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Lateralization is one of the specific characteristics of animals, occurring in both invertebrates and vertebrates. Lateralization exists at two levels, individual level and population level. This research is focused on the individual- and population-level lateralization of the European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) under laboratory conditions. Lateralization was observed experimentally in a modified T-maze without the possibility of visual control by lizards. Lizards were stimulated by a piston from the caudal side to simulate a predator attack from behind. The numbers of left and right choices were evaluated. Statistical analysis confirmed no statistically significant difference in lateralization at both the individual and population levels. The absence or presence of autotomy suggests that non-biased lizards have a better chance of escape from a predator than left- or right-biased individuals. In the population of L. viridis studied by us, it seems that to be non-biased could be the best strategy to survive predator attacks.


Some aspects of escape predicted by theoretical models are intended to apply universally. For example, flight initiation distance (distance between an approaching predator and prey when escape begins) is predicted from predation risk and the costs of escaping. Escape tactics and refuge selection are not currently predicted by theoretical models, but are expected to vary with structural features of the habitat. One way of studying such variation is to compare aspects of antipredatory behavior among sympatric species that differ in habitat or microhabitat use. In an assemblage of lizards in northwestern Namibia, we conducted experiments to test predictions of escape theory for three risk factors in representatives of three families and observed escape tactics in additional species. As predicted by escape theory, flight initiation distance increased with directness of a predator's approach and predator speed in Agama planiceps, Mabuya acutilabris, and Rhotropus boultoni, and with distance from refuge in M. acutilabris. As predicted by theory, the probability of entering refuge increased with risk in R. boultoni. All available data indicate that flight initiation distance and refuge entry by lizards conform to theoretical predictions. Escape tactics varied greatly as a function of habitat type: (1) arboreal species fled up and around trees and sometimes entered tree holes; (2) saxicolous species used rock crevices as refuges, but differed in tactics prior to entering refuges; and (3) terrestrial species fled into bushes or other vegetation, often to the far sides of them. Some M. acutilabris entered small animal burrows or buried themselves in sand beneath bushes. Escape tactics varied even among congeners in Mabuya, highlighting the important effect of habitat structure on them. Although habitat partitioning has traditionally been viewed as favoring species coexistence, an interesting by‐product appears to be structuring of escape tactics in lizard communities.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (predator–prey distance when escape begins) increases as predation risk increases and decreases as cost of fleeing increases. Scant information is available about the effects of some putative predation risk factors and about interaction between simultaneously operating risk and cost of fleeing factors on flight initiation distance and distance fled. By simulating an approaching predator, I studied the effects of body temperature (BT), distance to nearest refuge, and eye contact with a predator, as well as simultaneous effects of predator approach speed and female presence/absence on escape behavior by a small ectothermic vertebrate, the lizard Sceloporus virgatus. Flight initiation distance decreased as BT increased, presumably because running speed increases as BT increases, facilitating escape. Distance to nearest refuge was unrelated to BT or flight initiation distance. Substrate temperature was only marginally related, and air temperature was not related to flight initiation distance. Eye contact did not affect flight initiation during indirect approaches that bypassed lizards by a minimum of 1 m, but an effect of eye contact found in other studies during direct approach might occur. Predator approach speed and presence of a female interactively affected flight initiation distance, which increased as speed increased and decreased when a female was present. In the presence of a female, flight initiation distance was far shorter than when no female was present. The high cost of forgoing a mating opportunity accounts for the interaction because the difference between female presence and absence is greater when risk is greater.  相似文献   

