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Subularia aquatica is a small annual aquatic plant in the family Brassicaceae with unique leaf morphology. Its anatomical features were studied using light microscopy. We show that the leaves of S. aquatica are bifacial dorsiventral phyllodes, having adaxial-abaxial polarity, rather than the alternative unifacial type. This morphology is also manifested in the collaterally arranged vascular bundles, which are clearly bifacial. The roots exhibit typical anatomical features of an aquatic plant, including prominent aerenchyma. Although unique within the Brassicaceae, S. aquatica displays many of the same morphological characteristics as other Isoetid life-forms.  相似文献   

Flower colours and the composition of pigments in the perianths of five cultivars of Disa orchids were analyzed. Carotenoids were major pigment components in the orange-red flowers of ‘Dawn Angel’. We identified two types of pigment composition in the red flowered cultivars: ‘San Francisco’ contained more carotenoids and less anthocyanins, while ‘Marlene’ contained more anthocyanins than carotenoids. The red-purple flowered cultivars, only contained slight amounts of carotenoids, and the red-purple colour was attributed to the relatively high density of a cyanidin-based anthocyanin. The importance of the characterization of pigments in the perianths of orchid has been discussed in both breeding for flower colour improvement and chemotaxonomy.  相似文献   

The report of cochlearine, the 3-hydroxybenzoate ester of tropine found in Cochlearia officinalis, Brassicaceae, initiated a screening for tropane alkaloids in Cochlearia species and for calystegines in further Brassicaceae. All ten Cochlearia species investigated contained cochlearine, tropine, and pseudotropine. Calystegines, nortropane alkaloids deriving from pseudotropine, were also identified in all Cochlearia species and accumulated up to 0.5% dry mass in leaves. Brassicaceae species of all major lineages of the family were analysed for calystegines. Of the 43 species included in the study, 18 accumulated calystegines of various structures. This is the first screening of Brassicaceae for products of the tropane alkaloid pathway, which is known as characteristic for plants of Solanaceae family. The identification of calystegines in all branches of the Brassicaceae family including Aethionema, a species at the basis of the family, suggests tropane alkaloids as secondary compound typical for Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates are biologically active secondary metabolites that display both intra- and interspecific variation in the order Brassicales. Glucosinolate profiles have not been interpreted within a phylogenic framework and little is known regarding the processes that influence the evolution of glucosinolate diversity at a macroevolutionary scale. We have analyzed leaf glucosinolate profiles from members of the Brassicaceae that have diverged from Arabidopsis thaliana within the last 15 million years and interpreted our findings relative to the phylogeny of this group. We identified several interspecific polymorphisms in glucosinolate composition. A majority of these polymorphisms are lineage-specific secondary losses of glucosinolate characters, but a gain-of-character polymorphism was also detected. The genetic basis of most observed polymorphisms appears to be regulatory. In the case of A. lyrata, geographic distribution is also shown to contribute to glucosinolate metabolic diversity. Further, we observed evidence of gene-flow between sympatric species, parallel evolution, and the existence of genetic constraints on the evolution of glucosinolates within the Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Systematics of the genus Isatis (Brassicaceae) is difficult and controversial, and previous studies were based solely on morphological characters. Sequence variation of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the 5.8S gene of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian methods. Twenty-eight taxa of Isatis and related genera of the tribe Isatideae were sampled, including 20 Isatis species representing almost all major morphological lineages, all three species of Pachypterygium, two of nine species of Sameraria, and monospecific Boreava, Myagrum, and Tauscheria. Two well-supported clades were resolved in the ITS tree, and they demonstrate the artificiality of the present delimitation of the tribe. One clade includes I. emarginata, I. minima, I. trachycarpa, P. brevipes, P. multicaule, P. stocksii, and T. lasiocarpa. The second clade includes I. buschiana, the polymorphic I. cappadocica with five subspecies, I. gaubae, I. kotschyana, I. leuconeura, I. pachycarpa, I. takhtajanii, I. tinctoria, and S. armena. Pachypterygium is polyphyletic and, together with Boreava, Sameraria, and Tauscheria, all are nested within Isatis. This study is a continuation of our recent systematic survey based on seed-coat microsculpturing ( Moazzeni et al., 2007. Flora 202, 447–454) and reveals that fruit characters mapped onto the molecular tree show considerable convergence. The reliance on fruit characters alone in the delimitation of genera may well lead to erroneous phylogenetic results and thus to incorrect taxonomic conclusions.  相似文献   

