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藻类种质资源是生物种质库重要的组成部分,超低温保藏技术具有省时、省力等常规保藏方式不可替代的优势,因此已被广泛用于藻类种质资源长期保存。该文在阐述国内外藻类种质超低温保藏技术基本原理、技术流程、生理生化稳定性以及存活率测定方法的基础上,深入分析了影响藻类超低温保藏存活率的关键因素,包括材料选择、适应性培养、保护剂的使用、解冻方法等,并就超低温保藏藻种现状、存在问题及其发展趋势进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

我国第一座国家级野生生物种质资源库——中国西南野生生物种质资源库在中国科学院昆明植物研究所建成,已正式投入运行。该资源库是目前世界上仅有的两个按照国际标准建立的野生生物种质资源保藏设施之一。它已收集保存8444种、近7.5万份野生生物种质资源。中国的特有物种、稀有濒危物种、具有重要经济价值和科学研究价值的物种作为重点保存对象,  相似文献   

淡水鱼类种质资源生态库的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水生生物种质资源是水产增养殖业发展的重要物质基础。发达国家都十分重视水生种质资源的研究。我国自80年代以来开始淡水鱼类种质资源的研究,先后在长江水系进行了淡水鱼类种质资源天然生态库、人工生态库(含冷冻库)建设,同时进行了不同流域间淡水鱼类的考种,淡水鱼类种质鉴定技术、标准参数及种质标准研究,取得了较好的进展。    相似文献   

最近.由中国科学院和云南省共同建设的云南省首个国家重大科学工程项目——中国西南野生生物资源库,在中国科学院昆明植物研究所落成竣工。该种质资源库将建设成为国际上有重大影响、亚洲一流的野生生物种质保存设施和科学研究平台.为我国野生生物种质资源的保护、研究及合理利用提供技术支撑条件。  相似文献   

种质资源管理工作是一项基础性工作,环节多、流程长、所涉及的相关信息量大。随着国家对种质资源工作的重视,今后种质资源的收集、保存量还会进一步增大,对种质资源的需求越来越多,对外服务量也不断增加。因此,需要利用现代化的管理信息系统来实现种质资源库的高效管理,规范进出库的每一个流程。上海市农业生物基因中心基于十多年的运行经验,遵循简单实用、规范性强、安全可靠、可扩充四大原则,建立了一套种质资源库管理信息系统。本文详细介绍了该系统的总体设计框架,以及本系统所包含的库位管理、种子信息管理、种子进出库管理、种子预警、统计汇总、用户管理、反馈管理这7个主要的功能模块,希望为其他种质资源库建立类似的管理信息系统提供参考。  相似文献   

国家农作物种质资源平台的建立和应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农作物种质资源是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 是作物育种和农业生产的物质基础。长期以来, 我国农作物种质资源标准不统一、资源保存相对分散、信息网络设施薄弱, 制约了农作物种质资源的共享利用。本文提出了国家农作物种质资源平台的概念和架构, 它是一个虚拟式的农作物种质资源机构, 由国家长期种质库、国家复份种质库、国家中期种质库、国家种质圃和国家种质信息中心组成。阐述了农作物种质资源技术规范体系构建的原则和方法, 建立了由110种作物的描述规范、数据规范和数据质量控制规范组成的技术规范体系。提出了以信息共享带动实物共享的思路、方法和途径, 建成了拥有39万份种质信息的国家农作物种质资源数据库和中国作物种质资源信息网(http://www.cgris.net/)。创建了日常性服务、展示性服务、针对性服务、需求性服务和引导性服务等5种农作物种质资源服务模式, 有效解决了农作物种质资源共享利用的难题。  相似文献   

作物种质资源库主要包括低温种质库、种质圃、试管苗库和超低温库.我国已经建成由55个库(圃)组成的国家作物种质资源保存设施体系,包括国家作物种质长期库1个、复份库1个、中期库10个、种质圃43个(含2个试管苗库),保存资源总量突破52万份,居世界第2位.由于我国是作物种质资源大国,种质资源保护设施不完善、容量不足等问题是...  相似文献   

