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Two linear killer plasmids (pGKL1 and pGKL2) from Kluyveromyces lactis stably replicated and expressed the killer phenotype in a neutral petite mutant [( rho0]) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, when cytoplasmic components were introduced by cytoduction from a wild-type [( rho+]) strain of S. cerevisiae, the linear plasmids became unstable and were frequently lost from the cytoductant cells during mitosis, giving rise to nonkiller clones. The phenomenon was ascribed to the incompatibility with the introduced S. cerevisiae mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), because the plasmid stability was restored by [rho0] mutations in the cytoductant cells. Incompatibility with mtDNA was also apparent for the transmission of plasmids into diploid progeny in crosses between killer cells carrying the pGKL plasmids and [rho+] nonkiller cells lacking the plasmids. High-frequency transmission of the plasmids was observed in crosses lacking mtDNA [( rho0] by [rho0] crosses) and in crosses involving mutated mtDNA with large deletions of various regions of mitochondrial genome. In contrast, mutated mtDNA from various mit- mutations also exerted the incompatibility effect on the transmission of plasmids. Double-stranded RNA killer plasmids were stably maintained and transmitted in the presence of wild-type mtDNA and stably coexisted with pGKL killer plasmids in [rho0] cells of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

By the kar1-mediated cytoduction, linear double-stranded DNA plasmids pGKL1 and pGKL2, encoding killer toxin complex, have been successfully transferred to the recipient strains with about 30% frequency. The killer toxin was found to be secreted through the normal yeast secretory pathway by introducing pGKL plasmids into the several Saccharomyces cerevisiae sec mutants and examining the secretion of killer toxin. S. cerevisiae cells, harboring newly isolated deletion plasmid pGKL1D, expressed only the 28K protein among three killer subunits, and secreted the 28K subunit at a level of zero to 20% efficiency of the cells containing intact pGKL1 plasmid. These data indicated that subunit interaction (cosecretion) of killer proteins is required for the efficient secretion of 28K subunit. The 28K precursor protein was found to translocate across the canine pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum membrane under the direction of its own signal peptide in vitro without any other subunits. From kex2 mutant cells harboring pGKL1 plasmid, the 97K subunit, and its precursor 128K protein were not secreted, however, the 28K subunit was secreted in the same amount as that secreted from KEX2 cells. These lines of evidence suggest that the final assembly of killer toxin complex after KEX2 site of Golgi apparatus is not essential for the secretion of 28K subunit, and therefore, that putative interaction between 128K protein and 28K subunit for the transport between endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus may be required for the efficient secretion of 28K subunit.  相似文献   

The terminal structures of linear DNA killer plasmids from yeast, pGKL1 and pGKL2, were analyzed. Results obtained by exonuclease treatments of these plasmids show that both pGKL plasmids have free hydroxyl 3'-ends and blocked 5'-ends. Electrophoretic analysis of the terminal restriction fragments treated with proteases revealed that pGKL1 and pGKL2 have proteins bound at 5'termini and that the terminal protein of pGKL1 is distinct from that of pGKL2. This is the first linear DNA-terminal protein association found in yeast.  相似文献   

The linear dsDNA plasmids, pGKL1 (8.9 kb) and pGKL2 (13.4 kb) discovered in Kluyveromyces lactis, confer killer and immunity characteristics upon various yeast strains. We have devised an immunity assay and have been able to show the expression of an immunity phenotype in the K. lactis transformants harbouring conventional circular plasmids which contain DNA fragments of pGKL1. Using this expression system, the immunity determinant on pGKL1 was identified as ORF5. In addition, the presence of pGKL2 was proved to be essential for the expression of the immunity phenotype. This is the first demonstration of this new pGKL2 function, as distinct from its known functions for the replication and maintenance of pGKL1 in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Summary The yeast Kluyveromyces lactis haboring linear DNA plasmids pGKL1 and pGKL2 exhibits killer and killer-resistant phenotypes. Two new linear plasmids pK192L and pK192S were found in the weak killer mutant KUV192 induced by UV irradiation. pK192S was always accompanied by pK192L in subclones of KUV192. Both plasmids were derived from pGKL1 by deletion of the large right part of it. pK192L was 4.9 kb in size and had a palindromic structure consisting of 2.35 kb inverted terminal repetitions and a 215 base unique sequence. Analysis of denatured and renatured DNA strands suggested that pK192S was a hairpin-like form of pK192L. The pK192 plasmids were maintained only in cells haboring either pGKL1 or pGKL1S in addition to pGKL2 and competed with pGKL1 or pGKL1S for their maintenance. Since no complete ORF1 was conserved in pK192 plasmids, these results lead to the conclusion that the ORF1 gene is necessary for the replication and/or maintenance of pGKL1.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were mixed with linear DNA plasmids, pGKl1 and pGKl2, isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis killer strain and treated with polyethylene glycol. Out of 2,000 colonies regenerated on a nonselective medium, two killer transformants were obtained. The pGKl plasmids and the killer character were stably maintained in one (Pdh-1) of them. Another transformant, Pdl-1, was a weak killer, and the subclones consisted of a mixture of weak and nonkiller cells. The weak killers were characterized by the presence of pGKl1 in a decreased amount, and nonkillers were characterized by the absence of pGKl1. The occurrence of two new plasmids which migrated faster than pGKl1 in an agarose gel was observed in Pdl-1 and its subclones, whether weak or nonkillers. Staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole revealed that the pGKl plasmids exist in the cytosol of transformant cells with numerous copy numbers.  相似文献   

