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Limited data are available on hemispheric lateralization in wild orang-utans. There has been only one previous investigation of limb preferences in wild orang-utans [Yeager, 1991]. We examined the lateralization of limb use in wild Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) with the aim of providing more insight into possible hemispheric specialization in wild nonhuman primates. Here, we report in detail on limb use and preference during arboreal locomotion between trees (N=6) and on feeding involving one limb (N=8) and two limbs (N=6). We distinguished between locomotion between overlapping trees (Type I) and locomotion involving gap crossing (Types II and III). For locomotion Type I, the six orang-utans showed no leading hand preference, however for locomotion Types II and III, all six showed significant right-hand preferences. All eight orang-utans showed individual hand preferences for reaching for food, but no significant group bias was found. Limb preferences for feeding involving two limbs (hand-hand or hand-foot) differed between juveniles (right hand-right foot), adult females (left hand-right hand) and adult males (right hand-left hand). Although not present for all tasks, the results indicate that orang-utans do show evidence of hemispheric specialization, but the use of the hands is not under a strong lateralized hemispheric control and is adaptable.  相似文献   

Researchers can alter the behaviour and ecology of their study organisms by conducting such seemingly benign activities as non-destructive measurements and observations. In plant communities, researcher visitation and measurement of plants may increase herbivore damage in some plant species while decreasing it in others. Simply measuring plants could change their competitive ability by altering the amount of herbivore damage that they suffer. Currently, however, there is only limited empirical evidence to support this `herbivore uncertainty principle' (HUP). We tested the HUP by quantifying the amount of herbivore and pathogen damage in 13 plant species (> 1400 individuals) at four different visitation intensities at Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota, USA. Altogether, we found very little evidence to support the HUP at any intensity of visitation. Researcher visitation did not alter overall plant herbivore damage or survival and we did not detect a significant visitation effect in any of the 13 species. Pathogen damage also did not significantly vary among visitation treatments, although there was some evidence that high visitation caused slightly higher pathogen damage. Based on our results, we question whether this phenomenon should be considered a `principle' of plant ecology.  相似文献   

Abstract Introduced molluscs have invaded endangered, remnant native grasslands of south‐eastern Australia, but few studies have investigated their distribution, abundance or potential impact. Molluscs were surveyed in grassland sites across an urban to rural transect west of Melbourne, Australia. It was confirmed that several introduced mollusc species have invaded these areas. Three snail and five slug species were identified, none of which was native to Australia. The most common species was the brown field slug (Deroceras panormitanum). Mollusc capture and species richness were positively related to the degree of urbanization in the surrounding landscape. There was also a negative relationship with fire frequency. Feeding trials revealed selective herbivory by the black‐keeled slug (Milax gagates) among native plants. Anecdotal evidence that variable glycine (Glycine tabacina) and button wrinklewort (Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides) are palatable to molluscs was supported. Mollusc herbivory may potentially lead to reduced fitness of palatable species, and changes in community composition and structure.  相似文献   

Most Phocids are thought to reduce their food intake during the breeding and moulting seasons, even though fish are not in short supply. The present study of a captive breeding colony of harbour seals explored the relationship between changes in amount eaten, social behaviour and general activity levels. Even though the animals were given free access to food, over the year the daily amount they ate varied in three cycles. Food eaten fell below average between pupping and mating in June‐July, and fell again in November until early December, for a third time in mid February, and again in early May. Levels surpassed average during and shortly after moulting, and again in late December. Observations made during the summer and early fall revealed that the adult males became more active, and engaged in more social interaction when they were eating less. The female showed no such activity change as a function of appetite. Play occurred primarily when food levels were high. These results are discussed in the context of systems interaction theories of motivation.  相似文献   

