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KM突变小鼠慢性炎症性皮肤病的免疫学改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李彦红  刘颖  黄澜  徐艳峰  朱华  马春梅  秦川 《中国实验动物学报》2012,20(2):54-58,I0004,I0005
目的 观察KM突变小鼠皮肤慢性炎症的病理变化,探讨该小鼠皮肤免疫学改变.方法 通过外部特征、常规HE病理组织学、免疫组织化学、特染方法对3月龄、6月龄KM突变小鼠皮肤炎症细胞及炎症因子进行检测并与KM野生小鼠皮肤炎症细胞及炎症因子浸润进行比较.结果 KM突变小鼠皮肤毛稀、皮屑、皮皱等;组织病理表皮细胞坏死,上皮角化过度或不全,颗粒层增厚,基底细胞层水肿,真皮浅层血管扩张,结缔组织炎细胞浸润等,皮肤CD3+、CD4+T细胞、巨噬细胞、肥大细胞等增多,同时炎症因子IL-6、IL-22、TNF-α、IFN-γ等增多;且这些炎症细胞及炎症因子浸润3月龄较6月龄增多.结论 KM自发突变小鼠皮肤组织出现自发的慢性炎症病变,与人类慢性炎症性皮肤病变有相类似的病理改变和细胞分子改变,有望培育成为一种新的慢性炎症性皮肤病的动物模型.  相似文献   

Research into the prevention and treatment of age-related metabolic diseases are important in the present-day situation of the aging population. We propose that an elderly diabetic mouse model may be useful to such research as it exhibits deterioration of glucose and lipid metabolism. Although the KK mouse strain is commonly used as a model of moderate obesity and type 2 diabetes, the utility of this strain as an elderly obese and diabetic model mouse for research into aging remains unclear. The present study aimed to investigate age-related changes of glucose and lipid metabolism in male KK mice fed a standard chow diet. We demonstrate that 40 weeks KK mice exhibit age-related dysfunctions, such as development of insulin resistance associated with pancreatic islet hypertrophy and decreased lipolysis in white adipose tissue (WAT) compared with 15 weeks KK mice. However, aging does not appear to cause mitochondrial dysfunction of brown adipose tissue. Unexpectedly, hyperglycemia, potential glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive organs, hepatic lipid accumulation, hypertrophy of adipocytes, and inflammation in epididymal WAT did not worsen but rather compensated in 40 weeks KK mice. Our data indicate that the use of male KK mice as an elderly obese and diabetic mouse model has some limitations and in order to represent a useful elderly obese and diabetic animal model, it may be necessary to induce deterioration of glucose and lipid metabolism in KK mice through breeding with high-sucrose or high-fat diets.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori is highly adapted to the human stomach and the clinical isolates show a high diversity which could be due to adaptative changes of the strains passing from one host to another. In order to study these variations, experimental infection of mice was developed and provided three out of the eleven tested strains able to infect C57BL/6 mice: the Sydney strain which is known to be well adapted to mice and two freshly isolated strains from infected patients. Mice were orally infected with one of these three strains (infecting strains) and were killed 45 days later. H. pylori strains were isolated from the stomachs of mice (emerging strains). The three infecting strains were compared to the three emerging strains for protein and lipopolysaccharide profiles, antigenic profiles revealed by Western blot with monospecific sera and genetic status by testing for the cagA gene and the vacA genotype. During the 45 days of infection, H. pylori underwent phenotypic variations which may be attributed to the adaptation from a human to a mouse environment or from an in vitro to a mouse environment. Those variations consisted of an over-expression at the cell surface of a 180-kDa protein and of a decreased expression of proteins of 260 and 120 kDa. Moreover, antigenic variations were shown for the two freshly isolated strains from human: the CagA and VacA antigens were in the saline extracts of the infecting strains only while the UreA, UreB, HspA and HspB were in the saline extracts of both the infecting and the emerging strains. These variations may contribute to the adaptation of the strains to the mouse environment.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of a photomorphogenic mutant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light is arguably the most important abiotic factor controlling plant growth and development throughout their life cycle. Plants have evolved sophisticated light-sensing mechanisms to monitor fluctuations in light quality, intensity, direction and periodicity (day length). In Arabidopsis, three families of photoreceptors have been identified by molecular genetic studies. The UV-A/blue light receptors cryptochromes and the red/far-red receptors phytochromes control an overlapping set of responses including photoperiodic flowering induction and de-etiolation. Phototropins are the primary photoreceptors for a set of specific responses to UV-A/blue light such as phototropism, chloroplast movement and stomatal opening. Mutants affecting a photoreceptor have a characteristic phenotype. It is therefore possible to determine the specific developmental responses and the photoreceptor pathway(s) affected in a mutant by performing an appropriate set of photobiological and genetic experiments. In this paper, we outline the principal and easiest experiments that can be performed to obtain a first indication about the nature of the photobiological defect in a given mutant.  相似文献   

