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  • 1 The success of mating disruption using synthetic sex pheromones depends not only on preventing mating, but also on delaying mating in the target insect. Using the geometrid pest of Eucalyptus plantations, Mnesampela privata (Guenée), we determined the effect of delaying mating when imposed on males only, females only or on both sexes simultaneously, for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days.
  • 2 Delayed mating had a significant negative impact on reproduction, with a 0.89‐fold decrease in the likelihood of mating and a 0.67‐fold decrease in the likelihood of that mating resulting in fertile eggs for every day that mating is delayed. A mating delay of 7 days reduced the mean number of viable eggs laid to 4–13% of that laid by moths paired immediately after emergence.
  • 3 Male only imposed mating delays had a significantly lower effect on reducing the likelihood of pairs mating than when both sexes were delayed. A delay imposed on one sex only or on both sexes simultaneously, however, had a similar negative impact on the proportion of fertile matings as well as on the total number of fertile eggs laid.
  • 4 Longevity of mated female and male M. privata was significantly different between mating delay treatments, with a significant decline in female longevity when they mated with older males.
  • 5 The underlying mechanisms causing a decline in female reproductive output when a mating delay was imposed on males versus females are discussed in relation to the reproductive biology of M. privata and the potential of using mating disruption strategies to control populations in Eucalyptus plantations.

  • 1 The autumn gum moth, Mnesampela privata, is an endemic Australian geometrid that utilizes a number of species within the genus Eucalyptus as hosts. Based on field observations, the moth is thought to be leaf‐type specific for juvenile as opposed to adult eucalypt foliage.
  • 2 Laboratory binary choice assays of the oviposition preference of host novice M. privata confirmed that eggs were more likely to be laid upon juvenile rather than adult foliage of Eucalyptus dunnii and two subspecies of E. globulus. This oviposition preference was not influenced by differences in leaf size or adherence to leaves by ovipositing moths. The high specific leaf weights common to adult leaves were associated with reduced oviposition.
  • 3 Although neonates fed on both juvenile and adult leaves of most of the trees studied, performance was greater on juvenile as opposed to adult foliage. Juvenile leaves typically had lower specific leaf weights and were nutritionally superior to their adult counterparts. Specific leaf weights above 0.236 mg/mm2 (associated with low water, i.e. = 56.5%, and nitrogen, i.e. = 1.23%, contents) were associated with reduced larval performance. Younger adult leaves, those with lower specific leaf weights, allowed slightly greater larval consumption.
  • 4 When ovipositing, this eucalypt‐specific moth discriminates between leaf types of its heterophyllous hosts in favour of types with the lowest specific leaf weight. Less tough leaf types, which are also higher in nitrogen, enable neonates to attain larger body weights.

Mnesampela privata Guenée (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae) is a native Australian geometrid that conducts considerable host assessment prior to ovipositing on its host plants, which belong to the genus Eucalyptus . The leaves of some of their hosts are covered with a particularly thick and waxy cuticle and we have shown that epicuticular waxes influence the oviposition preferences of females. This necessitates that M. privata has evolved specific chemosensory organs to assess the identity and perhaps even the quality of its hosts. In this work, we examined the morphology of tarsal taste sensilla and the sensitivity of their sensory neurones to a range of primary metabolites possibly influential on host assessment and oviposition. The ventral surface of the fifth tarsomere of females bear two parallel rows of up to eight sensilla, each loosely aligned with two parallel rows of five spines. Salts, sugars, and amino acids elicited phasi-tonic multicellular neuronal responses of variable magnitude and form. Two pairs of sensilla are closely apposed to the most distal spine in each row; the sensory neurones associated with these sensilla exhibited notably larger responses to alanine and serine compared with those of all other sensilla. The arrangement of the taste sensilla in close proximity to prominent tarsal spines is unique and could represent an adaptation that enables them to penetrate the wax layer and be brought into contact with primary metabolites present closer to the leaf surface.  相似文献   