Glucosinolate content of leaves and roots, diversity in leaf pubescence, and resistance to two near-isogenic lines of the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum with or without an R-gene, were determined for 27 accessions of 7 Barbarea taxa, i.e. B. stricta, B. orthoceras, B. intermedia, B. verna, B. vulgaris var. vulgaris, the G-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata and the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata. Four variable glucosinolate biosynthetic characters were deduced. For (formally) homophenylalanine-derived glucosinolates: (1). Presence or absence of 2-hydroxylation, and if present, R- or S-configuration of 2-hydroxylation; (2). presence or absence of p-hydroxylation; and for tryptophan-derived glucosinolates: (3). presence or absence of N-methoxyglucobrassicin; and (4). presence or absence of 1,4-dimethoxyglucobrassicin. Three phenotypes of leaf-pubescence were observed; (1). glabrous to glabrate leaves; (2). glabrous to glabrate leaves with hairs along the edge; (3). pubescent leaves. The hairs were characterized as simple by scanning electron microscopy. Full resistance to a flea beetle line (ST) was found in B. vulgaris var. vulgaris and in the G-type of var. arcuata; partial resistance was found in B. verna and B. intermedia, while the remaining taxa were fully susceptible to the ST line. All investigated Barbarea taxa were susceptible to larvae from another line containing an R-gene, indicating a similar flea beetle resistance mechanism in the three resistant species. Most Barbarea taxa could be characterized by a particular combination of the investigated characters. The most aberrant was the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata, and the taxonomic status of this type should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative variability in floral scent of 98 specimens of the dioecious species Silene latifolia belonging to 15 European and 19 North American populations was determined. Floral scent was collected from single flowers using dynamic headspace methods, and analysed by Micro-SPE and GC-MS methods. The flowers showed a nocturnal rhythm, and scent was emitted only at night. The amount of emitted volatiles varied greatly during the season, from 400 ng/flower/2 min in June to 50 ng/flower/2 min in August and September. The qualitative variability in the floral scent was high and different chemotypes, characterised by specific scent compounds, were found. Female and male flowers emitted the same type and amount of volatiles. The differences in floral scent composition between European and North American populations were small. Typical compounds were isoprenoids like lilac aldehyde isomers, or trans-beta-ocimene, and benzenoids like benzaldehyde, phenyl acetaldehyde, or veratrole. Some of these compounds are known to attract nocturnal Lepidoptera species. The high qualitative variability is discussed in relation to the pollination biology of S. latifolia, and the results are compared with other studies investigating intraspecific variability of flower scent.  相似文献   

RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers were used to investigate relationships between a sample of Bambusa species from South Eastern China that have been placed in Bambusa or in several segregate genera, Dendrocalamopsis, Leleba, Lingnania, Neosinocalamus and Sinocalamus by different authors. On the resultant neighbor-joining tree, a thorny core Bambusa cluster was distinguished, as was a Lingnania group, and a cluster of Dendrocalamus species with more capitate inflorescences. However, Leleba was found to be a polyphyletic group in the present study.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulation is a rare form of physiological specialization shared by a small number of angiosperms growing on ultramafic soils. The evolutionary patterns of this feature among European members of tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) are investigated using a phylogenetic approach to assess relationships among Ni hyperaccumulators at the genus, species and below-species level.


Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were generated for multiple accessions of Alysseae. Phylogenetic trees were obtained for the genera of the tribe and Alyssum sect. Odontarrhena. All accessions and additional herbarium material were tested for Ni hyperaccumulation with the dimethylglyoxime colorimetric method.

