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Alu elements are transposable elements that have reached over one million copies in the human genome. Some Alu elements inserted in the genome so recently that they are still polymorphic for insertion presence or absence in human populations. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in using Alu variation for studies of human population genetic structure and inference of individual geographic origin. Currently, this requires a high number of Alu loci. Here, we used a linker-mediated polymerase chain reaction method to preferentially identify low-frequency Alu elements in various human DNA samples with different geographic origins. The candidate Alu loci were subsequently genotyped in 18 worldwide human populations (approximately 370 individuals), resulting in the identification of two new Alu insertions restricted to populations of African ancestry. Our results suggest that it may ultimately become possible to correctly infer the geographic affiliation of unknown samples with high levels of confidence without having to genotype as many as 100 Alu loci. This is desirable if Alu insertion polymorphisms are to be used for human evolution studies or forensic applications.  相似文献   

Autosomal gene pools of 27 populations representing 12 ethnic groups of Siberia, Central Asia, and the Far East have been characterized for the first time using a set of eight polymorphic Alu insertions. The results of our analysis indicate a significant level of genetic diversity in populations of northern Eurasian and the considerable differentiation of their gene pool. It was shown that the frequency of the Alu (?) allele at the CD4 locus was inversely related to the magnitude of the Mongoloid component of the gene pool: the lowest and highest frequencies of the CD4 Alu deletion were recorded in Eskimos (0.012) and in Russians and Ukrainians (0.35), respectively. A gene flow analysis showed that Caucasoid populations (Russians, Tajiks, and Uzbeks), as well as Turkic ethnic groups of southern Siberia (Altaians and Tuvans), Khanty, and Mansi populations, in contrast to ethnic groups of eastern Siberia and the Far East, have been recipients of a considerable gene flow. A correlation analysis showed that genetic distances determined using polymorphic Alu insertions were correlated with the anthropological characteristics of the populations studied.  相似文献   

The technique of chromosomal orientation and direction fluorescence in situ hybridization (COD-FISH) was adapted for plant chromosomes in order to study long-range organization of two families of satellite repeats, VicTR-B of Vicia sativa and PisTR-B of Pisum sativum. The technique allowed FISH to be performed on mitotic chromosomes in a strand-specific manner, resulting in visualization of the repeat orientation along the chromosomes and with respect to the direction of telomeric repeats. The VicTR-B probe applied to V. sativa chromosomes produced signals on a single chromatid at most regions containing corresponding sequences, thus confirming a presence of long arrays of head-to-tail arranged repeat monomers which is typical for satellite DNA. However, hybridization signals of different or equal intensities on both chromatids were also detected at some loci, suggesting a more complex arrangement of the repeats. Similar observations were made for PisTR-B repeats on P. sativum chromosomes, although the proportion of loci displaying signals on both chromatids was lower. In contrast to VicTR-B, orientation of the PisTR-B clusters with respect to telomeric sequences appeared to be conserved among subtelomeric regions of metacentric chromosomes and of the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

Dunn DS  Tait BD  Kulski JK 《Immunogenetics》2005,56(10):765-768
There are five polymorphic Alu insertion (POALIN) loci within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region that have been strongly associated with HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-A1, HLA-A2 and HLA-B57. In order to assess the variability and frequency of POALIN distribution within two common HLA-B haplotypes, we detected the presence of the MHC class I POALIN by PCR in a panel of 15 individuals with HLA-B57 and 47 homozygous individuals with 7.1 AH (HLA-B7, -Cw7, -A3) obtained from the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and also from four families (25 individuals) containing the HLA-B57 allele. Only two of the 47 HLA-B7 genotypes had a detectable POALIN, whereas all of the HLA-B57 genotypes had at least one or more POALINs present, confirming that certain MHC class I haplotypes are relatively POALIN-free and others are POALIN-enriched. Six distinct HLA-B57 haplotypes, based on differences at the HLA-A locus and three of five POALIN loci, were identified that appear to have evolved by different mechanisms, including either by shuffling different combinations of conserved alpha and beta blocks or by recombination events involving two or more previously generated HLA-B57 haplotypes.  相似文献   