An autonomously replicating segment, ARS, is located 293 base pairs downstream from the histone H4 gene at the copy-I H3-H4 locus. The sequences needed for autonomous replication were defined by deletion analysis to include an ARS consensus sequence and an additional 3'-flanking region. External deletions into the 3'-flanking yeast sequences resulted in a loss of replication function. However, disruptions of the required 3'-flanking domain by either 10-base-pair linker-scanning substitutions or larger internal deletions did not impair autonomous replication. Thus, replication is dependent upon a flanking chromosome domain, but not an exact DNA sequence. The extent of the yeast sequences required in the 3'-flanking domain is variable depending on the nature of neighboring plasmid vector sequences. That is, there are certain vector sequences that prohibit replication when they are placed too close to the ARS consensus. These results suggest that the functional 3'-flanking domain of the H4 ARS is a specific DNA or chromatin structure or both.  相似文献   

DNA复制是最基本的生命活动之一。DNA复制本身的错误及其过程控制的异常是细胞内基因组不稳定的主要来源,会导致细胞生长异常、衰老、癌变乃至死亡。为了保证基因组DNA能够精确且完整的复制,DNA复制受到严格的调控。在G1期,DNA复制解旋酶的核心组分Mcm2-7复合体被招募到复制起点,获得复制许可资格。进入S期后,在两个周期性蛋白激酶及多个支架蛋白的作用下,复制解旋酶的激活因子Cdc45和GINS复合体被招募至Mcm2-7,形成解旋酶全酶Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG)复合体。随后,众多复制相关蛋白在精准的时空控制下被招募至CMG平台并组装成复制机器,起始DNA双向复制。当相向而行的两个复制叉相遇,复制机器会从DNA链上解离下来,从而完成DNA复制。关于DNA复制过程的研究在近十年来取得了跨越式的突破。本文以酿酒酵母为例,围绕所有真核生物中都高度保守的DNA复制控制开关——CMG解旋酶,对真核生物DNA复制的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

We present the characteristics of the Csm1 (Spo86) protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are important for meiotic division. The level of Csm1p does not change throughout the cell cycle, but this protein is absent in mature spores. Deletion of CSM1 causes incorrect spore formation and meiotic chromosome missegregation together with increased sensitivity of vegetative cells to benomyl and manganese. In a two-hybrid analysis with Csm1p as bait, we detected interactions with three members of the Mcm2-7 family of proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication, and with Clf1p also implicated in replication. The Csm1p-Mcm3, Mcm5 and Mcm7p interactions were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Three other interacting proteins, Mgs1p, Ulp2, and Plp2, participate in chromosome assembling and segregation, whereas the function of two others has not been established. Genetic experiments showed that the two-hybrid isolates MGS1, CLF1, MCM3, 5, 7 (CDC47), and YDL089w, when overexpressed, partially suppress the csm1Delta/csm1Delta sporulation defect. We propose that, besides its other functions, Csm1p may be involved in premeiotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

Chatre L  Ricchetti M 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17235
The nuclear genome of eukaryotes is colonized by DNA fragments of mitochondrial origin, called NUMTs. These insertions have been associated with a variety of germ-line diseases in humans. The significance of this uptake of potentially dangerous sequences into the nuclear genome is unclear. Here we provide functional evidence that sequences of mitochondrial origin promote nuclear DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that NUMTs are rich in key autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) consensus motifs, whose mutation results in the reduction or loss of DNA replication activity. Furthermore, 2D-gel analysis of the mrc1 mutant exposed to hydroxyurea shows that several NUMTs function as late chromosomal origins. We also show that NUMTs located close to or within ARS provide key sequence elements for replication. Thus NUMTs can act as independent origins, when inserted in an appropriate genomic context or affect the efficiency of pre-existing origins. These findings show that migratory mitochondrial DNAs can impact on the replication of the nuclear region they are inserted in.  相似文献   

