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The present study concerned the morphology and surface ultrastructure of a plagiorchid, Glossidium pedatum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt. Adult G. pedatum have an elongate body, tapered towards the anterior and posterior ends. Their oral sucker is small, sub‐terminal and rounded, measuring 0.200 mm in diameter. Sensory papillae around the oral sucker usually occur in small clusters of three to eight each. The ventral sucker is large, situated at the anterior end of the second third of the body, 0.299 mm in diameter, and is surrounded by three pairs of sensory papillae. Both suckers have rounded rims covered by tegumental spines. On the anterior part of the ventral surface of the body tegumental spines are small, pointed and closely spaced. A small triangular area of tegument anterior to the ventral sucker is devoid of spines. Tegumental spines on the mid‐region of the body slightly increase in size and number, especially towards the lateral aspects and posterior to the ventral sucker. Towards the posterior end of the body the spines progressively decrease in both size and number. The dorsal side exhibits similar surface features but the spines are less numerous and slightly smaller.  相似文献   

The terrestrial triheteroxenous life cycle of Brachylaima mascomai n. sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) is elucidated. Operculated, assymetric, embryonated eggs (25.4 x 12.7 microm) are passed with feces of the natural (Rattus norvegicus and R. rattus) and experimental (albino and wild mice, albino rats, Apodemus sylvaticus, Mus spretus [Muridae] and the golden gerbil) definitive hosts and ingested by the helicid gastropod Pseudotachea splendida, the only natural and experimental first intermediate host. Microcaudate cercariae harbored in branched sporocysts in the digestive gland emerge from this snail and contact P. splendida, Otala punctata, Theba pisana, and Helix (C.) aspersa snails developing into unencysted infective metacercariae in the kidney. Definitive hosts are infected by ingestion of infected snails; the adult parasites inhabit the small intestine. Chaetotaxic cercarial pattern specific at acetabular (S(II) 8-10 papillae) and cephalic (C(III) 13-15 papillae, H 16 papillae) levels. Three types of cercarial papillae are observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and their arrangement is correlated with chaetotaxy for the first time in trematodes: argentophilic papillae with fingerlike process (cephalic, body, and acetabular levels), argentophilic papillae with opening (2 papillae in the M body level), and nonargentophilic dome-shaped papillae (alternated with argentophilic S(II) papillae on the ventral sucker). SEM detected interlacing network of ridges covering the metacercarial body. Adults with multidigitate tegumentary spines were observed by SEM. Subequal suckers; the acetabulum located in the posterior part of anterior fifth of body. Vitellaria extend from between middle level and anterior margin of anterior testis to between middle level and posterior margin of acetabulum. Uterus almost reaches the intestinal bifurcation.  相似文献   

Adult Fasciola gigantica are leaf-shaped with tapered anterior and posterior ends and measure about 35 mm in length and 15 mm in width across the mid section. Under the scanning electron microscope its surface appears rough due to the presence of numerous spines and surface foldings. Both oral and ventral suckers have thick rims covered with transverse folds and appear spineless. On the anterior part of the ventral surface of the body, the spines are small and closely-spaced. Each spine has a serrated edge with 16 to 20 sharp points, and measures about 20 microm in width and 30 microm in height. In the mid-region the spines increase in size (up to 54 microm in width and 58 microm in height) and number, especially towards the lateral aspect of the body. Towards the posterior end the spines progressively decrease in both size and number. The tegumental surface between the spines appears highly corrugated with transverse folds alternating with grooves. At higher magnifications the surface of each fold is further increased with a meshwork of small ridges separated by variable-sized pits or slits. There are three types of sensory papillae on the surface. Types 1 and 2 are bulbous, measuring 4-6 microm in diameter at the base with nipple-like tips, and the type 2 also have short cilia. Type 3 papillae are also bulbous and of similar size but with a smooth surface. These sensory papillae usually occur in clusters, each having between 2 and 15 units depending on the region of the body. Clusters of papillae on the lateral aspect (usually types 1 and 2) and around the suckers (type 3) tend to be more numerous and larger in size. The dorsal side of the body exhibits similar surface features, but the spines and papillae appear less numerous and are smaller. Corrugation and invaginations of the surface are also less extensive than on the ventral side of the body.  相似文献   

