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BackgroundAnemia affects upwards of 50% of pregnant women in developing countries and is associated with adverse outcomes for mother and child. We hypothesized that exposure to smoke from biomass fuel – which is widely used for household energy needs in resource-limited settings – could exacerbate anemia in pregnancy, possibly as a result of systemic inflammation.ObjectiveTo evaluate whether exposure to smoke from biomass fuel (wood, straw, crop residues, or dung) as opposed to clean fuel (electricity, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, or biogas) is an independent risk factor for anemia in pregnancy, classified by severity.MethodsA secondary analysis was performed using data collected from a rural pregnancy cohort (N = 12,782) in Nagpur, India in 2011-2013 as part of the NIH-funded Maternal and Newborn Health Registry Study. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate the effect of biomass fuel vs. clean fuel use on anemia in pregnancy, controlling for maternal age, body mass index, education level, exposure to household tobacco smoke, parity, trimester when hemoglobin was measured, and receipt of prenatal iron and folate supplements.ResultsThe prevalence of any anemia (hemoglobin < 11 g/dl) was 93% in biomass fuel users and 88% in clean fuel users. Moderate-to-severe anemia (hemoglobin < 10 g/dl) occurred in 53% and 40% of the women, respectively. Multinomial logistic regression showed higher relative risks of mild anemia in pregnancy (hemoglobin 10-11 g/dl; RRR = 1.38, 95% CI = 1.19-1.61) and of moderate-to-severe anemia in pregnancy (RRR = 1.79, 95% CI = 1.53-2.09) in biomass fuel vs. clean fuel users, after adjusting for covariates.ConclusionIn our study population, exposure to biomass smoke was associated with higher risks of mild and moderate-to-severe anemia in pregnancy, independent of covariates.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT 01073475  相似文献   

One of the most pressing challenges for the next 50 years is to reduce the impact of chronic disease. Unhealthy eating is an increasing problem and underlies much of the increase in mortality from chronic diseases that is occurring worldwide. Diets rich in plant-based foods are strongly associated with reduced risks of major chronic diseases, but the constituents in plants that promote health have proved difficult to identify with certainty. This, in turn, has confounded the precision of dietary recommendations. Plant biochemistry can make significant contributions to human health through the identification and measurement of the many metabolites in plant-based foods, particularly those known to promote health (phytonutrients). Plant genetics and metabolic engineering can be used to make foods that differ only in their content of specific phytonutrients. Such foods offer research tools that can provide significant insight into which metabolites promote health and how they work. Plant science can reduce some of the complexity of the diet-health relationship, and through building multidisciplinary interactions with researchers in nutrition and the pathology of chronic diseases, plant scientists can contribute novel insight into which foods reduce the risk of chronic disease and how these foods work to impact human health.  相似文献   

Autophagy (specifically macroautophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved catabolic process where the cytoplasmic contents of a cell are sequestered within double membrane vacuoles, called autophagosomes, and subsequently delivered to the lysosome for degradation. Autophagy can function as a survival mechanism in starving cells. At the same time, extensive autophagy is commonly observed in dying cells, leading to its classification as an alternative form of programmed cell death. The functional contribution of autophagy to cell death has been a subject of great controversy. However, several recent loss-of-function studies of autophagy (Atg) genes have begun to address the roles of autophagy in both cell death and survival. Here, we review the emerging evidence in favor of and against autophagic cell death, discuss the possible roles that autophagic degradation might play in dying cells, and identify salient issues for future investigation.  相似文献   

Despite suggestions that animal pollinators are crucial for human nutritional health, no studies have actually tested this claim. Here, we combined data on crop pollination requirements, food nutrient densities, and actual human diets to predict the effects of pollinator losses on the risk of nutrient deficiency. In four developing countries and across five nutrients, we found that 0 to 56% of populations would become newly at risk if pollinators were removed. Increases in risk were most pronounced for vitamin A in populations with moderate levels of total nutrient intake. Overall, the effects of pollinator decline varied widely among populations and nutrients. We conclude that the importance of pollinators to human nutrition depends critically on the composition of local diets, and cannot be reliably predicted from global commodity analyses. We identify conditions under which severe health effects of pollinator loss are most likely to occur.  相似文献   

