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《Insect Biochemistry》1978,8(4):231-236
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was demonstrated in intact brains of larvae from the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis using 2-(2′-benzothiazolyl)-5-stryl-3-(4′-phthalhydrazidyl) tetrazolium chloride (BSPT). With tryptamine as the substrate, MAO specific activity was restricted to mitochondria within perineurial cells. The basic BSPT methodology was modified by the substitution of 2% dimethylsulfoxide for dimethylformamide in the incubation medium. This yielded increased permeability of the brain to the incubation medium, presumably by disrupting the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. A discussion of possible reasons for the previous inability to demonstrate insect neuronal MAO activity is presented.  相似文献   

Divergent adaptation to host plant species may be the major mechanism driving speciation and adaptive radiations in phytophagous insects. Host plants can differ intrinsically in a number of attributes, but the role of natural enemies in host plant specialization is often underappreciated. Here, we report behavioural divergence between the European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis) and its sibling species Ostrinia scapulalis, in relation to a major enemy: humans. Harvesting maize imposes selective mortality on Ostrinia larvae: those located above the cut-off line of the stalk face almost certain death. We show that ECB larvae diapause closer to the ground than those of O. scapulalis, which is sympatric but feeds mainly on weeds. The difference in diapause height results from genetically determined differences in geotactic behaviour. ECB larvae descend towards the ground specifically at harvest time, increasing their chances of surviving harvesting by about 50 per cent over O. scapulalis larvae. Natural enemies appear as a major driver of host-plant specialization in this example, stressing the need to consider ‘tri-trophic’ ecological niches to understand insect diversification. Our results also strongly suggest that geotaxis evolved as a singular instance of behavioural resistance in a major agricultural pest.  相似文献   

The evolution of resistance in insect pests will imperil the efficiency of transgenic insect-resistant crops. The currently advised strategy to delay resistance evolution is to plant non-toxic crops (refuges) in close proximity to plants engineered to express the toxic protein of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). We seek answers to the question of how to induce growers to plant non-toxic crops. A first strategy, applied in the United States, is to require Bt growers to plant non-Bt refuges and control their compliance with requirements. We suggest that an alternative strategy is to make Bt seed more expensive by instituting a user fee, and we compare both strategies by integrating economic processes into a spatially explicit, population genetics model. Our results indicate that although both strategies may allow the sustainable management of the common pool of Bt-susceptibility alleles in pest populations, for the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) one of the most serious pests in the US corn belt, the fee strategy is less efficient than refuge requirements.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural examination of diapause and nondiapause larval brains of the European corn borer disclosed anatomical differences that may be related to the insect's "blood-barrier". The perineurial type I cells are quite closely appressed in the diapause brain, but thrown into extensive folds with large intercellular spaces in the nondiapause brain. The perineurial type II cells of diapause and nondiapause larvae are basically similar in general ultrastructure, and most likely form the basis for the "blood-brain barrier." Horseradish peroxidase penetration studies indicated that the outer margin of the perineurial type II cells constitute the limits of infiltration into the brain. An enzymatic component of the "blood-brain barrier" is postulated in this insect. The localization of ATPase in the perineurial type II cells indicates that energy-requiring regulatory mechanisms may be localized here. Metabolic studies with isolated brains, coupled with recent evidence from mammalian systems, suggest that glial cells may be of importance in an enzymatic "blood-brain barrier."  相似文献   

