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The Japanese archipelago has been colonized by humans in different ways and at different times: it has therefore undergone a succession of varied continental influences. However, the origin of these populations would be mainly northern and located at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, in the European conception. Subsequently, at least two other continental migratory waves were observed, through the center and then through the south of the archipelago. This latter influence brought the “Mesolithic” population still active today in the northern islands of Hokkaido.  相似文献   

All Lower Paleolithic sites discovered by Mr. Shinïchi FUJIMURA from 1981 to 2000 were falsified by himself. We wonder if Lower Paleolithic sites really exist (corresponding to a period of 30,000 years ago in Japan) in the archipelago of Japan. We examined cultures of sites likely dating to the Early Upper Paleolithic and Lower Paleolithic discovered in the archipelago of Japan. While Japan was continuous with the continent in the Mindel glaciation (400,000 years ago) or in the Riss glaciation (200,000 years ago), Homo erectus or Homo heidelbergensis with the lithic industry of the Acheulean arrived in the archipelago of Japan. Thereafter, they survived on the islands of Japan cut the continent to the Upper Paleolithic while keeping the industry.  相似文献   

The representative debitage technique is the one of the culture of knife-to-back in the name of the superior Paleolithic of Japan. She/it can be he divided in two, the one of the first half and the one of the second half. The first corresponds at the time of apparition, either to the stage of launching of the technique of debitage laminaire whose debitage didn’t provide elaborate blades being little successive. As for the stage of fortifying of the debitage laminaire, the industries lithic to knife-to-back of the Sugikubo type developed themselves in the oriental Honshû. With regard to the region of Kantô to the second half of the first where the knife-to-back of Moro type mingled equally with those while shaping on the blade. To the recent stage of development, one can note the industry lithic to knife-to-back of Moro type is based on the technical very blady in the western Japan. Succeeding in the second half of the superior Paleolithic that the technique of debitage of Sétoüchi developed itself in this part whose debitage is characterized by the strut oblong in wing, are the transverse blades These gotten supports used especially for making the knife-to-back of Koü type while spilling country-wide. To the second recent half, the technical blade of Sunagawa type took place in all regions of Japan except the inshore regions of the Interior Sea of Séto and the region of Kinki (Kyoto-Osaka).  相似文献   

In the Japanese Archipelago, Upper Palaeolithic Accessories, Pigment and Portable Art are discovered, but very few. We introduce the Palaeolithic Art in Japan including new discoveries. The majority of accessories is discovered in Hokkaido, for example the sites of Yunosato 4, Pirika 1, Kashiwadai1 and Obarubetsu 2, but very few in Honshu, the largest island of Japan: Togeyamabokujo 1 in Iwate and Fujiishi in Shizuoka. A lot of pigments are discovered in Hokkaido like Kawanishi C, Kashiwadai 1, Marukoyama and Kiusu 5, without those of Deguchi-Kanezuka in Chiba in Honshu. Kashiwadai 1 in Hokkaido and Kamihikikiri in Chiba are the sites with portable art. In Ehime in Shikoku, one of four large islands of Japan, engraved pebbles called “Kamikuroiwa Venus”, of the Incipient Jomon followed after the Upper Palaeolithic period, before about 14,500 years, are researched again recently. The Palaeolithic art in Japan has a strong relation with Northeast Asia's art, because the lithic materials of Palaeolithic accessories in Hokkaido came from the Continent, and the engraved pebbles have some characters common with Siberian figurines, but also there are accessories and pigment of which the stones are native of the region from the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic period.  相似文献   

By means of critical analysis of style of reindeers figures calling on graphic detailed conventions and on their associations with a cattle into that species of very rigorous climate prevail over the others, such musk-beef, glutton and saïga, but also plenty of bison's, as well as horses, it appears hardly likely, to do not say impossible, that reindeers of Chauvet's cave can have aurignacian origin. That all the more as they would be all alone in this case among one hundred sixty-six taking the census of representation. Their comparison with the other reindeers of the different sites generally do not distinguish from solutrian or Magdalenian reindeers and bring together particularly with Gabillou by many stylistic concurrents. If A. Leroi-Gourhan has already established that link between horse and reindeer only appears at Magdalenian, it seems now that it is possible to extend to superior Solutrian in support of representations of our inventory, reflecting climate aggravation that takes place at this moment and promotes plenty of two species in the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of two years (2016 and 2017) excavations at new stratified Upper Paleolithic site of Ushbulak, situated in Shiliktinskaia Valley, Eastern Kazakhstan. There are eight lithological layers, which contain the archaeological material from Holocene to Initial Upper Paleolithic. The most significant number of artifacts was discovered in the layers 6 and 7. The debitage assemblages from these layers represent primary knapping oriented towards blade production by parallel uni- and bidirectional methods of volumetric core reduction. The tool assemblage includes several types, such as end-scrappers, burins on blades, truncated-faceted pieces, and points with basal trimming, bitruncated blades and burin-cores. These features together with a date 45.249–44.012 cal.BP from layer 6 allow us to attribute these two layers 6 and 7 to the Initial Upper Paleolithic and to consider Eastern Kazakhstan as a region between synchronous sites of the Initial Upper Paleolithic in Altai Mountains, Dzungaria and Mongolia.  相似文献   

