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Since reactive ammonia is not available under physiological conditions, glutamine is used as a source for the incorporation of nitrogen in a number of metabolic pathway intermediates. The heterodimeric ImGP synthase that links histidine and purine biosynthesis belongs to the family of glutamine amidotransferases in which the glutaminase activity is coupled with a subsequent synthase activity specific for each member of the enzyme family. Its X-ray structure from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima shows that the glutaminase subunit is associated with the N-terminal face of the (beta alpha)(8) barrel cyclase subunit. The complex reveals a putative tunnel for the transfer of ammonia over a distance of 25 A. Although ammonia tunneling has been reported for glutamine amidotransferases, the ImGP synthase has evolved a novel mechanism, which extends the known functional properties of the versatile (beta alpha)(8) barrel fold.  相似文献   

IGPS is a 51 kDa heterodimeric enzyme comprised of two proteins, HisH and HisF, that catalyze the hydrolysis of glutamine to produce NH3 in the HisH active site and the cyclization of ammonia with N′-[(5′-phosphoribulosyl)formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-ribonucleotide (PRFAR) in HisF to produce imidazole glycerol phosphate (IGP) and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide (AICAR). Binding of PRFAR and IGP stimulates glutaminase activity in the HisH enzyme over 5,000 and 100-fold, respectively, despite the active sites being >25 Å apart. The details of this long-range protein communication process were investigated by solution NMR spectroscopy and CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments. Formation of the heterodimer enzyme results in a reduction in millisecond motions in HisF that extend throughout the protein. Binding of lGP results in an increase in protein-wide millisecond dynamics evidenced as severe NMR line broadening and elevated R ex values. Together, these data demonstrate a grouping of flexible residues that link the HisF active site with the protein interface to which HisH binds and provide a model for the path of communication between the IGPS active sites.  相似文献   

Imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPs) catalyzes the fifth step in the histidine biosynthetic pathway located at the branch point to de novo purine biosynthesis. IGPs is a multienzyme comprising glutaminase and synthase subunits. The glutaminase activity, which hydrolyzes glutamine to give ammonia, is coupled with substrate binding to the synthase subunit. The three-dimensional structure of the IGPs from Thermus thermophilus HB8 has been determined at 2.3 A resolution, and compared with the previously determined structures for the yeast and Thermotoga maritima enzymes. The structure of each subunit is similar to that of the corresponding domain in the yeast enzyme or subunit in the T. maritima enzyme. However, the overall structure is significantly different from the yeast and T. maritima enzymes, indicating that IGPs may change the relative orientation between the two subunits and close the glutaminase site upon glutamine binding. The putative ammonia tunnel, which carries nascent ammonia from glutaminase to the synthase site, has a closed gate comprising a cyclic salt bridge formed by four charged residues of the synthase subunit. The side chain of Lys100 in the cyclic salt bridge might change its side chain direction to form new interactions with the main chain carbonyl group of glutamine from the synthase subunit and the hydoxyl group of tyrosine from the glutaminase subunit, resulting in the opening of the gate for ammonia transfer.  相似文献   

Similar to what has been achieved with nucleic acids, directed evolution of proteins would be greatly facilitated by the availability of large libraries and efficient selection methods. So far, host cell transformation efficiency has been a bottleneck, practically limiting libraries to sizes less than 10(9). One way to circumvent this problem has been implemented with antibody systems, where contribution to the binding site is provided by two different polypeptides (light and heavy chains). The central concept is the construction of binary systems in which the gene from the two chains are separated by a cre-lox recombinase recognition site, packaged in a phage, and subsequently introduced, by multiple infection, into a recombinase expressing cell [Sblattero D, Bradbury A. Nat Biotechnol 2000;18(1):75-80]. Here, we describe the development of a system which applies the same concept to a single-domain enzyme, the cytoplasmic (beta/alpha)8 barrel protein phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase (PRAI) from E. coli. For that purpose, we identified the site at which a loop containing the recognition sequence for cre-lox recombinase could be inserted yielding a functional enzyme. We evaluated the effect of this insertion on the capability of the engineered gene to complement a trp F-E. coli strain and the efficiency of the system to recover the original sequence from an abundance of non-functional mutant genes.  相似文献   

