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Seed biology and in vitro seed germination of Cypripedium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cypripedium orchids have high horticultural value. The populations of most species are very geographically restricted and they are becoming increasingly rare due to the destruction of native habitats and illegal collection. Reduction of the commercial value through large-scale propagation in vitro is a preferable option to reduce pressure from illegal collection. Cypripedium species are commercially propagated via seed germination in vitro. This review focuses on in vitro seed germination and provides an in-depth analysis of the seed biology of this genus.  相似文献   

The reproductive capacities of the females (male-steriles or mS) of Thymus vulgaris L. have been investigated, in terms of size and weight of plants, seed production, germination ability and pollination. The data, collected during nine years under controlled conditions and in natural situations are discussed in comparison with the results known in the literature. It is suggested that the large diversity of characteristics promoting sexual polymorphism could justify the high and variable rates of mS met in natural conditions in T. vulgaris.  相似文献   

对0、30、150、300、450和600μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下狭叶香蒲(TyphaangustifoliaLinn.)种子的萌发特性进行了研究,并分析了0、450、900、1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫对狭叶香蒲幼苗叶片及根系中部分生理生化指标的影响。结果表明:随Pb浓度提高,狭叶香蒲种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数以及下胚轴长度均逐渐下降且低于对照,而其下胚轴长度抑制指数则逐渐增大,但在30μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下各项萌发指标均与对照无显著差异。叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总叶绿素含量随Pb浓度提高呈逐渐下降趋势,但在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照无显著差异,而在1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下显著低于对照。在Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根中SOD活性均显著高于对照但变化趋势不同;随Pb浓度提高,叶片SOD活性呈波动但整体上升的趋势,而根中SOD活性则呈逐渐降低的趋势。叶片和根中POD活性均随Pb浓度提高呈持续上升的趋势,其中,在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下叶片的POD活性低于对照、根的POD活性高于对照,但均与对照无显著差异;而在1800和2700μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根的POD活性均显著高于对照。在Pb胁迫条件下叶片和根中AsA和MDA含量均高于对照。随Pb浓度提高,叶片的AsA含量总体上逐渐增加但在450和900μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照无显著差异;而根的AsA含量则呈先增加后降低的趋势且均与对照差异显著。随Pb浓度提高,叶片的MDA含量先增后降但均与对照无显著差异;而根的MDA含量呈“高-低-高”的波动趋势且仅在450μmol·L-1Pb胁迫条件下与对照差异显著。综合分析结果显示:狭叶香蒲幼苗根系对Pb胁迫的敏感性可能强于叶片;狭叶香蒲种子可在轻度Pb污染水体中萌发和生长;其幼苗对Pb胁迫具有一定的耐性,可用于中度Pb污染水体的修复。  相似文献   

黄仕训  王燕   《广西植物》2000,(3):250-254
棕种子萌发和幼苗生长十分缓慢 ,为了探索加快种子萌发和幼苗生长的方法 ,对棕种子进行不同处理、不同时间催芽和催芽后不同处理等试验 ,结果表明 :(1)生长调节剂 3号 ABT生根粉、吲哚丁酸和 2 ,4 - D可提高种子萌发率 ,促进幼苗生长。 (2 )播种前催芽可促使种子提前萌发 ,延长幼苗生长期 ,使当年生苗更粗壮 ;贮藏 3个月后催芽可提高 10 %~ 15%的发芽率。 (3)催芽后用 50 mg/ L和 10 0 mg/ L的 3号 ABT生根粉、或者 10 0 mg/ L的萘乙酸浸泡都可以提高幼苗出土率 ,但对幼苗生长没有明显影响。  相似文献   

邱玥  龚宁  张奎一 《广西植物》2010,30(4):555-559
研究了影响金线兰种子非共生萌发的因素,并应用正交试验研究基本培养基、6-BA、ZT、NAA四种因素对原球茎增殖的作用。结果表明:授粉类型对金线兰种子非共生萌发影响较大,异株异花、同株异花以及同株同花授粉所得的种子的萌发率分别为78.53%、69.62%、39.87%;蒴果成熟度以生长150d为宜,采收后萌发率可达78.59%;冷藏影响种子的活力,种子的萌发率随冷藏时间的延长而降低;使用次氯酸钠浸泡后的种子与对照相比,其萌发率无明显差异;NAA对原球茎增殖作用显著,适宜于原球茎增殖的培养基为1/2MS+ZT0.5mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿(Medicagosativa)是世界人工草地重要的优良牧草.研究其种子萌发和幼苗生长对温度、光照及埋深等环境因子的响应,对苜蓿草地的种植及管理具有重要的实践指导意义.采用室内控制实验,分析了紫花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长对恒温(10、15、20、25、30℃)、变温(6/15、10/20、15/25、15/30、...  相似文献   