The frequency of mating in insects is often an important determinant of female reproductive output and male sperm competition. In Lepidoptera that provide male nutrients to the female when mating, it is hypothesized that polyandry may be more prevalent. This is thought to be especially so among species described as income breeders; that is, in species who do not derive all their nutrients for reproductive output entirely from the resources obtained during the larval stage. We selected the geometrid moth, Mnesampela privata (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), to examine this hypothesis further. We found this species was best characterized as an income breeder with female weight on emergence positively correlated with total egg load but not with the number of eggs laid. Further, in accord with income breeders, females emerged with a partially developed egg load and lifetime fecundity was positively correlated with the number of oviposition days. However, in the laboratory we found that incidence of repeated matings or polyandry was rare. When moths were paired singly over their lifetime, only 4% of mated females multiple mated. When females were paired with three males concurrently, female mating success increased from 60 to 81% with multiple mating among mated females increasing to just 15%. Dissection of wild caught M. privata found that polyandry levels were also low with a maximum of 16.4% of females collected at any one time being multiple mated. In accord with theory, mating significantly increased the longevity of females, but not of males, suggesting that females acquire essential resources from male ejaculates. Despite this, multiple mated females showed a trend toward decreasing rather than increasing female reproductive output. Spermatophore size, measured on death of the female, was not correlated with male or female forewing length but was negatively correlated with the number of fertile eggs laid and female longevity. Smaller spermatophore width may be related to uptake of more nutrients by the female from a spermatophore. We discuss our findings in relation to income breeding and its relationship to polyandry in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Adult female pine beauty moths, Panolis flammea (D & S), when given a choice of whole plants or needle pairs of four provenances of Lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta (Douglas), laid most eggs on that provenance on which the larvae attained their greatest growth rates.
2. When presented with a greater number of Lodgepole pine provenances and Pinus sylvestris L, P.flammea oviposition preferences reflected the trade-off between growth rate and survival.
3. There is some evidence to suggest that the moths are responding to the monoterpene composition of the plants.
4. Adult moths showed no preference for Lodgepole pine needles of a range of ages (1–4 years), ovipositing uniformly on all age classes.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The autumn gum moth Mnesampela privata (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae) is a native moth that can outbreak, resulting in significant defoliation of plantation eucalypts in southern Australia. 2 Laboratory trials tested M. privata larvae for their dose–response to the ecdysone agonist, Mimic® 700 WP (a.i. 700 g/kg tebufenozide); ground and aerial field trials also tested its efficacy in eucalypt plantations. 3 The laboratory trials showed that there was no significant difference in mortality between larvae treated with 172 g Mimic® (120 g a.i)/ha and those sprayed with doses ranging from 86 to 3340 g Mimic®/ha. 4 Laboratory and field trials demonstrated that second instars were the most susceptible, with the most rapid response. However, second to fourth instars all reached 100% and fifth instars 90% mortality 3 weeks after aerial spraying at 120 g a.i./ha. 5 Aerial spraying an Eucalyptus globulus plantation with 120 g a.i. Mimic® at 20 L/ha caused 95% mortality of instars two to five, and 100% for instars two to four within 3 weeks after spraying. 6 Ground spraying to run‐off with 120 g a.i. Mimic®/ha reduced defoliation of E. grandis from between 67% to 80% for unsprayed trees to 0% defoliation for sprayed trees. 7 The window for effective management of M. privata larvae is 3–5 weeks, during first to third instar development. 8 Replacement of broad‐spectrum insecticides with the more target‐specific Mimic® should increase the biodiversity of plantations and therefore would be more environmentally friendly.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The work reported here analysed host utilisation by the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), the relationship between moth oviposition patterns and larval performance, the chemical characteristics of the plant in relation to the performance of different larval instars, and the role of these factors in the outbreak capacity of the species. In order to do this, a combination of field and laboratory techniques was used to study three pine species differing in nutritional characteristics.
2. Moths oviposited in the three pine species analysed, although cluster pine received a lower number of batches. Late-instar larvae were able to feed on all three pine species, however first-instar larvae developed on Scots and black pine but died on cluster pine. Consequently, oviposition in cluster pine can be considered an oviposition mistake, and indicates that moths are rather unselective when ovipositing on different pine species.
3. Chemical analysis of needles suggested that the quantity of nitrogen was the main factor responsible for the difference in survival of larvae.
4. The oviposition pattern of the moth and the larval susceptibility to food quality in Thaumetopoea pityocampa agree with the theory that unselective oviposition of the moth is a precondition for eruptive dynamics in phytophagous insects.
5. The success of the larvae depends mainly on the probability of the moth finding a suitable host. This probability is determined strongly by the changes of structure and coverage in Mediterranean pine woodlands, due to human management.  相似文献   