The high representation of the TIM barrel as a scaffold for enzymatic proteins makes it an interesting model for protein engineering. Based on previous reports of folding mechanisms of TIM barrels that suggest an independent folding unit formed by six (beta/alpha) subunits, we interrupted the gene of phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase (PRAI) from Escherichia coli at three different positions to yield fragments with different combinations of (beta/alpha) subunits. When these constructions were expressed as polycistrons in a TrpF-E. coli strain, complementation of the function only occurred with fragments beta1-alpha4 and beta5-alpha8, demonstrating that (beta/alpha)(4) subunits are stable enough to survive in vivo conditions and to assemble to yield a functional enzyme. The expression of these fragments in a separated plasmid/phagemid system to complement the function gave a slower complementation in the TrpF-E. coli strain; this was overcome by introducing extra secondary elements to the structure that reinforce their interaction.  相似文献   

Riboflavin kinase (RFK) is an essential enzyme catalyzing the phosphorylation of riboflavin (vitamin B(2)) to form FMN, an obligatory step in vitamin B(2) utilization and flavin cofactor synthesis. The structure of human RFK revealed a six-stranded antiparallel beta barrel core structurally similar to the riboflavin synthase/ferredoxin reductase FAD binding domain fold. The binding site of an intrinsically bound MgADP defines a novel nucleotide binding motif that encompasses a loop, a 3(10) helix, and a reverse turn followed by a short beta strand. This active site loop forms an arch with ATP and riboflavin binding at the opposite side and the phosphoryl transfer appears to occur through the hole underneath the arch. The invariant residues Asn36 and Glu86 are implicated in the catalysis.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP, vitamin B6), a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions, has two distinct biosynthetic routes, which do not coexist in any organism. Two proteins, known as PdxS and PdxT, together form a PLP synthase in plants, fungi, archaea, and some eubacteria. PLP synthase is a heteromeric glutamine amidotransferase in which PdxT produces ammonia from glutamine and PdxS combines ammonia with five- and three-carbon phosphosugars to form PLP. In the 2.2-A crystal structure, PdxS is a cylindrical dodecamer of subunits having the classic (beta/alpha)8 barrel fold. PdxS subunits form two hexameric rings with the active sites positioned on the inside. The hexamer and dodecamer forms coexist in solution. A novel phosphate-binding site is suggested by bound sulfate. The sulfate and another bound molecule, methyl pentanediol, were used to model the substrate ribulose 5-phosphate, and to propose catalytic roles for residues in the active site. The distribution of conserved surfaces in the PdxS dodecamer was used to predict a docking site for the glutaminase partner, PdxT.  相似文献   

Analysis on the three dimensional structures of (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins provides ample light to understand the factors that are responsible for directing and maintaining their common fold. In this work, the hydrophobically enriched clusters are identified in 92% of the considered (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins. The residue segments with hydrophobic clusters have high thermal stability. Further, these clusters are formed and stabilized through long-range interactions. Specifically, a network of long-range contacts connects adjacent beta-strands of the (alpha/beta)(8) barrel domain and the hydrophobic clusters. The implications of hydrophobic clusters and long-range networks in providing a feasible common mechanism for the folding of (alpha/beta)(8) barrel proteins are proposed.  相似文献   

No gene coding for an adenine deaminase has been described in eukaryotes. However, physiological and genetical evidence indicates that adenine deaminases are present in the ascomycetes. We have cloned and characterised the genes coding for the adenine deaminases of Aspergillus nidulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The A.nidulans gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and the purified enzyme shows adenine but not adenosine deaminase activity. The open reading frames coded by the three genes are very similar and obviously related to the bacterial and eukaryotic adenosine deaminases rather than to the bacterial adenine deaminases. The latter are related to allantoinases, ureases and dihydroorotases. The fungal adenine deaminases and the homologous adenosine deaminases differ in a number of residues, some of these being clearly involved in substrate specificity. Other prokaryotic enzymes in the database, while clearly related to the above, do not fit into either sub-class, and may even have a different specificity. These results imply that adenine deaminases have appeared twice in the course of evolution, from different ancestral enzymes constructed both around the alpha/beta barrel scaffold.  相似文献   