In the early phase of the Upper Palaeolithic the cultural traditions that were expressed in lithic technology, way of life, also in various elements of symbolic culture had a complex nature. They can be divided in terms of derivation, occupied territory, chronology, and – partially – the anthropological type of a given population. The traditions whose origins were local were in all likelihood related to the Neanderthals, whereas those whose origins were exogeneous were connected with Anatomically Modern Humans. In terms of technologal-stylistics in the initial phase of the Upper Palaeolithic, we can distinguish autochthonous traditions rooted in a local Levallois or Moustero-Levallois substratum, traditions developped from a local Micoquian substratum with bifacial technology, and traditions rooted in the industries with blade and bifacial technologies of the Middle Palaeolithic. These are opposed to allochtonous traditions that can be related to the migrations of Anatomically Modern Humans from the Near East.  相似文献   

For a long time, the scientific community assumed that the Acheulean culture was expressed on the territory of the Armenian Plateau as well as in the neighboring regions of the Caucasus only by its late phase; therefore, it appeared in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. In recent years, the Armenian-Russian mission has discovered and studied much older Acheulean industries sites, located in northern Armenia (the Lori intermountain Depression). These industries, represented by archaic type tools (large hand axes, picks, choppers, chisel-like tools, scrapers, points, etc.), are discovered in three deposits of origin of proluvial genesis. In the Karakhach site, this type of industry is deposited in the lower levels of volcanic tuff and below; the U/Pb study of this level of tuff proposes a series of dates, assigned to the time interval between 1.944 + 0.046 and 1.75 + 0.02 Ma. The paleomagnetic study demonstrated the inverse polarity on the tuff and the normal polarity of the underlying deposits; in correlation with other dating, this fact allows to attribute the Acheulean layers of the site of Karakhatch to the Lower Pleistocene, in particular to the Oldoway episode and to the Upper Matuyama time period. The estimated age and the techno-morphological characteristics of the tools indicate the Lower Acheulean period. The dating of the Muradovo site does not seem possible, however its very old industries and the archaeological layers, where they were discovered, find equivalents in the layered layer, surmounted by tuffs, of the Karakhatch site. The Kutran I site presented a paleosol sequence with similar Acheulean tools (hand axes, picks, choppers, etc.). Its oldest layer is older than 1.5 Ma, the upper layer is attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene; this fact means that it is possible to speak of the Lower Acheulean and of its transition to the Middle Acheulean period. The specific character and the age of the Lower Acheulean of Armenia admit that it could have formed independently of the Lower Acheulean of Africa, whose estimated age does not rise before 1.76 Ma. It should also be noted that on the neighboring territory of Georgia about the same time when appeared the Acheulean culture in Armenia, the Oldowan Dmanisi site already existed.  相似文献   

Previously the single bifacial tools found in different industrial variants of the Altai Middle Paleolithic (Sibiryachikha and Kara-bom) were not considered to be cultural markers that could be used to differentiate the technological/cultural variants, but rather a bright, but situational manifestation of the typological variability, especially in the case of the Sibiryachika assemblages. As a result of recent studies of Chagyrskaya Cave, the key-site of Sibiryachikha, it was found that all the bifaces are made using plano-convex technology. In the Chagyrskaya Cave assemblage all stages of bifacial production have been found: pre-forms, bifacial tools and tools made on the bifacial thinning flakes, accompanied by numerous bifacial thinning flakes and bifacial thinning chips. A preliminary study of the bifaces from the second Sibiryachikha site, Okladnikov Cave evidenced the use of the same plano-convex technology. On the other hand, in the Kara-bom complexes (Kara-Bom, Ust-Karakol-1, Anuy-3), all bifacial tools are made using bi-convex bifacial technology. Thus, the criteria for the technological distinction of bifacial production assume special importance as a cultural marker that allows the differentiation the Altai Middle Paleolithic technological variants. Taking into account the fact that Chagyrskaya Cave and Okladnikov Cave are associated only with Neanderthal remains, it can be assumed that bifacial plano-convexe technology in the Middle Paleolithic of Altai is linked to the appearance and existence of their population in the region.  相似文献   