Adult Paramphistomum cervi or rumen fluke are pear-shaped, slightly concave ventrally and convex dorsally. The worm measures about 5-13 mm in length and 2-5 mm in width across the mid-section. As observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the tegumental surface in all part of the body, appears highly corrugated with transverse folds alternating with grooves and is spineless. At high magnification, the surface of the fold is composed of microfolds or ridges separated by microgrooves or pits. Corrugations and invaginations of the ventral surface are also more extensive than on the dorsal surface of the body. Both anterior and posterior suckers have thick rims covered with transverse folds without spine. The genital pore is situated at the anterior third of the body. There are two types of sensory papillae on the surface: type 1 is bulbous in shape, measuring 10-15 μm in diameter at the base with nipple-like tips, and type 2 has a similar shape and size and also a short cilia on top. These sensory papillae usually occur in large clusters, each having between 5 and 20 units depending on the region of the body. Clusters of papillae on the ventral surface and around the anterior suckers tend to be more numerous and larger in size. The dorsal surface of the body has the least number of papillae.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed on the surface ultrastructure of Pygidiopsis summa (Digenea: Heterophyidae) adults. Metacercariae were collected from gills and muscles of mullets (Mugil cephalus) caught in a known endemic area, and adult flukes were harvested from dogs after 8 weeks of experimental infection. The worm was calabash form with its posterior part broader than the anterior part. Tegumental spines were densely distributed over the body surface, except on the suckers and genital apparatus, and around the excretory pore. Well differentiated spines were observed on the anterior half of the body, with 14-16 tips ventrally, and 19-20 tips dorsally. On the oral sucker, three pairs of type I sensory papillae (uni-ciliated knob-like swellings) and one pair of type II sensory papillae (aciliated round-swellings) were observed on the anterior and posterior parts of the lip, respectively. On the lip of the ventral sucker, one pair of type II sensory papillae was distributed only on its posterior part. Sperms were seen emerging from or entering into the genital apparatus. The results showed that the surface ultrastructure of P. summa was unique among the heterophyid trematodes, especially in digitation of tegumental spines and in distribution of sensory papillae on oral and ventral suckers.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Echinostoma cinetorchis (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Three-day (juvenile) and 16-day (adult) worms were harvested from rats (Sprague-Dawley) experimentally fed the metacercariae from the laboratory-infected fresh water snail, Hippeutis cantori. The worms were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, processed routinely, and observed by an ISI Korea DS-130 scanning electron microscope. The 3-day old juvenile worms were elongated and ventrally curved, with their ventral sucker near the anterior two-fifths of the body. The head crown was bearing 37-38 collar spines arranged in a zigzag pattern. The lips of the oral and ventral suckers had 8 and 5 type II sensory papillae respectively, and between the spines, a few type III papillae were observed. Tongue or spade-shape spines were distributed anteriorly to the ventral sucker, whereas peg-like spines were distributed posteriorly and became sparse toward the posterior body. The spines of the dorsal surface were similar to those of the ventral surface. The 16-day old adults were leaf-like, and their oral and ventral suckers were located very closely. Aspinous head crown, oral and ventral suckers had type II and type III sensory papillae, and numerous type I papillae were distributed on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker. Scale-like spines, with broad base and round tip, were distributed densely on the tegument anterior to the ventral sucker but they became sparse posteriorly. At the dorsal surface, spines were observed at times only at the anterior body. The results showed that the tegument of E. cinetorchis is similar to that of other echinostomes, but differs in the number and arrangement of collar spines, shape and distribution of tegumenal spines, and type and distribution of sensory papillae.  相似文献   

Mesocoelium lanfrediaesp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.  相似文献   