Short-term feed preferences were studied in individually caged chickens fed sequentially in order to understand a previously described imbalance in the intake of diets offered. Sequential feeding (SF) was carried out for four 48 h cycles in male broiler chickens. The diets varied in energy (2800 (E−) and 3200 kcal/kg (E+)) and protein (230 (P+) and 150 g/kg (P−)) contents. SF was compared to standard feeding (C) (3000 kcal/kg ME and CP = 190 g/kg). In experiment 1, three treatments were used: C, SE (E− followed by E+) and SE′ (E+ followed by E−). Four treatments were used in experiment 2: C, SP (P+ followed by P−), SE and SEP (P+E− followed by P−E+). Total feed intake was measured during the SF period. After this, short-term preferences were evaluated with a choice test on chickens previously fed with the same feeds during the SF period (experienced birds) and in C chickens (naïve birds). In both experiments, total feed intake was similar among treatments and the percentage of each feed consumed was not significantly different from controls (50%). In experiment 1, SE and SE′ chickens over-consumed E+ and under-consumed E− diets only during the first 15 min of the fourth cycle. The choice test indicated that experienced chickens preferred E+, while naïve chickens preferred E−. Similarly, in experiment 2, chickens over-consumed E+ and E+P− during the first 15 min of the fourth cycle, but the intake of diets varying in protein content was not different from controls. During the choice test, as in experiment 1, experienced chickens preferred E+, while naïve chickens preferred E−. There was a slight preference for the protein-poor diet in naïve birds and there was no preference in the diet varying in both protein and energy contents. Experience modified choice between feeds varying in energy content but not in protein. When feeds were known, preference for energy affected the feed intake immediately after switching from one diet to the other, although lower with the diet also varying in protein, it did not influence the total intake of each diet. Interactions between the nutritional properties and sensorial cues of feed could explain these results.  相似文献   

The Leon Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon bovinus) is an endangered species currently restricted to a single desert spring and a separate captive habitat in southwestern North America. Following establishment of the captive population from wild stock in 1976, the wild population has undergone natural population size fluctuations, intentional culling to purge genetic contamination from an invasive congener (Cyprinodon variegatus) and augmentation/replacement of wild fish from the captive stock. A severe population decline following the most recent introduction of captive fish prompted us to examine whether the captive and wild populations have differentiated during the short time they have been isolated from one another. If so, the development of divergent genetic and/or morphologic traits between populations could contribute to a diminished ability of fish from one location to thrive in the other. Examination of genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms and morphologic variation revealed no evidence of residual C. variegatus characteristics in contemporary C. bovinus samples. However, significant genetic and morphologic differentiation was detected between the wild and captive populations, some of which might reflect local adaptation. Our results indicate that genetic and physical characteristics can diverge rapidly between isolated subdivisions of managed populations, potentially compromising the value of captive stock for future supplementation efforts. In the case of C. bovinus, our findings underscore the need to periodically inoculate the captive population with wild genetic material to help mitigate genetic, and potentially morphologic, divergence between them and also highlight the utility of parallel morphologic and genomic evaluation to inform conservation management planning.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses relate a negative relationship between foliar concentration of phenolic compounds and nitrogen to physiological processes such as leaf development, seasonal variation in allocation priorities, nutrient, light and water related growth limitation, as well as herbivore attack. We sampled four common deciduous woody species of central Tanzania monthly during the growing season to assess changes in this relation and their nutritional value to ruminants. We found a negative relationship between leaf N and phenolic compounds within and among species and sites that weakens during the course of the growing season that was consistent for total phenolics, but not for condensed tannins. Leaf N concentration decreased throughout the season, its withdrawal being positively related with leaf N at first sampling date. Secondary compounds concentration showed no consistent seasonal trend. Concentrations of leaf N and phenolics were correlated with 13C discrimination in the two shrub species and with soil P in the two tree species. Digestibility was positively correlated with foliar N and negatively correlated with secondary compounds. We conclude that phenolic compounds may serve as reliable clues for selecting foliage rich in N at site and species level only during the first months of the growing season.  相似文献   