This study attempts to ascertain genetic affinities between Native American and East Asian populations by analyzing four polymorphic Alu insertions (PAIs) and three L1 polymorphic loci. These two genetic systems demonstrated strong congruence when levels of diversity and genetic distances were considered. Overall, genetic relatedness within Native American groups does not correlate with geographical and linguistic structure, although strong grouping for Native Americans with East Asians was demonstrated, with clear discrimination from African and European groups. Most of the variation was assigned to differences occurring within groups, but the interpopulation variation found for South Amerindians was recognizably higher in comparison to the other sampled groups of populations. Our data suggest that bottleneck events followed by strong influence of genetic drift in the process of the peopling of the Americas may have been determinant factors in delineating the genetic background of present-day South Amerindians. Since no clear subgroups were detected within Native Americans and East Asians, there is no indication of multiple waves in the early colonization of the New World.  相似文献   

The analysis of the genetic variability associated to Alu sequences was hampered by the absence of genome-wide methodologies able to efficiently detect new polymorphisms/mutations among these repetitive elements. Here we describe two Alu insertion profiling (AIP) methods based on the hybridization of Alu-flanking genomic fragments on tiling microarrays. Protocols are designed to preferentially detect active Alu subfamilies. We tested AIP methods by analyzing chromosomes 1 and 6 in two genomic samples. In genomic regions covered by array-features, with a sensitivity of 2% (AIP1) -4% (AIP2) and 5% (AIP1) -8% (AIP2) for the old J and S Alu lineages respectively, we obtained a sensitivity of 67% (AIP1) -90% (AIP2) for the young Ya subfamily. Among the loci showing sample-to-sample differences, 5 (AIP1) -8 (AIP2) were associated to known Alu polymorphisms. Moreover, we were able to confirm by PCR and DNA sequencing 4 new intragenic Alu elements, polymorphic in 10 additional individuals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The L1 retrotransposable element family is the most successful self-replicating genomic parasite of the human genome. L1 elements drive replication of Alu elements, and both have had far-reaching impacts on the human genome. We use L1 and Alu insertion polymorphisms to analyze human population structure. METHODS: We genotyped 75 recent, polymorphic L1 insertions in 317 individuals from 21 populations in sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, Europe and the Indian subcontinent. This is the first sample of L1 loci large enough to support detailed population genetic inference. We analyzed these data in parallel with a set of 100 polymorphic Alu insertion loci previously genotyped in the same individuals. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The data sets yield congruent results that support the recent African origin model of human ancestry. A genetic clustering algorithm detects clusters of individuals corresponding to continental regions. The number of loci sampled is critical: with fewer than 50 typical loci, structure cannot be reliably discerned in these populations. The inclusion of geographically intermediate populations (from India) reduces the distinctness of clustering. Our results indicate that human genetic variation is neither perfectly correlated with geographic distance (purely clinal) nor independent of distance (purely clustered), but a combination of both: stepped clinal.  相似文献   

The transfer of mitochondrial genetic material into the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes is a well-established phenomenon that has been previously limited to the study of static reference genomes. The recent advancement of high throughput sequencing has enabled an expanded exploration into the diversity of polymorphic nuclear mitochondrial insertions (NumtS) within human populations. We have developed an approach to discover and genotype novel Numt insertions using whole genome, paired-end sequencing data. We have applied this method to a thousand individuals in 20 populations from the 1000 Genomes Project and other datasets and identified 141 new sites of Numt insertions, extending our current knowledge of existing NumtS by almost 20%. We find that recent Numt insertions are derived from throughout the mitochondrial genome, including the D-loop, and have integration biases that differ in some respects from previous studies on older, fixed NumtS in the reference genome. We determined the complete inserted sequence for a subset of these events and have identified a number of nearly full-length mitochondrial genome insertions into nuclear chromosomes. We further define their age and origin of insertion and present an analysis of their potential impact to ongoing studies of mitochondrial heteroplasmy and disease.  相似文献   

The Alu family of intersperesed repeats is comprised of ovr 500,000 members which may be divided into discrete subfamilies based upon mutations held in common between members. Distinct subfamilies of Alu sequences have amplified within the human genome in recent evolutionary history. Several individual Alu family members have amplified so recently in human evolution that they are variable as to presence and absence at specific loci within different human populations. Here, we report on the distribution of six polymorphic Alu insetions in a survey of 563 individuals from 14 human population groups across several continents. Our results indicate that these polymorphic Alu insertions probably have an African origin and that there is a much smaller amount of genetic variation between European populations than that found between other populations groups. Present address: Department of Pathology, Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1901 Perdido St., New Orleans, LA 70112 Correspondence to: M.A. Batzer  相似文献   