The proposed biosynthetic pathway to the carbapenem antibiotics proceeds via epimerization/desaturation of a carbapenam in an unusual process catalyzed by an iron- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase, CarC. Crystal structures of CarC complexed with Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate reveal it to be hexameric (space group C2221), consistent with solution studies. CarC monomers contain a double-stranded beta-helix core that supports ligands binding a single Fe(II) to which 2-oxoglutarate complexes in a bi-dentate manner. A structure was obtained with l-N-acetylproline acting as a substrate analogue. Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical modeling studies with stereoisomers of carbapenams and carbapenems were used to investigate substrate binding. The combined work will stimulate further mechanistic studies and aid in the engineering of carbapenem biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of yeast enolase has been determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method followed by the solvent flattening technique. A polypeptide model, corresponding with the known amino acid sequence, has been fitted to the electron density map. Crystallographic restrained least-squares refinement of the model without solvent gave R = 20.0% for 6-2.25-A resolution with good geometry. A model with 182 water molecules and 1 sulfate which is still being refined has presently R = 17.0%. The molecule is a dimer with subunits related by 2-fold crystallographic symmetry. The subunit has dimensions 60 X 55 X 45 A and is built from two domains. The smaller N-terminal domain has an alpha + beta structure based on a three-stranded antiparallel meander and four helices. The main domain is an 8-fold beta + alpha-barrel. The enolase barrel is, however, different from the triose phosphate isomerase barrel; its topology is beta beta alpha alpha (beta alpha)6 rather than (beta alpha)8 as found in triose phosphate isomerase. The inner beta-barrel is not entirely parallel, the second strand is antiparallel to the other strands, and the direction of the first helix is also reversed with respect to the other helices. This supports the hypothesis that some enzymes evolved independently producing the stable structure of beta alpha barrels with either enolase or triose phosphate isomerase topology. The active site of enolase is located at the carboxylic end of the barrel. A fragment of the N-terminal domain and two long loops protruding from the barrel domain form a wide crevice leading to the active site region. Asp246, Glu295, and Asp320 are the ligands of the conformational cation. Other residues in the active site region are Glu168, Asp321, Lys345, and Lys396.  相似文献   

The (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel is the most common fold in structurally characterized enzymes. Whether the functionally diverse enzymes that share this fold are the products of either divergent or convergent evolution (or both) is an unresolved question that will probably be answered as the sequence databases continue to expand. Recent work has examined natural, designed, and directed evolution of function in several superfamilies of (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel containing enzymes.  相似文献   

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) catalyzes the reversible cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate in the glycolytic pathway. FBPAs from archaeal organisms have recently been identified and characterized as a divergent family of proteins. Here, we report the first crystal structure of an archaeal FBPA at 1.9-A resolution. The structure of this 280-kDa protein complex was determined using single wavelength anomalous dispersion followed by 10-fold non-crystallographic symmetry averaging and refined to an R-factor of 14.9% (Rfree 17.9%). The protein forms a dimer of pentamers, consisting of subunits adopting the ubiquitous (betaalpha)8 barrel fold. Additionally, a crystal structure of the archaeal FBPA covalently bound to dihydroxyacetone phosphate was solved at 2.1-A resolution. Comparison of the active site residues with those of classical FBPAs, which share no significant sequence identity but display the same overall fold, reveals a common ancestry between these two families of FBPAs. Structural comparisons, furthermore, establish an evolutionary link to the triosephosphate isomerases, a superfamily hitherto considered independent from the superfamily of aldolases.  相似文献   

As a test of the hypothesis that folding mechanisms are better conserved than sequences in TIM barrels, the equilibrium and kinetic folding mechanisms of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (sIGPS) from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus were compared to the well-characterized models of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli. A multifaceted approach combining urea denaturation and far-UV circular dichroism, tyrosine fluorescence total intensity, and tyrosine fluorescence anisotropy was employed. Despite a sequence identity of only 13%, a stable intermediate (I) in sIGPS was found to be similar to a stable intermediate in alphaTS in terms of its thermodynamic properties and secondary structure. Kinetic experiments revealed that the fastest detectable folding event for sIGPS involves a burst-phase (<5ms) reaction that leads directly to the stable intermediate. The slower of two subsequent phases reflects the formation/disruption of an off-pathway dimeric form of I. The faster phase reflects the conversion of I to the native state and is limited by folding under marginally stable conditions and by isomerization or rearrangement under strongly folding conditions. By contrast, alphaTS is thought to fold via an off-pathway burst-phase intermediate whose unfolding controls access to a set of four on-pathway intermediates that comprise the stable equilibrium intermediate. At least three proline isomerization reactions are known to limit their interconversions and lead to a parallel channel mechanism. The simple sequential mechanism deduced for sIGPS reflects the dominance of the on-pathway burst-phase intermediate and the absence of prolyl residues that partition the stable intermediate into kinetically distinguishable species. Comparison of the results for sIGPS and alphaTS demonstrates that the thermodynamic properties and the final steps of the folding reaction are better conserved than the early events. The initial events in folding appear to be more sensitive to the sequence differences between the two TIM barrel proteins.  相似文献   

