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Background. In recent years, resident cardiac progenitor cells have been identified in, and isolated from the rodent heart. These cells show the potential to form cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo and could potentially be used as a source for cardiac repair. However, previously described cardiac progenitor cell populations show immature development and need co-culture with neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in order to differentiate in vitro. Here we describe the localisation, isolation, characterisation, and differentiation of cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs) isolated from the human heart. Methods. hCMPCs were identified in human hearts based on Sca-1 expression. These cells were isolated, and FACS, RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry were used to determine their baseline characteristics. Cardiomyogenic differentiation was induced by stimulation with 5-azacytidine. Results. hCMPCs were localised within the atria, atrioventricular region, and epicardial layer of the foetal and adult human heart. In vitro, hCMPCs could be induced to differentiate into cardiomyocytes and formed spontaneously beating aggregates, without the need for co-culture with neonatal cardiomyocytes. Conclusion. The human heart harbours a pool of resident cardiomyocyte progenitor cells, which can be expanded and differentiated in vitro. These cells may provide a suitable source for cardiac regeneration cell therapy. (Neth Heart J 2008;16: 163-9.)  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell lineages. Presently, bone marrow is considered as a prime source of MSCs; however, there are some drawbacks and limitations in use of these MSCs for cell therapy. In this study, we demonstrate that human gingival tissue-derived MSCs have several advantages over bone marrow-derived MSCs. Gingival MSCs are easy to isolate, homogenous and proliferate faster than bone marrow MSCs without any growth factor. Importantly, gingival MSCs display stable morphology and do not loose MSC characteristic at higher passages. In addition, gingival MSCs maintain normal karyotype and telomerase activity in long-term cultures, and are not tumorigenic. Thus, we reveal that human gingiva is a better source of MSCs than bone marrow, and large number of functionally competent clinical grade MSCs can be generated in short duration for cell therapy in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The identification of an ideal cell source for tissue regeneration remains a challenge in the stem cell field. The ability of progeny cells to differentiate into other cell types is important for the processes of tissue reconstruction and tissue engineering and has clinical, biochemical or molecular implications. The adaptation of stem cells from adipose tissue for use in regenerative medicine has created a new role for adipocytes. Mature adipocytes can easily be isolated from adipose cell suspensions and allowed to dedifferentiate into lipid-free multipotent cells, referred to as dedifferentiated fat (DFAT) cells. Compared to other adult stem cells, the DFAT cells have unique advantages in their abundance, ease of isolation and homogeneity. Under proper condition in vitro and in vivo, the DFAT cells have exhibited adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, cardiomyogenc, angiogenic, myogenic, and neurogenic potentials. In this review, we first discuss the phenomena of dedifferentiation and transdifferentiation of cells, and then dedifferentiation of adipocytes in particular. Understanding the dedifferentiation process itself may contribute to our knowledge of normal growth processes, as well as mechanisms of disease. Second, we highlight new developments in DFAT cell culture and summarize the current understanding of DFAT cell properties. The unique features of DFAT cells are promising for clinical applications such as tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