Maize plants were grown under four moisture regimes (wet to extreme deficit) and three constant temperatures (20°, 25° & 30°C) in a phytotron. Each plant was infested with one E-race European corn borer [Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubn.)] (ECB) egg mass at pollen shed. ECB development, location, and establishment were recorded over the course of 12 destructive sample dates (4/temperature). ECB developmental rates were not significantly affected by soil moisture treatments, but were significantly affected by temperature. In spite of successful establishment of four distinctly different soil moisture regimes, the maize stalk tissue water levels were not significantly different among soil water treatments. Instead, the maize plants exhibited accelerated leaf senescence in response to the water deficit conditions. Among the soil water treatments, differences were found in larval establishment, vertical distribution and dispersion, and feeding site selection; however, those effects were slight and could not explain the similarity in ECB developmental rates observed in these treatments.In maize, the larval environment within the stalk was effectively insulated from changes in the external environment by the plant's ability to maintain a relatively high and stable stalk tissue water content. Thus, large changes to the soil environment had essentially no effect on ECB development, though drastic consequences for the plant. This study indicates that ECB rates of development are relatively insensitive to changes in the soil water environment as well as the associated changes in the maize plant that accompany severe drought stress. The significance of these findings to insect modelling, crop physiology, and insect-crop interactions is discussed.
Résumé Des plants de maïs se développent dans un phytotron dans 4 conditions d'humidité du sol (de la saturation à la dessication) et à 3 températures constantes (20°, 25° & 30°C). Chaque pied est contaminé au moment de l'émission du pollen, par une ooplaque d'O. nubilalis Hübn. (ECB) de race européenne E. L'installation, la colonisation et le développement des chenilles sont notés lors de 12 périodes de prélèvements destructifs (4 par température). La vitesse de développement d'O. nubilalis est affectée par la température, main non par l'humidité du sol. Les 4 niveaux d'humidité du sol n'ont aucun effet sur la teneur en eau des tiges de maïs. En fait, les feuilles de maïs présentent une senescence précoce lorsqu'il y a déficit en eau dans le sol. La teneur en eau du sol agit sur l'installation, sur la distribution verticale, la dispersion et le lieu d'alimentation des chenilles; mais ces effets sont légers et ne modifient pas la vitesse de développement.L'environnement larvaire dans la tige de maïs est efficacement isolé des variations externes par l'aptitude de la plante à maintenir la teneur en eau des tiges relativement élevée et stable. Ainsi, des changements importants au niveau du sol n'ont pratiquement pas d'effets sur le développement d'O. nubilalis, malgré les conséquences brutales pour la plante. Cette étude montre que la vitesse de développement d'O. nubilalis est relativement insensible aux modifications de la teneur en eau du sol ainsi qu'aux effets de ce stress de sécheresse sévère sur le pied de maïs. La discussion porte sur l'importance de ces résultats pour la modélisation de la dynamique de l'insecte, la physiologie de la culture et les interactions entre insecte et plante.

For a molecular genetic study on Hungarian populations of European corn borer L5 stage larvae were collected from 14 places of three different regions of the country (uni- and bivoltine ecotypes). Additionally, the study included larvae from Egypt, too (multivoltine ecotype). Molecular examinations of European corn borer larvae using the study of mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) revealed that by single strand conformation polimorphism (SSCP) the populations found in Hungary represented the same haplotype. Even the Egyptian sample showed no genetic divergence. Some minor deviatons were found in the case of a sample from Székkutas, but that did not prove the genetic divergence of the bivoltine ecotype either, since the other samples of South-East Hungary did not display this kind of genetic variation. On the basis of our investigations it can be said that the univoltine and bivoltine generations, have uniform genetic complements.  相似文献   

The data originating from six different points of the Hungarian Light Trap Network (1960–2005) were processed for comprehensive examination of the European corn borer's (ECB) (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) flight dynamics. The annual flight diagrams were visually assayed. The annual alteration tendency of the quotients of the total trapped individual numbers (Σ), the relative individual number per day (1RIN) and the flight peak (FQ) were examined by means of linear regression analysis. The period and time of the alterations with comparative assay of five consecutive years series of data with Student's t-probe were revealed. Eventually I investigated the effects of annual average temperature on the examined flight parameters with the help of variance analysis. The change of ecology and flight dynamics of the ECB started in the first and extended to the second part of twentieth century is now continuing. This statement has been confirmed by the increasing number of trapped individuals (regression quotient calculated from Σ, etc.: Velence-Sukoró: 65.58; Tarhos: 131). This phenomenon can be best characterised by the appearance and spreading of the second late summer flight peak (average regression quotient calculated from FQ, etc.: 0.082). According to my experiment the gradually increasing temperature and climate play a part in the background of the national flight changes [significant connection between the annual average temperatures of Hungary and Σ (P = 0.021), - 1RIN (P = 0.043)]. The spreading of the bivoltine ecotype can be predicted from these results and the literary data of Hungary.  相似文献   