Nearly 40 years of intensive research conducted in the Somme basin has demonstrated the discontinuity in the human occupation of the area during the Upper Palaeolithic. The northern position of the Somme basin within the loessic region appears to be an explanatory factor in this discontinuity, the nature of which increasingly appears related to climate and environmental factors. Archaeological occupations have been systematically attributed to phases of warming or climate improvement. On the other hand, an absence of human occupation has been consistently observed during the coldest periods. The extreme poverty of the biomass contemporary to the loessic deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial could partly explain this discontinuity specific to the far northwest of Europe (southern England, northern Belgium, Netherlands, and northern Germany). Although only 150 or 200 km away, the southern Paris Basin, which is located on the fringes of the loessic region of northern France and Normandy, presents a more continuous human occupation, which appears to have benefitted from more favourable conditions.  相似文献   

Bohemia and Moravia, the two parts constituting together the Czech Republic, do not only represent historical countries, but they also display distinct geographies. As Bohemia is surrounded by mountains, its territory is often called the Bohemian Basin. In Moravia, the mountains in the north of the country are interrupted by the Moravian Gate, giving access to the Great Northern Plain of Europe with its rich sources of Northern flints, the best raw material for chipped stone industries available in Central Europe. The southern part opens directly towards the Danubian region with its more temperate environment, and connecting the south of Germany with the Balkans. The morphology of the territory had obviously influenced the Palaeolithic occupation. In the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic when communication did not play any major role, the two countries were settled relatively regularly, although not too densely. The Early Upper Palaeolithic brought a substantial change: In Moravia hundreds of sites proliferate, while there are only few of them in Bohemia. The Pavlovian phase of the Gravettian seems to be completely missing in Bohemia, while in Moravia it is concentrated in several megasites on the banks of the main rivers. This is certainly caused by the presence of the South-North artery of animal migrations and human communication. Since the Epigravettian, the density of occupation became balanced again. The local evolution of the Upper Palaeolithic was interrupted by the invasion of the Magdalenians coming from the West, on the one side along the Danube River, on the other by the northern route through Poland. The Late Palaeolithic, subject to influences coming from the North, gradually transformed into the Mesolithic.  相似文献   

Obsidian artefacts are numerous in the Upper Paleolithic sites of Northwest Romania. The use of obsidian begins during the Aurignacian and continues during the Gravettian, All the stages of the lithic reduction sequence are present. The obsidian tools are numerous in some sites. Non-destructive chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was performed on 232 obsidian artefacts from five sites: Buşag, Remetea Şomoş I, Călineşti I, Boineşti and Turulung. The results show that Early/Middle Upper Paleolithic people in northwest Romania acquired their obsidian, directly or indirectly, from sources on the western flank of the Carpathians, up to 170 km away.  相似文献   

There are two lithic industries in the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic including the vestiges that have been discovered in the islands of Oshumi, close to the island of Kyushû. This lithic industry is characterized by the presence of axes with partially polish cutting, denticulate, hammers and millestones that are common in western Japan. It is characterized by numerous lithic instruments for the treatment of the plant food. The discovered vestiges of which one found the pebbles cluster inside pitfalls that are the oldest on the archipelago of Japan. According to these particularities of the lithic industry and vestiges, it is likely that this human group is semi-settled. And this human group of the beginning Upper Paleolithic was identical typologically and technically to the human group of the island of Kyushû. Therefore, it is possible that they came down from the southbound Kyushû Island, to the concerned islands. As for the islands of Amami, we investigated sites, nevertheless all that have been unearthed, in small extents provided a small quantity of the archaeological material. Indeed, one could not seize very well retails until now. There is a mixture of various, non-resolute opinions. The islands of Okinawa and those of Sakishima in southern extremity of the Japanese territory provided humans rests of the Upper Paleolithic, nevertheless no lithic industry of the same time have been found. Thereafter of the situation, the origins of the culture and the technique concerned the human rests remain unclear.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the artifact found during the realization of a salvage archaeological project connected with the construction of the railway from Kyzyl to Kuragino (the Krasnoyarsk Region, South Siberia) in 2012. During the exploration of the multicomponent habitation site of Irba 2 below the Holocene cultural strata the Pleistocene remains have been unearthed. These include bones of bison, reindeer, red deer, giant deer, wild horse, brown bear and hare, lithics, and pieces of worked antler. Radiocarbon dates indicate the Final Pleistocene age (ca. 13 to 11 kyr BP). The assemblage belongs to the Afontova culture dominated in the upper reaches of Yenisei during the Final Upper Paleolithic. The rare finding, an unique engraved oval-shaped flat pebble of white marble is worth to mention. It has 37 lateral grooves, cross-shaped engravings in the central parts of both lateral surfaces and traces of unfinished hollows. The nearest analogs are agalmatolite discs from the sites of Afontova Gora II and III located at Krasnoyarsk. These findings are rare in the Paleolithic and could be considered as amulets.  相似文献   

