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Antennal olfactory hairs of Antheraea polyphemus were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. Adequate preservation of dendrites and extracellular pore tubules is obtained by mechanical opening of the hair lumen and subsequent chemical fixation. The dendritic membrane has a cell coat. The dendrites contain microfilamentous structures in addition to their cytoplasmatic microtubules. The extracellular pore tubules traverse the hair cuticle and reach into the hair lumen for maximally 350 nm. Their diameter varies between 20 and 40 nm, depending on the preparation method. They consist of an electron-dense wall and an electron-lucent core. The wall has a helical substructure and is covered with a fuzzy coat. Contacts of pore tubules and dendritic membranes occur wherever dendrites are near the inner surface of the hair cuticle. Some of the pore tubules terminate approximately at right angles on the dendritic membrane, others lie against the membrane. The contact seems to be made via the surface coats of the tubules and the membrane. The structure of pore tubules which had been negatively stained with uranyl acetate is similar to the conventionally thin-sectioned material. The observations provide support for earlier assumptions that pore tubules are the pathways by which odor molecules reach the dendritic membrane.  相似文献   

T A Keil 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(1):131-135
A very tight contact is present between the apical membrane of the tormogen cell and the cuticle of the hair base in olfactory sensilla trichodea of Antheraea polyphemus. The contact zone is characterized by numerous hemidesmosome-like structures of the cell membrane, which closely attach the latter to the cuticle. If apically opened hairs are incubated in a LaCl3 solution, the tracer ions do not penetrate the contact zone. It is concluded that the tight contacts are the morphological correlates of the electrical isolation of the receptor-lymph space (cf. de Kramer et al., in press).  相似文献   

We investigate the response profiles of the antennal olfactory sensory neurones (OSNs) in male and female gorse pod moth Cydia succedana to host and nonhost volatiles, using the single sensillum recording technique. Eight different classes of olfactory sensilla are identified in female C. succedana and five different classes of olfactory sensilla in males. Nineteen different classes of OSNs are identified from the sensilla in females, and nine different classes of OSNs in the male sensilla. All classes of sensilla, except class F7 and class M1 sensilla, co‐compartmentalize two or three OSNs in each sensillum, and the OSNs present in the same sensillum are specialized for different volatiles. Most plant‐volatile OSNs exhibit phasic‐tonic type of temporal responses, whereas the pheromone OSNs in male C. succedana show rather phasic responses. The majority of OSNs identified in C. succedana display highly specialized responses to a narrow range of volatiles, whereas only a small proportion of OSNs show broad response spectra. Two most abundant classes of OSNs exhibit highly specialized responses to β‐myrcene and (E)‐β‐ocimene, two major volatiles released by gorse (Ulex europaeus), the main host of C. succedana. By contrast, several other classes of OSNs exhibit highly specialized responses to geraniol, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, (±)‐α‐terpineol, citral and benzyl acetate, which are produced by various nonhost plants. Taking the results of the present study together, we suggest that C. succedana use the combinational input from a set of highly specialized OSNs for host plant volatiles and another set of highly specialized OSNs for nonhost volatiles to discriminate between hosts and nonhosts.  相似文献   

Abstract. The apex of the larval antenna of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis has 6 cuticular sensilla that stained intensely black with silver nitrate, which indicates their porosity. The large sensory cone is innervated by 14 neurons and the 3 small, smooth surfaced, conical pegs have 4 neurons each. The small and large cylindrical sensilla with their smooth walls and pleated apices are innervated by 4 and 6 nerve cells, respectively. The 15 sensilla on the apex of the maxillary palp are all stained by silver nitrate. These sensilla are of five types: 7 type A sensilla with a smooth surface, a distinct apical pore, and 3 or 4 neurons; 2 type B sensilla with a smooth surface, many pores, and 5 neurons; 1 type C sensillum with a grooved surface, a large apical pore, smaller pores in the grooves, and 6 neurons; 3 type D sensilla with a smooth surface, a grooved apex that is elongated into a projection, and 4 neurons; 2 type E sensilla with many pores covering the surface, leaf-like appearance, and 4 neurons. The number and types of sensilla are similar to those in other nematocerous larvae, but in the many different forms of sensilla and the structure of the sensory cone, these tipulid larvae differ greatly from other larvae of lower Diptera.  相似文献   