Coexistence of two or more populations by frequency‐dependent selection is common in nature, and it often arises even in well‐mixed experiments with microbes. If ecology is to be incorporated into models of population genetics, then it is important to represent accurately the functional form of frequency‐dependent interactions. However, measuring this functional form is problematic for traditional fitness assays, which assume a constant fitness difference between competitors over the course of an assay. Here, we present a theoretical framework for measuring the functional form of frequency‐dependent fitness by accounting for changes in abundance and relative fitness during a competition assay. Using two examples of ecological coexistence that arose in a long‐term evolution experiment with Escherichia coli, we illustrate accurate quantification of the functional form of frequency‐dependent relative fitness. Using a Monod‐type model of growth dynamics, we show that two ecotypes in a typical cross‐feeding interaction—such as when one bacterial population uses a byproduct generated by another—yields relative fitness that is linear with relative frequency.  相似文献   

Mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Karisoke, Rwanda, feed on the stinging nettle Laportea alatipes by means of elaborate processing skills. Byrne [e.g. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 358:529–536, 2003] has claimed that individuals acquire these skills by means of the so‐called program‐level imitation, in which the overall sequence of problem‐solving steps (not the precise actions) is reproduced. In this study we present western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) with highly similar nettles. Twelve gorillas in three different groups (including also one nettle‐naïve gorilla) used the same program‐level technique as wild mountain gorillas (with differences mainly on the action level). Chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonobos did not show these program‐level patterns, nor did the gorillas when presented with a plant similar in structural design but lacking stinging defenses. We conclude that although certain aspects (i.e. single actions) of this complex skill may be owing to social learning, at the program level gorilla nettle feeding derives mostly from genetic predispositions and individual learning of plant affordances. Am. J. Primatol. 70:584–593, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The preferences of eight, adult, hand-reared great tits for feeding on four different types of feeding sites have been tested. There were significant differences between individuals in these preferences, and the preferences for the different objects were correlated with the birds' individual feeding efficiencies on the objects. This correlation was thought to be a result of the birds' experience and learning during training for the experiment. During the tests the birds tended to make runs of visits to the same object type. This effect was more marked for less-preferred objects, and when the birds had just made a successful visit.  相似文献   

Dominance and feeding competition in captive rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feeding behavior of 16 adult female rhesus monkeys living in three captive social groups was observed. Estimates of relative food intake, feeding rate, and location of feeding in relation to food sources were compared between females of different dominance ranks. Higher-ranking females had greater access to feeding sites and were supplanted or threatened less frequently while feeding than subordinates. However, no consistent differences in estimates of total intake were found between females of high and females of low rank. The effects of dominance on feeding behavior were most pronounced in the group receiving the least food relative to estimates of overall group nutritional requirements. Higher-ranking females, both over the long term and during the study period, tended to produce more surviving offspring. The effects of dominance on reproductive performance appeared to be less related to food intake than to competitive and aggressive interactions, potentially resulting in higher levels of stress for subordinates.  相似文献   

Generalist insect herbivores, such as grasshoppers, may either avoid feeding on exotic plants, potentially enabling these plants to become invasive in the introduced range, or insects may incorporate exotic plants into their diet, contributing to the biotic resistance of native communities and potentially preventing plant invasions. Accurate determination of insect diet preferences with regard to native and exotic plants can be challenging, but this information is critical for understanding the interaction between native herbivores and exotic plants, and ultimately the mechanisms underlying plant invasions. To address this, we combined behavioral and molecular approaches to accurately compare food consumption of the polyphagous red‐legged grasshopper, Melanoplus femurrubrum (De Geer) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on native [Andropogon gerardii Vitman and Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.] and exotic, potentially invasive grasses [Miscanthus sinensis Andersson and Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng] (all Poaceae). We found that M. femurrubrum grasshoppers demonstrated strong feeding preferences toward exotic grasses in experiments with intact plants under both field and greenhouse conditions, but they showed no preference in experiments with clipped leaves. Additionally, we sampled the gut contents of M. femurrubrum collected in the field and identified the ingested plant species based on DNA sequences for the non‐coding region of the chloroplast trnL (UAA) gene. We found that exotic plants were prevalent in the gut contents of grasshoppers collected at study sites in Ohio and Maryland, USA. These results suggest that the generalist herbivore M. femurrubrum does not avoid feeding on exotic grasses with which they do not share coevolutionary history. In addition, by demonstrating greater food consumption of exotic plants, these grasshoppers potentially provide biotic resistance should these grasses escape cultivation and become invasive in the introduced range.  相似文献   