Aim In an effort to disentangle the ecological processes that confine ectotherms to alpine environments, we studied the thermoregulatory and microhabitat selection behaviours of the rock lizard Iberolacerta cyreni, which is endemic to some mountains of central Spain, and of the wall lizard Podarcis muralis, which is a potential competitor of rock lizards. Location We chose three areas in the Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain) that differed in their thermal quality [mean deviation of environmental operative temperatures from the lizards’ preferred thermal range (PTR)] and refuge availability: a pine forest (1770 m a.s.l.) in which P. muralis was the only species found, and two mixed shrub and rock sites (1770 and 1900 m a.s.l.) where both species were present. Methods In the field we collected data on refuge availability, sun exposure, body temperature (Tb) and operative temperature (Te). Thus, we estimated the thermal habitat quality of the areas sampled and the thermoregulation accuracy and effectiveness of both species. Results The pine forest had the lowest thermal quality and refuge availability. The lower‐elevation shrub site offered the best thermal quality, but refuges were much scarcer than at the higher‐elevation site. Both species thermoregulated accurately, because mean deviations of body temperature (Tb) from PTR were considerably smaller than those of Te. Podarcis muralis had higher Tb values than did I. cyreni, which had similar Tb values at both shrub sites, whereas P. muralis had lower Tb values at higher elevation. Overall, the thermoregulatory effectiveness (extent to which Tb values are closer to the PTR than are Te values) of both species was similar, but whereas I. cyreni thermoregulated more efficiently at higher elevation, the opposite was true for P. muralis. At the lower‐elevation shrub site, I. cyreni remained closer to refuges than did P. muralis. Main conclusions Our results suggest that the pine forest belt might prevent the expansion of rock lizards towards lower elevations as a result of its low thermal quality and scarcity of refuges, that the thermoregulatory effectiveness of rock lizards in alpine environments depends more on refuge availability than on thermal habitat quality, and that competition with wall lizards is unlikely to explain either the distribution or the thermoregulatory effectiveness of rock lizards.  相似文献   

Ectotherms have been shown being lateralized as well as mammals and birds. This is particularly evident in visual lateralization, i.e. the different use of the eyes, leading to use a specific eye to observe specific kind of stimuli and to process them with the correspondent contralateral hemisphere. Several lower vertebrates are facilitated in this from the lateral position of the eyes, enabling them to carry out more tasks simultaneously, controlled by different eyes and relative hemispheres. Predatory responses seem usually mediated by the right eye/left hemisphere in fishes, amphibians and some sauropsids, but there are no strong evidences of this in lizards. Eighteen wild males of the Common wall lizard Podarcis muralis were tested individually in captivity to ascertain whether they are lateralized to look at prey with a specific eye. The lizards were gently induced entering a 30-cm long central arm of a T-maze which led to a 44.5-cm long arm cross-arm at whose extremities there were two identical prey, Tenebrio molitor larvae, familiar to the lizards. We recorded what direction the lizards chose to reach the prey and the frequency and duration of head turning, indicative of looking either prey with the left or the right eye. We found that individuals show being lateralized at individual level. The preferred direction taken to reach the prey is the right for the majority of those (4 of 5) showing an evident preference, indicating also a possible form of laterality at population level. In addition, lizards maintained the same head side of the direction taken turned for more time towards the prey than the opposite head side, revealing an eye preference for observing this kind of cue. Our study demonstrates how males of Podarcis muralis have a visual lateralization to capture prey. Furthermore, it is another support to the hypothesis of vertebrate lateralization derivation from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that the probability of fleeing and flight initiation distance (predator–prey distance when escape begins) increase as predation risk increases and decrease as escape cost increases. These factors may apply even to highly cryptic species that sometimes must flee. Horned lizards (Phrynosoma) rely on crypsis because of coloration, flattened body form, and lateral fringe scales that reduce detectability. At close range they sometimes squirt blood‐containing noxious substances and defend themselves with cranial spines. These antipredatory traits are highly derived, but little is known about the escape behavior of horned lizards. Of particular interest is whether their escape decisions bear the same relationships to predation risk and opportunity costs of escaping as in typical prey lacking such derived defenses. We investigated the effects of repeated attack and direction of predator turning on P. cornutum and of opportunity cost of fleeing during a social encounter in P. modestum. Flight initiation distance was greater for the second of two successive approaches and probability of fleeing decreased as distance between the turning predator and prey increased, but was greater when the predator turned toward than away from a lizard. Flight initiation distance was shorter during social encounters than when lizards were solitary. For all variables studied, risk assessment by horned lizards conforms to the predictions of escape theory and is similar to that in other prey despite their specialized defenses. Our findings show that these specialized, derived defenses coexist with a taxonomically widespread, plesiomorphic method of making escape decisions. They suggest that escape theory based on costs and benefits, as intended, applies very generally, even to highly cryptic prey that have specialized defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Prey must balance gains from activities such as foraging and social behavior with predation risk. Optimal escape theory has been successful in predicting escape behavior of prey under a range of risk and cost factors. The optimal approach distance, the distance from the predator at which prey should begin to flee, occurs when risk equals cost. Optimal escape theory predicts that for a fixed cost, the approach distance increases as risk increases. It makes no predictions about approach distance for prey in refuges that provide only partial protection or about escape variables other than approach distance, such as the likelihood of stopping before entering refuge and escape speed. By experimentally simulating a predator approaching keeled earless lizards, Holbrookia propinqua, the predictions of optimal escape theory for two risk factors, predator approach speed and directness of approach were tested. In addition, predictions that the likelihood of fleeing into refuge without stopping and the speed of escape runs increase with risk, in this case predator approach speed, and that lizards in incompletely protective refuges permit closer approach than lizards not in refuges were also tested. Approach distance increased with predator approach speed and directness of approach, confirming predictions of optimal escape theory. Lizards were more likely to enter refuge and ran faster when approached rapidly, verifying that predation risk affects escape decisions by the lizards for escape variables not included in optimal escape theory. They allowed closer approach when in incompletely protective refuges than when in the open, confirming the prediction that risk affects escape decisions while in refuge. Optimal escape theory has been highly successful, but testing it has led to relative neglect of important aspects of escape other than approach distance.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (FID=distance between predator and prey when escape begins) is longer when risk is greater and shorter when escape is more costly. A few tests suggest that escape theory applies to distance fled. Escape models have not addressed stochastic variables, such as probability of fleeing and of entering refuge, but their economic logic might be applicable. Experiments on several risk factors in the lizard Sceloporus virgatus confirmed all predictions for the above escape variables. FID was greater when approach was faster and more direct, for lizards on ground than on trees, for lizards rarely exposed to humans, for the second of two approaches, and when the predator turned toward lizards rather than away. Lizards fled further during rapid and second consecutive approaches. They were more likely to flee when approached directly, when a predator turned toward them, and during second approaches. They were more likely to enter refuge when approached rapidly. A novel finding is that perch height in trees was unrelated to FID because lizards escaped by moving out of sight, then moving up or down unpredictably. These findings add to a growing body of evidence supporting predictions of escape theory for FID and distance fled. They show that two probabilistic aspects of escape are predictable based on relative predation risk levels. Because individuals differ in boldness, the assessed optimal FID and threshold risks for fleeing and entering refuge are exceeded for an increasing proportion of individuals as risk increases[Current Zoology 55(2):123-131,2009].  相似文献   