Key Results

Molecular data strongly support the poorly known hyperaccumulator endemic Leptoplax (Peltaria) emarginata as sister to hyperaccumulator species of Bornmuellera within Alysseae. This is contrary to current assumptions of affinity between L. emarginata and the non-hyperaccumulator Peltaria in Thlaspideae. The lineage Bornmuellera–Leptoplax is, in turn, sister to the two non-hyperaccumulator Mediterranean endemics Ptilotrichum rupestre and P. cyclocarpum. Low ITS sequence variation was found within the monophyletic Alyssum sect. Odontarrhena and especially in A. murale sensu lato. Nickel hyperaccumulation was not monophyletic in any of three main clades retrieved, each consisting of hyperaccumulators and non-hyperaccumulators of different geographical origin.


Nickel hyperaccumulation in Alysseae has a double origin, but it did not evolve in Thlaspideae. In Bornmuellera–Leptoplax it represents an early synapomorphy inherited from an ancestor shared with the calcicolous, sister clade of Mediterranean Ptilotrichum. In Alyssum sect. Odontarrhena it has multiple origins even within the three European clades recognized. Lack of geographical cohesion suggests that accumulation ability has been lost or gained over the different serpentine areas of south Europe through independent events of microevolutionary adaptation and selection. Genetic continuity and strong phenotypic plasticity in the A. murale complex call for a reduction of the number of Ni hyperaccumulator taxa formally recognized.  相似文献   

Plant architecture and phenotypic plasticity under natural conditions remain little known for many rhizomatous species. This study evaluates, in situ, the plastic responses of Alstroemeria aurea plants from three Patagonian populations to flower or flowering-shoot removal. The size and architecture of treated and untreated plants were assessed. Nutrient contents (N, P and K) were evaluated for rhizomes and roots developed in two successive years. Those plants that were deprived of their inflorescences developed, on average, a heavier rhizome than both control plants and plants from which flowering shoots had been removed. Neither of the two treatments applied altered the number of metamers or the branching pattern of the rhizomes. The contents of N, P and K were higher in rhizomes than in roots. In summer, nutrients were more concentrated in inflorescences and the new rhizome segment than in the rhizome segment developed in the previous year. The idea that fruiting failure in A. aurea promotes resource re-assignment from aerial shoots to rhizomes without altering the architecture of plants is supported. The development of the underground portion of aerial shoots in late summer-autumn allows A. aurea plants to take full advantage of short growth periods, but would impose a limit to plasticity.  相似文献   

Flowers of many angiosperms attract fly pollinators through mimicry of animal carrion and faeces. This phenomenon of “sapromyiophily” is also evident in the sporophytes of some mosses and fruiting bodies of “stinkhorn” fungi, both of which use flies as agents of spore dispersal. We studied the scent chemistry of a stinkhorn fungus (Clathrus archeri) and seven fly-pollinated plant species with foetid odours to determine the degree to which these organisms mimic the scent of carrion and faeces (reference scent samples were collected from rotting meat, a rat carcass and horse and dog faeces), as well as the degree of convergent evolution between the fungus and angiosperm flowers. We found that scents of both the fungus and angiosperms tended to contain compounds typical of carrion, such as oligosulphides, and of faeces, such as phenol, indole and p-cresol. This study provides compelling new evidence for mimicry of carrion and faeces, as well as a striking pattern of convergence in the putrid scents of the fungus and the angiosperms, relative to those of confamilial species. The syndrome of sapromyiophily thus encompasses at least two kingdoms (Plantae and Fungi) and provides an effective means of exploiting flies as agents of pollen and spore dispersal.  相似文献   