AlthoughPlutella xylostella (L.) is a worldwide pest of cruciferous crops, relatively little is known about its oviposition behaviour. This study was undertaken to provide necessary information about mechanisms involved inP. xylostella host selection. Four oviposition behaviours were described. Moths were given artificial substrates treated with water, sinigrin, orBrassica napus (cv. Westar) squashes, combined withB. napus volatiles and/or grooves in the substrate. No eggs were deposited in the absence of olfactory and gustatory stimuli. Moths given gustatory but not olfactory stimuli deposited similar numbers of eggs but spent significantly more time performing olfactory-related behaviours. Conversely, moths given olfactory but not gustatory stimuli did not oviposit.SSubstrate grooves did not influence egg numbers but appeared to influence egg location. The order in which oviposition behaviours occurs and the relative importance of stimuli type are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential of two invasive herbaceous vines Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench and Vincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barbar. (Asclepiadaceae) to reduce monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) populations was investigated by evaluating oviposition selection in adult monarch butterflies and larval feeding preference in choice tests comparing the native host plant of monarch butterflies, Asclepias syriaca L. (Asclepiadaceae) and the two non‐indigenous Vincetoxicum species. In both choice and no‐choice tests, no eggs were oviposited on either of the two Vincetoxicum species whereas over 66 eggs per female were oviposited on A. syriaca plants. All first instar larvae allowed to feed on A. syriaca for 48 h survived while a significantly lower proportion survived on V. rossicum (44%) and V. nigrum (14%). Mean weight of larvae that did survive on the Vincetoxicum species was significantly lower than the mean weight of larvae that fed on A. syriaca. The mean weight of surviving larvae, however, did not differ between the two Vincetoxicum species. The mean proportion of leaves consumed by larvae feeding on A. syriaca was significantly greater than the mean proportion of leaves consumed by larvae feeding on either Vincetoxicum species. Findings from this research indicate that V. rossicum and V. nigrum are not viable hosts of monarch butterflies and are likely to pose little direct threat to their populations as oviposition sinks. The ability of these highly aggressive plants, however, to out‐compete and displace the native host of monarchs, A. syriaca, may pose a more serious threat. The potential of monarch populations to adapt to the two Vincetoxicum species as host plants over the long‐term is discussed.  相似文献   

Records of crop damage caused by Bibionidae are reviewed together with evidence for their beneficial activities, natural enemies and control methods. Bibionids are sporadic and infrequent pests. Although grass and cereals are most vulnerable, a wide range of crops is attacked. Damage is most severe after grass or when plants are under stress. The presence of organic matter during oviposition increases the likelihood of damaging populations. Many natural enemies exist but their impact on adult or larval populations has not been quantified. Given the pattern of attacks and lack of approved insecticides, cultural control methods are more appropriate than chemical. The role of adult bibionids in pollination and of larvae involved in soil processes could be of greater importance than any damage caused by the group.  相似文献   

思茅地区咖啡天牛天敌的多样性调查和控制评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者在1994~1997年的调查研究中发现思茅地区拥有丰富的天敌资源。共鉴定出8种主要捕食和寄生于咖啡天牛的天敌,其中蚂蚁类4种:立毛举腹蚁(Crematogaster ferrarii)、黑褐举腹蚁(C.rogenhoferi)、中华小家蚁(Monomorium chinense )和法老家蚁(M.pharaonis );蠼螋2种:蠼螋(Labidura riparia)、锤角螋(Nesogaster sp.);寄生蜂2 种:间斑举腹姬蜂(Pristaulacus intermedius)和茶色茧蜂(Iphiaulax rufus)。饲养和调查结果显示,黑褐举腹蚁、立毛举腹蚁、间斑举腹姬蜂和蠼螋4种捕食或寄生性天敌,自然种群大、控制能力强,有很大的利用前景。建议生产中减少化学农药的施用,以保护天敌的生存环境,发挥天敌的自然控制作用。  相似文献   

  • 1 The relative importance of the resource concentration hypothesis and the enemies hypothesis was investigated for the turnip root fly Delia floralis in a cabbage–red clover intercropping system compared with a cabbage monoculture.
  • 2 Delia floralis egg densities were measured as well as the activity‐densities of generalist predators in a field experiment during two growing seasons. In the second year, a study of egg predation with artificially placed eggs was conducted, in addition to a predator exclusion experiment, to estimate total predation during the season. Parasitization rates were estimated from samples of pupae.
  • 3 Delia floralis oviposition was greater in the monoculture during both years. The predator activity‐densities differed between treatments and study years. The known natural enemies of Delia spp., Bembidion spp. and Aleochara bipustulata showed a strong response to a cultivation system with higher activity‐densities in the monoculture. The response, however, appeared to be caused primarily by habitat preferences and not by D. floralis egg densities.
  • 4 The reduction in the number of D. floralis pupae in the intercropping may be explained by a disruption in oviposition behaviour caused by the presence of clover because neither predation, nor parasitization rates differed between cultivation systems.