Prey often respond to predator presence by increasing their use of refuges, but because this strategy may be costly, the decision regarding when to come out from a refuge should be optimized. The loss of foraging opportunities may be one of the main costs when safer microhabitats (i.e. refuges) are also the poorest in terms of their foraging profitability. We present the results of an experimental field study to test whether emergence times from a refuge of the Iberian rock lizard, Lacerta monticola, vary as a function of expected foraging opportunities and level of satiation of the lizard. As predicted, short‐term fluctuations in availability of food influenced emergence times; when a lizard had just detected some food in the recent past, emergence times decreased greatly, because the loss of opportunities for foraging increased costs of refuge use. Furthermore, the characteristics and success of the encounter with food, nutritional state of lizards, and the added possibility of capturing new food items influenced the duration of hiding times. Therefore, foraging requirements and avoidance of predators may be conflicting demands that L. monticola lizards balance by modifying the duration of time spent in refuges.  相似文献   

Refuges provide shelter from predators, and protection from exposure to the elements, as well as other fitness benefits to animals that use them. In ectotherms, thermal benefits may be a critical aspect of refuges. We investigated microhabitat characteristics of refuges selected by a heliothermic scincid lizard, Carlia rubrigularis, which uses rainforest edges as habitat. We approached lizards in the field, simulating a predator attack, and quantified the refuge type used, and effect of environmental temperatures (air temperature, substrate temperature and refuge substrate temperature) on the amount of time skinks remained in refuges after hiding (emergence time). In respone to our approach, lizards were most likely to flee into leaf litter, rather than into rocks or woody debris, and emergence time was dependent on refuge substrate temperature, and on refuge substrate temperature relative to substrate temperature outside the refuge. Lizards remained for longer periods in warmer refuges, and in refuges that were similar in temperature to outside. We examined lizard refuge choice in response to temperature and substrate type in large, semi‐natural outdoor enclosures. We experimentally manipulated refuge habitat temperature available to lizards, and offered them equal areas of leaf litter, woody debris and rocks. When refuge habitat temperature was unmanipulated, lizards (85%) preferred leaf litter, as they did in the field. However, when we experimentally manipulated the temperature of the leaf litter by shading, most skinks (75%) changed their preferred refuge habitat from leaf litter to woody debris or rocks. These results suggest that temperature is a critical determinant of refuge habitat choice for these diurnal ectotherms, both when fleeing from predators and when selecting daytime retreats.  相似文献   

