min的时间来寻找其适应的产卵场所,在产卵过程中,成虫习惯将卵产于叶片背面,雌虫喜欢用口器来清理刚产下的卵粒。在一株50 cm高的豚草植株上,雌虫喜欢将卵产在植株中部21~30 cm和中上部31~40cm的叶片上(从下往上划分)。卵块数量和豚草不同部位叶片叶绿素b含量呈显著的正相关性。【结论】广聚萤叶甲成虫喜欢产卵在叶绿素b含量较高的叶片背面,可能以视觉识别叶片颜色来选择和定位产卵场所。  相似文献   

实验室木箱条件下进行的二化螟水稻类群与茭白类群成虫产卵选择性试验结果表明,两类群在水稻与茭白上所产的卵块和卵粒的分布及孵化率无显著差异;但均有将不能孵化卵产在非本寄主上的倾向.通过Y形嗅觉仪进行的幼虫寄主选择行为的试验结果显示,除茭白类群1龄幼虫对水稻与茭白的趋性分别为30.00%与66.67%,有显著差异(P≤0.05)外,1龄幼虫对两寄主组织的趋性无显著差异;对水稻与茭白叶片、叶鞘的趋性反应中,水稻类群4龄、6龄幼虫对叶片,2龄、4龄幼虫对叶鞘差异显著,而茭白类群2—6龄幼虫均差异显著(P≤0.05).研究结果表明,两类群已开始种下分化,其中茭白类群对本寄主的专化程度大于水稻类群。  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同交配时长对广聚萤叶甲雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率的影响。【方法】在室内条件下,对不同交配时长下广聚萤叶甲的雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率进行观察:(1)选取羽化第3d的广聚萤叶甲雌雄虫随机配对,观察24 h,记录交配情况和时长;(2)在交配开始1、5、15、30、60 min时,强行分开雌雄成虫,然后将不同交配时长的雌虫进行单独饲养,以正常交配一次的雌虫作为对照,每个处理选取23组;(3)将15~30 cm健壮豚草小苗插入注满水的塑料小瓶内,将配对的一组雌雄成虫和豚草小苗放入养虫盒中饲养,每天更换带卵的小苗并记录叶片上的产卵量;(4)将上述带卵的小苗至于适宜条件下培养,记录5~7 d内卵块孵化的情况。【结果】广聚萤叶甲正常交配一次的对照组的产卵水平显著高于各处理组,单雌产卵为889粒,交配时间15 min以下各组雌虫的产卵量明显低于交配30 min以上的各组雌虫。同时交配时长5 min以下雌虫产的卵基本不能孵化,而交配时间达到30 min以上的各组卵块的孵化率明显提高。【结论】雄虫转移雌虫受精所需精子量需要耗费的时间为30 min左右,且雄虫有延长交配时间的趋性。该结果为研究广聚萤叶甲的生态特性以及优化种群繁殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在室内采用选择行为方法,研究了二疣犀甲Oryctes rhinoceros(Linnaeus)对不同寄主茎干的产卵选择行为。结果表明,二疣犀甲对不同腐烂状态椰子茎干的产卵选择性具有明显差异,其中以半腐烂状态的茎干对二疣犀甲的产卵引诱效果最强,单雌产卵数和孵化率分别为27.06粒和87.41%,其次为完全腐烂的茎干,而健康茎干的引诱效果最差。5种不同棕榈植物的半腐烂茎干对二疣犀甲的产卵诱集结果表明,二疣犀甲在椰子和油棕茎干上的产卵量最高且差异不显著。而在不同椰子品种半腐烂茎干之间,二疣犀甲优先选择香水椰子和海南高种椰子茎干腐烂物产卵,单雌产卵量分别为28.14粒和24.25粒。在不同原因造成的死亡椰子茎干中,二疣犀甲优先选择台风折断死亡的茎干产卵,其次为染虫死亡茎干,最后为感病死亡茎干。少量的二疣犀甲幼虫粪便能诱集成虫在寄主上产卵,在粪便比例为25%时,对二疣犀甲成虫产卵诱集效果最强,单雌产卵量最高,达到34.67粒,之后随着粪便在产卵基质中比例的增加,二疣犀甲的产卵行为逐渐受到抑制,产卵量减少。  相似文献   