黑龙江省菌种保藏中心成立于1984年,前身是黑龙江省科学院微生物研究所菌种保藏研究室(成立于1971年)。从事微生物种质资源收集、分离、鉴定、保藏及相关应用研究。设有普通微生物茼种库和专业微生物菌种库,保藏有各类微生物种质5000余株,遗传物质、代谢产物近千份,涵盖了农业、医药、食品与发酵、环保、林业等行业。保藏种类包括食药用真菌、铜绿假单胞菌、大豆根瘤菌、小型丝状真菌、放线菌、枯草芽孢杆菌等,为黑龙江省内最大的公益性专业菌种保藏机构。中心具备完善的工作流程和科学管理制度,人才队伍齐备,技术手段先进,开展微生物种质资源保藏、鉴定及生物学评价等工作,可满足保藏微生物资源的安全性、溯源性和便捷性等要求。  相似文献   

黑龙江省菌种保藏中心成立于1984年,前身是黑龙江省科学院微生物研究所茵种保藏研究室(成立于1971年)。从事微生物种质资源收集、分离、鉴定、保藏及相关应用研究。设有普通微生物菌种库和专业微生物菌种库,保藏有各类微生物种质5000余株,遗传物质、代谢产物近千份,涵盖了农业、医药、食品与发酵、环保、林业等行业。保藏种类包括食药用真菌、铜绿假单胞菌、大豆根瘤茵、小型丝状真菌、放线菌、枯草芽孢杆菌等,为黑龙江省内最大的公益性专业菌种保藏机构。中心具备完善的工作流程和科学管理制度,人才队伍齐备,技术手段先进,开展微生物种质资源保藏、鉴定及生物学评价等工作,可满足保藏微生物资源的安全性、溯源性和便捷性等要求。  相似文献   

山东省农作物种质资源库的建设与运转   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山东省农作物种质资源丰富多样,但长久以来缺乏统一、有效的保存管理,许多珍贵的种质资源面临丢失和灭绝的危险。本文简要阐述了建设山东省农作物种质资源库的必要性,详细介绍了山东省农作物种质资源库的类型、功能、技术指标及入库保存和运行服务情况,以期为其他单位建设种质资源库提供参考。  相似文献   

In China, a new period of development in the first decaje of the 21st Century with rapid urbanization,was marked by investment in construction of over five billion yuan. At this time of rapid change it is important for botanical gardens to follow three principles, "scientific contents, artistic appearance, and cultural display", so as not to become public parks. The scientific component is important. It is not necessary for every botanical garden to do basic botanical research but they should all be involved in plant conservation issues, especially ex-situ conservation and keep accurate data on their living collections. Although a heavy responsibility this documentation is the foundation and the bottom line of scientific meaning for a botanical garden. Economic plant research, exploring new resources, was a major contribution of botanical gardens historically and remains important for sustainable cities and the national economy of China. Education and ecotourism are important ways for botanical gardens to serve the public displaying the interesting plant collections to enhance relaxation and well-being. It is reasonable to make income through all activities in a botanical garden but this should not be the major goal. It should be understood botanical gardens are comprehensive and multi-functional bodies determined by science, the arts and culture.  相似文献   

In China, a new period of development in the first decade of the 21st Century with rapid urbanization, was marked by investment in construction of over five billion yuan. At this time of rapid change it is important for botanical gardens to follow three principles, “scientific contents, artistic appearance, and cultural display”, so as not to become public parks. The scientific component is important. It is not necessary for every botanical garden to do basic botanical research but they should all be involved in plant conservation issues, especially ex-situ conservation and keep accurate data on their living collections. Although a heavy responsibility this documentation is the foundation and the bottom line of scientific meaning for a botanical garden. Economic plant research, exploring new resources, was a major contribution of botanical gardens historically and remains important for sustainable cities and the national economy of China. Education and ecotourism are important ways for botanical gardens to serve the public displaying the interesting plant collections to enhance relaxation and well-being. It is reasonable to make income through all activities in a botanical garden but this should not be the major goal. It should be understood botanical gardens are comprehensive and multi-functional bodies determined by science, the arts and culture.  相似文献   