The cilia of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) represent the sensory interface that is exposed to the air within the nasal cavity. The cilia are the site where odorants bind to specific receptors and initiate olfactory transduction that leads to excitation of the neuron. This process involves a multitude of ciliary proteins that mediate chemoelectrical transduction, amplification, and adaptation of the primary sensory signal. Many of these proteins were initially identified by their enzymatic activities using a membrane protein preparation from olfactory cilia. This so-called "calcium-shock" preparation is a versatile tool for the exploration of protein expression, enzyme kinetics, regulatory mechanisms, and ciliary development. To support such studies, we present a first proteomic analysis of this membrane preparation. We subjected the cilia preparation to liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation (LC-ESI-MS/MS) tandem mass spectrometry and identified 268 proteins, of which 49% are membrane proteins. A detailed analysis of their cellular and subcellular localization showed that the cilia preparation obtained by calcium shock not only is highly enriched in ORN proteins but also contains a significant amount of nonciliary material. Although our proteomic study does not identify the entire set of ciliary and nonciliary proteins, it provides the first estimate of the purity of the calcium-shock preparation and provides valuable biochemical information for further research.  相似文献   

The silkmoth Bombyx mori is the main producer of silk worldwide and has furthermore become a model organism in biological research, especially concerning chemical communication. However, the impact domestication might have had on the silkmoth''s olfactory sense has not yet been investigated. Here, we show that the pheromone detection system in B. mori males when compared with their wild ancestors Bombyx mandarina seems to have been preserved, while the perception of environmental odorants in both sexes of domesticated silkmoths has been degraded. In females, this physiological impairment was mirrored by a clear reduction in olfactory sensillum numbers. Neurophysiological experiments with hybrids between wild and domesticated silkmoths suggest that the female W sex chromosome, so far known to have the sole function of determining femaleness, might be involved in the detection of environmental odorants. Moreover, the coding of odorants in the brain, which is usually similar among closely related moths, differs strikingly between B. mori and B. mandarina females. These results indicate that domestication has had a strong impact on odour detection and processing in the olfactory model species B. mori.  相似文献   

Keil TA  Steiner C 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(6):821-851
During adult development of the male silkmoth Antheraea polyphemus, the anlagen of olfactory sensilla arise within the first 2 days post-apolysis in the antennal epidermis (stage 1-3). Approximately on the second day, the primary dendrites as well as the axons grow out from the sensory neurons (stage 4). The trichogen cells start to grow apical processes approximately on the third day, and these hair-forming 'sprouts' reach their definite length around the ninth day (stages 5-6). Then the secretion of cuticle begins, the cuticulin layer having formed on day 10 (stage 7a). The primary dendrites are shed, the inner dendritic segments as well as the thecogen cells retract from the prospective hair bases, and the inner tormogen cells degenerate around days 10/11 (stage 7b). The hair shafts of the basiconic sensilla are completed around days 12/13 (stage 7c), and those of the trichoid sensilla around days 14/15 (stage 7d). The trichogen sprouts retract from the hairs after having finished cuticle formation, and the outer dendritic segments grow out into the hairs: in the basiconic sensilla directly through, and in the trichoid sensilla alongside, the sprouts. The trichogen sprouts contain numerous parallel-running microtubules. Besides their cytoskeletal function, these are most probably involved in the transport of membrane vesicles. During the phase of cuticle deposition, large numbers of vesicles are transported anterogradely from the cell bodies into the sprouts, where they fuse with the apical cell membrane and release their electron-dense contents (most probably cuticle precursors) to the outside. As the cuticle grows in thickness, the surface area of the sprouts is reduced by endocytosis of coated vesicles. When finally the sprouts retract from the completed hairs, the number of endocytotic vesicles is further increased and numerous membrane cisterns seem to be transported retrogradely along the microtubules to the cell bodies. Here the membrane material will most probably be used again in the formation of the sensillum lymph cavities. Thus, the trichogen cells are characterized by an intensive membrane recycling. The sensillum lymph cavities develop between days 16-20 (stage 8), mainly via apical invaginations of the trichogen cells. The imago emerges on day 21.  相似文献   