Heliconema minnanensis n. sp. is described from the Chiloscyllium plagiosum south of the Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground, Taiwan Strait. It is characterized by having the following combination of features. There are no longitudinal ridges in the posterior part of the body; the male has 4 pairs of precloacal papillae and 6-7 pairs of postcloacal papillae. The right spicule averages 0.2 mm long (1.1% of body length), and the left spicule averages 1.2 mm long (5.6% of body length), making an average spicule ratio of 1:5.2. The female has a vulva located on the left side of a thick membrane and 56-65% of the body length from the anterior end. Raphidascaris trichiuri (Yin and Zhang, 1983) comb. n., known previously from males only, is transferred from Cloeoascaris and redescribed, including material of both sexes from Muraenesox cinereus from the type locality.  相似文献   

A SEM study was performed on the surface of adult P. kobayashii Park, 1940, recovered from the snake, Elaphe rufodorsata. The anterior part of the worms was cup-shape and equipped with oral, ventral suckers, pseudosuckers, and tribocytic organ, and the posterior one was finger-like and round-ended. The tegument of the anterior body was covered with 3-4 pointed small spines on the mid-ventral surface and 1-2 pointed ones on the lateral surface. Sensory papillae such as type II, dome-shape ones, and papillae with an opening were distributed over the ventral surface of the anterior portion. The round tribocytic organ was bearing small stout spines laterally, whereas the surface which comes in contact with the host tissues consisted of numerous long fibrillar fibers. The lip of the oral sucker contained type II papillae. Lateral margin of the anterior body revealed type III papillae.  相似文献   

Epidermal topography was examined, including papillate ridges, grooves and ciliated sensory papillae of Craspedella sp. from the branchial chamber of redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, from Queensland, Australia. Rhandites were observed to discharge from ducts opening mainly in a small distal region of the ventral epidermis of the three central (of five) tentacles. These regions, devoid of ciliated sensory papillae, serve to adhere the anterior end of the worms during locomotion. Secretions from glands associated with the posterior attachment organ were observed to discharge from pores on the outside region of the ventral surface of the disc.A comparison of various scanning electron microscopy (SEM) fixation techniques showed that (1) hot fixatives at 90 °C provide most information on the largest number of epidermal structures and (2) different fixation regimes highlight different epidermal features.  相似文献   

Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi) feed on fleshy fruit and nectar of flowers and have an important role in pollination and seed dispersal. It was expected that their buccal morphological structures are adapted to this type of feeding. Consequently, buccal cavity and lingual structures of E. wahlbergi were examined by extended focus light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Morphology of the tongue of E. wahlbergi was similar to that of other fruit- and nectar-feeding bats. The elongated tongue of these bats possessed filiform and conical papillae as mechanical papillae and fungiform and circumvallate papillae as gustatory papillae that varied in distribution. Epomophorus wahlbergi had five palatal ridges and one post-dental palatal ridge, and relatively wide, flattened molar teeth. A hard, papillae structure at the posterior end of the upper palate of the upper plate, which has not been previously described, was observed. It appears that this structure works together with the palatal ridges and teeth, so that the bats crush fleshy fruits during feeding and extract the juices before discarding the pulp. Consequently, lingual and particularly palatal structures of E. wahlbergi show morphological adaptations for efficiently feeding on fleshy fruit and nectar.  相似文献   

The following species are described: Q. papillata sp.n., characterized by its head-shape with broad truncated anterior end and in males by the possession of 2 single short, stout ventral genital papillae situated anterior to the middle of the body; Q. lizardiensis sp.n., closely related to Q. papillata but distinguished from the latter by its head-shape with a pronounced distally widened anterior border and the absence of genital papillae in the male; Q. freudenhammeri sp.n., characterized by its head-shape with an anteriorly tapering naked front part with thickened, sclerotized cuticle and a rounded posterior part covered with thin cuticle and by the stoma with cheilorhabdia; Q. noffsingerae sp.n., characterized by its head-shape with widened truncated anterior border surrounding 6 sometimes protruding lips, each with a tube-like papilla and by the position of the ocelli situated along the posterior half of the long cylindrical oesophagus.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(3):171-175
In the lizard family Anguidae different levels of limb reduction exist up to a completely limbless body. The locomotion patterns of limbless anguid lizards are similar to the undulating and concertina movements of snakes. Additionally, anguid lizards frequently use a third mode of locomotion, called slide-pushing. During slide-pushing the undulating moving body slides on the ground, while the posterior part of the body is pressed against the substrate. Whereas the macroscopic and microscopic adaptations of snake scales to limbless locomotion are well described, the micromorphology of anguid lizard scales has never been examined. Therefore we studied the macro- and micromorphology of the scales of Pseudopus apodus, an anguid lizard with a snakelike body. In addition, we measured the frictional properties of Pseudopus scales. Our data show that the microstructures of the ventral scales of this anguid lizard are less developed than in snakes. We found, however, a rostro-caudal gradient in macroscopic structuring. Whereas the ventral side of the anterior body was nearly unstructured, the tail had macroscopic longitudinal ridges. Our frictional measurements on rough substrates revealed that the ridges provide a frictional anisotropy: friction was higher in the lateral than in the rostral direction. The observed frictional properties are advantageous for a tail-based slide-pushing locomotion, for which a tail with a high lateral friction is most effective in generating propulsion.  相似文献   

