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The conversion of type I procollagen to type I collagen was studied by cleaving the protein with partically purified type I procollagen N-proteinase from chick embryos. Examination of the reaction products after incubation for varying times at 30 degrees C indicated that, during the initial stages of the reaction, pro alpha 1(I) and pro alpha 2(I) chains were cleaved at about the same rate. As a result, all the pro alpha 2(I) chains were converted to pC alpha 2(I) chains well before all the pro alpha 1 chains were cleaved. When the reaction products were examined by gel electrophoresis without reduction of interchain disulfide bonds, a distinct band of an intermediate was detected. The same intermediate was seen when the reaction was carried out at 35, 37, and 40 degrees C. The data established that over two-thirds of the type I procollagen was converted to the intermediate and that this intermediate was then slowly converted to the final product of pCcollagen. The kinetics for the reaction, however, did not fit a simple model for precursor-product relationship among substrate, intermediate, and product. Examination of the reaction products with a two-step gel procedure demonstrated that the intermediate consisted of three polypeptide chains in which the N propeptide was cleaved from one pro alpha 1 chain and one pro alpha 2(I) chain but the N propeptide was still present on one of the pro alpha 1(I) chains. In further experiments it was demonstrated that a similar intermediate was seen when a homotrimer of pro alpha 1(I) chains was partially cleaved by the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous observations suggested that incubating fibroblasts at elevated temperature caused over-modification of type I procollagen by post-translational enzymes because of a delay in folding of the collagen triple helix. Here, human skin fibroblasts were incubated at 40.5 instead of 37 degrees C, and the type I procollagen secreted into the medium was isolated. Analysis of the protein indicated that there was an increase of about 5 residues of hydroxylysine/alpha chain and about 1 residue of glycosylated hydroxylysine/alpha chain. Assays with procollagen N-proteinase indicated that the N-propeptide of the over-modified collagen was cleaved at a decreased rate, apparently because the over-modification altered the conformation-dependent cleavage site for the enzyme. Assays in a system for assembly of collagen into fibrils demonstrated that the over-modified protein had a higher critical concentration for self-assembly. Also, the fibrils formed from the over-modified collagen at 31 and 29 degrees C had smaller diameters than fibrils formed from normal type I collagen. The results provide direct evidence for earlier suggestions that post-translational over-modification of a fibrillar collagen can alter the morphology of the fibrils formed. The results also indicate that some of the biological consequences of the mutations in type I procollagen causing heritable disorders must be ascribed to the effects of post-translational over-modifications that frequently occur as secondary consequences of changes in the primary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants were examined for the cleavage of several types of procollagen by type I/II procollagen N-proteinase. The Km values were essentially the same (0.2 microM) for chick type I procollagen, human type I procollagen, and chick type II procollagen. However, the Vmax values differed over a 14-fold range. As reported previously, the enzyme did not cleave denatured type I or II procollagen. Also, it did not cleave human type III procollagen which contains the same scissle -Pro-Gln- bond as the pro-alpha 1(I) chain of type I procollagen. To explain the observations, Chou-Fasman rules were used to compare the secondary structures of the cleavage sites in the procollagens. The results supported a previous suggestion (Helseth, D. L., Jr., Lechner, J. L., and Veis, A. (1979) Biopolymers 18, 3005-3014) that the region carboxyl-terminal to cleavage site in the pro-alpha 1(I) chain of type I procollagen was in a hairpin conformation consisting of a beta-sheet, beta-turn, and beta-sheet. In both chick and human type I procollagen, the hairpin loop in the pro-alpha 1(I) chain consisted of about 18 amino acids. The cleavage site itself was in a short alpha-helical structure of four or five amino acids. The pro-alpha 2(I) chains had a similar hairpin loop of about 14 amino acids and alpha-helix of four or five amino acids containing the cleavage site. Chick type II procollagen, which had the highest Vmax value, had a longer hairpin structure of 22 amino acids, and the cleavage site was in a longer alpha-helical domain of 10 amino acids. In contrast, type III procollagen had a random-coil conformation in the same region. The results help to explain the unusual substrate requirements of type I/II N-proteinase. They also help explain why mutations that produce in-frame deletions of amino acids 84 or more residues carboxyl-terminal to the cleavage site make the protein resistant to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblasts from a fetus with perinatal lethal osteogenesis imperfecta synthesized normal and abnormal type I procollagen molecules. The abnormal molecules contained one or two pro alpha 1(I) chains in which glycine, alanine, and hydroxyproline at positions 874, 875, and 876 in the triple-helical region were deleted as the result of a 9-base pair genomic deletion. Molecules that contained abnormal chains were overmodified from the site of the deletion toward the amino-terminal region of the molecule. Secretion of the overmodified molecules was impaired. The thermal stability of molecules containing abnormal chains was lower than that of normally modified molecules. After cleavage of molecules with vertebrate collagenase, the temperature of thermal denaturation of the overmodified A fragments was greater than that of the fragments from the normal molecules. The rates of cleavage of the normal and the abnormal molecules by N-proteinase were indistinguishable. Our findings suggest that the tripeptide deletion introduces a shift in the phase of the chains in the triple helix. This structural change is propagated from the site of the deletion toward the amino terminus of the molecule, but the subsequent alteration in the structure of the N-proteinase cleavage site is not sufficient to cause a decrease in the rate of cleavage by the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have shown that a child with Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) type VII has a G to A transition at the first nucleotide of intron 6 in one of her COL1A2 alleles. Half of the cDNA clones prepared from the proband's pro alpha 2(I) mRNA lacked exon 6. The type I procollagen secreted by the proband's dermal fibroblasts in culture was purified, and collagen fibrils were generated in vitro by cleavage of the procollagen with the procollagen N- and C-proteinases. Incubation of the procollagen with N-proteinase resulted in a 1:1 mixture of pCcollagen and uncleaved procollagen. Incubation of this mixture with C-proteinase generated collagen and abnormal pNcollagen (pNcollagen-ex6) that readily copolymerized into fibrils. By electron microscopy these fibrils resembled the hieroglyphic fibrils seen in the N-proteinase-deficient skin of dermatosparactic animals and humans and were distinct from the near circular cross-section fibrils seen in the tissues of individuals with EDS type VII. Further incubation of the hieroglyphic fibrils with N-proteinase resulted in partial cleavage of the pNcollagen-ex6 in which the abnormal pN alpha 2(I) chains remained intact. These fibrils were not hieroglyphic but were near circular in cross-section. Fibrils formed from collagen and pNcollagen-ex6 that had been partially cleaved with elevated amounts of N-proteinase prior to fibril formation were also near circular in cross-section. The results are consistent with a model of collagen fibril formation in which the intact N-propeptides are located exclusively at the surface of the hieroglyphic fibrils. Partial cleavage of the pNcollagen-ex6 by N-proteinase allows the N-propeptides to be incorporated within the body of the fibrils. The model provides an explanation for the morphology and molecular composition of collagen fibrils in the tissues of patients with EDS type VII.  相似文献   