杜丽思  李铷  董玉梅  黄邦成  傅杨  汤东生 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5662-5669
胜红蓟为我国南部低海拔区域农田和果园恶性杂草。为揭示胜红蓟环境适应规律、明确其危害性,评价和分析了胜红蓟种子萌发对光照、温度、pH、盐度、渗透势等环境因子的响应特征。结果表明:胜红蓟种子在10—30℃内均能萌发,最适萌发温度为20℃,交替温度处理可提高种子的萌发率。胜红蓟种子萌发对光照敏感,无光照处理种子不萌发。土壤相对湿度在50%—100%范围内,种子出苗率均高于55%,最适相对湿度为70%。胜红蓟种子仅能在土壤表面萌发,1 cm的播种深度完全抑制种子萌发。pH值在5—10之间,种子萌发率高于85%,最适pH值为7。NaCl浓度在0—80 mmol/L以内种子萌发率超过88%,浓度为160 mmol/L时萌发率接近30%。渗透势在-0.40—0 MPa以内种子萌发率高于70%,渗透势为-0.6 MPa时种子不能萌发。由此可见,胜红蓟种子萌发具有广阔的环境适生范围,对农作物具有较强的早期危害性。  相似文献   

肥皂草种子的休眠和萌发特性初探   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
用刀片切破肥皂草种子的种皮,可以有效地破除肥皂草种子休眠,第2天就达到完全萌发。变温0℃/25℃(12 h黑暗/12 h光照)处理可以有效地促进肥皂草种子的萌发,达到完全萌发需要20 d。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘灌木种子的萌发特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔现亮  王桔红  齐威  郑秀芳 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5294-5302
种子萌发和种子大小是植物生活史中的两个关键性特征,它关系到幼苗的建成、存活、竞争和个体未来的适合度。对青藏高原东缘43种灌木(12种优势种,31种常见种)种子的萌发特性、萌发模式以及种子大小对萌发能力的影响进行了比较研究。结果显示,萌发率在80%以上的物种:优势种有3种(鲜卑花、千里香杜鹃和山生柳),占25%;常见种有1种(白毛银露梅),占3.23%。萌发率在60%~80%的物种:优势种有1种(中国沙棘),占8.33%;常见种有12种(红毛杜鹃、蒙古绣线菊、短叶锦鸡儿等),占38.71%。萌发率在40%~60%的物种:优势种有1种(锥花小檗),占8.33%;常见种有5种(暴马丁香、密叶锦鸡儿和肋果沙棘等),占16.13%。萌发率在20%~40%的物种:优势种有2种(烈香杜鹃和小叶金露梅),占6.45%;常见种有1种(紫丁香),占3.23%。萌发率在20%以下的物种:优势种有5种(置疑小檗、高山绣线菊和岩生忍冬等),占41.67%;常见种有12种(甘肃小檗、刚毛忍冬、陕甘花楸等),占36.36%。优势种和常见种的萌发主要有爆发型、过渡型、缓萌型和低萌型。优势种具有较多的过渡型和缓萌型种,有较少爆发型和低萌型种;常见种中过渡型、缓萌型和低萌型物种比例均在30%左右,爆发型仅有3.32%。优势种中的爆发型要多于常见种,而低萌型的种要少于常见种。萌发率和萌发速率与种子大小呈显著的负相关关系,萌发开始时间和萌发持续时间与种子大小有较弱的关联性。  相似文献   