Because cross-species evidence suggests that high testosterone (T) may interfere with paternal investment, the relationships between men''s transition to parenting and changes in their T are of growing interest. Studies of human males suggest that fathers who provide childcare often have lower T than uninvolved fathers, but no studies to date have evaluated how nighttime sleep proximity between fathers and their offspring may affect T. Using data collected in 2005 and 2009 from a sample of men (n = 362; age 26.0 ± 0.3 years in 2009) residing in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines, we evaluated fathers'' T based on whether they slept on the same surface as their children (same surface cosleepers), slept on a different surface but in the same room (roomsharers), or slept separately from their children (solitary sleepers). A large majority (92%) of fathers in this sample reported practicing same surface cosleeping. Compared to fathers who slept solitarily, same surface cosleeping fathers had significantly lower evening (PM) T and also showed a greater diurnal decline in T from waking to evening (both p<0.05). Among men who were not fathers at baseline (2005), fathers who were cosleepers at follow-up (2009) experienced a significantly greater longitudinal decline in PM T over the 4.5-year study period (p<0.01) compared to solitary sleeping fathers. Among these same men, baseline T did not predict fathers'' sleeping arrangements at follow-up (p>0.2). These results are consistent with previous findings indicating that daytime father-child interaction contributes to lower T among fathers. Our findings specifically suggest that close sleep proximity between fathers and their offspring results in greater longitudinal decreases in T as men transition to fatherhood and lower PM T overall compared to solitary sleeping fathers.  相似文献   

Most research on environmental effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has focused on its potential negative consequences. However, natural UVR can also be beneficial to living organisms (e.g., vitamin D synthesis, UV vision, germicide activity). UV vision has been demonstrated in a variety of animals including several invertebrates and vertebrates. Juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, has a retinal photoreceptor, which is sensitive to UVR between 360 and 370 nm. Among other functions, UV vision has been proposed to contribute to prey detection by enhancing the contrast between the prey and its background. We performed a series of feeding experiments with juvenile rainbow trout and several zooplankters as prey. The fish were allowed to feed either under full solar radiation, or under solar radiation from which the UV component had been removed using a long-pass cut off filter. We found that the removal of UV wavelengths had no effect on the number of prey eaten or on the preference for particular food items. This is contrary to published studies reporting prey detection enhancement mediated by UV vision in rainbow trout. This disparity in the results may be due to our use of natural radiation instead of artificial UV sources, in which the visible component is poorly represented. Although our results do not disproof the presence of UV vision in juvenile rainbow trout, they do cast doubts about its significance in enhancing feeding performance in a natural light environment.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that the font size of study items significantly influences judgments of learning (JOLs) and that people’s JOLs are generally higher for larger words than for smaller words. Previous studies have suggested that font size influences JOLs in a belief-based way. However, few studies have directly examined how much people’s beliefs contribute to the font-size effect in JOLs. This study investigated the degree to which font size influenced JOLs in a belief-based way. In Experiment 1, one group of participants (learners) studied words with different font sizes and made JOLs, whereas another group of participants (observers) viewed the learners'' study phase and made JOLs for the learners. In Experiment 2, participants made both JOLs and belief-based recall predictions for large and small words. Our results suggest that metamemory beliefs play an important role in the font-size effect in JOLs.  相似文献   

A morphogen gradient is defined as a concentration field of a molecule that acts as a dose-dependent regulator of cell differentiation. One of the key questions in studies of morphogen gradients is whether they reach steady states on timescales relevant for developmental patterning. We propose a systematic approach for addressing this question and illustrate it by analyzing several models that account for diffusion and degradation of locally produced chemical signals.  相似文献   

Visser TA  Ohan JL 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33265


When observers are asked to identify two targets in rapid sequence, they often suffer profound performance deficits for the second target, even when the spatial location of the targets is known. This attentional blink (AB) is usually attributed to the time required to process a previous target, implying that a link should exist between individual differences in information processing speed and the AB.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present work investigated this question by examining the relationship between a rapid automatized naming task typically used to assess information-processing speed and the magnitude of the AB. The results indicated that faster processing actually resulted in a greater AB, but only when targets were presented amongst high similarity distractors. When target-distractor similarity was minimal, processing speed was unrelated to the AB.


