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归化是外来植物越过一系列障碍成为入侵植物的基本前提,对归化植物的种类组成及分布规律进行研究,有助于预防和管控植物入侵.该文基于文献报道和标本记录,对中国西部地区共12省(区)126个地级市的归化植物进行统计(包含所有维管束植物),并分析了这些植物的组成和时空分布特征.结果表明:(1)西部地区共有归化植物826种,分属1...  相似文献   

入侵植物是归化植物的子集, 归化是植物入侵的基本前提, 完整的归化植物清单有助于预测和预防植物入侵。该文基于实地调查和资料收集, 对中国归化植物种类及分布进行统计, 结果表明, 当前中国共有归化植物112科578属1 099种, 约70%为人为引入, 而美洲是其最大原产地, 植物生活型以草本为主, 分类学组成中菊科、禾本科、豆科最多。在空间尺度上, 物种多样性及密度均呈自东南沿海向西北内陆递减的趋势, 纬度和国内生产总值是其空间分布格局的主要驱动因素, 被殖民史、植物园分布及调查次数在一定程度上影响空间分布格局; 在时间尺度上, 归化植物物种多样性当前正处在快速增长阶段并可能持续20-30年, 社会经济发展、人为干扰、土地利用方式改变及全球变化是其主要驱动因素。该研究丰富了中国归化植物的本底资料, 有助于了解外来植物入侵的形式与威胁, 并为外来植物综合管控或本地生物多样性保护提供依据。  相似文献   

归化是入侵的前期阶段, 对归化植物的深入研究是科学管理外来物种的基本前提, 有助于预防外来植物造成入侵危害, 区域性归化植物的研究对地方外来植物的管理与防治对策的制定具有重要的指导意义。本文基于文献报道、标本信息和分类学考证, 特别是于2014-2019年对华东地区(安徽省、福建省、江苏省、江西省、山东省、上海市和浙江省)归化植物的全面调查, 统计分析了华东地区归化植物的物种组成和分布格局, 并对其首次引入(或发现)地、引入时间和引入途径进行综合分析。结果表明, 华东地区有归化植物62科181属299种, 总体上呈现种类丰富、以草本植物为主、原产于美洲的种类多、引入途径集中等特征。在空间尺度上, 福建省的物种多样性明显高于其他省市, 且仅分布于该省的种类也最多(达57种, 占总种数的19.1%), 其他省市之间则差别不大。对外交流程度和原产地与归化地之间的气候相似性可能是影响归化植物多样性和空间分布格局的主要因素。在时间尺度上, 1850年之后, 华东地区的归化植物呈现出指数增长的趋势, 增长速率达1.5种/年, 且当前正处于快速增长阶段; 21世纪以来, 80%以上的归化植物来自于无意引入的物种, 这提示我们需要对此特别关注。华东地区作为对外交流的重要区域, 面临着外来植物输入以及归化并造成入侵的双重压力, 因此需对该地区的热点地区如口岸、港口等地加强出入境监管, 同时构建一套行之有效的外来植物风险评估体系, 这是开展外来物种风险管理的基础, 也是预防外来物种入侵的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

入侵植物是归化植物的子集,归化是植物入侵的基本前提,完整的归化植物清单有助于预测和预防植物入侵。该文基于实地调查和资料收集,对中国归化植物种类及分布进行统计,结果表明,当前中国共有归化植物112科578属1 099种,约70%为人为引入,而美洲是其最大原产地,植物生活型以草本为主,分类学组成中菊科、禾本科、豆科最多。在空间尺度上,物种多样性及密度均呈自东南沿海向西北内陆递减的趋势,纬度和国内生产总值是其空间分布格局的主要驱动因素,被殖民史、植物园分布及调查次数在一定程度上影响空间分布格局;在时间尺度上,归化植物物种多样性当前正处在快速增长阶段并可能持续20–30年,社会经济发展、人为干扰、土地利用方式改变及全球变化是其主要驱动因素。该研究丰富了中国归化植物的本底资料,有助于了解外来植物入侵的形式与威胁,并为外来植物综合管控或本地生物多样性保护提供依据。  相似文献   

