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Fluorescence microphotolysis was used to measure in single resealed human erythrocyte ghosts the band 3-mediated transport of the fluorescent anion N-(7-nitrobenzofurazan-4-yl)-taurine (NBD-taurine). Transport was reduced to less than 5% of the control by the specific inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS). The accuracy of the determination of the rate constant for NBD-taurine influx was approximately +/- 15% as calculated from repetitive measurements in individual ghosts. The sample population distribution of the rate constant was slightly skewed towards values larger than the mean. The rate of NBD-taurine transport showed an optimum near pH 7. The Arrhenius plot was linear in the range from 28.5 degrees C to 51 degrees C with an apparent activation enthalpy of 21.4 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

1. Proteins in human erythrocyte membranes after red blood cells hemolysis revealed relatively high rate of self-digestion. 2. This indicates hemolysis as a critical moment for membrane proteases activation. 3. The detailed pattern of band 3 protein and spectrin degradation during ghosts preparation was more complicated and reflected both the changes in proteolytic susceptibility and extraction of some proteases. 4. Further extraction of membrane proteins by alkali stripping resulted in an increase in the self-digestion rate and decrease in the degradation rate of an exogenous substrate.  相似文献   

Summary A model for the binding of 5-nitroxide stearate, I(12,3). to human erythrocyte ghosts was developed by comparing spin probe interactions with ghosts and liposomes prepared from ghosts. At low probe/lipid (P/L<1/2500), I(12,3) binds to a similar class of high-affinity, noninteracting sites in both ghosts and liposomes, indicating that lipid moieties are responsible for probe uptake. Saturation occurs in both systems with increasing P/L, and, at higher loading (e.g., P/L=1/360 for ghosts and liposomes), the probe inserts itself at initially dilute sites to form a class of low-affinity sites consisting of clusters of variable size. At still higher P/L ranges (>1/100), much increased probe uptake was observed in ghosts than in liposomes, which was attributed to another class of low-affinity sites, representing nonspecific interactions of I(12,3) with membrane proteins. The nature of the spectral components and ultrafiltration experiments with ghosts labeled at high P/L indicate that both dilute and clustered I(12,3) are due to membrane-incorporated probe.  相似文献   

Resealed erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) filled with (Fe3+)cytochrome c were used as an assay system to measure the release of superoxide (O-2) from human phagocytes into the incubation medium. Neutrophils, activated by either opsonized zymosan particles or the soluble stimulus phorbol myristate acetate, released O-2, which subsequently entered the ghosts and reduced (Fe3+)cytochrome c. This reaction was dependent on the time of incubation, the concentration of neutrophils, the concentration of stimulus, and the concentration of ghosts. The reaction was completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase and by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid, a specific blocker of anion channels in membranes. The reduction of (Fe3+)cytochrome c free in solution was about four times as fast as the reduction of (Fe3+)cytochrome c in the ghosts. Human eosinophils stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate reacted similarly to human neutrophils; the rate of O-2 production/cell was about twice as high for eosinophils as for neutrophils. In contrast, eosinophils stimulated with opsonized zymosan particles only reduced (Fe3+)cytochrome c free in solution, but not (Fe3+)cytochrome c in ghosts. This lack of reaction was not due to production of an inhibitor or below threshold generation of O-2 for the ghost assay. These results indicate: 1) activated human neutrophils and eosinophils can release O-2 or a similar product into the incubation medium; and 2) reduction of (Fe3+)cytochrome c free in solution is no proof for O-2 excretion by phagocytes.  相似文献   

Dielectric breakdown of membranes of red blood cells was observed in high electric fields (approx. 103–104 V/cm) using an improved Coulter Counter with hydrodynamic focussing. In making measurements of the size distributions of red blood cells as a function of increasing electric field strenght it was found that a sharp discontinuity occurred in the otherwise linear relation between the pulse heights in the Coulter Counter and the electric field strength due to dielectric breakdown of the membranes. Solution of Laplace's equation for the electric field generated at breakdown in the cell membranes yields a mean value of about 1.6 V for the membrane potential of red blood cells. Due to the dielectric break-down, release of hemoglobin occurred. Mechanical rupture of the red blood cells by the hydrodynamic forces in the orifice of the Coulter Counter or thermal rupture could be excluded as hemolysing mechanisms. The leaky ghost cells resealed at 37 °C as shown by incorporation of 131I-labeled albumin and repeated dielectric breakdown.  相似文献   

Alterations of electrical properties of human erythrocyte membranes induced by gamma irradiation have been studied by means of conductivity measurements in the frequency range from 10 KHz to 100 MHz. The results clearly demonstrate the role played by haemoglobin in the structural modification of the membrane produced by gamma irradiation. Further support for this point of view has been derived from electron spin resonance measurements carried out on the same samples, labelled with different spin labels which probe the outer half layer of membrane at different penetration levels.  相似文献   

Guinea pig liver transglutaminase was shown to catalyze the incorporation of dansylcadaverine and putrescine into two major protein fractions of human erythrocyte ghosts. As judged by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, one of these is a high molecular weight polymer which may contain spectrin. The other corresponds to band 3, an 88, 000 dalton polypeptide. Amine substrates of transglutaminase were synthesized with specific properties to further explore this useful enzymatic technique of covalently labelling proteins in erythrocyte ghosts and in other biological membranes.  相似文献   

