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In the period April–July 1980 we studied the feeding migration and food of roach in a small tributary of the eutrophic Lake Årungen, south-eastern Norway. Tagging experiments revealed a tendency in roach to utilize a specific tributary both for feeding and for spawning. The mean size of roach ascending the tributary in late June and July was significantly larger than the mean size of roach spawning 1–2 months earlier, probably due to higher water discharge in July than in May and June. The experiment indicates two separately motivated migrations involving homing. The roach fed more profitably in the tributary than in the lake, both in terms of food availability and predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Synopsis Following the introduction of roach, Rutilus rutilus, to a large eutrophic lake in ca. 1973, a subsequent increase in the abundance of this cyprinid through the 1970s was accompanied by a decline in the numbers of one of the lake&s most abundant overwintering waterfowl, the tufted duck, Aythya fuligula, and an increase in overwintering piscivorous great crested grebes, Podiceps cristatus. We suggest that these contrasting trends are causally related and that competition for benthos and increased prey availability are the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the tufted duck and grebe populations respectively. In agreement with these hypotheses, a reduction in the roach population during the mid 1980s was accompanied by a recovery of tufted ducks and a decline of grebes.  相似文献   

Over-winter survival of starved and fed young-of-the-year roach from two lakes in central Finland was examined in the laboratory between November 1992 and May 1993. The mortality rate of starving YOY roach (total length 38 ± 2 mm) from small (ca. 0.5 km2), eutrophic Lake Isojärvi was 50%, whilst roach (total length 32 ± 3 mm) from large Lake Päijänne (1106 km2) suffered 42% mortality. Mortality was size-dependent among roach from Lake Isojärvi, smaller individuals being more vulnerable. There was not strict size limit for survival as proposed previously. However, it seems that within populations approximately the same proportion of smallest roach died independent of the absolute lengths of the fish. Mortality of fed roach from both lakes was always < 5%. This good survival indicates indirectly the importance of energy reserves in wintering. Lipid and protein content of fasting roach from lake Isojärvi decreased during the winter. In the group of fasting roach from Lake Päijänne the amount of lipids stored increased between November and March and decreased thereafter. No change in protein content of fasting fish from Lake Päijänne was observed.  相似文献   

The first five microsatellite markers for the ide, Leuciscus idus, and four microsatellite markers for the Siberian roach, Rutilus rutilus, were designed. Cross‐amplification of ide markers was examined in Siberian roach and vice versa. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 13 in ide and from two to eight in roach. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.313 to 0.909 in ide and from 0.119 to 0.775 in roach. These markers could be used to evaluate the genetic population structure of these species and other fish from the Cyprinidae family.  相似文献   

A series of nettings for roach in Chew Valley Lake carried out by members of the Zoology Department, Bristol University, has revealed a marked decline in the population between 1965 and 1968. Fish from the main Lake were found to be heavily parasitized with Ligula intestinalis (L.) while those from the inflow pool (Herriott's Pool) were practically free from infection. It is considered that the decline of the roach can be linked to the incidence of Ligula , but that clean fish from the inflow pool may provide breeding stock and maintain the production of fry, which serve as food for the trout.  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the resource partitioning of roach Rutilus rutilus and bleak Alburnus alburnus in two eutrophic lakes in SE Norway. Zooplankton was the preferred food item for both species during summer, whereas blue-green algae dominated the diet in September/October. There was no diet overlap in May, with the roach feeding mainly on detritus and the bleak feeding on surface insects. During summer the diet overlap increased, reaching high values in autumn. Habitat overlap was close to unity in spring and early summer. Coinciding with increasing diet overlap during summer and autumn the overlap in habitat decreased.  相似文献   

Synopsis Prey selection by underyearling bream and roach was studied in both the laboratory and field. When presented with cladoceran and a more elusive copepod prey both fish species select against copepods, regardless of the relative prey sizes. However, the field diet of bream, but not roach, consistently includes a large proportion of copepods. The explanation for this discrepancy lies in the timing and location of foraging in the field. Bream foraging, unlike that of roach, is largely restricted to the hours of darkness and to the lowest stratum of the lake. The Microcrustacea of this stratum is depleted of cladocerans at night, because of vertical migration, and is relatively rich in copepods.  相似文献   