Lipids in the sex pheromone gland of females of the Z-strain of Ostrinia nubilalis were analyzed for fatty acyl pheromone analogs (FAPAs) and other potential biosynthetic intermediates. More than 80% of the FAPAs were found in the triacylglycerols (TGs), with smaller amounts found in the phosphatidyl cholines, ethanolamines, and serines. Analysis of the TGs by lipase revealed that the two FAPAs were distributed fairly evenly among all three stereospecific positions. Comparison of changes in titers of key glandular fatty acids with those of pheromone components, with respect to photoperiodic time and age of females, showed that both FAPA and pheromone titers exhibited a cyclical pattern with peaks in the scotophase and valleys in the photophase. However, whereas pheromone titer tended to peak in the first half of the scotophase, FAPA titer peaked at the end of the scotophase. Significantly, the titer of the FAPA of the minor component, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (3% of pheromone), was always much greater than the titer of the FAPA of the major component, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (97%), of the pheromone. Titer of myristate, an intermediate in pheromone biosynthesis, was also higher during the scotophase than the photophase. However, myristate titer showed a pronounced dip in the middle of the scotophase. These data suggest two roles for glandular lipids in sex pheromone biosynthesis in O. nubilalis. Firstly, they remove excess FAPA of the minor component so the fatty acid reductase system is not presented with a high ratio of this isomer (which would otherwise result from the reductase's own selectivity), which could cause changes in the final pheromone ratio. Secondly, hydrolysis of the large amounts of stored saturated fatty acids from the TGs may provide substrate for pheromone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the neurosecretory cells in the brain-subesophageal ganglion complex of female European corn borer moth Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied using histological and cobalt backfilling techniques. Histological staining revealed the presence of 2 median and one lateral neurosecretory cell groups in the brain. These brain neurosecretory cells are made up of mainly type A cells with a few type B cells in the median group. Three type C neurosecretory cell clusters occupy the apparent mandibular, maxillary, and labial neuromeres at the ventral median aspect of the subesophageal ganglion. Axonal pathways of the neurosecretory cell groups were delineated by retrograde cobalt filling from the corpora cardiaca. Fibers of the 3 brain neurosecretory cell groups merged to form a distinct axonal tract that exits the brain via the fused nervi corporis cardiaci-1 + 2. Cobalt backfilling from the corpora cardiaca filled 4 groups of cell bodies in the subesophageal ganglion. The presence in the subesophageal ganglion of extensive dendritic arborizations derived from the brain suggests interactions between neurosecretory cell groups in the 2 head ganglia.  相似文献   

GM crops have become a test case for the conflicting slogans of 'the precautionary principle' versus 'sound science.' The issues can be illustrated by developments in regulatory science for Bt maize in the European Union. As this case study suggests, risk assessment is always framed by some account of the relevant uncertainties. These in turn depend upon how the environment is valued and how scientific questions are posed about cause-effect pathways of potential harm. The slogan of 'sound science' hides such judgements, by representing ignorance or value-judgements as 'science.' By contrast, precaution can challenge such judgements, identify new unknowns, generate different criteria for evidence, open up new scientific questions, and make these judgements more transparent. It is doubtful whether these complexities have been fully acknowledged by specialists, and thus whether the continued risk debate is due solely to a public misunderstanding of science.  相似文献   

Few useful microsatellites are available for population studies of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). An enrichment strategy was used to develop microsatellite markers for O. nubilalis, and over 500 positive clones were isolated. Seventy-five contained unique microsatellites, 10 of which were polymorphic with discernable polymerase chain reaction products. The 10 loci were surveyed for variability in 72 wild individuals from central Iowa. Five loci showed no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions, and all were successfully cross-amplified in the related Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. These loci represent a significant addition to microsatellites appropriate for population studies of O. nubilalis.  相似文献   

We investigated vertical and horizontal transmission as means by which entomopathogenic microsporidia may be isolated in their hosts. Ostrinia nubilalis larvae were challenged with microsporidia isolated from other stalk-boring and row crop Lepidoptera and were susceptible to seven species. Two species were horizontally transmitted. A Nosema sp. from Eoreuma loftini was transmitted among O. nubilalis larvae but not among larvae of the E. loftini host. This species was also vertically transmitted to the offspring of infected O. nubilalis females. An rDNA sequence showed the E. loftini isolate to be Nosema pyrausta, a naturally occurring species in O. nubilalis. Our results suggest that both horizontal and vertical transmission provide physiological barriers to host switching in the microsporidia, thus restricting the natural host range.  相似文献   