南方锦天牛Acalolepta speciosa是近年在油茶Camellia oleifera上新出现的一种蛀干害虫。为摸清南方锦天牛对不同寄主的取食和产卵选择行为,采用林间调查和室内观测的方法,记录害虫在不同寄主上的取食面积和产卵量。林间调查发现,广宁红花油茶C. semiserrat上未发现南方锦天牛危害状;南方锦天牛在距离地面72.0 cm以下、胸径大于1.0 cm以上的高州油茶C. gauchowensis、普通油茶C. oleifera树干上产卵,在叶片上不产卵;成虫产卵量与高州油茶、普通油茶寄主种类、树干胸径大小无相关性。室内试验表明,南方锦天牛成虫在木荷Schima superb、橡树Quercus palustris、马尾松Pinus massoniana和葡萄Vitis vinifera上既不取食也不产卵;取食山茶科Theaceae的山茶Camellia japonica和油茶的树皮和叶片,取食选择性无显著差异;成虫在油茶树干上产卵,在山茶树干上不产卵,产卵选择性无显著差异。  相似文献   

野外条件下广聚萤叶甲对豚草的产卵选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹振军  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2011,54(11):1297-1304
为探究影响广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa LeSage选择豚草产卵的环境因素, 在南京城郊于2009年6月23日至9月1日豚草生长季节, 跟踪调查了60个豚草斑块上落卵数量动态, 运用跨栏模型分析了影响叶甲产卵以及产卵数量的因素。结果表明: (1)产卵发生随季节延长、 豚草被取食程度增大、 株高增长、 暴露环境中斑块增大而增加, 但随遮蔽环境中豚草斑块增大、 开花、 开花后季节延长、 季节延长情况下被取食程度增大、 开花后被取食程度增大等因素而降低; (2)落卵数量随季节延长、 豚草被取食程度增大、 暴露环境、 开花期被取食程度增大、 开花期株高增长等因素而增加, 但随豚草开花、 季节延长情况下被取食程度增大而减小; (3)落卵量随季节延长而增大的幅度在豚草营养生长期明显大于开花期, 在暴露环境中随季节延长而呈明显直线增大, 但在遮阴环境中先直线增加, 于10周后趋缓。研究结果说明, 影响产卵发生与落卵数量的因素不完全一致, 产卵发生与落卵数量主要受因子之间互作的影响, 而较少受到单因素的独立影响。  相似文献   

Rapid characterisation of host specificity is important both in biological control of weeds and studies in ecology and evolution. A means for doing this was developed and tested on four species of leaf beetles of interest for biological control of the weed Mimosa pigra (Mimosaceae). We identified the most promising for the more detailed tests necessary to obtain release approval. The impact of time-dependent effects and effects of experience were also investigated as part of this study but were not detected. Short-term host specificity tests on adult feeding accurately predicted the results of longer term trials. The long-term trial showed that survival on a plant species depended on feeding on it. Hence short-term feeding trials can predict the longer term survival of adults on other plant species. Different feeding results were obtained in cut foliage versus entire plants but no consistent pattern was shown: of the two insect species tested, one species ate more of the cut material while the opposite was demonstrated for the second species. Species in order of priority for further consideration as biocontrol agents were Syphrea bibiana, Genaphthona sp., Syphrea sp. and Paria sp. The latter three species were probably not sufficiently specific for release. The tests done here allow the identification of the most likely species upon which to conduct the more laborious and difficult larval developmental tests, saving considerable resources.  相似文献   

外来植食性广聚萤叶甲对非靶标植物的潜在影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为评估以入侵豚草为食的外来广聚萤叶甲(Ophraella communa)对非靶标植物的潜在生态风险,采用选择性试验测定了广聚萤叶甲成虫和幼虫对当地代表性植物的取食选择,观察了幼虫在选出的植物上生长发育的适合度表现。结果表明:在5大类52种测试植物中,广聚萤叶甲成虫和幼虫不同程度地取食向日葵、苍耳、天明精、菊芋(仅成虫)、紫茎泽兰(仅幼虫)和石胡荽(仅幼虫);野外罩笼非选择性测定发现,初孵幼虫在苍耳和向日葵8个品种上可完成发育,直到成虫产卵,并观察到在菊芋上完成幼虫发育,个别到成虫但未产卵;在这些植物上幼虫存活率明显降低,蛹质量明显减轻,成虫产卵明显减少。本文还分析了广聚萤叶甲对少数本土植物以及经济作物向日葵的潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