Upon stimulation by odorants, Ca(2+) and Na(+) enter the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons through channels directly gated by cAMP. Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels have been found in a variety of cells and extensively investigated in the past few years. Glutamate residues at position 363 of the alpha subunit of the bovine retinal rod channel have previously been shown to constitute a cation-binding site important for blockage by external divalent cations and to control single-channel properties. It has therefore been assumed, but not proven, that glutamate residues at the corresponding position of the other cyclic nucleotide-gated channels play a similar role. We studied the corresponding glutamate (E340) of the alpha subunit of the bovine olfactory channel to determine its role in channel gating and in permeation and blockage by Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). E340 was mutated into either an aspartate, glycine, glutamine, or asparagine residue and properties of mutant channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes were measured in excised patches. By single-channel recordings, we demonstrated that the open probabilities in the presence of cGMP or cAMP were decreased by the mutations, with a larger decrease observed on gating by cAMP. Moreover, we observed that the mutant E340N presented two conductance levels. We found that both external Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) powerfully blocked the current in wild-type and E340D mutants, whereas their blockage efficacy was drastically reduced when the glutamate charge was neutralized. The inward current carried by external Ca(2+) relative to Na(+) was larger in the E340G mutant compared with wild-type channels. In conclusion, we have confirmed that the residue at position E340 of the bovine olfactory CNG channel is in the pore region, controls permeation and blockage by external Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), and affects channel gating by cAMP more than by cGMP.  相似文献   

Cyt2Aa1 is a haemolytic membrane pore forming toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kyushuensis. To investigate membrane pore formation by this toxin, second-site revertants of an inactive mutant toxin Cyt2Aa1-I150A were generated by random mutagenesis using error-prone PCR. The decrease in side chain length caused by the replacement of isoleucine by alanine at position 150 in the αD-β4 loop results in the loss of important van der Waals contacts that exist in the native protein between I150 and K199 and L203 on αE. 28 independent revertants of I150A were obtained and their relative toxicity can be explained by the position of the residue in the structure and the effect of the mutation on side-chain interactions. Analysis of these revertants revealed that residues on αA, αB, αC, αD and the loops between αA and αB, αD and β5, β6 and β7 are important in pore formation. These residues are on the surface of the molecule suggesting that they may participate in membrane binding and toxin oligomerization. Changing the properties of the amino acid side-chains of these residues could affect the conformational changes required to transform the water-soluble toxin into the membrane insertion competent state.  相似文献   

Tagged G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been used to facilitate intracellular visualization of these receptors. We have used a combination of adenoviral vector gene transfer and tagged olfactory receptors to help visualize mammalian olfactory receptor proteins in the normal olfactory epithelium of rats, and in cell culture. Three recombinant adenoviral vectors were generated carrying variously tagged versions of rat olfactory receptor I7. The constructs include an N‐terminal Flag epitope tag (Flag:I7), enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusion protein (EGFP:I7), and a C‐terminal EGFP fusion (I7:EGFP). These receptor constructs were assayed in rat olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and in a heterologous system (HEK 293 cell line) for protein localization and functional expression. Functional expression of the tagged receptor proteins was tested by electroolfactogram (EOG) recordings in the infected rat olfactory epithelium, and by calcium imaging in single cells. Our results demonstrate that the I7:EGFP fusion protein and Flag:I7 are functionally expressed in OSNs while the EGFP:I7 fusion is not, probably due to inappropriate processing of the protein in the cells. These data suggest that a small epitope tag (Flag) at the N‐terminus, or EGFP located at the C‐terminus of the receptor, does not affect ligand binding or downstream signaling. In addition, both functional fusion proteins (Flag:I7 and I7:EGFP) are properly targeted to the plasma membrane of HEK 293 cells. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 56–68, 2002  相似文献   

A long‐standing controversy questions whether foraging bark beetles assess the suitability of individual host trees using cues at close range while flying or engage in random landing followed by contact assessment. In most cases, visual discrimination mechanisms are ignored. We show that pheromone‐responding mountain pine beetles (MPB), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), can visually discriminate between ‘host’ (black) and ‘non‐host’ (white) traps arranged in small clusters, in the absence of additional host olfactory information, and that males (but not females) demonstrate a greater preference for combined host visual and olfactory cues. However, white, non‐host traps baited with a host volatile were as attractive as unbaited, black host traps. Our results support the hypotheses that when deciding to land, the MPBs integrate visual and olfactory information and can process cues in both sensory modes at relatively close range (≤2 m). Thus, host selection mechanisms in this species are unlikely to be random with respect to either sensory mode.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(5):112398
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Abstract.  1. There has been a long-standing pre-occupation with how phytophagous insects use olfactory cues to discriminate hosts from non-hosts. Foragers, however, should use whatever cues are accurate and easily assessed, including visual cues.
2. It was hypothesised that three bark beetles, the mountain pine beetle (MPB), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, the Douglas-fir beetle (DFB), D. pseudotsugae Hopkins, and the western balsam bark beetle (WBBB), Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, integrate visual and olfactory information to avoid non-host angiosperms (e.g. paper birch, trembling aspen), that differ in visual and semiochemical profile from their respective host conifers (lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, interior fir), and tested this hypothesis in a series of field trapping experiments.
3. All three species avoided attractant-baited, white (non-host simulating) multiple-funnel traps, and preferred attractant-baited black (host-simulating) traps. In experiments combining white, non-host traps with non-host angiosperm volatiles, bark beetles were repelled by these stimuli in an additive or redundant manner, confirming that these species could integrate visual and olfactory information to avoid non-host angiosperms while flying.
4. When antiaggregation pheromones were released from white traps, the DFB and MPB were repelled in an additive-redundant manner, suggesting that beetles can integrate diverse and potentially anomalous stimuli.
5. The MPB demonstrated the most consistent visual preferences, suggesting that it may be more of a 'visual specialist' than the DFB or WBBB, for which visual responses may be more contingent on olfactory inputs.  相似文献   