Adaptation to different environments may be a powerful source of genetic differentiation between populations. The biological traits selected in each environment can pleiotropically induce assortative mating between individuals of these genetically differentiated populations. This situation may facilitate sympatric speciation. Successful host shifts in phytophagous insects provide some of the best evidence for the ecological speciation that occurs, or has occurred, in sympatry. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), colonized maize after its introduction into Europe by humans about 500 years ago. In northern France, two sympatric host races feed on maize (Zea mays) and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), respectively. We investigated the factors involved in the genetic isolation of these two races at a field site near Paris, France. We identified two biological differences that might make a significant contribution to the genetic divergence between sympatric populations feeding on the two host plants. First, assortative mating may be due to differences in the moth emergence pattern between the two races: mugwort-race moths emerged on average 10 days earlier than maize-race moths. In addition, the males emerged earlier than females in both races. Hence, the likelihood of mating between maize-race males and mugwort-race females was higher than that of mating between mugwort-race males and maize-race females. Second, the females feeding on mugwort and maize produced sex pheromones with different E/Z isomeric ratios of delta-11-tetradecenyl acetate. This difference in mate recognition systems reinforces the potential for assortative mating in the two races. During the experiment, overwintering mortality was much lower on maize than on mugwort. This difference was due to a braconid parasitoid wasp, Macrocentrus cingulum, that killed more than 50% of the larvae overwintering on mugwort but did not infest larvae diapausing on maize. Hence, by colonizing maize, European corn borer populations probably escaped from numerous predators, competitors, and parasitoids, such as M. cingulum. This decrease in host-associated selection may have favored the colonization of this new host. Finally, throughout this experiment we observed selection at two allozyme loci (or at linked loci): Tpi and Mpi. The Tpi locus is tightly linked with the genes involved in the response of the male to the sex pheromone and in developmental timing. The location of these traits on the Z chromosome may play a role in shortening the time required for the evolution of premating barriers.  相似文献   

We examined whether maize offers enemy‐free space (EFS) to its pest Ostrinia nubilalis, and may thereby have contributed to its divergence from the sibling species, Ostrinia scapulalis, feeding mainly on mugwort, when introduced into Europe five centuries ago. We collected Ostrinia larvae on maize (70 populations, 8425 individuals) and mugwort (10 populations, 1184 individuals) and recorded parasitism using both traditional (counting emerging parasitoids) and molecular methods (detection by specific polymerase chain reaction). The main parasitoid was Macrocentrus cingulum (Braconidae). On mugwort, parasitism was twice that on maize, and parasitoid‐related mortality was 8 times higher. This suggests that maize affords substantial EFS to Ostrinia feeding on it. The lower Mortality:Infestation ratio in maize suggests that O. nubilalis’ immune response might be stronger than that of O. scapulalis. If so, adapting to maize and diverging from O. scapulalis would decrease the impact of parasitism on O. nubilalis at both ecological and evolutionary levels.  相似文献   

1. Cyclic 3′,5′-AMP phosphodiesterase activity in homogenates of heads of the 5 instars of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), was determined after the insect larvae had been exposed to light regimens of LD 16:8 (16 hr light, hr dark) or LD 10:14.2. Larval head capsule width was determined for each of the 5 instars and it was found to vary from an average of 0.29 mm in the first instar to an average of 1.9 mm in the 5th instar.3. Enzyme activity of larvae reared under both light regimens increased during instars 1, 2 and 3, reached a peak in instar 3 or 4, and decreased to undetectable levels during instar 4.4. Enzyme activity in heads of 3rd-instar larvae held in LD 16:8 was higher than in heads of 3rd-instar larvae held in LD 10:14.5. Enzyme activity was undetectable in diapausing insects, but it peaked again in the prepupa.6. The results provide additional evidence that cAMP-ase is significant in insect metamorphosis and also suggest that this enzyme may be involved in insect photoperiodism.7. Although cAMP-ase activity was determined in as few as 2 brains from 5th-instar larvae, total phosphodiesterase activity of the larval brains was the same whether insects were reared in LD 16:8 or in LD 10:14 and whether the insects were in diapause.  相似文献   

