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Silicon deposits in the epicarp hairs of the caryopses of mature,field-grown specimens of Hordeum sativum, Avena sativa, Secalecereale and Triticum aestivum were investigated using electron-probemicroanalysis. In all four cereals, silicon was most concentratedat the extreme tips of the hairs. In barley, it was the onlyelement detected; in the other three cereals potassium and calciumwere located below the tip. In wheat, chlorine was also detected. The hair bases of the different cereals displayed variationin the elements detected. Silicon and polassium were presentin all four and calcium present in all except rye. The hairbases of wheat also contained chlorine; phosphorus and zincwere located in barley. The latter alone showed variation ofelements between hair bases. Scanning electron microscopy revealed heavy striations of thehair tips of barley and oats. In rye and wheat, the tips weresmooth but there were slight surface markings below the tip. The results are discussed in relation to the possible functionsand significance of the epicarp hairs and their silicification. Avena sativa L., Hordeum sativum Jess., Secale cereale L., Triticum aestivum L., oat, barley, rye, wheat, epicarp hairs, silicon, electron-probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary Electron-probe X-ray microanalysis showed that significant amounts of silicon are accumulated in the entire epidermal system of the rice internode except in the stomatal apparatuses. Thus, there is a lack of specific sites for Si deposition from levels just above the base to the tip of the rice internode. In the intercalary meristem region, 1 cm above the base of the internode, point-count data indicate more Si accumulation in the dumb-bell shaped silica cells than in the long epidermal cells. Above this region, Si is accumulated essentially in a uniform pattern in all epidermal cells. Such a pattern for Si accumulation in rice internodes markedly contrasts with that for Avena internodes and may explain, in part, why rice plants have a higher percentage Si (dry weight basis) in their shoots. The adaptive significance of this silicification pattern in rice is discussed.  相似文献   

Silicon deposits in the elongating basal internodes of almostmature, field grown specimens of Avena sativa, Hordeum sativumand Triticum aestivum were investigated using electron-probemicroanalysis. In A. sativa and H. sativum silicon was foundto be confined to the cells in the endodermal layer, being presentwithin the inner tangential and radial walls, and occasionallyin the outer tangential wall. In T. aestivum some silicon wasalso located in walls of cells surrounding the vascular bundles. The anatomy of the internodal tissues is discussed for the threespecies from light micrographs. The endodermal layer is discontinuousin A. sativa and H. sativum, in the former species it partlyextends around individual vascular bundles. In T. aestivum itforms a complete cylinder around the stelar region and alsoshows considerably more thickening of the inner tangential wallthan in the other species. The results are discussed in relation to the anatomy of theinternodal tissues and the possible function of silicon in theendodermis. Avena sativa L., Hordeum sativum Jess, Triticum aestivum L., oat, barley, wheat, silicon deposition, electron-probe microanalysis  相似文献   

Che-Jun Pjon  Masaki Furuya 《Planta》1968,81(4):303-313
Summary In-vivo phytochrome determinations in totally etiolated rice seedlings with a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer showed that on a fresh weight basis phytochrome concentration was highest in the coleoptile apex (0.175 of mean) ( O.D.) g-1 (fresh weight). The age of the seedlings had little effect on the pattern of phytochrome distribution in the coleoptiles.The extent of growth inhibition observed 2 days after the irradiations was proportional to the logarithm of P fr amount in the coleoptiles at the time of initial exposure to either red or blue light. Ultraviolet irradiation, however, did not induce either reversible growth inhibition or optically detectable phytochrome changes in vivo.After the conversion of P r to P fr bya brief red irradiation, non-photochemical transformation of phytochrome was observed in intact coleoptile tissues. Most of the optically measurable P fr disappeared within 6 hours at 27°, when the total ( O.D.) decreased to about one fifth of the original level. The optical data did not agree with the fact that 50% of the initial physiological reversibility was still observed 9 hours later. No significant difference in dark transformation rate was seen between intact and excised coleoptile tissues.Abbreviations P r red light absorbing form of phytochrome - P fr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome - ( O.D.) the change in the optical density difference reading at two wavelengths, following irradiation of the sample with actinic sources of red and far-red light - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   