The cancer relapse and mortality rate suggest that current therapies do not eradicate all malignant cells. Currently, it is accepted that tumorigenesis and organogenesis are similar in many respects, as for example, homeostasis is governed by a distinct sub-population of stem cells in both situations. There is increasing evidence that many types of cancer contain their own stem cells: cancer stem cells (CSC), which are characterized by their self-renewing capacity and differentiation ability. The investigation of solid tumour stem cells has gained momentum particularly in the area of brain tumours. Gliomas are the most common type of primary brain tumours. Nearly two-thirds of gliomas are highly malignant lesions with fast progression and unfortunate prognosis. Despite recent advances, two-year survival for glioblastoma (GBM) with optimal therapy is less than 30%. Even among patients with low-grade gliomas that confer a relatively good prognosis, treatment is almost never curative. Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a small fraction of glioma cells endowed with features of primitive neural progenitor cells and a tumour-initiating function. In general, this fraction is characterized for forming neurospheres, being endowed with drug resistance properties and often, we can isolate some of them using sorting methods with specific antibodies. The molecular characterization of these stem populations will be critical to developing an effective therapy for these tumours with very dismal prognosis. To achieve this aim, the development of a mouse model which recapitulates the nature of these tumours is essential. This review will focus on glioma stem cell knowledge and discuss future implications in brain cancer therapy and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Corneal opacities are a leading cause of global blindness. They are conventionally treated by the transplantation of donor corneal tissue, which is, restricted by a worldwide donor material shortage and allograft rejection. Autologous adult stem cells with a potential to differentiate into corneal stromal keratocytes (CSKs) could offer a suitable choice of cells for regenerative cell therapy. Postnatal periodontal ligament (PDL) contains a population of adult stem cells, which has a similar embryological origin as CSK, that is cranial neural crest. We harvested PDL cells from young adult teeth extracted because of non‐functional or orthodontic reason and differentiated them towards CSK phenotype using a two‐step protocol with spheroid formation followed by growth factor and cytokine induction in a stromal environment (human amnion stroma and porcine corneal stroma). Our results showed that the PDL‐differentiated CSK‐like cells expressed CSK markers (CD34, ALDH3A1, keratocan, lumican, CHST6, B3GNT7 and Col8A2) and had minimal expression of genes related to fibrosis and other lineages (vasculogenesis, adipogenesis, myogenesis, epitheliogenesis, neurogenesis and hematogenesis). Introduction of PDL spheroids into the stroma of porcine corneas resulted in extensive migration of cells inside the host stroma after 14‐day organ culture. Their quiescent nature and uniform cell distribution resembled to that of mature CSKs inside the native stroma. Our results demonstrated the potential translation of PDL cells for regenerative corneal cell therapy for corneal opacities.  相似文献   

Cell-based therapy is a promising approach in the field of regenerative medicine. As cells are formed into spheroids, their survival, functions, and engraftment in the transplanted site are significantly improved compared to single cell transplantation. To improve the therapeutic effect of cell spheroids even further, various biomaterials (e.g., nano- or microparticles, fibers, and hydrogels) have been developed for spheroid engineering. These biomaterials not only can control the overall spheroid formation (e.g., size, shape, aggregation speed, and degree of compaction), but also can regulate cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions in spheroids. Therefore, cell spheroids in synergy with biomaterials have recently emerged for cell-based regenerative therapy. Biomaterials-assisted spheroid engineering has been extensively studied for regeneration of bone or/and cartilage defects, critical limb ischemia, and myocardial infarction. Furthermore, it has been expanded to pancreas islets and hair follicle transplantation. This paper comprehensively reviews biomaterials-assisted spheroid engineering for regenerative therapy.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) are currently the best candidate therapeutic cells for regenerative medicine related to osteoarticular, muscular, vascular and inflammatory diseases, although these cells remain heterogeneous and necessitate a better biological characterization. We and others recently described that MSC originate from two types of perivascular cells, namely pericytes and adventitial cells and contain the in situ counterpart of MSC in developing and adult human organs, which can be prospectively purified using well defined cell surface markers. Pericytes encircle endothelial cells of capillaries and microvessels and express the adhesion molecule CD146 and the PDGFRβ, but lack endothelial and haematopoietic markers such as CD34, CD31, vWF (von Willebrand factor), the ligand for Ulex europaeus 1 (UEA1) and CD45 respectively. The proteoglycan NG2 is a pericyte marker exclusively associated with the arterial system. Besides its expression in smooth muscle cells, smooth muscle actin (αSMA) is also detected in subsets of pericytes. Adventitial cells surround the largest vessels and, opposite to pericytes, are not closely associated to endothelial cells. Adventitial cells express CD34 and lack αSMA and all endothelial and haematopoietic cell markers, as for pericytes. Altogether, pericytes and adventitial perivascular cells express in situ and in culture markers of MSC and display capacities to differentiate towards osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lineages. Importantly, adventitial cells can differentiate into pericyte‐like cells under inductive conditions in vitro. Altogether, using purified perivascular cells instead of MSC may bring higher benefits to regenerative medicine, including the possibility, for the first time, to use these cells uncultured.  相似文献   