The ability to use multiple cues in assessing predation risk is especially important to prey animals exposed to multiple predators. Wall lizards, Podarcis muralis, respond to predatory attacks from birds in the open by hiding inside rock crevices, where they may encounter saurophagous ambush smooth snakes. Lizards should avoid refuges with these snakes, but in refuges lizards can also find non‐saurophagous viperine snakes, which lizards do not need to avoid. We investigated in the laboratory whether wall lizards used different predator cues to detect and discriminate between snake species within refuges. We simulated predatory attacks in the open to lizards, and compared their refuge use, and the variation in the responses after a repeated attack, between predator‐free refuges and refuges containing visual, chemical, or visual and chemical cues of saurophagous or non‐saurophagous snakes. Time to enter a refuge was not influenced by potential risk inside the refuge. In contrast, in a successive second attack, lizards sought cover faster and tended to increase time spent hidden in the refuge. This suggests a case of predator facilitation because persistent predators in the open may force lizards to hide faster and for longer in hazardous refuges. However, after hiding, lizards spent less time in refuges with both chemical and visual cues of snakes, or with chemical cues alone, than in predator‐free refuges or in refuges with snake visual cues alone, but there were no differences in response to the two snake species. Therefore, lizards could be overestimating predation risk inside refuges. We discuss which selection pressures might explain this lack of discrimination of predatory from similar non‐predatory snakes.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of molecular markers have significantly revised the traditional taxonomy of Podarcis species (Squamata: Lacertidae), leading to critically reconsider the taxonomic value of several subspecies described only on morphological bases. In fact, lizards often exhibit high morphological plasticity both at the intra‐specific and the intra‐population level, especially on islands, where phenotypic divergences are mainly due to local adaptation, rather than to evolutionary differentiation. The Common wall lizard Podarcis muralis exhibits high morphological variability in biometry, pholidosis values and colour pattern. Molecular analyses have confirmed the key role played by the Italian Peninsula as a multi‐glacial refuge for P. muralis, pointing out the lack of congruence between mitochondrial lineages and the four peninsular subspecies currently recognized. Here, we analyse a portion of the protein‐encoding cytochrome b gene in the seven subspecies described for the Tuscan Archipelago (Italy), in order to test whether the mitochondrial haplotypes match the morphologically based taxonomy proposed for Common wall lizard. We also compare our haplotypes with all the others from the Italian Peninsula to investigate the presence of unique genetic lineages in insular populations. Our results do not agree completely with the subspecific division based on morphology. In particular, the phylogenetic analyses show that at least four subspecies are characterized by very similar haplotypes and fall into the same monophyletic clade, whereas the other three subspecies are closer to peninsular populations from central Italy. From these results, we conclude that at least some subspecies could be better regarded as simple eco‐phenotypes; in addition, we provide an explanation for the distinctiveness of exclusive lineages found in the archipelago, which constituted a refuge for this species during last glacial periods.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》2004,67(3):511-521
Predation risk may compromise the ability of animals to acquire and maintain body reserves by hindering foraging efficiency and increasing physiological stress. Locomotor performance may depend on body mass, so losing mass under predation risk could be an adaptive response of prey to improve escape ability. We studied individual variation in antipredatory behaviour, feeding rate, body mass and escape performance in the lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus. Individuals were experimentally exposed to different levels of food availability (limited or abundant) and predation risk, represented by reduced refuge availability and simulated predator attacks. Predation risk induced lizards to reduce conspicuousness behaviourally and to avoid feeding in the presence of predators. If food was abundant, alarmed lizards reduced feeding rate, losing mass. Lizards supplied with limited food fed at near-maximum rates independently of predation risk but lost more mass when alarmed; thus, mass losses experienced under predation risk were higher than those expected from feeding interruption alone. Although body mass of lizards varied between treatments, no component of escape performance measured during predator attacks (endurance, speed, escape strategy) was affected by treatments or by variations in body mass. Thus, the body mass changes were consistent with a trade-off between gaining resources and avoiding predators, mediated by hampered foraging efficiency and physiological stress. However, improved escape efficiency is not required to explain mass reduction upon predator encounters beyond that expected from feeding interruption or predation-related stress. Therefore, the idea that animals may regulate body reserves in relation to performance demands should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Prey often respond to predator presence by increasing theiruse of refuges. However, because the use of refuges may entailseveral costs, the decision of when to come out from a refugeshould be optimized. In some circumstances, if predators remainwaiting outside the refuge and try new attacks or if predator density increases, the prey may suffer successive repeated attacksin a short time. Successive attacks may represent an increasein the risk of predation, but the costs of refuge use alsomay increase with time spent in the refuge. Thus, prey shouldmake multiple related decisions on when to emerge from the refuge after each new attack. We simulated in the field repeatedpredatory attacks to the same individuals of the lizard Lacertamonticola and specifically examined the variation in successivetimes to emergence from a refuge under different thermal conditions(i.e., different costs of refuge use). The results showed thatrisk of predation but also thermal costs of refuge use affectedthe emergence decisions. Lizards increased progressively theduration of time spent in the refuge between successive emergencetimes when the costs of refuge use were lower, but tended tomaintain or to decrease the duration of time spent in the refugebetween successive emergence times when cost of refuge useincreased. Additionally, lizards that entered the refuge withhigher body temperatures had overall emergence times of longer duration. Optimization of refuge use and flexibility in theantipredator responses might help lizards to cope with increasedpredation risk without incurring excessive costs of refugeuse.  相似文献   

