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The present article gives a brief survey of results of studies in the area of plant embryology directly associated with the discovery made by S.G. Navashin in 1898 of double fertilization in vivo and in vitro. These studies utilized methods of electronic and fluorescence microscopy, cytophotometry, and cultures of isolated ovules, sperm, and the embryo sac central cell. Questions related to the origin of the female gametophyte of flowering plants, double fertilization, and the endosperm are considered. It is emphasized that progress in this field is associated chiefly with the study of molecular processes that regulate the development and functioning of the female gametophyte and the sporophyte on early stages of ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic analyses of basal angiosperms have identified those lineages central to the study of the origin and early diversification of flowering plants. As we begin to understand the early evolution of endosperm developmental patterns in flowering plants, it is apparent that we know little about the other basic embryological features of basal angiosperms, such as the nature of the female gametophyte and even whether a process of double fertilization occurs.  相似文献   

The discovery of a second fertilization event that initiates endosperm in flowering plants, just over a century ago, stimulated intense interest in the evolutionary history and homology of endosperm, the genetically biparental embryo-nourishing tissue that is found only in angiosperms. Two alternative hypotheses for the origin of double fertilization and endosperm have been invoked to explain the origin of the angiosperm reproductive syndrome from a typical non-flowering seed plant reproductive syndrome. Endosperm may have arisen from a developmental transformation of a supernumerary embryo derived from a rudimentary second fertilization event that first evolved in the ancestors of angiosperms (endosperm homologous with an embryo). Conversely, endosperm may represent the developmental transformation of the cellular phase of non-flowering seed plant female gametophyte ontogeny that was later sexualized by the addition of a second fertilization event in a strongly progenetic female gametophyte (endosperm homologous with a female gametophyte). For the first time, explicit developmental and evolutionary transitions for both of these hypotheses are examined and compared. In addition, current data that may be congruent with either of these hypotheses are discussed. It is clear that much remains to be accomplished if the evolutionary significance of the process of double fertilization and the formation of endosperm is to be fully understood.  相似文献   

The fertilization process in Gnetum is critical to our understanding of the evolution of sexual reproduction within the Gnetales, a monophyletic group of nonfiowering seed plants that are the closest living relatives to flowering plants. Although much is known about the fertilization process in Ephedra, which is basal within the Gnetales, little is known about sexual reproduction in the derived sister groups Gnetum and Welwitschia. Ovules of Gnetum gnemon were collected at various stages after hand pollination and processed for light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. Approximately 5 d after pollination, pollen tubes reach sexually mature female gametophytes, which are coenocytic. At that time, a binucleate sperm cell is found within each pollen tube. Within 7 d of pollination, double fertilization events occur when each of two sperm nuclei released from a pollen tube fuses with a separate, undifferentiated female nucleus within the free nuclear female gametophyte, which lacks differentiated egg cells. The products of double fertilization are two viable zygotes; endosperm is not formed. The lack of differentiated egg cells in Gnetum gnemon is unparalleled among land plants and the documentation of a regularly occurring process of double fertilization is congruent with the hypothesis that a rudimentary process of double fertilization evolved in a common ancestor of angiosperms and Gnetales.  相似文献   

双受精是被子植物特有的生殖方式,精细胞只有通过花粉管穿过花柱才能到达子房、胚珠受精。花粉管在母本组织中的生长和引导包括孢子体控制(sporophytic control)和配子体控制(gametophytic control)两个连续的过程,现已克隆出不同阶段花粉管生长和引导的基因,通过分析其表达调控揭示出花粉管生长和引导的分子机制。该文就近年来国内外有关花粉管生长和极性引导的调控机制研究进展进行综述,并对禾本科(Poaceae)和十字花科(Brassicaceae)植物花粉管引导的异同点进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

In contrast to animals, gametes in plants form a separate haploid generation, the gametophyte. The female gametophyte of flowering plants consists of just four different cell types that play distinct roles in the reproductive process. Differentiation of the distinct cell fates is tightly controlled and appears to follow regional cues that are arranged along a polar axis. Mutant analysis suggests that important aspects of gametophyte patterning are gametophytically regulated. Additionally, structural and molecular changes following misspecification indicate that the female gametophyte is a remarkably versatile structure with enormous respecification potential. Recently, new tools have been developed that open fascinating possibilities to access and analyze those processes that ultimately ensure successful fertilization.  相似文献   

