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Aechmea nudicaulis is a clonal bromeliad common to the Brazilian Atlantic forest complex and is found abundantly in the sandy coastal plain vegetation (restinga) on the north coast of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. This restinga site is structured in vegetation islands, and the species plays a key role as a nurse plant, much favoured by its clonality. We studied the clonal structure and consequences of clonality on the population spatial genetic structure (SGS) of this species using six nuclear microsatellites. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed to study the effects of sexual and clonal reproduction on the dispersal of A. nudicaulis. Analyses were performed at the genet (i.e. excluding clonal repeats) and ramet levels. Genotypic richness was moderate (R = 0.32), mostly as a result of the dominance of a few clones. The spatial distribution of genets was moderately intermingled, the mean clone size was 4.9 clonal fragments per genet and the maximum clonal spread was 25 m. Expected heterozygosities were high and comparable with those found in other clonal plants. SGS analyses at the genet level revealed significantly restricted gene dispersal (Sp = 0.074), a strong SGS compared with other herbaceous species. The clonal subrange extended across 23 m where clonality had a significant effect on SGS. The restricted dispersal and SGS pattern in A. nudicaulis, coupled with high levels of genetic diversity, indicated a recruitment at windows of opportunity (RWO) strategy. Moreover, the spatial distribution of genetic variation and the habitat occupation pattern in A. nudicaulis were dependent not only on the intrinsic biological traits of the species (such as spacer size and mating system), but also on biotic interactions with neighbouring species that determined suitable habitats for germination and the establishment of new genets. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 329–342.  相似文献   

The genus Setaria is economically important because many species are cultivated for grains or forage. Setaria magna is an American species, native to North America and introduced in South America. The morphological aspect of this species is similar to S. italica (foxtail millet), suggesting its potential value as a crop. The purpose of this work was to understand the breeding system (self-pollination vs. open pollination) of S. magna; additionally, the floral development was described. The results of the breeding system analysis indicated that S. magna is mainly autogamous and does not appear to have a self-incompatibility mechanism. The floral development observed was similar to that described for other Paniceae; in most of the spikelets only the upper anthecium developed fruit, but a small number of spikelets presented bisexual lower florets. These spikelets produced two caryopses per spikelet. Thus, S. magna can produced two types of dispersal units; a few whitish naked caryopses from the lower anthecium that fall without their lemma and palea at maturity; and a high number of brown caryopses protected by the lemma and palea from the upper anthecium. The presence of a normal embryo sac in the upper anthecium suggests that S. magna would present normal sexual reproduction, although we can not reject the formation of apomitic seeds in the lower anthecium.  相似文献   

Utricularia reniformis is an endemic Brazilian carnivorous plant, most common in high‐altitude grasslands. Knowledge of the reproductive biology of U. reniformis is essential for planning conservation strategies, but it is currently poorly understood. Thus, we studied the floral morphology, floral biology, breeding system and pollination of this species. U. reniformis produces and stores nectar in the flower spur, a classic feature of bee‐pollinated flowers, and we recorded Xylocopa sp. and Bombus sp. as pollinators. Moreover, although it is self‐compatible it is an obligate animal‐pollinated species, as the sensitive stigma avoids self‐pollination. However, in natural conditions reproductive success is low due to the rarity of visits from pollinators. We suggest that the low reproductive success caused by a deficit of pollinators may affect gene flow, causing loss of genetic diversity in U. reniformis.  相似文献   

Armases angustipes (Grapsidae) crabs were recorded on 31.5 percent of Aechmea pectinata inflorescences, a common ornithofilous bromeliad in rain forests of southeastern Brazil. Crabs foraged mainly in the morning and used newly opened flowers, usually damaging the corolla, consuming the stamens and stigma, and interfering with hummingbird visits. This florivory may reduce the reproductive success of A. pectinata, both directly through consumption of flowers and indirectly by reducing pollinator visits.  相似文献   

