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Type IV collagenase plays an important role in tumor invasion and metastasis through cleaving type IV collagen in the basement membrane and extracellular matrix. In this study a molecule-downsized immunoconjugate (Fab’-LDM) was constructed by linking lidamycin (LDM), a highly potent antitumor antibiotic, to the Fab’ fragment of a monoclonal antibody directed against type IV collagenase and its antitumor effect was investigated. As assayed in 10% SDS-PAGE gel, the molecular weight of Fab’-LDM conjugate was 65 kD with a 1: 1 molecular ratio of Fab’ and LDM. The Fab’-LDM conjugate maintained most part of the immunoreactivity of Fab’ fragment to both type IV collagense and mouse hepatoma 22 cells by ELISA. By MTT assay, Fab’-LDM conjugate showed more potent cytotoxicity to hepatoma 22 cells than that of LDM. Administered intravenously, Fab’-LDM conjugate proved to be more effective against the growth of subcutaneously transplanted hepatoma 22 in mice than free LDM in two experiment settings. In Experiment I, the drugs were given intravenously on day 1 and day 8. Fab’-LDM at the doses of 0.025 mg/kg, 0.05 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg inhibited tumor growth by 76.7%, 93.3% and 94.8%, while free LDM at 0.05 mg/kg inhibited tumor growth by 76.1%, respectively. In experiment II, the drugs were given intravenously on day 4 and day 11, Fab’-LDM at the doses of 0.025 mg/kg and 0.05 mg/kg inhibited tumor growth by 74.2%, 80.9%, while free LDM at 0.05 mg/kg inhibited tumor growth by 60.5%, respectively. In terms of survival time, Fab’-LDM was more effective than free LDM. The results suggest that the molecule-downsized immunoconjugate directed against type IV collagenase is of high efficacy in experimental cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Summary A monoclonal antibody IgG, has been raised against ecto-5-nucleotidase purified from rat kidney homogenate. The specificity of the antibody was verified by immunoprecipitation. The distribution of the corresponding antigen in the rat kidney was studied by immunocytochemistry (FITC and PAP technique) in 1 m thick cryostat sections. The antibody reacted with the brush border of proximal tubules, the apical cell membrane and the apical cytoplasm of intercalated cells in connecting tubules and collecting ducts and with interstitial cells of the cortex. Among the interstitial cells exclusively stellate shaped fibroblasts were reactive whereas rounded interstitial cells (type II interstitial cells) as well as pericytes and endothelial cells of peritubular capillaries were unreactive. Compared to the staining intensity of the fibroblasts in the cortical labyrinth the reactivity of the fibroblasts in the medullary rays of the cortex was weak or absent. Interstitial cells of the entire medulla were unreactive. Concerning the fibroblasts in the periarterial connective tissue, those surrounding the larger arteries (arcuate arteries, cortical radial arteries) were negative, those alongside afferent and efferent arterioles were positive. Endothelia of lymphatic capillaries travelling within the periarterial connective tissue were also positive. All components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus were negative.The findings are consistent with an interstitial production of adenosine, available extracellularly and thus being able to reach the major target sites of adenosine, the smooth muscles of glomerular arterioles, including the granular cells at the glomerular vascular pole.  相似文献   

Summary A highly sensitive and specific monoclonal antibody against the enzyme dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH) from rat was produced and coded DBH 41. The generated hybridoma secreted immunoglobulins of mouse IgG1 subtype, as determined by radial immunodiffusion. This antibody, characterized by immunoblotting against a crude rat DBH preparation, was found to specifically recognize two bands of molecular weight 70 and 75 kDa corresponding to the soluble and membrane bound forms of the enzyme, respectively. With regard to species specificity, the anti-DBH antibody recognizes only the rat DBH molecule as it exhibits no cross-reactivity with either mouse, human, rabbit, guinea pig, cat or bovine DBH. Comparative immunocytochemical localization of DBH and TOH immunoreactivity was performed in different brain regions and we found that the DBH 41 antibody specifically stained DBH-containing neurons and fibers in the rat central nervous system (CNS). The high sensitivity of the DBH 41 antibody permitted us to detect immunologically the presence of the enzyme even in areas where only scattered DBH-containing fibers were present.  相似文献   