Olfactory bulb processing results from the interaction of relay neurons with two main categories of interneurons which mediate inhibition in two distinct layers: periglomerular cells and granule cells. We present here a neural model of the mammalian olfactory bulb which allows to separately investigate the functional consequences of the two types of interneurons onto the relay neurons responsiveness to odors. The model, although built with simplified representations of neural elements generates various aspects of neural dynamics from the cellular to the populational level. We propose that the combined action of centrifugal control at two different layers of processing is complementary: reduction of the number of active relay neurons responding to a given odorant through increased activity of periglomerular cells, and an increase of response intensity of active mitral cells through decrease of granule cell inhibition.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定雄性棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径。【方法】利用单感器记录技术记录棉铃虫嗅觉受体神经元对性信息素的反应,同时采用荧光染料作为示踪剂染色标记嗅觉受体神经元;使用免疫组织化学方法处理相应的脑组织,标记脑内触角叶的神经纤维球结构;用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜获取图像数据,使用图形软件ZEN和Amira 4.1.1进行三维结构重建。【结果】记录到雄性棉铃虫成虫触角上长毛形感器对主要性信息素成分Z11-16∶Ald产生明显的电生理反应,并成功染色标记了该感器内的嗅觉受体神经元。染色标记显示该感器内具有两个嗅觉受体神经元,其轴突通过触角神经分别投射触角叶内的云状体神经纤维球和普通神经纤维球。【结论】单感器记录与神经元示踪两技术结合能够用于鉴定昆虫触角嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态和投射至神经纤维球的路径。与赖氨酸钴方法比较,使用荧光染料法进行神经元示踪,操作更简便,且易于进行三维空间分析,为调查棉铃虫其他嗅觉神经元的投射路径以明确外周气味受体感受与中枢系统的联系提供了有力技术支持。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾头部感器的电镜扫描结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用扫描电镜系统观察并描述了苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)成虫及幼虫触角上及口器上的感器。主要研究结果如下:1)苹果蠹蛾成虫触角背面密布鳞片,感器很少,腹面和侧面鳞片稀疏,具大量感器;2)触角上的感器大部分分布于鞭节各节,少部分分布于柄节和梗节;3)雄虫触角上着生10种感器,雌虫触角上着生9种感器,与雄虫相比,雌虫缺少鳞形感器;4)雄虫口器具鳞形感器和刺形感器,雌虫口器仅具刺形感器;5)幼虫触角3节,基节无感器,第2节具2刺形感器且其分布位置存在个体差异,端节端部具呈三角状排列的3个栓锥感器;6)幼虫口器具一定数量和不同形态的感器。  相似文献   

Palmitic acid (Pal) is known to promote apoptosis (Sparagna G et al (2000) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 279: H2124–H2132) and its amount in blood and mitochondria increases under some pathological conditions. Yet, the mechanism of the proapoptotic action of Pal has not been elucidated. We present evidence for the involvement of the mitochondrial cyclosporin A-insensitive pore induced by Pal/Ca2+ complexes in the apoptotic process. Opening of this pore led to a fall of the mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of the proapoptotic signal cytochrome c. The addition of cytochrome c prevented these effects and recovered membrane potential, which is in contrast to the cyclosporin A-sensitive mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Oleic and linoleic acids prevented the Pal/Ca2+-induced pore opening in the intact mitochondria, this directly and significantly correlating with the effect of these fatty acids on Pal-induced apoptosis in cells (Hardy S et al (2003) J Biol Chem 278: 31861–31870). The specific probe for cardiolipin, 10-N-nonyl acridine orange, inhibited formation of this pore.  相似文献   

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