Summary The mechanical properties of the cell wall were measured in coleoptiles of totally etiolated rice seedlings. Coleoptiles were either decapitated or briefly exposed to red (R) and/or far-red (FR) light. The elastic and plastic extensibilities of the cell wall changed with age (length) of the coleoptiles. Decapitation and exposure to R induced changes in these properties, and the time-courses were similar. Following decapitation or R irradiation, the plastic extensibility of the cell wall decreased more conspicuously than elastic extensibility. Exogenous application of auxin immediately following decapitation alleviated the effect of removal of the tip. FR irradiation reduced both kinds of extensibilities, but its effect was much less than that of R, and it reversed the R-induced effect to the level of tissue treated with FR only. In repeated R-FR treatments, the decrease of elastic extensibility by R and its reversal by FR could be repeated, but the effect of a second irradiation with R after FR on plastic extensibility was not as apparent as that of the first. Reduction of cell-wall extensibility of etiolated rice coleoptiles caused by R light appeared, at least partly, to be due to a reduced auxin supply in the elongating region from the tip, similar to that caused by decapitation.  相似文献   

BENNETT  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(2):239-245
Electron-probe microanalysis was used to investigate the locationof silicon at the proximal end of the seminal and adventitiousroots, of almost mature field-grown specimens of Hordeum sativumJess., Avena sativa L. and Triticum aestivum L. In the seminal roots silicon was confined to the endodermis,where it was present in the thickened inner tangential and radialwalls. The outer tangential walls also contained silicon inall of the cells in wheat and in occasional cells in barleyand oats. The adventitious roots of the three cereals displayed differencesin silicon deposition. In barley, silicon was present in allthe walls of the endodermal cells, whereas in oats it was onlylocated in the inner tangential and radial walls. Wheat showedcultivar differences, no silicon was detected in Capelle Desprez,but it was present in the thickened endodermis of Little Jossand Hustler. In all the samples studied silicon was absent fromthe sub-epidermal sclerenchyma layer. The results are discussed in relation to the possible functionsof the endodermis and the signficance of silicification. Hordeum sativum Jess, barley, Avena sativa L, oat, Triticum aestivum L, wheat, silicon deposition, electron-probe microanalysis  相似文献   

With the imposition of salt stress (0.5 to 3 % NaCl or CaCl2) a decrease in germination rate and accumulation of proline was observed in the root tissue. Both NaCl and CaCl2 solutions induced an increase in the total peroxide content and lipid peroxidation and decrease in catalase, guaiacol peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in root tissues suggesting an oxidative stress in the salt sensitive rice cultivar.  相似文献   

A lactate dehydrogenase activity is present in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings and roots. Under aerobic conditions, lactate dehydrogenase activity is barely detectable in rice seedlings and is very low in rice roots. In 30 day old roots, the activity is increased two to three times by an anoxic or hypoxic treatment and can be detected on immunoblots by an antiserum raised against barley lactate dehydrogenase. The activity present in aerobic seedlings was partially purified. The native enzyme has a molecular mass of 160 kilodaltons, and is a tetramer of 2 subunit (38 and 39 kilodaltons) randomly associated. Studies of substrate specificity, native gel electrophoresis, and immunoblot analysis indicate that the partially purified enzyme is a typical lactate dehydrogenase. However, no increase of lactate dehydrogenase activity or protein was observed in seedlings transferred to anoxia.  相似文献   

Silicon occurence has been investigated by means of epidermalpeels, cryostat, and ultrathin sections of the internode, nodes,leaves, inflorescence bracts, and caryopsis of Hordeum sativumL. (cultivar Deba Abed) using the electron probe microanalyser.Analyses were made on growth stages during ear emergence andat maturity. The results indicate that silicon is present inthe internode with the highest concentration associated withthe opaline deposits. Detectable quantities are also found inthe outer tangential walls of the long cells, in the walls ofstomata, the sclerenchyma, and all vascular bundle regions.In mature upper internodes, silicifiation is confined to theupper third region, but this limit extends closer to the basalmeristem with increasing age of internode. The nodes have agreater concentration in the radial than in outer tangentialwalls. Heavy deposits are found in the leaves but with considerablevariation between blade and sheath, abaxial and adaxial surfaces,and the leaf position. The flag leaf contained the highest accumulations. In the inflorescence bracts (lemma and palea), silicon is detectableonly in the abaxial epidermis and hypodermis. Awns are alsoheavily silicified with the highest concentrations in the sclerenchymaand trichomes.  相似文献   