There are four genetically distinct components in the developing seeds of flowering plants: maternal sporophyte, gametophyte, endosperm, and embryo. Each component can potentially influence the quantity or quality of nutrients provided to the embryo of its seed, thereby reducing the amount available to embryos in other seeds of that plant. The theory of kin selection predicts that each component will be selected to favor its own embryo over the other embryos to the extent that it is more closely related to its own. Under this criterion, an embryo should be selected to try to acquire more nutrients than the endosperm should be selected to provide, the endosperm should try to supply more than the gametophyte should, and the gametophyte more than the parent sporophyte. Evidence for this conflict of interests is found in the higher frequency of endopolyploidy, nutrient-absorbing haustoria, and food storage tissues in the embryo and endosperm than in the gametophyte of maternal tissues.This theory also suggests how the gametophyte, which is the nurse tissue of gymnosperm seeds, was displaced from this role in the flowering plants by an endosperm initiated by a secondary fertilization. “Neoteny” in the pro-angiosperms created conditions in which (1) an endosperm initiated by double fertilization would be more closely related to the embryo than is the gametophyte and (2) the endosperm would be formed early enough to be of significant aid to the embryo.If this theory is correct it (1) requires a different approach to the study of seed morphology and physiology, (2) increases the plausibility of arguments that flowering plants are a polyphyletic group, (3) provides evidence that parents cannot always control the outcome of conflict with their offspring, and (4) forges a conceptual link in our understanding of the evolution of social interactions in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Successful fertilization in animals depends on competition among millions of sperm cells, whereas double fertilization in flowering plants usually involves just one pollen tube releasing two immobile sperm cells. It is largely a mystery how the plant sperm cells fuse efficiently with their female targets within an embryo sac. We show that the initial positioning of sperm cells upon discharge from the pollen tube is usually inopportune for gamete fusions and that adjustment of sperm cell targeting occurs through release and re-adhesion of one sperm cell, while the other connected sperm cell remains in stagnation.This enables proper adhesion of each sperm cell to a female gamete and coordinates the gamete fusions. Our findings reveal inner embryo sac dynamics that ensure the reproductive success of flowering plants and suggest a requirement for sperm cell differentiation as the basis of double fertilization.  相似文献   

Double fertilization - caught in the act   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In flowering plants, fertilization is unique because it involves two pairs of male and female gametes, a process known as double fertilization. Here, we provide an overview of the field and a detailed review of the outstanding recent advances, including in vivo imaging of double fertilization and the identification of a signaling pathway controlling the release of the male gametes and of a protein involved in gamete membrane fusion. These recent results are stepping stones for further research; our knowledge of double fertilization is expanding as newly discovered molecular pathways are explored and new mutants are characterized. Controlling plant fertilization is essential for seed production, and molecular understanding of double fertilization will provide the tools to improve crops and breeding programs.  相似文献   

Two sperm cells are required to achieve double fertilization in flowering plants (angiosperms). In contrast to animals and lower plants such as mosses and ferns, sperm cells of flowering plants (angiosperms) are immobile and are transported to the female gametes (egg and central cell) via the pollen tube. The two sperm cells arise from the generative pollen cell either within the pollen grain or after germination inside the pollen tube. While pollen tube growth and sperm behavior has been intensively investigated in model plant species such as tobacco and lily, little is know about sperm dynamics and behavior during pollen germination, tube growth and sperm release in grasses. In the March issue of Journal of Experimental Botany, we have reported about the sporophytic and gametophytic control of pollen tube germination, growth and guidance in maize.1 Five progamic phases were distinguished involving various prezygotic crossing barriers before sperm cell delivery inside the female gametophyte takes place. Using live cell imaging and a generative cell-specific promoter driving α-tubulin-YFP expression in the male germline, we report here the formation of the male germline inside the pollen grain and the sperm behaviour during pollen germination and their movement dynamics during tube growth in maize.Key words: male gametophyte, generative cell, sperm, pollen tube, tubulin, fertilization, maize  相似文献   

In Angiosperms, the male gametes are delivered to the female gametes through the maternal reproductive tissue by the pollen tube. Upon arrival, the pollen tube releases the two sperm cells, permitting double fertilization to take place. Although the critical role of the female gametophyte in pollen tube reception has been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we describe lorelei, an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant impaired in sperm cell release, reminiscent of the feronia/sirène mutant. Pollen tubes reaching lorelei embryo sacs frequently do not rupture but continue to grow in the embryo sac. Furthermore, lorelei embryo sacs continue to attract additional pollen tubes after arrival of the initial pollen tube. The LORELEI gene is expressed in the synergid cells prior to fertilization and encodes a small plant-specific putative glucosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GAP). These results provide support for the concept of signaling mechanisms at the synergid cell membrane by which the female gametophyte recognizes the arrival of a compatible pollen tube and promotes sperm release. Although GAPs have previously been shown to play critical roles in initiation of fertilization in mammals, flowering plants appear to have independently evolved reproductive mechanisms that use the unique features of these proteins within a similar biological context.  相似文献   