Diphenylhexatriene transverse distribution has been studied in normal and diabetic erythrocyte membrane ghosts using fluorescence polarization and fluorescence quenching methods. Acrylamide quenched the fluorescence of diphenylhexatriene according to a dynamic mechanism in agreement with Stern-Volmer equation. Nonlinear least-squares analysis based on quenching results has shown greater accessibility of fluorophore to quencher molecules in diabetic ghosts (37.2 +/- 3.2% in normal vs. 67.5 +/- 6.4% in diabetic membranes). Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy measurements evidenced the lowered membrane lipid fluidity in diabetics (anisotropy values: 0.166 +/- 0.011 in normal subjects vs. 0.193 +/- 0.018 in diabetics). A model mechanism is proposed which attributes the lowered capacity of lipid bilayer in diabetes to the increased ordering and more compact structure of membrane phospholipids. The implications of the results for the resolving of steady-state anisotropy data are discussed.  相似文献   

Dielectric breakdown of membranes of red blood cells was observed in high electric fields (approx. 10-3-10-4 V/cm) using an improved Coulter Counter with hydrodynamic focussing. In making measurements of the size distributions of red blood cells as a function of increasing electric field strength it was found that a sharp discontinuity occurred in the otherwise linear relation between the pulse heights in the Coulter Counter and the electric field strength due to dielectric breakdown of the membranes. Solution of Laplace's equation for the electric field generated at breakdown in the cell membranes yeilds a mean value of about 1.6 V. for the membrane potential of red blood cells. Due to the dielectric break-down, release of hemoglobin occurred. Mechanical rupture of the red blood cells by the hydrodynamic forces in the orifice of the Coulter Counter or thermal rupture could be excluded as hemolysing mechanisms. The leaky ghost cells resealed at 37 degrees C. as shown by incorporation of 131I-labeled albumin and repeated dielctric breakdown.  相似文献   

Summary The tetracycline dyes, particularly chlorotetracycline, have been employed as probes of membrane-associated calcium during the excitation process of nerve. Both squid giant axons, stained internally, and lobster nerves, stained externally, show a small increase in fluorescent light during the action potential. Increasing the calcium concentration bathing a lobster nerve leads to a larger optical signal. Adding fluoride ion to the inside of a squid axon, which might be expected to influence the internal calcium-ion concentration, also leads to a larger optical signal. Squid axons have been studied under conditions of voltage clamp and the hyperpolarizing response. Model studies were done with erythrocyte ghosts to clarify the influence of membranes and calcium on the fluores-cence of the tetracyclines. Chlorotetracycline may be monitoring calcium concentration associated with the inner surface of the nerve membrane.  相似文献   

1. Erythrocyte ghosts from human blood were produced by gentle water hemolysis. The ghost-containing hemolysate (about 20 mN) was added to media of different composition (KCl, NaCl, glucose, sucrose, etc.) and varying concentration ranging from 8 to 840 mN. The volume changes of the ghost cells were followed by a light absorption method. The potassium and sodium concentrations were also analyzed in some representative cases. 2. The ghosts shrank, or swelled, in two stages. An initial phase with a momentary expulsion, or uptake, of water leading to an osmotic equilibrium, was followed by a second phase in which a slow swelling or shrinking proceeded toward a final constant volume. 3. The ghosts were semipermeable in the sense that water always passed rapidly in either direction so as to maintain isotonicity with the external medium. The relation between ghost cell volumes (V) and the total concentration (C(e)) of the suspension medium can be expressed by a modified van't Hoff-Mariotte law: (C(e) + a)(V - b) = constant. Here a is a term correcting for an internal pressure and b is the non-solvent volume of the ghost cells. This means that the ghosts behave as perfect osmometers. 4. On the other hand appreciable concentration differences of the K and Na ions could be maintained across the intact ghost cell membranes for long periods. Whether this phenomenon is due simply to very low cation permeability or to active transport processes cannot be decided, although the first assumption appears more probable. 5. When the ghosts were treated with small concentrations of a lytic substance like Na oleate, the alkali ion transfer was greatly increased. This seems to be a simple exchange diffusion process with simultaneous, continued maintenance of osmotic equilibrium (= the second phase). A simplified theory is also given for the kinetics of the volume variations and ion exchange during the second phase (cf. the Appendix). 6. Miscellaneous observations on the effects of pH, and of some other substances are discussed. Some shape transformations of the ghost cells are also described.  相似文献   

The volume of resealed erythrocyte ghosts formed during hypotonic hemolysis of normal human erythrocytes was measured by means of a continuous mean corpuscular volume analyzer. The final volume of resealed ghosts was 140.6 ± 15.2 fl. Strong correlations exist between the volume of ghosts and the initial mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of the erythrocyte, and between the enlargement ratio and the mean corpuscular volume or mean corpuscular hemoglobin of the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Using the method of electrophoresis in SDS-PAAG the authors showed a diminution of proteins of bands I + II (spectrins) and III (major integral protein) after irradiation of erythrocyte ghosts with doses of 50 to 1000 Gy. We failed to ascertain that radiation-induced lipid peroxidation is involved into membrane protein aggregation. Among the radiolysis products, OH-radicals were shown to contribute markedly to the radiation effect observed.  相似文献   

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