1 Herbicides are commonly applied under grapevines in Australia to remove weeds and thereby to avoid water loss through transpiration. 2 Interest in sustainability promotes a reduction in chemical inputs, including herbicides, leading to trials with surface mulches to suppress weeds. 3 Surface mulches may also influence the abundance of a range of invertebrates. Potentially, an increase in natural enemies will contribute to pest control and encourage a reduction in pesticide application. 4 We used three trapping methods and direct soil sampling to assess invertebrates at ground level, in the canopy and in the soil to determine the influence of mulch on natural enemies, potential pests and soil macroinvertebrates, including earthworms. 5 Collections sorted to family demonstrated that the addition of straw or compost mulches increased natural enemies collected with pitfall traps and soil organisms. However, there was no clear indication of the overall superiority of either mulch. 6 Abundance of ground beetles, parasitoid Hymenoptera and spiders collected with pitfall traps were increased by the addition of mulches. In the canopy, predatory and parasitic Diptera and predatory Hemiptera increased after mulching. 7 Earthworms collected by hand sorting soil increased with straw mulching. 8 No influence on pests was detected. Although Lepidoptera and Sigmurethra, collected in pitfall traps, increased with straw mulching, neither included pest species. 9 The results are discussed with reference to the potential economic impact of mulches.  相似文献   

Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a key pest of maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] and a main target of Bt maize in the Mediterranean area. To choose the most suitable non‐Bt refuge strategy for preventing or delaying resistance development in this maize borer, we examined its biology and behaviour. No antixenotic effects were found on numbers of eggs and egg batches per plant in choice (Bt vs. non‐Bt plants) and no‐choice assays. However, a greater ratio of young larvae dispersed from Bt than from non‐Bt plants. In addition, larvae that hatched on Bt plants tended to disperse more than those that hatched on non‐Bt plants, particularly during young growth stages. Many adults, especially females, could fly at least up to 400 m, as was found in a dispersal study with rubidium‐marked adults. The stimulation of larval dispersal by the Bt trait and the dispersal capacity of adults might compromise the efficacy of seed mixtures as an insecticide resistance management strategy.  相似文献   

1. Foliar trichomes clearly reduce chewing damage and efficiency of movement by some insect herbivores, but the effect of trichomes on insect oviposition is less well characterised. Trichomes are likely to have particularly strong, negative effects on species that require secure attachment of the egg to the leaf epidermis for successful transition to the feeding stage – a group that includes many leaf mining insects. 2. One such species, Micrurapteryx salicifoliella, must initially enter leaf cells directly from an egg adhered to the cuticle, but later instars can move between leaves and initiate new mines from the leaf exterior. 3. Natural patterns of occurrence by M. salicifoliella were quantified on 10 sympatric Salix species varying in trichome expression to test whether trichomes were associated with reduced oviposition, larval survival and leaf damage. 4. Mean egg density and leaf mining damage were negatively related to mean trichome density across Salix species. Survival of M. salicifoliella from egg to pupa was positively related to trichome density, suggesting that initiation of new mines by late‐instar larvae was not adversely affected by trichomes. There was no evidence that trichomes benefited leaf miner larvae indirectly by decreasing density‐dependent mortality; rather, the positive relationship between trichome density and larval survival may reflect less effective chemical defence by Salix species expressing high trichome density. 5. The results suggest that foliar trichomes serve as an effective defence against M. salicifoliella by deterring oviposition, but do not reduce the survivorship of those individuals that successfully transition from egg to larva.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Most female Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae) avoid ovipositing in pools that contain the predatory backswimmer Notonecta maculata . Such oviposition habitat selection has been suggested to reflect a trade-off between the risk of predation on larvae and potential density-dependent fitness costs. This putative trade-off was examined. In particular, evidence was sought in support of direct female response to local heterogeneity in habitat quality.
2. Three habitat types were established using artificial outdoor pools: predator pools, and non-predator pools with either low or high densities of Culiseta larvae. During each experimental night, females were offered one of the three possible pair-wise treatment combinations.
3. The majority (≈88%) of females oviposited in low-density pools rather than in the predator- or high-density pools. Furthermore, a substantially higher proportion of females oviposited in predator pools when faced with the high-density alternative, however this was due largely to fewer females ovipositing in high- vs low-density pools.
4. Females of a second mosquito species ( Culex laticinctus ), the larvae of which are at a lower risk of predation, were predicted to exhibit weaker aversion to N. maculata ; this prediction was supported only weakly.
5. Oviposition habitat selection by female C. longiareolata does not appear to involve a behavioural response that is based on individual assessment of local heterogeneity in relative pool quality, at least not at the spatial scale examined here; alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