Reproductive systems are life attributes important in defining the demography and genetic constitution of invasive alien species populations. We describe the phenology, floral behavior and floral visitors in Mexican populations of Leonotis nepetifolia considered invasive in America, Asia and Oceania. The mating system was determined through pollination experiments and, with a morphological analysis of flowers (outcrossing index, OCI) and pollen/ovule ratio, the breeding system was evaluated. Germination of 1 and 2-year-old seeds was tested to assess the potential characteristics of germination. Leonotis nepetifolia was reproductive for 7 months (June to December) and tended towards a specific season during autumn. Anthesis lasted 36 hr with protogyny and no hercogamy, with floral visitors of Apodiformes, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera. Pollination experiments indicated a mixed mating system, whereas the OCI and the pollen/ovule ratio pointed towards a facultative xenogamous breeding system. Seed production was high (1,445 ± 132 seeds/plant); the seeds had potential longevity and were neutral photoblastic. One-year-old seeds germinated slightly later ( = 2.6 ± 0.11 days) than 2-year-old seeds ( = 1.9 ± 0.02 days), both synchronously (IS1yr = 0.88 ± 0.03 and IS2yr = 0.82 ± 0.02). Germination percentage for 1-year-old seeds was lower (55.33 ± 4.40%) than that of 2-year-old seeds (94.18 ± 0.59%), suggesting a potential longevity of the seeds in an optimal environment. Reproductive characteristics, such as wide reproductive period, mixed breeding system, copious seed production, seeds with potential longevity, and quick and synchronic germination in different light conditions, favor the invasive capacity of Leonotis nepetifolia.  相似文献   

We investigated pollination biology and breeding systems in hybridizing populations of Pitcairnia albiflos and P. staminea; both species are endemic to rocky outcrops at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These species are morphologically distinct and easily recognized by floral color: white in P. albiflos and red in P. staminea. Putative hybrids show a large range of intermediate pink floral colors. The showy hermaphroditic flowers offer pollen and nectar that attract many visitors including bees, butterflies, hawk moths, and bats. Although the flowers of both parental species and hybrids open at night, only P. albiflos had other adaptations for nocturnal pollination. Flowering times overlapped during three consecutive years of observation. Bees visited both species and putative hybrids. Cross-pollinations were performed within and among parental species and hybrids in a greenhouse using plants transplanted from the field. Pitcairnia staminea and hybrids are self-compatible and could be spontaneously self-pollinated, whereas P. albiflos, though self-compatible, needs pollinators' services for self-pollination. Facultative agamospermy was found in the parental species. Prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers between these taxa were weak. Reciprocal hand-pollinations between parental species and with hybrids yielded high fruit sets with viable seeds. Evaluations of fruit set, seed set, seed germination, and pollen viability were undertaken to compare the fitness of the hybrids relative to their parents. The hybrids showed equivalent fitness, except for lower pollen viability. Some conservation implications are noted.  相似文献   