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type VIIC is a recessively inherited connective-tissue disorder, characterized by extreme skin fragility, characteristic facies, joint laxity, droopy skin, umbilical hernia, and blue sclera. Like the animal model dermatosparaxis, EDS type VIIC results from the absence of activity of procollagen I N-proteinase (pNPI), the enzyme that excises the N-propeptide of type I and type II procollagens. The pNPI enzyme is a metalloproteinase containing properdin repeats and a cysteine-rich domain with similarities to the disintegrin domain of reprolysins. We used bovine cDNA to isolate human pNPI. The human enzyme exists in two forms: a long version similar to the bovine enzyme and a short version that contains the Zn++-binding catalytic site but lacks the entire C-terminal domain in which the properdin repeats are located. We have identified the mutations that cause EDS type VIIC in the six known affected human individuals and also in one strain of dermatosparactic calf. Five of the individuals with EDS type VIIC were homozygous for a C-->T transition that results in a premature termination codon, Q225X. Four of these five patients were homozygous at three downstream polymorphic sites. The sixth patient was homozygous for a different transition that results in a premature termination codon, W795X. In the dermatosparactic calf, the mutation is a 17-bp deletion that changes the reading frame of the message. These data provide direct evidence that EDS type VIIC and dermatosparaxis result from mutations in the pNPI gene.  相似文献   