Our findings indicate that information-processing speed is unrelated to target processing efficiency per se, but rather to individual differences in observers'' ability to suppress distractors. This is consistent with evidence that individuals who are able to avoid distraction are more efficient at deploying temporal attention, but argues against a direct link between general processing speed and efficient information selection.  相似文献   

The study of infectious disease has been aided by model organisms, which have helped to elucidate molecular mechanisms and contributed to the development of new treatments; however, the lack of a conceptual framework for unifying findings across models, combined with host variability, has impeded progress and translation. Here, we fill this gap with a simple graphical and mathematical framework to study disease tolerance, the dose response curve relating health to microbe load; this approach helped uncover parameters that were previously overlooked. Using a model experimental system in which we challenged Drosophila melanogaster with the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, we tested this framework, finding that microbe growth, the immune response, and disease tolerance were all well represented by sigmoid models. As we altered the system by varying host or pathogen genetics, disease tolerance varied, as we would expect if it was indeed governed by parameters controlling the sensitivity of the system (the number of bacteria required to trigger a response) and maximal effect size according to a logistic equation. Though either the pathogen or host immune response or both together could theoretically be the proximal cause of pathology that killed the flies, we found that the pathogen, but not the immune response, drove damage in this model. With this new understanding of the circuitry controlling disease tolerance, we can now propose better ways of choosing, combining, and developing treatments.  相似文献   

Does Biofilm Contribute to Diel Cycling of Zn in High Ore Creek, Montana?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concentrations of metals cycle daily in the water column of some mining-impacted streams in the Rocky Mountains of the western USA. We hypothesized that biofilm in High Ore Creek, Montana, USA, sorbs and releases Zn on a diel cycle, and this uptake-and-release cycle controls the total and dissolved (0.45-μm filtered) Zn concentrations. We collected water samples from three sites (upstream, middle and downstream at 0, 350 and 650 m, respectively) along a 650-m reach of High Ore Creek during a 47-h period in August 2002 and from the upstream and downstream sites during a 24-h period in August 2003; we also collected biofilm samples at these sites. In 2002 and 2003, total and dissolved Zn concentrations did not exhibit a diel cycle at the upstream sampling site, which was ~30 m downstream from a settling pond through which the creek flows. However, total and dissolved Zn concentrations exhibited a diel cycle at the middle and downstream sampling sites, with the highest Zn concentrations occurring at dawn and the lowest Zn concentrations occurring during late afternoon (>2-fold range of concentrations at the downstream site). Based on (1) concentrations of Zn in biofilm at the three sites and (2) results of streamside experiments that demonstrated Zn uptake and release by na?ve biofilm during the light and dark hours of a photocycle, respectively, we conclude that Zn uptake in photosynthetic biofilms could contribute a large percentage to the cycling of Zn concentrations in the water column in High Ore Creek.  相似文献   

A striking and unexplained feature of granulomatous inflammation is its anatomical association with the lymphatic system. Accumulating evidence suggests that lymphatic tracks and granulomas may alter the function of each other. The formation of new lymphatics, or lymphangiogenesis, is an adaptive response to tumor formation, infection, and wound healing. Granulomas also may induce lymphangiogenesis which, through a variety of mechanisms, could contribute to disease outcomes in tuberculosis and sarcoidosis. On the other hand, alterations in lymph node function and lymphatic draining may be primary events which attenuate the risk and severity of granulomatous inflammation. This review begins with an introduction of granulomatous inflammation and the lymphatic system. A role of the lymphatic system in tuberculosis and sarcoidosis is then hypothesized. With a focus on lymphangiogenesis in these diseases, and on the potential for this process to promote dissemination, parallels are established with the well‐established role of lymphangiogenesis in tumor biology.  相似文献   

