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Pruett CL  Winker K 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(5):1421-1434
Two genetic consequences are often considered evidence of a founder effect: substantial loss in genetic diversity and rapid divergence between source and founder populations. Single-step founder events have been studied for these effects, but with mixed results, causing continued controversy over the role of founder events in divergence. Experiments of serial bottlenecks have shown losses of diversity, increased divergence, and rapid behavioural changes possibly leading to reproductive isolation between source and final populations. The few studies conducted on natural, sequentially founded systems show some evidence of these effects. We examined a natural vertebrate system of sequential colonization among northwestern song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). This system has an effectively linear distribution, it was probably colonized within the last 10,000 years, there are morphological and behavioural differences among populations, and the westernmost populations occur in atypical habitats for the species. Eight microsatellite loci from eight populations in Alaska and British Columbia (n = 205) showed stepwise loss of genetic diversity, genetic evidence for strong population bottlenecks, and increased population divergence. The endpoint population on Attu Island has extremely low diversity (H(E) = 0.18). Our study shows that sequential bottlenecks or founder events can have powerful genetic effects in reducing diversity, possibly leading to rapid evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

HFCs (heterozygosity–fitness correlations) measure the direct relationship between an individual's genetic diversity and fitness. The effects of parental heterozygosity and the environment on HFCs are currently under‐researched. We investigated these in a high‐density U.K. population of European badgers (Meles meles), using a multimodel capture–mark–recapture framework and 35 microsatellite loci. We detected interannual variation in first‐year, but not adult, survival probability. Adult females had higher annual survival probabilities than adult males. Cubs with more heterozygous fathers had higher first‐year survival, but only in wetter summers; there was no relationship with individual or maternal heterozygosity. Moist soil conditions enhance badger food supply (earthworms), improving survival. In dryer years, higher indiscriminate mortality rates appear to mask differential heterozygosity‐related survival effects. This paternal interaction was significant in the most supported model; however, the model‐averaged estimate had a relative importance of 0.50 and overlapped zero slightly. First‐year survival probabilities were not correlated with the inbreeding coefficient (f); however, small sample sizes limited the power to detect inbreeding depression. Correlations between individual heterozygosity and inbreeding were weak, in line with published meta‐analyses showing that HFCs tend to be weak. We found support for general rather than local heterozygosity effects on first‐year survival probability, and g2 indicated that our markers had power to detect inbreeding. We emphasize the importance of assessing how environmental stressors can influence the magnitude and direction of HFCs and of considering how parental genetic diversity can affect fitness‐related traits, which could play an important role in the evolution of mate choice.  相似文献   

In wild populations, inbreeding tolerance is expected to evolve where the cost of avoidance exceeds that of tolerance. We show that in a wild population of bottlenose dolphins found in East Shark Bay, Western Australia, levels of inbreeding are higher than expected by chance alone, and demonstrate that inbreeding is deleterious to female fitness in two independent ways. We found that inbred females, and females with inbred calves, have reduced fitness (lower calving success). We further show that one of the costs of inbreeding is extended weaning age, and that females'' earlier calves are more likely to be inbred. While the exact causes of inbreeding remain obscure, our results indicate that one factor is female age, and thus experience. Any inbreeding avoidance mechanisms such as female evasion of kin, or male dispersal, do not seem to be completely effective in this population, which supports the view that inbreeding avoidance does not always evolve wherever inbreeding incurs a cost.  相似文献   

Inbreeding causes reduction of genetic variability that may have severe fitness consequences. In spite of its potentially huge impact on viability and evolutionary processes especially in small populations, quantitative demonstrations of genetic and demographic effects of inbreeding in natural populations are few. Here, we examine the relationship between individual inbreeding coefficients (F) and individual standardized multilocus heterozygosity (H) in an insular metapopulation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in northern Norway in order to evaluate whether H is a good predictor for F. We then relate variation in fitness (i.e. the probability of surviving from fledging to recruitment) to F and H, which enables us to examine whether inbreeding depression is associated with a reduction in genetic variability. The average level of inbreeding in the house sparrow metapopulation was high, and there was large inter-individual variation in F. As expected, standardized multilocus heterozygosity decreased with the level of inbreeding. The probability of recruitment was significantly negatively related to F, and, accordingly, increased with H. However, H explained no significant additional variation in recruitment rate than was explained by F. This suggests that H is a good predictor for F in this metapopulation, and that an increase in F is likely to be associated with a general increase in the level of homozygosity on loci across the genome, which has severe fitness consequences.  相似文献   