Cultured skin fibroblasts from a proband with an autosomal dominant variant of osteogenesis inperfecta were found to synthesize approximately equal amounts of normal pro-alpha 2(I) chains of type I procollagen and pro-alpha 2(I) chains which migrated more rapidly when examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The structural alteration was present in alpha 2(I)-CB4, a cyanogen bromide fragment containing amino acid residues 7-327 of the alpha 2 chain, and it appeared to be a deletion of about 30 amino acids. The pro-alpha 2(I) chains with the apparent deletion associated with normal pro-alpha 1(I) chains synthesized by the same fibroblasts and formed triple-helical type I procollagen. The presence of the altered pro-alpha 2 chains in trimers of procollagen had two consequences in terms of the physical properties of the molecule. One was to decrease the thermal stability of the protein as judged by resistance to proteolysis at 37 degrees C and by the helix to coil transition as assayed by circular dichroism. The second consequence was to make type I procollagen containing the shortened pro-alpha 2(I) chains resistant to digestion by procollagen N-proteinase. The simplest explanation for the data is that the apparent deletion in half the pro-alpha 2(I) chains produced a partial unfolding of the N-terminal region of type I procollagen which prevented processing of the protein by procollagen N-proteinase.  相似文献   

A monoclonal mouse IgG1 antibody was produced against the aminopropeptide of dermatosparactic sheep procollagen type I by using the hybridoma technique. Radioimmunoassays demonstrated an apparent affinity constant of 10(8) l X mol-1. The antibody reacted with a 19-amino-acid-long sequence spanning the procollagen N-proteinase cleavage site with stronger binding to structures contributed by the aminopropeptide. The antibody showed strong cross-reactions with similar antigens of bovine, human or chick origin but failed to react with the aminopropeptide of procollagen type III. Incubation of chick or sheep procollagen type I with stoichiometric amounts of antibody blocked the release from procollagen molecules of the aminopropeptide by procollagen N-proteinase. Thus, this antibody seems useful for studying various biological problems encountered in the conversion of procollagen.  相似文献   

Diphtherial toxin is produced in maximal yields by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (C7(beta tox+) only when iron is present in growth-limiting amounts. Toxin production is markedly decreased under high-iron conditions. We studied the role of the bacteriophage beta genome in this apparent regulation of toxin production by iron. Using a passive immune hemolysis assay to detect toxin antigen production in individual plaques, we identified rare phage mutants that were toxinogenic in high-iron medium. Lysogenic derivatives of C. diphtheriae C7 harboring such phage mutants were constructed. The lysogens were compared with wild-type strain C7(beta) for their ability to produce toxin in deferrated liquid medium containing varying amounts of added iron. Quantitative tests for extracellular toxin were performed by competitive-binding radioimmunoassays. We identified phenotypically distinct mutant strains that produced slightly, moderately, or greatly increased yields of toxin antigen under high-iron conditions. The toxin produced by the mutant lysogens was biologically active and immunochemically indistinguishable from wild-type toxin. Complementation experiments demonstrated that the phage mutation designated tox-201 had a cis-dominant effect on the expression of the toxin structural gene of phage beta. The characteristics of the tox-201 mutation suggest that it defines a regulatory locus of phage beta that is involved in control of toxinogenesis by iron in C. diphtheriae.  相似文献   