, , , and 1988. Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese): changes of the tegument surface in cercariae, schistosomula and juvenile parasites during development. International Journal for Parasitology18: 1093–1104. The surface of cercariae of S. japonicum (Chinese) and changes following their transformation into schistosomula were observed at 0.5,1, 3,6,12,24 and 48 hand 5,7,10 and 15 days by scanning electron microscopy. The cercarial surface shows two distinct regions: on the head and the body it is mildly undulating and covered throughout with numerous spines that are partially embedded in a thick layer of glycocalyx; on the tail it is highly folded into tall and thin circumferential ridges, spines are confined to the dorsal and ventral aspects and are prominent due to a thinner glycocalyx. Between 0.5 and 12 h following skin penetration, the surface of schistosomula is gradually cleared of glycocalyx, while small blebs and slender microvilli project out from the glycocalyx-free area and from spines. Subsequently, these structures are detached from the surface and thus responsible for the shedding of the original cercarial membrane and glycocalyx. Between 24 and 48 h, schistosomula show little change in the body size in comparison to earlier stages, and most of the surface is still covered with spines but devoid of blebs and microvilli. From day 2 onwards schistosomula are lengthened but with little net growth. Spines decrease in the middle region of the body; and the surface is invaginated by small pits and folded into thin ridges, which result in rapid increase of the surface area. Between days 5 and 7 schistosomula elongate further, and the disappearance of the spines in the middle region becomes even more pronounced, while those remaining are confined only to the anterior and posterior extremities. Ridges and pits are more developed, and the former begin to show regular foldings throughout all parts of the body. Between days 7 and 10 schistosomula grow rapidly and the body is quadrupled in size. Between days 10 and 15 sexes can be differentiated. The male has a flat ovoid shape body, whose ridges and pitting on the surface are highly developed almost to the same extent as in adult parasites, while spines remain mostly on the posterior end. Sensory papillae greatly increase in number, especially on the ventral and lateral aspects and around the suckers. The surface of the female is relatively smooth; ridges are developed only on the posterior part, while the remaining surface is flat and extensively pitted. Spines are present throughout but less concentrated in the middle region.  相似文献   

KUQAIA—一孢型体新类群   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Kuqaia gen.nov.是在新疆库车县阿艾煤矿附近出露的下侏罗统阳霞组中发现的一个新的孢型体类群。其自然分类位置不明,但形态特征明显,且地质分布较局限,是区域生物地层对比上颇具价值的化石。按纹饰特征,Kuqaia分为三个形态种:模式种Kuqaia quadrata gen.et sp.nov.具方格状纹饰;Kuqaia concentrica gen.et sp.nov.的同心脊较发达;Kuqaia radiata gen.etsp.nov.除在腹缘偶有微弱的同心脊外,表面纹饰为放射状脊纹。  相似文献   