濒危树种闽楠种子和幼苗生态学研究   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28  
吴大荣  王伯荪 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1751-1760
从1995至1998年,通过种子收集器布设、不同程度圈围的样方处理、实验室和野外发芽实验、相邻格子样方调查和土壤中种子的筛选等一系列方法,对福建罗卜岩闽楠种子质资源保护区内闽楠为优势的常绿阔叶林群落中闽楠种群的果实、种子库、种子散布、果实/种子捕良、种子萌发和幼苗存活等进行了研究。结果表明:1995至1996年果实量为116个/m^2,成熟高峰期在1996年1月中旬。1997年至1998年为103个/m^2,成熟高峰期在1997年12月中旬。1997年至1998年,绝大部分(90.1%)的果实直接从母树上掉落,低于9.5%的果实由鸟类传播。实验室的种子发芽率为93%,而在野外仅为12%。野外发芽率低多由种子霉烂引起。闽楠的种子寿命较短,其种子在次年4月初开始萌发,7月之后地面种子即丧夫活力。动物捕食不仅影响种子的存活,同时也影响幼苗的死亡率,未经圈围与样地中被取食的果实和幼苗数量有显著差异。在新形成的林窗中或远离母树均降低了果实的迁移和幼苗的死亡率。但各因素交互作用有所不同。密度相关效应发生在2-3个月的幼苗阶段,之后,密度高低对果实被取食和幼苗死亡没有显著的影响。这些结果表明,闽楠种子和幼苗经历较大的环境压力,即在高湿度生境中母树树冠下的种子不仅易受到土壤病原菌的感染,同样容易遭受动物所捕食,从而导致较低的野外种子发芽率和幼苗存活率。这是闽楠致濒的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

王东丽  焦菊英  王宁  寇萌  徐海燕  于卫洁 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6743-6752
为明确黄土丘陵沟壑区植物种子库如何调控种子萌发来提高个体适合度,选择研究区7种具有种子库的主要物种为研究对象,以刚成熟和室内储存种子为对照,比较植冠宿存(5个宿存期)和土壤埋藏(5a埋藏期)对植物种子萌发特性的影响,探讨植冠种子库与土壤种子库储存下的种子萌发策略。结果表明:7种植物种子经过不同种子库储存后萌发特性表现出明显的种间差异,黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)和水栒子(Cotoneaster multiflorus)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存不变型、土壤储存增强型,土壤储存明显提高水栒子种子萌发速率;达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)和狼牙刺(Sophora davidii)种子萌发力表现为植冠宿存增强型、土壤储存减弱型,种子萌发历时表现为植冠宿存延长型,土壤种子库储存还可加快达乌里胡枝子萌发速率、缩短萌发历时;茭蒿(Artemisia giralaii)和铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii),种子萌发率随植冠宿存时间先升高后降低,随土壤储存时间先降低后升高,土壤储存可推迟其萌发,铁杆蒿种子萌发速率在植冠与土壤储存后均加快;紫丁香(Syringa oblata)种子萌发率随植冠宿存先升高后降低,土壤储存明显加快其种子启动萌发与速率。在黄土丘陵沟壑区,植物种子经过植冠或土壤种子库储存,或增加、加快、提早萌发充分利用有利条件提高占据性,或减少、减缓、推迟萌发分摊不利条件的风险;而且该区植物植冠与土壤储存后种子萌发特性间的关系,体现各自适应环境与应对干扰的分工与协作策略,主要表现为:单一主导型和相辅相成型。  相似文献   

We analyze the so-called ‘exponential decay’ model of pollen transfer for the case in which pollinators visit a fraction of the open flowers on a plant. The analysis is limited to the simplest case of a self-incompatible species, in which self pollen does not interfere with seed set. Plants can manipulate the number of flowers visited per pollinator approach by adjusting attractiveness of flowers so as to maximize pollen export (male fitness). In the model the length of the visitation sequence that is optimal for the plant f? always decreases with pollen deposition rate k1, pollen uptake rate k2, and the number of pollinator approaches to the plant X, but increases with the total number of flowers F. We assume that the average number of pollinator approaches X increases with the total number of flowers F, but slower than proportionality. It then follows that the optimal fraction of flowers a pollinator visits after arriving on the plant (f?/F) decreases with the total number of flowers F. Furthermore, the male fitness gain per flower generally decreases with number of flowers, except for the condition of ‘inefficient’ pollen transfer with very small values of k1, k2, and X, or when the plant has only a few flowers. The latter conditions should favour high nectar production and mass blooming. The known range of parameters suggests that male fitness increases with the total number of flowers slower than proportionality.  相似文献   