We found that the abundance of Ophraella communa, a specialist herbivore of the invasive weeds Ambrosia artemisiifolia and A. trifida, is higher in the introduced range than in its native range. We also found that the native O. communa does not feed on A. trifida, but introduced O. communa does so extensively.  相似文献   

J. Marohasy 《BioControl》1994,39(3-4):335-340
The leaf-feeding beetleWeiseana barkeri Jacoby feeds onAcacia nilotica (L.) Willdenow ex Delile in Kenya. Host specificity tests show it is host specific toA. nilotica and approval has been given for its field release in northwest Queensland. A novel rearing and host specificity-testing technique is reported whereA. nilotica foliage stimulates oviposition into strips of corrugated cardboard.  相似文献   

Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), originally from North America, has been used for biological control of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, in China since 2007. However, there is still a debate on whether O. communa can attack sunflowers under field conditions. To re-evaluate the biosecurity of O. communa against sunflower (Helianthus annuus), we investigated the population density of O. communa on three sunflower varieties that were intercropped with or planted in circumambience of A. artemisiifolia under field conditions. Our results showed that only very few O. communa eggs (<0.5 eggs/plant) were found on sunflower plants at the last two surveys when sunflowers were planted in circumambience of common ragweed. O. communa eggs were not found on sunflower plants at each survey when sunflowers were intercropped with common ragweed. The first–second instar larvae, third instar larvae, pupae and adults of O. communa were occasionally found on sunflower plants, but their densities were very low under either case of planting patterns. Based on these results, we conclude that sunflower is not a potential host plant for O. communa and the beetle is an effective host-specific biological control agent of common ragweed.  相似文献   

Life-history strategies of animals are governed by fitness-related trait trade-offs. In particular, the age at which either one of the two sexes copulate has been shown to affect insect reproductive output and longevity. This suggests that trade-offs between longevity and reproduction might drive the choice of a mating partner based on their age and ultimately such choices might select for different life-histories. Although several studies indicate that female age at mating dictates subsequent insect longevity, fecundity, and egg hatch rate, it is unclear how male age at copulation affects these life-history traits. In this study, we simultaneously investigated the effects of female and male age on female fecundity, eggs hatch rate, and adult longevity in Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera: Chrysomellidae), the primary biological control agent of the invasive common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. We found that young mature females lived significantly longer when they were mated with older males. Maximum female fecundity and subsequent egg hatch rate occurred when young females mated with 3-day-old males. On the other hand, females lived longer when mating with an older male. These findings are in accordance with the cost-of-reproduction concept.  相似文献   

通过在(26±1)℃恒温条件下的饲养观察,组建了广聚萤叶甲实验种群的特定年龄生命表和生殖力表。结果表明:广聚萤叶甲卵、幼虫、蛹和产卵前期的历期分别为7.51、12.14、7.67和4.75d;各虫态的存活率变幅在77%~94%,其中以卵期存活率最高,3龄幼虫存活率最低,且种群存活曲线呈DeeveyⅡ型分布;单雌平均产卵量为193.8粒;种群趋势指数为36.95,世代平均历期为31.37d,内禀增长能力为0.095,周限增长率为1.10。  相似文献   

Host specificity of foreign natural enemies are becoming more and more critical in classical biological control programs, as concerns about potential risk from introduced biocontrol agents have been increasing recently. Understanding the insect's fundamental and ecological host ranges is the first step in determining the potential for introduction of an insect to control invasive plants. Japanese knotweed, Fallopia japonica (Houttuyn) Ronse Decraene (Polygonaceae) is an invasive weed in the United States and Europe. A leaf beetle, Gallerucida bifasciata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important natural enemy attacking this plant in Asia. However, its host range records were ambiguous. This study examined the beetle's host specificity through a set of choice and no-choice tests in the laboratory and field in its native China. Gallerucida bifasciata larvae were able to complete development on seven of 87 plant species in larval development tests, while adults fed and oviposited on 10 plants in no-choice tests. Multiple choice tests showed adults strongly preferred Fallopia japonica, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb over all other plants. Open field tests and field surveys further revealed that these three species were in its ecological host range. The results of this study suggest that G. bifasciata is a potential promising agent for control of Japanese knotweed in the United States and Europe, although additional host specificity tests and risk assessment should be completed.  相似文献   

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