We estimated heritabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations between beak and body traits in the song sparrow ( Melospiza melodia ). We compared these estimates to values for the same traits in the Galápagos finches, Geospiza (Boag, 1983; Grant, 1983). Morphological variance is low in the song sparrow, and our results show that genetic and phenotypic correlations are considerably lower than correlations in the morphologically more variable Geospiza. Comparison using a larger sample of Galapagos populations confirms the existence of an association between variance and correlation for phenotypic values. We suggest two possible explanations for this association. First, most traits studied are functionally related, and the joint evolution of variance and correlation may have resulted from stabilizing selection about a line of optimal allometry between traits. Alternatively, introgression between populations and species could have caused correlation and variance to evolve jointly. Both selection and introgression were probably influential in producing the observed pattern, but it is not possible to estimate their relative importance with current data. Genetic and phenotypic correlations were correlated in the song sparrow, but heritabilities of traits varied greatly. As a result, the genetic variance-covariance matrix for traits is not simply a constant multiple of the phenotypic matrix. Evolutionary response to natural selection cannot, therefore, be predicted from the measurement of phenotypic characteristics alone.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) have been examined in a wide diversity of contexts, and the results are often used to infer the role of inbreeding in natural populations. Although population demography, reflected in population‐level genetic parameters such as allelic diversity or identity disequilibrium, is expected to play a role in the emergence and detectability of HFCs, direct comparisons of variation in HFCs across many populations of the same species, with different genetic histories, are rare. Here, we examined the relationship between individual microsatellite heterozygosity and a range of sexually selected traits in 660 male guppies from 22 natural populations in Trinidad. Similar to previous studies, observed HFCs were weak overall. However, variation in HFCs among populations was high for some traits (although these variances were not statistically different from zero). Population‐level genetic parameters, specifically genetic diversity levels (number of alleles, observed/expected heterozygosity) and measures of identity disequilibrium (g2 and heterozygosity–heterozygosity correlations), were not associated with variation in population‐level HFCs. This latter result indicates that these metrics do not necessarily provide a reliable predictor of HFC effect sizes across populations. Importantly, diversity and identity disequilibrium statistics were not correlated, providing empirical evidence that these metrics capture different essential characteristics of populations. A complex genetic architecture likely underpins multiple fitness traits, including those associated with male fitness, which may have reduced our ability to detect HFCs in guppy populations. Further advances in this field would benefit from additional research to determine the demographic contexts in which HFCs are most likely to occur.  相似文献   

Loss of genetic diversity is thought to lead to increased risk of extinction in endangered populations due to decreasing fitness of homozygous individuals. Here, we evaluated the presence of inbreeding depression in a long‐lived seabird, the European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), after a severe decline in population size by nearly 70%. During three reproductive seasons, 85 breeders were captured and genotyped at seven microsatellite loci. Nest sites were monitored during the breeding season to estimate reproductive success as the number of chicks surviving to full‐size‐grown per nest. Captured birds were tagged with a ring with an individual code, and resighting data were collected during 7‐year period. We found a strong effect of multilocus heterozygosity on female reproductive performance, and a significant, although weaker, effect on breeder survival. However, our matrix population model suggests that this relatively small effect of genetic diversity on breeder survival may have a profound effect on fitness. This highlights the importance of integrating life history consequences in HFC studies. Importantly, heterozygosity was correlated across loci, suggesting that genomewide effects, rather than single loci, are responsible for the observed HFCs. Overall, the HFCs are a worrying symptom of genetic erosion in this declining population. Many long‐lived species are prone to extinction, and future studies should evaluate the magnitude of fitness impact of genetic deterioration on key population parameters, such as survival of breeders.  相似文献   

Szulkin M  David P 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(19):3949-3952
Genome-wide heterozygosity inferred from neutral markers such as microsatellites is often expected to (i) reflect individual inbreeding and (ii) covary positively with fitness, generating positive heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs). The often forgotten other end of the inbreeding-outbreeding continuum is outbreeding depression: past a certain degree of heterozygosity, heterozygotes tend to have lower fitness than homozygotes. Outbreeding depression arises from the breakup of co-adapted gene complexes and/or the introgression of nonlocally adapted genes. Provided that a correlation in heterozygosity exists across loci, outbreeding depression will be reflected in negative HFCs. In this issue, Olano-Marin et al. (2011a) describe negative heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs) in blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus (Fig. 1), whereby heterozygosity has a significant, negative effect on female hatching success and recruitment. This study, together with a similar study by the same authors published in Evolution (Olano-Marin et al. 2011b), forms an original contribution in two respects. First, in the same population, positive and negative HFCs were recorded, revealing both inbreeding and outbreeding depression depending on the trait studied (whereby both processes were reliant on unknown, and possibly different, sets of coding loci). Second, a large number of microsatellite markers were split into two functional groups: microsatellite markers were either designed using zebra finch expressed sequence tags (ESTs) or derived using traditional cloning methods and presumed to be neutral. Contrasting large classes of loci and their varying levels of polymorphism, rather than looking for one locus that would stand out among tens of randomly selected markers, pave the way for a more elegant and powerful approach to explore how HFCs vary across traits and among regions of the genome. [Figure: see text].  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression can have alarming impacts on threatened species with small population sizes. Assessing inbreeding has therefore become an important focus of conservation research. In this study, heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) were measured by genotyping 7 loci in 83 adult and 184 hatchling Lesser Antillean Iguanas, Iguana delicatissima, at a communal nesting site in Dominica to assess the role of inbreeding depression on hatchling fitness and recruitment to the adult population in this endangered species. We found insignificant correlations between multilocus heterozygosity and multiple fitness proxies in hatchlings and adults. Further, multilocus heterozygosity did not differ significantly between hatchlings and adults, which suggests that the survivorship of homozygous hatchlings does not differ markedly from that of their heterozygous counterparts. However, genotypes at two individual loci were correlated with hatching date, a finding consistent with the linkage between specific marker loci and segregating deleterious recessive alleles. These results provide only modest evidence that inbreeding depression influences the population dynamics of I. delicatissima on Dominica.  相似文献   

