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In recent decades, hybridization has become a focus of attention because of its role in evolutionary processes. However, little is known about changes in genetic structure within and between parental species and hybrids over time. Here, we studied processes of genetic change in parental species and hybrids from the Daphnia longispina complex (Crustacea, Cladocera) over a period of six years across ten habitats. These cyclical parthenogens respond to fluctuating environments by switching from asexual to sexual reproduction. Importantly, sexually produced diapausing eggs, which resist extreme conditions such as low temperatures and serve as dispersal stages, are produced to a lower extent by hybrids. Long‐term microsatellite data revealed clear differences between hybrids and parental species. In hybrids, clonal diversity values were lower, whereas heterozygosity and linkage disequilibrium values were higher compared to parental species. Clonal diversity of hybrids responded to the strength of the winter, with cold winters resulting in few genotypes in the following spring. In time windows when only asexual hybrid females survive, priority effects will favour the establishment of the hybrid offspring before hatchlings from parental diapause eggs can enter the community. The constant high levels of heterozygosity maintained by clonal reproduction in hybrids might lead to their successful establishment over time, when they are able to escape competition from both parental species. Although we found evidence that hybrids diversity depends on fluctuating environments, a direct link between hybrid abundance and the strength of winter was missing. Because of reduced adaptability in clonally reproducing hybrids, multiple factors must contribute to promoting their long‐term success in fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Sexual generations in cyclical parthenogens are typically separated by multiple generations of clonal reproduction. In contrast to sexual reproduction, during parthenogenesis the genome of the parent is passed on to the offspring as a unit. The absence of recombination during parthenogenesis leads to differences in the action of natural selection in the two reproductive phases. In addition, since recombination is a sampling process, random genetic drift is potentially more important in sexual reproduction than in parthenogenesis. A recent development in the study of rotifer population genetics is the use of microsatellites to characterize natural populations. Microsatellites are selectively neutral, show patterns of Mendelian inheritance and tend to be much more variable than allozymes. An advantage over allozymes is that microsatellite DNA can be cloned with PCR and thus multiple loci can be assayed from a single individual. We use a new computer model in this paper to investigate the response of selectively active and selectively neutral genes to evolutionary forces during cyclical parthenogenesis. Selectively active alleles may respond differently to selection in the parthenogenetic and sexual phases of cyclical parthenogenesis. Even when strong clonal selection is acting on loci associated with adaptation, the view that emerges with microsatellites may be one of Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium. Thus studies using selectively neutral loci may fail to detect clonal selection even when it is an important feature of the rotifer population's adaptive structure.  相似文献   

Laboratory microcosm experiments tested the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, which states that the highest level of diversity (e.g. species diversity) will be maintained at intermediate scales of disturbance. The effects of disturbance on the maintenance of clonal diversity and on competitive interactions among clones of the obligately parthenogenetic freshwater cladoceran, Daphnia pulex were examined. No significant effect of disturbance size (i.e. dilution volume) on clonal diversity was noted. However, frequency of disturbance had a pronounced effect on clonal diversity, with the highest clonal diversity maintained at low to intermediate disturbance frequencies. Competitive hierarchies among clones were often invariant within a given experiment. Generally, one or two clones dominated, with several less abundant clones persisting throughout an experiment. Results suggest that low to intermediate disturbances could be important in the maintenance of genetic variation in natural populations (i.e. through pre-emption of competitive exclusion between genotypes). This could have a direct bearing on the maintenance of both intra- and interspecific diversity.  相似文献   

海草是生长在潮间带和潮下带的单子叶植物,由海草植物组成的海草床是生态系统服务价值最高的生态系统之一.然而,近几十年人类活动干扰、全球气候变化等因素导致海草床衰退严重.海菖蒲是分布于热带、体型最大的雌雄异株海草,我国位于该物种的分布北缘,本文对其克隆多样性和遗传结构进行研究,以期为该海草的保护提供参考.采用4对多态微卫星标记对采自海南岛4个地点的现存海菖蒲种群的样品进行基因型分型.结果表明:海菖蒲种群克隆多样性和遗传多样性较低,这与所研究种群处于分布区北缘有关;种群间遗传分化值范围较大(0.073~0.309),这可能是由于分布于不同港湾的种群间距离范围较大以及局域绝灭/再拓殖的遗传漂变效应所致;各种群未发现近期经历种群瓶颈的信号,很可能是由于种群内遗传多样性已经很低,种群减小未能导致遗传多样性明显降低.根据种群遗传特征,提出了重点保护种群的建议,鉴于目前我国海菖蒲等海草快速衰退的局面,应强化海草保护并实施海草床生态恢复.  相似文献   