Luisa Amo 《Animal behaviour》2004,67(4):647-653
The threat sensitivity hypothesis assumes that multiple cues from a predator should contribute in an additive way to determine the degree of risk-sensitive behaviour. The ability to use multiple cues in assessing the current level of predation risk should be especially important to prey exposed to multiple predators. Wall lizards, Podarcis muralis, respond to predatory attacks from birds or mammals by hiding inside rock crevices, where they may encounter another predator, the smooth snake, Coronella austriaca. We investigated in the laboratory whether chemical cues may be important to wall lizards for detection of snakes. The greater tongue-flick rate and shorter latency to first tongue-flick in response to predator scents indicated that lizards were able to detect the snakes' chemical cues. We also investigated the use of different predatory cues by lizards when detecting the presence of snakes within refuges. We simulated successive predator attacks and compared the propensity of lizards to enter the refuge and time spent within it for predator-free refuges, refuges containing either only visual or chemical cues of a snake, or a combination of these. The antipredatory response of lizards was greater when they were exposed to both visual and chemical cues than when only one cue was presented, supporting the threat sensitivity hypothesis. This ability may improve the accuracy of assessments of the current level of predation risk inside the refuge. It could be especially important in allowing lizards to cope with threats posed by two types of predators requiring conflicting prey defences.  相似文献   

Cost‐benefit models of escape behaviour predict how close a prey allows a predator to approach [flight initiation distance (FID)] based on cost of not fleeing (predation risk) and cost of fleeing (loss of opportunities). Models for FID have been used with some success to predict distance fled (DF). We studied effects of foraging opportunity cost of fleeing and examined differences between age‐sex groups in the omnivorous Balearic Lizard, Podarcis lilfordi. Balearic lizards forage on the ground for invertebrate prey and climb the thistle Carlina corymbosa to forage on its inflorescences. We studied escape behaviour in three experimental groups, with human beings as simulated predators: lizard foraging above ground on C. corymbosa, foraging on the ground away from thistles and on the ground with cut inflorescences. Flight initiation distance was shorter for lizards with cut inflorescences than for (1) lizards above ground due to the greater risk above ground due to conspicuousness of black lizards on yellow flowers; and (2) lizards on ground away from flowers due to the cost of leaving while feeding. The only age‐sex difference was slightly greater FID for adult males than subadults, presumably because larger adult males are more likely to be attacked by predators. Other potential factors affecting this difference are discussed. Experimental group and age‐sex group did not interact for FID or DF. Because lizards foraging on inflorescences above ground fled to the base of the plants to refuge provided by spiny thistle leaves, their DF was shorter than in the other groups, which fled across the ground, usually without entering refuge. DF did not differ between groups on the ground or among age‐sex groups. The predicted shorter DF for lizards with cut inflorescences than on ground without inflorescences did not occur. We hypothesize that the opportunity cost was small due to the abundance of blooming thistles and that DF may be less sensitive to opportunity cost than FID.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of anti-predator escape behaviour suggest that prey may adjust their escape response such that the optimal flight distance is the point at which the costs of staying exceed the costs of fleeing. Anti-predatory decisions should be made based also on consequences for long-term expected fitness, such as the costs of refuge use. For example, in lizards, the maintenance of an optimal body temperature is essential to maximize physiological processes. However, if unfavourable thermal conditions of refuges can decrease the body temperature of lizards, their escape decision should be influenced by refuge conditions. Analyses of the variation in flight distances and emergence latency from a refuge for the lizard Lacerta monticola under two different predation risk levels, and their relationship with the thermal environment, supported these predictions. When risk increased, lizards had longer emergence latencies, and thus costs of refuge use increased (a greater loss of time and body temperature). In the low-risk situation, lizards that were farther from the refuge had longer flight distances, whereas thermal conditions were less important. When risk increased, lizards had longer flight distances when refuges were farther off, but also when the external heating rate and the refuge cooling rate were lower. The results suggest that, in addition to the risk of predation, expected long-term fitness costs of refuges can also affect escape decisions.  相似文献   

