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Insulin inhibits the proliferation of wild-type Cloudman S91 mouse melanoma cells. The effects, which are mediated through specific, high-affinity receptors for insulin, appear to involve interactions with the cAMP system. Our evidence is as follows: (1) Cloudman cells have a cAMP requirement for proliferation and pigmentation. Exposure of cells to insulin results in a lowering of intracellular cAMP levels and inhibition of both cell division and pigment formation. (2) The effects of insulin are reversed by agents which raise cAMP levels, or by the cAMP analogue dibutyryl cAMP. (3) A mutant cell line with a temperature-dependent requirement for cAMP is most sensitive to the growth inhibitory effects of insulin when its requirements for cAMP are maximal. (4) Mutants selected only for alterations in their response to Insulin frequently have concomitant alterations in their cAMP systems. (5) The melanotropin-responsive adenylate cyclase system is stimulated following prolonged exposure of cells in culture to insulin. Although we do not know the mechanism(s) for the interactions between the insulin and the cAMP system, our initial findings suggest that protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions are involved.  相似文献   

Melanin contains melanin-free radicals and can both absorb and produce additional free radicals and active oxygen species on exposure to various stimuli. Yet its role in the radiation responses of malignant melanoma has been little studied. In this report, three subclones of Cloudman S91 mouse melanoma clone PC1A varying in constitutive melanin content were compared with respect to killing by gamma irradiation. Radiation responses correlated with melanin content. The least melanotic line, S91/amel, was most sensitive and the most melanotic line, S91/I3, was most resistant. Curve fitting using the linear-quadratic model suggests that S91/amel is killed only by single event inactivations; S91/I3, only by double event inactivations; and S91/M1B, with intermediate melanin and radiation response, by both types of inactivations. Split dose experiments confirmed a lack of immediate split dose recovery in S91/amel and its existence in S91/I3. Potentially lethal damage and its repair could be demonstrated in both S91/amel and S91/I3. Double strand break (DSB) induction was evaluated as a function of gamma ray dose in DNA of S91/I3 and S91/amel, as well as in EMT6, a mouse mammary cancer line that lacks tyrosinase and melanin. The rates of induction were proportional to cellular melanization, i.e., the rate of DSB induction was greatest in S91/I3, least in EMT6. Levels of thioredoxin reductase (TR), glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were determined in S91/amel and S91/I3. TR was the same in both cell lines, while the other three enzymes were 3- to 4-fold lower in S91/amel.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fusion of Cloudman S91 melanoma cells with macrophages results in hybrids with increased metastatic potential. Here, we report that such hybrids acquire new pathways for motility. Compared to parental melanoma cells and low metastatic hybrids, the metastatic hybrids showed far stronger responses to 3T3- and lung fibroblast-conditioned media, primary lung slices, fibronectin (FN), and a Mr 120,000 FN fragment and, unlike parental cells, were further stimulated by pretreatment with melanocyte-stimulating hormone/1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine. Hybrid migration was due primarily to chemotaxis, with chemokinesis being a minor component. Thus, the metastatic hybrids acquired melanocyte-stimulating hormone-inducible motility, perhaps reflecting the FN fragment chemotaxis of macrophages. The results support a long-standing hypothesis that metastasis is initiated following hybridization between tumor-invading phagocytes and cells of the primary tumor.  相似文献   

Wild-type Cloudman S91 melanoma cells have a retarded rate of division when agents which raise cyclic AMP levels such as melanotropin, protaglandin E1, or cholera toxin are supplemented to the culture medium. A mutant cell line was isolated which had the opposite response, i.e., the mutant grew very slowly unless agents which raised cyclic AMP levels were present (Pawelek et al., '75a). In this report evidence is presented indicating that the molecular basis for the mutant phenotype resides in the major cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase found in the cells. The mutant kinase had increased thermolability and an elevated activation constant for cyclic AMP over the corresponding wild-type kinase. It is proposed that the elevated requirement for cyclic AMP for the proliferation of cAdep cells is related to the elevated activation constant of the kinase, suggesting that the kinase is a positive regulator of proliferation in Cloudman S91 cells.  相似文献   

