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Dobson C. and Cayzer C. J. R. 1982. Immunosuppressive activity in serum from mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius following passive serum transfer. International Journal for Parasitology12: 561–566. Anti-N. dubius antibody titres increased with time after primary and secondary infections with 100 larvae in mice and 4 days after anthelmintic termination of a 28 day infection. Mice injected with serum from infected mice harboured fewer, smaller worms with reduced fecundities compared with control mice; the difference was greater with serum from donors given two compared with those given one infection.Mice injected with serum from donors infected for 14 days had fewer N. dubius than recipients of serum from mice infected for 28 days. Serum taken from mice 4 days after termination of a primary infection of 28 days duration was more protective when passively transferred to mice than serum from mice infected for 28 days. Serum from mice infected with 50 N. dubius larvae was more protective than serum, with a higher anti-N. dubius antibody titre, from, mice infected with 400 larvae. These observations are discussed in relation to immunosuppressive activities in the donated serum and associated with N. dubius.  相似文献   

The immune response of mice to the nematode Trichinella spiral's was markedly altered when the infection was superimposed upon an existing infection with Nematospiroides dubius. The expulsion of a primary infection of T. spiralis was delayed in such mice, and the worms persisted for at least 4 weeks longer than they did in control mice. The degree to which expulsion was suppressed was related to the number of N. dubius present. It would appear that both adult and larval stages of N. dubius can exert a suppressive effect, since the expulsion of T. spiralis was affected within days of a super-imposed (i.e., larval) N. dubius infection. When adult N. dubius were removed from mice 4 days before infection with T. spiralis, the mice expelled the latter parasite within the normal time, indicating that recovery from the suppressive effects of concurrent infection occurred rapidly. Concurrent infection with N. dubius appeared to affect both the afferent and efferent arms of the immune response to T. spiralis, since sensitization by, and memory of, prior infection were impaired and the expression of acquired immunity was inferior to that of controls.  相似文献   

Dobson C. and Cayzer C. J. R. 1982. Passive transfer of immunity with serum in mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius: in vitro effect of immune serum on larval infectivity. International Journal for Parasitology12: 413–421. Incubation of Nematospiroides dubius larvae in serum in vitro induced 15% exsheathment after 3h. Larvae incubated in immune mouse serum at 37°C for 3h lost 20% of their infectivity for mice. Immune serum from donors given 1–7 concurrent or anthelmintic abbreviated infections all depressed larval infectivity to the same extent. Larvae incubated in immune sera were protected from the effects of passively transferred immune serum in mice following infection. The effects of incubation of larvae in immune serum were prolonged into the adult stages of the parasite and were seen as stunting of worms and a reduction in the male-female sex ratio of the parasites.  相似文献   

Significant protection against infection with 10 or 30 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica was conferred on naive rats by the passive transfer of serum derived from rats which had been exposed to primary and challenge infections with 5 or 10 and 30 or 20 metacercariae respectively. Immune serum did not have a pronounced effect on the mortality of metacercariae in vitro. However, its presence was associated with the formation of a precipitate on the tegument of each metacercaria and in the culture medium. The precipitate contained rat antibody and other components, presumably parasite antigens, which elicited the formation of antibody when the precipitate was injected into rats. Viability of metacercariae cultured in immune and normal sera as well as freshly excysted specimens was tested in rats by intraperitoneal infection. Metacercariae cultured in immune serum did not develop. By comparison with the viability of freshly excysted metacercariae, that of some metacercariae cultured in normal serum was impaired; this was attributed to inadequacies in the culture technique. A relationship between precipitate formation in vitro and impaired viability of metacercariae in vivo has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Adams D.B. and Beh K.J. 1981. Immunity acquired by sheep from an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology11: 381–386. A primary infection of sheep with a single dose of Haemonchus contortus larvae was traced by faecal egg counts until it had substantially declined after 55 weeks. These primed sheep were then given a sequence of two reinfections with the parasite. Comparison of faecal egg counts in primed sheep and in two separate groups of previously worm-free sheep showed that primary infection conferred significant immunity. This, however, was not sufficiently protective to prevent the development of further anaemia and faecal egg counts indicative of clinical haemonchosis. It is suggested that an adaptation in the host-parasite relationship which promotes the longevity of primary infection with H. contortus may also moderate the induction of acquired immunity.The titre of haemagglutinating antibody specific for H. contortus rose in serum during the course of primary infection, but the two reinfections did not stimulate a rise in titre. Titres of haemagglutinating antibody before reinfection did not correlate with subsequent faecal egg counts.  相似文献   