Thorough assessment of modern genetic diversity and interpopulation affinities within the African continent is essential for understanding the processes that have been at work during the course of worldwide human evolution. Regardless of whether autosomal, Y-chromosome, or mtDNA markers are used, allele- or haplotype-frequency data from African populations are necessary in setting the framework for the construction of global population phylogenies. In the present study we analyze genetic differentiation and population structure in a data set of nine African populations using 12 polymorphic Alu insertions (PAls). Furthermore, to place our findings within a global context, we also examined an equal number of non-African groups. Frequency data from 456 individuals presented for the first time in this work plus additional data obtained from the literature indicate an overall pattern of higher intrapopulation diversity in sub-Saharan populations than in northern Africa, a prominent differentiation between these two locations, an appreciably high degree of transcontinental admixture in Egypt, and significant discontinuity between Morocco and the Iberian peninsula. Moreover, the topologies of our phylogenetic analyses suggest that out of the studied sub-Saharan groups, the southern Bantu population of Sotho/ Tswana presents the highest level of antiquity, perhaps as a result of ancestral or acquired Khoisan genetic signals. Close affinities of eastern sub-Saharan populations with Egypt in the phylogenetic trees may indicate the existence of gene flow along the Nile River.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of three rural populations of the Tuva Republic was examined using a set of five autosomal Alu insertions at the ACE, PLAT, PV92, APOA1, and F13B loci. The allele frequency distribution patterns revealed in Tuvinians were typical to Mongoloid populations of Asia and were characterized by relatively high frequency of the Alu-repeat insertion at the PV92 and F13B loci along with relatively low insertion frequency at the APOA1 locus. With respect to the test systems used, Tuvinian populations examined displayed high levels of genetic diversity. The mean expected heterozygosity values in the populations of Kugurtug, Toora-Khem, and Teeli were 0.433, 0.407, and 0.437, respectively. The level of genetic diversity in the pooled Tuvinian sample was 0.432. The coefficient of genetic differentiation in the three populations studied was 1.45 pointing to relatively low level of genetic subdivision of the indigenous Tuvinian populations. However, estimates of genetic differentiation of the Tuvinian gene pool made by use of the Alu-repeat system were higher compared to those performed using classical protein systems, mtDNA, or Y-chromosomal haplotypes. Even though Tuvinian populations were characterized by common gene pool, some features specific to Western Tuvinian population could be distinguished. These features could be associated with higher contribution of the Caucasian component to the gene pool of this population. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated close genetic relationships between the Tuvinian and Altaic ethnic populations.  相似文献   

Allelic frequency data derived from five polymorphic Alu insertion loci and five point mutation polymorphic loci were compared to determine their ability to infer phylogenetic relationships among human populations. While point mutation polymorphisms inferred a monophyletic Caucasian clade that is corroborated by other studies, these data failed to support the generally accepted monophyly of Orientals with native Americans. In addition, there is less statistical bootstrap support for the maximum-likelihood tree derived from the point mutation polymorphisms as compared to those generated from either the Alu insertion data or the combined Alu insertion+point mutation data. The Alu data and the combined Alu insertion+point mutation data inferred a monophyletic relationship among the Oriental and native American populations. The Alu insertion data and the combined Alu insertion+point mutation data also displayed two separate, well defined, tight clusters of the Caucasian and the Oriental+native American populations which was not inferred from the point mutation data. These findings indicate greater phylogenetic information contained in Alu insertion frequencies than in allelic frequencies derived from point-mutations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies and genetic diversity in the population of Teleuts were assessed by the Alu repeat polymorphism at eight autosomal loci (ACE, APOA1, PLAT, F13, PV92, A25, CD4, D1). For comparison, the study included previously obtained data on the Alu polymorphism in 19 indigenous populations of Siberia. On the dendrogram of genetic distances, the Teleut population is located in the cluster of Siberian ethnic groups, which are similar in origin, geography, and cultural traditions.  相似文献   

Two new polymorphic Alu elements (HS2.25 and HS4.14) belonging to the young (Ya5/8) subfamily of human-specific Alu repeats have been identified. DNA sequence analysis of both Alu repeats revealed that each Alu repeat had a long 3′-oligo-dA-rich tail (41 and 52 nucleotides in length) and a low level of random mutations. HS2.25 and HS4.14 were flanked by short precise direct repeats of 8 and 14 nucleotides in length, respectively. HS2.25 was located on human chromosome 13, and HS4.14 on chromosome 1. Both Alu elements were absent from the orthologous positions within the genomes of non-human primates, and were highly polymorphic in a survey of twelve geographically diverse human groups.  相似文献   

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