植物园发展的动向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对国内外植物园近十余年来发展的动向进行评述,列举了近年来一系列重要的植物园国际会议与重大活动,指出当前国际植物园工作的中心任务首先是物种保护。总结和分析我国植物园发展的历史和现状、存在问题以及在园貌建设上与国际先进植物园的差距。这些差距主要表现在:(1)植物的收集量;(2)活植物数据的积累;(3)罕见植物的引种;(4)现代技术的应用。作者最后提出,我国植物园发展应把握的几个主要问题是:(1)既是多功能全方位发展,又应各具特色;(2)生物多样性是植物园永恒的主题;(3)植物园应着重物种迁地保护的研究和实践;(4)植物园应重视栽培和利用植物并着重以药用植物为对象。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze marine cyanobacterial culture collections strains of the Indian subcontinent at the level below species. This is important to improve the abilities of service culture collections to provide their user community with correctly identified and clean organisms. A total of 50 marine cyanobacterial strains were genotyped with M13 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fingerprinting to provide diagnostic fingerprints for each culture. Depending on the strains, 9 to 26 bands were observed for the primer tested. Within the species, strains representing different isolates were genetically clearly different. Data obtained from genomic fingerprinting were used to construct binary distance matrix, and the neighbor-joining tree constructed demonstrated the ability of this method to differentiate strains at the intraspecific level. An important and useful result obtained in this study is the application of the M13 PCR fingerprinting method on almost all forms of cyanobacteria for strain and species discrimination.  相似文献   

Multiple strains of individual algal species are available from public culture collections, often with the same isolate being maintained in parallel at a number of collections under different culture regimes. To unravel genomic variation and to identify unique genotypes among such multiple strains, two approaches were used on a sample of 29 strains of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck, an alga of great value for applied research, from five culture collections. With the exception of two strains, internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequence data substantiated conspecificity of the studied strains and only minor sequence differences with the authentic “Beijerinck isolate” were observed. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) detected considerable genomic variation when rDNA sequences were identical. Band detection and the construction of a binary matrix from AFLP patterns for phylogenetic analyses were fully automated, but comparison of similar patterns still required manual refinement. The AFLPs distinguished 11 unique genotypes and provided robust support for the presence of five cryptic species. This finding advocates the need to carefully record which strain has been used in any experiment or in applied research, because genomic variation may also correspond to differences in physiological/biochemical properties. No genomic differences could be detected between duplicate strains of the same isolate that were maintained by continuous subculturing over many decades or within those stored at ultralow temperatures.  相似文献   

To establish molecular monitoring for the phytoplankton community in aquatic ecosystems, we analysed the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) sequences of nuclear genomes from the algal strains of culture collections and environmental samples of two freshwater reservoirs (Sangcheon reservoir and Seoho reservoir, Korea). Terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) length database was also constructed from twelve strains of algal culture collections to annotate and identify the phytoplankton species from T-RFLP profiles. Algal species in reservoirs were identified and monitored through the colony sequencing and T-RF length patterns of 18S rRNA. In this study, 41 unique clones were identified from two reservoirs including Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, and Alveolata. In the case of Cryptomonas sp., we found significant linear relationships between T-RF peak areas and biovolumes by cell counting. Our results suggest that T-RFLP analysis can be a fast and quantitative monitoring tool for species changes in phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

This report represents a photographic documentation of the more conspicuous species of the marine algal vegetation of the island Helgoland (North Sea), based on collections and observations made since 1959. The catalogue is largely restricted to macroscopic forms, as adequate knowledge of most of the microscopic ones is not yet available. Remarks on some rare species are added in a special chapter; the list includes some 150 species. With a few exceptions, the figures have been obtained from living algae; they illustrate aspects of reproduction and development and, occasionally, demonstrate different seasonal habits. The simplified key may be useful for providing a guide both for naturalists and students of marine phycology. In addition, this algal flora enhances our knowledge of the distribution of benthic species along the European coasts, as the rocky island of Helgoland intervenes between southern Norway and the shores of the English Channel.  相似文献   

论植物园的活植物收集   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对植物园活植物收集评价、引种中的取样方法和迁地保护种群大小等问题进行了论述.对活植物收集的评价包括科学性和代表性,最具有科学意义的是经过调查从野外收集的有完整记录的材料,其次是从植物园等机构 引种的有记录的材料,再次是从各地引种的基本上无记录的材料.根据收集物的代表性可分为具有保护意义的收集和保护性收集.取样技术主要针对保护性收集而言,要求收集样本能涵盖该物种95%以上、频率大于5%的等位基因.活植物收集种群的大小应从科学性和现实性二方面来考虑,对植物园里大量的具有保护意义的收集,其种群大小为乔木10~20株,灌木40~50株,草本100~200株;对于保护性收集则至少为乔木50~100株,灌木200株或更多,草本300~500株以上.另外,对当前植物园活植物收集圃建设的一些重要问题也进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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