由内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江四省(区)科协主办的东北地区生态建设战略第二次学术讨论会于1986年7月26日至8月1日在内蒙古自治区哲里木盟通辽市召开。辽、吉、黑、内蒙四省(区)和中国科学院有关研究所的专家、学者、教授以及国务院东北经济区划办公室和有关省区代表135人参加了这次学术讨论会。会议收到论文100篇。内蒙古自治区人大常委会副主任阿拉坦敖其尔同志到会并讲了话。这次会议是在中国科协第三次全国代表大会闭幕后不久召开的,这是对“三大”精神的具体贯彻,也是在当前的科技体制改革中,贯彻“科技工作必须面向经济建设”方针的一项活动。这次学术讨论会是在去年第一次会议全面探讨东北  相似文献   

为了解华南地区外来植物现状,通过野外调查和查阅文献等,确定华南地区有外来入侵和归化植物45科141属223种,以菊科(Asteraceae,38种)、豆科(Fabaceae,36种)、禾本科(Poaceae,19种)植物为主,其中草本植物和原产美洲的植物占优势,分别有204种(占总数的91.5%)和163种(占73.1%)。广东外来入侵植物有159种,归化植物23种;广西有入侵植物135种,归化植物16种;海南有入侵植物111种,归化种15种;香港有入侵植物105种,归化植物9种;澳门有入侵植物89种,归化种4种;华南5省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物为57种(55种为入侵植物,2种为归化植物)。广东是外来植物种类最多的地区,与其他4省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物种类也最多,说明广东同时是外来植物输入和输出大省。由于气候和生态生境的相似性,各省区都面临着其他植物从周边地区入侵的风险,因此在治理入侵植物时,应建立联合防控机制对外来入侵植物的联合监测和防控,以提升外来入侵植物的治理成效和降低其对人类健康和生态安全的威胁。  相似文献   

熊在我国分布得相当广,种类也不算少(约有10个以上亚种)。熊胆、熊掌和毛皮既具有相当经济价值,对农作物、牲畜以至于人类本身,有时也会发生某种程度的危害,因此人们对这种动物发生兴趣,是很有理由的。兹就我国的熊作简单的介绍。熊在我国分布面很广,北至兴安原始森林,南至五指山峯,东至台湾岛中的腹地,西至天山与帕米尔高原,全国有2/3以上的省(区)是产熊区,因此它的分布面是仅次于狐、狼而高于虎、豹。在北方,辽(东部)、吉、黑、内蒙(东部)都是产熊区,棕熊和黑熊都有,主要产于长白山和大小兴安岭的森林区。旧热河省及河北省从前(1920以前)也产熊,但自从东陵和围场的森林陆续被伐尽后,熊也陆续消灭,因此现在这一带还有无熊存在是很可疑问的。  相似文献   

植物种群的空间分布格局是研究连接植物与外界环境关系的重要桥梁,是植物种群稳定性和生活史策略的表现形式。本研究以敦煌阳关盐沼湿地克隆植物芦苇(Phragmites australis)为对象,设置湿生区、轻度盐化区、重度盐化区和荒漠区采样梯度,应用Ripley K(d)函数分析法研究了芦苇种群的小尺度空间分布格局特征及生态适应对策。结果表明:(1)随着从湿生到荒漠区环境梯度的变化,芦苇种群的盖度、密度、高度、地上生物量及种群领地面积都呈现出显著下降的趋势,空斑面积呈现出显著增加的趋势,而种群领地密度则呈现出先增加后下降的趋势;(2)从湿生到荒漠生境,芦苇种群的小尺度空间拓展策略主要表现为由聚集分布为主、非聚集分布(随机分布或均匀分布)为辅,转变为随机分布为主、非随机分布(聚集分布或均匀分布)为辅的特征。研究结果明晰了干旱区内陆河湿地中芦苇种群的空间分布格局特点及其影响因素,为进一步理解克隆植物的生态适应机制提供了案例研究,为科学保护和管理干旱区内陆河湿地生态系统提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了验证生物多样性地理格局的几个重要假说,即种-面积关系、水分-能量动态假说、几何限制(中域效应)假说和生境异质性假说,作者以长江三峡库区维管植物物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的分布格局为例,采用多元回归和方差分解方法,研究了面积、气候、几何限制、地形异质性对多样性垂直格局的独立影响和协同作用,及其对各植物类群(不同分布宽度、不同分布区类型和不同生长型)影响的差异.结果表明,三峡库区各种植物类群的物种丰富度随着海拔上升均呈先升后降的单峰格局.水分-能量动态假说对多样性格局有很强的解释能力,其总的解释力(>93%)明显高于其他所有解释机制.但对于很多植物类群而言,水分和能量的解释力中有很大一部分属于几何限制、面积及地形异质性等因素的协同作用.几何限制对分布宽度大的物种的多样性格局解释力很强,但对分布宽度小的物种作用很小;面积自身对物种丰富度解释力较强,但在考虑了其他环境因素的影响时,仅对少数植物类群有解释力;地形异质性自身对多样性的解释能力很弱,但在多元回归模型中起着必要的作用.综合来看,水分-能量动态是解释三峡库区植物多样性垂直格局的最重要的机制.几何限制的作用随着物种分布宽度减小而递减;地形异质性虽然对多样性垂直格局的影响较弱,但也是一种必要的补充解释机制;由于面积与气候、几何限制等因素存在强烈的共线性,面积对植物多样性垂直格局的相对作用大小还需要进一步的系统比较研究.  相似文献   