Enzymes with the (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold are involved in the catalysis of a wide variety of biochemical reactions. The active sites of these enzymes are located on the C-terminal face of the central beta-barrel. Conserved amino acid sequence, as well as secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure patterns are providing a rich body of data to support the premise of a common ancestry of many members of the (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold family of enzymes. Recent data indicate that there is at least one example of a bienzyme that functions as an ammonia channel, adding a new level of functional diversity to the (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold. These proteins have become ideal tools that can be used in conjunction with directed evolution techniques to engineer novel catalytic activities.  相似文献   

The alpha/beta barrel fold is adopted by most enzymes performing a variety of catalytic reactions, but with very low sequence similarity. In order to understand the stabilizing interactions important in maintaining the alpha/beta barrel fold, we have identified residue clusters in a dataset of 36 alpha/beta barrel proteins that have less than 10% sequence identity within themselves. A graph theoretical algorithm is used to identify backbone clusters. This approach uses the global information of the nonbonded interaction in the alpha/beta barrel fold for the clustering procedure. The nonbonded interactions are represented mathematically in the form of an adjacency matrix. On diagonalizing the adjacency matrix, clusters and cluster centers are obtained from the highest eigenvalue and its corresponding vector components. Residue clusters are identified in the strand regions forming the beta barrel and are topologically conserved in all 36 proteins studied. The residues forming the cluster in each of the alpha/beta protein are also conserved among the sequences belonging to the same family. The cluster centers are found to occur in the middle of the strands or in the C-terminal of the strands. In most cases, the residues forming the clusters are part of the active site or are located close to the active site. The folding nucleus of the alpha/beta fold is predicted based on hydrophobicity index evaluation of residues and identification of cluster centers. The predicted nucleation sites are found to occur mostly in the middle of the strands. Proteins 2001;43:103-112.  相似文献   

The functional regulation of integrins is a major determinant of cell adhesion, migration and tissue maintenance. The binding of cytoskeletal proteins to various sites of integrin cytoplasmic domains is a key mechanism of this functional regulation. Expression of recombinant integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) and alpha(M)beta(2) lacking the GFFKR-region in CHO cells results in constitutively activated integrins. In contrast, CHO cells stably expressing either a GFFKR-deleted alpha(V(del))beta(3) or a FF to AA-substituted alpha(V(AA))beta(3) do not reveal a constitutively activated integrin. Adhesion to immobilized fibrinogen is strongly impaired in alpha(V(del))beta(3) or alpha(V(AA))beta(3)-expressing cells, whereas it is not impaired in alpha(IIb)beta(3) and alpha(M)beta(2), both lacking the GFFKR-region. In a parallel plate flow chamber assay, alpha(V)beta(3)-expressing cells adhere firmly to fibrinogen and spread even at shear rates of 15 to 20 dyn/cm(2), whereas alpha(V(del))beta(3) or alpha(V(AA))beta(3) cells are detached at 15 dyn/cm(2). Actin stress fiber formation and focal adhesion plaques containing alpha(V)beta(3) are observed in alpha(V)beta(3) cells but not in alpha(V(del))beta(3) or alpha(V(AA))beta(3)-expressing cells. As an additional manifestation of impaired outside-in signaling, phosphorylation of pp125(FAK) was reduced in these cells. In summary, we report that the GFFKR-region of the alpha(V)-cytoplasmic domain and in particular two phenylalanines are essential for integrin alpha(V)beta(3) function, especially for outside-in signaling. Our results suggest that the two beta(3)-integrins alpha(IIb)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(3) are differentially regulated via their GFFKR-region.  相似文献   

