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A facultatively anaerobic spirochete isolated from a high-salinity pond grew optimally when 0.75 M NaCl, 0.2 M MgSO4, and 0.01 M CaCl2 were present in media containing yeast extract, peptone, and a carbohydrate. The organism failed to grow when any one of these three salts was omitted from the medium. Aerobically-grown colonies of the spirochete were red, whereas anaerobically-grown colonies showed no pigmentation. Non-pigmented mutants of the spirochete were isolated. The spirochete used carbohydrates, but not amino acids, as energy sources. Glucose was fermented to CO2, H2, ethanol, acetate, and a small amount of lactate. Determinations of radioactivity in products formed from glucose-1-14C and enzymatic assays indicated that glucose was dissimilated to pyruvate mainly via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. Pyruvate was metabolized through a clostridial-type clastic reaction. Cells growing aerobically performed an incomplete oxidation of glucose mainly to CO2 and acetate. Comparison of aerobic and anaerobic growth yields indicated that oxidative phosphorylation occurred in cells growing aerobically. The guanine + cytosine content of the DNA of the spirochete was 62 moles %. It is proposed that the spirochete described herein be considered a new species and that it be named Spirochaeta halophila.  相似文献   

Two strains of obligately anaerobic, thermophilic spirochetes were isolated from cyanobacterial mat samples collected at freshwater hot springs in Oregon and Utah, USA. The isolates grew optimally between 48° and 52°C, and did not grow at 25° or 60°C. Both strains fermented various pentoses, hexoses, and disaccharides. Amino acids or cellulose did not serve as fermentable substrates for growth. H2, CO2, acetate, and lactate were end products of d-glucose fermentation. On the basis of physiological characteristics, guanine + cytosine content of DNA, and comparisons of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, it was concluded that the two isolates were representatives of a novel species of Spirochaeta for which the name Spirochaeta caldaria is proposed. One of the two strains was grown in coculture with a thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium (Clostridium thermocellum) in a medium containing cellulose as the only fermentable substrate. In the coculture cellulose was broken down at a faster rate than in the clostridial monoculture. The results are consistent with the suggestion that interactions between cellulolytic bacteria and non-cellulolytic spirochetes enhance cellulose breakdown in natural environments in which cellulose-containing plant material is biodegraded.  相似文献   

A new phototrophic sulfur bacterium has been isolated from a red layer in a laminated mat occurring underneath a gypsum crust in the mediterranean salterns of Salin-de-Giraud (Camargue, France). Single cells were coccus-shaped, non motile, without gas vacuoles and contained sulfur globules. Bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone were present as major photosynthetic pigments. These properties and the G+C content of DNA (65.9–66.6 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Thiocapsa. However, the new isolate differs from known species in the genus, particularly in NaCl requirement (optimum, 7% NaCl; range, 3–20% NaCl) and some physiological characteristics. Therefore, a new species is proposed, Thiocapsa halophila, sp. nov.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig in occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

A new anaerobic spirochete was isolated from anaerobic muds beneath the laminated sediment in the evaporite flat at Laguna Figueroa, Baja California Norte, Mexico. The organism is a member of the stratified microbial community involved in the deposition of the laminated sediments in the lagoon. The size of the spirochete is 0.3 by 30 m, with a wave amplitude of 0.5 m and a wavelength of 1.25 m. The periplasmic flagella have a 1-2-1 arrangement. The outer membrane of the modified Gramnegative cell wall (the sheath) is irregularly crenulated and has a sillon. The growth medium contained yeast extract, trypticase, cellobiose, sodium thioglycolate and at least 20% natural seawater. Chemically defined artificial seawater media did not support growth. Optimal growth occurred with a seawater concentration of 80% at 36° C and a pH of 7.5. Glucose was fermented to acetate, ethanol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The guanine+cytosine content of the DNA was 50 mol %. the spirochete body reacts positively to antibodies raised against eukaryotic brain tubulin protein. On the basis of its free-living anaerobic habitat, its unique morphological and physiological characteristics and G+C ratio, it is proposed that this isolate be considered a new species and named Spirochaeta bajacaliforniensis.  相似文献   