1 The tri‐voltine moth Prays oleae Bern. spends its larval stages on the native olive tree (Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris Brot. and five cultivars, Oleaceae) mining the leaves, the flowers and the fruits in each generation; it seldom switches to other native or introduced confamilial plant species. 2 In this study the pattern of oviposition of the olive moth was examined in olive fields and natural vegetation, in relation to in situ recruitment as an outcome of processes such as density dependence or risk spreading. 3 Larval body size (width of epicranial sclerites) was also examined and compared between host substrates, years and morphological, physiological, ecological and nutritional attributes of the host. 4 The factors influencing the oviposition pattern of the olive moth such as the carbon/nitrogen ratio, number of flowers, branch length and previous leaf damage were ranked differently in different cultivars. 5 ‘Hot spots’, i.e. olive trees or parts of trees receiving a high egg load, were found to be the result of in situ recruitment. 6 Physiological mortality among first instar larvae was significantly negatively correlated with the number of oviposited upon leaves; suggesting that the adult selects for oviposition the best available substrate. 7 As adult moths selected leaves with minimal probability of abscission for oviposition, leaf abscission was not a major mortality factor, although first instar larvae reduced leaf longevity. 8 Host quality did not affect all larval stages in the same way. 9 The more nutritionally poor the substrate, the longer the duration of the larval stage feeding on it. The phenological timing of the insect life stages very closely tracks the phenological phases of its host plant, primarily focusing on the most nutritious host stage in terms of larval performance.  相似文献   

Maritime ringlet butterflies (Coenonympha nipisiquit McDunnough), an endangered species in Canada, inhabit salt marshes, which consist of microhabitat mosaics with varied larval survival rate. These microhabitats may influence the movement and reproductive behaviors of females, which in turn may affect population dynamics. I recorded behaviors and locations of females every minute with a GPS rover and calculated their move lengths and turning angles. Move lengths did not change in response to microhabitats, although turning angles became larger near bodies of water with sparse vegetation. Females spent a longer time in one location and oviposited more often where the principal larval host, Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl., is abundant, regardless of larval survival rate. Older females tended to initiate flight more readily than younger females and spent more time flying and nectaring. Younger females were more fecund and spent a longer time at one location. Because young females tend to be less mobile and more fecund, the majority of oviposition should take place near eclosion sites. However, some eggs will be laid away from microhabitats favorable to larval survival when older females become mobile and move out of their natal microhabitats. Because it seems to have little potential to colonize new habitat on its own, monitoring population dynamics and habitat quality will be crucial for the persistence and recovery of this rare species.  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour ofCoelocephalapion aculeatum Fall (Coleoptera: Apionidae), a host specific florivore exploiting an ephemeral resource, was studied in relation to host development. Immature inflorescences of its host, the weedMimosa pigra L. (Mimosaceae), were categorised into 5 developmental stages ranging from first appearance to one day before opening. The duration, weight, percent abortion, and nitrogen content of each stage were measured. Oviposition preferences ofC. aculeatum for all inflorescence stages were determined in multiple choice trials. Newly hatched, larvae were transferred into inflorescences of each stage to determine larval survival as a function of stage. Numbers of eggs laid into inflorescences generally correlated with larval survival except that oviposition was greater in stage 4 inflorescences than expected from the larval survival. Numbers of eggs laid into inflorescences generally correlated with their carrying capacity except that adults avoided stage 5 inflorescences in which larval survival was low. The evolution of oviposition preferences ofC. aculeatum appears to have been influenced by two opposing selective forces. The need to complete development before the inflorescence deteriorated would have selected for oviposition in young inflorescences. The greater availability of food and lower probability of abortion offered by older inflorescences would have selected for oviposition in these. The net outcome of these pressures has resulted in the observed oviposition strategy.  相似文献   

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