Si deposits in the endodermis of the seminal root of Sorghumbicolor (L.) Moench., following culture in nutrient solutioncontaining 100 ppm SiO2 for 7 days, were investigated by transmissionelectron microscopy. Si microassay was carried out by meansof the EMMA-4 system. Endodermal ultrastructure is discussed. EM micrographs of theSi deposits reveal information regarding their formative processesand indicate a considerable involvement with the cellulosicstructure of the inner tangential wall (ITW). The initial depositsare believed to be composed structurally of particles designatedas primary spherical units. The EMMA-4 conclusively indicated that Si was localized andconfined to the ITW, and the implications of this result forprevious studies are considered. Current evidence from studies of endodermal function, as wellas root translocation physiology, is utilized in arriving attentative mechanisms for silicic acid transport and subsequentSi deposition on the ITW.  相似文献   

The current study was conducted in order to investigate the short-term effects (6, 12, and 24?h) of silicon (Si) on the endogenous hormonal composition of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Dongjin-beyo), with and without wounding stress. Si applied in different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0?mM) significantly promoted shoot length, plant biomass, and chlorophyll content of rice plants. Plants treated with different concentrations of sole Si for 6, 12, and 24?h had higher endogenous jasmonic acid contents than control. However, a combined application of wounding stress and Si induced a significantly small quantity of endogenous jasmonic acid as compared with control. On the contrary, endogenous salicylic acid level was significantly higher in sole Si-treated plants, while after wounding stress, a similar trend was observed yet again. After 6, 12, and 24?h of Si applications, with and without wounding stress, ethylene levels were significantly lower in comparison to their respective controls. The findings of the present study perpetrate the beneficial role of Si on the growth and development of rice plant by relieving physical injury and stress. Si also affects endogenous jasmonic acid and ethylene levels, while an inverse correlation exists between jasmonic acid and salicylic acid under wounding stress conditions.  相似文献   

Cyhalofop-butyl (CB), 2-[4-(4-cyano-2-fluorophenoxy)phenoxy]propanoic acid, butyl ester (R), is an aryloxyphenoxypropionate (AOPP) herbicide for postemergence use in rice to control grasses, mainly Echinochloa spp. Similar to other AOPP and cyclohexanedione herbicides, the site of action of CB is acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase), an enzyme in fatty acid biosynthesis. The mechanisms involved in the selectivity of CB in rice (Oryza sativa L.)—absorption, translocation, metabolism, and ACCase susceptibility—were studied. Studies of in vitro inhibition of ACCase in E. oryzoides and O. sativa L. species discounted any differential active site sensitivity as the basis of tolerance to CB. The O. sativa L. cuticle was uniformly covered by waxes, with predominantly unshaped large waxes randomly distributed, obtaining absorption values of under 30%, 24 h after application (HAA). The E. oryzoides cuticle formed a non-uniform covered reticule, with less wax density and areas lacking in waxes reaching maximum values of absorption rising to 73%, 24 HAA. Translocation studies revealed no significant differences, either between species, or between times, remaining in the treated leaf. There was a good correlation between the rate of metabolism and plant tolerance. Plant metabolism studies demonstrated that tolerant rice inactivated the esterases producing a lack of functionality thus reducing the conversion of CB to cyhalofop acid, which is the active form of the herbicide. Moreover, it increased the metabolism of the herbicide forming non toxic metabolites much faster than E. oryzoides. It was concluded that the basis of rice tolerance to CB was a lack of esterase functionality, a reduced absorption through the cuticle and an increase in cyhalofop acid metabolism.  相似文献   

蔗糖是韧皮部同化碳运输的主要形式,植物蔗糖转运体(SUT,Sucrose transporters)在参与植物碳素分配中起着重要的作用.编码SUT蛋白的基因在许多双子叶和单子叶植物中都已被分离.目前已经在水稻中鉴定出了5个蔗糖共运体(Sucrose symporter)基因家族成员.对这5个成员在水稻中的鉴定、克隆和表达分析,以及其蛋白结构、分类与进化进行了综述.这些信息可用于探索杂交稻高产的同化物分配和运输的分子原因.  相似文献   