明确大尺度物种丰富度的分布格局及其影响因素一直是生态学及生物地理学领域的核心议题之一,其对于预测全球环境变化背景下生物多样性的响应和制定减少生物多样性丧失的保护方案有着重要意义。本文基于全国芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽野外调查数据,结合气候、地理、土壤等环境因子,探讨了中国芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度的分布格局及其驱动机制。结果表明:(1)中国的芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度总体表现为亚热带湿润区和温带湿润半湿润区较高,青藏高原区、温带干旱半干旱区和滨海区较低的特点;(2)芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度与年降水、土壤有机碳、土壤总氮、纬度均呈显著正相关,而与年均温、最冷月最低温、土壤pH值、海拔之间表现为显著负相关;(3)土壤因子特别是土壤pH值是影响芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度的最主要因素,其次分别为淹水状况、气候因子和地理因子;(4)结构方程模型结果表明土壤因子、淹水状况和气候因子直接影响植物物种丰富度,而地理因子通过调控土壤因子、淹水状况与气候因子间接影响植物物种丰富度。总体而言,中国芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度具有空间异质性,其分布格局受到多种因素的共同影响,土壤因子是影响植物物种丰富度...  相似文献   

This study was aimed to determine the patterns as well as the effects of biological, anthropogenic, and climatic factors on plant invasions in China. About 270 volumes of national and regional floras were employed to compile a naturalized flora of China. Habit, life form, origin, distribution, and uses of naturalized plants were also analyzed to determine patterns on invasion. Correlations between biological, anthropogenic and climatic parameters were estimated at province and regional scales. Naturalized species represent 1% of the flora of China. Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae are the dominant families, but Euphorbiaceae and Cactaceae have the largest ratios of naturalized species to their global numbers. Oenothera, Euphorbia, and Crotalaria were the dominant genera. Around 50% of exotic species were introduced intentionally for medicinal purposes. Most of the naturalized species originated in tropical America, followed by Asia and Europe. Number of naturalized species was significantly correlated to the number of native species/log area. The intensity of plant invasion showed a pattern along climate zones from mesic to xeric, declining with decreasing temperature and precipitation across the nation. Anthropogenic factor, such as distance of transportation, was significantly correlated to plant invasions at a regional scale. Although anthropogenic factors were largely responsible for creating opportunities for exotic species to spread and establish, the local biodiversity and climate factors were the major factors shaping the pattern of plant invasions in China. The warm regions, which are the hot spots of local biodiversity, and relatively developed areas of China, furthermore, require immediate attentions.  相似文献   

Aim Introduced plant species are less likely to be attacked by herbivores than are native plant species. Isolated oceanic islands provide an excellent model system for comparing the associations between herbivore species and plant species of different residency histories, namely endemic, indigenous (non‐endemic) or introduced (naturalized or cultivated) species. My aim was to test the prediction that, on isolated oceanic islands, introduced plant species have a lower tendency to have an association with insect herbivores than do endemic and indigenous plant species. Location Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Methods I examined the presence/absence of leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species on 71 endemic, 31 indigenous, 18 naturalized and 31 cultivated (introduced but not naturalized) species of woody plants from 2004 to 2008. Results Leaf‐mining insect species were found on 53.5%, 35.5%, 11.1% and 16.1% and leaf‐galling species were found on 14.1%, 9.7%, 5.6% and 0% of endemic, indigenous, naturalized and cultivated plant species, respectively. Species of Lepidoptera (moths) and Hemiptera (primarily psyllids) comprised the dominant types of leaf miners and leaf gallers, respectively. Main conclusions The incidence of leaf miners and leaf gallers differed as a function of residency history of the plant species. Introduced (naturalized and cultivated) species were less frequently associated with leaf miners and leaf gallers than were native (endemic and indigenous) species, indicating that the leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species, most of which feed on leaves of a particular native plant genus (i.e. they show oligophagy), have not yet begun to utilize most introduced plant species.  相似文献   