Recently we presented the partial covalent structure of a type V collagen chain. Analysis of amino acids 796-1020 in the human alpha 2(V) Gly-X-Y region showed strong conservation of charged positions with the interstitial collagens but also revealed substitutions unique to type V. To gain more information about this procollagen and primarily to resolve the ambiguous nature of the 3' noncollagenous propeptide, we sequenced several cDNA clones coding for amino acids adjacent to the carboxyl end of the alpha chain. Here we report the complete primary structure of the alpha 2(V) COOH-terminal propeptide. In general, the latter sequence (270 residues) bears a greater degree of similarity to those of the interstitial rather than the basement membrane procollagens. Compared to the interstitial procollagens, however, more divergence has occurred in alpha 2(V) surrounding the conserved N-asparaginyl-linked carbohydrate attachment site at residues 171-173, and alpha 2(V) possesses an additional potential glycosylation site (Asn-Lys-Thr) located in a hypervariable region near the NH2 terminus. Although certainly premature to form any rigid hypothesis, a pattern emerges that may be characteristic of alpha 2 versus alpha 1 chains. Both the alpha 2(I) and alpha 2(V) telopeptides are devoid of a lysine, which in alpha 1 chains forms an interchain cross-link with residue 87 of the collagenous region. Also in contrast to the interstitial alpha 1 carboxyl propeptides is the absence in alpha 2(I) and alpha 2(V) of a cysteine that probably participates in an interchain disulfide bond. Therefore, one can speculate that those alpha 2 chains, represented only once in procollagen trimers, may not be under the same selective pressure as alpha 1 chains to maintain certain residues responsible for stabilizing the triple helical molecules.  相似文献   

R I Salganik  G L Dianov  A V Mazin 《Genetika》1986,22(10):2398-2407
This study is concerned with an experimental verification of hypotheses postulating the involvement of self-complementary nucleotide sequences in the formation of deletions and insertions. It was suggested that deletions can arise in the regions of self-complementary nucleotide sequences, which allows the formation of the hairpin structures in a single-stranded DNA, arising during excision repair. These hairpin structures can be eliminated by nucleases or during DNA replication. Insertions can arise as a result of homologous recombination, when a migrating DNA strand contains a self-complementary sequence which forms hairpin structure. Model experiments were carried out with the pBR322 plasmid. A plasmid DNA with premutational damage in the palindrome-containing region was constructed by in vitro dimethylsulfate modification of one strand of EcoRI-BamHI restriction fragment. The plasmid was used for transformation of Escherichia coli. Restriction mapping and nucleotide analysis of the mutant DNAs demonstrated that they all contained deletions. The end points of the deletions coincide with the palindrome. To model homologous recombination, a plasmid with D-loop was constructed. A single-stranded DNA fragment containing palindrome forming a hairpin structure was introduced into the plasmid DNA and covalently fixed in the complex. When E. coli cells were transfected with this DNA, plasmid mutants containing insertions predetermined by palindromic structure arose. The evolutionary role of mutations predetermined by primary DNA structure is discussed.  相似文献   

The globular domain in the NH(2)-terminal propeptide (N-propeptide) of the proalpha1(I) chain is largely encoded by exon 2 of the Col1a1 gene and has been implicated in a number of processes that are involved in the biogenesis, maturation, and function of type I collagen. These include intracellular chain association, transcellular transport and secretion, proteolytic processing of the precursor, feedback regulation of synthesis, and control of fibrillogenesis. However, none of these proposed functions has been firmly established. To evaluate the function of this procollagen domain we have used a targeted mutagenesis approach to generate mice that lack exon 2 in the Col1a1 gene. Mouse lines were established on both a mixed 129 OlaHsd/Sv and C57BL/6 background and a pure 129 OlaHsd/Sv background. Adult mice on the mixed background are normal in appearance and are fertile. To the extent that they have been studied, procollagen synthesis, secretion, and proteolytic processing are normal in these mice, and collagen fibrillogenesis is only slightly altered. However, breeding of heterozygous mutant mice on the 129 background generated homozygous mutants at only 64% of the expected frequency. These findings suggest that although the N-propeptide is not essential for collagen biogenesis in mice it may play some essential role during embryonic development.  相似文献   