The morphology, the general physiological characteristics, and the energy-yielding metabolism of an obligately anaerobic spirochete isolated from the colon of a swine were studied. Electron microscopy showed that the helical spirochetal cells possessed an outer sheath, a protoplasmic cylinder, and 4 periplasmic fibrils in a 2-4-2 arrangement. The spirochete grew in an atmosphere of N2 in prereduced media containing a carbohydrate, NaHCO3, rumen fluid, yeast extract, peptone, l-cysteine, and inorganic salts. The spirochete fermented carbohydrates and required substrate amounts of CO2 (HCO 3 - ) for growth. Amino acids were not fermented. Major fermentation products of cells growing with glucose as the substrate and in the presence of CO2 were acetate, formate, succinate, and lactate. Small amounts of 2,3-butanediol, pyruvate, and acetoin were also formed. Determinations of enzymatic activities in cell extracts, and of radioactivity in products formed by growing cells from [1-14C]glucose, indicated that this sugar was dissimilated to pyruvate via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. The spirochetes used a coliform-type clastic reaction to metabolize pyruvate. Determinations of radioactivity in products formed from [14C]NaHCO3 indicated that CO2 was assimilated and used in succinate production. The guanine+cytosine content of the DNA was 36 mol%. This study indicates that this intestinal spirochete represents a new species of Treponema. It is proposed that the new species be named Treponema succinifaciens.Abbreviations cpm counts per minute - DTT dithiothreitol - EM Embden-Meyerhof - GC guanine plus cytosine - IgG immunoglobulin G - PC protoplasmic cylinder - PF periplasmic fibrils (axial fibrils) - OS outer sheath  相似文献   

A new phototrophic bacterium was isolated from Jordanian and Kenyan alkaline salt lakes. Cells are rod shaped, 1.5 m wide and 2–4 m long, and motile by polar flagella. They divide by binary fission, and possess photosynthetic membranes as lamellar stacks similar to those in the other species of the genus Ectothiorhodospira and the brown colored Rhodospirillum species. The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the normal spirilloxanthin series is indicated by the absorption spectra of living cells. Under certain growth conditions the cells form gas vacuoles, may become immotile and float to the top of the culture medium. Sulfide and thiosulfate are used as photosynthetic electron donors. During the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, elemental sulfur is formed, which is accumulated outside the cells. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, do not require vitamins, are moderately halophilic and need alkaline pH-values for growth. The new species Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata is proposed.  相似文献   

A saccharolytic spirochete that associated and interacted with cellulolytic bacteria was isolated from bovine rumen fluid. Isolation was accomplished by means of a procedure involving serial dilution of a sample of rumen fluid into a cellulose-containing agar medium. Clear zones appeared within the medium as a result of cellulose hydrolysis by rumen bacteria. The saccharolytic spirochete and a cellulolytic bacterium later identified as a strain of Bacteroides succinogenes were isolated from the clear zones. The spirochete did not utilize cellulose, but grew in coculture with the cellulolytic bacterium in cellulose-containing media. When cocultured in these media the spirochete used, as fermentable substrates, soluble sugars released from cellulose by the cellulolytic bacterium. In cellulosecontaining agar medium the spirochete enhanced cellulose breakdown by the B. succinogenes strain. Electron microscopy showed that the helical spirochete cells possessed an outer sheath, a protoplasmic cylinder, and two periplasmic fibrils. Under a CO2 atmosphere, in a reduced medium containing inorganic salts, rumen fluid, glucose, and NaHCO3, the spirochete grew to a final density of 1.9×109 cells/ml. Succinate, acetate, and formate were products of the fermentation of glucose by growing cells. CO2 (HCO3 -), branched short-chain fatty acids, folic acid, biotin, niacinamide, thiamine, pyridoxal, and a carbohydrate were required for growth of the spirochete. The results of this study indicated that the rumen spirochete represents a new species of Treponema. It is proposed that the new species be named Treponema bryantii.Abbreviations cpm counts per minute - GC guanine plus cytosine - Tm melting temperature - PC protoplasmic cylinder - PF pertplasmic fibrils (axial fibrils) - OS outer sheath - ID insertion disk  相似文献   