13 non-linked chromosomal mutations derepress the negative genetic control of copy number of K2 yeast killer plasmids and lead to 1.5-2-fold elevating of copy number of that type plasmids -L2A and M2 virus-like dsRNA. The content of both plasmids is increased 3-5-fold in cells with chromosomal ski5 mutation, as compared to the strains of wild type. Expression of ski5 allele is recessive. The dose effect of this allele is observed on haploid and diploid levels. Dominant ochre nonsense suppressors suppress the action of ski5 and the ski6 allele epistates that of ski5.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other yeast cells harboring the linear double stranded (ds) DNA plasmids pGKL1 and pGKL2 secrete a killer toxin consisting of 97K, 31K and 28K subunits into the culture medium (EMBO J. 5, 1995-2002 (1986), Nucleic Acids Res., 15, 1031-1046 (1987]. The 28K subunit of the killer toxin was successfully expressed in S. cerevisiae when it was cloned on a circular plasmid with its putative promoter region replaced with that of S. cerevisiae chromosomal genes. The expression of the 28K subunit of the killer toxin in killer-sensitive cells resulted in the death of the host cells. This killing activity by the 28K subunit was prevented by the expression of the killer immunity, indicating that the killing activity of the killer toxin complex was carried out by the 28K subunit. Although the 28K subunit was synthesized as a intact precursor protein with its own signal sequence, it was not secreted into the culture medium but remained in the host cells. This indicated that 28K subunit killed host cells from inside of the cells rather than from outside. We further suggested that 28K killer subunit without 97K and 31K subunits did not kill the killer-sensitive cells from outside.  相似文献   

Linear plasmids were constructed by adding telomeres prepared from Tetrahymena pyriformis rDNA to a circular hybrid Escherichia coli-yeast vector and transforming Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The parental vector contained the entire 2 mu yeast circle and the LEU gene from S. cerevisiae. Three transformed clones were shown to contain linear plasmids which were characterized by restriction analysis and shown to be rearranged versions of the desired linear plasmids. The plasmids obtained were imperfect palindromes: part of the parental vector was present in duplicated form, part as unique sequences and part was absent. The sequences that had been lost included a large portion of the 2 mu circle. The telomeres were approximately 450 bp longer than those of T. pyriformis. DNA prepared from transformed S. cerevisiae clones was used to transform Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The transformed S. pombe clones contained linear plasmids identical in structure to their linear parents in S. cerevisiae. No structural re-arrangements or integration into S. pombe was observed. Little or no telomere growth had occurred after transfer from S. cerevisiae to S. pombe. A model is proposed to explain the genesis of the plasmids.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterize the indigenous wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae diversity within the Argentinean Patagonia. Two cellars with particular enological practices located in different winegrowing areas were selected and 112 indigenous S. cerevisiae isolates were obtained from spontaneous red wine fermentations carried out in them. Thirty-five and 19 patterns were distinguished among the total indigenous isolates using mtDNA-RFLP and killer biotype analysis, respectively. The combination of both typing techniques rendered a higher variability with 42 different patterns, i.e. 42 strains, evidencing a great diversity in S. cerevisiae populations associated with spontaneous red wine fermentations in Northwestern Patagonia. The analysis of the relatedness among strains using Principal Coordinates Analysis from combined data allowed the clustering of the strains into two populations significantly related to their origin fermentations. The combined use of the mtDNA-RFLP analysis together with the killer biotype method proved to be a powerful tool in the fingerprinting of the enological S. cerevisiae strains.  相似文献   

We describe a convenient method for the in vivo construction of large plasmids that possess a multitude of restriction sites. A large (23 kbases) circular self-replicating plasmid carrying a partial LEU2-d gene was cotransformed with a circular non-replicating plasmid carrying the entire LEU2 gene. In vivo recombination results preferentially in a plasmid that carries both the LEU2-d and the entire LEU2 gene. In addition we also found one plasmid with a tandem LEU2 insertion and one plasmid where the LEU2-d gene was replaced by the entire LEU2 gene.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae ACR2 gene encodes an arsenate reductase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The ACR2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was disrupted by insertion of a HIS3 gene. Cells with the disruption were sensitive to arsenate. This phenotype could be complemented by ACR2 on a plasmid. The ACR2 gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as a malE gene fusion with a C-terminal histidine tag. The combination of chimeric MBP-Acr2-6H protein and yeast cytosol from an ACR2-disrupted strain exhibited arsenate reductase activity.  相似文献   

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