RluA is a dual-specificity enzyme responsible for pseudouridylating 23S rRNA and several tRNAs. The 2.05 A resolution structure of RluA bound to a substrate RNA comprising the anticodon stem loop of tRNA(Phe) reveals that enzyme binding induces a dramatic reorganization of the RNA. Instead of adopting its canonical U turn conformation, the anticodon loop folds into a new structure with a reverse-Hoogsteen base pair and three flipped-out nucleotides. Sequence conservation, the cocrystal structure, and the results of structure-guided mutagenesis suggest that RluA recognizes its substrates indirectly by probing RNA loops for their ability to adopt the reorganized fold. The planar, cationic side chain of an arginine intercalates between the reverse-Hoogsteen base pair and the bottom pair of the anticodon stem, flipping the nucleotide to be modified into the active site of RluA. Sequence and structural comparisons suggest that pseudouridine synthases of the RluA, RsuA, and TruA families employ an equivalent arginine for base flipping.  相似文献   

The relative specificity and bond cleavage pattern of barley alpha-amylase 1 (AMY1) were dramatically changed by mutation in F(286)VD that connected beta-strand 7 of the catalytic (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel to a succeeding 3(10)-helix. This conserved tripeptide of the otherwise variable beta --> alpha segment 7 lacked direct ligand contact, but the nearby residues His290 and Asp291 participated in transition-state stabilization and catalysis. On the basis of sequences of glycoside hydrolase family 13, a biased random mutagenesis protocol was designed which encoded 174 putative F(286)VD variants of C95A-AMY1, chosen as the parent enzyme to avoid inactivating glutathionylation by the yeast host. The FVG, FGG, YVD, LLD, and FLE mutants showed 12-380 and 1.8-33% catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) toward 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl beta-D-maltoheptaoside and amylose DP17, respectively, and 0.5-50% activity for insoluble starch compared to that of C95A-AMY1. K(m) and k(cat) were decreased 2-9- and 1.3-83-fold, respectively, for the soluble substrates. The starch:oligosaccharide and amylose:oligosaccharide specificity ratios were 13-172 and 2.4-14 for mutants and 520 and 27 for C95A-AMY1, respectively. The FVG mutant released 4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-maltotrioside (PNPG(3)) from PNPG(5), whereas C95A-AMY1 produced PNPG and PNPG(2). The mutation thus favored interaction with the substrate aglycon part, while products from PNPG(6) reflected the fact that the mutation restored binding at subsite -6 which was lost in C95A-AMY1. The outcome of this combined irrational and rational protein engineering approach was evaluated considering structural accommodation of mutant side chains. FVG and FGG, present in the most active variants, represented novel sequences. This emphasized the worth of random mutagenesis and launched flexibility as a goal for beta --> alpha loop 7 engineering in family 13.  相似文献   

Cheon YH  Park HS  Kim JH  Kim Y  Kim HS 《Biochemistry》2004,43(23):7413-7420
We previously proposed that the stereochemistry gate loops (SGLs) constituting the substrate binding pocket of D-hydantoinase, a (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel enzyme, might be major structural determinants of the substrate specificity [Cheon, Y. H., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 9410-9417]. To construct a mutant D-hydantoinase with favorable substrate specificity for the synthesis of commercially important non-natural amino acids, the SGL loops of the enzyme were rationally manipulated on the basis of the structural analysis and sequence alignment of three hydantoinases with distinct substrate specificities. In the SGLs of D-hydantoinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus SD1, mutations of hydrophobic and bulky residues Met 63, Leu 65, Phe 152, and Phe 159, which interact with the exocyclic substituent of the substrate, induced remarkable changes in the substrate specificities. In particular, the substrate specificity of mutant F159A toward aromatic substrate hydroxyphenylhydantoin (HPH) was enhanced by approximately 200-fold compared with that of the wild-type enzyme. Saturation mutagenesis at position 159 revealed that k(cat) for aromatic substrates increased gradually as the size of the amino acid side chain decreased, and this seems to be due to reduced steric hindrance between the bulky exocyclic group of the substrate and the amino acid side chains. When site-directed random mutagenesis of residues 63 and 65 was conducted with the wild type and mutant F159A, the selected enzymes (M63F/L65V and L65F/F159A) exhibited approximately 10-fold higher k(cat) values for HPH than the wild-type counterpart, which is likely to result from reorganization of the active site for efficient turnover. These results indicate that the amino acid residues of SGLs forming the substrate binding pocket are critical for the substrate specificity of D-hydantoinase, and the results also imply that substrate specificities of cyclic amidohydrolase family enzymes can be modulated by rational design of these SGLs.  相似文献   

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