A new bacteriochlorophyll b containing phototrophic bacterium was isolated from extremely saline and alkaline soda lakes in Egypt. Enrichment and isolation were performed using a synthetic medium with high contents of sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. Photoautotrophic growth occurred with hydrogen sulfide as photosynthetic electron donor. During oxidation of sulfide to sulfate extracellular elemental sulfur globules appeared in the medium. Cells were also capable to grow under photoheterotrophic conditions with acetate, propionate, pyruvate, succinate, fumarate or malate as carbon sources and electron donors. Under these conditions sulfate was assimilated. Optimal growth under the applied experimental conditions occurred at a total salinity of 14–27%, a pH-range between 8.1 and 9.1 and a temperature between 47°C and 50°C. The cells were 0.5–0.6 m wide and, depending on cultural conditions, 2.5–8.0 m long; they were spiral shaped, multiplied by binary fission and were motile by means of bipolar flagella. Intercytoplasmic photosynthetic membranes were present as stacks. Bacteriochlorophyll b was the main photosynthetic pigment; small amounts of carotenoids were mainly present as glucosides of rhodopin and its methoxy derivative. The new organism is described as Ectothiorhodospira halochloris.Dedicated to Professor C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

A novel pale-yellow-pigmented, moderately halophilic, facultatively alkaliphilic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, catalase- and oxidase-positive, obligately aerobic Gram-positive coccus, strain YIM-C678T was isolated from a saline soil sample collected from a hypersaline habitat in the Qaidam basin, northwest China. The organism grew at 4–37°C and pH 6.0–11.0, with optimum growth at 25°C and pH 8.0. Strain YIM-C678T grew optimally in the presence of 10–12% (w/v) NaCl and growth was observed in 1–25% (w/v) NaCl. The cell wall murein type was l-Lys-Gly5. Major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0, iso-C15:0, iso-C16:0 and C16:0. Menaquinone 6 (MK-6) was the major respiratory quinone. The DNA G + C content was 46.5 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the strain YIM-C678T belonged to the family Staphylococcaceae and was most closely related to the eight described species of the genus Salinicoccus with sequence similarities from 92.2 (S. luteus YIM 70202T) to 97.5% (S. kunmingensis YIM Y15T). The DNA–DNA relatedness between strain YIM-C678T and S. kunmingensis YIM Y15T was 35.4%. Chemotaxonomic data and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis supported the affiliation of strain YIM-C678T with the genus Salinicoccus. The combination of phylogenetic analysis, phenotypic characteristics, chemotaxonomic differences and DNA–DNA hybridization data supported the view that the bacterium represents a novel species of the genus Salinicoccus, for which the name Salinicoccus salitudinis sp. nov. is proposed, with YIM-C678T (=DSM 17846 = CGMCC 1.6299) as the type strain.  相似文献   