Aim To provide the first comparative overview on the current numbers of alien species that invade representative European terrestrial and freshwater habitats for a range of taxonomic groups. Location Europe. Methods Numbers of naturalized alien species of plants, insects, herptiles, birds and mammals occurring in 10 habitats defined according to the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) were obtained from 115 regional data sets. Only species introduced after ad 1500 were considered. Data were analysed by ANCOVA and regression trees to assess whether differences exist among taxonomic groups in terms of their habitat affinity, and whether the pattern of occurrence of alien species in European habitats interacts with macroecological factors such as insularity, latitude or area. Results The highest numbers of alien plant and insect species were found in human‐made, urban or cultivated habitats; if controlled for habitat area in the region, wetland and riparian habitats appeared to support relatively high numbers of alien plant species too. Invasions by vertebrates were more evenly distributed among habitats, with aquatic and riparian, woodland and cultivated land most invaded. Mires, bogs and fens, grassland, heathland and scrub were generally less invaded. Habitat and taxonomic group explained most variation in the proportions of alien species occurring in individual habitats related to the total number of alien species in a region, and the basic pattern determined by these factors was fine‐tuned by geographical variables, namely by the mainland–island contrast and latitude, and differed among taxonomic groups. Main conclusions There are two ecologically distinct groups of alien species (plants and insects versus vertebrates) with strikingly different habitat affinities. Invasions by these two contrasting groups are complementary in terms of habitat use, which makes an overall assessment of habitat invasions in Europe possible. Since numbers of naturalized species in habitats are correlated among taxa within these two groups, the data collected for one group of vertebrates, for example, could be used to estimate the habitat‐specific numbers of alien species for other vertebrate groups with reasonable precision, and the same holds true for insects and plants.  相似文献   

东北地区位于中国东北部,地处欧亚大陆东缘,地域辽阔,环境复杂,植被类型多样,是我国北方植物种类较为丰富、植物区系起源演变发展的重要地区。该研究根据野外实地调查及资料分析,报道了东北地区2种新分布植物,分别是野生堇菜(Viola arvensis)、线叶毛膏菜(Drosera anglica)。野生堇菜为东北地区新归化种,分布于哈尔滨市帽儿山,该种在我国台湾地区有分布,原产于非洲北部、亚洲西南部和欧洲;线叶毛膏菜为中国新记录种,分布于东北长白山区。该属在东北地区还有1种,即圆叶茅膏菜(D.rotundifolia)。两者的主要区别:前者叶为线状匙形,花柱3,每个花柱2分裂至中部;后者叶片近圆形,花柱3,每个花柱深裂至基部。凭证标本保存于东北林业大学植物标本室(NEFI)。这些新资料种的发现,对于丰富东北地区植物种类及对本地区植物多样性的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Recent studies have suggested that responses to shading gradients may play an important role in establishment success of exotic plants, but hitherto few studies have tested this. Therefore, a common-garden experiment was conducted using multiple Asian woody plant species that were introduced to Europe >100 years ago in order to test whether naturalized and non-naturalized species differ in their responses to shading. Specifically, a test was carried out to determine whether naturalized exotic woody species maintained better growth under shaded conditions, and whether they expressed greater (morphological and physiological) adaptive plasticity in response to shading, relative to non-naturalized species.


Nineteen naturalized and 19 non-naturalized exotic woody species were grown under five light levels ranging from 100 to 7 % of ambient light. For all plants, growth performance (i.e. biomass), morphological and CO2 assimilation characteristics were measured. For the CO2 assimilation characteristics, CO2 assimilation rate was measured at 1200 μmol m–2 s–1 (i.e. saturated light intensity, A1200), 50 μmol m–2 s–1 (i.e. low light intensity, A50) and 0 μmol m–2 s–1 (A0, i.e. dark respiration).

Key Results

Overall, the naturalized and non-naturalized species did not differ greatly in biomass production and measured morphological and CO2 assimilation characteristics across the light gradient. However, it was found that naturalized species grew taller and reduced total leaf area more than non-naturalized species in response to shading. It was also found that naturalized species were more capable of maintaining a high CO2 assimilation rate at low light intensity (A50) when grown under shading.