The present study was performed to observe tegumental ultrastructure of Echinoparyphium recurvatum according to developmental stages. Worms (1, 3, 5 and 15-day old) were recovered from chicks experimentally infected with metacercariae from Radix auricularia coreana. One-day old worms were elongated and ventrally concave, and covered with peg-like tegumental spines except the adjacent areas of the head crown and excretory pore. Type I sensory papillae were distributed on the lip of the oral sucker, and grouped ciliated papillae were around the oral sucker. Peg-like tegumental spines were densely distributed on the anterior surface of the ventral sucker level. The ventral sucker had an aspinous tegument and no sensory papillae. Tegumental spines on the posterior surface of the ventral sucker level were sparsely distributed and disappeared posteriorly. In 3 and 5-day old worms, the tegument around the oral sucker was aspinose and wrinkled concentrically. The ventral sucker had a wrinkled tegument and many bulbous papillae. Type I sensory papillae were distributed between the bulbous papillae. Tegumental spines were spade-shaped with a terminal tip. A total of 45 collar spines including 4 end group ones on both ventral corners was alternately arranged in 2 rows. The 15-day old worms were very stout and their tegumental spines were tongue-shaped without a terminal tip. From the above results, it is confirmed that the surface ultrastructure of E. recurvatum was generally similar to that of other echinostomatid flukes. However, some features, i.e., morphological change of tegumental spines and appearance of sensory papillae on the ventral sucker according to development, and number, shape and arrangement of collar spines, were characteristic, which may be of taxonomic and bioecological significance.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of Stictodora tridactyla recovered from a kitten that was fed the killifish, Aphanius dispar, naturally infected with the metacercariae was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The body comprised a rounded head, elongate neck, and widely pyriform hind-body. The head bore a circular oral sucker on the ventral side, and concentric rows of peg-like cephalic spines on the dorsal side. The oral sucker was armed with pre-oral spines similar in shape and size to the cephalic spines. The neck and hind-body were densely covered with scale-like multipointed spines, the size and density of which decreased from anterior to posterior parts of the body. Ciliated dome-shaped papillae were found solitarily or as conjugated groups on the head apex and lips of the oral sucker. Non-ciliated dome-shaped papillae were restricted to the lower lip of the oral sucker. The body was devoid of a ventral sucker. The genital opening appeared as a round depression of the tegument at about the anterior third of the body. This is the first record of the occurrence of S. tridactyla in the Arabian Gulf region and A. dispar is a new second intermediate host.  相似文献   

Adults Fischoederius cobboldi are conical-shaped, concave ventrally and convex dorsally, measures about 8-10mm in length and 4-6mm in width across the mid section. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of entire body showed that the tegumental surface exhibits highly corrugation and transverse folds alternating with grooves and without spines. At higher magnification, the surface of each fold is further increased with a meshwork of ridges separated by irregular-sized pits. The ventral surface has more complex corrugations and invaginations than those of the dorsal surface of the body. Both anterior and posterior suckers have thick edges covered with transverse folds and appear spineless. The genital pore is located at the anterior one-third of the body. There are two types of sensory papillae on the surface: type 1 is bulbous in shape and nipple-like tips, measuring 10-15 μm in diameter at the base, and also type 2 is a similar shape and has short cilia on tips. These sensory papillae occur in large clusters, each having between 7 and 25 units depending on the region of the body. Clusters of papillae on the ventral surface and around the anterior suckers tend to be more abundant and larger in size. The dorsal side of the body exhibit similar surface features, but papillae appear less numerous and are smaller. Corrugations and invaginations of the dorsal aspect are also less extensive than those on the ventral surface of the body.  相似文献   

A cross-modal matching procedure was used, in twelve subjects,to evaluate regional differences in suprathreshold sensitivityof the oral cavity to electrogustometric stimulation. Stimulationof five loci on each side of the oral cavity was performed:tongue tip (one cm from the midline), anterior tongue side (2.5cm from tip on lateral margin), posterior tongue side (regionof the foliate papillae), posterior medial tongue (one cm frommidline on circumvallate papillae), and soft palate (one cmfrom midline, one cm above superior pole of anterior palatinearch). The tip of the tongue was significantly more sensitivethan the other areas to electric stimulation, as evidenced bythe slope and absolute position of the psychophysical powerfunctions. Strong correlations were observed in the sensitivitymeasures across tongue loci and between tongue and palate sides.No effects of subject gender or mouth side were found.  相似文献   

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