Behavioral lateralization, which is associated with the functional lateralization of the two brain hemispheres, commonly exists in animals and can provide an individual with benefits such as enhanced cognition and dual tasking. Lateral bias in limb use, as a type of behavioral lateralization, occur in many species, but the reasons for the coexistence of left‐ and right‐biased individuals in a population remain poorly understood. We examined the footedness of male yellow‐bellied tits (Pardaliparus venustulus) when they used feet to clamp mealworms against a perch, and tested its association with other fitness‐related behavioral traits (i.e., feeding efficiency, exploration tendency, and escape performance). We expected differently footed individuals to have respective advantages in these behaviors and thereby coexist (“respective advantage” hypothesis). We found their footedness repeatable, and there was no population‐level bias. While no associations of feeding efficiency and exploration tendency with footedness were detected, the right‐footed individuals were found to be harder to catch than the other individuals. Future studies need to investigate the reasons for the right‐footed individuals' superior escape performance. Moreover, the escape advantage for being right‐footed and the lack of population‐level bias in footedness in male yellow‐bellied tits suggest that the benefits related to left footedness also remain to be explored.  相似文献   

A prey's body orientation relative to a predator's approach path may affect risk of fleeing straight ahead. Consequently, prey often turn before fleeing. Relationships among orientation, turn, and escape angles and between these angles and predation risk have not been studied in terrestrial vertebrates and have rarely been studied in the field. Escape angles are expected to lead away from predators and be highly variable to avoid being predictable by predators. Using approach speed as a risk factor, we studied these issues in the zebra‐tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides. Lizards fled away from human simulated predators, but most did not flee straight away. Escape angles were variable, as expected under the unpredictability hypothesis, and had modes at nearly straight away (i.e., 0°) and nearly perpendicular to the predator's approach path (90°). The straight away mode suggests maximal distancing from the predator; the other mode suggests maintaining ability to monitor the predator or possibly an influence of habitat features such as obstacles and refuges that differ among directions. Turn angles were larger when orientation was more toward the predator, and escape angles were closer to straight away when turn angles were larger. Turning serves to reach a favorable fleeing direction. When orientation angle was more toward the predator, escape angle was unaffected, suggesting that turn angle compensates completely for increased risk of orientation toward the predator. When approached more rapidly, lizards fled more nearly straight away, as expected under greater predation risk. Turn angles were unrelated to approach speed.  相似文献   

The strength of the evidence for population-level handedness in the great apes is a topic of considerable debate, yet there have been few studies of handedness in orangutans. We conducted a study of manual lateralization in a captive group of eight orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) ranking the degrees of manual preference according to a defined framework. We analyzed five behavioral patterns: eat (one- and two-handed), make/modify tool, oral tool-use, and manual tool-use. Although some individuals showed significant manual preferences for one or more tasks, at the group-level both one-handed and two-handed eating, oral tool-use, and make/modify tool were ranked at level 1 (unlateralized). Manual tool-use was ranked at level 2, with four subjects demonstrating significant hand preferences, but no group-level bias to the right or left. Four subjects also showed hand specialization to the right or left across several tasks. These results are consistent with most previous studies of manual preference in orangutans. The emergence of manual lateralization in orangutans may relate to more complex manipulative tasks. We hypothesize that more challenging manual tasks elicit stronger hand preferences.  相似文献   

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