The results indicate that there is no clear evidence that the naturalized species possess a superior response to shading over non-naturalized species, at least not at the early stage of their growth. However, the higher CO2 assimilation capacity of the naturalized species under low-light conditions might facilitate early growth and survival, and thereby ultimately favour their initial population establishment over the non-naturalized species.  相似文献   

Aim Pine trees (genus Pinus) represent an ancient lineage, naturally occurring almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, but introduced and widely naturalized in both hemispheres. As large trees of interest to forestry, they attract much attention and their distribution is well documented in both indigenous and naturalized ranges. This creates an opportunity to analyse the relationship between indigenous and naturalized range sizes in the context of different levels of human usage, biological traits and the characteristics of the environments of origin. Location Global. Methods We combined and expanded pre‐existing data sets for pine species distributions and pine species traits, and used a variety of regression techniques (including generalized additive models and zero‐inflated Poisson models) to assess which variables explained naturalized and indigenous range sizes. Results Indigenous and naturalized range sizes are positively correlated but there are many notable exceptions. Some species have large indigenous ranges but small or no naturalized ranges, whereas others have small indigenous ranges, but have naturalized in many regions. Indigenous range is correlated to factors such as seed size (?), age at first reproduction (?), and latitude (+, supporting Rapoport's rule), but also to the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+). Naturalized range size is strongly influenced by the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+), a proxy for propagule pressure. Naturalization was also influenced by average elevation in the indigenous range (?) and age at first reproduction (?). Main conclusions The macroecological and evolutionary pressures facing plant groups are not directly transferable between indigenous and naturalized ranges. In particular, there are strong biases in species naturalization and expansion in invasive ranges that are unrelated to factors determining indigenous range size. At least for Pinus, a new set of macroecological patterns are emerging which are profoundly influenced by humans.  相似文献   

Urbanization is widely recognized as a major factor promoting biological invasions worldwide. In this article, we provide insights into the patterns of biological invasions in Beijing, one of the largest and quickly urbanizing cities of the world, by developing a comprehensive list of naturalized and invasive flora and their associate traits (e.g., distribution, life form, habitat, or geographic origin). One hundred and twelve naturalized (including 48 invasive) plants have been identified within the Beijing Municipality. Most of the naturalized and invasive plants belong to four families (Asteraceae, Poaceae, Amaranthaceae, and Euphorbiaceae) and are annual herbs that preferentially grow in disturbed sites. North and South America are the main contributors to the naturalized and invasive flora of Beijing. As expected, those Beijing districts that have recently experienced the highest human population growth, urban expansion, and the largest economic growth are also those with the highest number of naturalized and invasive species. Urban expansion is predicted to continue in the near term making additional invasions likely that will significantly increase the proportion of introduced species in Beijing’s flora. An integrated management strategy for the whole municipality is urgently needed that includes comprehensive scientific research that documents the extent of invasions and their effects on Beijing’s economy and environment.  相似文献   

Aim To determine relative effects of habitat type, climate and spatial pattern on species richness and composition of native and alien plant assemblages in central European cities. Location Central Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands. Methods The diversity of native and alien flora was analysed in 32 cities. In each city, plant species were recorded in seven 1‐ha plots that represented seven urban habitat types with specific disturbance regimes. Plants were classified into native species, archaeophytes (introduced before ad 1500) and neophytes (introduced later). Two sets of explanatory variables were obtained for each city: climatic data and all‐scale spatial variables generated by analysis of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. For each group of species, the effect of habitat type, climate and spatial variables on variation in species composition was determined by variation partitioning. Responses of individual plant species to climatic variables were tested using a set of binomial regression models. Effects of climatic variables on the proportion of alien species were determined by linear regression. Results In all cities, 562 native plant species, 188 archaeophytes and 386 neophytes were recorded. Proportions of alien species varied among urban habitats. The proportion of native species decreased with increasing range and mean annual temperature, and increased with increasing precipitation. In contrast, proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes increased with mean annual temperature. However, spatial pattern explained a larger proportion of variation in species composition of the urban flora than climate. Archaeophytes were more uniformly distributed across the studied cities than the native species and neophytes. Urban habitats rich in native species also tended to be rich in archaeophytes and neophytes. Main conclusions Species richness and composition of central European urban floras are significantly affected by urban habitat types, climate and spatial pattern. Native species, archaeophytes and neophytes differ in their response to these factors.  相似文献   

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