A collaborative research effort was undertaken to evaluate the robustness of a recently developed genetic tool for species identification of members in the morphologically variable Daphnia longispina species complex. This genetic method, based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) with restriction enzymes Mwo I and Sau96 I [Billiones et al., 2004. Hydrobiologia 526: 43–53], was applied to many different European populations. Results were compared with two or more independently obtained characters (morphology, allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), or cloned rDNA-ITS sequences). Individuals of most taxa were readily identified, but unexpected ITS-RFLP patterns were found in many individuals indicated by other markers to be D. galeata or one of its hybrids. Among 43 investigated D. galeata populations (902 specimen analysed by ITS-RFLP), deviant RFLP fragment patterns occurred in 26 (i.e., more than half) of the populations. The deviant patterns could be attributed to the loss of one single restriction site in the ITS2 region. This loss made the distinction of D. galeata from other species unreliable, and F1 hybrids could not be identified. Future users should be aware of this shortcoming of the Billions et al. [2004. Hydrobiologia 526: 43–53] protocol. As a solution to this problem, we present an improved genetic identification protocol based on a simple double digestion of the rDNA-ITS region with the restriction enzymes BsrB I and EagI. Sequence analyses of rDNA-ITS clones and preliminary testing indicate that the new protocol is unaffected by the rDNA variation which troubled the Mwo I/Sau96 I protocol. Further, the new protocol identifies all European species of the D. longispina complex, as well as their F1 hybrids. However, a wider screening is required to verify its general utility for all species, since yet unknown variation may occur. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

Cyclic parthenogenesis, the alternation of parthenogenetic and sexual reproduction, can lead to a wide scope of population structures, ranging from almost monoclonal to genetically highly diverse populations. In addition, sexual reproduction in aquatic cyclic parthenogens is associated with the production of dormant stages, which both enhance potential gene flow among populations as well as impact local evolutionary rates through the formation of dormant egg banks. Members of the cladoceran genus Daphnia are widely distributed key organisms in freshwater habitats, which mostly exhibit this reproduction mode. We assessed patterns of genetic variation within and among populations in the eurytopic and morphologically variable species Daphnia longispina , using data from both nuclear (13 microsatellite loci) and mitochondrial (partial sequencing of the 12S rRNA gene) markers from a set of populations sampled across Europe. Most populations were characterized by very high clonal diversity, reflecting an important impact of sexual reproduction and low levels of clonal selection. Among-population genetic differentiation was very high for both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and no strong pattern of isolation by distance was observed. We also did not observe any substantial genetic differentiation among traditionally recognized morphotypes of D. longispina . Our findings of high levels of within-population genetic variation combined with high among-population genetic differentiation are in line with predictions of the monopolization hypothesis, which suggests that in species with rapid population growth and potential for local adaptation, strong priority effects due to monopolization of resources lead to reduced levels of gene flow.  相似文献   

艾纳香野生种群克隆多样性及克隆结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾纳香是具有克隆生长习性的多年生宿根性草本植物,其广布于中国南部,为了更有效地保护和合理利用艾纳香资源,本文利用RAPD分子标记技术,对4个野生艾纳香种群进行了克隆结构和克隆多样性(单克隆种群或多克隆种群)进行了初步研究。结果表明:(1)10对10bp随机引物共检测到70条谱带,其中多态带为60条,占85.71%,检测到64个基因型,且全部为局限基因型;(2)与Ellstrand Roose(1987)总结的克隆多样性平均值(PD=0.17,D=0.62)相比艾纳香的种群克隆多样性水平稍高,Simpson指数平均为0.973,基因型比率PD平均为0.800;(3)遗传一致度和遗传距离分析表明,4个艾纳香野生种群被分成两组,一组是海南的所有种群,另外一组是云南类群。  相似文献   