Allo‐grooming is perhaps the most powerful affiliative behavior observed in non‐human primates. However, the functional significance of grooming in New World monkeys has not yet been fully understood, perhaps because grooming is less frequently observed in platyrrhines. To differentiate the potential role of affiliative investment and/or kinship on sharing access to food (co‐feeding) in spider monkeys, behavioral data on grooming, embracing, and feeding were collected from two different groups of captive study subjects: a familiar/kin group and a non‐familiar/non‐kin group. The results of this study suggest that family‐related spider monkeys that engage in grooming tend to share access to food resources more than unfamiliar conspecifics that do not groom. One explanation for this difference is that the unfamiliar study subjects had not yet invested in the affiliative social network, were not reciprocating their affiliative investments and hence, had a higher tendency toward single animal monopolizing resources. Degree of relatedness alone was not found to be a determinant for sharing the access to food, suggesting that familiarity in spider monkeys is based on the extent to which animals invest in affiliative relationships. In this study, only animals that had engaged in long‐term grooming and recognized each other as familiar shared the access to food. Therefore, it might be likely that in spider monkeys, long‐term grooming of high intensity has to be developed for co‐feeding to occur. Zoo Biol 20:293–303, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seedling herbivory is an important selective filter influencing patterns of plant community composition. Nevertheless, while many of the mechanisms governing seedling selection by herbivores are well established, the effects of tissue loss at the seedling stage on subsequent plant development are poorly understood. Here we examined how the removal of 50 or approximately 100% of cotyledon area from 7-d-old chalk grassland seedlings affected subsequent plant growth and flowering over a 100-d period. Cotyledon damage had a significant effect on growth during the establishment phase for six of the nine species. For two species, significant effects on plant growth were manifest in 100-d-old plants. Of the five species that flowered, three developed fewer inflorescences or flowered later as a consequence of cotyledon damage suffered as a seedling. Our results show that, in addition to the direct effect of herbivory on seedling mortality, more subtle sublethal effects may also influence plant establishment. Reduced growth as a result of cotyledon damage may have implications for plant competition during the establishment phase, and on subsequent reproductive success at maturity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Seedling Sorghum bicolor cv.65D was rejected at palpation by nymphs of Locusta migratoria L. unless the surface wax was removed. The wax by itself was unpalatable, and when fractionated chromatographically into constituent chemicals its deterrent effects were attributable to the p -hydroxybenzal-dehyde, n -alkane, and ester fractions. Analysis of these last two fractions showed that they were unusual in that the carbon chain lengths of the molecules were shorter than expected from previous literature, and it was these smaller molecules (tested as pure chemicals) that were repellent to L.migratoria. The short-chain esters are more volatile than the ineffective longer-chain ones, and it is proposed that the insect may detect these chemicals by short-range olfaction and hence reject the plant before biting, thus imparting a more effective defence to the plant.  相似文献   

Xylem-feeding is apparently the only requirement making an insect a competent vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, an organism responsible for the devastation of the Southern Italian olive forest and nowadays considered one of the most feared threats to agriculture and landscape in Europe, including vineyards. Here, we used the direct current-electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) technique to compare and describe the feeding behaviour on grapevine of four xylem-feeding species considered candidate vectors of X. fastidiosa widespread in Europe, namely two spittlebugs (the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius and the spittlebug Neophilaenus campestris) and two sharpshooter leafhoppers (the rhododendron leafhopper Graphocephala fennahi and the green leafhopper Cicadella viridis). We created a standard for the analysis of EPG waveforms recorded with a DC-EPG device, describing feeding activities performed by these insects from stylet insertion into the plant to withdrawal. This standard, along with freely available software, has been developed to harmonize the calculation of feeding behavioural parameters in xylem-feeders. The most relevant differences between the two vector taxa were the probing frequency and the dynamics of xylem ingestion. Sharpshooters tended to perform significantly more probes than spittlebugs. In contrast, the latter spent longer times in low-frequency xylem ingestion, characterized by scattered contractions of the cibarial dilator muscle interspersed with periods of pump inactivity. Cicadella viridis was the species displaying the highest frequency of the electrical pattern found to be associated with X. fastidiosa inoculation in spittlebugs (Xe). Feeding behavioural data presented here represent an important step forward for deepening our knowledge of xylem-sap feeding insects' interaction with both the host plants and the bacterium they transmit.  相似文献   