In order to examine the systematic application of seed-coat microsculpturing in Isatis, seed surfaces of 23 species (41 populations) in four genera of tribe Isatideae were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Eight types of basic ornamentation patterns were recognized among the studied specimens. Of these, the reticulate–areolate type was the most common and was found in the genera Isatis, Pachypterygium, Samerari and Tauscheria and 15 species (e.g., I. cappodocica, I. kotschyana and I. tinctoria). The reticulate type, the second most frequent, occurred in 7 species while other types each were represented by only one or 2 species. Although different populations of a given species show similar seed-surface sculpturing in most cases, in some polymorphic species like I. cappadocica and I. kotschyana these patterns were variable among populations. To some extent the variation corresponds to infraspecific taxa for some species, but the differences are not significant enough to be useful in the delimitation of the subspecies recognized by previous workers. Moreover, seed-coat characters do not support the separation of genera Isatis, Pachypterygium, Sameraria and Tauscheria.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation affects the chemical composition of a plant. Since young leaves are of higher value due to their increased photosynthetic activity, for these a more efficient protection and thus stronger responses to a short-term exposure to natural radiation including or excluding UV-A plus UV-B radiation ("+UV" vs. "-UV") were expected than for old leaves. Nutrients and characteristic secondary metabolites of two species of Brassicaceae were analysed after two days exposure in foil-tents with different UV filtering qualities. Contents of water, carbon, nitrogen and soluble protein were found to be affected by both UV and leaf-age in Sinapis alba L. but mainly by leaf-age in Nasturtium officinale L. Glucosinolates and myrosinases, both partners of the defence system of Brassicaceae, responded highly species-specific to UV exposure. Moreover, leaf-age mainly affected total glucosinolate concentrations in S. alba, but myrosinase activities in N. officinale. The most pronounced response to UV was found in the accumulation of flavonoids which are needed to shield the leaf interior against UV. In S. alba, relative contents of quercetin flavonols increased at the expense of kaempferols in +UV exposed leaves. In N. officinale, total flavonoid quantities were 10-fold lower in -UV exposed young leaves compared to S. alba, and flavonoid accumulation was induced by UV specifically in old leaves. Hydroxycinnamic acid concentrations were not affected in both species. In total, these herbaceous species showed a highly species-specific and age-dependent plasticity in response to short-term exposure to UV which is discussed with respect to their defence strategies.  相似文献   

MethodsThe phylogenetic analysis included 72 taxa sampled from across the Brassiceae and included both nuclear and chloroplast markers. Dispersal-related fruit characters were scored and climate information for each taxon was retrieved from a database. Correlations between fruit traits, seed characters, habitat, range and climate were determined, together with trait-dependent diversification rates.ConclusionsThis study provides evidence that the evolution of increased dispersal ability and larger seed size, which may increase establishment ability, can also influence macro-evolutionary processes, possibly by increasing the propensity for long-distance dispersal. In particular, it may increase speciation and consequent diversification rates by increasing the likelihood of geographic and thereby reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

M. Weigend  H. Förther 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):119-123
Two new species ofSisymbrium are described from the Department of Arequipa in south-western Peru. Both are annuals from the loma vegetation.Sisymbrium lactucoides has glabrous leaves with clasping bases and is very distinct.Sisymbrium ferreyrae is probably closest toS. llatasii, but it is a much smaller plant with petals and sepals of subequal length (vs. petals longer than sepals inS. llatasii).  相似文献   

Sequences of nuclear chalcone synthase gene (Chs) were analyzed for species of the Brassicaceae family to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. The phylogeny for 106 species of 60 genera was reconstructed, and assigned to 24 tribes, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining methods. Most of the tribes can be assigned to the major lineages (Lineages I–III) suggested by Beilstein et al. (2006). The tribe Camelineae was not monophyletic. Conringia planisiliqua together with Orychophragmus violaceus would not be recognized as a new tribe proposed by the previous studies, and C. planisiliqua should be a member of tribe Isatideae. The genera delimitation and monophyly of the expanded Solms-laubachia were also confirmed by our data. Furthermore, one parent of inter-tribal allopolyploid Pachycladon appeared to be most closely associated with Crucihimalaya, Transberingia and tribes Boechereae and Halimolobeae, another parent was proved to be in tribe Smelowskieae.  相似文献   

Many plants show heterophylly, which is variation in leaf form within a plant owing to environmental change. The molecular mechanisms underlying heterophylly have recently been investigated in several plant species. However, little is known about how plants exhibiting heterophylly sense environmental cues. Here, we used Rorippa aquatica (Brassicaceae), which shows heterophylly, to investigate whether a single leaf can sense and transit changes in ambient temperature. The morphology of newly developed leaves after single-leaf warming treatment was significantly different from that of mock-treated control leaves, suggesting that leaves are sensing organs that mediate the responses to changes in ambient temperature in R. aquatica.  相似文献   

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