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Two strains of Neurospora crassa have been identified which utilize cellulase and produce extracellular cellulase [see 1,4-(1,3; 1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC] and β-d-glucosidase [β-d-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC]. The activities were detected as early as 48 h in the culture broth. These cultures also fermented d-glucose, d-xylose and cellulosic materials to ethanol as the major product of fermentation. The conversion of cellulose to ethanol was >60%, indicating the potential of using Neurospora for the direct conversion of cellulose to ethanol.  相似文献   

The production of pectinase was studied in Neurospora crassa, using the hyperproducer mutant exo-1, which synthesized and secreted five to six times more enzyme than the wild-type. Polygalacturonase, pectin lyase and pectate lyase were induced by pectin, and this induction was glucose-repressible. Polygalacturonase was induced by galactose four times more efficiently than by pectin; in contrast the activity of lyases was not affected by galactose. The inducing effect of galactose on polygalacturonase was not glucose-repressible. Extracellular pectinases were separated by ion exchange chromatography. Pectate and pectin lyases eluted into three main fractions containing both activities; polygalacturonase eluted as a single, symmetrical peak, apparently free of other protein contaminants, and was purified 56-fold. The purified polygalacturonase was a monomeric glycoprotein (38% carbohydrate content) of apparent molecular mass 36.6-37.0 kDa (Sephadex G-100 and urea-SDS-PAGE, respectively). The enzyme hydrolysed predominantly polypectate. Pectin was also hydrolysed, but at 7% of the rate for polypectate. Km and Vmax for polypectate hydrolysis were 5.0 mg ml-1 and 357 mumol min-1 (mg protein)-1, respectively. Temperature and pH optima were 45 degrees C and 6.0, respectively. The purified polygalacturonase reduced the viscosity of a sodium polypectate solution by 50% with an increase of 7% in reducing sugar groups. The products of hydrolysis at initial reaction times consisted of oligogalacturonates without detectable monomer. Thus, the purified Neurospora crassa enzyme was classified as an endopolygalacturonase [poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonide) glycanohydrolase; EC].  相似文献   

Cellulase of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Mycelia and ungerminated conidia of Neurospora crassa were found to secrete extracellular endocellulase (EC A simple induction system of potassium phosphate buffer (ph 6.0) plus inducer relied on the internal metabolic reserves of conicia or mycelia to provide energy and substrates for protein synthesis. Buffer concentration for optimum enzyme production was 100 mM, but at higher buffer concentrations enzyme production was inhibited. Cellobiose was clearly the best inducer, with an optimum effect from 0.05 to 1 mM. In deionized water, cellulase remained mostly associated with the cell, but a variety of salts stimulated the release of cellulase into the medium.  相似文献   

Ornithine transcarbamylase catalyzes the synthesis of citrulline from carbamyl phosphate and ornithine. This enzyme is involved in the biosynthesis of arginine in many organisms and participates in the urea cycle of mammals. The biosynthetic ornithine transcarbamylase has been purified from the filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa. It was found to be a homotrimer with an apparent subunit molecular weight of 37,000 and a native molecular weight of about 110,000. Its catalytic activity has a pH optimum of 9.5 and Km's of about 5 and 2.5 mM for the substrates, ornithine and carbamyl phosphate, respectively, at pH 9.5. The Km's and pH optimum are much higher than those of previously characterized enzymes from bacteria, other fungi, and mammals. These unusual kinetic properties may be of significance with regard to the regulation of ornithine transcarbamylase in this organism, especially in the avoidance of a futile ornithine cycle. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against the purified enzyme. These antibodies and antibody raised against purified rat liver ornithine transcarbamylase were used to examine the structural similarities of the enzyme from a number of organisms. Cross-reactivity was observed only for mitochondrial ornithine transcarbamylases of related organisms.  相似文献   

Nucleotide degrading enzymes in Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A net purification of 9·46-, 18·6- and 16·7-fold for filter paper (FP) hydrolytic activity, carboxymethyl (CM) cellulase and β-glucosidase, respectively was achieved through ion exchange and gel chromatographies. The purified enzyme preparation showed an optimal pH of 5·0 for CM cellulase and 5·5 for the other two components. The enzyme activities increased up to 60°–65°C for the three enzyme components and they were stable at 30° or 40°C and pH 4·5 to 5·0 after 20–30 min treatment. The four enzyme components, that is, two FP activities (unadsorbed and adsorbed), a CM cellulase and a β-glucosidase, had Km values of 47·6 mg, 33·3 mg, 4·0 mg and 0·18 mmol/l with V max of 4, 1·28, 66·5 and 1·28 units per mg protein. The molecular weights as determined with SDS-PAGE were found to be 44000, 38000, 55000 and 63000 for the above four enzyme components in the same sequence. A distinct type of synergistic action was observed between these components by their action on dewaxed cotton. Glycerol at 1% strongly repressed the formation of all the cellulolytic enzymes. The role of proteolytic enzymes in in vitro inactivation of cellulases was not apparent.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - The abilities of purine- and pyrimidinerequiring mutants to produce six orthophosphate repressible extracellular enzymes, alkaline phosphatase,...  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of Neurospora crassa plasma membranes.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The isolation and characterization of plasma membranes from a cell wall-less mutant of Neurospora crassa are described. The plasma membranes are stabilized against fragmentation and vesiculation by treatment of intact cells with concanavalin A just prior to lysis. After lysis, the concanavalin A-stabilized plasma membrane ghosts are isolated by low speed centrifugation techniques and the purified ghosts subsequently converted to vesicles by removal of the bulk of the concanavalin A. The yield of ghosts is about 50% whereas the yield of vesicles is about 20%. The isolated plasma membrane vesicles have a characteristically high sterol to phospholipid ratio, Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity and (Na+ plus K+)-stimulated Mg2+ATPase activity. Only traces of succinate dehydrogenase and 5'-nucleotidase are present in the plasma membrane preparations.  相似文献   