We examined whether Macrocentrus cingulum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Asian origin could serve as a biological control agent of the maize pest Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Europe. M. cingulum is already present in Europe, where it does not parasitize O. nubilalis but Ostrinia scapulalis, a related species feeding on wild dicotyledons. In contrast, M. cingulum have been imported from Europe and Asia into North America (where O. nubilalis had been accidentally introduced from Europe), and does parasitize O. nubilalis there. We conducted laboratory infestations to assess host acceptability (parasitoid’s propensity to oviposit) and suitability (parasitoid’s ability to develop) of European O. nubilalis for M. cingulum of European and Asian origin, and of Ostrinia furnacalis (their original host) for Asian M. cingulum. Asian M. cingulum parasitized European O. nubilalis as readily as O. furnacalis, and developed equally well in terms of: % female cocoons, time to first emergence from the cocoon, total number of adult offspring, % female offspring and adult longevity. Adult female parasitoids were significantly larger when emerging from O. nubilalis, mixed-sex and male cocoons were significantly more and less frequent, respectively. The acceptability of O. nubilalis was significantly lower for European than for Asian M. cingulum, and its suitability was zero. Asian M. cingulum appears a potential candidate for introduction as a biological control agent of a major maize pest, European O. nubilalis, provided environmental impact studies, economic analyses, and foreseeable interactions with other biological control agents such as the egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) are satisfying.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry1Ab protein was studied between 2015 and 2016 with 11 ACB populations, collected from various geographical regions in Vietnam. A concentration range of Cry1Ab from 0.20 to 26.10 ng/cm2 of diet was evaluated against F1 ACB neonates using diet surface-overlay bioassays. Mortality data was recorded daily until seven days after infestation. Growth inhibition was recorded at the end of seven days. The median lethal concentration (LC50) varied ≈3-fold among the different populations, ranging from 0.58 to 1.83 ng/cm2 of diet with an overall mean of 0.86 ng/cm2 of diet. Even the lowest concentration of 0.20 ng/cm2 caused 73.53% growth inhibition. >90% growth inhibition was achieved at 0.82 ng/cm2 or higher concentrations. The results reflect natural variation in Bt susceptibility among ACB populations rather than variation caused by prior exposure to selection pressures. LC99 value (17.26 ng/cm2) was generated by pooling mortality data across different populations. The upper fiducial limit of LC99 (24.38 ng/cm2) could be a potential diagnostic dose for future resistance monitoring programs. The findings from this study suggest that ACB populations in Vietnam are highly susceptible to Cry1Ab protein. This is the first report of Cry1Ab susceptibility of different ACB populations in Vietnam and will serve as a baseline for future resistance monitoring work.  相似文献   

Contents of three 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones in tissue samples from different parts (young leaf, second leaf, old leaf, stem and root) of young maize plants of 4-leaves stage, fed by the third instar larvae of the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée), were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (HPLC-MS). Samples were taken immediately (set A) or 48 h (set B) after larvae had fed on the second leaf for 48 h. The three 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones investigated in our experiments were 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4(2H)-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA), 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4(2H)-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA) and 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4(2H)-benzoxazin-3-one (HMBOA). In samples of set A, the levels of DIMBOA and HMBOA were significantly lifted in the old leaf (L3) and young leaf (L1), respectively, while amounts of these two chemicals in other plant parts were not significantly different between larvae-fed plants and intact plants. Concentrations of DIBOA in each plant part remained unchanged. In samples of set B, no concentration differences for any of these three 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones between larvae-fed plants and controls were observed in any plant part. The feeding of the Asian corn borer seems to have limited effects on induction of these three 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones in young maize plants of the variety investigated.  相似文献   

Knowledge about genetic variability of a crop allows for more efficient and effective use of resources in plant improvement programs. The genetic variation within temperate maize has been studied extensively, but the levels and patterns of diversity in tropical maize are still not well understood. Brazilian maize germplasm represents a very important pool of genetic diversity due to many past introductions of exotic material. To improve our knowledge of the genetic diversity in tropical maize inbred lines, we fingerprinted 85 lines with 569 AFLP bands and 50 microsatellite loci. These markers revealed substantial variability among lines, with high rates of polymorphism. Cluster analysis was used to identify groups of related lines. Well-defined groups were not observed, indicating that the tropical maize studied is not as well organized as temperate maize. Three types of genetic distance measurements were applied (Jaccard’s coefficient, Modified Rogers’ distance and molecular coefficient of coancestry), and the values obtained with all of them indicated that the genetic similarities were small among the lines. The different coefficients did not substantially affect the results of cluster analysis, but marker types had a large effect on genetic similarity estimates. Regardless of genetic similarity coefficient used, estimates based on AFLPs were poorly correlated with those based on SSRs. Analyses using AFLP and SSR data together do not seem to be the most efficient manner of assessing variability in highly diverse materials because the result was similar to using AFLPs alone. It was seen that molecular markers can help to organize the genetic variability and expose useful diversity for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

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