Runx2 transcribes Runx2-II and Runx2-I isoforms with distinct N-termini. Deletion of both isoforms results in complete arrest of bone development, whereas selective loss of Runx2-II is sufficient to form a grossly intact skeleton with impaired endochondral bone development. To elucidate the role of Runx2-II in osteoblast function in adult mice, we examined heterozygous Runx2-II (Runx2-II(+/-)) and homozygous Runx2-II (Runx2-II(-/-))-deficient mice, which, respectively, lack one or both copies of Runx2-II but intact Runx2-I expression. Compared to wild-type mice, 6-week-old Runx2-II(+/-) had reduced trabecular bone volume (BV/TV%), cortical thickness (Ct.Th), and bone mineral density (BMD), decreased osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers, lower bone formation rates, impaired osteoblast maturation of BMSCs in vitro, and significant reductions in mechanical properties. Homozygous Runx2-II(-/-) mice had a more severe reduction in BMD, BV/TV%, and Ct.Th, and greater suppression of osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers than Runx2-II(+/-) mice. Non-selective Runx2(+/-) mice, which have an equivalent reduction in Runx2 expression due to the lack one copy of Runx2-I and II, however, had an intermediate reduction in BMD. Thus, selective Runx2-II mutation causes diminished osteoblastic function in an adult mouse leading to low-turnover osteopenia and suggest that Runx2-I and II have distinct functions imparted by their different N-termini.  相似文献   

Published evidence indicates sharp reductions in the hominid dentition following the end of the Pleistocene. These reductions, both in size and in morphological complexity, have proceeded farthest in those areas where culture change has occurred most rapidly. The model proposed here suggests that post-Pleistocene dental reduction may be the result of the change in selective forces consequent from the invention and use of pottery and the changes in food-preparation techniques after the end of the Pleistocene. Models for testing this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Significant phenotypic selection acting on the buccolingual diameters of the permanent first and second molars is established for a Late Archaic population in Ohio. Directional selection appears to be acting on an index that increases the size of the maxillary first (UM1) and mandibular second (LM2) molars and decreases the size of the maxillary second (UM2) and mandibular first (LM1) molars. Variance selection is fundamentally disruptive but results in a more integrated (highly correlated) set of characteristics in the after-selection sample.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in a genetically identical population of mice.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The parental alleles of an imprinted gene acquire their distinctive methylation patterns at different times in development. For the imprinted RSVIgmyc transgene, methylation of the maternal allele is established in the oocyte and invariably transmitted to the embryo. In contrast, the methylation of the paternal allele originates during embryogenesis. Here, we show that the paternal methylation pattern among mice with identical genetic backgrounds is subject to extensive variation. In addition to this nongenetic variation, the process underlying RSVIgmyc methylation in the embryo is also subject to considerable genetic regulation. The paternal transgene allele is highly methylated in an inbred C57BL/6J strain, whereas it is relatively undermethylated in an inbred FVB/N strain. Individual methylation patterns of paternal alleles, and therefore all of the variation (nongenetic and genetic) in methylation patterns within an RSVIgmyc transgenic line, are established in early embryogenesis. For each mouse, the paternal RSVIgmyc allele is unmethylated at the day-3.5 blastocyst stage, and the final, adult methylation pattern is found no later than day 8.5 of embryogenesis. Because of the strong relationship between RSVIgmyc methylation and expression, the variation in methylation is also manifest as variation in transgene expression. These results identify embryonic de novo methylation as an important source of both genetic and nongenetic contributions to phenotypic variation and, as such, further our understanding of the developmental origin of imprinted genes.  相似文献   