A novel Gram-negative, slightly halophilic, catalase- and oxidase-positive, obligately aerobic bacterium, strain YIM-C248T, was isolated from a sediment sample collected from a salt-lake in the Qaidam Basin in Qinghai, north-west China. Cells were non-sporulating short rods, occurring singly or as doublets, motile with peritrichous flagella. Growth occurred with 1–15% (w/v) NaCl [optimum 2–4% (w/v) NaCl], at pH 6.0–10.0 (optimum pH 7.5) and at 4–35°C (optimum 25–30°C). The major cellular fatty acids were C18:1 ω7c, C12:0 3-OH, cyclo C19:0 ω8c, C16:0 and C16:1. The predominant respiratory quinone was Q-9 and the genomic DNA G + C content was 58.6 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain YIM-C248T should be assigned to the genus Halomonas. The sequence similarities between the isolate and the type strains of members of the genus Halomonas were in the range of 92.5–97.5%. The combination of phylogenetic analysis, DNA–DNA hybridization data, phenotypic characteristics and chemotaxonomic differences supported the view that strain YIM-C248T represents a new species of the genus Halomonas, for which the name Halomonas sediminis sp. nov. is proposed, with YIM-C248T (=CCTCC AA 207031 = KCTC 22167) as the type strain. The GenBank/EMBL/DBBJ accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain YIM-C248T is EU135707.  相似文献   

Large (up to 100 m long), loosely coiled, free-living spirochetes with variable diameters (from 0.4 to 3 m in the same cell) were seen at least 40 times between August 1990 and January 1993. These spirochetes were observed in mud water and enrichment media from highly specific habitats in intertidal evaporite flats at three disjunct localities, one in Spain and two in Mexico. All three are sites of commerical saltworks. Associated with Microcoleus chthonoplastes, the large spirochetes from Spain display phototaxis and a composite organization. Shorter and smaller-diameter spirochetes are seen inside both healthy and spent periplasm of larger ones. Small spirochetes attached to large ones have been observed live. From two to twelve spirochete protoplasmic cylinders were seen inside a single common outer membrane. A distinctive granulated cytoplasm in which the granules are of similar diameter (20–32 nm) to that of the flagella (26 nm) was present. Granule diameters were measured in thin section and in negatively-stained whole-mount preparations. Based on their ultrastructure, large size, variable diameter, number of flagella (3 to 6), and phototactic behavior these unique spirochetes are formally named Spirosymplokos deltaeiberi. Under anoxic (or low oxygen) conditions they formed blooms in mixed culture in media selective for spirochetes. Cellobiose was the major carbon source in 80% seawater, the antibiotic rifampicin was added, mat from the original field site was present and tubes were incubated in the light at from 18–31 °C. Within 1–2 weeks populations of the large spirochete developed at 25 °C but they could not be transferred to fresh medium.  相似文献   

目的】研究分离自我国华南地区阳江盐田的一株嗜盐古菌菌株YJ-41T,探究其分类学地位。【方法】运用多相分类学方法即通过表型和遗传型特征鉴定,研究菌株YJ-41T 的分类学地位。【结果】菌株YJ-41T 的细胞为杆状、革兰氏染色阴性、菌落呈红色。菌株YJ-41T 的生长温度范围20–50 ℃ (最适为37 ℃)、NaCl 浓度范围2.1–4.8 mol/L (最适为3.1 mol/L)、MgCl2浓度范围0–1.0 mol/L (最适为0.05 mol/L)、pH 范围5.0–9.0 (最适为pH 7.0)。细胞在蒸馏水中会裂解,维持细胞形态的最低NaCl 浓度为10% (质量体积比)。菌株YJ-41T 的极性脂为磷脂酸(Phosphatidic acid,PA)、磷脂酰甘油(Phosphatidyl glycerol,PG)、磷脂酰甘油磷酸甲基酯(Phosphatidyl glycerol phosphate methyl ester,PGP-Me)、磷脂酰甘油硫酸酯(Phosphatidylglycerol sulphate,PGS)和8 种糖脂;其中3 种糖脂为硫酸甘露糖苷葡萄糖二醚(Sulfated mannosylglucosyl diether,S-DGD-1)、半乳糖苷甘露糖苷葡萄糖二醚(Galactosyl mannosy glucosyl diether,TGD-1)和甘露糖苷葡萄糖二醚(Mannosyl glucosyl diether,DGD-1),其余为未知糖脂。菌株YJ-41T 的16S rRNA 基因和rpoB''基因与盐薄片菌属(Halolamina)的成员相关基因相似性分别为97.5%–98.4%和93.1%–94.4%。菌株YJ-41T 的G+C mol%为61.4 mol%。【结论】表型、化学分类和系统发育的特性表明,菌株YJ-41T (=CGMCC 1.12859T=JCM 30237T)代表Halolamina 属的一个新种,建议命名为海滨盐薄片菌(Halolamina litorea)。  相似文献   