旋转磁场对小麦种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何正婷  蹇兴亮 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1076-1081
以“淮麦19”小麦种子为研究对象,采用磁场强度为11 mT的旋转磁场进行处理,设定不同的时间梯度(10、20、30、60 min),以未经磁场处理的为对照,研究了不同处理时间下旋转磁场对小麦种子发芽指标及幼苗生理特性的影响。结果表明:旋转磁场处理对小麦种子萌发具有促进作用,不同处理时间下,种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数均有显著提高,随着时间的增加呈现先上升后下降的趋势,以处理30 min为最高,分别比对照提高了8.24%、7.37%、11.24%。经旋转磁场处理后,小麦根系发达,根长、根数均显著高于对照;幼苗生长加快,株高除处理60 min外,其他处理均显著高于对照,以处理30 min为最大,高出对照11.13%;叶片数除处理10 min外,其他处理均高于对照,以处理30 min为最大,比对照高出38.89%,且差异显著。旋转磁场处理显著增加了小麦幼苗的物质积累,不同处理时间表现出不同的效果,对幼苗生物积累量影响最佳的是处理20 min。这说明旋转磁场处理提高了小麦种子的萌发能力,加快了小麦幼苗的生长速度。  相似文献   

Ocotea porosa has been extensively exploited over the past few decades because of the quality of its wood. Today, populations are reduced and the species is now included in the Red List of threatened species by the International Union for Nature Conservation. For conservation and management purposes, it is extremely important that we understand its reproductive ecology. Floral morphology was described based on field and scanning electron microscopic examination. The reproductive system was determined through experimentally controlled pollination along with observations of pollen tube growth. Pollinators were identified through field observations. Flowers of O. porosa are small, shallow, inconspicuous, asynchronous and grouped in inflorescences. This species presented self‐compatibility, but did not reproduce through apomixy and spontaneous self‐pollination was very rare (5%). Despite being monoclinal, flowers were protogynic, and the gynoecium was receptive after the first day of anthesis when the anthers were closed. Spontaneous self‐pollination was avoided by the extrorse position of the anthers of the internal stamens. Frankliniella gardeniae (Thysanoptera) was the only pollinating species observed and, after visiting several asynchronous flowers in the same inflorescence, favors geitonogamy. Together the small distance supposedly achieved by thrips in flight and the small population density of O. porosa can reduce the chances of cross‐pollination in this species. If so, conservation measures must include preservation of the current population and possibly planting to increase population density. This would reduce the distance between individuals and increase genetic variability. Thrips as pollinators must be included in conservation planning for O. porosa.  相似文献   

Traits are important for understanding how plant communities assemble and function, providing a common currency for studying ecological processes across species, locations, and habitat types. However, the majority of studies relating species traits to community assembly rely upon vegetative traits of mature plants. Seed traits, which are understudied relative to whole‐plant traits, are key to understanding assembly of plant communities. This is particularly true for restored communities, which are typically started de novo from seed, making seed germination a critical first step in community assembly and an early filter for plant establishment. We experimentally tested the effects of seed traits (mass, shape, and embryo to seed size ratio) and phylogeny on germination response in 32 species commonly used in prairie grassland restoration in the Midwestern USA, analyzing data using time‐to‐event (survival) analysis. As germination is also influenced by seed dormancy, and dormancy break treatments are commonly employed in restoration, we also tested the effects of two pretreatments (cold stratification and gibberellic acid application) on time to germination. Seed traits, phylogeny, and seed pretreatments all affected time to germination. Of all traits tested, variables related to seed shape (height and shape variance) best predicted germination response, with high‐variance (i.e., pointier and narrower) seeds germinating faster. Phylogenetic position (the location of species on the phylogenetic tree relative to other tested species) was also an important predictor of germination response, that is, closely related species showed similar patterns in time to germination. This was true despite the fact that all measured seed traits showed phylogenetic signal, therefore phylogeny provided residual information that was not already captured by measured seed traits. Seed traits, phylogenetic position, and germination pretreatments were important predictors of germination response for a suite of species commonly used in grassland restoration. Shape traits were especially important, while mass, often the only seed trait used in studies of community assembly, was not a strong predictor of germination timing. These findings illustrate the ecological importance of seed traits that are rarely incorporated into functional studies of plant communities. This information can also be used to advance restoration practice by guiding restoration planning and seed mix design.  相似文献   

The present study examined seed dispersal and germination in three of the most threatened endemic labiates of Cyprus: Origanum cordifolium , Phlomis brevibracteata and Phlomis cypria ssp. occidentalis . Some common traits in these taxa can be correlated with their overall survival strategy. Seeds mature in mid to late summer, but most seeds remain on the mother plants until the beginning of the rainy season. The opening of the calyces containing the seeds seems to be caused by absorption of moisture. Water is also the most important dispersal factor because the seeds are dispersed by rain. Seed germination occurs at relatively low temperatures that prevail in the field at the beginning of the rainy season. This behavior provides the plants with ecological advantages because their seeds are exposed on the soil at the most appropriate period (mid to late autumn) for germination and seedling survival. The present study contributes substantially to in situ and ex situ conservation of these threatened plants.  相似文献   