In nuclei of sea urchin embryos, marked increase in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity followed by its decrease occurrs in the pre-hatching and post-hatching periods with peaks of activity at the morula and gastrula stages. Increase in its activity was blocked by cycloheximide in the pre- and post-hatching periods and by actinomycin D only in the post-hatching period. Embryo wall cells (ectoderm cells) isolated from gastrulae exhibited markedly higher activity of this enzyme than archenteron cells and mesenchyme cells. Probably, the increase in the activity of this enzyme in the post-hatching period results from expression of the gene for this enzyme mainly in ectoderm cells. In the post-hatching period, the activity increased more in animalized embryos than in normal ones, and increased little in vegetalized embryos. 3-Aminobenzamide (3-ABA), as well as luminol and nicotinamide, inhibited formation of ectoderm structures more than that of endoderm structures, such as the archenteron, in normal and animalized embryos, but had no appreciable effect on morphogenesis in vegetalized embryos. The reaction catalyzed by ADP-ribosyltransferase probably contributes to ectoderm cell differentiation. Treatment of embryos with 3-ABA in the pre-hatching period had little inhibitory effect on the morphogenesis in the post-hatching period, though it caused death of many embryos.  相似文献   



DNA barcoding promises to revolutionize the way taxonomists work, facilitating species identification by using small, standardized portions of the genome as substitutes for morphology. The concept has gained considerable momentum in many animal groups, but the higher plant world has been largely recalcitrant to the effort. In plants, efforts are concentrated on various regions of the plastid genome, but no agreement exists as to what kinds of regions are ideal, though most researchers agree that more than one region is necessary. One reason for this discrepancy is differences in the tests that are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed regions. Most tests have been made in a floristic setting, where the genetic distance and therefore the level of variation of the regions between taxa is large, or in a limited set of congeneric species.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we present the first in-depth coverage of a large taxonomic group, all 86 known species (except two doubtful ones) of crocus. Even six average-sized barcode regions do not identify all crocus species. This is currently an unrealistic burden in a barcode context. Whereas most proposed regions work well in a floristic context, the majority will – as is the case in crocus – undoubtedly be less efficient in a taxonomic setting. However, a reasonable but less than perfect level of identification may be reached – even in a taxonomic context.


The time is ripe for selecting barcode regions in plants, and for prudent examination of their utility. Thus, there is no reason for the plant community to hold back the barcoding effort by continued search for the Holy Grail. We must acknowledge that an emerging system will be far from perfect, fraught with problems and work best in a floristic setting.  相似文献   



Acellular scaffolds are increasingly used for the surgical repair of tendon injury and ligament tears. Despite this increased use, very little data exist directly comparing acellular scaffolds and their native counterparts. Such a comparison would help establish the effectiveness of the acellularization procedure of human tissues. Furthermore, such a comparison would help estimate the influence of cells in ligament and tendon stability and give insight into the effects of acellularization on collagen.

Material and Methods

Eighteen human iliotibial tract samples were obtained from nine body donors. Nine samples were acellularized with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), while nine counterparts from the same donors remained in the native condition. The ends of all samples were plastinated to minimize material slippage. Their water content was adjusted to 69%, using the osmotic stress technique to exclude water content-related alterations of the mechanical properties. Uniaxial tensile testing was performed to obtain the elastic modulus, ultimate stress and maximum strain. The effectiveness of the acellularization procedure was histologically verified by means of a DNA assay.


The histology samples showed a complete removal of the cells, an extensive, yet incomplete removal of the DNA content and alterations to the extracellular collagen. Tensile properties of the tract samples such as elastic modulus and ultimate stress were unaffected by acellularization with the exception of maximum strain.


The data indicate that cells influence the mechanical properties of ligaments and tendons in vitro to a negligible extent. Moreover, acellularization with SDS alters material properties to a minor extent, indicating that this method provides a biomechanical match in ligament and tendon reconstruction. However, the given protocol insufficiently removes DNA. This may increase the potential for transplant rejection when acellular tract scaffolds are used in soft tissue repair. Further research will help optimize the SDS-protocol for clinical application.  相似文献   

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