Vanoverbeke  J.  De Meester  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):135-142
Using allozyme data based on four polymorphic enzymeloci, we present an analysis of geneticdifferentiation among eight Daphnia magnapopulations, separated by less than 100 m to more than500 km from each other. In spite of the large range ofgeographic distances, there was only a slight tendencyfor an increase in genetic differentiation withincreasing geographic distance between populations,and the relation was not significant. This was mainlydue to the fact that neighbouring populations werealready highly genetically differentiated. Our resultssuggest that in populations in which only a fewabundant clones are present after a period of strongclonal selection, among-populational geneticdifferentiation as revealed by allozyme markers isinflated as a result of stochasticity involving chanceassociations of alleles with specific abundantgenotypes. Indices quantifying genetic differentiationwere much higher among populations with a low clonaldiversity than among populations with a high clonaldiversity.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of recombination in transposable element (TE) proliferation in the cyclical parthenogen, Daphnia pulex. Recombination provides a mechanism by which the rate of both TE gain and loss can be accelerated, a duality that has long intrigued many biologists interested in the influence of sex on mutation accumulation. We compared TE loads among populations of D. pulex where sex occurs regularly (cyclical parthenogens or ‘sexuals’) with those in which the ability to reproduce sexually has been completely lost (obligate ‘asexuals’) for six different families of DNA transposons. Transposon display assays showed that sexuals have more TEs than asexuals, contrary to the expectations under Muller''s ratchet but consistent with the idea that sex facilitates TE spread. Sexuals also exhibit higher insertion site polymorphism among lineages, as predicted because recombination accelerates rates of loss and gain. Asexuals, however, have proportionally more singletons (loci occupied in a single isolate), which differs from previous studies where selfing and outcrossing were used as a proxy for high and low recombination. Our multi-element survey reveals that the impact of sex on TE proliferation is consistent among different Class II TE families and we discuss the genomic consequences of different reproductive strategies over long time periods.  相似文献   

A two-step method is proposed to get reliable associations between morphology and genotype in clonal assemblages in which more than two predominantly parthenogenetic species are thought to coexist with hybrids. In dataset 1, the genetic relationships among clones of the Daphnia longispina hybrid complex from seven prealpine lakes in southern Germany were studied based on the variation at 21 enzyme loci. The spatial arrangement in the multidimensional scaling plot revealed a reticulate pattern among three presumably parental species, D. cucullata, D. galeata and D. hyalina, and three hybrid groups, D. cucullata/galeata, D. cucullata/hyalina and D. galeata/hyalina. The Got1 locus was believed to be a discriminating factor between species and hybrids (cf. Wolf and Mort, 1986). However, this locus is more variable, and 57% of the clones would have been misidentified using it. Moreover, the morphological variation within genetically defined groups is also higher than previously assumed. In dataset 2, the revision of morphological and genetic markers greatly improved the association between morphology and genotype in newly collected animals. The spatial arrangement of clones in multidimensional scaling plots and morphological asymmetries to parents suggest both, different degrees of introgression and bidirectional hybridization. Most unexpected genotypes were found in the cxh hybrid group, suggesting that F1-hybrids are fertile. The results showed (1) that the clonal diversity was very high (2) that detailed analyses of multiple morphological and allozyme markers are necessary to resolve taxonomic relationships within clonal assemblages consisting of multiple species, hybrids and differently introgressed backcrosses, and (3) that the three original species seem to have sufficient within-species recombination and a low enough rate of backcrossing to allow taxonomic identification. It must remain undecided if the present situation is locally restricted, if it is stable or represents a transient situation which could lead to either a consolidation of the three species by gradual elimination of the hybrids, to a taxonomic breakdown, or to hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

Enzyme electrophoresis was used to estimate genetic diversity and population structure in natural and cultivatedOenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. In the six natural populations, 8 of the 22 loci showed polymorphisms. Cultivated populations had fewer alleles per locus (1.84 vs. 1.91), fewer effective alleles per locus (1.47 vs. 1.52), a lower percentage of polymorphic loci (42.3 vs. 50.0), and lower diversity (0.210 vs. 0.228) than did natural populations. These parameters of genetic diversity indicate that the cultivated populations are genetically depauperate relative to their presumptive progenitor, and that the domestication process has partly eroded the level of genetic variation of this species. Nevertheless, the diversity of this species has higher-than-average values compared with other species having similar life-history traits. We propose that the mix-mating system; perennial, high gene flow; and large population sizes are possible factors contributing to this high diversity, which seemed to increase with distance from the coastlines.  相似文献   