Seed germination time course and seedling development mechanisms of Clintonia udensis Trautv. et Mey. (Uvulariaceae) were investigated under experimental condition. Seed germination tests were carried out under four thermal regimes, i. e. 10, 15, 20, and 25°C, after seeds were harvested, and stored at 5°C in wet conditions for 6 months under light‐exposed or shaded conditions. Approximately 63% of all seeds produced had the potential to germinate beyond 4 years and 6 months. The developmental process after germination continued for over 2 years. Phase I: the radicle first breaks through the seed coat 2 years after fructification. Phase II: the radicle becomes much larger with a hypocotyle. Phase III: part of the cotyledon elongates over 20 mm. Phase IV: the plumule further develops in two steps, i. e. the plumule is first formed, while cotyledon is disappearing, and then the plumule appears with second and third radicles, growing with cotyledon.  相似文献   

铝浸种对荞麦种子萌发和幼苗生理的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
对2个荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentumMoench)品种(小白花叶和溪荞5号)在铝浸种后萌发特性和幼苗的生理变化进行了初步研究。结果表明,10~1000mg.L-1的铝浸种处理对2个荞麦品种的发芽率和发芽指数影响不明显,低浓度铝(≤100mg.L-1)处理可降低荞麦种子细胞膜透性,减少细胞内营养物质的外渗,促进种子的萌发。5000mg.L-1的铝处理降低了荞麦的发芽指数。种子萌发后,铝对荞麦根的伸长有抑制作用,并且随着铝浓度的增加,抑制作用增大。10~1000mg.L-1的铝浸种处理对荞麦叶片内MDA含量影响较小,但高浓度的铝处理(5000mg.L-1)明显增加了MDA的含量;POD、SS、Pro随着铝浓度增加都有先降低后增加的趋势;不同品种叶片内CAT活性变化趋势不同,小白花叶内CAT活性对铝的敏感性大于溪荞5号。试验结果可以看出,荞麦种子和幼苗对环境中的铝都有较强的耐受性,在铝胁迫下,荞麦可以通过升高POD活性以及增加SS和Pro含量来缓解铝毒害,不同荞麦的基因型对铝毒害的反应有一定的差异性。  相似文献   

岩黄连是一种多年生草本植物,主要分布于我国西南部岩溶地区,具有重要的生态及医药价值,开发利用前景广阔。由于生存环境脆弱和人为采挖的影响使得野生岩黄连资源面临枯竭,因此被列入2021年国家重点保护野生植物名录。为探索该物种濒危的原因,该文研究了种子保存方法、化学试剂前处理、温度、光照、干旱、pH以及混沙保湿冷藏处理对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)低温保存能够延长岩黄连种子的活性,保存2 a的种子萌发率仍能达到30%。(2)化学试剂HCl及NaClO对种子的前处理使其发芽率提升50%~60%;种子在20℃时萌发率能达到50%,而30℃时基本不能萌发;黑暗条件下的萌发率显著高于周期性光照条件;萌发率随着干旱程度加深不断下降;萌发率在pH值3.0~8.0的条件下无显著变化。(3)混沙保湿冷藏使种子发芽势和萌发率显著提高,萌发率达到对照的2倍。综上认为,岩黄连种子在室温条件下易失活且不能在30℃以上高温萌发的特性与其濒危有较大关系;高效的种子萌发方法可以为岩黄连保护与产业化应用提供有效途径。该研究结果为野生岩黄连的保育提供了理论和技术保障,为其大田栽培和产业化推广提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

Germination and seedling survival of some woody plants were examined in a colony of the common cormorant at Unoyama, central Japan. The germination ofQuercus serrata andPinus densiflora was less successful in the colony than outside the colony. The percentage of germination success was negatively correlated with the amount of cormorant faeces scattered on the ground and also with the soil water conent. Most of the germinated seedlings inside of the colony died with symptoms such as necrosis spreading from the edge of leaves. Saplings ofQ. serrata also tended to die more in the colony than outside the colony. The survival rate ofQuercus glauca seedlings with scattered faeces on their leaves and/or on the the surrounding soil was significantly lower than the rate of those free of faeces. These results suggest that in the cormorant colony, germination of seeds and seedling survival are greatly inhibited due to both the direct and indirect effects of cormorant faeces.  相似文献   

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