The functional role of CNP (2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase), a minor component of central and peripheral myelin is still unclear. Here we describe preparation of a monoclonal antibody directed against CNP. The antibody, of the immunoglobulin IgG1 type, raised with a basic 46 kDa membrane-associated protein solubilized from pig cerebellar membranes, can be used to detect immunoreactivity in solubilized brain homogenates from pig, mouse, rat, sheep, cow and man, in cerebrum and cerebellum, but not in other tissues such as liver, skeletal and heart muscle. The antibody recognizes the CNP doublet band and shows no cross-reactivity with any of the other brain proteins solubilized. In tissue sections from paraformaldehyde-fixed rat brain the antigen was localized in oligodendrocytes. In cultured glial cells from newborn mice the antibody stained cells which were identified as oligodendrocytes by co-localization of myelin basic protein. Even cells from a C6 rat glioma cell line, which contain very little of CNP, were labeled by the monoclonal antibody. Thus the monoclonal antibody recognizing CNP from several species is suitable for immunocytochemical investigations and also for biochemical studies of CNP, since the antibody has been employed for immunoprecipitation and immunopurification of CNP in crude brain homogenates.  相似文献   

Fermentations carried out at 450-L and 20-L scale to produce Fab’ antibody fragments indicated a serious problem to control levels of dissolved oxygen in the broth due to the large oxygen demand at high cell densities. Dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) dropped to zero during the induction phase and it was hypothesised that this could limit product formation due to inadequate oxygen supply. A gas blending system at 20-L scale was employed to address this problem and a factorial 22 experimental design was executed to evaluate independently the effects and interaction of two main engineering factors: agitation rate and DOT level (both related to mixing and oxygen transfer in the broth) on Fab’ yields. By comparison to the non-gas blending system, results in the gas blending system at same scale showed an increase in the production of Fab’ by 77% independent of the DOT level when using an agitation rate of 500 rpm level and by 50% at an agitation rate of 1,000 rpm with 30% DOT. Product localisation in the cell periplasm of >90% was obtained in all fermentations. Results obtained encourage further studies at 450-L scale initially, to evaluate the potential of gas blending for the industrial production of Fab’ antibody fragments.  相似文献   

Microtubule cytoskeleton is a dynamic structure involved in the maintenance of eukaryote cell shape, motion of cilia and flagellum, and intracellular movement of vesicles and organelles. Many antibodies against tubulins have been described, most of them against the C-terminal portion, which is exposed at the outside of the microtubules. By generating a novel set of monoclonal antibodies against the cytoskeleton of Trypanosoma cruzi, a flagellate protozoan that causes Chagas' disease, we selected a clone (mAb 3G4) that recognizes β-tubulin. The epitope for mAb 3G4 was mapped by pepscan to a highly conserved sequence motif found between α-helices 11 and 12 of the C-terminus of β-tubulin in eukaryotes. It labels vesicular structures in both T. cruzi and mammalian cells, colocalizing respectively with a major cysteine protease (Cruzipain) and lysosome associated protein (LAMP2) respectively, but it does not label regular microtubules on these cellular models. We propose that the epitope recognized by mAb 3G4 is exposed only in a form of tubulin associated with endosomes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) were raised by hybridoma technology using Sp2/0 myeloma cells as fusion partner. Sixty-five percent of the total culture wells exhibited hybrid growth and 8% of the total wells (13 culture wells) contained anti-hCG secreting hybrids. A positive hybrid cell line secreting antibodies against the free alpha-subunit of hCG was cloned twice by limiting dilution method and eighty four clones were obtained that secreted monoclonal antibodies anti-alpha hCG. One of these hybridoma clones (1C4) secreting monoclonal antibodies against the free alpha-subunit of hCG was selected for purification and characterization purposes. This hybridoma cell line secreted monoclonal antibodies of IgG1 subclass, which were purified by affinity chromatography on Protein A Sepharose CL-4B column with a final relative recovery of antibody activity of 75% and a purification factor of about 12. The purified preparation was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, native PAGE, and IEF. Specificity studies of this Mab revealed that it recognized specifically an epitope on the free alpha-subunits of hCG, FSH, LH, and TSH as determined by enzyme immunoassays. On the other hand, this Mab exhibited crossreactivity with other pituitary hormones either as free subunits or intact molecules as follows: alpha hCG 100%; intact hCG 1.8%; beta hCG 0.14%; alpha FSH 24.5%; intact FSH 0.8%; beta FSH 0.09%; alpha LH 20.5%; intact LH 0.9%; beta LH 0.08%; alpha TSH 50.5%; intact TSH 3.7%; beta TSH 0.07%; The affinity constant (K) of this Mab with respect to free alpha-subunit of hCG was found to be 1.5 x 10(7) I/mol as determined by the simple antibody dilution analysis method.  相似文献   