-Yong W. K. and Dobson C. 1982. The passive transfer of proctective immunity against Angiostrongylus cantonensis with immune lymph node cells from different lymphoid tissues in rats. International Journal for Parasitology12: 423–425. Lymph node cells from the posterior cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes of immune rats passively protected syngeneic recipient rats against Angiostrongylus cantonensis better than cells from the spleen, thymic and inguinal lymph nodes either as reduced worms burdens and/or stunted growth. No antibody was detected in the sera of recipient rats after transfer of the cells and before infection which suggested that the protection was cell- rather than antibody-mediated.  相似文献   

Dobson C., Brindley P. J. and Sitepu P. 1982. Influence of serum donor and recipient mouse genotype on the passive transfer of protective immunity with serum against Nematospiroides dubius. International Journal for Parasitology12: 567–572. Different strains of serum donor mice showed variations in innate immunity to primary infections with Nematospiroides dubius. Different levels of anti-N, dubius antibodies were detected in sera from these mouse strains; there was no correlation between antibody titre and numbers of worms recovered. Serum from donor wild and six laboratory strains of mice protected female Quackenbush (Q) recipients against N. dubius infections; donor mouse strain influenced the degree of protection conferred and donor serum antibody titre related to the degree of stunting of worm growth in recipient mice. Five laboratory strains of mice developed different levels of protective immunity following multiple experimental infections with N. dubius. Antibody titres in these mice were strongly correlated with the percentage protection observed after 1–4 infections: Q and CBA mice produced more anti-N. dubius antibody and were better protected than DBA/2, BALB/c and C3H mice. However BALB/c, C3H and CBA mice attained similar anti-N. dubius antibody titres after a single infection with N. dubius but serum from BALB/c gave better protection when transferred to female Q recipients than that from the other two strains. This suggested qualitative differences in the protective antibodies in sera between mouse strains. Five mouse strains were passively immunized with a uniform dose of serum from female Q donors: DBA/2 female recipients showed the least, BALB/c and C3H females were intermediate, and Q and CBA female mice attained the greatest level of passive protection against N. dubius. A close positive correlation existed between the degree of actively acquired and the level of passively acquired protection between the five strains of mice.  相似文献   

A protective immunity against the cestode Hymenolepis nana was transferred with serum taken from actively immunized mice. All of 17 pooled sera examined, which were taken from mice immunized for 3 or more weeks, were strongly effective. Intraperitoneal injection of a total of 3·0 ml serum made the recipient mice (4–5 weeks old) almost completely immune. In almost all the mice given immune serum no cysticercoids were found on day 4. In mice receiving immune serum, oncospheres hatched, invaded the intestinal villi and differentiated to stage II or III larvae, but failed to develop to fully developed cysticercoids. The degree of protection conferred by serum transfer was similar to, but slightly weaker than that stimulated by active immunization. The major effect of immune serum was damaging hatched oncospheres in both the intestinal lumen and the villi within 1 day post infection.  相似文献   

A/J mice were splenectomized (Splx) or sham-splenectomized (SSplx) prior to administration of a single injection of irradiated sporozoites. Following challenge 7 days after immunization, it was found that none of the splenectomized mice were protected whereas 50% of the sham-splenectomized and intact animals were resistant to challenge. In another series of experiments similar groups, along with mice splenectomized just prior to challenge, were injected with 1.5 × 105 irradiated sporozoites over a 5 week period. This resulted in protection of (1) 60–100% of the animals splenectomized before immunization, and (2) 90–100% protection of the animals splenectomized prior to challenge, as well as the intact and sham-splenectomized mice. Serum levels of antisporozoite antibodies (CSP and SNA) increased during immunization of the intact animals. Only 15–20% of the animals splenectomized prior to immunization presented positive CSP reactions and little if any sporozoite neutralizing activity (SNA) was detected. Serum from intact animals immunized and found resistant to sporozoite challenge was used for passive transfer studies. Immune serum recipients were challenged with small numbers of sporozoites. Only one out of 18 recipients was protected against sporozoite challenge.  相似文献   

Moniliformis dubius apparently evades the cellular defence reaction of the normal intermediate host, Periplaneta americana, by the production of a non-cellular envelope. Larval development will occasionally occur in other species of cockroaches: though some of these species reject tissue transplants from P. americana, they do not respond to the envelope of M. dubius when the parasite is transplanted from P. americana. This contrasts with the response elicited by gregarines transplanted from P. americana into other cockroach species, and it is suggested that the envelope surface of M. dubius mimics, but is not identical to, the surfaces of tissues from P. americana.  相似文献   