To analyse a recruitment failure in a roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) population exposed to cooling water from a Swedish nuclear power plant, histopathological examinations were made on female gonads. Several disorders were documented, corresponding to effects previously seen in Lithuanian, Moldavian and Russian heated waters, The relative gonad size (GSI) was generally lower in the exposed population. Oocyte degeneration was observed in about 50% of the females, potentially seriously reducing their reproductive capacity. The gameto- and gonadogeneses also were clearly affected and generally occurred at a faster rate. Sexual maturity was earlier and was accompanied by an increased occurrence of asynchionic gonad and oocyte growth. A normal gonad development should pass through different stages, coupled to the seasons, and the difference between individuals in a population should be small. However, in some exposed fish, the sequence of seasonal development was disturbed and a simultaneous, intensive, growth of sex cells in different stages of development could be seen. An increase of variation in gonad development both within, as well as between, fish thus was documented. Conclusively, the histopathological analysis provided evidence that the observed recruitment deficit could be related to gonad failure.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci and in mtDNA was surveyed in reintroduced and 'control' populations of roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) in Sweden. Microsatellite allelic richness and allele size ranges were significantly reduced in reintroduced populations, and mtDNA diversity was nearly significantly reduced in reintroduced populations. These measures of genetic variability were strongly correlated with lake characteristics that influence population size and food availability.  相似文献   

A histochemical study of the myotomal muscles in the roach revealed three main muscle regions: red, intermediate and white. These were distinguished on the basis of glycogen content, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase) activity. Except for the red fibre region, none of these described regions is homogeneous. The principal new findings are the toniclike fibre, the presence of a transitional zone with two fibre types, and the mosaic organization of the white fibre region. The significance of this type of myotome architecture in relation to the locomotion of the species is discussed.  相似文献   

The length-weight relationship of a sample of 233 roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) can be described by the following equations: y =0·0356 x 3·405 and y =0·0215 ×3·606 for males and females respectively. In both equations y equals the body weight in grams and × is the standard length in centimetres. The average condition factor K was 2·01 with a range of 1·71 to 2·26. The roach's span of life was 13 years for both sexes. The growth increment is greater during the first year of life (about 56 mm), decreasing to approximately 17 mm at the end of the sixth year of life and then becoming constant at about 12 mm per year. Roach become sexually mature at age 1 + for males and one year later for females. The mean absolute fecundity was 9294 eggs; with a range from 920 to 32 810. The growth of the gonads is related to the age of the fish. Spawning occurs during the first half of April, at a mean water temperature of 10° C.  相似文献   

The roach (Rutilus rutilus) has become a sentinel species for the study of sexual disruption in wild fish populations as a consequence of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Little is known, however, about the normal ontogeny of sexual development in this species. Here, we analyzed the ontogeny of sexual development in captive‐bred roach and assessed how growth rate and fish size affected the timing of both sexual differentiation and sexual development over a 2‐year period. Ovarian differentiation was first recorded at 68 days post‐fertilization (dpf) and this preceded testicular differentiation (first recorded at 98 dpf). In contrast, sexual maturation occurred at an earlier age in males (300 dpf) compared with females (728 dpf). No differences in body size (length or weight) were recorded between male and female roach until the fish were 415 dpf. Studies on three populations of roach which grew at different rates showed that the timing of sexual differentiation was highly variable and more related to fish size than to fish age. Time to sexual maturation was also variable among populations but, subsequent to their first year of life, gonadal status was less well associated with fish size. Interestingly, the sex ratio of the population was biased towards females in populations that grew more rapidly during early life. The findings presented here provide a valuable foundation of work to support both field‐ and laboratory‐based assessments on the effects of EDCs, and other stressors, on sexual differentiation and development in the roach. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The tolerance to freezing and thawing of Leucodon sciuroides, a moss growing in mountainous areas of the Mediterranean (south-east Spain), was investigated by means of CO2 gas exchange, modulated chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence and pigment analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. Evidence is presented for freezing-induced decreases in CO2 fixation that enhance non-radiative dissipation of absorbed light energy, a process which protects the photosynthetic apparatus. The photosynthetic apparatus of L. sciuroides remained fully recuperable after freezing, as indicated by the recovery of photosynthetic CO2 fixation and Chl fluorescence parameters to pre-freezing values during thawing. The rapid recovery of photosynthesis activity during thawing in L. sciuroides suggests that this moss is capable of tolerating freeze-thaw cycles in a manner similar to that found at higher latitudes or in the Antarctic. The resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus of this moss to freezing might be achieved, at least partially, through the employment of dissipative pathways, such as non-radiative dissipation of absorbed light energy. Received: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