Abstract Banksia brownii is an endangered species, now limited to ~ 15 disjunct populations in southwestern Western Australia. Data on flowering phenology, plant size, fruit set, pollination and the mating system were gathered for two of these populations between March and October 1993. Flowering for both populations followed a similar pattern, with open flowers first evident in April, and the number of inflorescences with open flowers peaking in June. At both locations, trees differed considerably with respect to their size, the total number of inflorescences produced and the length of their flowering season. Fruiting success was typically low, with approximately half of all inflorescences failing to develop into infructescences. Only 1. 8% of the flowers originally present on inflorescences developed into follicles. The distribution of follicles along each infructescence was non-random, with most forming in the middle third of the infructescence for reasons relating to nutrient supply and pollinator behaviour. More flowers opened during the day than at night, although pollen was lost from individual flowers during both periods. Honeyeaters such as Phylidonyris novaehollandiae were common at the two study sites, and often carried large loads of B. brownii pollen. Though less frequently caught, the nocturnal mammals Rattus fuscipes and Tarsipes rostratus also bore substantial amounts of pollen. Most inflorescences from which these mammals and birds were excluded remained barren. Fruiting success was further reduced when invertebrates such as Apis mellifera were also prevented from visiting inflorescences. The ability of B. brownii to set at least some fruit in the absence of biotic poli-nators indicates that the species is partially self-compatible. Honeyeaters foraged preferentially at inflorescences with one to two thirds of their flowers open, probing mainly along the ‘advancing front’ of open flowers. These animals moved more frequently between inflorescences on the same plant than between those on different plants, and were often recaptured in the same locations. Mammals also appeared to be sedentary. Both B. brownii populations had mixed mating systems, with genetically determined outcrossing rates of ~0.7. The unusually high level of selfing in each population is presumably a reflection of the species’ self-compatibility and the foraging behaviour of its pollinators.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive biology of the andromonoecious shrub Trevoa quinquenervia Gill. & Hook, were studied in a population located in central Chile. Flowering extends from mid August to the end of December. The small, white, entomophilous flowers are incompletely protandrous and last c. 5 days. A weak, pleasant odour along with nectar and pollen attracts 17 diurnal insect species, seven of which are probable pollinators: these include Diptera (Syrphidae and Bombyliidae), Hymenoptera (Apidae and Colletidae) and Coleoptera (Melyridae). Besides perfect flowers T. quinquenervia individuals possess c. 10% staminate flowers, which are lighter, seem to be shorter-lived, and show a smaller gynoecium with abnormal ovules. Reproduction is exclusively sexual and apparently xenogamous, with pollen transfer depending on insect vectors. Although flower morphology and individual flower phenology do not fully prevent self-pollination (and geitonogamy can easily take place) the level of autogamy is low. Therefore, some self-incompatibility mechanism seems operative in this species. Fruit set of open-pollinated flowers is 6.6%, and ripe fruits contain on average 0.66 viable seeds. Predispersal (maternal) reproductive success (percent ovules becoming viable seeds) is 1.45%. For medium to full-sized individuals this corresponds to c. 2600 to 8600 potential offspring per year. Beyond the production of male flowers, four other aspects of the species' reproductive biology seem directed to enhance pollen export, partly implying increased male allocation: (a) a high pollen:ovule ratio, (b) protection of anthers against pollen-robbing by means of the cucullate petals, (c) secondary pollen presentation in a hairy barrier located above the nectary, and (d) a reduction in female allocation achieved by the regular abortion of two out of the three ovules in each ovary, thus producing a mostly one-seeded fruit provided with a thin, energy-poor pericarp. It is proposed that the advantages of enhanced pollen flow for a self-incompatible organism, which is moreover structured in isolated populations, might explain the increased male effort, including the joint evolution of andromonoecy and one-seededness.  相似文献   

Lactoris fernandeziana, monotypic in its family, is endemic to the cloud forests of Robinson Crusoe Island. Although there has been considerable study of the relationships of Lactoris, as a rare species and as a putative primitive paleoherb, little is known of its reproductive biology. Knowledge of the latter is essential for effective conservation programs. The species is gynomonoecious. The overall proportion of flowers is ∼1 female:1 hermaphrodite. The inconspicuous semipendulous green flowers, usually in mixed-gender inflorescences, do not produce rewards. Hermaphrodite flowers are herkogamous and protogynous. Pollen grains are shed from the extrorse anthers in permanent dry tetrads. There is a mean of 12879 tetrads per hermaphrodite flower. Both flower types bear an average of ∼18 ovules. The P/O (pollen/ovule) ratios imply facultative or obligate xenogamy, but hand pollinations show that Lactoris is self-compatible. No floral visitors were ever observed, but stigmata of open-pollinated flowers bore tetrads, and 64% of such styles had pollen tubes. Flowers enclosed in large mesh (1 mm) bags bore similar numbers of tetrads and pollen tubes. Thus, we conclude that Lactoris is anemophilous, a syndrome perhaps reflected by the P/O ratio. Low genetic diversity (isozymes and DNA) supports selfing and implies limited distance wind pollen dispersal. The small size of the island, the ± 1000 extant Lactoris plants, coupled with anemophily, self-compatibility, and pendant flower position, have yielded a geitonogamous system with high seed set and low genetic diversity. If inbreeding depression is expressed, it is in seed germination and seedling vigor, for Lactoris is very difficult to cultivate. For this species, effective conservation practices need to focus on habitat preservation and promotion of outcrossing.  相似文献   