Three newH-2 b mutant strains, B6.C-H-2 bm9 , B6.C-H-2 bm10 and B6.C-H–2 bm11 , are described. The three mutant strains are of the gain and loss type as they reject skin grafts reciprocally with the parental C57BL/6Kh. The mutations, which arose independently, are all allelic at the same locus as 11 other mutant strains already described. By complementation and other studies the mutated gene has been shown to beH-2K b . The strains were typed directly and by absorption with antisera specific for H-2Kb and H-2Db private and public specificities and for Iab specificities. Each strain typed differently with these sera. The strain B6.C-H-2 bm9 was found to be serologically identical with C57BL/6. The strains B6.C-H-2 bm10 and B6.C-H-2 bm11 were found to have alterations in the private H-2Kb specificity, H-2.33, and in the public specificity, H-2.5, but to a different extent. B6.C-H- 2bm10 had a marked decrease in the amount of H-2.33 expressed on the splenic cell surface as compared to C57BL/6 and also has a marked decrease in the expression of H-2.5 on both spleen and red blood cells. In comparison, B6.C-H-2 bm11 has a decrease in the expression of H-2.33 but an increase in the expression of H-2.5 on both splenic and red blood cells. The other H-2b specificities appeared to be unaltered as compared with C57BL/6.  相似文献   

Induction or overexpression of pulmonary manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) has been shown to protect against oxygen (O2) toxicity. Genetic inactivation of MnSOD (Sod2) results in multiple organ failure and early neonatal death. However, lungs or O2-tolerance of Sod2 knockout mice have not been investigated. We evaluated survival, lung histopathology, and other pulmonary antioxidants (glutathione cycle) of homozygous (-/-) and heterozygous (+/-) Sod2 mutant mice compared with wild-type controls (Sod2+/+) following 48 h exposure to either room air or to O2. The ability of antioxidant N-acetylcysteine to compensate for the loss of MnSOD was explored. Mortality of Sod2-/- mice increased from 0% in room air to 18 and 83% in 50 and 80% O2, respectively. N-acetylcysteine did not alter mortality of Sod2-/- mice. Histopathological analysis revealed abnormalities in saccules of Sod2-/- mice exposed either to room air or to 50% O2 suggestive of delayed postnatal lung development. In 50% O2, activities of glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) (previously known as gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, gamma-GCS) and glutathione peroxidase increased in Sod2-/- (35 and 70%, respectively) and Sod2+/- (12 and 70%, respectively) mice, but glutathione levels remained unaltered. We conclude that MnSOD is required for normal O2 tolerance and that in the absence of MnSOD there is a compensatory increase in pulmonary glutathione-dependent antioxidant defense in hyperoxia.  相似文献   

TMEFF2 is a single-transmembrane protein containing one EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains. Some studies implicated TMEFF2 as a tumor suppressor for prostate and other cancers, whereas others reported TMEFF2 functioning as a growth factor for neurons and other cells. To gain insights into the apparently conflicting roles of TMEFF2, we generated a null allele of Tmeff2 gene by replacing its first coding exon with human placental alkaline phosphatase cDNA (Tmeff2(PLAP)). Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) homozygous mutant mice are born normal, but show growth retardation and die around weaning age. Tmeff2 is widely expressed in the nervous system, and the Tmeff2(PLAP) knock-in allele enables the visualization of neuronal innervations of skin and internal organs with a simple alkaline phosphatase staining. Tmeff2 is also highly expressed in prostate gland and white adipose tissues (WAT). However, with the exception of reduced WAT mass, extensive anatomical and molecular analyses failed to detect any structural or molecular abnormalities in the brain, the spinal cord, the enteric nervous system, or the prostate in the Tmeff2 mutants. No tumors were found in Tmeff2-mutant mice. The Tmeff2(PLAP/PLAP) knock-in mouse is an useful tool for studying the in vivo biological functions of TMEFF2.  相似文献   

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