Despite the well-known importance of an adequate colostral immunoglobulin (Ig) transfer to calf health and survival, failed transfer of passive immunity (FTPI) remains a widespread problem in dairy farming. The aim of this study was to investigate the management factors associated with FTPI in newborn calves, evaluating particularly the combined effect of delivery time, amount and quality of the first colostrum meal. The study was conducted from March to August 2014 on 21 Italian dairy farms. Farmers were asked as first to answer a farm-level questionnaire on calf management. Blood sampling was then performed on overall 244 calves (1 to 5 days of age) born from Holstein cows, and a sample of the first colostrum meal of each calf was collected. Individual information on calves and the respective colostrum management were recorded. Serum and colostrum Ig concentrations were assessed by electrophoresis. A mixed effects multivariable logistic regression model was used to investigate the association of the variables obtained from both the management questionnaire and the individual calf data with FTPI (calf serum Ig concentration <10.0 g/l). A cumulative colostrum management score (CMS) that considered delivery time, amount and quality of the first colostrum meal was generated for 236 calves, with higher values indicating better colostrum management. Overall, 41.0% of the calves were found having FTPI, and within-farm percentage of FTPI was over 20.0% in 71.4% of the farms. The risk of having FTPI was higher both for Holstein purebred calves compared with Holstein-beef crossbreds and for females compared with males. Moreover, it increased by 13% with every hour of delay of the first colostrum meal provision since birth, whereas it decreased by 59% and 3%, respectively, with every additional liter of colostrum given and every additional gram of Ig per liter contained in the colostrum fed. Calf serum Ig concentration varied significantly according to the CMS, increasing by 1.53 g/l with every additional CMS point. In order to completely avoid FTPI, calves should receive at least 2.5 l of high-quality colostrum (Ig concentration >87.6 g/l) within 1.0 h from birth. Considerable improvements are still needed about colostrum management for newborn calves in dairy farms. The results of this study will help in developing farm-specific programs for reducing the occurrence of FTPI.  相似文献   

Nematospiroides dubius, unlike the closely related nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, lacks a sterol requirement for the completion of its development to the L3 stage in an aqueous suspension of formalin-killed Escherichia coli. These larvae were justascapable of completing their development to adults in mice as those grown on charcoal-feces cultures. In addition, sterols had a toxic effect on the larvae of N. dubius which was removed by substituting a Krebs-Ringer solution for distilled water.In order to interpret the absence of a sterol requirement for the development of N. dubius larvae, an analysis of the egg lipids for both species was made. N. brasiliensis had about twice the sterol concentration of N. dubius eggs. A comparison of the development for both species showed, however, that N. brasiliensis grows more than twice as much as N. dubius to reach the L3 larval stage. Therefore, the amount of endogenous sterol is insufficient for N. brasiliensis to develop from the egg to the L3 stage.N. dubius and N. brasiliensis also differ in their porphyrin requirements. Unlike N. brasiliensis, coproporphyrin did not increase the size of N. dubius larvae so that they were comparable to those grown on charcoal-feces cultures. Coproporphyrin did result in larvae that were more robust in appearance than those grown without a supplement.  相似文献   

Agglutinating antibodies against Trypanosoma musculi could not be demonstrated in sera from parasitaemic, immune or immunized mice.Immune, non-adherent cells from peritoneal exudates of mice which had recovered from infection, accelerated the elimination of parasites when adoptively transferred to infected mice in which the parasitaemia was stable (plateau phase) and the parasites had reached the adult (non-dividing) stage. This effect was not influenced by the simultaneous administration of immune adherent cells and/or immune serum and, although the mechanism by which the blood infection is e radicated has not been established, the action of the sensitized cells does not appear to be due to formation of antibody which has a direct, trypanocidal effect.  相似文献   

Microorganisms grow as members of microbial communities in unique niches, such as the mucosal surfaces of the human body. These microbial communities, containing both commensals and opportunistic pathogens, serve to keep individual pathogens 'in check' through a variety of mechanisms and complex interactions, both between the microorganisms themselves and the microorganisms and the host. Recent studies shed new light on the diversity of microorganisms that form the human microbial communities and the interactions these microbial communities have with the host to stimulate immune responses. This occurs through their recognition by dendritic cells or their ability to induce differential cytokine and defensin profiles. The differential induction of defensins by commensals and pathogens and the ability of the induced defensins to interact with the antigens from these microorganisms may attenuate proinflammatory signaling and trigger adaptive immune responses to microbial antigens in a multistep process. Such an activity may be a mechanism that the host uses to sense what is on its mucosal surfaces, as well as to differentiate among commensals and pathogens.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary threonine (Thr) supplement on reproductive performance and immune function of the male mice challenged with pseudorabies virus (PRV). Kun-Ming male mice were assigned randomly to four groups with different Thr levels (0.70%, 0.88%, 1.10% and 1.30%). Half of the mice in each group were injected with PRV or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) after 5 weeks’ adaptation to diets. The second experiment examined the effects of dietary Thr level on copulation rate, pregnancy rate and average number per litter of PRV- or PBS-challenged male mice that copulated with adult female mice on the 9th day post PRV challenge. Sperm quality and testosterone of mice were decreased after PRV infection, but this effect was attenuated by increasing Thr levels. Copulation and conception rates were increased with increasing Thr levels (P = 0.14), but litter size was not affected (P > 0.05). In the PBS and PRV groups, mice fed higher levels of Thr had increased immunoglobulin (Ig)G, IgA and IgM concentrations. The PRV-specific antibody level, interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α concentration in PRV groups enhanced with increasing Thr levels; however, there was no difference in PBS groups. Furthermore, higher toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR9 expressions in testis were observed by PRV challenge compared with PBS groups, and higher Thr supplement attenuated PRV-challenged induced the upregulation effect of TLR2 and TLR9 mRNA expression in testis (P < 0.05). These data suggest that higher Thr consumption was recommended in order to counteract the deleterious effects of virus invasion, possibly through the downregulated expression of TLRs, and thus to improve immunity and reproduction performance of male mice challenged with PRV.  相似文献   