Introduction of macromolecules into mammalian cells by cell fusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Proteins with molecular weights of up to 500K can be enclosed in erythrocyte ghosts by exposing the ghosts to hypotonic solution containing these proteins. The proteins can then be introduced into recipient cells by fusing the ghosts with the cells using HVJ, PEG, or influenza virus. Some applications of this method are described. By an improved method, 15 kbp DNA and IgM (900 kDa) can be entrapped in erythrocyte membranes and these are then treated with liposomes containing gangliosides and HVJ. These treated membranes containing large macromolecules fuse with almost 100% of the recipient cells used. Naked liposomes infrequently fuse with cultured cells, so introduction of their contents into cells is very inefficient. However, liposomes constituted from lipid and glycoproteins (HN and F) of HVJ (Sendai virus), by removing a nonionic detergent, fuse with cells about 200 times more efficiently than naked liposomes. Naked liposomes can fuse with specific cells, such as cells infected with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis virus or with human immunodeficiency virus. Plasmid DNA and mRNA of up to about 40 kbp can be entrapped efficiently in liposomes associated with gangliosides formed by reverse-phase evaporation, and then reacted with HVJ. The contents of the resulting liposomes with HVJ can be introduced efficiently into cultured cells in a suspended or plated state, and nearly all the cells then express the gene transiently. This procedure is also effective for obtaining stable transformants of many kinds of cultured cells.  相似文献   

Zebrafish offers an excellent opportunity to combine embryological, genetic and molecular analyses of vertebrate development in vivo. Embryonic stem (ES) cells have enormous potential to study developmental potency and differentiation in vitro and thus to complement in vivo approaches. Zebrafish ES-like cells have been produced on a feeder cell layer. Here, we report the derivation of Z428, a zebrafish ES-like cell line, from blastula embryos in feeder-free culture. Fetal bovine serum, fish serum, fish embryo extract, basic fibroblast growth factor, non-essential amino acids and 2-mercaptoethanol were found to be important for Z428 growth. After more than 120 passages and many freezing/thawing cycles over a period of 20 years, Z428 exhibits stable growth and manifests many ES cell features including an ES cell phenotype, high alkaline phosphatase activity and spontaneous differentiation in culture. Most importantly, Z428 was transplantable to blastula hosts and capable of contributing to embryonic tissues and organ systems of the three germ layers. Therefore, Z428 is a stable cell line and contains ES-like cells with pluripotency in vitro and in vivo, and a feeder layer is dispensable for ES-like cell derivation in zebrafish. The derivation and easy maintenance of zebrafish ES-like cells under feeder-free conditions provide a useful extension of the present toolbox for studying development and differentiation in the zebrafish model.  相似文献   

Cancer treatment generally relies on tumor ablative techniques that can lead to major functional or disfiguring defects. These post-therapy impairments require the development of safe regenerative therapy strategies during cancer remission. Many current tissue repair approaches exploit paracrine (immunomodulatory, pro-angiogenic, anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects) or restoring (functional or structural tissue repair) properties of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC). Yet, a major concern in the application of regenerative therapies during cancer remission remains the possible triggering of cancer recurrence. Tumor relapse implies the persistence of rare subsets of tumor-initiating cancer cells which can escape anti-cancer therapies and lie dormant in specific niches awaiting reactivation via unknown stimuli. Many of the components required for successful regenerative therapy (revascularization, immunosuppression, cellular homing, tissue growth promotion) are also critical for tumor progression and metastasis. While bi-directional crosstalk between tumorigenic cells (especially aggressive cancer cell lines) and MSC (including tumor stroma-resident populations) has been demonstrated in a variety of cancers, the effects of local or systemic MSC delivery for regenerative purposes on persisting cancer cells during remission remain controversial. Both pro- and anti-tumorigenic effects of MSC have been reported in the literature. Our own data using breast cancer clinical isolates have suggested that dormant-like tumor-initiating cells do not respond to MSC signals, unlike actively dividing cancer cells which benefited from the presence of supportive MSC. The secretome of MSC isolated from various tissues may partially diverge, but it includes a core of cytokines (i.e. CCL2, CCL5, IL-6, TGFβ, VEGF), which have been implicated in tumor growth and/or metastasis. This article reviews published models for studying interactions between MSC and cancer cells with a focus on the impact of MSC secretome on cancer cell activity, and discusses the implications for regenerative therapy after cancer.  相似文献   