Two Gram-positive, moderately halophilic bacteria, designated strains 29CMIT and 53CMI, were isolated from salted hides. Both strains were non-motile, strictly aerobic cocci, growing in the presence of 3–25% (w/v) NaCl (optimal growth at 7.5–12.5% [w/v] NaCl), between pH 5.0 and 10.0 (optimal growth at pH 7.5) and at temperatures between 15 and 40 °C (optimal growth at 37 °C). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison showed that both strains showed a similarity of 98.7% and were closely related to species of the genus Salimicrobium, within the phylum Firmicutes. Strains 29CMIT and 53CMI exhibited 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values of 97.9–97.6% with Salimicrobium album DSM 20748T, Salimicrobium halophilum DSM 4771T, Salimicrobium flavidum ISL-25T and Salimicrobium luteum BY-5T. The DNA G+C content was 50.7 mol% and 51.5 mol% for strains 29CMIT and 53CMI, respectively. The DNA–DNA hybridization between both strains was 98%, whereas the values between strain 29CMIT and the species S. album CCM 3517T, S. luteum BY-5T, S. flavidum ISL-25T and S. halophilum CCM 4074T were 45%, 28%, 15% and 10%, respectively, showing unequivocally that strains 29CMIT and 53CMI constitute a new genospecies. The major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C15:0, anteiso-C17:0, iso-C15:0 and iso-C14:0. The main respiratory isoprenoid quinone was MK-7, although small amounts of MK-6 were also found. The polar lipids of the type strain consist of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, one unidentified phospholipid and one glycolipid. The peptidoglycan type is A1γ, with meso-diaminopimelic acid as the diagnostic diamino acid. On the basis of the phylogenetic analysis, and phenotypic, genotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, we propose strains 29CMIT and 53CMI as a novel species of the genus Salimicrobium, with the name Salimicrobium salexigens sp. nov. The type strain is 29CMIT (=CECT 7568T = JCM 16414T = LMG 25386T).  相似文献   

A new species of halophilic photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodospirillum salinarum, has been isolated and described. Its natural habitat are the terminal crystallization ponds of solar salt production plants. R. salinarum grows optimally at 42°C in the presence of 6–18% NaCl (w/v). Growth requirements are complex, yeast extract and peptone being required both for aerobic heterotrophic and for anaerobic phototrophic growth. Increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growth media did not give rise to any corresponding increase in intracellular concentrations of K+, Na+, polyalcohols or amino acids. Malate dehydrogenase from R. salinarum is not halophilic, being inhibited even at low concentrations of Na+ or K+. The GC mol % of DNA from R. salinarum is markedly higher than that for DNA from R. salexigens, the only previously described halophilic species of the genus Rhodospirillum.  相似文献   

The diet of the brackish water tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron is studied in various riverine and lacustrine systems of the Bia River basin (Côte d'Ivoire). Comparison of the diet between sampling sites (upper course, lower course and man-made Lake Ayame) shows significant differences. In the man-made lake, prey described as preferential include Asterionella (Bacillariophyceae) and Bosmina(Cladocera). In the lower course, the preferential preys are represented by Lyngbya(Cyanophyceae) while in the upper course Lyngbya and chironomid larvae are preferential. These differences are related to the altered environmental conditions generated by the construction of the dam on the Bia river main stream. In the man-made lake, there is no shift in diet either with the seasons (dry and rainy seasons) or with size.  相似文献   