MLIV (mucolipidosis type?IV) is a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in MCOLN1, a gene that encodes TRPML1 (mucolipin-1), a member of the TRPML (transient receptor potential mucolipin) cation channels. Two additional homologues are TRPML2 and TRPML3 comprising the TRPML subgroup in the TRP superfamily. The three proteins play apparently key roles along the endocytosis process, and thus their cellular localization varies among the different group members. Thus TRPML1 is localized exclusively to late endosomes and lysosomes, TRPML2 is primarily located in the recycling clathrin-independent GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol)-anchored proteins and early endosomes, and TRPML3 is primarily located in early endosomes. Apparently, all three proteins' main physiological function underlies Ca(2+) channelling, regulating the endocytosis process. Recent findings also indicate that the three TRPML proteins form heteromeric complexes at least in some of their cellular content. The physiological role of these complexes in lysosomal function remains to be elucidated, as well as their effect on the pathophysiology of MLIV. Another open question is whether any one of the TRPMLs bears additional function in channel activity.  相似文献   

The subcommissural organ (SCO) is an ependymal brain gland that releases glycoproteins into the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid where they condense to form the Reissner’s fiber (RF). We have developed a highly sensitive and specific two-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the quantification of the bovine SCO secretory material. The assay was based on the use of the IgG fraction of a polyclonal antiserum against the bovine RF as capture antibody and a pool of three peroxidase-labeled monoclonal antibodies that recognize non-overlapping epitopes of the RF glycoproteins as detection antibody. The detection limit was 1 ng/ml and the working range extended from 1 to 4000 ng/ml. The calibration curve, generated with RF glycoproteins, showed two linear segments: one of low sensitivity, ranging from 1 to 125 ng/ml, and the other of high sensitivity between 125 and 4000 ng/ml. This assay was highly reproducible (mean intra- and interassay coefficient of variation 2.2% and 5.3%, respectively) and its detectability and sensitivity were higher than those of ELISAs using exclusively either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against RF glycoproteins. The assay succeeded in detecting and measuring secretory material in crude extracts of bovine SCO, culture medium supernatant of SCO explants and incubation medium of bovine RF; however, soluble secretory material was not detected in bovine cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