Irradiation prevented the accelerated expulsion of Trichinella spiralis from mice immunized by transfer of immune mesenteric lymph node cells (IMLNC) or by prior infection. Nevertheless, worms in irradiated immune mice were smaller and less fecund than those in controls. In adoptively immunized and irradiated mice expulsion could not be achieved by increasing the numbers of IMLNC transferred, although the effect upon worm length was more severe. Thus IMLNC express a direct, anti-worm immunity which is independent of their role in worm expulsion. IMLNC cause expulsion in irradiated mice only when adequate levels of bone marrow-derived cells are available. The results are discussed in terms of a possible antibody-mediated basis for direct anti-worm immunity.  相似文献   

Serum opsonins and the passive transfer of protection in Babesia rodhaini infections of rats. International Journal for Parasitology4: 197–201. An investigation into the protective activity of serum from rats immune to B. rodhaini and the role played by opsonins in that activity was undertaken. One, three and six infections with B. rodhaini resulted in corresponding increases in the titre of specific protective antibody demonstrable by the administration of immune serum to rats. Drug control of infection resulted in a lower level of protective activity than that which developed when rats controlled infection unaided. Protective activity following recovery from a single drug controlled infection was undiminished 20 weeks after infection.Serum opsonins were detected in an in vitro culture system of normal rat peritoneal macrophages and these antibodies were specific for parasitized erythrocytes. It is suggested that opsonins were largely responsible for the protective effect demonstrated by assay in rats but that their importance, relative to other antibodies with a possible protective function, in the development of acquired immunity remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Brindley P. J. and Dobson C. 1982. Nematospiroides dubius in mice selected for liability to infection: modification of parasite biology through host selection. International Journal for Parasitology12: 573–578. Mice selected as liable (L) and refractory (R) over ten generations voided significantly more and less Nematospiroides dubius eggs compared with randomly mated (Rd) mice after primary infections with 100 larvae. There was little difference between the number of parasite eggs voided g?1 faeces (epg) by individual mice on day 14 compared with day 15 after infection.However there was a significant diurnal variation in the egg values for individual mice but the mean differences observed between the R, Rd and L mice were maintained over a 24 h period. There was a strong correlation between both the total number and the number of female worms, surviving 21 days after infection, and the mean epg 14 and 15 days after infection. Female N. dubius produced more eggs in L mice and fewer eggs in R mice compared with worms in Rd mice. Similarly, worms grew longer in L mice and were shorter in R mice compared with parasites in Rd mice.  相似文献   

Gonadectomy in mice considerably depressed the volumes of intraperitoneal tetrathyridial populations, orchiectomy being more efficient than ovariectomy. Testosterone propionate accelerated the growth of tetrathyridial populations in gonadectomized mice of both sexes. Oestradiol benzoate was less efficient, but considerably increased the invasion of livers both in intact and in gonadectomized mice. The average size of tetrathyridia was inversely proportional to the size of the populations: tetrathyridia from an orchiectomized mouse were the largest, those from an orchiectomized and testosterone treated mouse, the smallest, and those from an orchiectomized mouse treated with oestradiol, intermediate in size.  相似文献   

A surgical technique for the transfer of 3-week old Schistosoma mansoni to the mesenteric veins of mice is described. Parasites grown in a donor C3H/StCrl strain survive on transfer to recipient C57BL/10J mice despite prior immunization with C3H/StCrl cells or skin grafts. The findings indicate that the ‘species-specific’ mouse host antigens associated with adult worms in xenogeneic transfers do not have an allogeneic basis in these two strains.  相似文献   

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