Many studies and discussions have been made on the problem of when the earliest human beings appeared in Japan. In general, hominid fossils in the latest Pleistocene are not preserved except for coralline limestone sequence in Ryukyu islands, but earlier Paleolithic tools were excavated from volcanic ash soil with a 14C age of about 30,000–35,000 yr. BP or younger at several archeological sites in almost all Japan. Recent studies, however, show a need for revision and refinement of these ages because calibration techniques have progressed from conventional to calendar ages and high-resolution oxygen isotope chronology has given a global standard sequence. Aïra-Tn tephra (AT), the most important time-marker of the Paleolithic age in Japan, was formerly dated at 21,000–22,000 yr 14C BP by conventional radiocarbon methods but was dated again at ca. 24,500 yr 14C BP by accelerated mass spectrometry radiocarbon methods. However, it has been further calibrated to a high-resolution calendar age of 30,000 cal yr. by varve chronology of lake sediments of Suigetsu of central Japan, well matched with combined date between oxygen isotope dates based and calibration from AMS radiocarbon dates. As the earliest Paleolithic tools in south Kanto are found in volcanic ash soil significantly below AT ash and above Sambe-Ikeda ash (SI, ca.46 ka), just above the oxygen isotopic stage 3.3, they are estimated to be dated slightly older than 40 ka. Palaeo-environment at that time is estimated mild to cool climate and relatively low sea level after the oxygen isotope stage 3.3. Sill land bridges between Japan islands and continents have not been formed at major straits. We have not yet obtained useful data for calibration older than ca. 45 ka. Also, correlation of oxygen isotopic fluctuation with the terrestrial sequences is incomplete in Stage 3.  相似文献   

In 2014, a mission in preventive archaeology is organized in the southwestern part of Tademaït. Archaeologists were able to confirm ancient traces of an important anthropisation of Saharan territories. The numerous discoveries of sites during the last century are confirmed by the new discoveries. The new surveys in the southwestern region of Tademaït conducted by the National Center for Archaeological Research and the GTIM oil group have led to the discovery of several prehistoric sites. Four zones (Zipper) have been selected to carry out a thorough prospection. Some sites have a rich concentration of lithic pieces on the surface, which, according to a preliminary assessment, can be attributed to the Paleolithic. The areas (Zipper 1, 2, 3 and 4) cover several km2 and provide an abundant lithic industry on the surface, the exposed face of which is highly patinated and the surface laid on the ground has kept its natural appearance. This observation suggests that these sites have been little disturbed since their establishment. Continued research in the field and the (future) programming of an excavation to study a site could provide new elements of understanding of the behavior of early hominids. For the moment, we propose a morpho-technological analysis of ancient pieces reported in the Lower Paleolithic (Oldowayen and Acheulean). The approach of all the sites studied in the southwest of Tademaït offers the first elements of reading to better understand the cognitive behavior of these hominids. Our study will shed light on the probable technical similarities with peripheral sites in the central Sahara and the first observations are presented in this text.  相似文献   

This paper explores the continuities and changes marking the Final Magdalenian-Epipaleolithic transition in Northeastern Iberia. It also characterizes the Epimagdalenian world from the analysis of eight sites and the study of the lithic industries, the economy and the portable artworks recovered so far. It also provides a corpus of recent datings, some of them unpublished, allowing us to date the portable art of Sant Gregori for the first time, and reinforcing the idea that the Epimagdalenià would last between 13,700 and 11,500 cal BP (11,800–10,000 BP).  相似文献   

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