The acute in vitro action of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and corticosterone alone and in combination were determined in the Cloudman S-91 melanoma grown in vivo. Hormone-treated melanoma dice (5-240 min) were analyzed for tyrosinase activity (EC, cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP). ACTH elevated cAMP levels in the S-91 melanoma. However, these increases in cAMP were not accompanied by increased tyrosinase activity. Corticosterone depressed cAMP levels while stimulating tyrosinase activity. ACTH plus corticosterone produced an early cAMP peak followed by depression. ACTH plus corticosterone stimulated tyrosine activity coincident with the early cAMP peak followed by a drop in tyrosinase activity which was subsequently elevated. cGMP levels were not altered by any hormone treatment. The results indicate that cAMP is not the sole modulator of tyrosinase activity and suggest the interaction of ACTH, corticosterone and cAMP in the regulation of melanoma tyrosinase activity.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed cell surface radioiodination was used to study the size distribution and physiological characteristics of cell surface proteins of Cloudman melanoma cells maintained in vivo (An cell) or in vitro (TC cells). Slight qualitative and quantitative differences were observed between detergent-extracted radiolabeled membrane proteins obtained from An and TC cells when the proteins were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Striking differences were observed in the membrane residence times of radioiodinated proteins of the An and TC cells when labeled cells were cultured 24 hr. Many labeled surface proteins are lost more rapidly from An cells than from TC cells. The possibility that the release of surface proteins from tumor cell membranes may be an important factor which determines the nature of the host immune response against incipient cancers is considered.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase activity and abundance in Cloudman melanoma cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rabbit anti-tyrosinase antibodies were used to study the abundance, processing, and degradation of tyrosinase in murine (Cloudman) melanoma cells. The polyclonal antibodies precipitated low-molecular-weight (68,000 and 70,000) and high-molecular-weight (78,000 and 80,000) tyrosinases that had a precursor-product relationship. Cells with high basal tyrosinase activity had high levels of newly synthesized tyrosinase. Cells with low tyrosinase activity synthesized less tyrosinase and degraded the enzyme at a faster rate than cells with high tyrosinase activity. Melanotropin (melanocyte stimulating hormone), dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate, and isobutylmethylxanthine caused an increase in the abundance of newly synthesized tyrosinase that was directly proportional to the increase in enzyme activity. This enzyme was not a phosphoprotein. Other changes in the culture conditions that increased the level of tyrosinase activity increased the abundance of newly synthesized enzyme. It is thus concluded that the level of tyrosinase activity in Cloudman melanoma cells is a direct reflection of the abundance of enzyme protein.  相似文献   

MSH can up-regulate MSH binding capacity of cultured Cloudman melanoma cells in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Binding is mediated through proteins exhibiting an apparent molecular weight of 50-53kDa, consistent with previous studies implicating them as the principal MSH receptors on Cloudman cells. Pre-incubation of cells with MSH stimulates expression of the receptor proteins both on the plasma membrane surface as well as in internal sites associated with coated vesicles. The effects of MSH are additive with those of UV light, suggesting that UV and MSH might stimulate receptor expression through separate mechanisms.  相似文献   

Melanotropin stimulates melanin synthesis in Cloudman S91 melanomacells, the accumulation of melanin being preceded by a numberof events which are understood to various degrees. In this reviewI will discuss the control of melanogenesis by melanotropin;emphasis will be on the early events of the process, althoughother aspects will be discussed. The probes (fluorescent andradioactive labels) used to examine the binding of the hormoneto the cells will be described, as will be the results of initialbinding studies. One of the events immediately following thebinding of the hormone is the activation of adenylate cyclase:the evidence supporting this, plus the role of cyclic AMP instimulating melanin synthesis, will be discussed. Also examinedis the role which internalization of the melanotropin-receptor-adenylatecyclase complex may play in mediating hormone action.  相似文献   

Zinc inhibited the colony formation of Cloudman S-91 murine melanoma cells in a dose dependent manner with an ID50 of 3.4 ug/ml. Total inhibition of the melanoma colony-forming units occurred at a zinc concentration of 4.42 ug/ml. In the presence of dexamethasone the ID50 for zinc inhibition was reduced by 49% and total inhibition of anchorage-independent growth occurred at the achievable in vivo zinc concentration of 3.0 ug/ml. Dexamethasone and zinc in combination effected a greater than additive inhibition of the murine melanoma colony-forming units. Statistical evaluation of these results showed that zinc and dexamethasone interacted synergistically to inhibit the formation of murine melanoma colonies.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids were derived by fusing tumourigenic and melanogenic melanoma (PAZG) cells with normal diploid male mouse cells in vivo. Their chromosomal composition was equivalent to the sum of both parental genomes and included a Y chromosome lacking in the melanoma parent. Our study showed that in PAZG X C57BL hybrids (MP), tumourigenicity was suppressed but pigmentation was expressed.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide production by cultured B-16 mouse melanoma cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Retinoic acid (RA), which reduces the rate of cell proliferation in S91 mouse melanoma clone C2 cells, was found to stimulate the expression of their melanotic phenotype. RA treatment also induced the extension of long cellular processes. The RA effects on melanogenesis included stimulation of tyrosinase activity and augmentation of cellular melanin content to levels 3- to 4-fold higher than in untreated cultures at similar cell densities. These effects became apparent after 48 hours of exposure to 10(-5) M RA and increased thereafter. Half-maximal stimulation in cells treated for 6 days occurred at 5 X 10(-7) M RA. Although the degrees of melanogenesis enhancement by RA (10(-5) M) and by alpha-melanocyte stimulatory hormone (2 X 10(-7) M) were similar, the former did not alter the intracellular cAMP level, whereas the latter induced a transient 4-fold increase. In high-passage (p28) cells, as well as in low-passage cells (less than p10) treated with tyrosinase inhibitor phenylthiocarbamate, melanin synthesis was suppressed in the absence and presence of RA, yet the ability of RA to inhibit cell proliferation was not compromised. In the presence of the tumor promotor phorbol myristate acetate (greater than 5 X 10(-9) M) melanin synthesis in control as well as in cells exposed to RA was dramatically inhibited. Phorbol which is not active in tumor promotion had no effect on melanogenesis. In addition to RA, other retinoids, such as 13-cis-retinoic acid, retinyl acetate, the TMMP analog of RA and the phenyl analog of RA, but not the pyridyl analog of RA or retinyl palmitate, also inhibited cell growth and enhanced melanin synthesis.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of 3T6 murine cells with the carcinogen UV radiation or N-acetoxy-N-acetylaminofluorene increased the number of methotrexate-resistant colonies. This carcinogen-induced enhancement was seen only at low toxicities. The enhancement was transient and was observed at its maximum when cells were subjected to methotrexate selection 12 to 24 h after treatment. The addition of a tumor-promoting agent, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, during or after carcinogen treatment further enhanced this effect. A large proportion of the resistant colonies had an increase in the dihydrofolate reductase gene copy number and the relative proportions of colonies with amplified genes were similar, regardless of whether selected cells were untreated, treated with carcinogen, or treated with carcinogen plus promoter. We discuss some of the variables which both enhance the generation and improve the detection of methotrexate-resistant colonies, as well as certain implications of our results for the generation and mechanism of gene amplification.  相似文献   