Reprogramming of somatic cells to a pluripotent state holds huge potentials for regenerative medicine. However, a debate over which method is better, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, still persists. Both approaches have the potential to generate patient-specific pluripotent stem cells for replacement therapy. Yet, although SCNT has been successfully applied in various vertebrates, no human pluripotent stem cells have been generated by SCNT due to technical, legal and ethical difficulties. On the other hand, human iPS cell lines have been reported from both healthy and diseased individuals. A recent study reported the generation of triploid human pluripotent stem cells by transferring somatic nuclei into oocytes, a variant form of SCNT. In this essay, we discuss this progress and the potentials of these two reprogramming approaches for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have reported that bone marrow cells (BMCs) have the ability to generate functional hepatocytes. However, the efficiency at which BMC transplantation generates functional hepatocytes is rather low. We assumed that if BMCs accumulated directly in liver, the functional BMC-derived hepatocytes should increase efficiently. We tried to increase the accumulation of BMCs directly in liver through the interaction between hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor and desialylated BMCs. Desialylated BMCs were produced with treatment of neuraminidase. Desialylated BMCs that expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) were injected into Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats, a human Wilson's disease model, intravenously. At 3 and 5 months after transplantation, GFP-expressing hepatocyte nodules appeared in the liver of these BMC-transplanted LEC rats. These findings suggest that the functional BMC-derived hepatocytes can be generated by the direct accumulation of BMCs and that this strategy is new BMC therapy for liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Indian muntjac diploid cells that have only three pairs of easily discernible large chromosomes were fused with hamster cells deficient in hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) using polyethylene glycol. Cells that survived in hypoxanthine-aminopterine-thymidine (HAT)-oubaine medium were analyzed. Hybrid cells containing both muntjac and hamster chromosomes in a given cell were not found. Instead, the cells had the same chromosomal sets as those of either parental muntjac or hamster cells. A clonal isolate that had the same chromosomal sets as those of parental hamster cells was analyzed in detail and showed the following characteristics: (1) portions of the survival curve in various concentrations of HAT medium were intermediate between those of parental cells; (2) expressions of both muntjac and hamster antigen(s) were detected by immunofluorescence staining; (3) the mobility of the enzyme HGPRT in gel electrophoresis differed from that of parental hamster or muntjac cells. These results indicate that the clonal isolate (AD202h) is a somatic cell hybrid of hamster and muntjac that contains chromosomal sets of hamster with an inserted segment of the muntjac genome, including HGPRT. The formation of such an unusal hybrid and a possible explanation of transfer of some gene segments in the hybrid cell in this system are discussed.  相似文献   

Myelomonocytic cells are sufficient for therapeutic cell fusion in liver   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Liver repopulation with bone marrow-derived hepatocytes (BMHs) can cure the genetic liver disease fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (Fah) deficiency. BMHs emerge from fusion between donor bone marrow-derived cells and host hepatocytes. To use such in vivo cell fusion efficiently for therapy requires knowing the nature of the hematopoietic cells that fuse with hepatocytes. Here we show that the transplantation into Fah(-/-) mice of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from lymphocyte-deficient Rag1(-/-) mice, lineage-committed granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) or bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) results in the robust production of BMHs. These results provide direct evidence that committed myelomonocytic cells such as macrophages can produce functional epithelial cells by in vivo fusion. Because stable bone marrow engraftment or HSCs are not required for this process, macrophages or their highly proliferative progenitors provide potential for targeted and well-tolerated cell therapy aimed at organ regeneration.  相似文献   

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