Most molecular measures of inbreeding do not measure inbreeding at the scale that is most relevant for understanding inbreeding depression—namely the proportion of the genome that is identical-by-descent (IBD). The inbreeding coefficient FPed obtained from pedigrees is a valuable estimator of IBD, but pedigrees are not always available, and cannot capture inbreeding loops that reach back in time further than the pedigree. We here propose a molecular approach to quantify the realized proportion of the genome that is IBD (propIBD), and we apply this method to a wild and a captive population of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In each of 948 wild and 1057 captive individuals we analyzed available single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data (260 SNPs) spread over four different genomic regions in each population. This allowed us to determine whether any of these four regions was completely homozygous within an individual, which indicates IBD with high confidence. In the highly nomadic wild population, we did not find a single case of IBD, implying that inbreeding must be extremely rare (propIBD=0–0.00094, 95% CI). In the captive population, a five-generation pedigree strongly underestimated the average amount of realized inbreeding (FPed=0.013<propIBD=0.064), as expected given that pedigree founders were already related. We suggest that this SNP-based technique is generally useful for quantifying inbreeding at the individual or population level, and we show analytically that it can capture inbreeding loops that reach back up to a few hundred generations.  相似文献   

It is often difficult to promote the successful performance of feeding behaviors in zoos, especially for carnivores. Feeding enrichment provides these opportunities and often improves behavioral indications of an animal's well‐being and the experience of the zoo visitor. The effectiveness of two different feeding enrichment techniques was evaluated on five subjects in two species of felids: African lions and Sumatran tigers. The activity budgets of each cat were compared before, during, and after enrichment, focusing on activity levels, frequency and variety of feeding behaviors, and occurrence of stereotypic behaviors. The presentation of live fish increased the variety and frequency of feeding behaviors, while presentation of horse leg bones increased the frequency of these behaviors. Fish reduced the tigers' stereotypic behavior from 60% of scans to 30% of scans on the day of presentation, and this change was maintained for 2 days following enrichment. Bone presentation also reduced stereotypic behavior and increased nonstereotypic activity in both species. Both of these techniques appear to have sustained effects on behavior lasting at least 2 days after presentation, which may indicate their ability to alter the animals' underlying activity patterns. Zoo Biol 22:189–198, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

General principles about the consequences of seed dispersal by animals for the structure and dynamics of plant populations and communities remain elusive. This is in part because seed deposition patterns emerge from interactions between frugivore behaviour and the distribution of food resources, both of which can vary over space and time. Here we advocate a frugivore‐centred, process‐based, synthetic approach to seed dispersal research that integrates seed dispersal ecology and animal movement across multiple spatio‐temporal scales. To guide this synthesis, we survey existing literature using paradigms from seed dispersal and animal movement. Specifically, studies are discussed with respect to five criteria: selection of focal organisms (animal or plant); measurement of animal movement; characterization of seed shadow; animal, plant and environmental factors included in the study; and scales of the study. Most studies focused on either frugivores or plants and characterized seed shadows directly by combining gut retention time with animal movement data or indirectly by conducting maternity analysis of seeds. Although organismal traits and environmental factors were often measured, they were seldom used to characterize seed shadows. Multi‐scale analyses were rare, with seed shadows mostly characterized at fine spatial scales, over single fruiting seasons, and for individual dispersers. Novel animal‐ and seed‐tracking technologies, remote environmental monitoring tools, and advances in analytical methods can enable effective implementation of a hierarchical mechanistic approach to the study of seed dispersal. This kind of mechanistic approach will provide novel insights regarding the complex interplay between the factors that modulate animal behaviour and subsequently influence seed dispersal patterns across spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

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