An individual's or a population's fitness is the result of a large number of interacting life history traits and the environment. Little information is available on the phenotypic correlations among fitness components and fitness itself, especially outside of Drosophila melanogaster. We also lack detailed information on trade-offs among life history traits. Here we present the relationship between adult progeny production and eight components of fitness, as well as some observed trade-offs between life history traits in the housefly (Musca domestica). We briefly discuss some of the ramifications of these relationships.  相似文献   

The majority of reported multilocus heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) are from large, outbred populations, and their relevance to studies on inbreeding depression in threatened populations is often stressed. The results of such HFC studies conducted on outbred populations may be of limited application to threatened population management, however, as bottlenecked populations exhibit increased incidence of inbreeding, increased linkage disequilibrium, reduced genetic diversity and possible effects of historical inbreeding such as purging. These differences may affect both our ability to detect inbreeding depression in threatened species, and our interpretation of the underlying mechanisms for observed heterozygosity–fitness relationships. The study of HFCs in outbred populations is of interest in itself, but the results may not translate directly to threatened populations that have undergone severe bottlenecks.  相似文献   

A heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) may reflect inbreeding depression, but the extent to which they do so is debated. HFCs are particularly likely to occur after demographic disturbances such as population bottleneck or admixture. We here study HFC in an introduced and isolated ungulate population of white‐tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus in Finland founded in 1934 by four individuals. A total of 422 ≥ 1‐year‐old white‐tailed deer were collected in the 2012 hunting season in southern Finland and genotyped for 14 microsatellite loci. We find significant identity disequilibrium as estimated by g2. Heterozygosity was positively associated with size‐ and age‐corrected body mass, but not with jaw size or (in males) antler score. Because of the relatively high identity disequilibrium, heterozygosity of the marker panel explained 51% of variation in inbreeding. Inbreeding explained approximately 4% of the variation in body mass and is thus a minor, although significant source of variation in body mass in this population. The study of HFC is attractive for game‐ and conservation‐oriented wildlife management because it presents an affordable and readily used approach for genetic monitoring that allowing identification of fitness costs associated with genetic substructuring in what may seem like a homogeneous population.  相似文献   

In plants, selfing and outcrossing may be affected by maternal mate choice and competition among pollen and zygotes. To evaluate this in Silene nutans, we pollinated plants with mixtures of (1) self‐ and outcross pollen and (2) pollen from within a population and from another population. Pollen fitness and zygote survival was estimated from the zygote survival and paternity of seeds. Self pollen had a lower fitness than outcross pollen, and selfed zygotes were less likely, or as likely, to develop into seeds. Hybrid zygotes survived as frequently or more than local zygotes, and pollen from one of the populations fertilized most ovules in both populations. Our results thus indicate strong maternal discrimination against selfing, whereas the success of outbreeding seems mostly affected by divergent pollen performance. The implications for the evolution of maternal mate choice are discussed.  相似文献   

Inbreeding load, a key parameter in evolutionary ecology, is frequently estimated by regressing fitness (or related traits) on inbreeding coefficient across population members. This approach assumes that inbreeding occurs randomly with respect to an individual's intrinsic ability to produce fit offspring; estimated loads might otherwise be biased by covariation between inbreeding and individual quality. This assumption, however, is rarely validated. We tested whether, in free-living song sparrows Melospiza melodia, an individual's observed kinship with its social mate (and hence the degree of inbreeding in which an individual participated) was correlated with specific phenotypic traits that are likely to indicate individual quality. Males (and to some extent females) that hatched earlier within their cohort, had shorter tarsi, bred earlier during their first year, or survived fewer years paired with more closely related mates and therefore produced relatively inbred offspring. These correlations arose because males with specific phenotypes were more closely related to the female population (and therefore more likely to pair with closer relatives under random pairing), and because males with specific phenotypes paired with closer relatives than expected. Such correlations could bias estimated inbreeding loads, and should be considered in quantitative genetic analyses of phenotypic variance in populations in which inbreeding occurs.  相似文献   

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