According to sperm competition models, a male spawning in a disfavoured role should have spermatozoa with higher velocity but shorter longevity compared with a male spawning in a favoured role. Moreover, immunosuppressive androgens are needed to produce both secondary sexual characters and sperm cells. The 'sperm protection' hypothesis suggests that the immunosuppressive action of androgens has evolved to protect haploid spermatozoa, which are antigenic, from autoimmune attacks. Therefore, a male with high sexual ornamentation may be more susceptible to diseases but may possess better quality ejaculate than his less ornamented rival. We studied sexual ornamentation (breeding tubercles), ejaculation quality (sperm concentration, longevity and spermatozoal velocity) and intensity of parasitism in the cyprinid, Rutilus rutilus . Sperm longevity and spermatozoal velocity were positively correlated. Males having elaborated sexual ornamentation had longer-lived sperm and more Myxobolus mülleri parasites in the liver compared with males with low ornamentation. However, no difference was found between males with different degrees of ornamentation with respect to sperm concentration, spermatozoal velocity or other parasites. Since the highly ornamented males had higher sperm longevity, the present results are partly consistent with the predictions of the sperm competition models and the 'sperm protection' hypothesis.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 111–117.  相似文献   

Predator-induced respiratory responses of juvenile vendace, whitefish, perch and roach were studied in an intermittent-flow respirometer by creating visual contact between test fishes and predators (juvenile northern pike). Vendace and whitefish always responded to the presence of pike with increased oxygen consumption. The response of perch was the opposite: oxygen consumption decreased to near the standard respiratory level. Roach responded more variably: some individuals increased their oxygen uptake while others decreased it. Changes in the rate of respiration during exposure to predation are supposed to be caused by the differences in locomotory activity due to induced antipredator behaviour. According to their responses, these species could be grouped into escapers (coregonids), hiders (perch) or indeterminates (roach). The species-specific differences in the antipredator behaviour originate in morphological and physiological characteristics which together determine the effectiveness of a particular antipredator style (i.e. either hiding or escaping).  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of starvation and refeeding on digestive enzyme activities in juvenile roach, Rutilus rutilus caspicus. Fish were divided into four feeding groups (mean mass 1.68 ± 0.12 g). The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment with formulated diet (SFK). The other three groups were deprived of feed for 1(S1), 2(S2), and 3(S3) weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the refeeding period. The results showed that trypsin specific activity was not affected significantly either by starvation or refeeding, in all experimental groups. Chymotrypsin specific activity did not change significantly in S1 fish during the experimental period. In S2 and S3 fish no significant changes were observed during the starvation period. Upon refeeding, the activity increased in S2 fish, while it decreased in S3 fish. Amylase specific activity decreased significantly during the starvation period in all experimental groups. Upon refeeding, the activity increased. Alkaline phosphatase specific activity did not change significantly during the experiment period in S3 fish, while it showed significant changes during the starvation and refeeding period in the S1 and S2 fish. Starvation also had a significant effect on the structure of the intestine.  相似文献   

The pineal organ in the roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), is covered by a semi-transparent area, the pineal window. Beneath this the pineal is attached to a long robust stalk, lying just under the parietal bone. The pineal is attached to the brain through the dorsal sac. Three cell types have been identified histologically. These are the sensory cells, supporting cells and the ganglia cells. The inner segment of the sensory cells respond to PAS and AF staining, while the remaining cells respond to Orange G, LG, or Acid Fuchsin. The evidence suggests that the roach pineal may have a dual photosensory and glandular function.  相似文献   

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