Gram-positive bacteria found as the sole Firmicutes present in two mineral bioleaching stirred tanks, and a third bacterium isolated from a heap leaching operation, were shown to be closely related to each other but distinct from characterized acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Sulfobacillus, to which they were affiliated. One of the isolates (BRGM2) was shown to be a thermo-tolerant (temperature optimum 38.5°C, and maximum 47°C) obligate acidophile (pH optimum 1.5, and minimum 0.8), and also noted to be a facultative anaerobe, growing via ferric iron respiration in the absence of oxygen. Although isolates BRGM2 and TVK8 were able to metabolize many monomeric organic substrates, their propensity for autotrophic growth was found to be greater than that of Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans and the related acidophile, Sb. acidophilus. Faster growth rates of the novel isolates in the absence of organic carbon was considered to be a major reason why they, rather than Sb. thermosulfidooxidans (which shared many physiological characteristics) more successfully exploited conditions in the stirred tanks. Based on their phylogenetic and phenotypic characteristics, the isolates are designated strains of the proposed novel species, Sulfobacillus benefaciens, with isolate BRGM2 nominated as the type strain.  相似文献   

Notogaeanemertes folzae gen. n., sp. n., a monoecious and ovoviviparous hoplonemertean, is described from the supra-littoral at Kaikoura, New Zealand. It shares more characters with group I terrestrial nemerteans than with group II which brings into question the significance of certain features in the systematics of semiterrestrial/terrestrial nemerteans.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain HLK1(T) was isolated from the human erythroleukemia cell line K562. This bacterium is a Gram-negative rod, motile with a polar flagellum. It is strictly aerobic, nonfermentative, and oxidase and catalase positive. Its optimal growth occurs at 37 degrees C at pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Phylogenetically, although it shares 98% similarity with the 16S rRNA of Phenylobacterium lituiforme, the DNA-DNA hybridization value between the two species is only 43%. HLK1(T) has a DNA G+C content of 71.2+/-0.2 mol%. It is a facultative intracellular organism and may have pathogenic relevance with humans and mammals. On the basis of the phylogenetic and phenotypic characterization, strain HLK1(T) is proposed to be classified in the genus Phenylobacterium, as P. zucineum sp. nov. The type strain is HLK1(T) (=CGMCC 1.3786(T), DSM=18354).  相似文献   

A facultative aerobic, moderately thermophilic, spore forming bacterium, strain JW/VK-KG4 was isolated from an enrichment culture obtained from the Geyser valley, a geothermally heated environment located in the Kamchatka peninsula (Far East region of Russia). The cells were rod shaped, motile, peritrichous flagellated stained Gram positive and had a Gram positive type cell wall. Aerobically, the strain utilized a range of carbohydrates including glucose, fructose, trehalose, proteinuous substrates, and pectin as well. Anaerobically, only carbohydrates are utilized. When growing on carbohydrates, the strain required yeast extract and vitamin B12. Anaerobically, glucose was fermented to lactate as main product and acetate, formate, ethanol as minor products. Aerobically, even in well-aerated cultures (agitated at 500 rpm), glucose oxidation was incomplete and lactate and acetate were found in culture supernatants as by-products. Optimal growth of the isolate was observed at pH25 C 6.8–8.5 and 60°C. The doubling times on glucose at optimal growth conditions were 34 min (aerobically) and 40 min (anaerobically). The G+C content was 42.3 mol% as determined by Tm assay. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated an affiliation of strain JW/VK-KG4 with Anoxybacillus species. Based on its morphology, physiology, phylogenetic relationship and its low DNA-DNA homology with validly published species of Anoxybacillus, it is proposed that strain JW/VK-KG4 represents a new species in the genus Anoxybacillus as A. kamchatkensis sp. nov. The type strain for the novel species is JW/VK-KG4T (=DSM 14988, =ATCC BAA-549). The GenBank accession number for the 16S rDNA sequence is AF510985.  相似文献   

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