Floral biology, reproduction, pollinator specificity, and fruit set of Cirrhaea dependens were recorded in forest areas of Southeastern Brazil. Cirrhaea dependens is a lithophytic or epiphytic herb occurring very sparsely below dense canopies. Nearly all the flowers of a single plant open simultaneously before dawn. They are short-lasting and offer floral fragrances as rewards, which are collected by male euglossine bees. Observations carried out in mesophytic forests at Serra do Japi revealed that Euglossa VIRIDIS is their principal pollinator, with Eufriesea violacea a sporadic co-pollinator. Visitation started soon after flower opening, and attractiveness remained high for about 2 h, decreasing abruptly at sunrise. Flower anthesis with subsequent fragrance release seems to be correlated with bee attraction. Observations using chemical baits were carried out at Serra do Japi, and in the Atlantic Rain Forest of Picinguaba. Three euglossine species were captured with pollinaria of C. dependens in Picinguaba, whereas only E. violacea was attracted in Serra do Japi. In Picinguaba, C. dependens occurs sympatrically with C. saccata and C. loddigesii. Each species attracted different pollinators. The specificity and resulting reproductive isolation are due to the production of different odours by each orchid species. Cirrhaea dependens is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The reproductive success was low and appears to result from a combination of factors discussed here, such as the production of short-lived flowers, presence of floral mechanisms avoiding self-pollination, non-synchronization of flower phases among plants, and populations with few and sparsely distributed individuals.  相似文献   


The reproductive cycle of Pistacia lentiscus L. from southern Italy is described with special emphasis on phenology and reproductive success. The species flowers in spring, its fruits ripen in autumn and has a latent ovary period during the summer. Vegetative growth starts immediately after anthesis (end of March) and finishes by the second week of June. Bud sections showed that flower induction occurred a few weeks after shoot development. However, no change in the overall appearance of the buds was noticeable before the following spring. Flowering is very synchronous within a plant, and a clear overlap in the flowering times of the two sexes occurred in the population studied. Although P. lentiscus seems to be highly reproductive because of the numerous fruits generally found on the plants in autumn, its reproductive success (as percent of flowers which develop fruits with seed) is low. Very large numbers of flowers never develop fruit and drop at different stages during fruit development. Moreover, numerous fruits have no seed because of parthenocarpy, embryo abortion or insect damage. In P. lentiscus, low reproductive success is not uniform within the population because the number of empty fruits per plant is highly variable between the plants. Our observations suggest that rain at flowering can make pollination a limiting factor for fruit set because of the reduction in the quantity of available pollen. Since these results are in agreement with those reported for populations in Israel and Spain, such phenomena could be genetically determined, and therefore common to this species throughout the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The effect of different external factors on pollen germination and pollen tube growth is well documented for several species. On the other hand the consequences of these factors on the division of the generative nucleus and the formation of callose plugs are less known. In this study we report the effect of medium pH, 2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer, sucrose concentration, partial substitution of sucrose by polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 6000, arginine (Arg), and pollen density on the following parameters: pollen germination, pollen tube length, division of the generative nucleus, and the formation of callose plugs. We also studied the different developmental processes in relation to time. The optimal pH for all parameters tested was 6.7. In particular, the division of the generative nucleus and callose plug deposition were inhibited at lower pH values. MES buffer had a toxic effect; both pollen germination and pollen tube length were lowered. MES buffer also influenced migration of the male germ unit (MGU), the second mitotic division, and the formation of callose plugs. A sucrose concentration of 10% was optimal for pollen germination, pollen tube growth rate and final pollen tube length, as well as for division of the generative nucleus and the production of callose plugs. Partial substitution of sucrose by PEG 6000 had no influence on pollen germination and pollen tube length. However, in these pollen tubes the MGU often did not migrate and no callose plugs were observed. Pollen tube growth was independent of the migration of the MGU and the deposition of callose plugs. In previous experiments Arg proved to be positive for the division of the generative nucleus in pollen tubes cultured in vitro. Here, we found that more pollen tubes had callose plugs and more callose plugs per pollen tube were produced on medium with Arg. After the MGU migrated into the pollen tube (1 h after cultivation), callose plugs were deposited (3 h). After 8 h the first sperm cells were produced. The MGU moved away from the active pollen tube tip until the second pollen mitosis occurred, thereafter the distance from the MGU to the pollen tube tip diminished. Callose plug deposition never started prior to MGU migration into the pollen tube. Pollen tubes without a MGU also lack callose plugs (±30% of the total number of pollen tubes). Furthermore, we found a correlation between the occurrence of sperm cells in pollen tubes and the synthesis of callose plugs.  相似文献   