A group of rat monoclonal antibodies recognizing the six different chains of human type IV collagen have been established by our novel method. The method is designated the rat lymph node method in which enlarged medial iliac lymph nodes of a rat injected with an antigen emulsion via hind footpads are used as a source of B cells for cell fusion to produce hybridomas. The immunogens used were synthetic peptides having non-consensus amino acid sequences near the carboxyl termini of type IV collagen chains. Hybridomas were screened both by ELISA with synthetic peptides and by indirect immunofluorescence with cryostat sections of human kidneys. Because the epitopes of all antibodies were determined by multipin-peptide scanning, they were confirmed to be isoform-specific. They are useful for identification of chains of type IV collagen at the protein level in normal and abnormal conditions. The combined use of synthetic peptides as immunogens, the rat lymph node method as making monoclonal antibodies, and the multipin-peptide scanning as epitope mapping is found to be a strong tool for identification of peptides and proteins whose amino acid sequences are known or have been deduced.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a pleiotropic cytokine that plays a critical role in modulating immune response and inflammation. We have investigated the effects of TGF-β1 on the expression of type IV collagenases, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, in mouse peritoneal macrophages. TGF-β1 alone enhanced the secretion of MMP-9, while it blocked lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated MMP-9 production. We have shown that this biphasic effect of TGF-β1 is exerted at the mRNA level of the MMP-9 gene. Although TGF-β1 increased both basal and LPS-induced MMP-2 production at the protein and mRNA levels, the extent of the increase was smaller in LPS-activated macrophages than in control macrophages. The expression of type I and type II receptors for TGF-β was significantly decreased upon activation, suggesting that the lesser effect of TGF-β1 in activated macrophages may result from the decreased expression of TGF-β receptors. In addition, the expression of endogenous TGF-β1 mRNA was decreased significantly in activated macrophages. These findings suggest that activated macrophages not only produce less TGF-β1, but also respond less well to TGF-β to provide for inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated untreated NK cells undergo rapid apoptosis and lose their cytotoxic function upon the addition of F(ab′)2 fragment of anti-CD16 antibodies. Loss of NK cell cytotoxic function after treatment with F(ab′)2 fragment of anti-CD16 antibody can be seen against K562 and UCLA-2 oral tumor cells when either added immediately in the co-cultures of NK cells with the tumor cells or after pre-treatment of NK cells with the antibody before their addition to the tumor cells. Addition of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) in combination with anti-CD16 antibody to NK cells delayed the induction of DNA fragmentation in NK cells, and even though decreased cytotoxicity could still be observed against K562 and UCLA-2 oral tumors when compared to IL-2 alone treated NK cells, the cytotoxicity levels remained relatively higher and approached those obtained by untreated NK cells in the absence of antibody treatment. No increases in IFN-γ, Granzymes A and B, Perforin and TRAIL genes could be seen in NK cells treated with anti-CD16 antibody. Neither secretion of IFN-γ nor increased expression of CD69 activation antigen could be observed after the treatment of NK cells with anti-CD16 antibody. Furthermore, IL-2 mediated increase in CD69 surface antigens was down-modulated by anti-CD16 antibody. Finally, the addition of anti-CD16 antibody to co-cultures of NK cells with tumor target cells was not inhibitory for the secretion of VEGF by oral tumor cells, unlike those co-cultured with untreated or IL-2 treated NK cells. Thus, binding and triggering of CD16 receptor on NK cells may enhance oral tumor survival and growth by decreased ability of NK cells to suppress VEGF secretion or induce tumor cell death during the interaction of NK cells with oral tumor cells. This work was supported by RO1-DE18830 from NIH.  相似文献   

The genes of the heavy and light chain variable region (VH, VL) of Z12 antibody against hTNF-α were cloned, and according to the translated sequence of amino acids, the spatial structures of VH and VL domains were modeled by using homology-based modeling method, followed by constructing the whole three-dimensional structure of Fv fragment. The complex model of Fv interacting with hTNF-α was gained with computer-guided molecular docking method, based on which, it was predicted that the epitope recognized by Z12 was from 141 to 146 of hTNF-α. hTNF-α molecule was divided into two fragments of N-terminal region from 1 to 91 and C-terminal region from 92 to 157 with prokaryotic expression. The measured results suggested that the antigenic epitope recognized by Z12 antibody was located in the C-terminal region 92–157 of hTNF-α, proving the predicted result reliable preliminarily. Further experimental results showed that after hTNF-α 141–146 residues were deleted, Z12 antibody almost lost the ability to recognize the mutant, suggesting that the amino acid residues from 141 to 146 of hTNF-α were specially recognized by Z12 antibody.  相似文献   