We have chosen to use the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa to produce subunit vaccines. Here we describe the production and purification of Influenza hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens in N. crassa. The N. crassa system used by Neugenesis offers many advantages over other systems for production of recombinant protein. In contrast to mammalian cell culture, N. crassa can be grown in a rapid and economic manner, generating large amounts of recombinant protein in simple, defined medium. Vaccines, therefore, can be produced more rapidly and at lower cost than conventional cell culture or egg-based systems. This has important applications to tailoring the seasonal vaccine supply and responding to new pandemics.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for isolating nuclei from either the conidial or germinated conidial growth phase of Neurospora crassa. A frozen conidial suspension was lysed by passage through a French pressure cell, and the nuclei were freed from the broken cells by repeated homogenization in an Omni-Mixer. Pure nuclei were obtained from the crude nuclear fraction by density banding in a Ludox gradient. The final nuclear yield was 20 to 30%. The nuclei had a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):ribonucleic acid (RNA):protein ratio of 1:3.5:7 and were active in RNA synthesis. The nuclei, stained with the DNA stain 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, appeared under fluorescence microscopy as bright blue spheres, 1 micron in diameter, essentially free from cytoplasmic attachments. Chromatin extracted from the nuclei in a 70 to 75% yield by dissociation with 2 M sodium chloride and 5 M urea had a DNA:RNA:protein ratio of 1:1.05:1.7. Chromatin reconstituted from this preparation exhibited a level of RNA polymerase template activity lower than that of pure Neurospora DNA, but the maximum level of reconstitution obtained was only 10%. Fractionation of Neurospora chromatin on hydroxylapatite separated the histones from the chromatin acidic proteins. The normal complement of histone proteins was present in both the reconstituted and dissociated chromatin preparations. The acidic protein fraction exhibited a variety of bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis ranging in molecular weight from 15,000 to 70,000. The gel pattern was much more complex for total dissociated chromatin than for reconstituted chromatin.  相似文献   

An insulin-binding metal- and thiol-dependent proteinase has been purified 1491-fold from high speed cytosolic fractions of the fungus Neurospora crassa. This enzyme resembles insulin-degrading enzymes (insulinases) present in mammalian cells and in Drosophila melanogaster in the following ways: (i) it degrades radiolabeled insulin with a specificity similar to that of rat muscle insulinase, as demonstrated by HPLC analysis of the degradation products; (ii) it is inhibited by bacitracin, EDTA, 1,10-phenanthroline, and the sulfhydryl-reactive compounds N-ethylmaleimide and p-chloromercuribenzoate, but not by inhibitors of serine proteases or by lysosomal protease inhibitors. Cross-linking with 125I-insulin labels a band of ca. 120 kDa, and several smaller bands which may represent degradation products. The N. crassa insulinase is stimulated by Mn2+ and strongly inhibited by Zn2+; Mn2+ can also reactivate the enzyme after inhibition by EDTA, but Zn2+ is ineffective. The N. crassa protein differs in this regard from mammalian and insect insulinases which are generally activated by both Mn2+ and Zn2+. This finding extends the apparent evolutionary conservation of these metal- and thiol-dependent proteases into the microbial realm.  相似文献   

The early enzymes of arginine biosynthesis in Neurospora crassa are localized in the mitochondrion and catalyze the conversion of glutamate to citrulline. The final conversion of citrulline to arginine occurs via two enzymatic steps in the cytoplasm. We have devised a method for the isolation and purification of three of the mitochondrial arginine biosynthetic enzymes from a single extract. Acetylglutamate kinase and acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase (both products of the complex arg-6 locus) were purified to homogeneity and near homogeneity, respectively. The large catalytic subunit of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase was also purified to homogeneity. The three enzymes were resolved into separate fractions by chromatography on three dye-ligand affinity resins, which are specific for nucleotide binding enzymes and have a high protein binding capacity. High performance liquid chromatography was employed in the final stages of purification and was extremely effective in fractionating both acetylglutamate kinase and acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase from proteins with very similar properties, which were not removed by other techniques. The purified proteins were used to raise specific antisera against these proteins. Acetylglutamate kinase and acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase were shown to be immunologically unrelated. This finding suggests that the arg-6 locus encompasses two nonoverlapping cistrons. The antisera raised against carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase has been shown to cross-react with related enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, and rat liver (Ness, S. A., and Weiss, R. L. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14355-14362). Acetylglutamate kinase is a regulatory enzyme and has been shown to be feedback-inhibited by arginine. We have determined the submitochondrial localization of acetylglutamate kinase and the second arg-6 product, acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase. Both enzymes were shown to be soluble matrix enzymes. We discuss the relevance of this finding with respect to possible mechanisms for end product inhibition of a mitochondrial enzyme by a cytoplasmic effector.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa can utilize purines and their metabolic products as a nitrogen source. Regulation of the five enzymes required for uric acid metabolism was studied. The first three enzymes of this catabolic pathway are controlled in a complex manner that involves both induction and repression. Both uricase and allantoicase were induced by uric acid while allantoinase was induced by either uric acid or allantoin. Synthesis of all three of these enzymes was repressed by the end product, ammonia. The ure-2 mutant, which is urease deficient and cannot derive ammonia from purines, shows a hyperinducibility of these same three enzymes. The last two enzymes of the pathway, ureidoglycollase and urease, were found to be constitutive.  相似文献   

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