Extinction is ubiquitous in natural systems and the ultimate fate of all biological populations. However, the factors that contribute to population extinction are still poorly understood, particularly genetic diversity and composition. A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine the influences of environmental variation and genotype diversity on persistence in experimental Daphnia magna populations. Populations were initiated in two blocks with one, two, three, or six randomly selected and equally represented genotypes, fed and checked for extinction daily, and censused twice weekly over a period of 170 days. Our results show no evidence for an effect of the number of genotypes in a population on extinction hazard. Environmental variation had a strong effect on hazards in both experimental blocks, but the direction of the effect differed between blocks. In the first block, variable environments hastened extinction, while in the second block, hazards were reduced under variable food input. This occurred despite greater fluctuations in population size in variable environments in the second block of our experiment. Our results conflict with previous studies, where environmental variation consistently increased extinction risk. They are also at odds with previous studies in other systems that documented significant effects of genetic diversity on population persistence. We speculate that the lack of sexual reproduction, or the phenotypic similarity among our experimental lines, might underlie the lack of a significant effect of genotype diversity in our study.  相似文献   

Many aphid species exhibit geographical variation in the mode of reproduction that ranges from cyclical parthenogenesis with a sexual phase to obligate parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction). Theoretical studies predict that organisms reproducing asexually should maintain higher allelic diversity per locus but lower genotypic diversity than organisms reproducing sexually. To corroborate this hypothesis, we evaluated genotypic and allelic diversities in the sexual and asexual populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). Microsatellite analysis revealed that populations in central Japan are asexual, whereas populations in northern Japan are obligatorily sexual. No mixed populations were detected in our study sites. Phylogenetic analysis using microsatellite data and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences revealed a long history of asexuality in central Japan and negated the possibility of the recent origin of the asexual populations from the sexual populations. Asexual populations exhibited much lower genotypic diversity but higher allelic richness per locus than did sexual populations. Asexual populations consisted of a few predominant clones that were considerably differentiated from one another. Sexual populations on alfalfa, an exotic plant in Japan, were most closely related to asexual populations associated with Vicia sativa L. The alfalfa-associated sexual populations harboured one COI haplotype that was included in the haplotype clade of the asexual populations. Available evidence suggests that the sexuality of the alfalfa-associated populations has recently been restored through the northward migration and colonization of alfalfa by V. sativa- associated lineages. Therefore, our results support the theoretical predictions and provide a new perspective on the origin of sexual populations.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in population density, birth rate, mortality and production of a daphnid was studied in a high, altitude sub-tropical lake. A bimodal growth curve with maxima during summer and autumn was observed. A positive correlation was reported between fecundity and death rate, probably due to a difference in age specific death rate combined with a high relative frequency of juveniles in a growing population. The production of Daphnia longispina correlates better with temperature than with food. The P/B ratio was higher during summer and autumn months.  相似文献   

We analysed 16 populations of Dactylorhiza majalis subsp. majalis from northern Poland, simultaneously utilizing both morphological and molecular data. Genetic differentiation was examined using five microsatellite loci, and morphological variation was assessed for 23 characters. At the species level, our results showed a moderate level of genetic diversity (A = 6.00; Ae = 1.86; Ho = 0.387; FIS = 0.139) which varied between the studied populations (A = 2.60–4.20; Ae = 1.68–2.39; Ho = 0.270–0.523; FIS = ?0.064–0.355). A significant excess of homozygotes was detected in five population, while excess of heterozygotes was observed in four populations, but the latter values were statistically insignificant. Moderate, but clear between population genetic differentiation was found (FST = 0.101; p < 0.001). Considering pairwise‐FST and number of migrants among populations, we recognized three population groups (I, II, III), where the first could be further divided into two subgroups (Ia, Ib). These three groups differed with respect to gene flow values (Nm = 0.39–1.12). The highest number of migrants per generation was noticed among populations of subgroup Ia (8.58), indicative of a central panmictic population with free gene flow surrounded by peripatric local populations (Ib) with more limited gene flow. Geographic isolation, habitat fragmentation and limited seed dispersal are inferred to have caused limitations to gene flow among the three indicated population groups. There was a significant correlation between the morphological and genetic distance matrices. A weak but significant pattern of isolation by distance was also observed (r = 0.351; p < 0.05).  相似文献   