The genes of the heavy and light chain variable region (VH, VL) of Z12 antibody against hTNF-α were cloned, and according to the translated sequence of amino acids, the spatial structures of VH and VL domains were modeled by using homology-based modeling method, followed by constructing the whole three-dimensional structure of Fv fragment. The complex model of Fv interacting with hTNF-α was gained with computer-guided molecular docking method, based on which, it was predicted that the epitope recognized by Z12 was from 141 to 146 of hTNF-α. hTNF-α molecule was divided into two fragments of N-terminal region from 1 to 91 and C-terminal region from 92 to 157 with prokaryotic expression. The measured results suggested that the antigenic epitope recognized by Z12 antibody was located in the C-terminal region 92-157 of hTNF-α, proving the predicted result reliable preliminarily. Further experimental results showed that after hTNF-α 141-146 residues were deleted, Z12 antibody almost lost the ability to recognize the mutant, suggesting that the amino acid residues from 141 to 146 of hTNF-α were specially recognized by Z12 antibody.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides such as adenosine 5′-triphospate (ATP) and uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP) interact with P2 purinergic receptors on the surface of phagocytic cells and induce various physiological reactions. In this study, the production of antibody in mice immunized with an inactivated rabies vaccine containing these nucleotides was investigated. Injection of inactivated rabies vaccine with UTP, but not with ATP, induced significantly higher serum antibody production in mice. The enhancement of antibody production by UTP was inhibited by an anti-P2Y4 receptor antibody. In an air pouch experiment, UTP treatment increased the number of monocytes and macrophages infiltrating the pouch and up-regulated the gene expression of IL-4 and IL-13 in the regional lymph nodes. These results suggested that UTP admixed with rabies vaccine activates Th2 cells and induces a humoral immune response. Furthermore, the survival rate of mice immunized with a rabies vaccine admixed with UTP before rabies virus challenge was slightly higher than that of control mice. In conclusion, UTP can act as a vaccine adjuvant to enhance antibody production against the rabies virus in mice.  相似文献   

1. A comparison was made of the binding of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one) and cyclic AMP in the rat prostate gland. Distinct binding mechanisms exist for these compounds, and cyclic AMP cannot serve as a competitor for the 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone-binding sites and vice versa. In contrast with the results obtained with 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, very small amounts of cyclic AMP are retained in nuclear chromatin and the overall binding of this cyclic nucleotide is not markedly affected by castration. 2. Androgenic stimulation does not lead to major increases in the adenylate cyclase activities associated with any subcellular fraction of the prostate gland. Accordingly, changes in the concentration of cyclic AMP in the prostate gland after hormonal treatment are likely to be small, but these were not measured directly. 3. When administered to whole animals in vivo, small amounts of non-degraded cyclic AMP are found in the prostate gland but sufficient to promote an activation of certain carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes in the cell supernatant fraction. The stimulatory effects of cyclic AMP were not evident with cytoplasmic enzymes engaged in polyamine synthesis or nuclear RNA polymerases. These latter enzymes were stimulated solely by the administration of testosterone. 4. By making use of antiandrogens, a distinction can be drawn between the biochemical responses attributable to the binding of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone but not of cyclic AMP. Evidence is presented to suggest that the stimulation of RNA polymerase, ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosyl-l-methionine decarboxylase is a consequence of the selective binding of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Only the stimulation of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase can be attributed to cyclic AMP or other metabolites of testosterone. 5. Overall, this study indicates that the formation of cyclic AMP is not a major feature of the androgenic response and affects only a restricted number of biochemical processes. Certainly, cyclic AMP cannot be considered as interchangeable with testosterone and its metabolites in the control of the function of the prostate gland. This difference is additionally emphasized by the failure of cyclic AMP to restore the morphology of the prostate gland in castrated animals; morphological restoration only follows the administration of androgens.  相似文献   

Humantumornecrosisfactor-a(hTNF-a)isanunglycosylated,pleiotropiccytokinewithnumerousbiologicaleffectsincludingcytotoxicandproinflam-matoryactivities[1].Asrevealedbytheresearchwithmurinemodel,hTNF-playedakeyroleinmanydis-easessuchasrheumatoidarthritis,multiplesclerosisandinflammatoryboweldisease[2],andtherefore,be-cameausefultargetoftherapyforthediseases.Neu-tralizingmonoclonalantibody(mAb)againsthTNF-,asanagentblockinghTNF-activity,hasbeenusedfortherapyofthosediseasesabove[3,4].ThemAb,de…  相似文献   

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