The rates of induction of DNA-protein crosslinks (DPC) by monochromatic radiation at 254 and 405 nm were compared in melanotic S91 mouse melanoma cells and EMT6 mouse mammary carcinoma cells. At 254 nm, the rates of induction of DPC are the same in the two cell lines, whereas, at 405 nm, the rate of induction of DPC in the melanotic cells is considerably less than that in the nonmelanotic cells. Since the major difference in the two cell lines with respect to absorption is melanin, the latter finding implies that intracellular melanin can protect against this DNA damage caused by a component of environmental carcinogenic solar radiation.  相似文献   

Expression of internal receptors for MSH is an important criterion for responsiveness to MSH by Cloudman melanoma cells (Orlow et al: J. Cell. Physiol., 142:129-136, 1990). Here, we show that internal and external receptors for MSH are of identical molecular weights (50-53 kDa) and share common antigenic determinants, indicating a structural relationship between the 2 populations of molecules. The internal receptors co-purified with a sub-cellular fraction highly enriched for small vesicles, many of which were coated. Ultraviolet B light (UVB) acted synergistically with MSH to increase tyrosinase activity and melanin content of cultured Cloudman melanoma cells, consistent with previous findings in the skin of mice and guinea pigs (Bolognia et al: J. Invest. Derm., 92:651-656, 1989). Preceding the rise in tyrosinase activity in cultured cells, UVB elicited a decrease in internal MSH binding sites and a concomitant increase in external sites. The time frame for the UVB effects on MSH receptors and melanogenesis, 48 hours, was similar to that for a response to solar radiation in humans. Together, the results indicate a key role for MSH receptors in the induction of melanogenesis by UVB and suggest a potential mechanism of action for UVB: redistribution of MSH receptors with a resultant increase in cellular responsiveness to MSH.  相似文献   

Summary Cell density is a factor that affects the capacity of Cloudman S91 melanoma cells to respond to melanotropins in monolayer culture. Continuous exposure of melanoma cells to α-melanotropin or its potent analog [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH, resulted in maximal stimulation of tyrosinase after 2 d of treatment, but the magnitude of stimulation decreased thereafter despite the continued presence of the melanotropins. However, when melanoma cells continually exposed to melanotropins were subcultured to an initial low cell density and maintained in contact with α-MSH or [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH (long-term culture), tyrosinase activity was rapidly restored and greatly enhanced. Also, when cells were seeded at initial densities ranging from 0.2 to 3.2×106 cells/flask, and exposed for 24 h to 10−7 M α-MSH, only the cultures seeded at low densities (0.2 and 0.4×106 cells/flask) exhibited maximal tyrosinase activity during the 24 h exposure to the melanotropins. Therefore, tyrosinase activity was primarily affected by cell density rather than by the duration of time the cells were in culture or by continuous exposure to melanotropin. Other flasks of various cell densities were treated with 10−7 M α-MSH or [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH for 24 h, followed byremoval of the melanotropins from the culture medium. The magnitude and duration of theresidual stimulation of melanoma tyrosinase activity by melanotropins were also found to be dependent on the initial cell density. These results reveal that there is a limited range of optimal cell densities at which melanoma cells can respond to melanotropins and express increased tyrosinase activity.  相似文献   

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