利用30个微卫星标记分析长江中下游鲢群体的遗传多样性   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
朱晓东  耿波  李娇  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(6):705-713
摘要: 利用30对微卫星分子标记对长江中下游5个鲢群体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 在30个基因座中, 共检测到144个等位基因, 每个座位检测到的等位基因数为1~10个, 其中有25个座位具有多态性, 多态位点百分率为83.33,5个群体的平均等位基因数A为4.0/4.1, 平均有效等位基因数Ne为2.4445~2.6332, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.3233~0.3511, 平均期望杂合度He为0.4421~0.4704, 平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4068~0.4286。对数据进行F-检验, Fst值表明群体间的遗传分化程度中等, 并对基因型进行了基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验, 所得P值说明5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡。5个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.8466~0.9146,遗传距离为0.0893~0.1665, 并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用UPGMA方法对5个鲢群体进行亲缘关系聚类。  相似文献   

Acacia koa A. Gray (koa) is a leguminous tree endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and can be divided into morphologically distinguishable groups of A. koaia Hillebrand, A. koa and populations that are intermediate between these extremes. The objectives of this investigation were to distinguish among divergent groups of koa at molecular levels, and to determine genetic diversity within and among the groups. Phylogenetic analyses using the ITS/5.8S rDNA and trnK intron sequences did not separate the representative koa types into distinct clusters. An unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis, based on allele profiles of 12 microsatellite loci for 215 individual koa samples, separated the population into three distinct clusters consistent with their morphology, A. koaia, A. koa and intermediate forms. There was an average of 8.8 alleles per polymorphic locus (AP) among all koa and koaia individuals. The intermediate populations had the highest genetic diversity (H′ = 1.599), AP (7.9) and total number of unique alleles (21), whereas A. koaia and A. koa showed similar levels of genetic diversity (H′ = 0.965 and 0.943, respectively). No correlation was observed between geographic distance and genetic distance as determined by a Mantel test (r = 0.027, P = 0.91). The data presented here support previous recommendations that morphological variation within koa should be recognized at the subspecific level rather than as distinct species.  相似文献   

Under the Red Queen hypothesis, host-parasite coevolution selects against common host genotypes. Although this mechanism might underlie the persistence of sexual reproduction, it might also maintain high clonal diversity. Alternatively, clonal diversity might be maintained by multiple origins of parthenogens from conspecific sexuals, a feature in many animal groups. Herein, we addressed the maintenance of overall genetic diversity by coevolving parasites, as predicted by the Red Queen hypothesis. We specifically examined the contribution of parasites to host clonal diversity and the frequency of sexually reproducing individuals in natural stream populations of Potamopyrgus antipodarum snails. We also tested the alternative hypothesis that clonal diversity is maintained by the input of clones by mutation from sympatric sexuals. Clonal diversity and the frequency of sexual individuals were both positively related to infection frequency. Surprisingly, although clones are derived by mutation from sexual snails, parasites explained more of the genotypic variation among parthenogenetic subpopulations. Our findings thus highlight the importance of parasites as drivers of clonal diversity, as well as sex.  相似文献   

Pálsson S 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(8):1075-1088
Despite large genetic differentiation among neighbouring populations of many freshwater zooplankton species, a macrogeographical homogeneity of allozyme variation is generally observed. A study on breeding systems in Scandinavian populations of Daphnia pulex suggested a latitudinally related cline in breeding system with both diploid cyclic parthenogens and diploid obligate parthenogens at the latitude of 60-61 degrees N. Variation at neutral markers may be more affected by selection at linked loci in such species than in strictly sexual species. In this paper I present a study of variation at five microsatellite loci in a total of 34 populations from small ponds and rockpools on both sides of the Baltic Sea at 60-61 degrees N. Two major groups, which may represent different species of the D. pulex complex, are defined with the microsatellites. Neighbouring populations show both similar and well differentiated genetic composition. Populations separated by larger geographical distances show only a large differentiation and a macrogeographic pattern. The large differentiation observed at small distances can be explained with small effective population size: variation at the microsatellite loci has been shaped by population bottlenecks followed with expansion in size, and possibly by selection. No conclusive evidence is found for obligative parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

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