L Mao  L Zhu  Q Zhou  X Wang  H Hu 《Génome》1995,38(5):913-918
RFLP analyses were carried out in the progeny from a cross of two phylogenetically distant rice species, wild rice Oryza alta Swallen (CCDD, 2n = 48) and cultivated rice O. sativa L. (AA, 2n = 24). The sterile plants gave heterozygous RFLP patterns at most of the loci detected. They looked more like their wild rice parent, with 36 chromosomes in their root-tip cells and pollen mother cells. In two partially fertile plants, however, most of the markers that were used showed RFLP patterns similar to the cultivated parent, O. sativa. By cytological study, it was found that nearly one-third of the chromosomes had been eliminated in the partially fertile plants. Their seeds have short awns, which is a characteristic of their wild parent, O. alta. An introgression occurred in one of the partially fertile plants, which led to the discussion about a nonconventional mechanism in wide hybridization for transference of wild rice chromosome segments to cultivated rice chromosomes.  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most interesting crops in the world from both the social and the economic point of views. The monoculture practices along with the heavy use of herbicides are characteristic of modern agriculture and are inducing the appearance of tolerant and/or herbicide resistant weed biotypes. This is the case the world's main weed of rice barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). Alternative strategies for weed suppression consist of the use of chemicals from rice due to necessity of obtaining new herbicides with new modes of action that could prevent resistance phenomena. In order to carry out a study that guides to the isolation of the most active compounds from rice, different extracts were achieved, and their activities evaluated. So, all the plant material was divided into three parts: fresh plant, dried plant, and fresh plant from Pluviotron. The aerial part was separated from roots in all cases and extracted in water, in organic solvents as well as with the Pluviotron device. The activity of the 12 extracts obtained was evaluated using a generalist bioassay, wheat etiolated coleoptiles bioassay, and a phytotoxic bioassay on barnyardgrass as target species. The bioactive extracts were fractionated and 15 compounds were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods. Eight of these compounds were isolated for the first time in Oryza sativa. The most phytotoxic compounds on E. crus-galli were ergosterol peroxide and 7-oxo-stigmasterol. In the case of ergosterol peroxide the activity was higher than the commercial herbicide Logran. This is the first report of potential allelopathic activity of steroids on weeds based on their phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Summary Five mutant lines of rice with increased amylose content in starch granules were identified among floury endosperm mutants. The amylose contents of the mutants ranged from 29.4% to 35.4% and were about twice as high as that of the normal counterpart. Starch properties of the high amylose mutants were analyzed by column chromatography, X-ray diffractometry, photopastegraphy and scanning electron microscopy. The high amylose mutants produced longer unit chains of amylopectin than those of the normal counterpart as well as an increased amount of amylose. A X-ray diffractogram of starch in the mutant was characterized by a type B pattern, while that in the normal counterpart showed a type A pattern which is typical for starches of common cereals. The temperatures at the initiation of gelatinization of the mutants were much higher than that for the normal counterpart. The endosperm cells of the mutant were loosely packed with irregular round-shaped starch granules, whereas those of the normal counterpart were densely packed with polyhedral starch granules. Judging from the results obtained, it was concluded that starch properties of the high amylose mutants of rice were similar to those of the amylose-extender (ae) mutant of maize.  相似文献   

Summary Highly repeated nuclear DNA sequences from suspension cultured cells of Oryza sativa L. cv. Roncarolo have been cloned in pBR322. Ten clones with specific digestion patterns have been randomly selected. Nine sequences appear to be organized in a clustered tandem array while one is interpersed in the rice genome. The clones have been used to gather information on: (a) their modulation in cultured cells as compared to whole plant and (b) their distribution in different rice cultivars belonging to the Japonica or Indica subspecies of Oryza sativa L. Hybridization with nuclear DNA isolated either from suspension or from seedlings of the Roncarolo cultivar revealed extensive quantitative variations, with most cloned sequences showing amplification (up to 75-fold) in cultured cells. Hybridization with nuclear DNA isolated from seedlings or suspension cultured cells from different cultivars belonging to the Japonica or to the Indica sub-species of O. sativa have shown that (a) amplification also occurs in a similar pattern in the case of DNA from the other tested suspension cultured cell types but not in the case of DNA from seedlings; (b) in some cases the tested sequences show minor but significant variations in different rice accessions.On leave from China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou, China  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the only cereal that can be cultivatedin the frequently flooded river deltas of South-East and SouthAsia. The survival strategies used by rice have been studiedquite extensively and the role of several phytohormones in theelongation response has been established. Deep-water rice cultivarscan diminish flooding stress by rapid elongation of their submergedtissues to keep up with the rising waters. Other rice cultivarsmay react by mechanisms of submergence tolerance. Aerenchymaand aerenchymatous adventitious roots are formed that facilitateoxygen diffusion to prevent anaerobic conditions in the submergedtissues. This paper discusses the molecular aspects of the mechanismthat leads to shoot elongation (leaves of seedlings and internodes),the regulation of which involves metabolism of, and interactionsbetween, ethylene, gibberellins and abscisic acid. Finally,the importance of new techniques in future research is assessed.Current molecular technology can reveal subtle differences ingene activity between tolerant and non-tolerant cultivars, andidentify genes that are involved in the regulation of submergenceavoidance and tolerance.  相似文献   

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