Solidago canadensis,a perennial Compositae plant originating from North America,was introduced into China as a horticultural plant in 1935.Under natural conditions,S.canadensis allocates large amounts of energy to sexual reproduction and produces many seeds,which reflects an r-strategy with high seed number and small seed size.In addition,naturalized populations have a great capacity to grow clonally with underground stems.S.canadensis has become an invasive weed in eastern China,and has caused serious damages to agricultural production and ecosystems in several provinces in China.In order to understand the reproductive characteristics of S.canadensis and effectively control its spread,we examined soil conditions,seed characteristics,seed germination and the capacity for asexual reproduction in different plant parts.We investigated the population dispersion of S.canadensis in fixed sites for three years,and analyzed the seasonal dynamics of the morphological parameters of the underground parts and the caloric values of different organs of S.canadensis.We also compared differences in the root systems of S.canadensis and composite exotic weeds.The following results were obtained:1)Under natural conditions,the germination season of S.canadensis lasts from March to October,with a peak from April to May.Vegetative growth and asexual reproduction are especially vigorous during summer due to high temperatures and soil drought stress.On the other hand,the rainy season proves suitable for seed germination.Most S.canadensis flower between September and January,and fruit in late October.A mature plant can produce about 20000 seeds.The mean weight of 1000 seeds ranges from 0.045 g to 0.050 g,and the mean seed moisture content ranges from 60% to 80%.The light-winged seeds disperse readily by air,water,vehicles,human activity or through livestock.2)S.canadensis seeds have a wide tolerance for different values of pH,salinity and soil moisture.The mean percent germination of seeds is 30% under suitable conditions.The results of seed germination under various environmental stresses and investigation of soil conditions indicate that well-aerated,slightly acidic soils with low salinity are suitable for the growth of S.canadensis.Additionally,S.canadensis has a high tolerance for contamination by heavy metal elements including Zn,Cu and Pb,but has low accumulation coefficients for these elements.3)S.canadensis reproduces asexually via underground rhizomes and nodes on the stem base to recruit new individuals,and in plants that experience mechanical damage,this reproductive strategy is used to produce clonal shoots.The capacity for asexual reproduction among different plant parts rank as follows:underground parts>stem-base (20 cm)>stem-base (30 cm)>stem-base (45 cm)>stem.Further,with increasing mechanical damage,the quantity of shoots produced by the plant decreases.4)The morphological parameters of the root system of S.canadensis including length,surface area,volume,and average diameter are greater than for composite exotic weeds.These parameters indicate that S.canadensis has the physiological potential to widely invade China.5)The aboveground growth rate and most of the underground morphological parameters vary remarkably among the seasons,with a peak normally occurring in September.In August,a fraction of the energy in leaves and stems is allocated underground to increase fine root growth and water uptake during hot weather.Additionally,the seasonal dynamics of the underground morphological parameters and the caloric values of different organs of S.canadensis enhance its reproductive ability.Based on the results above,we conclude that S.canadensis has great invasive potential in China.We suggest that urgent measures should be taken to control its further spread,and to minimize its impact on local plant diversity.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the azure damselfly Coenagrion puella (Zygoptera; Coenagrionidae) as part of a study assessing reproductive success and genetic structure in an isolated population of this species. Levels of genetic diversity were assessed in 50 individuals collected from Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Hampshire, UK. The number of alleles per microsatellite loci ranged from three to 22 and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.26 and 0.84 and between 0.23 and 0.91, respectively. Two loci showed significant (P < 0.05) heterozygote deficits, likely because of null (non‐amplifying) alleles; one pair of loci was in linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Flowering phenology of some annonaceous trees and reproductive biology ofPolyalthia littoralis (Annonaceae) were studied. The trees showed various types of flowering phenology within the family. Among them,P. littoralis had hermaphroditic and protogynous flowers, and exhibited continuous flowering throughout the year. Bagged flowers set fruits and seeds comparable to the control. The observations of meiotic stages and the results of castrated tests indicated no possibility of apomictic reproduction. The abscised anthers attached to torus by the extended spiral thickenings, and accomplished self-pollination. Outbreeding possibly occurs, but the following self-pollination guarantees seed set.  相似文献   

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