The monosporic seven-celled/eight-nucleate Polygonum-type female gametophyte has long served as a focal point for discussion of the origin and subsequent evolution of the angiosperm female gametophyte. In Polygonum-type female gametophytes, two haploid female nuclei are incorporated into the central cell, and fusion of a sperm cell with the binucleate central cell produces a triploid endosperm with a complement of two maternal and one paternal genomes, characteristic of most angiosperms. We document the development of a four-celled/four-nucleate female gametophyte in Nuphar polysepala (Engelm.) and infer its presence in many other ancient lineages of angiosperms. The central cell of the female gametophyte in these taxa contains only one haploid nucleus; thus endosperm is diploid and has a ratio of one maternal to one paternal genome. Based on comparisons among flowering plants, we conclude that the angiosperm female gametophyte is constructed of modular developmental subunits. Each module is characterized by a common developmental pattern: (1) positioning of a single nucleus within a cytoplasmic domain (pole) of the female gametophyte; (2) two free-nuclear mitoses to yield four nuclei within that domain; and (3) partitioning of three uninucleate cells adjacent to the pole such that the fourth nucleus is confined to the central region of the female gametophyte (central cell). Within the basal angiosperm lineages Nymphaeales and Illiciales, female gametophytes are characterized by a single developmental module that produces a four-celled/four-nucleate structure with a haploid uninucleate central cell. A second pattern, typical of Amborella and the overwhelming majority of eumagnoliids, monocots, and eudicots, involves the early establishment of two developmental modules that produce a seven-celled/eight-nucleate female gametophyte with two haploid nuclei in the central cell. Comparative analysis of ontogenetic sequences suggests that the seven-celled female gametophyte (two modules) evolved by duplication and ectopic expression of an ancestral Nuphar-like developmental module within the chalazal domain of the female gametophyte. These analyses indicate that the first angiosperm female gametophytes were composed of a single developmental module, which upon double fertilization yielded a diploid endosperm. Early in angiosperm history this basic module was duplicated, and resulted in a seven-celled/eight-nucleate female gametophyte, which yielded a triploid endosperm with the characteristic 2:1 maternal to paternal genome ratio.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, fertilization relies on complex and specialized mechanisms that achieve the precise delivery of the male gamete to the female gamete and their subsequent union [1-4]. In flowering plants, the haploid male gametophyte or pollen tube (PT) [5] carries two nonmotile sperm cells to the female gametophyte (FG) or embryo sac [6] during a long assisted journey through the maternal tissues [7-10]. In Arabidopsis, typically one PT reaches one of the two synergids of the FG (Figure 1A), where it terminates its growth and delivers the sperm cells, a poorly understood process called pollen-tube reception. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of the Arabidopsis mutant abstinence by mutual consent (amc). Interestingly, pollen-tube reception is impaired only when an amc pollen tube reaches an amc female gametophyte, resulting in pollen-tube overgrowth and completely preventing sperm discharge and the development of homozygous mutants. Moreover, we show that AMC is strongly and transiently expressed in both male and female gametophytes during fertilization and that AMC functions in gametophytes as a peroxin essential for protein import into peroxisomes. These findings show that peroxisomes play an unexpected key role in gametophyte recognition and implicate a diffusible signal emanating from either gametophyte that is required for pollen-tube discharge.  相似文献   


Key message

Extended antipodal life-span.


The female gametophyte of most flowering plants forms four cell types after cellularization, namely synergid cell, egg cell, central cell and antipodal cell. Of these, only the antipodal cells have no established functions, and it has been proposed that in many plants including Arabidopsis, the antipodal cells undergo programmed cell death during embryo sac maturation and prior to fertilization. Here, we examined the expression of female gametophyte-specific fluorescent reporters in mature embryo sacs of Arabidopsis, and in developing seeds shortly after fertilization. We observed expression of the fluorescence from the reporter genes in the three antipodal cells in the mature stage embryo sac, and continuing through the early syncytial endosperm stages. These observations suggest that rather than undergoing programmed cell death and degenerating at the mature stage of female gametophyte as previously supposed, the antipodal cells in Arabidopsis persist beyond fertilization, even when the other cell types are no longer present. The results support the concept that the Arabidopsis female gametophyte at maturity should be considered to be composed of seven cells and four cell types, rather than the previously prevailing view of four cells and three cell types.  相似文献   

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