We have expressed G1-G2 mutants with amino acid changes at the DIPEN(341) downward arrow(342)FFGVG and ITEGE(373) downward arrow(374)ARGSV cleavage sites, in order to investigate the relationship between matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and aggrecanase activities in the interglobular domain (IGD) of aggrecan. The mutation DIPEN(341) to DIGSA(341) partially blocked cleavage by MMP-13 and MMP-8 at the MMP site, while the mutation (342)FFGVG to (342)GTRVG completely blocked cleavage at this site by MMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -9, -13, -14. Each of the MMP cleavage site mutants, including a four-amino acid deletion mutant lacking residues ENFF(343), were efficiently cleaved by aggrecanase, suggesting that the primary sequence at the MMP site had no effect on aggrecanase activity in the IGD. The mutation (374)ARGSV to (374)NVYSV completely blocked cleavage at the aggrecanase site by aggrecanase, MMP-8 and atrolysin C but had no effect on the ability of MMP-8 and MMP-13 to cleave at the Asn(341) downward arrowPhe bond. Susceptibility to atrolysin C cleavage at the MMP site was conferred in the DIGSA(341) mutant but absent in the wild-type, (342)GTRVG, (374)NVYSV, and deletion mutants. To further explore the relationship between MMP and aggrecanase activities, sequential digest experiments were done in which MMP degradation products were subsequently digested with aggrecanase and vice versa. Aggrecanase-derived G1 domains with ITEGE(373) C termini were viable substrates for MMPs; however, MMP-derived G2 fragments were resistant to cleavage by aggrecanase. A 10-mer peptide FVDIPENFFG, which is a substrate analogue for the MMP cleavage site, inhibited aggrecanase cleavage at the Glu(373) downward arrowAla bond. This study demonstrates that MMPs and aggrecanase have unique substrate recognition in the IGD of aggrecan and suggests that sequences at the C terminus of the DIPEN(341) G1 domain may be important for regulating aggrecanase cleavage.  相似文献   

Procollagen N-proteinase, the enzyme which cleaves the NH2-terminal propeptides from type I procollagen, was purified over 15,000-fold from extracts of chick embryos by chromatography on columns of DEAE-cellulose, concanavalin A-agarose, heparin-agarose, pN-collagen-agarose, and a filtration gel. The purified enzyme had an apparent molecular weight of 320,000 as estimated by gel filtration and a pH optimum for activity of 7.4 to 9.0. The enzyme was inhibited by metal chelators and the thiol reagent dithiothreitol. Addition of calcium was required for maximal activity under the standard assay conditions, and the presence of calcium decreased thermal inactivation at 37 degrees C. The purified enzyme cleaved a homotrimer of pro-alpha 1(I) chains, an observation which indicated that the presence of pro-alpha 2(I) chain is not essential for the enzymic cleavage of NH2-terminal propeptides. Previous observations suggesting that the enzyme requires a substrate with a native conformation were explored further by reacting the enzyme with type I procollagen at different temperatures. Type I procollagen from chick embryo fibroblasts became resistant to cleavage at about 43 degrees C. Type I procollagen from human skin fibroblasts, which was previously shown to have a slightly lower thermal stability than chick embryo type I procollagen, became resistant to cleavage at temperatures that were about 2 degrees C lower. The results suggested that the enzyme is a sensitive probe for the three-dimensional structure of the NH2-terminal region of the procollagen molecule and that it requires the protein substrate to be triple helical.  相似文献   

The putP gene encodes the major proline permease in Salmonella typhimurium that couples transport of proline to the sodium electrochemical gradient. To identify residues involved in the cation binding site, we have isolated putP mutants that confer resistance to lithium during growth on proline. Wild-type S. typhimurium can grow well on proline as the sole carbon source in media supplemented with NaCl, but grows poorly when LiCl is substituted for NaCl. In contrast to the growth phenotype, proline permease is capable of transporting proline via Na+/proline or Li+/proline symport. Therefore, we selected mutants that grow well on media containing proline as the sole carbon source in the presence of lithium ions. All of the mutants assayed exhibit decreased rates of Li+/proline and Na+/proline cotransport relative to wild type. The location of each mutation was determined by deletion mapping: the mutations cluster in two small deletion intervals at the 5' and 3' termini of the putP gene. The map positions of these lithium resistance mutations are different from the locations of the previously isolated substrate specificity mutations. These results suggest that Lir mutations may define domains of the protein that fold to form the cation binding site of proline permease.  相似文献   

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